Desperate Housewives (2004–2012): Season 7, Episode 10 - Down the Block There's a Riot - full transcript
Paul's nefarious plan for Wisteria Lane is put into full effect; Juanita discovers Gabrielle's secret; Tom is confronted about his past indiscretion with Renee.
Previously on Desperate Housewives.
I was thinking about
this great guy from my past.
An evening of drinking
led to a confession.
Tom Scavo?
Love of my life.
I have to talk to you
about something really important.
Did anyone order
a shrimp cocktail
with a puny engagement ring
on the side?
Keith's plan to propose was thwarted.
I really do love your son.
Yeah, I see you with someone
more your own age.
What are you doing?
Memorizing your face.
Gabby said goodbye to her
biological daughter Grace.
A halfway house for convicts
on our street?
I now own seven houses
on Wisteria Lane.
And Paul needed one more house...
I can offer you well above market value.
How much above market value?
We have to stick together.
... to achieve his goal.
We know what they look like.
We know how they dress.
And we know how they behave.
Yes, we can all recognize
the wrong kind of people.
And when we see them coming,
we do what we have to
to protect ourselves.
Lynette. How are you this fine day?
Who are these people?
Old friends.
Ex-con friends?
Arert you jumping the gun?
Until the Homeowners' Association
you don't have approval
for your project.
These men have volunteered
to get my halfway house ready.
Most of them live in
a dreadful facility on skid row.
I told them
if they participated in the remodel,
I could get them transferred here.
You're wasting their time.
Because this place
is never going to open.
Oh, I think it will.
And won't it be nice for these men
to live on a street
where children play in their front yards
and people don't lock their doors
at night?
Why is Paul so sure
the house will open?
He doesn't have the votes.
He's got something up his sleeve.
What it is, I don't know.
Are we positive no one's planning on
selling him their home?
We can't take anyone for granted.
We need to talk to everyone
on the street.
Good idea. We'll shore up support.
And if we sense
anyone is starting to waver...
How could they?
Everyone knows what's at stake here.
I pray they do.
I love this neighborhood.
I don't want it to change.
Let's go.
MARY ALICE: And with that,
my friends went to work
trying to stop Paul Young.
He knew what they were up to.
But he didn't care.
He should have.
Paul had forgotten what ordinary men
and women will do
to protect themselves
from the wrong kind of people.
It was just before sunrise
on Wisteria Lane,
when a cab arrived
and a woman departed.
She left the street quietly.
But news of her disappearance
would soon spread,
and the sound would be deafening.
But first,
a young man in love had plans
to make some noise of his own.
Bree, I love you.
And I want this to be the last morning
you wake up without me next to you.
It's 6:00!
How long have you
been kneeling there?
I don't know,
but after you answer this question,
you're gonna need to help me up.
Bree, will you do me the honor...
May I say something first?
After that embarrassing night
in the restaurant,
I really appreciate you
taking another stab at this. But...
That's a long "but." I'm getting up.
Hold on. I'm not saying no.
It's just so soon
to be talking about marriage.
Maybe I can use this
as a tiny napkin ring.
I have a proposal for you.
I love you, too, Keith Watson.
And I also want this
to be the last morning
I wake up without you next to me.
So I'm asking you,
will you do me the honor of
moving in with me?
For the third time, no. I'm not gonna
sell my house to Paul Young.
I'm sorry, I just had to make sure.
The vote is today.
Do you really think that
I would let dangerous ex-cons
move in next to my own mother?
I don't know.
As a teenager you were pretty nasty.
But you're all grown up now
and so very nice.
Thank you for your support.
Excuse me, Lynette Scavo?
- Yeah.
- Brent Ferguson.
President of the Hydrangea Circle
Homeowners' Association.
We've all heard about your situation,
we'd love to help.
Sure. Last year we had
a similar scare on our street.
Some old hippie wanted to open up
a drug rehab center on our block.
I remember. Didrt that old hippie
get beat up by a neighbor?
He made the mistake of mouthing off
to one of my neighbors
who's an ex-Green Beret.
Newspaper made it sound
way worse than it was.
Well, nice to meet you.
You say the word,
and I will have
the Homeowners' Associations
of 10 different streets here
to back you folks up.
Whoever's trying
to open this halfway house,
we could really scare the hell out of him.
Well, I appreciate your offer,
but I think we'd prefer to handle our
situation in a more civilized manner.
Okay. Well, you change your mind,
you know where to find me.
Hydrangea Circle. Got it.
So we're at dinner,
and Renee is going on and on
about this guy she once had a fling
with and she still has feelings for.
And then she gets so drunk
that she tells me it was Tom Scavo!
What am I suppose to do with that?
You look so hot right now...
Mike, focus. I know
you've been in Alaska for a month.
A month, 19 days and seven hours.
Yesterday I put boobs on a snowman.
I need to come home.
I miss you, too.
So am I making too much out of this?
I mean, it happened 20 years ago.
And Tom's a good guy, right?
Yeah, he is.
But even good guys make mistakes
if the circumstances are right.
Interesting point.
Wish you hadrt made it while you
were 2,000 miles away
and clearly horny.
(LAUGHS) Susan,
I am in the middle of nowhere.
The only female I've seen has antlers.
So, should I tell Lynette?
Not just yet.
Maybe just keep an eye
on the situation.
Thanks for the advice.
Just so you know,
when you come home,
I'm gonna make you forget
all about that snowman.
Her name is Carol.
Okay, you really need to come home.
Why are you crying?
Oh. Just having a sad day.
You've been having a lot of sad days.
Is it because Grace left?
Why would you say that?
That was when you started being sad.
The day she went away.
No. It's just, you know, I got
really close to that whole family.
And I knew I was gonna miss
Carmen and Hector...
And Grace.
Why are you wearing my necklace?
I'm playing dress-up.
Not with real diamonds. Hand it over.
Fine. Here.
Take it. Jeesh.
And I don't want you playing in my
room anymore. You understand?
I liked you better when you were crying.
It's Lynette Scavo!
If you're in there, please open up.
- Hey, Lee.
- Hey.
You wouldn't happen to know
where Mitzi Kinsky is, would you?
No. Why would I?
I thought maybe you and Paul
convinced her to sell her house,
and then stashed her away someplace
for safe-keeping.
Lynette, I have to say, I'm offended.
I have to say, I couldn't care less.
You know, for the millionth time,
I had no idea what he was up to.
You were his real estate agent.
You didn't think it odd, him buying
all these houses on one street?
He was paying me commissions.
What am I supposed to do? Complain?
Maybe you didn't know.
And if Paul is voted down
at tonight's meeting,
I'm sure, in time, people will forget
you had anything to do with this.
- I...
- But, Lee,
if he finds a way to open that house,
I don't think anyone on this street
will ever forgive you.
PAUL: Look out your window.
Oh, it's you. I'm hanging up now.
Look, I understand you're annoyed
with me. I feel awful.
Well, you should. Because of you,
everyone on this street hates me now.
That's why I'm calling.
I put you in an awful position.
I'd like to make it up to you.
And how are you gonna do that?
Well, first, you should know that
Mitzi Kinsky agreed
to sell me her house yesterday.
I suggested she leave the Lane
for a while.
A taxi picked her up this morning.
Oh, my God.
So, why are you telling me this?
Because I have a little proposition
for you.
And given how the neighbors feel
about you these days,
I suggest you listen.
Hey, Mitzi. It's Lynette.
Still haven't heard from you,
I need to make sure we're all on
the same page for tonight's meeting.
Call me back.
I know you're probably busy,
I really need to talk to somebody.
I would love to,
but the meeting's tonight.
I got a bunch of phone calls to make.
Can't you talk to Susan or Bree?
No. It's gotta be you.
You're the only woman I know
who's lost a child.
...and ever since Grace left,
I can't stop crying.
I break down at the mall, at the market.
I'm starting to freak myself out.
I was the same way after I lost the baby.
I finally went to a therapist.
I didn't know that.
Did it help?
It did.
In fact, she had me do something
you might want to try.
LYNETTE: Write Grace a letter.
GABRIELLE: A letter?
LYNETTE: You don't send it.
You just pour out your feelings.
Tell Grace how happy you are
to have found her.
And how much you love her.
Trust me. After you've written it,
you'll feel so much better.
CARLOS: Gabby, where are my keys?
I have them. Wait. I'll be right down.
You're moving in together?
No one's more surprised than I am.
So you did propose to her.
I tried. Bree said
she's not ready for that yet.
This was the compromise.
I figure we'll do this for a while,
then in a couple of months,
we'll start talking about a wedding.
Yeah. I guess that could happen.
(LAUGHS) You "guess"?
It's just
if Bree was in love with you,
seems she'd want to lock it down.
That's all.
Dad, I get where she's coming from.
She just divorced a guy.
That's my point.
She's ready for some fun.
Not something serious.
She may be looking at you
as a diversion.
No. Bree loves me.
This is going somewhere.
Just make sure.
If Bree's not willing to make some
sort of a commitment, then maybe...
Dad, you're starting to piss me off.
I hope I'm wrong. I really do.
And if I am,
you let me know
when to rent the tux for the wedding.
Any sign of Mitzi?
Not yet.
God, where could she be?
If she sold her house to Paul,
she better be on the run.
Not that it'll do any good, I'll
still hunt her down and kill her.
We've been here for 20 minutes.
Don't you think it's time you started?
Relax, Paul. We're not taking
the vote until everyone's here.
Well, while we're waiting,
may I make an announcement?
I suppose.
May I have your attention, please?
I wanted you all to know that the
Mayor of Fairview will be here Friday
to present me with an award
for outstanding public service.
- What?
- What?
Yes, it's sort of a big deal.
And I would love it
if all of my friends would attend.
If you'd invite your enemies,
you'd get a bigger crowd.
I love your sense of humor,
Mrs. McCluskey.
How we'll all miss it after you're gone.
Hold it. Now what kind
of public service did you do?
The halfway house, of course.
Oh, shoot. Did I bury the lead?
I now have all the votes
I need to open it.
How do you have the votes?
Someone sold you their house?
Oh, yes.
We shouldn't have sold.
We should have just gone under
with the rest of the neighborhood.
Which would have been very noble
and very stupid.
Mitzi sold.
She's not gonna be around for
everybody on this street to pummel.
Which means they would have
taken their anger out on you.
Didrt have a choice.
What the hell?
Mitzi, what are you doing here?
I live here.
Well, I guess you would have noticed
if I was a hot guy with abs.
But we thought you left.
Weirdest thing. I get this call.
This guy says
he has a job for me in the city.
Puts me up in a nice hotel.
And then he never showed.
And I got stuck
with the mini-bar charges.
So, wait. You didn't sell your house
to Paul Young?
Please. I'm not gonna
screw over my neighbors.
What the hell have you done to us?
- No, I'm sorry. Lynette is not here.
She's trying to deal
with this whole Paul Young mess.
Yes, I will have her get back to you.
Okay. Okay.
What is happening
to this neighborhood?
Some van just pulled up and these
creepy characters are getting out.
That is a school bus, Renee.
Those are children.
Well, I don't like the way
they're looking at me.
Can you come over
and install a deadbolt on my door?
Sure. I will be right over
as soon as I find
where Lynette keeps the toolbox.
Great. I have to jump in the shower.
I will leave the key under the mat.
You know, I had to use
that key the other night.
Yeah. We went out
and Renee got hammered.
So, I had to take her in
and put her to bed.
Well, that was nice of you.
And she told me
this fascinating story about this guy
that she had a fling with 20 years ago.
Why was that fascinating?
Well, apparently the one weekend
they spent together
made quite an impact on her.
Well, did she say anything
else about that guy?
No. Not really.
Only that his name was Tom Scavo.
Okay, look.
This happened
before Lynette and I were married.
It meant nothing.
Well, it meant something to Renee.
She's still in love with you.
She said that?
She slurred it.
Look, this is not something
I wanted to know.
But now that I do,
I am in a horrible position.
No, no, no. You can't tell Lynette.
She would freak out.
I don't want to tell her.
But she's my best friend.
And I'm freaking out
knowing that you're at Renee's
fixing her deadbolt
while she's in the shower.
Look, this was forever ago.
And I don't feel anything for her.
A beautiful woman who still wants you
is living a hundred yards away,
and her breasts are 95 yards away.
Why do you want that temptation?
Hey, I didn't ask her to move here.
maybe it's time you ask her to leave.
So, the whole right side
of the closet is yours.
And I emptied out
the top drawers of the bureau
for your socks and those
cute little boxer briefs you wear.
Thank you.
And after we've gotten you settled,
I want us to go over and tell the girls.
They're going to die.
Bree Van De Kamp living in sin.
Come here.
What is it?
We love each other, right?
Why don't you just go ahead
and wear this?
I don't know,
if marriage is where we're headed,
I just keep thinking, "What's the harm?"
Because we're not there yet.
Look, I'm not trying to rush you.
But I need a bigger commitment
than just the top couple drawers
in your bureau.
We talked about this. I'm not ready
to make that kind of promise.
That's a problem.
Because I don't want to
wake up one day
and find out that
I was just some diversion
that you needed to amuse yourself
while getting through your divorce.
If you really think I feel that way,
then why are you even here?
I'm starting to wonder that myself.
Do you think us living together
is a mistake?
No, I think "us" is a mistake.
I wish we had been nicer to Paul.
I wish we had stood by him
when he was on trial.
I think about what he must have
gone through in prison,
and I understand his rage.
I do.
But I won't allow him
to destroy this street.
It's not right.
Don't worry.
We will stop this son of a bitch.
That's a promise.
Hey, MJ's spending the night
at a friend's house.
So I don't care if this protest
goes all night,
I'm here to the bitter end.
How can I help?
- We need more signs painted.
- Okay.
Hey, Susan, look on that paper.
We came up with
a whole list of slogans.
Just so you know, we got
plenty of "Think About the Children,"
and we need a lot more
"Who Let The Cons Out?"
So what exactly are we hoping
to accomplish with all this?
The Mayor is in a close race
for re-election.
He needs every vote he can get.
If we can make a big enough stink
in front of the news cameras,
maybe we can embarrass him
into shutting that place down.
So, if this protest works
and the place doesn't open,
what happens to all those ex-cons?
What happens to them?
I mean, if they don't get to stay here,
where will they go?
They'll just go back
to where they came from,
or some house
in another neighborhood.
But what if that neighborhood
doesn't want them either?
I mean, if they've done their time
and they need a second chance,
wouldn't it be better for them
to be in a nice neighborhood?
In theory, yes.
But that's not the way the world works.
We have to think about
our neighborhood, our children...
Don't be cute.
Some of these men
may have good intentions.
But some of them
could still be really bad guys.
But if we don't even try to help them,
are we so sure we're the good guys?
Keith told me what happened.
I'm so sorry.
Thank you.
So, why are you here?
He also mentioned all that work that
needs to be done in your backyard.
Luckily, I taught him
everything he knows.
Wait. You don't need to do that.
It's not a problem.
I'll have it done by the end of the week.
But if you want to thank me,
will you find me
something cold to drink?
Mayor Franklin. What an honor.
Paul Young.
You must be the Good Samaritan
I've heard so much about.
This is my wife, Beth.
I've never met a celebrity before.
(CHUCKLING) Well, now you have.
The media will be arriving shortly,
as well as
some of the Mayor's supporters.
With the election just a few days away,
we thought this could be
a terrific photo op.
No problem.
While you're waiting, would you like
a tour of the facility?
I must say, I don't know how
you got your neighbors to agree
to a halfway house on their street,
but they must think a lot of you.
This is all happening
because of what I think of them.
- Richard, is that you?
The lemonade's not quite ready yet.
Would you like a sandwich with that...
Who are you?
This the halfway house?
Uh, no.
That's next door.
So I guess we're gonna be neighbors.
Well, I'm sure you're in a hurry
to get settled in over there, so...
I'm in no hurry.
What's going on in here?
This gentleman just wandered
into my home...
I made a mistake.
Wort happen again.
It better not.
You okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
It was just taken by surprise.
You're shaking. Come on. Come on.
No, really. Really, I'm fine. It's just...
Thank you for taking care of that.
What are you doing?
Something I've wanted to do
for a long time.
You're gonna have to leave.
Okay, maybe I misread some signals.
There have been no signals.
I was dating your son.
Okay. If that's the way you feel,
then I'll finish up out back and go.
I want you to leave now.
Look, I made an error in judgment.
I'm sorry.
Please let me finish the work.
I said now.
I will leave when I'm finished.
Well, here's trouble.
A bunch of geeks with
"Vote Franklin" signs just showed up.
Looks like we're outnumbered now.
I'm not worried.
Who the hell are they?
The cavalry.
Hey, guys.
Guys, I'm not too late, am I?
No, you're just in time.
Oh, yeah.
Okay. Here's the plan.
Once the Mayor begins his speech,
I'll give the signal.
That's when we all begin chanting,
okay? You got it?
All right. Let's go.
NEIGHBOR 2: All right.
We need to talk. Now.
Quite a turnout.
Look at those news cameras.
Do I need a little base?
Hi-def is killing me.
Where did all these people come from?
I don't know.
But it looks like things are about
to get very interesting.
No, no, no. How did she find out?
You told her. The other night.
Oh! Well, we were drinking...
You were drinking. She was listening.
Oh, my God.
Yeah. This is bad.
What else did you say to her?
I mean, she thinks that
you still have feelings for me.
(SCOFFS) Well, that's just ridiculous.
She's not gonna say anything
to Lynette, is she?
Does she want you to tell Lynette?
No. She had a different suggestion.
And I think it's a good one.
I'm going outside to watch the protest.
Stay in your room
and look after your sister.
Oh! And don't get into
those cookies I made.
Those are for after supper,
and yes, I counted them.
Juanita, what's wrong?
What is that?
The letter you wrote to Grace.
Honey, you really
shouldn't have read this.
Because it doesn't mean anything.
Grace is your daughter, isn't she?
That's why you've been
crying since she left.
You love her more than me.
No! No, no, no. That is not true.
You are the most important thing
in this world to me.
You believe Mommy, don't you?
You're not my mommy.
Juanita, come back here!
Ladies and gentlemen,
I give you Mayor Harold Franklin!
Okay, now.
- Save our street! Save our street!
- Save our street! Save our street!
- Save our street! Save our street!
- Save our street! Save our street!
Good afternoon, everybody.
It's a pleasure and an honor to be here.
I thought you said
the neighborhood was behind this.
Did I?
I appear to have been wrong.
MAYOR: But Fairview's strength
is our inventory of compassionate,
understanding people...
If I ever get my hands on Paul Young
I will kill him.
Can we talk about this in the hotel?
There's a lot of angry people out there.
I know.
MAYOR: Your actions are a blueprint
for others to emulate.
Save our street! Save our street!
Save our street!
Hey, I talked to Tom.
This is not the time to discuss this.
Save our street!
Hey, we are discussing it!
Tom told me about
your little suggestion
that I need to move off the Lane.
And I want you to know
that ain't gonna happen.
You know, if you were
really Lynette's friend,
you would know that you cannot live
two doors down from her husband,
a man you still love.
That is none of your damn business.
Really? 'Cause I am Lynette's friend,
and I'm not gonna stand by
and watch you screw up her marriage.
So help me, Susan!
Hey, get your hands off me!
Save our street! Save our street!
MAYOR: Thanks to you, they stand
on the cusp of a new life.
I had to park three blocks away.
It's crazy out here.
Did you finish up everything?
Oh, yeah. I'm done.
Hey, I got your message.
What's wrong?
I think you should know there's been
an incident with your father.
- Save our street!
- Save our street!
In particular, there is one man,
Paul Young...
Though he was unfairly incarcerated,
he has chosen to give Fairview
a second chance...
Carlos! I can't find Juanita.
You let her outside
with all this going on?
She ran away.
She found out about Grace.
Look, I'll tell you later.
Just help me find her.
Juanita, where are you? Juanita!
LEE: Can't I go back and get it?
It's not that important, Lee.
She signed that program
after her concert at Carnegie Hall.
She was a drug addict. Let it go.
Can you move, please?
Come on!
You son of a bitch. Come here.
Look... Hey.
- What's wrong with you?
- Look, I made a mistake, okay?
Keith, don't push me.
Hey, one of those cons
is beating up a guy.
Get him!
- Keith, what are you doing?
- Come on.
Get up.
Through his generosity he has
chosen not to be angry or bitter...
KEITH: Get off me.
- Get off of him.
- Lady...
... helping the men who were once
his prison mates.
And I'm honored to present
this medallion to a man...
And in conclusion, "Love thy neighbor."
Susan, listen to me!
If you don't care about my life,
think about what
you're doing to Lynette!
I am thinking about Lynette.
This would destroy her.
Get off of him!
SUSAN: Stop pushing!
SUSAN: You're pushing.
SUSAN: Stop pushing!
MAN: Stop pushing!
RENEE: Susan!
No... Please...
Go around them. Go around.
I can't. There's people everywhere.
Maybe we should go back in the house.
JUANITA: Please don't leave me.
Hey! Brent, wait, wait!
What the hell are you doing?
I'm gonna make sure
this halfway house never opens.
- Oh, my God!
- This is what you want, isn't it?
No. Not like this. Give me the bat.
- All right, then, you know what?
- Wait.
You can go hang out
with the other kiddies.
Wait! Brent! Brent!
Lynette! Lynette!
- Help me, please.
- Mrs. McCluskey!
Oh, my God. I've got you.
I got you.
Just drive. They'll move.
Watch it, man!
Hey, it's them! The one's that sold!
Oh, crap!
Get them! Get them! Get them!
Renee! Renee, get off of there!
I'm looking for Susan.
It's not safe! Get down!
I saw her fall, I think she's hurt!
Get out of the car!
LEE: It's gonna be okay.
It's gonna be okay. I'm here.
It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay.
Help! Help!
Get off! Get off this car!
Give her to me. Give her to me!
- Mommy!
- Come here, sweetheart. Come here.
Get off. Get back.
Get off, man.
Go inside, darling.
This is all on you. I hope you know that.
Those are your friends
out there, Lynette.
The solid citizens of Fairview.
Tell me again why you think they
are better than a bunch of ex-cons.
MAN: Get him!
Stop! Stop it!
Leave him alone, leave him alone!
He's my neighbor!
Stop it. Take him over.
Get him over here.
Come on!
Somebody help!
Thank you.
MARY ALICE: It was just before sunrise
on Wisteria Lane.
You could no longer hear
the screams of frightened bystanders,
or the angry chanting of protestors,
or the cries for help from the injured.
There were just the footsteps of a man
who had finally punished
those who had betrayed him.
The silence was broken,
by something the neighbors would
later say
Sounded like a gunshot.
But Paul knew
it was the sound of revenge.
Previously on Desperate Housewives.
I was thinking about
this great guy from my past.
An evening of drinking
led to a confession.
Tom Scavo?
Love of my life.
I have to talk to you
about something really important.
Did anyone order
a shrimp cocktail
with a puny engagement ring
on the side?
Keith's plan to propose was thwarted.
I really do love your son.
Yeah, I see you with someone
more your own age.
What are you doing?
Memorizing your face.
Gabby said goodbye to her
biological daughter Grace.
A halfway house for convicts
on our street?
I now own seven houses
on Wisteria Lane.
And Paul needed one more house...
I can offer you well above market value.
How much above market value?
We have to stick together.
... to achieve his goal.
We know what they look like.
We know how they dress.
And we know how they behave.
Yes, we can all recognize
the wrong kind of people.
And when we see them coming,
we do what we have to
to protect ourselves.
Lynette. How are you this fine day?
Who are these people?
Old friends.
Ex-con friends?
Arert you jumping the gun?
Until the Homeowners' Association
you don't have approval
for your project.
These men have volunteered
to get my halfway house ready.
Most of them live in
a dreadful facility on skid row.
I told them
if they participated in the remodel,
I could get them transferred here.
You're wasting their time.
Because this place
is never going to open.
Oh, I think it will.
And won't it be nice for these men
to live on a street
where children play in their front yards
and people don't lock their doors
at night?
Why is Paul so sure
the house will open?
He doesn't have the votes.
He's got something up his sleeve.
What it is, I don't know.
Are we positive no one's planning on
selling him their home?
We can't take anyone for granted.
We need to talk to everyone
on the street.
Good idea. We'll shore up support.
And if we sense
anyone is starting to waver...
How could they?
Everyone knows what's at stake here.
I pray they do.
I love this neighborhood.
I don't want it to change.
Let's go.
MARY ALICE: And with that,
my friends went to work
trying to stop Paul Young.
He knew what they were up to.
But he didn't care.
He should have.
Paul had forgotten what ordinary men
and women will do
to protect themselves
from the wrong kind of people.
It was just before sunrise
on Wisteria Lane,
when a cab arrived
and a woman departed.
She left the street quietly.
But news of her disappearance
would soon spread,
and the sound would be deafening.
But first,
a young man in love had plans
to make some noise of his own.
Bree, I love you.
And I want this to be the last morning
you wake up without me next to you.
It's 6:00!
How long have you
been kneeling there?
I don't know,
but after you answer this question,
you're gonna need to help me up.
Bree, will you do me the honor...
May I say something first?
After that embarrassing night
in the restaurant,
I really appreciate you
taking another stab at this. But...
That's a long "but." I'm getting up.
Hold on. I'm not saying no.
It's just so soon
to be talking about marriage.
Maybe I can use this
as a tiny napkin ring.
I have a proposal for you.
I love you, too, Keith Watson.
And I also want this
to be the last morning
I wake up without you next to me.
So I'm asking you,
will you do me the honor of
moving in with me?
For the third time, no. I'm not gonna
sell my house to Paul Young.
I'm sorry, I just had to make sure.
The vote is today.
Do you really think that
I would let dangerous ex-cons
move in next to my own mother?
I don't know.
As a teenager you were pretty nasty.
But you're all grown up now
and so very nice.
Thank you for your support.
Excuse me, Lynette Scavo?
- Yeah.
- Brent Ferguson.
President of the Hydrangea Circle
Homeowners' Association.
We've all heard about your situation,
we'd love to help.
Sure. Last year we had
a similar scare on our street.
Some old hippie wanted to open up
a drug rehab center on our block.
I remember. Didrt that old hippie
get beat up by a neighbor?
He made the mistake of mouthing off
to one of my neighbors
who's an ex-Green Beret.
Newspaper made it sound
way worse than it was.
Well, nice to meet you.
You say the word,
and I will have
the Homeowners' Associations
of 10 different streets here
to back you folks up.
Whoever's trying
to open this halfway house,
we could really scare the hell out of him.
Well, I appreciate your offer,
but I think we'd prefer to handle our
situation in a more civilized manner.
Okay. Well, you change your mind,
you know where to find me.
Hydrangea Circle. Got it.
So we're at dinner,
and Renee is going on and on
about this guy she once had a fling
with and she still has feelings for.
And then she gets so drunk
that she tells me it was Tom Scavo!
What am I suppose to do with that?
You look so hot right now...
Mike, focus. I know
you've been in Alaska for a month.
A month, 19 days and seven hours.
Yesterday I put boobs on a snowman.
I need to come home.
I miss you, too.
So am I making too much out of this?
I mean, it happened 20 years ago.
And Tom's a good guy, right?
Yeah, he is.
But even good guys make mistakes
if the circumstances are right.
Interesting point.
Wish you hadrt made it while you
were 2,000 miles away
and clearly horny.
(LAUGHS) Susan,
I am in the middle of nowhere.
The only female I've seen has antlers.
So, should I tell Lynette?
Not just yet.
Maybe just keep an eye
on the situation.
Thanks for the advice.
Just so you know,
when you come home,
I'm gonna make you forget
all about that snowman.
Her name is Carol.
Okay, you really need to come home.
Why are you crying?
Oh. Just having a sad day.
You've been having a lot of sad days.
Is it because Grace left?
Why would you say that?
That was when you started being sad.
The day she went away.
No. It's just, you know, I got
really close to that whole family.
And I knew I was gonna miss
Carmen and Hector...
And Grace.
Why are you wearing my necklace?
I'm playing dress-up.
Not with real diamonds. Hand it over.
Fine. Here.
Take it. Jeesh.
And I don't want you playing in my
room anymore. You understand?
I liked you better when you were crying.
It's Lynette Scavo!
If you're in there, please open up.
- Hey, Lee.
- Hey.
You wouldn't happen to know
where Mitzi Kinsky is, would you?
No. Why would I?
I thought maybe you and Paul
convinced her to sell her house,
and then stashed her away someplace
for safe-keeping.
Lynette, I have to say, I'm offended.
I have to say, I couldn't care less.
You know, for the millionth time,
I had no idea what he was up to.
You were his real estate agent.
You didn't think it odd, him buying
all these houses on one street?
He was paying me commissions.
What am I supposed to do? Complain?
Maybe you didn't know.
And if Paul is voted down
at tonight's meeting,
I'm sure, in time, people will forget
you had anything to do with this.
- I...
- But, Lee,
if he finds a way to open that house,
I don't think anyone on this street
will ever forgive you.
PAUL: Look out your window.
Oh, it's you. I'm hanging up now.
Look, I understand you're annoyed
with me. I feel awful.
Well, you should. Because of you,
everyone on this street hates me now.
That's why I'm calling.
I put you in an awful position.
I'd like to make it up to you.
And how are you gonna do that?
Well, first, you should know that
Mitzi Kinsky agreed
to sell me her house yesterday.
I suggested she leave the Lane
for a while.
A taxi picked her up this morning.
Oh, my God.
So, why are you telling me this?
Because I have a little proposition
for you.
And given how the neighbors feel
about you these days,
I suggest you listen.
Hey, Mitzi. It's Lynette.
Still haven't heard from you,
I need to make sure we're all on
the same page for tonight's meeting.
Call me back.
I know you're probably busy,
I really need to talk to somebody.
I would love to,
but the meeting's tonight.
I got a bunch of phone calls to make.
Can't you talk to Susan or Bree?
No. It's gotta be you.
You're the only woman I know
who's lost a child.
...and ever since Grace left,
I can't stop crying.
I break down at the mall, at the market.
I'm starting to freak myself out.
I was the same way after I lost the baby.
I finally went to a therapist.
I didn't know that.
Did it help?
It did.
In fact, she had me do something
you might want to try.
LYNETTE: Write Grace a letter.
GABRIELLE: A letter?
LYNETTE: You don't send it.
You just pour out your feelings.
Tell Grace how happy you are
to have found her.
And how much you love her.
Trust me. After you've written it,
you'll feel so much better.
CARLOS: Gabby, where are my keys?
I have them. Wait. I'll be right down.
You're moving in together?
No one's more surprised than I am.
So you did propose to her.
I tried. Bree said
she's not ready for that yet.
This was the compromise.
I figure we'll do this for a while,
then in a couple of months,
we'll start talking about a wedding.
Yeah. I guess that could happen.
(LAUGHS) You "guess"?
It's just
if Bree was in love with you,
seems she'd want to lock it down.
That's all.
Dad, I get where she's coming from.
She just divorced a guy.
That's my point.
She's ready for some fun.
Not something serious.
She may be looking at you
as a diversion.
No. Bree loves me.
This is going somewhere.
Just make sure.
If Bree's not willing to make some
sort of a commitment, then maybe...
Dad, you're starting to piss me off.
I hope I'm wrong. I really do.
And if I am,
you let me know
when to rent the tux for the wedding.
Any sign of Mitzi?
Not yet.
God, where could she be?
If she sold her house to Paul,
she better be on the run.
Not that it'll do any good, I'll
still hunt her down and kill her.
We've been here for 20 minutes.
Don't you think it's time you started?
Relax, Paul. We're not taking
the vote until everyone's here.
Well, while we're waiting,
may I make an announcement?
I suppose.
May I have your attention, please?
I wanted you all to know that the
Mayor of Fairview will be here Friday
to present me with an award
for outstanding public service.
- What?
- What?
Yes, it's sort of a big deal.
And I would love it
if all of my friends would attend.
If you'd invite your enemies,
you'd get a bigger crowd.
I love your sense of humor,
Mrs. McCluskey.
How we'll all miss it after you're gone.
Hold it. Now what kind
of public service did you do?
The halfway house, of course.
Oh, shoot. Did I bury the lead?
I now have all the votes
I need to open it.
How do you have the votes?
Someone sold you their house?
Oh, yes.
We shouldn't have sold.
We should have just gone under
with the rest of the neighborhood.
Which would have been very noble
and very stupid.
Mitzi sold.
She's not gonna be around for
everybody on this street to pummel.
Which means they would have
taken their anger out on you.
Didrt have a choice.
What the hell?
Mitzi, what are you doing here?
I live here.
Well, I guess you would have noticed
if I was a hot guy with abs.
But we thought you left.
Weirdest thing. I get this call.
This guy says
he has a job for me in the city.
Puts me up in a nice hotel.
And then he never showed.
And I got stuck
with the mini-bar charges.
So, wait. You didn't sell your house
to Paul Young?
Please. I'm not gonna
screw over my neighbors.
What the hell have you done to us?
- No, I'm sorry. Lynette is not here.
She's trying to deal
with this whole Paul Young mess.
Yes, I will have her get back to you.
Okay. Okay.
What is happening
to this neighborhood?
Some van just pulled up and these
creepy characters are getting out.
That is a school bus, Renee.
Those are children.
Well, I don't like the way
they're looking at me.
Can you come over
and install a deadbolt on my door?
Sure. I will be right over
as soon as I find
where Lynette keeps the toolbox.
Great. I have to jump in the shower.
I will leave the key under the mat.
You know, I had to use
that key the other night.
Yeah. We went out
and Renee got hammered.
So, I had to take her in
and put her to bed.
Well, that was nice of you.
And she told me
this fascinating story about this guy
that she had a fling with 20 years ago.
Why was that fascinating?
Well, apparently the one weekend
they spent together
made quite an impact on her.
Well, did she say anything
else about that guy?
No. Not really.
Only that his name was Tom Scavo.
Okay, look.
This happened
before Lynette and I were married.
It meant nothing.
Well, it meant something to Renee.
She's still in love with you.
She said that?
She slurred it.
Look, this is not something
I wanted to know.
But now that I do,
I am in a horrible position.
No, no, no. You can't tell Lynette.
She would freak out.
I don't want to tell her.
But she's my best friend.
And I'm freaking out
knowing that you're at Renee's
fixing her deadbolt
while she's in the shower.
Look, this was forever ago.
And I don't feel anything for her.
A beautiful woman who still wants you
is living a hundred yards away,
and her breasts are 95 yards away.
Why do you want that temptation?
Hey, I didn't ask her to move here.
maybe it's time you ask her to leave.
So, the whole right side
of the closet is yours.
And I emptied out
the top drawers of the bureau
for your socks and those
cute little boxer briefs you wear.
Thank you.
And after we've gotten you settled,
I want us to go over and tell the girls.
They're going to die.
Bree Van De Kamp living in sin.
Come here.
What is it?
We love each other, right?
Why don't you just go ahead
and wear this?
I don't know,
if marriage is where we're headed,
I just keep thinking, "What's the harm?"
Because we're not there yet.
Look, I'm not trying to rush you.
But I need a bigger commitment
than just the top couple drawers
in your bureau.
We talked about this. I'm not ready
to make that kind of promise.
That's a problem.
Because I don't want to
wake up one day
and find out that
I was just some diversion
that you needed to amuse yourself
while getting through your divorce.
If you really think I feel that way,
then why are you even here?
I'm starting to wonder that myself.
Do you think us living together
is a mistake?
No, I think "us" is a mistake.
I wish we had been nicer to Paul.
I wish we had stood by him
when he was on trial.
I think about what he must have
gone through in prison,
and I understand his rage.
I do.
But I won't allow him
to destroy this street.
It's not right.
Don't worry.
We will stop this son of a bitch.
That's a promise.
Hey, MJ's spending the night
at a friend's house.
So I don't care if this protest
goes all night,
I'm here to the bitter end.
How can I help?
- We need more signs painted.
- Okay.
Hey, Susan, look on that paper.
We came up with
a whole list of slogans.
Just so you know, we got
plenty of "Think About the Children,"
and we need a lot more
"Who Let The Cons Out?"
So what exactly are we hoping
to accomplish with all this?
The Mayor is in a close race
for re-election.
He needs every vote he can get.
If we can make a big enough stink
in front of the news cameras,
maybe we can embarrass him
into shutting that place down.
So, if this protest works
and the place doesn't open,
what happens to all those ex-cons?
What happens to them?
I mean, if they don't get to stay here,
where will they go?
They'll just go back
to where they came from,
or some house
in another neighborhood.
But what if that neighborhood
doesn't want them either?
I mean, if they've done their time
and they need a second chance,
wouldn't it be better for them
to be in a nice neighborhood?
In theory, yes.
But that's not the way the world works.
We have to think about
our neighborhood, our children...
Don't be cute.
Some of these men
may have good intentions.
But some of them
could still be really bad guys.
But if we don't even try to help them,
are we so sure we're the good guys?
Keith told me what happened.
I'm so sorry.
Thank you.
So, why are you here?
He also mentioned all that work that
needs to be done in your backyard.
Luckily, I taught him
everything he knows.
Wait. You don't need to do that.
It's not a problem.
I'll have it done by the end of the week.
But if you want to thank me,
will you find me
something cold to drink?
Mayor Franklin. What an honor.
Paul Young.
You must be the Good Samaritan
I've heard so much about.
This is my wife, Beth.
I've never met a celebrity before.
(CHUCKLING) Well, now you have.
The media will be arriving shortly,
as well as
some of the Mayor's supporters.
With the election just a few days away,
we thought this could be
a terrific photo op.
No problem.
While you're waiting, would you like
a tour of the facility?
I must say, I don't know how
you got your neighbors to agree
to a halfway house on their street,
but they must think a lot of you.
This is all happening
because of what I think of them.
- Richard, is that you?
The lemonade's not quite ready yet.
Would you like a sandwich with that...
Who are you?
This the halfway house?
Uh, no.
That's next door.
So I guess we're gonna be neighbors.
Well, I'm sure you're in a hurry
to get settled in over there, so...
I'm in no hurry.
What's going on in here?
This gentleman just wandered
into my home...
I made a mistake.
Wort happen again.
It better not.
You okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
It was just taken by surprise.
You're shaking. Come on. Come on.
No, really. Really, I'm fine. It's just...
Thank you for taking care of that.
What are you doing?
Something I've wanted to do
for a long time.
You're gonna have to leave.
Okay, maybe I misread some signals.
There have been no signals.
I was dating your son.
Okay. If that's the way you feel,
then I'll finish up out back and go.
I want you to leave now.
Look, I made an error in judgment.
I'm sorry.
Please let me finish the work.
I said now.
I will leave when I'm finished.
Well, here's trouble.
A bunch of geeks with
"Vote Franklin" signs just showed up.
Looks like we're outnumbered now.
I'm not worried.
Who the hell are they?
The cavalry.
Hey, guys.
Guys, I'm not too late, am I?
No, you're just in time.
Oh, yeah.
Okay. Here's the plan.
Once the Mayor begins his speech,
I'll give the signal.
That's when we all begin chanting,
okay? You got it?
All right. Let's go.
NEIGHBOR 2: All right.
We need to talk. Now.
Quite a turnout.
Look at those news cameras.
Do I need a little base?
Hi-def is killing me.
Where did all these people come from?
I don't know.
But it looks like things are about
to get very interesting.
No, no, no. How did she find out?
You told her. The other night.
Oh! Well, we were drinking...
You were drinking. She was listening.
Oh, my God.
Yeah. This is bad.
What else did you say to her?
I mean, she thinks that
you still have feelings for me.
(SCOFFS) Well, that's just ridiculous.
She's not gonna say anything
to Lynette, is she?
Does she want you to tell Lynette?
No. She had a different suggestion.
And I think it's a good one.
I'm going outside to watch the protest.
Stay in your room
and look after your sister.
Oh! And don't get into
those cookies I made.
Those are for after supper,
and yes, I counted them.
Juanita, what's wrong?
What is that?
The letter you wrote to Grace.
Honey, you really
shouldn't have read this.
Because it doesn't mean anything.
Grace is your daughter, isn't she?
That's why you've been
crying since she left.
You love her more than me.
No! No, no, no. That is not true.
You are the most important thing
in this world to me.
You believe Mommy, don't you?
You're not my mommy.
Juanita, come back here!
Ladies and gentlemen,
I give you Mayor Harold Franklin!
Okay, now.
- Save our street! Save our street!
- Save our street! Save our street!
- Save our street! Save our street!
- Save our street! Save our street!
Good afternoon, everybody.
It's a pleasure and an honor to be here.
I thought you said
the neighborhood was behind this.
Did I?
I appear to have been wrong.
MAYOR: But Fairview's strength
is our inventory of compassionate,
understanding people...
If I ever get my hands on Paul Young
I will kill him.
Can we talk about this in the hotel?
There's a lot of angry people out there.
I know.
MAYOR: Your actions are a blueprint
for others to emulate.
Save our street! Save our street!
Save our street!
Hey, I talked to Tom.
This is not the time to discuss this.
Save our street!
Hey, we are discussing it!
Tom told me about
your little suggestion
that I need to move off the Lane.
And I want you to know
that ain't gonna happen.
You know, if you were
really Lynette's friend,
you would know that you cannot live
two doors down from her husband,
a man you still love.
That is none of your damn business.
Really? 'Cause I am Lynette's friend,
and I'm not gonna stand by
and watch you screw up her marriage.
So help me, Susan!
Hey, get your hands off me!
Save our street! Save our street!
MAYOR: Thanks to you, they stand
on the cusp of a new life.
I had to park three blocks away.
It's crazy out here.
Did you finish up everything?
Oh, yeah. I'm done.
Hey, I got your message.
What's wrong?
I think you should know there's been
an incident with your father.
- Save our street!
- Save our street!
In particular, there is one man,
Paul Young...
Though he was unfairly incarcerated,
he has chosen to give Fairview
a second chance...
Carlos! I can't find Juanita.
You let her outside
with all this going on?
She ran away.
She found out about Grace.
Look, I'll tell you later.
Just help me find her.
Juanita, where are you? Juanita!
LEE: Can't I go back and get it?
It's not that important, Lee.
She signed that program
after her concert at Carnegie Hall.
She was a drug addict. Let it go.
Can you move, please?
Come on!
You son of a bitch. Come here.
Look... Hey.
- What's wrong with you?
- Look, I made a mistake, okay?
Keith, don't push me.
Hey, one of those cons
is beating up a guy.
Get him!
- Keith, what are you doing?
- Come on.
Get up.
Through his generosity he has
chosen not to be angry or bitter...
KEITH: Get off me.
- Get off of him.
- Lady...
... helping the men who were once
his prison mates.
And I'm honored to present
this medallion to a man...
And in conclusion, "Love thy neighbor."
Susan, listen to me!
If you don't care about my life,
think about what
you're doing to Lynette!
I am thinking about Lynette.
This would destroy her.
Get off of him!
SUSAN: Stop pushing!
SUSAN: You're pushing.
SUSAN: Stop pushing!
MAN: Stop pushing!
RENEE: Susan!
No... Please...
Go around them. Go around.
I can't. There's people everywhere.
Maybe we should go back in the house.
JUANITA: Please don't leave me.
Hey! Brent, wait, wait!
What the hell are you doing?
I'm gonna make sure
this halfway house never opens.
- Oh, my God!
- This is what you want, isn't it?
No. Not like this. Give me the bat.
- All right, then, you know what?
- Wait.
You can go hang out
with the other kiddies.
Wait! Brent! Brent!
Lynette! Lynette!
- Help me, please.
- Mrs. McCluskey!
Oh, my God. I've got you.
I got you.
Just drive. They'll move.
Watch it, man!
Hey, it's them! The one's that sold!
Oh, crap!
Get them! Get them! Get them!
Renee! Renee, get off of there!
I'm looking for Susan.
It's not safe! Get down!
I saw her fall, I think she's hurt!
Get out of the car!
LEE: It's gonna be okay.
It's gonna be okay. I'm here.
It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay.
Help! Help!
Get off! Get off this car!
Give her to me. Give her to me!
- Mommy!
- Come here, sweetheart. Come here.
Get off. Get back.
Get off, man.
Go inside, darling.
This is all on you. I hope you know that.
Those are your friends
out there, Lynette.
The solid citizens of Fairview.
Tell me again why you think they
are better than a bunch of ex-cons.
MAN: Get him!
Stop! Stop it!
Leave him alone, leave him alone!
He's my neighbor!
Stop it. Take him over.
Get him over here.
Come on!
Somebody help!
Thank you.
MARY ALICE: It was just before sunrise
on Wisteria Lane.
You could no longer hear
the screams of frightened bystanders,
or the angry chanting of protestors,
or the cries for help from the injured.
There were just the footsteps of a man
who had finally punished
those who had betrayed him.
The silence was broken,
by something the neighbors would
later say
Sounded like a gunshot.
But Paul knew
it was the sound of revenge.