Would I Lie to You? (2007–…): Season 6, Episode 5 - Episode #6.5 - full transcript


Good evening! And welcome
to Would I Lie To You,

the show where deceit
and dishonestly is applauded
and rewarded.

On David Mitchell's team tonight, a
woman with a thing for athletic men

and sporting talent.

Look out, David, it's sports
presenter, Gabby Logan!


And an actor and writer who created
the series Outnumbered,

a sitcom about living with
unruly juveniles,

so he'll be right at home tonight.
It's Andy Hamilton.


And over on Lee Mack's team
tonight - she's been
in countless fights,

been kidnapped by her own husband
and had an affair with her GP,

and that was just on the way
here tonight.

All the way from Albert Square,
Eastenders' Diane Parish.


And the doctor who pokes and prods
the patients

on his TV show Embarrassing Bodies.

Forgive me if I don't shake hands,
it's Dr Christian Jessen.


And so we begin with Round One,
Home Truths,

where our panellists read out
a statement from the card in front
of them.

To make things harder, they've never
seen the card before,

so they've no idea what they'll be
faced with,

and it's up to the opposing team
to sort the fact from the fiction.

Now Gabby, you're first up tonight.
Off you go.

When I want to remember something
late at night,

instead of writing it down, I just
grab an object from my bedside table

and throw it across the room.

There we are.
Lee, what do you think?

So what's the theory behind that?

Well, I think that if I throw it,
in the morning,

I'll remember what it was
that I was trying to remember.

So if you were lying in bed
and you were thinking,

I must remember tomorrow to
pick up the pillow,

you'd get the pillow you'd throw

Have you experimented with
slightly easier techniques

of remembering stuff like,
pen and paper maybe?

It is quite odd to throw things,
but actually, in a way,

having a pen and paper next to your
bed I would say is odder.

I'd be more freaked out, like it was
some sort of marking system.


Is that why there's pen and
paper next to the beds in hotels?

It's in case people want to
mark each other?!

It's not just for Countdown, David.


When was the last time you did it?

Do you remember when I did it?


Sorry! What was that? What was that?!

That was an odd moment, wasn't it?

First of all we're trying to work
out which of the two of you

she's looking at,

if indeed, was it both?

What happened there is I considered
saying something,

and then stopped myself, I thought,
before anyone had noticed

I'd considered saying something...

And I, for comedic effect, pretended
that we were sleeping together.

Trust me, we knew it was
for comedic effect.


It's the only reason anyone ever
does sleep with me.

The last time that I did it,

was to remember... I think I hadn't
done my kids' school lunch boxes,

so it was to remember to do
their lunch boxes.

Does it have to be something

So if it's to remember to book
a taxi,

do you throw a model taxi
on to the floor?

Will there be a clue?

AS DAVID FROST: Will the clue
be there as we go through...?

I'm doing David Frost.

Somehow when I trip over them
in the morning,

it just immediately triggers.

So, Lee, what's it going to be?

I think it's a 50/50 one, this.

Oh, no, no, sorry!

What would your percentage
balance be?

I think 100%, it's a lie.

That's a big call.

- Which way are you leaning,
Christian? - Oh...


- Oh, for heaven's sake, please!
- I nearly answered that.

Must this be a festival of smut?

I suspect it's probably true.

I think I'm going to lean more
towards Christian

and say that that is true.

You're saying true. OK, Gabby.

Were you telling the truth
or were you telling a lie?

I was telling the truth.


Yes, it's true.

Whenever Gabby wants to remember
something late at night,

she grabs an object
from her bedside table

and she throws it across
the room.

Andy, you're next.

I used to write and hand in homework
for an imaginary class-mate.


So, you used to write...
You used to do homework

- for an imaginary class-mate,
and hand it in to the teacher? - Yeah.

For a pupil that he didn't have
cos they were imaginary?

Yes. It was a collective effort...

Who was the group of collectives?

It was the class.

Are they real friends,
the class, or...?

Yeah, yeah, with names
and everything - real people.

What was his name?

He must have had a name, but I can't
remember what the name was.

One of our class was quite

This teacher was new,
he was a French teacher,

he came in and he read
the register, and one kid went,

"Sir, you've missed out..."
I don't know,

call him Fisher for narrative

and so this guy wrote in
an additional name, in his register.

And then you kept the pretence
of this boy up

by doing his homework for him
and handing it in?


And, just out of interest,
this teacher,

- when he handed the homework back...?
- Yeah.

..did he come up to you and go,
"Give that to Fisher."


Well, that would've been a problem.


But, he was... He wasn't
a great teacher.

He couldn't remember my name.
I sat near the window,

so he called me "Windows".

- A French teacher, did you say?
- Yeah.

He didn't call you Windows then?

He did. He didn't call me "Fenetre".
He called me Windows cos that was...

Often the very best French teachers
speak English as well.


Who sat his exams for him though?
You couldn't sit his exam papers.

He was off sick quite a lot.

Oh, right.


So at which point did you own up
and say, "Look, sir. Fisher..."

We've killed Fisher.


He was doing too well.

He never found out and the school
decided to let him go

and then the deputy headmaster,
as I recall,

came in and ticked us off,

and said that he wasn't prepared
to tolerate fictional children
at his school.


I think that's what he said.

So, Lee Mack, what are you thinking?

I can't believe it, cos I just don't
think kids would create

that much work for themselves.

A lot of factors have to be true
here. There has to be -

they all agree to do it,
we have to believe the teacher

never looks up during the register
and that no-one...

Fisher was off a lot.
Fisher wasn't there every morning.

Fisher was never there, Andy!


Andy, can I ask what's
Fisher doing now?

The awful thing is,
for a moment there I tried to think,

I actually went...

Time to take a guess, Lee.
What are you going to say?

Oh we, trust me,
this won't be a guess.

This is not true.

Not true?

If it is, I'm worried for Fisher's
welfare. I think he's...

Fisher doesn't exist!

I don't think I'm going to sleep
tonight thinking about Fisher.

There is no Fisher!


Come on, Lee. What's it going to be,
truth or lie?


Let's put Fisher quietly to rest
and say it's a lie.

OK, it's a lie.

It's a lie, OK, Andy.
Is it true or is it a lie?

There is no Fisher...

but it is true.


So what happened to Fisher then?!

Yes, it's true.

Andy did write and hand in homework
for an imaginary class-mate.

Now remember, it's funny to have
imaginary friends at school,

but when you start signing on
for them, it's fraud.

Diane, you're next.

When I travel by Tube,

I like to see how many strangers
I can make yawn by yawning myself.

My record is nine in one carriage.

David's team.

Well, let's see how good you are
at faking a yawn. Oh, you...

Oh, that's good.

Although I have been speaking
so it's not a test...

Gabby's gone, Gabby's gone.

I'm feeling a bit...

I yawned earlier when you were
talking about it earlier.

That's good, David! Brilliant.

This would be great
for the trail. Coming up on BBC One.

Your record was, what was it?


Nine, and how long a Tube
journey was that?

I think I started at Cockfosters,
and I think I'd ended up

at Piccadilly Circus, yeah.

I remember where I was going

- You started at Cockfosters? - That's
the end of the line, isn't it?

Yeah, that's right at the end
of the line.

Do you live at Cockfosters?

The reason I'm inquiring about

is that, obviously,
it's a well-known station name,

because all of the Piccadilly line
trains going in one direction

are going to Cockfosters
and I think, therefore...

Going from Cockfosters is...

Or going from, obviously I'm
aware that you have to...

The same number of trains have
to come from there as go to there,

otherwise they'll end
up stock-piling.

So I'm not denying that many
trains emanate from Cockfosters.

What I'm thinking, though,
is that you were thinking,

"What Tube journey
could this have been?"

and Cockfosters came into your head
cos you've seen it so many times
on the display in the station.

And that's making you think
that you're lying.

Your honour...!

When I say to people about
that end of the line,
it's like it's Brigadoon!

It's not... It's there! People live
there, there are lovely houses.

No, no, no, no.
Cockfosters is a fictional place!

That's where Fisher lives.


When you yawn, Diane,

in order to draw attention
to the fact that you're yawning

and spread your yawn more
effectively, do you make any noise?

Do you just do...?

Yawning isn't the noisiest of...

You can do a noise, you go...


- I do it. - See, it works.



That's how I yawn, my wife loves it!


Let's all yawn like...

Let's all yawn how we feel.


"Not more!" I often say when I yawn.


"Kill me now!"
I say when I'm tired.

Diane, one thing that troubles me
about this is that you are,

because of Eastenders,
a very recognisable face.

- Yeah. - I would have thought you'd be
wanting to...

We yawn.

I'm not saying
nobody in Eastenders yawns,

certainly the viewers for one.


What, what I'm saying is...


What I'm saying is that,
someone who is in the public eye

often doesn't want to draw attention
to themselves.

Interestingly enough, of course,
if you're yawning, you look less
like yourself,

so it's a way of not drawing
attention to yourself by going...

I don't think, Lee, that anyone...

I genuinely do that if I'm
in a situation like where there's,

it's not often,
but people recognise me,

I'll slightly change the shape
of my face. I'll sort of go...


Are you Lee Mack?

I'll go, "my name's Fisher".

"I live in Cockfosters."

So what are you going to say, David?

It could be true.
My instinct is that it's not.

I know, I think she was so genuinely
enthusiastic when she told it,

and she's only just seen that
and it's a lie,

I'm not sure she'd have quite
that enthusiasm for it.

But she is an actress.

In EastEnders.

How very dare you...!


You think it's true.

- So your instinct is it's true,
and your instinct is it isn't. - Yes.

Well, I think it's not true,
that's my instinct.

- I'm two to one. - So we're going
to say we think it's a lie.

Diane. Truth or lie?

It's a lie.

Well done!


Yes, it's a lie.

Diane does not see how many
strangers she can make yawn

when she travels by Tube.

Our next round is called
This Is My,

where we bring on a mystery guest
who has a close connection
to one of our panellists.

Now this week, each of Lee's team
will claim it's them

that has the genuine
connection to the guest

It's up to David's team to spot
who's telling the truth.

Please welcome this week's
special guest, Kevin.

So, first of all, Christian,
what is Kevin to you?

This is Kevin and he's the surgeon
who performed the operation

after I swallowed one of the pieces
from the board game Operation.

Diane, could you explain
how you know Kevin?

This WAS Kevin, but he is such
a big Eastenders fan,

that last year, he changed his name
by deed poll to Albert Square.


Finally, Lee, your relationship
with Kevin?

This is Kevin,
he has worked as my bum double.


There we are.
So, Christian's toy surgeon,

Diane's real-life Albert Square,
or Lee's cheeky friend?

David's team,
where do you want to start?

Hmm, well,
what a barrage of plausibility.

Christian, what piece from Operation
was inside you?

It was the wishbone.

How old were you
when you swallowed it?

About 23.


Why did you swallow it then?

Well, we were at medical school.


And it was a sort of a dare.

I have a friend, um, who has,
shall we say he's got a tremor.

I bet him, I said "You cannot remove
all of the pieces

"from Operation without
setting off the big red buzzy nose,

"and if you can, I will swallow
a piece of your choice."

We've got a picture here,

just to show you.
You had little metal pincers,

and you had to get
the little plastic pieces.

There was the Adam's apple,
the broken heart.

- What's the scale of this, how long?
- It's about yay big.

So the wishbone thing...

- Small. - Small.

Where did it get stuck?

It got stuck in my lower oesophagus,

and the next day I had a sharp pain
and I coughed

and a little bit of blood sort of
puked up a little bit, um...

I'm feeling a bit faint now.

OK, bit of blood. It's not going
to get worse, is it, than blood?

it would if I'd left it.

So this blood was
coming from your stomach?

- It had stuck in the side
of the oesophagus. - Yeah, but...

You don't just...it must
have cut something, mustn't it?

You don't bring blood up

- with things being stuck, do you?
- I don't feel well.

You have a sphincter at
the lower end of your oesophagus

that stops food coming up into it.
That sphincter had closed

on to this spiky little bit
of plastic,

and that's exactly what happened.

It's all right. It's just like...

It's just like a shoe
getting caught in a door.

And what sort of procedure was it
to have it removed?

Do they have to hack you open,
pull the flesh back off,

- take a big claw...
- He's doing that deliberately.

..blood coming out like that,

spurting over the face
of the surgeons, there's blood
everywhere and they're reaching

and pulling out organs
and intestines,

and then a little creature comes up
and goes "Eaaagh!"

And then they get the little piece.

Or was it a keyhole thing?

Or was it just a small camera
with a little grabber on the end

that went down there,
grabbed it and pulled it out?

OK, so do you want to move on to
another suspect?

Yes. Diane.

Kevin's name is now Albert Square?


How did you come to meet
such a weird person?

He's not... He's a fan of the show.

We see our fans a lot. They... Kevin
waits outside - sorry, Albert

waits outside Elstree
studios for us to drive in and out
and we stop and sign autographs.

And he has cufflinks on, I notice.

Unusual, isn't it, for a fan

- to kind of hang outside the show...
- Why?

Well, somebody who stands
outside of Elstree...

- Yes. - I wouldn't imagine him to be,
kind of... - Perfectly decent,
good people. What are you saying?

Well, he is dressed, at the moment,
I would say,

more like somebody
who has an office job,

and those hours don't necessarily
collude with filming times.

Very clever, how you handled that.

- Does he look like a surgeon to you?
- Could be a surgeon.
- If we're talking about his looks,

he's got a nice bum.


Did he say what he was hoping
to achieve

through changing his name?

This is the thing.
There are people

that absolutely love the show,
and this is just something...

I can't explain it for you.

You see, I would say

the standard response
to loving the show... Yeah.

Would be to watch the show.

That's you.

- Fans do do weird things,
though, don't they? - Right, so Lee.


In which of your glamorous film
roles was a bum double required?

It wasn't a film role.

It was in my situation comedy,
Not Going Out.

You may have heard of it.

Don't clap, don't clap.

If he has to start it,
it doesn't count.

What is wrong with your bottom?

- Nothing wrong with my bottom.
- Why couldn't they use your bum?

I didn't want to get my bum out
on national television.
Fair enough, isn't it?

Why should Kevin have to -
sorry, Albert have to get his out?

It's Kevin.

If it's the bum, it's Kevin.

Unless they're all true.

A brilliant surgeon
becomes obsessed with EastEnders.

What was the scene?

The character I play, who's very
similar to me, actually, was, er,

in an adult movie. And at the end,
I was hung upside down

and whipped by a lady also playing
someone in the adult movie industry.

- Could Kevin turn round
so we could see his bottom?
- Yes, would you turn round, please,

Kevin, so we can see your bottom?

Thank you. And would you,
would you like Lee to...?

Could you, Lee, stand up
and turn around?

No problem at all.

Can you turn round
and lift your jacket up?

This is like a really strange
police line-up, isn't it?

Um, Lee's bottom
is about half a size bigger.

You what?


- Has this episode gone out, Lee?
- I don't know, but if the question

you asked about us getting up
doesn't get in, they'll think
I'm having a wee break.


You, er...?

Been here a lot? It's all right here,
isn't it?

The hand driers are broken,
by the way.

Are you satisfied?

Kevin, you can turn back round now,
thank you very much.

So what are you thinking?

I think he's called Albert Square.

- Do you?
- You think it's Christian, don't you?

I'm between Christian and Lee.

But the bet is odd. "I'll swallow
one of these bits of plastic."

I'm not sure I believe that.

The thing is, there's no massive
logical problem with any of those.

They're all stories that sort of
hold water, but also are unusual.

How entertaining for the nation.

It could be any of them.
It could be any of them.

I think, when you don't know,
pick the middle one. Lee.

- You're saying it's Lee. - Yeah.

So, Kevin, would you please
reveal your true identity?

I'm Kevin,

and I did indeed play Lee's
bottom double in Not Going Out.

Yes, Kevin was Lee's bum double
and, excitingly, we've got a

Look at that. That is...

You didn't mention the donkey.

- Thank you very much, Kevin. - Thanks.


Which brings us to our final round,
Quickfire Lies. And we start with...



I shaved off a beard
I had been growing for weeks

because I didn't want David to think
I was copying him.


David, on the team
with two beards.


- How long ago was this?
- About two months ago.

What was it that alerted you to
the fact that I had grown a beard?

Well, I looked at you
and you had a beard.


Are you all right?
Are you having a breakdown?

Were you ever together
in the same room with beards?

We did a radio show together
and you had a beard, and then...

He doesn't remember the radio show.
Look at his eyes, glazed over.

"Who the hell is this man?
I thought he was my driver."

Do you recognise me now?

"Hello, Mr David, sir, nice beard."

And then about a couple of months

I don't know if you remember this
or not,

but I invited you round to my house
for dinner.

Yes, I remember.

Thank God for that. And you came.

- I was there as well.
- Rob was there too.

What a cosy picture we're painting.

We were all there, all together,
and we sat in this position.

I sat at my table.

Rob there.
David was sat in the other room.

And at that point,
had you shaved your beard off?

I have a beard a lot when I'm at home
when I'm not doing a telly show,

and I get rid of it
if I'm doing a telly show.

And I said something to my wife

"David's got a beard. He might think
I've grown a beard to copy him."

And I just said that as a joke.
But it festered.

So many of your jokes do.


So I thought "I'll give him
a bit of a chance,

"I'll shave the beard off
so there's no unsaid tension."

- So you shaved it off there and then?
- I shaved it off ten minutes
before you came round.

What are you going to say,
David, truth or lie?

It's a very caring portrait
of himself.

Yeah, you might have thought about
that before you came on, actually.

It seems that Lee's
very worried about your feelings.

I mean, it's very touching.

I wouldn't go that far.

OK, David.

I think we think it's true.

All right.

Lee, truth or lie?

It is in fact...


I'm all heart, David, I'm all heart.

Yes, it's true.
Lee did shave off his beard

because he didn't want David
to think he was copying him.



It's Christian.


Ah, OK, now. Look at that thing
next to you with a drape over it.

First of all,

pop that up on to the desk,
keeping it hidden under the drape.

And then before you unveil
the object,

would you read the card out, please?


This is my monkey, Elsie.
She watches over me while I sleep.

And now please reveal Elsie.

Oh! I'm so sorry, David,
she could have shaved.

- This is a dead monkey, isn't it?
- Oh, my.

Yeah, you should know!

Oh, no, love. Look at that face!

- Is Elsie actually stuffed?
- No, she's very well trained.

What disappointed her so badly
when she died?

- Dying. - Death.

So where did you find Elsie?
Did you kill her yourself?

I was flicking through a magazine.
Of interiors.

And in the magazine was an advert
for a shop that sells fireplaces.

And monkeys?

And on the fireplace
was an arrangement of objects,

including the monkey.

So I phoned up the place that sold

and said, "Oi,
give us your monkey."

- And they did.
- What's the story with the tiara?

Just out of interest,
completely separate subject,

does anyone think
that Camilla will ever become Queen?


I just thought I'd throw it open,
have a discussion. What do you think?

I didn't mean the monkey
with the crown!

That's genuinely a stuffed monkey?

Can we have a look at it?

- That is genuinely a stuffed monkey.
- Are we allowed to inspect it?

Yeah, you can inspect his monkey
if you want to.

Why don't we bring the monkey to you?

What are you doing,
all three of you?

You look like an act you'd have in
the Royal Variety Show in the 1970s.

- I have to stretch my legs
at this point. - I'll bring it to you.
- Oh, all right.

I'm just wandering around.

I'll bring it to you.

This is chaos.

Join me, come on, join me.


Can we have a look at the tiara?

Oh, I've left the tiara.
Let's have a look at the tiara.

Where's the tiara?
My God, it's terrifying.

You know when you're asleep,

and you wake up
in the middle of the night

and she's looking down on you

with that glum expression,
doesn't it unsettle or unnerve you?

No, I find her very sort of...


So what are you going to say, David?
Is it a truth or is it a lie?

Firstly, I'm going
to hand that back.

I think you should be insuring
that. Not for theft,
I wouldn't have said.

It looks like he's just won
a wildlife BAFTA.

Is it the truth?
Is this a tall story?

We think it's a lie.

- I...yes. - I think we all think
it's a lie. - I think it's a lie.

I think Christian's
a very good actor.

- So you're saying that it is,
then...? - A lie.

A lie, OK, Christian, was it
the truth, or was it in fact a lie?

It is in fact...


Very well played.

Good work.

Yes, that was all true.
Christian does have a stuffed monkey

who watches over him
while he sleeps.


That noise signals that the time
is up. It's the end of the show,

and I can reveal that David's team
have won by 4-2.


But it's not just a team game,

and my individual liar of the week
this week is Andy Hamilton.


Yes, Andy Hamilton,
a man whose stories are as fake

as the smile on his face

after four months of filming
with those kids on Outnumbered.

Good night.

Subtitles by Red Bee Media Ltd