Wicked Tuna: North vs. South (2014–…): Season 8, Episode 5 - Herd is the Word - full transcript

The highway
of the Atlantic!

In the Outer Banks,

it's not a party...

. Tuna, tuna,
tuna, tuna, tuna, tuna.

Until the guests arrive.

I just saw a tuna.

Oh. I can see him.

If you look over there,

here they are.

This side or that side.


Looks like the ocean's alive.

busting all around us.

The herd is here.

Fish on, baby.

fish means more
opportunities to catch...

Plenty of
line and plenty of time.

Please Lord
let this fish stay on.

But also to fail.


Time is precious.

And with
the season's clock
always ticking...

If it stays like this,

we'll fill up the
quota in a week or two.

will get their share?


There he is.

This is...

Stick him!
Stick him, now!

Stick him.

Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks.

Herd is the word.

Doghouse holds
the top spot for the

first time this season,

barely keeping
Offshore Outlaw and

Reel E' Bugging at bay,

while previous frontrunners
Little Shell and

Fishin' Frenzy can't
seem to find their sea legs.

In it to win it.
Good morning, sunshine.

A bit chilly out this morning.

First time we got
to see the sunrise out here

in a long time.

So, we're just getting
here to the temp break.

Once we find
the water that we want,

zigzag back and forth.

Across it.

Water's plenty warm
enough right now.

the water temp, Cap?


to put the lines out.

Hopefully we can get that
early bite and go ahead and

get him in the boat and
turn around and go back.

This season
is going to be a struggle.

Down here, our quota
is way smaller than they

get up North.

So everybody is gonna be
scrambling to make as much

money as they can in a
limited amount of time.

Shack is smoking everybody.

That's Doghouse.

started out strong this year,

but once the big
herds of fish show up,

it's gonna be mayhem.


Yeah, I got you.

I've heard
herds about 15 times
in the last 10 minutes.

Yeah, I've marked a
lot of yellowfin, you know,

in the 60-degree stuff, but...

No good marks.

I don't know
what to think about it.

We'll get him.

Got to get up and
do some jumping jacks.

Get some blood pumping.

There's a solid mark.

Look at that, dude.

Come on.

Come on.
We're in position.

There he is.

Oh yeah.
Oh, you got him.
Get on the rod.

Get on the rod.

Got plenty
of line, Adam.

Stay on the
rod for right now.

The Outlaw is tight.

Oh, yeah.

The Outlaw is tight.

Did you hear that?

They showed up. They're here.

Maybe he'll get him one.

And the Outlaw
is going to have four.

Okay, cool.

We're here.

That's all we can ask for,

except the fish.

We need a fish going.

Big fish.
Big fish.

Oh yeah. Woo!

over me or under me, Eric.

Come on, baby.

That's the bite
we were looking for.

Now he's smoking it.

Is he taking line?

we got plenty of line.


I got that.

All righty, here we go.

This is the bite
we were looking for.

He's being smart is
what this fish is doing.

He'll come to the
boat and then he'll pull

right back out.

And then next thing you know,

he'll run right
back at this boat.

He's charged the
boat two or three times.

Makes me nervous.

He's a really wild fish.

He's been on the surface
starting back and forth

shooting from this side
to that side, around.

The worst thing you
can do is run over him.

And this is the kind
of fish right here that

you'll run over.

So you got to really be paying
attention to what's going on.

He might dart at the boat
and I might have to take

off just get away from him.

He can run right under the
boat and it's over, game over.

Oh boy.

There he is.

He's right
there on the surface right

in the sun.

Definitely a keeper.

Oh, boy. He's a good one!

He's pretty
close to the boat.

Acts like he's almost done.

I'm hoping this is
just a normal fish...

doesn't turn into a...

six, seven hour fight.

We've had him on

three and a
half hours now, so...

Startin' to
get a little nervous...

tackle failure or
something of the sort.

Hopin' he'll just give up.

And come on up.

Just pushing through
the pain, that's all.

I keep thinking
ten more minutes,

ten more minutes and
he'll give up, but he's not.

Doing good, Eric.

Doing good.
Nice and easy.

John, go.

on up, big boy.

We always got to get the
mean fish for some reason.

Play nice.

Well, we just
hit the five hour mark.

Yay, five-hour mark.

Woo! Let's celebrate.

There you go, John.
You wanted that sea monster.

He says he
wants a grander...

but he don't want to fight it.

Yeah, that's right.

him up about 60 foot.

Still got 'em on
five hours later, Adam Price.

Them boys fish hard.

We knew, yeah.
You knew they would.

Love them guys.

But they're
getting their buts whooped,

you know, psychically.


Come on! Deep color.
Deep color. Deep color.

Game time, Adam.

Swivel. Swivel!

Too deep.
He's too deep.

All right, maybe next pass.
Maybe next pass.

Come on, come on top.

Damn, what a fish!

Get ready, Eric.
Get the damn pointed at it.

There you go.

Here's your shot, Eric.
Here's your shot.


Come on,
stick him, Eric.

Come on, pull him up, John.

Right here, Eric.
Stick him! Stick him!

Oh, you missed.
You missed, oh, you got him.

He got him. He got him.

You got him. Watch it.

Grab his tail. Stick it!

Got him.

You got him.

Finally. Yeah! Yeah! Woo!

Man, stressful.

That's because it took
five and half hours.

All right, you ready?

One, two, three.
Pull him this way.

One, two, three.

There you go.
Bigger than I thought.

What is it?

108 and a quarter, man.

108. Yeah.

Look at that.
Hook is bent.

some pressure, baby.

Dude, we're
lucky we didn't lose him.

2021 starting to add
up with the jumbos.

Number four.

I don't
want to fight another
one of them big bastards.

You got that right.


I swear to God
I just saw a tuna jump.


I just, I just
saw tunas jump, man.


I hit him in the head.
I heard you. I'm coming.

I was, like, looking,
like, five of them jumping.

Just keep
looking at them.

Where? Where?

That way.

Okay, we're
pulling that way.

Well, I
want you to drive.

Usually when the big
bulk of fish shows up,

fishing stays pretty hot
until the quota's caught up.

So we've got to catch as much
as we can before the demand

goes down and prices go down.

Are they jumping still?

Oh, God. I see them.

They go, woo! Oh, I see them.

Oh my God,
can we go faster?


Yeah, there's a herd.

I've laid my eyes
on bluefins, for sure.

Herd is the word.

I swear I saw one.

I swear I did.
I need the ball.

I need the coach
to give me the ball.

Oh, there
they are busting, Nick.

Cliff looking with
his gyroscopic binoculars.

And just trying
to see anything.

Look over there.
There they are.

It seems like
the fish are here now.

Action, baby, action.

I'm ready.

Bluefin tuna migrate
over 6,000 miles a year.

Usually, we see them
in the Outer Banks waters

sometime around January.

By early to mid-February,
the big schools of Bluefin

show up on the Outer Banks.

Even when the
fishing feels slow,

the quota's getting
eaten up quickly,

so what was a scattered
hunt now turns into a

full-blown competition.

And this quota
is not gonna last.

Seems like an actual
herd of fish have moved in and

if we can fill up the quota
here in a week or two,

if it stayed like this,
but we're just happy the

fish are here.

Do what we can, have fun,
that's what we're here to do.

Are you having fun?

I'm having fun.
I'm having a great time, dude.

Look at that. Look at that.
Love it, baby. Love it.

busting all around us.

The herd is here.

The fish are just
using the Gulf Stream kind of

like the highway
of the Atlantic.

We're just
riding that highway.

We're like Rascal Flatts
through here.

We're riding this
highway down sea.

The Gulf Stream,

it runs the whole way
through the Atlantic Ocean.

All the way down from
Florida and it goes all

the way up North.

It's like a big streak.

In that current, there's a
lot of nutrient warm water,

which gets the bait
drawn into the stream.

And when you have bait,
you're gonna have tuna.

And that's what
makes down here primetime

for wintertime bluefins.

Come on, tunas.

Just out here riding
that highway, boys.

The highway of the Atlantic!


Just like the tunas,
soaking it up sea.

But we're
going down sea.

don't know about that.

They don't know that.

Put 'em out.
Put 'em out.

I got marks already.

Oh my God.
Oh, look at all these fish.

Yeah, the herds are here.

I always hope fishing is slow.

less fish caught on a day,

the more you're gonna
get paid for that fish,

basic supply and demand.

Well, it looks like
there's action here so.

that the herds are here,

I'm just glad that we
have a boat that we can

spot them way
off in the distance.

The Rasta boys can't do that.

They're so small,

you can't even
see them on the radar.

Rasta boys, pick me up?

Yeah, I just went
over a herd at 80 feet.

Bobby Bedbugs saying
there's meat underneath his

boat and he's only
right here, dude.

They are everywhere.

Wow, that was insane.
Looks like the ocean's alive.

You know, we've been
waiting for two weeks.

Almost three weeks for
this thing to turn on.

It looks like it's on.

Get ready!

Fish on, baby.
Down and tight.

Thank you, Lord.
Thank you, Lord.

It's a real one.

Please, Lord, please.
Please, Lord.

Fish on, baby.

Thank the Lord.
Thank you, Lord.

It's a real one.

Come on, baby,
stay on for us.

Stay on, baby, please.

Please, Lord,
let this fish stay on.

What do you need?


All right, good?

Going that way.

Please, Lord, please.
Please, Lord.

All right,
come on, Daniel.

All right.

You good?

Old hot 130 bite.

We're tight
on 793 and 540.

Still down deep.
Trying our best.

Fingers crossed for us, buddy.

You know I am, man.

I'm pulling for you.

Can't be down that far deep.
It's only 190 foot of water.

Right now, we, we
have to make head.

We got to get 'em now.

Aye, here we go.
Here we go. We're tight.

All right, we
just started fishing.

We just got out here.

Put the bait in the
water and bam, knockdown.

That means there's a
lot of life out here.

And we're gonna
try to get this fish get
back in before midnight.

Keep us in the hunt.

Man, he just
started pulling, bro.

There he goes.

Wear him down, Daniel.

Be ours, baby.

Hoping and praying.

Oh, good...

God almighty,
come on around.

I'm sorry, dude.

Let's move
it to the front. I'm
tired of dealing with this.

Come on, grab it.

like, four hammerheads
right here, bro.

We went through,
like, 20 sharks.

Yeah, I can see them
splashing around back there.

It's a Mako.

Yeah, it's a shark.

Smoked my fresh bait.

Time is precious.

Bites have been
real hard to come by.

What it sounds like is the
fish kind of moved in here

settled down and, uh,
people are getting bit.

Here he comes, a little Mako.

We don't waste
time with Makos, dammit.

We just need
to get that lure back.


All right. Sweet.
Let's get out of here.

All right, we need
all right, we need a fish.

We need a quick fish.

I mean, my guys
are going nuts.

They really well.

There's too much
pressure on everybody.

There too much
pressure on everybody.

Minnie, move.

Minnie, come here.

Oh, coming around now.

Where's the rope?
Where's the rope?

I got the gaff.

Where's the gaff?

Right, right
here behind us, guys.

Tail rope right behind us.

I got him.

Woo! Good job.

Back in the game, my brothers.

End game for the Rocket.


Pretty work, boys.

You'll get 'em, Bobby.

You'll get him, buddy.

Back in the game.
Pretty harpoon shot.

We know we can catch 'em
just as good as anybody here.

We're here,
we're compeeetitors.

We're, yeah.

We're here.

We're competitors and
we ain't going nowhere.

The competition is fierce
and we're just hanging

in there fish by fish.

Yeah, let's
pull the tape on him.

Anything over
73 we can take home,

that's all it matters.

89 inches.

We're going to Wanchese.

Pretty work, boys.

We're doing
everything we can to
win this thing this year.

Could be the Rocket's year.

This tuna machine is just
getting geared up ready to go.

Come on, baby.

No way we're not
gonna get a bite.

I mean, it's rough.


Everything is flying
out of ******* everywhere.

Ain't getting tunas biting.
What the ****?

Anyone fall out?

But everything
on the counter fell off.
Where are you?

Ain't nothing biting.

Getting beat up,
everything's falling off
the damn counter in the boat.

This just makes days so much
longer and more miserable.

Now, .
you, Ellis.

That was right in my ear.

That was good.

That's a
beautifully rigged ballyhoo

if I do say so myself.

Now all the hair's
supposed to stay straight up

just like that.

We put skirts over top of
our baits to add some color.

Yeah, just to
catch the fish's eyes.

The idea is that we're
trolling so the bait's moving

along pretty fast and
the fish can't really get a

good look at it.

All they see is something
swimming and they see the

colors of the hair and
they eat it out of instinct.

Good. Now, we'll get a bite.

Yeah! Tuna, tuna,
tuna, tuna, tuna, tuna.

this one over here.

Come on!

We're on! We're on!

Here, tuna,
tuna, tuna, tuna, tuna.

this one over here.

Come on!

All right, got 'em on.

825, 364.

All right, baby.
All by ourselves.

Woo! All right,
we got 'em on.

Y'all get everything
in pretty quick, Trey?


Can y'all hurry up?


I hate getting
into the backing.

We got a fish on.

We really need to
make this one count, so.

Woo! Come on, y'all
crank that in.

Did you
hear Little Jimmie?

I did not.

He's tight...

there in the high threes.

Mid-Threes, Nick.


I like it when they're talking
about you on the radio.

. No way.


I felt him pull off.

We were so close.

So close.

No doubt, no question.

Right thing,
pulled him off though.

I hear you.
That sucks, Little Jimmie.

Get you another one.

like a nice fish.

Took a whole bunch
of string in a hurry.

Pulled him off.

That's extremely

The Offshore Outlaw
just put number four on

the tail rope.

Oh yeah.

Can you believe it?

You guys made it
before the cutoff time.

Hey, hook 'em at 8:00
in the morning and get back at

8:00 in the afternoon.

I think we
should get this thing up.

Let's check it out.

Let's do it.

of right now, we've caught
four huge fish in a row,

so we're on a roll.

So, what do we got, Scott?

545 pounds dressed.


That's what I'm talking about.

Say, you want
to check this thing out?

All right. Yeah.
Yeah. Let's do it.

The buyer's
looking at fat content,

the color of the meat,
and the clarity of the core.

The better all that is,
the more money we make.

Mm, what have we got here?

It's a little red.

Doesn't have much fat in it,

but it doesn't
mean it's a bad fish.

As long as the core is good
everybody will be happy.

You guys ready?


Moment of truth.

That core looks
a lot better than the color

of this tail cut.

Yes, it does.
Yes, it does.


Bottom line,

I can get you guys...

10 bucks a pound.

There you go.

That's what I'm talking about.

You made me
nervous at first, Scotty.

Thanks for the deal.

We'll see you tomorrow.

See ya later.
Good job. Thanks.

All right. Take it easy.

Good job.

Let's get back
out and get another one.

The herds are here.

Seems like the
fish finally showed up.

Hell yeah.
All right, guys.

What up?
What's up, dude?

Number three, huh?

Number three, dude.
We got him.

Good job.

That fish right
there really was crucial, man.

The fish just showed up.

Everybody's firing
on all cylinders.

The competition is stiff, man.

we can capitalize
on this opportunity.

We just got another 26 tons
transferred over, so.

That just
means more fish for us.

That's right.
That's right.

Y'all ready to do this?

Let's do it.
All right.

Every fishing season, the
government assigns a quota

of how many
metric tons of bluefin tuna
we're allowed to catch.


And sometimes if we're
lucky, they extend it.

This season, we've started
with 49 metric tons,

but because of the
large fish being caught,

we've already put a
big dent in that number.

Thankfully, they've extended
it to 75 metric tons.

So we still got a
season in front of us.

What's that beast weigh, man?

328 pounds.

Yeah. Woo!

300 dresser
for number three.

Hell yeah, boys.

Let's get a tail cut and...

Check her out.

All right, let's do it.

All right, guys.

First look, it's
got a nice color.

I don't see any burn.
I don't see any yaki.

Really nice.

That's gonna be
the telltale right there.

Let's see it.
Let's see it.

Oh, man.
Very consistent.
Very translucent.

This is a nice fish.

I'm thinking, um...

The suspense, man.

You're killing me.

Come on...

$13 a pound.

Appreciate it, man.

It's anybody's game.

And the fish just got here.

Anybody can get in a
rut and anybody can get

their fire lit.

So we have to take advantage
of every weather window we can

get and capitalize
on every single bite.

Back in business, boys.

headed to the meat.

Now, that
the fish are here,

it's worth sticking it
out here a little bit in

the rough weather.

Crank, crank that line
up a little bit, Brandan.

Crank the line up
for me, so it ain't
all over the place.

You're right at 200.

Any marks
going across the screen?

They did extend
the quota a little bit,

which is nice.

We got 25 extra tons
to catch now.

The only way to do it is
to come out on these nights.

You know, nobody
in their right mind
wants to be out here,

but got to get
these guys a fish.

We've only caught two fish
so far this season and

this year of all years,
we need to make money quick.

Today's the day.

Here comes some fish.

There's some herds
coming across the screen.

That's them.

That's something.

Giant herds.

comes more, Brandan.

I don't know if it's
all sharks or what.

Come on, baby.

We're getting
some marks anyway.

That's it.
Got 'em on.

There he is.
Told you.

Got 'em on.
Let's just move everything.

Let him
run a minute here.

Are we good?
Yeah, we're good.

Let him run.
Get my coat on.

Go ahead. I got this.

Big sea coming.

Feel comfortable, Cliffy?

Yeah, he's coming
pretty easy right now.

Hopefully, it's a good one.

Good. Tell me when
you need a break, Cliff.

Here, here, come here.

It's swimming towards
the boat or something.

I got to circle around.

Oh, it's a bad time.

Big wave. Woo!

I don't like that?

What was that?

No, no, stop the boat.
Stop the boat.

Check it. Check it.

He's not pulling very hard.

It's swimming towards
the boat or something.

I got to circle around.

Oh, it's a bad time.

Big wave. Woo!

I don't like that.

What was that?

No, no,
no stop the boat.

Stop the boat.

Check it. Check it.
He's not pulling very hard.

It's just loose.

All right.
Now, you can go.

Turn a little bit.

Get him over here, so I
ain't twisting my damn back

all to hell.

There you go.
There you go.
There you go, Brandan.

Got it?

Yep. Yep.
Oh, God, my arm. Tired.

Tunas wear me out.
I ain't no rod guy.

Too many nights like this
will make you old quicker.

I'm only 17.

I'm 65 and I
do this all the time.

Get you back in shape by
the end of bluefin season.

Yeah, right.

Windy place, ain't it?

Outer Banks, windy damn place.
You ready, Brandan?

He damn
sure don't feel tight.

Reel easy.
Coming right to it.

He ain't swimming no more.

He's just coming.
Deep color, Brandan.

There he is. I see him!

All right, boys, we'll
give ourselves a chance here.

Let's make it happen.

Oh, ooh.

Get him, Brandan.
Nail him!

All right. Tail gaff.
Right here, tail.

Nice shot with
the dart, Brandan.

He's smoked. All right.

I'm gonna bring,
I'm gonna walk him right on

the side of the boat, Brandan.

All right.
Pull it in behind you.

All right.
Right side, Cliff.

Tail rope.
Right side of Brandan.

All right.

All right, boys.
Yeah, baby! Yeah!

Coming back with a vengeance.

Good job.

Everybody, all the way around,
I dug y'all boys a hole,

but I'm gonna try to
get you out of it, okay?

Stick with me.

Don't give up on me.

We're number three!

Feels good to start
to get on a little roll.

It's raining, it's rough,

water's breaking in the boat,

but we're going home.

Ready? One, two, three.

Nice damn fish!
Nice damn fish!

Pretty work.
Let's see how long he is.

102 inches. All right!
Yeah, baby, yeah! Woo.

Yeah. Woo.
All right!

We ain't done.
We're just getting started.

Days like this,
you love being a fisherman,

don't you?

Yeah, joke
about it being rough.

It's bluefin season,
it's almost always rough.

I love it, man.

Salt life, baby.

Probably got
another mile to go.

A little choppy this morning.

We're giving the Rocket
a little bit of an escort.

It's a lot easier
for him if he tucks
in right behind us close.


Just paving
the way right now.

They look cozy all,
nestled up in there.

Round 'em up, boys!

I'm glad I
ain't on that boat.

These guys
earning their pay today.

This time of year, if you
don't like rough weather,

don't go bluefining.


Hey, he put on
some kind of antlers.

A hat on.
Some horns.

A Viking hat.

Those are
the real Vikings.


Yeah. Hell yeah!

That was

They're the real Vikings.


I feel like they deserve
this hat more than we do.

Oh, that was classic.

Hey, did
y'all hear they transferred
26 more tons to the quota?

Thank you for the heads up.

They transferred
26 more tons to the quota.

Hopefully we can
start getting a few of 'em.

That'd be nice.

Things are looking up.

Great to get some more quota
but these fish are here and

everybody's catching a
fish every single day.

So it's really
gonna go by quick,

so we really need
to keep getting after
them every day we can.

It's a
beautiful day at sea.

Rain, wind, just
need some tunas.

Oh, my God.

What are we gonna do with
all those fresh water?

They're never gonna bite.

Yeah, my ballyhoos
are getting demoralized.

just getting set out.

It's rough.

It is what it is,
it's bluefin season.

Hopefully, we can
get one and get in before

the weather
gets worse, we'll see.

We're off
to a slow start this year.

You hate to let the beginning
of the season dictate the end

of the season, but at one
fish a day, every fish counts.

I don't like being behind.

And I don't want to be behind
at the end of the season.

You want to fish that
long rigger in the back again

or you want
to try it like this?

No, like that.


We fish
our lines and outriggers.

And it gives us
a little spread,

so when we put them back
there 500, 600 feet that way

it keeps everything
from getting tangled.

There's a little
release clip in there.

If the line goes through the
clip and when you get a bite,

it'll pop out of the pin.

You got to point them
right at the clip.

Nobody comes tight quicker.

It's a better visual
on the bite too.


Oh wow, our main bird.

Wow, there's a pile of
them here at 20 fathom.

Come to papa.

Come to daddy.

It's tuna weather.
Come on let's get a bite here.

Oh, Lord, please.

Oh, get a bite.
Get a bite.

Yeah, baby, hooked up.
How about that, we got 'em on.

Put it back in.

Take the
rod out of the way.

Take it out, quick.

There you go.

Stay on there, baby.

Feels good.

Rough southeaster,
I mean, really,

really crappy ride out here.

This is when you lose fish,
when it's rough out and you

try to rush it.

Oh! Come on, baby.

Plenty of line
and plenty of time.

Come on.

Oh, how about that.
Look at that.

under the rainbow.

Double rainbow.

That's beautiful.

Really happy
to be sharing this
moment with you fellas.

Here you go, want a break?

Fresh hand on the reel.


You're gonna need to give it
a little bit of left rudder.

He's gonna be on
top here in a minute.

There he is.
Look at him on top.

Up on top.

Look at him.
Look at his tail.

Give it a little
bit of left rudder.

Starting to circle.

More left, then go hard.

He's going under the boat.

Go, go, go, go!

He wanna swim
around under the boat.

You got to look.
You got to pay attention.

He's going
under the boat.

Go, go, go, go!

Hold on!
Keep it out of gear!

We're in neutral.
Now, keep it out.

I'm stopping.

He wanna swim
around under the boat.

I mean, you know,
you got to look.

You got to pay attention.

All right.
Let me get back on here.

I think the
end game is near.

Let me relieve you.

I'll be able to
see him here in a minute.

Should be close.


On you right.

There he is.

What are you waiting for?

Get your gaff.
Got it.

All right, tail rope.
Tail rope on my left.

Hold on. Hold on.

Your other left.

Got him. We got him.

Got him. He's ours.
All right.

There we go, boys.

Nice job.

Whoo! Pretty hard job.
Very nice job. Whoo!

Mean fish, rough day.

I'm ready for a beer.

I'm gonna go ahead
and pull this thing in.

Nice tuna.

He's past, uh, 96 there.

I bet he's gonna
beat 104, 105.

He's 111.

I didn't think he
was gonna be that big.

Oh, that's great.

Wow, that is a beast.

He's bigger
than I thought.

This is the kind
of fish right here that

could be the turning
point of our season.

I said, "Ah,
he's probably big,
but he's not that big."

Wow, man.


I'm happy.
Couldn't be happier.

Yeah, baby! Yeah!

Look at
this nice clean boat.

Doesn't look like
you guys have to work
too hard to get this.

Dialed in.

Harder than you think.

It's still
an ass-kicking.

Yeah, the fish
look like they're showing

up a little bit better.

Yeah, I
heard they showed up.

There's a lot of them around.

there though.

The quota's gonna go fast,
extension or no extension.


All right, you want
to take a look at him?

Let's check it out.

We're not off to the
start that we normally get.

Little Shell's been
known to catch fish.

And this year, we're just
stepping on our own shoelaces.

Made a few bad decisions,
wrong calls, you know.

We went to the wrong spot.

But we need every
dollar we can get on
every fish that we get.

All right,
what are we looking at
for a dress weight, Scotty?

Looking at
491 pounds dressed.

Nice. Nice fish.

Let's take a look
at him, see what we got.

All right, sounds good.

All right, guys,
really greasy fish.

It's got a lot of fat in it.

I can see a
little discoloration,

but we need to make
sure the core is good.

Let's check it out.

Let's see what we got.


And that is good.

So what
are you thinking?

So bottom line...

11 bucks a pound.

All right, nice.
All right. All right.

Yeah, better than I thought.

Thank you, buddy.
No problem, thanks.

See ya later.

See ya, Cap.
Thank you.

Feel like we're
finally getting on a roll now.

Yeah, good.

Fishing is good
right now, finally.

It's gonna be a good day.

I hope so.

I feel pretty
confident about this one.

Really, all the conditions
look really good.

Not, not ideal
conditions for me.

You have
to be pretty dedicated
to come out here in the,

in the weather
that we fish in.

I mean, it's been,
it's been tough.

And we've been
extremely blessed.

For now, these fish
want to bunch up.

We've got a little bit
of a lead right now,

but with the herd showing up,
anything can happen.

Captain drives
us over the fish.

Bo and I are going
to do our jobs.

We're coming
up on some meat, guys.

Get on another
squid out there.

Uh-oh. Got 'em on.

Come on,
Got 'em on.

We got a bite here.

Britton, you
can take this one.

That's definitely
the real deal here.

There's no question about it.

It's gonna be a nice bluefin.

Got a lot of drag
on the fish already.

He's taking line pretty good.

Real deal?

Yeah, man.

That's him.

The fish is kind of acting
a little bit funny right now,

starting to
shake its head a lot.

Watch your drag.
Yeah, I backed it off.

I'm always nervous until
we get the fish in the boat.

There's so many things
that can go wrong.

This fish is starting
to shake its head,

really starting to do
whatever he can to get that

hook out of his mouth.

I'm very focused on
where the drag is.

If he starts shaking his head,
I'll back the drag off.

If he's shaking his head
and I got the drag and pull,

it's just gonna snap the
hook right out of his mouth.

Come on, baby.
Be sweet to us.

Rather have him over there?

Kind of favoring that
way the last couple.

Man, I think so.

Let me get him on that
side of the pole here.

You good?
Yes, sir.

I like this side
much better too.

Every time we pick up this
heavy rod with this fish on

there and try to
maneuver with it,

the probability of something
going wrong is very high.

We also have to deal
with really big swells,

choppy conditions.

I mean, when
you see the swivel,

it's the moment of
truth coming up here.

Mike Tyson is taking
us to the 12th round.

He's getting tired.

This is a
true battle right here.

The swivel's about to
be on the reel right now.

I can't tell
what I'm shooting at.

Right in the sun.

Sun and green water.
You got to try, Bo.

Looks pretty good, Bo.

It's in there, isn't it?

Yeah, it's in there.

What do you
got going on here?

I don't know
what he's got going on,

but get it straight.

The dart line
wrapped up with our leader.

The leader and
the dart line pulling
together could break it.

live line and your rod
should never get together.

Do you have it straight?

No, it's not straight.
No, it's not straight.

Come on, man.
That is no good.

Dag, I do, man.

Come on.

Not good.

Yeah, I don't know
what he's got going on,

but get it straight.

The dart line
wrapped up with our leader.

The leader and
the dart line pulling
together could break it.

live line and your rod
should never get together.

Do you have it straight?

No, it's not straight.
No, it's not straight.

Come on, man.
That is no good right there.

I got
a brand new crew this year.

But when you go
bluefin fishing,

it's a lot to learn and you're
never gonna learn it all.

You're gonna
have to let it go, Britton.

I'm gonna have to let it go.

Let it go.

Dag, I do, man Come on.

We got the live line all
wrapped around the rod.

A big fish like that,
it ain't no sense in holding

on to that live line.

Strip the live lines
separate from the line and

throw the buoy.

Well, every
time's been different.

I didn't know what.

It's a fish that big.

Do you think we'll gonna
be able to handle her?

She ain't circled yet.

I, everything's
different every time.

Bud, you
got to get her.

There's a hammerhead up there,

looks like he
weighs 800 pounds.

Can you get any
more heat on her?

Yeah, I can.

That shark
smells that blood.

fish is right here.

get that door open.

Go ahead, please.

Forward, forward.

Just reach out
there and stick 'er Bo.

Give me, give me, give me.
Reelin' and stick her.

A little bit closer.

Bo, that
hammer is right there.

I'm worried about
this shark at the moment here.

Let me see
the gaff, you get the pole.

Not in the belly.

This, this has
got to be cleated off.

Yes, sir. I got it,
cleating it right now.

We got him.

We got him.
It's all a learning process.

I'm sorry.

I know. I know.

It was very close
to being a disaster,

but our luck is going
to run out some day.

We keep overcoming adversity.

If it's not one thing,
it's another.

If it's nothing the dart,
it's the shark.

Look at that!

The circle of death.

So many uncertainties
and they don't go away until

he's on the deck.

You want
try to get her in?

Come on, buddy.

They're always bigger
when you get them in the boat.

Yeah, that
is a very nice tuna.

All right, boys.
The moment of truth.

All right, what you got?

104 inches.



I hear you, boy.

He is bigger.

No doubt.
Told you he was bigger.

Biggest one
I've ever caught.

We had to overcome
some adversity,

but it wouldn't be as
sweet as it is if we didn't.


I'm glad we got him.

How you doing?

What do you think, Greg,
are the fish are all here now?

They're here.
I mean, there's no doubt.

Just like old times.

I'd like to
take a look at him.

Yeah, let's bring him
up and take a look at him.

All right.

The Frenzy's already
falling behind this season,

but we've got a
quota extension.

And there's plenty of
time to make up ground.

Starting with this fish.

That's a big fish.

What does he weigh?

626 pounds
dressed, fellas.

He's a big one.

All right.
Nice big fish.

Let's see what,
what he looks like.

All right, cool.

Hey, fancy meeting you.
All right, here it is.

The truth teller.

It's red.

I don't see really any
fat in there, you know.

It looks pretty red throughout
the, the lobes here.

I don't see any burn
or anything, you know,

any detraction from it.

Let's check out the core.

It's gonna beautiful.

Look at that. Gorgeous.

Your handling is
always A plus, always.

So unfortunately, this is
not gonna be your greatest

fish of all times.

I'll pay you guys...

$8 a pound.

Eight bucks a pound
for a 600 pounder.

Hey, I can.

Five grand, man.
That's nice.


have been big this season.

And this jumbo
was no exception.

And now, that the
herds have arrived,

this competition is
about to get intense.

All right, we'll see
you in a couple days.

All right.
See you soon. Thanks, guys.

There's no excuse now.
You know, it's, it's game on.

Boys, that's a nice.

Yeah, I'm
excited about this one.

We beat Mike Tyson.

Hey, Doghouse crew.
Hey, Micah.

Big fish.
Big fish.

I can't wait
to check this fish out.

She's nice.
I'm telling you, nice.

You ready to see it?

Yeah, let's do it.
Check her out.

Every time we catch a fish,
your energy level goes up,

you're happy to
be in the lead.

We got five fish.

Life is good.

What is it?

485, that's great.


Let's go over
here and check it out.

This fish is red.

It's that nice
cherry color red.

The quality is good,
the color is good,

and it's got some fat
to it, so that's great.

Let's check
this, um, probe out.

I like
what I'm seeing.

not cloudy one bit.

Uh-hmm. It's not.

It has a consistent
color throughout.

How about the price?

Because there
is some more fish,

the market isn't as
high as it was earlier.

This is gonna be
a solid $9 fish.

I'll take it.
I'll take it.


Yeah, y'all
are happy, we're happy.

For sure.

Always good
to see you guys.

Yeah, thank you.

Doghouse is one fish ahead.

It feels incredible.

We can't worry about the
quota being extended or not.

We just got to stay in
the game and keep on doing

what we're doing.

I have full confidence in
both of my mates to staying

positive and put
the Doghouse ahead.

Pretty work, Cap.

Yeah, sir.
Thank you, Jesus.


We're falling in
right where we belong.

With an influx of
fishing arriving in the OBX,

Fishin' Frenzy,
Rasta Rocket and Little Shell

are able to capitalize
advancing their positions.

While Offshore Outlaw's
fourth giant bluefin

closes the gap between
them and leader Doghouse.

Captioned by
Cotter Media Group.