The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (2010–…): Season 1, Episode 15 - Reunion Pt. 2 - full transcript

Hosted by Bravo's Andy Cohen, the ladies of Beverly Hills, Taylor Armstrong, Camille Grammer, Adrienne Maloof , Kim Richards, Kyle Richards and Lisa Vanderpump get together to set the ...

- tonight...
- we're not supposed
to be good.
- what he wanted,
we weren't prepared to give him.
- what do you think kyle
has done to your reputation?
- I would not
necessarily believe
what you think you know
about lisa.
- what you just said
was so catty.
- yeah, it was catty.
You're right.
- she was a nasty piece
of work,
and she was looking
for trouble.
- is there love in the marriage?
- Oh, stop that.
- did everyone here
sign prenups?
- of course.
- Everything is a setup.
- here we go again.
- Welcome to beverly hills.
- I think doing porno
is a lot more corrupt
than doing a tasteful spread
in playboy.
- I've never met
a more despicable person
in my life.
- stop it.
- you are a liar and sick
and an alcoholic.
- do you have
a drinking problem?
- [cries]
- do you think that kyle
is jealous of you?
- no, I don't.
- well, now you say that
after you realize
that everyone has laughed
at you saying that
for a whole season, so...
- ouch. That's harsh.
- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
you're the one who said
all season that I was.
now--the blogs have all said,
"how could she say that?"
- what you just said
was so catty.
- yeah, it was catty.
You're right.
that was, but you have
said that all season.
- but that's how you act
towards me.
- hey, I don't hide.
the way I act towards you,
I am an open book.
i am not hiding anything.
- what do you think
that kyle
has done
to your reputation?
- she said this one word,
and it just kept going
and going and going and going.
- I don't know what other word
to use when I say--
when someone says one thing
and you hear something else,
i don't know another word
for that--I apologize.
i don't believe
that you made that up.
i believe that you hear that.
I believe you heard that.
i believe that.
I really do.
- but you're saying that I make
things up in my mind.
and I'm sorry.
I don't.
- I think you hear
things differently
than what people
are saying, yeah.
i don't think you make it up.
I think that you hear that.
- no. I'm gonna disagree
with you on that.
- okay, that's fine.
that wouldn't be
the first time.
- um, kim, you look
like you're gonna bust.
what do you want to say?
- Did I say that?
- I think I already did.
i mean, I was there--
I was definitely there
and overheard
the conversation.
and it was basically "so,
you know, what are you doing?
"oh, you're going to hawaii.
is kelsey going?"
- right.
- and--"so what are you going
to do there?"
you know. She said,
"well, I've got surfing."
and she mentioned a couple
things she was gonna do.
kyle was like,
"oh, that's cool."
and the next thing I know,
she's crying.
and I was like,
"oh, what happened?"
- well, let me ask you this--
is this a side to kyle
that you've seen?
is kyle a bully?
- no, not--not normally.
I've never seen kyle be
a bully before.
I've never seen her--
- I've seen her bully you.
- no, kyle's not a bully.
I'm sorry.
i'm gonna stand up
and defend her.
this was a misunderstanding.
it went horribly wrong,
and it just gathered momentum.
kyle is not a bully.
I won't let her have that label.
- I speak my mind,
but I'm not a bully.
- I feel--I feel--
- you felt--
You felt under attack.
you did at that time.
- Yes, I did.
- in the course
that we've been sitting here,
you blamed kyle
for bullying you
and kind of setting you up
on the show.
- I felt--
I'm not gonna say--
i felt at times
that I was being bullied.
- you blamed your--
The situation you were in
with kelsey as putting a lot
of pressure on you
and kind of--
- I don't know
if it's a blame.
it's just a fact.
It did put a lot of pressure.
i'm not just gonna blame it--
Yes, it's a fact.
- and you've talked
about things
that were taken
out of context,
or you feel like,
you know...
- I just didn't feel like
my character's rounded out.
- is there anything you
will take responsibility for,
that you can say,
"you know what? This I get"?
- well, like what I said
about kyle and--
well, actually,
allison said it first--
about kyle
and mauricio's marriage.
- he loves his nannies.
You can't fault him.
she's an icy bitch.
- he loves
more than his nannies.
- it was a heavy statement
that you made.
i mean, it was...
- I've known mauricio
for how long now--
several years?
And he's already been friendly.
but that doesn't mean--
- Friendly or flirting?
- you didn't mean it
like that, camille, you know.
at least fess up
to something, please.
you meant that to be
in a negative way.
you meant that
in a negative way.
- okay, yes, maybe I did.
- I'm thinking
about the viewer here.
- I can understand
where a viewer in america
is gonna sit there and go,
"oh, my gosh, "she's horrible.
how could she just say that?"
but then there's the stuff--
I'm like,
"well, you know, they take out
my philanthropic work.
and you don't see the side
of me with my kids."
there was something I did
with my girlfriend deidre.
something unfortunate happened
in her life that--
and I was boasting how I do
so many great things for people.
and, you know, there's
a beautiful scene on a beach.
and d.d. Comes to me,
and she brought it up
and said, "thank you so much
for helping me
and my husband out this year."
and that was never,
you know--
- that was the scene where you
compared yourself to jesus.
- I know.
That was so ridiculous.
- nothing better.
- I think I've helped
everybody out in this hot tub.
i have this jesus complex,
I think.
- yeah.
- I think that
was just pure stupidity.
- so then--
I mean, so then--
- honestly, that's just--
That's pure stupidity.
- so then in all of this--
So then in all of this stuff--
i mean, you came out
with some whoppers
that people really attached
themselves to.
- yes.
- at the end
of the season finale,
we were all surprised
to find out
that lisa and her
long-time sidekick, cedric,
had a sudden falling out.
besides giggy, it was cedric
who was always at lisa's side.
let's take a look.
- bend over.
It's not gonna hurt a bit.
- that's what you said
last time.
- cedric has lived with us
for a year,
nine months, three weeks,
two days, and...
what are you doing in here?
i was very disappointed
to see that
under all that dynamite,
there's, like,
a two-inch fuse.
- I just hope
he really is gay,
because he spends a lot of time
with my wife.
- what do you think, huh?
- You must be joking!
- lisa and cedric--
it's very
kind of strange dynamic.
- what else is good?
Give me compliments.
you know I like it.
- That's it.
that's the only thing
that's good.
i would like to see things
from his point of view,
but I don't think
I could get my head stuck
that far up my own ass.
if I ask you to do something,
i'm sorry, you got to do it.
you live in my house.
Drive my car. That's not cool.
i'm sorry.
It's not cool.
- I understand what
you're saying, it's fine.
- it's all right for you
to say we're moving on.
i say when we're moving on.
- he's been with us
over a year.
i know you feel responsible
for him, but a year is enough.
- stop.
I love you, okay?
cedric's story
is a painful one.
- never known my father,
and, uh, my mother
was a prostitute.
we lived on the streets.
one day, she just, um, left me
at a phone booth,
and she never came back.
i do have demons.
i'm aware of that,
you know?
- I see them. I see the way
you react to me sometimes.
I've opened my heart, my home,
my life to cedric.
of course
i'm always there for him,
but I want him
to move past this.
- so the two of you
were quite a duo.
- yes.
- and you had been
in each other's lives
for 15 years, yes?
- well, not as intensely
as the last year and a half.
he'd worked for us in london,
and he came here.
he kind of followed us here.
we paid for all
the immigration papers
and gave him a job
and ostensibly supported him,
treated him like one
of the family.
- what happened
between the two of you?
what was the falling out?
Was it over him moving out?
- well, we kept saying,
you know, "it's time to go."
- since maybe
the first episode.
- well, yeah, because
he'd been there over a year.
but I did feel--
Not maternal,
but I felt protective
of him,
because he didn't have
anywhere to go.
i was shocked
the way things turned out.
he suddenly
just turned round.
he--ken asked him once more,
"can you pick up your things
off the floor?"
and he got very nasty,
very aggressive.
he said, "I've packed
all my things.
they're at the door."
and as usual,
in cedric style,
he packed them all
in ken's suitcases.
but it was very upsetting.
and the last words
I said to him
was, "cedric, I do not want this
thrown back in my face."
and he screamed at me,
"you're not my mother!"
and I said,
"i'm not your mother."
but I've really tried
to help him.
i was warned by kyle,
in particular,
and many other of my friends.
they said
they didn't like the way--
they felt he was taking
advantage of us.
and I chose to ignore it.
- and so you just had
a huge fight
the day that he moved out,
and you never saw him again?
- no.
I didn't have a fight.
i absolutely didn't have
a fight.
he said, "I've had enough.
I'm going."
and he left.
and then within 24 hours,
he called us
at half past 6:00 in the morning
and said,
"i want to meet you."
and he went
to my husband's office.
and what he wanted,
we weren't prepared to give him.
and he said, "i'll give you
a few days to think about it."
and ken was, like, devastated.
- didn't you file
a police report?
- yeah, I did, which I've never
made public or said before.
- oh, sorry.
- That's okay.
but, um, yeah,
we filed a police report.
we took advice
from two friends
who'd been kind of victim
to this kind of
circumstance before.
but apart from that,
it was emotionally devastating.
- he wanted money from you?
- I can't say that.
but he said he had no money.
and he said he'd been offered
to sell his story.
and I said,
"well, this is irrelevant."
it was just vile.
That's--ken's very fair.
he's very decent
and has certainly been
more than generous to him
in every aspect of his life.
he was in my will,
for god's sake.
i mean,
I know it sounds ridiculous,
but he was part
of the family.
- did you ever question
his motives?
- I wish I had. No.
I'm stupid.
i feel a fool
for being taken like that.
every word that came out
of his mouth was a lie
that he said to ken.
and ken said,
"you're lying to me."
and he said, "it doesn't matter.
They'll believe me."
he said he didn't have
a family.
i find out now that he has
sisters or whatever.
yeah, he'll go a long way
to find another idiot like me.
- coming up...
- I mean, I've looked
after that man
and given him everything.
I've never met a more despicable
person in my life.
- we are back with the real
housewives of beverly hills.
we wondered what life
outside of the comfy confines
of vanderpump manor
is like for cedric
and what exactly
he's been up to
since his split with lisa.
watch this.
- since I left ken and lisa,
i'm really pursuing the acting.
I've been taking
a lot of classes
and, you know,
getting to auditions
and getting myself out there,
and we'll see what happens.
good to see you.
- Good. Nice seeing you.
- I am ready.
- Great.
- ready and--
- Practiced up?
- I have practiced.
- Good.
- so let's see how bad
I am today.
- no. Confidence, my friend.
- all right, go ahead.
the argument that day
that we had
wasn't really the main cause
of why I've decided to leave.
it was really a buildup.
you know, we got
to where we are now
because it's been building up
for such a long time.
it just came to a point
where her ego was so big
that I just couldn't take it.
she was so controlling.
you know, I'm not giggy.
bottom line is I've got fur,
and I'm not giggy.
- turn on the sexy.
- Right.
- that's what you do, and you
obviously do it very well.
- a typical day
working for lisa
would be waking up
in the morning--
well, being woken up
by her voice over the intercom,
going to the gym with her...
- Oh, that's a lie.
- listen to her talk
and me sit on the floor.
so I was, um, her companion.
it's not like I was on a salary
or anything.
being with ken and lisa
was, you know,
getting paid in flowers
and puppies.
um, so, yeah, unfortunately,
that's not currency
that's accepted
very much places, so...
when I think about it,
it just makes me sad, really,
of what they'd become.
she's just a parody
of herself, you know?
welcome to beverly hills.
it's all about,
you know, outside.
it really is.
It's that shallow.
and this is all
they care about.
and I would want
to shake her
and say, "lisa,
come back to reality.
"you used to be fun.
"now people are walking
away from you.
"just look around you.
Who's around you right now?
"people you've known
for a year or two?
these are not your friends."
- good. Much better.
- Really?
- yeah. Absolutely.
- All right, great.
- I'm sure you'll do great.
Thanks, cedric.
- thank you so much, elizabeth.
lisa's very good at giving
an impression of herself
that's not necessarily what
she's actually trying to do.
she's all angel face.
and underneath, it's a whole
different matter, you know?
so I would not necessarily
believe what she says
or what you think you know
about lisa.
- yeah, nasty,
actually, really, um...
really nasty, hurtful.
um, I think when the cameras
follow you for months
that they really do get
an accurate picture
of who you are.
i can see
he's just being vicious
and trying to discredit me.
i have no respect
for him whatsoever.
but as far as I'm concerned,
he's a lying,
egotistical, narcissistic,
vindictive, vile piece of--
you know what?
I'll stop right there.
- he lived with you for free
for a year and nine months...
- 100%. 100%.
- and doesn't contest that.
- No.
- and then...
- slaughters me or tries to.
but you know what?
Even saying I have friends
for a year or two,
that's absolute nonsense.
martin, for example,
who's there,
I've known for 25 years
and my friend,
20 years, deanna,
who's actually
in cedric's room now,
for 20 years.
you know, I mean, I could go on.
- I know a lot of your friends.
- that's absolutely not true.
- you know,
that's all nonsense.
but I see
what he's trying to do.
every one of you said to me,
"you're making a mistake."
- really?
- Yeah, kyle especially.
- well, she was being taken
advantage of.
and now he wants
his 15 minutes.
- because he's so fame-hungry.
- remember the paparazzi?
- yeah. And you called that,
and I defended him.
and I was wrong.
- it was my birthday, and paris
was sitting next to me.
he would not leave
behind her head,
to the point where she was like,
"what is he doing?"
because they were taking
and he was just, like...
[imitates whooshing]
- but that's life, isn't it?
You win some, you lose some.
and I definitely lost this one.
- There you go.
joining us
for the reunion show
are the real housewives'
- How you doing?
- ken...
- Hi, andy.
- russell...
- Good to see you, andy.
- and paul.
- Andy.
i want to get right to them.
let's start with you, paul.
jenny from port huron, michigan,
wants to know--
"why do you think adrienne
is always critical of you?"
- well, that's a good question.
- Be careful.
- let me see how the best way
to answer that.
- you have to leave
with me tonight, so be careful.
- I know. I know.
I know.
we like bickering.
I think it's fun.
that's how we get along.
- Yeah. That's true.
- adrienne said
it's how you communicate.
- one thing that's important,
I think, for couples
is if you have something
on your mind, get it out fast.
don't hold it in.
Don't build it up.
just get it out.
- that's kind of how
our relationship works.
- getting in there
and getting it over with?
- yeah.
- That wasn't sex advice.
- I know, right?
- heather
from riverside, california,
has a very personal question.
she wants to know if either
of you signed a prenup.
- of course.
- absolutely.
- camille?
- camille is the luckiest
of everybody.
- loves it.
- Good for you.
- did everyone here
sign prenups?
- they didn't exist when we got
married 30 years ago.
- we did not.
We didn't need a prenup.
- no, taylor?
- No.
- so none of you did,
but adrienne. All right.
russell, I'm wondering
what it was like for you
watching taylor upset
confiding in kyle
about your relationship.
- it was difficult.
you know, the last three years
have been very challenging
for the entire country.
and I've candidly been working
80-hour weeks.
and it's very easy
to get preoccupied
with kids and business
and just the day-to-day grind.
- hope from phoenix, arizona,
said, "russell,
what did you think
"when you heard
that your wife was afraid
you might trade her in
for a 20-year-old?"
- I don't have the energy
for a 20-year-old, so...
i wasn't that concerned.
- okay, this is for mauricio.
from pine bluff, arizona,
says, "mauricio,
you are so hot.
"kyle, you've said
that since the show aired,
"women have been sending
mauricio racy photos.
how explicit
are these photos?"
- there was a nude photo
of a lady that, uh,
you know,
was very, uh, blunt.
- I got a photo as well.
she was 86.
- amanda
from danbury, connecticut,
says, "mauricio,
now that camille and kelsey
"are divorcing,
has kelsey hired you back
as his realtor?"
- no, but I have.
- have you?
- Well, we've been talking.
i'm sure you're still gonna talk
to kelsey too.
- I would love that.
- I'm sure.
i don't even talk to him,
so I couldn't
answer that for you.
- sean from aurora,
colorado, says,
"ken, when lisa announced
to the world
"that you two only had sex
on christmas and your birthday,
how did that make you feel?"
- well,
it made me feel terrible,
because she was lying.
we also have it
on valentine's day.
it's unbelievable
that she would Miss out
valentine's day.
- you know, by the way,
we just celebrated christmas.
how was it?
- I'm shattered.
- Valentine's day's coming up.
it was
absolutely phenomenal.
the earth moved.
I mean, it lasted all of--
a couple of puffs
and a big grunt,
and it was all done.
sorry, darling.
I'm really sorry.
- was it that long?
- you have
a great sense of humor.
- with her, I have to.
- we talked a lot
about cedric earlier.
obviously, that story ended
very poorly.
and I'm wondering if you,
beyond wanting him
out of the house,
did you suspect?
- I didn't have one inkling
that it would happen as it did.
i mean, I'd looked
after that man
and given him everything--
cars, paid for his visa,
paid for his flights,
put him up for--in my home,
taken him all over the world
on my boat.
my kids accepted him
as part of the family.
what happened in the end
was just totally
out of left field.
it really upset lisa,
because she's
a very caring person
and loves her family
and loves her friends.
and for him to do that
to our family and to her--
and how I kept my hands
off him
when he said to me
the day he left,
"i [bleep] hate your wife,
and I hate you,
and I hate
your [bleep] kids"...
- oh, my god.
- I was dumbstruck.
how I didn't hit him,
I will never know to this day.
and when I told lisa,
she was just devastated.
i didn't tell her
everything he said,
because he made out he was gonna
say things about us.
and, uh, I said to him,
"I've never met
a more despicable person
in my life."
- wow.
- "I've looked after you
almost like a son,
"and you've done this to me
and my family.
"i'll never forgive you.
i never want
to see you again."
hate him. Hate him.
Hate him.
- it's terrible.
- to do it to her,
who is the most loving,
generous person--
i mean, I've been married
to her 30 years.
i know everything about her.
- ken's very protective of me.
and I think he felt
that I'd, you know, really
kind of been very generous
emotionally with cedric
and tried to help him,
so it was very difficult.
- well, guys,
thank you very much
for being a part of this show,
both tonight
and all season long.
it's great to see you,
and you're great sports.
there's a lot more
from the ladies of beverly hills
when we return.
coming up...
the elephant in the room
is, you know,
do you have
a drinking problem?
- we are back
with the real housewives
of beverly hills reunion.
sophie from sanford,
north carolina, says,
"kyle, you bully kim
on a regular basis,
"from little jabs
to condescending giggles
"to outright attacks.
"watching it on tv,
do you see
how you can come off as mean?"
- yes, I d--
I can see that.
we've always had
this relationship
where we joke a lot.
- but what comes off
on the show
is it doesn't seem
like playful teasing.
- no, I know.
when I'm upset with her,
you know, we're sisters.
and it's a much more complex
relationship than with friends.
- you seem like
the dominant person
in your relationship.
- I-i-I think so.
- do you think
that kyle bullies you?
- it's like she misplaces
her anger,
but you take it out
on the people you love.
and I understand.
- she's not any pushover.
Believe me.
we just don't always
see that.
- well, camille,
you referenced
that you thought that kyle
was a bully.
what do you think
when you watch their--
the sisters' relationship?
- I think
that kyle's tough on kim.
i know kyle's
been tough on me.
i don't have to say
anything else.
- we do clash at times.
i could be
a lot more gentle with kim.
it's not
always one-sided, right?
- yeah.
- maybe sometimes
i'm a little strong.
but it's who I am.
you know, my mom
was very strong too.
- you're a lot like mom.
- I'm a lot like my mom.
maybe I just am...
[voice breaking]
sometimes too tough on her.
- but it could be 'cause
you really care about her too.
- oh, I do, and I don't know
why I'm so, um...
- yeah.
- I mean, I...
- Worry about her.
- what are you upset about?
- I don't know.
I don't know.
- you think
you're too tough on her?
i think I just think
maybe tough love sometimes--
i take it
a little too far, maybe.
- has it been hard for you
having your relationship
magnified on tv?
- [crying]
yes, it's been hard.
- what are you feeling?
- I feel at times
she is a little too hard on me.
and I'm very sensitive.
and I love her, and I don't want
to fight with her.
she's the last person I want
to fight with in the world.
and so when I hear her talk
like that,
it just makes me maybe
understand a little or...
i don't know.
- why do you think
she's hard on you?
have you given her
a reason to be?
- no. We've been through--
We're sisters.
we've been through...
everything together.
- okay.
well, to say kyle
and kim's relationship
is complicated
is an understatement.
combine love, history,
family pressure, and obligation,
and you end up
with an explosive mix.
- to my sister--what
a wonderful, wonderful mother.
i love you.
- Thank you.
hey, don't squish my bag.
kim and I seem
to see things differently
no matter what we do.
you think
taco bell's mexican.
- I like the americanized
- even the way you say it
doesn't sound real.
it's "salsa."
- when they're
really going at it,
it's like a game of ping-pong.
[clicking tongue]
- blah blah blah blah.
- blah blah blah.
kyle, when she was younger,
was, like, my baby.
i took care of her.
over the years,
she's become protective over me.
- want to go sit
back home alone?
- I know. I don't want
the pressure like that.
- jimmy cracked corn, kim.
i don't care what you're telling
me right now.
- as much as she loves me,
it's like
she puts me down a lot.
- I think the last house we saw
was a good one.
i don't know why you don't
just take that one.
you're gonna end up being
in this big house by yourself.
- you have a house.
You have a husband.
you have kids. You know
where you're gonna live.
i don't.
- Just do it on your own.
- I think loyalty
between sisters
is trusting
that the other one
will be behind you
no matter what.
- my sister was sitting
right there.
kim, you were sitting
right there.
- I don't think that I'm--
I get nervous.
- I promised my mom
when she was dying
that I would look after
my sister kim.
- I've been a great
[bleep] sister to you.
and I think you're being
[bleep] out of line.
- really? In new york
at the table,
forget you're my sister,
you knew the truth,
and you didn't speak up.
and you were
the only one who heard.
sometimes I think I just can't
do this anymore with her.
- what you did tonight
was unforgivable.
- I didn't do anything, kim.
- I've always had your back.
- No, you have not, kim.
- I took care of my whole family
growing up.
i bought her her first car,
bought our home.
you know, I did it all.
- you are...
- gosh, kyle.
Look at you.
- you need to get help.
and mom had to die
worrying about you
and stressing about you
and leave this [bleep]
on my shoulders.
after everything
that I have done for you,
everything I've done for you,
i'm always there for you...
- everything
you've done for me?
- yeah. Yeah.
Everything I've done for you.
- you stole
my god damn house!
- did you hear
what you just said, kim?
oh, are you out
of your [bleep] mind?
you are so sick.
my husband has helped you
every month
and stood by you
and taken care of you, okay,
like you're a second
[bleep] wife.
so [bleep] you
for talking like that.
- you're a [bleep] liar.
- you better [bleep]
take that back right now.
you better [bleep]...
- stop it. Stop. Stop.
- right now.
you are a liar and sick
and an alcoholic.
You are an alcoholic.
yes, that's right.
That's right.
I've said it.
Now everybody knows.
so get the hell--
Get the hell--quiet.
- guess who drinks
all god damn day.
- stop it!
- I'm getting out.
You are so demented.
kim, I want you to know
something right now.
anything we've ever helped
you with is over.
you're on your own now.
we're done.
- and I'm not sure
if I will ever
be able to talk
to her again.
this is really bad.
- painful to watch.
what were you feeling
that night?
- I--just--I was--
I don't know.
- you were--
- I think, you know, andy,
at this point right now,
we're at the point
where we're trying
to rebuild our relationship
from the biggest fight
we've ever had.
i love my sister.
and I've never had a fight
like that with her,
and I don't ever want to.
and we didn't talk
for a long time.
and we're finally
talking again.
- how long did you not speak?
- long enough.
- and you came back together?
- we're working on it.
and--and I love her,
no matter what.
in a heated moment,
things were said and done
that you just want
to take back and you can't.
and that's why I'm just
not gonna go there.
- were you surprised
by the intensity
of your sister's anger
that night?
- like I said,
i really don't want to discuss
that night at all.
it's behind me, and I want
to move forward with my sister.
i love her.
I want to make everything right.
and everything
is really good today.
and I'd like to keep it
that way.
- where did your anger
come from that night?
- um...
it's private--
Just private stuff,
things I don't,
you know...
i really--
I don't want to do this.
I don't want to do this.
can I--can you switch seats
with me, camille?
- sure.
- um...
i wish I didn't,
you know...
i would give anything to take
back that night--anything.
that's been
the hardest thing.
it created so much anxiety
the past few months.
it's been really painful.
i just don't think
that, um, we can do it.
- [crying]
it was a really...
a really difficult night.
- there were
so many accusations.
there was so much anger.
and what I was struck by
was how deep back it went.
- it was just a lot of stuff
that led up to it
that made me snap
at that point.
- like what?
- I can't--
Just private things.
- were you surprised
seeing this play out?
- it was definitely hard
to watch.
- yeah. That was very, um--
Very emotional.
I've seen more
of kyle's point of view,
because I'm closer to kyle
and speak to her
on a daily basis.
i know that she goes
out of her way
to protect her sister.
but I think there are issues
that need to be confronted
that haven't, really,
or been dealt with.
- what issues?
- you heard
kyle saying to kim,
"you've got a problem."
maybe you should ask
kyle that.
- at the end of the fight,
you said, "you're an alcoholic."
- I don't want to talk
about that.
- this is a long history.
and there's, I think,
a lot of scars,
and we all understand
a little bit
about what that might mean.
- you started the fight.
- what fight
did I start now?
- I'm sorry. The fight
kind of started as a result
of what happened with you
up at the party.
- I had nothing
to do with it.
and it's, like, you had
all the opportunity in the world
to stop what was happening
between camille and kyle.
and instead it went on
and on and on and on.
and I really feel like
i shouldn't have been
dragged into it.
i was just gonna say
very quickly to kim,
like, "i don't know why we have
all this conflict.
"but, you know,
just going forward,
i don't want
to be dragged in."
but then she jumped up,
and I think there...
[clears throat] may have been
other factors at play
in her personality
that evening.
- she had been drinking
is what you're saying.
- well, I don't know.
but instead of it being
a calm conversation,
she jumped up immediately,
we started arguing,
and it just became so much
bigger than I had intended.
and it really went off
in a crazy direction.
- and also, when any kind
of drink's involved,
people don't really say
exactly what they mean.
we all know that.
I've had enough bars and clubs
to see regrets.
and I think
that often plays into it.
- I think everyone's being
really kind.
and the elephant in the room
is, you know,
do you have
a drinking problem?
- no, there's nothing
i want to talk
about that night at all.
thank you.
- well, I'm sorry that,
for the two of you,
that scene went down the way
that it did.
and I'm so happy
to see you both sitting there
repairing your relationship,
because I think that a lot
of what we did see in the show
was so much love
between the two of you.
and I look forward to watching
the two of you more.
- I love you.
- Love you.
- we'll be right back
after this.
coming up next...
- you know,
unless you're a nun,
you shouldn't be talking
like that.
- and I don't profess
to be a nun.
- I think doing porno
is a lot more corrupt
than doing a tasteful spread
in playboy.
- we are back
with the real housewives
of beverly hills reunion.
well, one of the most
talked about dinner parties
in housewives history
two feuding housewives,
a socialite made famous
by the o.j. Simpson trial,
a world-renowned psychic,
an electric cigarette,
and plenty
of camille cocktails.
take a look.
- it's a girls' night,
so we're not supposed
to be good.
- I thought
she was a little strange.
but I guess if you're talking
to dead people,
you would be.
- and she was, like...
[inhales deeply]
[exhales deeply]
- you know
how I know her?
she posed naked in playboy
after the o.j. Trial.
the morally corrupt
faye resnick.
- well, couldn't you
just tell us stuff
without telling us
anything scary?
- I'm off the clock.
- she's off the clock.
- he will never emotionally
fulfill you, ever.
- she definitely was starting
to piss me off.
- if you're over it,
then leave--walk.
you've got two legs
the last time we checked.
- ooh.
- you are not interesting
to me at all.
you are entirely washed up.
- oh, my gosh.
i was waiting for kyle
to fly across the table.
- this is all [bleep] to me.
- all right. You're a weak--
You're a weak female.
i can tell you
when she will die
and what will happen
to her family.
i love that about me.
- flippin' haunted house
at disneyland.
i just want to get
out of here.
- you started this!
- What?
- I mean, it was a few clowns
short of a circus.
- oh, my.
- Oh, exhausting.
- are you gonna make us
relive this?
- well, yeah, 'cause I have
a lot of questions.
- oh, my god.
- you know, camille,
so allison is your friend.
- yes, she's a friend.
- as she's going on
and the night is going on,
what's going through
your mind?
- I was uncomfortable.
the whole evening
made me uncomfortable.
- did you bring her
as backup?
- I wanted my friends
by my side.
i mean, I don't know
if she was backup.
- and you with faye resnick?
- I'm not gonna lie,
I was happy I had her with me.
- you both knew
what you were doing.
i mean...
- Yeah.
- but there wasn't
any attack planned.
it's not like that at all.
It wasn't.
- um, charlotte
from alliance, ohio, says,
"kyle, there wouldn't
have been fireworks
"if you hadn't insisted
on a reading.
do you feel responsible
for starting it all?"
- um, no,
because I was already feeling
kind of a weird vibe
from her.
i did push for the reading,
though, and they did warn me.
but I figured
I could handle it.
- trishna
from flagstaff writes--
"camille, you admitted
"allison hits below the belt
when she drinks.
"and what did you do?
"serve her giant cocktails
all night.
the night played out exactly
how you wanted it, didn't it?"
- no, it didn't play out
exactly how I wanted it to.
um, I wasn't serving her
and forcing drinks
down her throat.
- I think you saw it spiraling
out of control.
and I saw camille absolutely
move the drinks
away from allison.
but it was--it did start
to spiral very quickly.
- did you think
that she was out of line
when it was all said
and done?
- watching it over
and over again,
it makes me feel
very uncomfortable.
- oh, she was so far
out of line, camille,
saying about mauricio...
- but I just don't want to say
anything about somebody--
- no, I understand that.
Let me say it for you.
she was a nasty piece of work,
and she was looking for trouble.
- did you feel ambushed?
- mm, I didn't feel ambushed.
i felt like
it was a setup, though,
'cause her first comment
to me was, you know,
"your husband
will never fulfill you."
after I did push
for the reading, I know.
- gabby from austin, texas,
said, "camille,
"you went out of your way
to embarrass faye resnick
"by bringing up her spread
in playboy,
"but you glossed over your own
soft-core-porn past.
don't you think
that's mighty hypocritical?"
- well, the way you present it,
it sounds hypocritical,
- as a viewer watching it,
you went out of your way
to say, "oh, wait,
I know who you are.
you posed in playboy."
- I did.
- it was very--
It was a very loaded--
- okay, I have to say
when faye first shakes
my hand,
i'm very open.
I'm like, "hi, faye. Welcome."
and she goes, "hi."
she kind of gives
that, like, fake smile.
hey. Camille grammer.
Welcome to my house.
- thank you.
- Thank you for coming.
- very sweet.
- and she walks away,
and she turns her head,
and you see
that little fake smile
i just don't like that.
i want people
to be really sincere.
- why did you call her
morally corrupt?
- you know, you go,
you write a book
about your friend's murder,
and then you do playboy
after that?
- three years after that.
you know,
unless you're a nun,
you shouldn't be talking
like that.
- I never said I was a nun.
and I don't profess
to be a nun.
- I think doing porno
is a lot more corrupt
than doing a tasteful spread
in playboy.
- that was harsh, kyle.
that's harsh,
and it's hurtful.
- I'm just saying that if you--
When you have that past,
for you to sit there and call
someone morally corrupt,
that is inappropriate.
you don't even know her
to talk like that.
- then why was she showing
naked pictures of me
behind my back in the limo
after the dinner party?
- I already told you
that wasn't her.
it was me.
I already told you that.
i'm the one who had it
on my blackberry.
- then what does it say
about you?
- well, it's not like we were
exactly best friends, camille.
- I think that's awful too.
i think that's tasteless.
I think that's rude.
- well, you're the one
who did it, not me.
- but why would you have it
saved in your blackberry?
- it wasn't saved.
I don't delete all--
you know how many emails
I have in there?
i don't delete them all.
- nice cover-up.
Nice cover.
- well, you can look
at my blackberry now.
i can go back
to almost nine months ago.
- it was a setup.
- well, you can think that,
you think everything
is a setup.
- no, I don't--
Not everything, just that.
- you don't take responsibility
for anything you do.
- oh, I do. I take a lot
of responsibility
for a lot of things
that I do.
- so it was tasteless for me to
look at an email someone sent,
but it's not tasteless
what you did?
- oh, and it just happened
at that time leaving my house.
you just happened to pop
upon that email.
- if you're gonna do it,
just own it.
- I'm proud of anything I did
in my 20s.
- well, then you should be.
then don't be so upset
about me looking at it
when someone's sent it
to me on my blackberry.
- that's a setup.
- she thinks everything
is a setup.
- oh, stop that.
Here we go.
- camille, I had that
in my blackberry for two weeks.
- here we go
with the delusional, right?
- I didn't say
you're delusional.
- but you're saying setup.
but these are the two words
that you use.
- who just said--
didn't you just say
this was a setup?
i didn't say that.
- I did.
- it's a little bit
of a standoff there.
- mm-hmm.
- Mm-hmm.
- allison said
some pretty intense stuff
about all of you
behind your backs.
- terrible.
- kyle was every girl
at a high school
that made somebody kill
i almost shoved this
up her [bleep] ass
just to prove a point.
except I think she'd need
a bigger one than this
to even feel it.
if any of their children
they wouldn't be like,
"you were wrong."
they'd be like,
"can you help?"
[bleep] them.
- what was your reaction
when you heard that?
- I thought
that was disgusting.
i thought it was one
of the meanest,
uh, mean-girl sessions
I've ever seen
to talk
about someone's children
or, "i know when
she's going to die."
i think that was terrible.
- That was despicable.
- yeah, she said, "if any
of their children go missing..."
- yeah, that was horrible.
- yeah, there are some things
that were said
that weren't very nice.
- the number-one question
that we got for this reunion,
asked over and over
and over again--
"camille, if allison
is so psychic,
did she warn you
about kelsey's infidelity?"
- I know.
i think the read that she
was getting on her was me.
- hmm.
- Hmm.
- you do?
- I definitely do.
- okay, before we move on,
does anyone have anything they
want to get off their chests
about that dinner?
- I would say--
The only thing I would say
is I think
that we would've--
i think we could have circled
the wagons and had a nice dinner
if it weren't
for the extra people
that were in the room.
i think we were all ready
to be on the same page.
- well, I think
that's irrelevant.
i mean, they were there,
and what happened happened.
- I did stand up.
when we--
You got up to leave,
and then I said, "i'm glad
that new york's behind us."
and then you started in
with me again about new york.
- you really want to talk
about new york again?
- is there hope for the two
of you to be friends.
- I'm cautiously optimistic,
but I'm always optimistic.
that's just the person I am.
so I would love
to be friends with kyle.
- it's just so strange
what's happened with us.
it really is,
because I also feel the same.
and I just don't know.
i just think, you know,
we really are so different.
- coming up next...
any regrets?
- [sighs]
i have a lot of regrets.
- where does your
lovelife stand now?
are you seeing anyone?
- No.
- no?
- I mean, I'm dating.
i'm dating.
- well, adrienne, you have
a few single brothers.
- I know.
- would any of them
be right for kim?
- I don't know.
i don't know if I wanna
go there with you, kim.
no, I got great
brothers, but...
they're so busy,
and you're kind of
standoffish right now,
so I don't know
if that'd be a good match.
who knows?
Maybe in the future.
- welcome back
to our final moments
with the real housewives
of beverly hills.
it has been
a remarkable first season.
any regrets?
- oh, my gosh.
- No, none at all.
but there were moments
that were difficult.
i have to be honest.
- Taylor?
- um, I-I think the only thing
that I regret
maybe is
the oklahoma comment to kim.
- kyle?
- [Sighs]
where do I begin?
i regret what's happened
between camille and me.
i regret not handling
any issues
i have with my sister or anger
I may have towards her better.
um, I think
that I can walk away from this
that I've learned a lot.
- adrienne?
- I probably have to ditto
what lisa said.
i don't have any regrets.
- kim, any regrets for you,
or are you glad you did it?
- no, I have regrets.
i'm glad I did it,
but I have regrets.
i regret the arguing
between taylor and i.
i regret the arguing
between my sister and i.
but I don't regret
making wonderful friends
and being where I'm at today,
which is in a great place.
- camille donatacci grammer.
- [sighs]
- bumpy ride for you.
- Very difficult.
i have a lot of regrets.
and to kyle, I'm so sorry.
i feel awful.
I've had a really tough year.
and that's no excuse.
- well, my only regret
is that the first season
of the real housewives
of beverly hills
has come to an end.
i want to leave this affair
with a champagne toast.
champagne or sparkling cider--
The choice is yours.
lisa, take us out
on a toast.
do you have anything clever
in your bag of tricks?
- I don't, actually, but I just
really say it from the heart,
that I've had an incredible time
with all these women.
and I want to thank
everybody so much.
and I love each
and every one of you.
- to beverly hills.
- To beverly hills.
all: cheers.
- to beverly hills.
- To beverly hills.
- [sighs]
I feel like I've been shagged
through a hedge backwards.
- she's stealing my lines.
- to learn more about
the housewives,