The Mist (2017): Season 1, Episode 9 - The Waking Dream - full transcript

Adrian arrives at the mall with somber news for Eve and Alex; meanwhile, the mall residents start to turn against them.

- Previously
on "The Mist..."

- Every act of destruction
is an act of creation.

That is why
the Black Spring is here.

- If I see you touching her,

I will put a bullet

in whatever body part
you touch her with.

- What can I do?
- Find me a room.

- Hey! You can't do this!
- Watch me.

- What do you think
they're gonna say

when they know
you have your own supply?

- Help!

It was Alex. I saw her
running away from here.

- No one could love you.
- Alex loves me.

- Until she finds someone
that can -- her.

- I did.
- Adrian, please. Please, don't.

- I'm sorry.
[ cocks gun ]

- Adrian, what happened?

[ crying ]
- He's dead.

[ music ]

- Oh...

[ deep breaths ]

- Hold on. It's me. It's me.
- Where are they?

- Th-they're gone.
Come on. Follow me.

Come on.
- Okay.

Come on.

Come on. Hurry.

This way.

- My God.
- Come on.

We have to get inside.

[ Panting ]
- Where is he?

- Where's who?

KEVIN: Adrian.

The kid I was with.

- He was in the car
with your friends.

Yeah, they all thought
you were dead.

You're lucky
I wanted to stay behind.

- I have to go.

I have to go now.

- I don't think you're
going anywhere, man.

You've got a massive lump
on your head.

- You don't understand.
That kid's a monster.

He raped--

He raped my daughter.

I have to get to them.

- We should have checked
just to be sure.

- Yeah, so we all
could have died?

- I told you
it was too late.

- Why'd he do it?

Your dad?

- When I was 11.

Some tiny-dicked jackass
beat my face to shit.

He said faggots weren't allowed
on school grounds.

When I got home,
my mom freaked.

She drove me
to the kid's house

and forced him to apologize.

Then we got back home
and the fun started.

My dad called me a pussy.

If I was getting
my ass kicked,

there must have been
a reason.

Then he beat the shit
out of both of us.

This is just him trying
to finish what he started.

[ door unlocking ]

- There's half an energy bar
and some water.

- Why bother?
- Excuse me?

- Feeding me.

Why not just let me die?

- Because I'm not
a sociopath like you.

- You either want me dead
or you let me go.

- Didn't realize you were
calling the shots here.

- Please.
Just let me out of here.

I promise
to leave her alone.

- I can't trust you.

- I care about her.
- Shut your mouth.

- I didn't touch her
that night.

EVE: You keep saying that.

You're just like
your father,

always blaming others
for your own failures.

- That's one more thing
you're wrong about.

He thinks I raped her, too.

Father of the -- year.

- If you're looking for pity,
look elsewhere.

- I never imagined
I'd feel so safe in a sewer.

- I'm glad you approve.

- You sure you know
where you're going?

- This line goes
all the way to the mall.

Had to come down here
once or twice.

This guy, he had just robbed
one of the stores in the mall,

stole a bunch of cash
and shit.

We looked at all
the security tapes,

but that guy
just disappeared.

He wasn't inside the mall.

So we searched
the whole building,

found the sewer line.

Figured that's the way he went,
so I followed.

- Did you capture him?

- We heard him scream.

Pundik and I,
we caught up to him,

asked him what happened.

He saw a bunch of rats.

He was terrified of them.

NATHALIE: They're incredible
survivors, you know.

Even through
the worst of times.

- Yeah, and they carry
the worst diseases.

Can we keep moving?

carry diseases, too.

It's the endless cycle
of life and death.

- You know what? I don't want
to talk about rats anymore.

- You're sure this
is what we're meant to do?

- You're not here
to question Her path.

We're only survivors
just like the rats.

- We have a problem.

- What's the matter?

- Shelley's dead.

EVE: What?

What happened?

- Gus found her body.
She was beaten to death.

- Do they know who did it?

- I heard them talking
about Alex.

They're blaming her.

- They're going
to come after her.

Where is she?

- She went out
to look for Jay.

- I'll find her.
Then we need to leave.

- How are we going to get
anywhere without a car?

Nothing's working.
- Look for a map.

We'll find the closest
public building,

and we'll make a run for it.

[ knock on door ]

- We've got a full panic
on our hands.

- I'm aware of that.

- Then what are you
going to do about Alex,

other than hide up here?

- What are they saying?

- They're saying
we need to find Alex.

They're calling
for her to hang.

They think she's evil.

- That's a bit of a stretch.

- You saw her kill a woman,

- Yeah.

- Sounds evil to me.

Now what do you want
to do about it?

- Well, we can't have
a murderer walking around.

- Right.

- We'll send her out
into the mist.

- Now what do we do
about Eve?

- I don't know yet.

[ rustling ]

- Hey, you hungry?

- No, thanks.

[ sigh ]

Why'd you stay?

- I found an old TV antenna
on top of the roof.

Figured I could use it
to boost my radio signal.

Then I found you.

- Glad you did.

How long have I been out?

- Mm, not long.

I tried to wake you up
a couple of times.

I read that having a concussion
and going to sleep

isn't a good thing.

I figured you needed it.

- I didn't see it.

What was inside of him.

We're about two miles
from the mall.

We can make it.

- How?

- House-hop.

Go four or five houses
at a time,

break in,
wait for it to thin out.

- That'll take forever.

- It'll take
as long as it takes.

[ car engine]

[ engine turns off]

[ sigh ]

- You okay?

- How do you want
to do this?

- We avoid
the people inside.

From what that Vic guy said,
we don't want any part of that.

- I'll find them.

You guys
can do a supply run.

- You shouldn't go alone.

He's just a kid.

- Sorry to remind you, but
you guys are escaped convicts.

If I get caught,
I have an excuse.

- What's that?

- My parents are dead,
and I have nowhere else to go.

- So you wanna break the lock
or is it my turn?

- I've got this.

[ gunshot ]

Are you sure?

- I'm sure.

[ sigh ]
- I hate this place.

- Let's go shopping.

- Ready?

- Yeah, just grabbing
a few things.

Always be prepared
or whatever.

[ suspenseful music playing]

- Come on, come on, come on.

Go, go, go, go, go.

[ pounding ]

[ both panting ]

- Well, maybe three houses
at a time

is more conducive
to our athletic prowess.

[ suspenseful music playing ]

- Everything happened
so fast.

My dad...he came after me.


he jumped in the way.

[ crying ]

It was my idea
to check on him.

We shouldn't
have even been there.

I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.

And all I wanted to do
after it happened was find you

to make sure
you were okay...

because we're--we're family.

[ sniffs ]

[ sigh ]

[ eerie music ]

- Hello?

- Alex, we have to go.

- What? Go where?

- The other group, they're
blaming you for Shelley's death.

- Shelley's dead?
I don't understand.

Why would they?--
- Shh.

They're looking
for someone to blame.

- What are we gonna do?

- We need to hide until we can
figure out a way out of here.

You can't be
out in the open.

[ rat squeals ]

- Oh, oh, aah!
[ thud ]

- Trevor!

- Help! Help.

- It's okay. It's okay.
We'll come get you.

We need to climb down.

- We can't carry him.

- What are you waiting for?
We need to go get him.

- I think Trevor's journey
ends here.

[ Trevor moans ]

- You want to leave him?

After everything
we've done for you?

TREVOR: Help me.

[ groans ] Aah!

- Connor, please,
please help us.


TREVOR: Ursula.

- Listen to me.

I will climb down there

I'll help him back up.

- Ursula, we can't carry him
all the way there.

- Then we will get help.

- When a gazelle is injured,
the herd moves on.

Otherwise they'd be eaten
by predators.

- My husband
is not an animal.

- Oh, that's where
you're wrong.

Don't you see?

He'll become
part of the circle.

- Connor, please.

- We should move on.

- You crazy bitch!
You can't do this to him!

- Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa.

That's enough.
That's enough.

- She is insane.

We all believed in her,

and now she's just
going to abandon him?

- It's okay, Ursula.

It's okay, it's okay.

- Okay.

- I'm not gonna abandon

- Okay.
- It's okay.

You should be
with your husband.

- Okay.

No, don't do this.



[ Trevor groans ]

[ rats squealing ]
[ both scream ]

- Please don't leave us!
Please don't leave us.

[ Trevor groans ]

- Oh, my God!
[ door shuts ]

[ muffled screaming ]

[ rats squeaking ]

TREVOR: Please!

[ muffled screams ]

[ footsteps]

- I can't believe
you're here.

How did you--

- I've been looking for you
for days.

Are you guys okay?

- We're okay.

- How did you get
all the way here?

- I...

- Adrian, what happened?

- I was with Kevin.

- You saw my dad?

Is he here?
Where is he?

- He's dead.

- No, no.

No, he can't be dead.
He's not dead.

No, no.

- I tried to save him,
but it was too late.

- How?

- My dad...
tried to kill me.

- I don't understand. Why?

- He hated me.

You know
how much he hated me.

My mom was dead,

and there was nothing
to stop him.

Kevin just got in the way.

He was supposed
to stay in the car.

I'm so sorry.

It's okay.

It's okay.
I'll protect you.

[ voices ]

GUS: You look down...
- They're coming.

We have to go.

Baby, I'm sorry,
but we've got to go.

We've got to go.
Come on.

[ suspenseful music]

- There's nothing here.

You don't look too good.

- But I have
a winning personality.

- Relax.

Go on.

- [ sighs ]

What are we gonna do?

- Get out of here.

- Then what?

- Then we drive.

- Where?

- We'll find a place.

- Play a game with me.

- What kind of game?

- Close your eyes.

You're in the mall,
but everything is normal.

- Mia...

- Everything is normal.

- Okay.

MIA: We don't know each other,

and I walk up to you

and you look good.

I look better, of course,
but you look good.

I walk up to you,
and I take your hand

and ask you what you want
most in the entire world.

What do you answer?

- I want to know who I am.

- I tell you that
you'll never know.

No one ever does.

Then I whisper that I just
ran away from my boyfriend.

Took his money.

You don't have to feel bad.
He was a drug dealer.

A bad guy.

- Okay. Not feeling bad.

- [ sighs ]

And then I ask you
if you wanna run away with me.

What do you answer?

- Yes.

- I ask you where.

- Um, we go to...

Don't laugh.

I want to be
under the open sky.

I don't know why,
but that's what I want.

To see
as far as my eyes reach.

We get a house.
Nothing fancy.

I just want
to watch the horizon.

I wanna sit there with you

and watch the horizon.


- If this thing stops,
will you go with me?

I don't want to run anymore.

I need to have
a place to go.

- I'll go with you.

- [ sighs ]

I'm so tired of running.

I just can't anymore.

I'm so tired.

So tired.

- Hey.

It's okay.

You need to rest.

- I'm okay.

- No, no, you just detoxed.

You need to rest.

There's a couch
in the manager's office.

Get some sleep,
and I'll look for food.

The door locks
from the inside.

You'll be safe.

- And you?
- I've got a gun.

I'll be fine.

- Mm-hmm.

[ music ]

- Any sign of Alex? Eve?


- This is a waste of time.

- You think they've gone?

- No, I mean this whole thing
is a waste of time.

Why would Alex kill Shelley?

- Gus said he saw her.

- I know what he said.

[ sigh ]

We're all clear.
You should go to bed.

- Where are you going?

- Just have to grab
a few things.

[ suspenseful music ]

What are you doing here?

- I didn't think
anyone was in here.

Got caught up
in all the shit outside.

Hurt my leg.

Figured I could find
some supplies.

- You okay?
Do you need help?

JONAH: I'm fine.


- My name's Wes.

- Jonah.

- You, uh, traveling solo?

- Yes.

- Well...

Good luck to you.

- Aah!


[ gasping ]

- Jesus.

[ panting ]

- They're from Arrowhead.

- Maybe
there's more of them.

- Put the radio down. Now.

- Is that what She wanted?

- You know it is.
You can feel it.

You did what needed to be done,
just like you always do.

She won't forget
your sacrifice.

- I wanted to please Her.

- You did, Connor.
You did.

You're a good boy,
Her beloved son.

You make Her so happy.

Death supports life.

You're helping life.

Touch him.

Do you feel his love?

Through him, Mother Nature
shows you Her love.

I feel your love, too.

- Are you with them?


We're just trying
to get to my family.

Just put the gun down.

- How do I know
you're telling the truth?

- I guess you don't,
but I am.

So either shoot me
or put the goddamn gun down.

What happened here?

- I saw
what they were doing,

what they'd done.

- What do you mean?
- The Army.

They were everywhere.
Everything was on fire.

I don't know
what's real anymore.

- Is there anyone else here?
- Why?

- Whoa, whoa, whoa,
Relax, relax.

I just wanted to make sure
everyone was safe.

- My wife, she never
made it back from the store.


[ gunshot ]
[ glass breaking ]

- I need you
to let us leave.

- You'll tell them.
They'll come for me.

- Look, I'm not gonna
tell anybody anything.

To be perfectly honest,
I don't give a shit about you.

Do you understand?

[ thud ]

- I've always wanted
to do that.

- All right, we need to grab
everything we can find.

Guns, ammunitions, radio,

that might be useful.

- Found something useful.

If it's a military car,
it might work.

- [ groaning ]

- I'm sorry about your wife.

- They're gonna kill us all.

- I promise I won't
tell anybody you're here.

- I know you won't.

[ explosion ]

[ grunting ]

No. No. No.

[ panting ]

No. No

[ echoing siren ]

- Where did you go?

Where did you go?
[ echoing ]

Hey, kiddo.

You left me.
[ echoing ]

You left me, kid.
[ echoing ]

You left me, kiddo.
[ echoing ]

- Hey, do you want to know

what the devil
really looks like?

The evil one is coming.

He wants to see you.

He's here.

[ panting ]

- I see you.

- Ahh!

[ panting ]

[ engine ]

VIC: What the hell
happened to you?

KEVIN: Just go. Just go.

- [ crying ]

- If there's a service exit,

it might lead
to the parking lot.

If we can get into a car,
even if it isn't working,

at least it'll be safer
than staying here.

- My friends have a car.
It works.

- What friends?

- We met them
at the police station.

- Can you trust them?

- They didn't have
to bring me here.

- Okay.

Okay, come on.

- There!
Right there!

WOMAN: Eve! Stop!

GUS: Down. Slower down.

[ suspenseful music ]

- Mom! My mom needs help.

- Go, go, go!

Come on!

Come on, come on.

- Good morning.

- What now?

- Let's stop this, Eve.

- Alex didn't do anything.
You have to know that.

- I saw her.

- Did you kill her?

Is that why you're lying?

- Mom!

- Who the hell is this?
- Who the hell are you?

- Lock them up.
- Did you kill Jay, too?

- What? No.
I didn't kill anyone.

Is Jay...

Is he dead?

- No one has seen him
in days.

- I haven't either.
I swear.

- Alex, just tell the truth.
- Come on.

- I am. I was looking for him
when all this started.

- Oh, how convenient.
- Leave her alone!

She doesn't know
where he is,

but I do.

- Alex.

- Jay.

Are you okay?


- Are you ready
for Her embrace?

- I am.

[ foreboding music ]

- What was that back there?

- A reminder.

- I'm gonna stay here.

If that's cool, I mean.

- Keep an eye out.

- Do you know how long
we've been looking for you?

Since before
any of this happened.

I've been here
with all these...civilians

trying to make my way,

and you just
walk across my path.

Do you...

Do you really have
no idea who I am?

- No. No, I don't.

- The captain's not gonna be
so happy to hear that.

- You know me?

- Of course I know you.

I'm just happy
you're safe, sir.

[ foreboding music playing ]

[ logo chimes ]