The Batman (2004–2008): Season 3, Episode 8 - Fleurs de Mal - full transcript

When her father, along with other high-ranking Gotham officials, begins to embrace environmental causes after the delivery of mysterious plants, Barbara discovers that they've been replaced with plant-based copies created by Poison Ivy and teams up with Batman to stop her and their own evil clones.

Believe me, Councilman Vargas

I love Gotham Park
as much as you do.

But our citizens
need a new hospital.

And the only feasible way
to accomplish that,

is to pave over the park.

Come in.

Come in!

That's my decision,
unpopular as it may seem.



Well, I guess somebody
out there still likes me.

I love this park
as much as you do,

so believe me when I tell you

Gotham Park
isn't going anywhere, ever!

In fact, this will be
the first site to benefit

from my new plan to
"Green up Gotham!"

We'll tear up the sidewalks
to plant more grass

more trees and more flowers!

Time for mild-mannered
Barbara Gordon to scope out

the commissioner's office
for some cases.

for Commissioner Gordon.


You can leave them there.

You got it, commissioner.

Secret admirer, Pop?


"From Mayor Grange."

Didn't think you were his type.

The mayor's really running wild

with this whole
"Green up Gotham" thing.


How was school, Barb?

Me learned good today.

How's work?

Neck-deep in a new case.

Penguin, huh? What crime
did he commit this time?

A daughter can't take an
interest in her father's work?

We can catch up
at dinner, kiddo.

Okay, but don't work too hard.

Remember to stop
and smell the...

Whatever those are.

Ah, ahh,



I beg your pardon,
Master Bruce

I seem to be suffering
from a touch of...

Ah, ahh, achoo!

hay fever. Most unusual
this time of year.

That's not all
that's unusual, Alfred.

Penguin went to a whole
lot of trouble

to steal a truckload
of chemicals last night.

Might he be planning
to poison the water supply or...


blow something up?

The chemical Penguin took is
non-toxic and non-combustible.


Silver iodide.

Used to make photographs or
seed clouds for precipitation.

So Penguin either wants
to start a photo album...


Or he wants to make it rain.

The question is why?

Can't say I'm in the mood
for rain, Penguin.

I just washed my car.

Too bad, Bat-breath.

Because my forecast calls for a
90 percent chance of showers...

And a hundred percent chance
of me kicking your butt.


Since when are you so interested
in the weather, Penguin?

Don't you read the papers,

The mayor wants
to "Green up Gotham!"





I'll bet chopped bat
makes good fertilizer.

Oh, oh, huh, ah!


Plant matter.

Commissioner, moments ago
this mulch was Penguin.

Never mind that.

I thought I could count
on you Batman,

but if you won't obey the law,

then I will place you
under arrest.

On what charge?


You killed this plant.

Take him downtown.

Since when is it against
the law to harm a plant?

Since this afternoon,

when the City Council passed
the Vegetation Rights Act.

All right, plant killer,
let's go.


Anything strange
on the radar, Alfred?

You mean, anything
besides City Council

announcing a ban on lawn mowers?

Oh, forgive me, sir.

My hay fever has grown
even worse

since your flowers arrived.


From Mayor Grange.

"Keep Gotham Green."

Alfred. Destroy them.


The mayor is cultivating
rather unusual plants, sir.

He isn't the only one.
The police aren't themselves

all the way up to...



Barbara may be in trouble.

Hello, Barbara.

Pop, do we need to put
a bell on you?

Dinner will be ready
in a few...

I brought you something.

The mayor's secondhand stems,
how sweet.

No, Barbara.

These were picked
especially for you.

Smell them.


What? Don't you trust me?

I trust my dad!

And you're a little
too into flowers to be him!


Daddy's angry.

Daddy's green.


Not even close to human.

You thinking who I'm thinking?

Poison Ivy.

And apparently working
with a new strain of plant life.

But if she's replacing people
with living plant clones,

what's she doing
with the originals?

Maybe we should ask the florist.


Let me slip into something
more comfortable.

Oh, are you here for some...

You knew
she was a plant, right?

I'm betting this doesn't lead
to the break room.




Ivy's replaced the most powerful
people in Gotham.

Well, of course.

Who better to help me spread
the gospel of green?

Release them, Ivy.

Why? They've never
been happier.

See, while their plant twins

pave the way
for my Gotham takeover,

tiny plant toxins
are working overtime

helping these
human counterparts

to finally appreciate
the wonders of nature.

Green is good.

Ivy and clovers and dandelions.

It's all so pretty.

They'll love plant life
just as much as I do,

for the rest of their
unwaking days.

There's one slight problem
with your plan, Ivy.

Us. Huh!

Uh! Ah!

Ah. Bummer.

But here.

Flowers always cheer me up.

I bred these darlings myself.

They possess highly evolved
replication characteristics.

Nature's little mimics,
I call them.

What do you say we go turn the
rest of Gotham into plant peeps?

I'm up for it.

Let's party!

It'll be a snap.

These pups are
ultra fast-growing,

with plenty of water.

And with millions of seeds
already planted in Gotham Park,

I'm gonna just love watching
my garden grow.

Oh, and don't worry.

In just a few moments
you'll be feeling right as rain.

The Batman?

You are going to love it here.

Hey, everybody,
look who's checking in.

How is he? He's everywhere.

It's so pretty.

Brain activity low.

Possible cause, obstruction.

Transmitting electronic pulse.

Five more minutes?

Are you all right,

As long as I never have
to pick another daisy.

You're not through picking yet.

They need your help.

All fixed!

Gotham's human population
is about to be canceled

on account of rain!

Ivy's finished.

Here comes your evil twin.

Mine can't be far behind.

I'm right here, ugly.


Try again.

You must not like broccoli.

Hate it.

Let it pour!

Drink up, my babies.

Too late.

Get them!

Direct hit!

But it's still pouring.

The projectile was filled with
a highly concentrated herbicide.

It's raining weed-killer.



My babies.

Your babies
are mulch, Ivy.

Thanks for doing your part
to "Green up Gotham."