Supernatural (2005–…): Season 8, Episode 12 - As Time Goes By - full transcript
Sam and Dean's grandfather, Henry Winchester, arrives by time travel, claiming that he has something to protect from an Abaddon that is hot on his trail.
DEAN: Dad wants us to pick up where
he left off. Saving people, hunting things.
The family business.
We have to carry out his legacy.
It's a bloodline.
It's in your blood, your father's blood...
your family's blood.
- I like that John kid.
- You do?
You two are meant to be.
The union of John and Mary
Very big deal upstairs.
Priority arrangement.
Are you saying
you fixed up our parents?
The orders were very clear.
You and Sam needed to be born.
Your parents were just meant to be.
This book.
This is Dad's single-most
valuable possession.
Everything he knows
about every evil thing is in here...
and he's passed it on to us.
How many people do you think
Dad saved?
That's his legacy.
So we gotta keep going.
Hey, sport. Sorry about that.
- Where you going?
- Work.
Just wanted to check on you
before I left.
What's that, Pops?
One day, I'll tell you all about it.
Now get some shuteye.
I'll see you first thing in the morning.
Good night, son.
Good evening, sir.
Josie. No one told me this initiation
was a formal affair.
Well, someone had to class up the joint,
right, Henry?
Ain't that the truth.
The hard part's over, right?
We made it.
Miss Sands?
Henry, do not let Abbadon get it.
That's impossible. How...?
Which of you is John Winchester?
Please. Time is of the essence.
- Which of you is John Winchester?
- Neither.
That's impossible.
That's absolutely...
What did I do wrong?
- Who the hell are you, mister?
- Not now, I'm thinking.
Please, I can assure you,
there's no need for violence.
- One of you must know John Winchester.
SAM: Tell you what.
When one of us falls out of your closet,
then you can ask the questions.
Yes. My apologies.
Is it absolutely essential, sir,
that you keep your hands on me?
Thank you.
Gentlemen, in the absence of
any and all other explanations...
I'm afraid this has been a marvelous,
tragic misunderstanding.
I'll be on my way.
- Not happening.
- There are things of grave importance.
I do not have time to deal
with the likes of you.
You're not going anywhere, 007,
till we get some answers.
How did he do that?
You gotta be kidding me.
My God.
Guess the Mayans were wrong.
Nice taste in wheels.
Yours, I presume?
And there with the holy water.
He's clean.
I could have told you that.
Well, you can start by telling us
everything before I beat it out of you.
I'm quite certain this is all beyond
your understanding...
my alpha-male, monkey friend.
And violence will not help
you comprehend this any easier.
Let me tell you what I understand,
some ass-hat pops out of my closet...
asking about my dad,
smashes up my ride.
So why am I not getting violent?
John Winchester is your father?
What is that?
- Oh, my God.
- What?
Heh, heh. Silly man.
You forgot to lock the door.
Then spells never were
your best subject, were they?
Why don't you be a doll and give me what
I want and I promise to kill you quickly?
- You know I can't do that.
- You're not a fighter, Henry.
Josie, I know you're still in there.
You must fight this.
I'm afraid Josie's indisposed, pet.
It looks like it's just you and me.
Well, that is no way to treat a lady.
Go. Go, go, go.
Hey! Hey! Hey!
You okay, lady?
What the hell you doing?
Show me what you've seen.
Thank you.
By the way, I'm checking out.
Are you okay?
Yes, I will be.
It's just all the adventures I enjoy
are usually of the literary nature.
Now that you're done blowing chunks,
wanna tell us who Betty Crocker was?
Abbadon. She's a demon.
No kidding.
- Where'd she come from?
- Where'd you come from?
She's from hell.
I'm from Normal, Illinois, 1958.
Yeah, right.
Time traveling through closets?
That's what we've come to?
If you take me to John,
we could clear this up.
- I'm sure.
- That's not gonna happen.
- Why not?
- Because he's dead.
Well, what's it to you?
I'm his father.
Driver's license says he's
Henry Winchester from Normal, Illinois.
He knows Dad's birthday,
the exact place where he was born.
Dude, that's our grandfather.
Before we break out
the warm and toasties...
let's not forget H.G. Wells over there
left Dad high and dry when he was a kid.
Maybe he didn't run out on Dad.
Not on purpose.
Maybe he time traveled here
and, I don't know, got stuck.
Either way,
Dad hated the son of a bitch.
And Dad made up for that how?
By being Father of the Year?
WAITRESS: Here you go.
- Thanks.
You're welcome.
Look, Dad had his issues, okay?
But he was always there for us.
I freaking hate time travel, man.
How you doing?
I'll be fine.
After all, despite everything...
I've just met my grandsons,
haven't I?
Henry Winchester.
- It's a pleasure.
- Sam.
Hello, Sam.
This is Dean.
This has been touching. How about
we figure how to clean up your mess?
Yes. She must be stopped.
And how come she didn't die
when I stabbed her?
Because demons can't be killed
by run-of-the-mill cutlery.
At the very least you'd need an ancient
demon-killing knife of the Kurds.
That's what this is.
Where'd you get that?
Demon gave it to me. We've been around
this block so many times.
Now, that portal, or whatever it was
you came through, is it still open?
I highly doubt it. Why?
I'm just thinking,
if we can't kill this Abbadon...
Maybe we could shove her back where
she came from. How did you do it?
It's a blood sigil.
Blood leads to blood.
Or their next of kin.
But Abbadon came through it also,
So can you create
this blood sigil again?
With my blood...
an angel feather, tears of a dragon,
a pinch of the Sands of Time.
I would need those and at least a week
for my soul to recharge.
But, yes, it's possible.
You tapped the power of your soul
to get here?
I thought only angels can do that.
You should know this.
- What level are you two?
- What level?
Level of knowledge.
You're Men of Letters, correct?
Ahem. I'm a little rusty on my boy bands.
Men of what?
Men of Letters.
Like your father,
who taught you our ways.
Our father taught us
how to be hunters.
You're not, are you? Hunters?
Well, hunters are...
Hunters are apes.
You're supposed to... You're legacies.
Legacies of what?
What's going on here?
All right. Well, this was enlightening.
Let's hit the road, huh?
- Give him a minute, Dean.
- We spent four hours driving.
All he did was stare out the window
and request Pat Boone. He had time.
It's just a façade.
A way to rook our enemies
into believing we are housed elsewhere.
Okay. Enough with the decoder talk.
Tell us what this whole Men of Letters
business is or you're on your own.
- It's none of your concern.
- Why? Because we're hunters?
- What do you have against us?
- Aside from the unthinking, unwashed...
shoot first and don't bother to ask
questions later part, not much, really.
Wait a second.
We're also John's children.
You're more than that, actually.
My father, and his father before him,
were both Men of Letters...
as John and you two
should have been.
We're preceptors, beholders...
chroniclers of all that
which man does not understand.
We share our findings
with a few trusted hunters, the very elite.
They do the rest.
So you're like the Yodas to our Jedis?
Never mind. You'll get there.
Okay, but if you guys were such
a big deal, then why haven't we...
or anyone we know,
ever heard of you?
Henry, why? Why'd she do it?
I think for this.
SAM: Okay. What's that?
- I wish I knew.
Abbadon attacked us
the night of my final initiation.
- All secrets were to be revealed then.
- Let me get this straight.
You traveled through time to protect
something that does you don't know...
from a demon
that you know nothing about?
Hand me your walkie-talkie.
- You mean my phone?
- Even better.
Operator, I need Delta 457.
Who are you not calling?
Our emergency number.
Yeah. Not anymore.
They can't all be gone.
There must be another elder out there...
who can help us figure out how to stop
Abbadon and what to do with the box.
Hey. Hi. Can we hijack
your computer for a hot second?
Ha, ha. Like you could fit a computer
in this room.
- Sure.
- Thanks.
- Sam.
SAM: Yeah.
All right. Ahem. Give me a name.
Anybody who might have been there
that night. One of those elders.
Ackers, David. Larry Ganem.
- Ted...
- Okay, here it is.
"August 12th, 1958.
Tragic fire at gentleman's club,
242 Gaines Street."
This is 242 Gaines Street.
But that was no fire.
Larry Ganem, David Ackers,
Ted Bowen and Albert Magnus.
All deceased.
Albert Magnus.
- He a friend of yours?
- Even better.
These were my friends, my mentors.
Our last defense against
the Abbadons of the world.
DEAN: Well, there's your buddy,
Albert Magnus.
Albertus Magnus.
And he was hardly a buddy.
He was the greatest alchemist
of the Middle Ages.
Okay. So why is he buried here?
He's not.
His was the alias we'd use
when going incognito.
I believe someone planted his name
in that article...
so that if a Man of Letters
came looking...
he'd know something was amiss.
So someone wanted
you to come to this grave?
The question is why.
- What is this?
- Our crest.
The Aquarian Star.
Representing great magical power.
They say it stood at the gates
of Atlantis itself.
It's on all the tombstones
except for this one, Larry Ganem.
The Haitian symbol for speaking
to the dead.
This is the message.
You boys ever exhume a body?
Love what you've done with the place.
Wrong night.
Carrie screening is on Sunday.
I dig your costume, though.
What are you doing?
Show me what you've seen.
Can we hijack your computer?
- Give me a name.
- Ackers, David. Larry Ganem.
- A tragic fire.
- No fire.
- Albert Magnus.
- Thanks.
Please don't hurt me.
I like your top.
You gonna tell me
how we got stuck doing this?
Hey, was Larry a World War I vet?
- No.
- Well, then who's the stiff?
No idea.
"Captain Thomas J. Carey III."
That mean anything to you?
Well, somebody wanted you to see this,
so maybe that somebody is Larry.
So, what, maybe he survives
the attack...
and then hides out
with this guy's identity?
What are we waiting for, then?
Cover this up. Let's be on our way.
What is that? I know that tune.
"As Time Goes By."
I hope so. It's from Casablanca.
Right. Dad used to whistle it
from time to time.
Your father saw
Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy...
at the drive-in one night.
It scared the beeswax out of him.
So I got him this little music box
that played that song...
to help him sleep at night.
Worked like a charm.
It's hard to believe
Dad was ever scared of anything.
Hey, according to county records,
Tom Carey...
lives in Lebanon, Kansas,
and is a very happy 127-year-old.
Say we get some shuteye,
head over in the morning.
Wait, wait, wait. Listen to this.
According to Dad's journal,
he tortured a demon...
said he made his bones
working for Abbadon.
Who, turns out, is a knight of hell.
What does that even mean?
Knights of hell are handpicked
by Lucifer himself.
They are of the first-fallen,
firstborn demons.
So very pure, very strong.
Legend has it that
archangels had killed all of them.
Which, as we have witnessed,
is not the case.
Unless she's the last of her kind.
- You say that belonged to your father?
- Yeah.
May I?
It's a hunter's journal.
I assume, Men of Letters,
you used journals too?
I intended to.
I sent away for one
the day before my initiation.
As a matter of fact,
judging by my initials here...
this one, I believe.
That was yours?
It must have arrived after...
I'm beginning to gather
I don't make it back from this time, do I?
We don't know for sure.
What we do know is
that Dad never saw you again.
What did he think happened to me?
He thought you ran out on him.
John was a legacy.
I was supposed to teach him
the ways of the Letters.
Well, he learned things
a little differently.
- How?
- The hard way.
Surviving a lonely childhood,
a stinking war...
only to get married and to have
his wife taken by a demon...
and later killed by one himself.
That man got a bum rap
around every turn...
but you know what? He kept going.
And in the end, he did a hell of a lot
more good than he did bad.
I'm sorry. I wish I had been there
for him.
Yeah, it's a little late for that now,
don't you think?
There's a price we pay for upholding
great responsibility. We know that.
Your responsibility was to your family,
not some glorified book club.
I was a legacy. I had no choice.
Yeah, you keep telling yourself that.
SAM: Hey, wake up.
- What, what?
- Henry. He's gone.
- Where is he?
I have no idea. He just left a note
saying he was gonna fix everything.
Yeah, or screw it all up.
All right.
Welcome, traveler.
What can I help you with?
I can use a tear of a dragon
and a pinch of the Sands of Time.
Don't bother wrapping it up.
I'll be using it right away.
We don't carry those things here.
Can I interest you in some kava root?
- It's great for anxiety.
- In your window, hunter signs.
I know who you are and what you are.
Now give me what I need
so I can be on my way.
I agree.
You should be going, stranger.
I understand.
You don't know me,
so you're reluctant to sell to me.
But please let me purchase
some chamomile...
for my restless nights before I go.
Sleep well.
Now we know what he meant
by "fix everything."
He stole an angel feather.
He's gonna whip up
one of those blood spells...
Marty McFly himself
back to the 1950s.
To do what?
- Stop Abbadon before she strikes?
- Or grab Dad and haul ass?
- Look, point is, he's doing it.
- But how?
He still needs two other ingredients
for the spell. Unless...
Unless there's someplace nearby
that sells real hoodoo.
I'll call Garth.
DISPATCH [OVER RADIO]: All units, possible
homicide at Astro Comics. Location...
Hey. Just hit the wires.
One dead at Astro Comics.
- Abbadon?
- Yeah. Has to be.
Okay, so she's close.
I'll go find Henry, you find Larry,
figure out how to kill this chick.
So Henry is dead?
I was so sure that he had survived.
Yes. Well, like I said,
I found his journal...
and was hoping you could fill in
the gaps...
and explain to me
what happened that night in 1958.
Doesn't matter. They're gone.
We're gone.
- But Abbadon is not.
- Abbadon was a hired gun.
She killed us all that one night.
Everyone but you.
She blinded me.
It's a miracle I survived.
It's okay, dear.
But she did not get what she came for.
The box.
Listen. Abbadon is here,
and she wants this thing...
so I need to know everything
there is to know about it.
In the box is the key
to every object, scroll, spell...
ever collected in a thousand years,
under one roof.
It is the supernatural mother lode.
Henry, wait.
This is a risk I have to take.
And what if you die, huh?
Who said you'll even survive the jump?
You cannot begin to understand
how I felt after reading John's journal.
Oh, I think I can.
I've read that thing more times...
than you can imagine.
And it hurts every time.
Maybe so. But you didn't let him down,
I did.
- Just like you said.
- Well, I was wrong.
No. No, you were right.
And I'm going to go back...
and give him the life he deserves,
not the one he lived.
- What if it's not meant to be?
- It will be.
- How can you be so sure?
- Because it's the right thing to do.
- I can save him and stop Abbadon.
- How?
By going back an hour before
she attacks and making preparations.
If you do that, then you change the past.
Me and Sam might cease to exist.
I'm aware that time is
a delicate mistress...
but I'm willing to bet on this being
for the best.
I understand that this is not your idea
of a happy ending.
And you're disappointed that me
and Sam are mouth-breathing hunters...
but you know what?
We stopped the apocalypse.
If this works the way I planned...
there will never be
an apocalypse to stop.
So Abbadon wants the key
so she can get her hands on it.
Can you imagine
what she would do with that?
How do we stop her?
How do we stop Abbadon?
You don't.
If you know where the key is.
Then take it to these coordinates.
Throw it in.
Shut the door forever and walk away.
Wait. Why would I do that?
Because it is the safest place on earth,
warded against any evil ever created.
It is impervious to any entry
except the key.
Right, but then all that knowledge
would be lost and gone forever.
And that is the price we have to pay
for keeping it away from Abbadon.
You do have the key, don't you?
I don't.
But my brother...
My brother does.
How rude.
You haven't finished your tea, Sam.
The years have not been kind, Larry.
Ha, ha.
No. Much sexier. Try again.
- Abbadon.
- Good boy.
Listen up, I wanna make
a good, old-fashion horse trade.
Henry and the key for your brother...
or he dies.
- Am I clear?
- Crystal.
On the road to Larry's,
there's a processing plant.
Don't keep me waiting.
Abbadon has Sam?
She wants to trade you and the key
for Sam's life.
If I could just go back,
stop this all from happening.
And what if you can't?
I can't take that risk.
Not with Sam on the hook.
I can't abandon my son, Dean.
Not again.
I need to do this. I'm sorry.
Well, I'm sorry too.
Sorry about that.
No, you're not.
You've wanted to do that
since we met.
Henry, you need to understand
When my dad died,
I couldn't save him.
No matter how bad I wanted to.
I never want that to happen to Sam.
If there's a chance
that I can save him...
I'm gonna do it.
He's my brother.
He's the only family I got.
- Don't do it, Dean.
- Too late for that now.
That's the problem with you hunters,
you're all shortsighted.
Yeah, at least we're not extinct.
I'll send Henry here over with the box.
You do the same with Sam.
No tricks.
My only interest is Henry and the key.
You two are free to go.
You can do this standing
or you can do it crawling. Your call.
- Henry, I'm sorry.
- Save it.
- Don't do this, Dean. This is a bad idea.
- Shut your mouth. Let's go.
Come on.
We had a deal.
Ha-ha-ha! Surprise. I lied.
SAM: Henry!
- Wait, wait.
You're not the only one.
DEAN: I'm gonna do it. He's my brother.
He's the only family I got.
- So, what are you thinking?
- Can you slow Abbadon down?
Because if you can, I'll do the rest.
Whoo. What a blast.
Now give me the box.
Where is it?
Okay, we can do this the hard way.
Why am I stuck?
A devil's trap carved into the bullet?
You're gonna have to get close.
And close means it could get ugly.
I know. But you do that for blood.
Heh-heh. You still didn't kill me.
No, but you'll wish we did.
That demon trap in your noggin
is gonna keep you from smoking out.
We're gonna cut you into little steaks
and bury each strip under cement.
You might not be dead
but you'll wish you were.
We did it.
No, you did it.
And for a bookworm, that wasn't bad,
I'm sorry I judged you two so harshly
for being hunters.
I should have known better.
You're also Winchesters.
And as long as we're alive,
there's always hope.
I didn't know my son as a man...
but having met you two...
I know I would have been proud
of him.
I get it now.
What Cupid said...
about heaven busting ass
to get Mom and Dad together.
Winchesters and the Campbells...
the brains and the brawn.
I'm glad you see it.
All I see in our family tree
is a whole lot of dead.
Hey, I found this in Henry's wallet.
Dad looks happy.
Kind of makes you wish
he knew the truth, huh?
I mean, all those years thinking
his old man ditched...
when the poor son of a bitch
really came here and saved our bacon.
Freaking time travel, man.
You think it would have made
a difference?
Dad, if he'd had his own father around.
What, in how he raised us?
- Sammy, he did the best he could.
- I know that. I do.
They all did.
What are the chances
that place is still standing?
A chance we gotta take, I guess.
I mean, we are legacies, right?
he left off. Saving people, hunting things.
The family business.
We have to carry out his legacy.
It's a bloodline.
It's in your blood, your father's blood...
your family's blood.
- I like that John kid.
- You do?
You two are meant to be.
The union of John and Mary
Very big deal upstairs.
Priority arrangement.
Are you saying
you fixed up our parents?
The orders were very clear.
You and Sam needed to be born.
Your parents were just meant to be.
This book.
This is Dad's single-most
valuable possession.
Everything he knows
about every evil thing is in here...
and he's passed it on to us.
How many people do you think
Dad saved?
That's his legacy.
So we gotta keep going.
Hey, sport. Sorry about that.
- Where you going?
- Work.
Just wanted to check on you
before I left.
What's that, Pops?
One day, I'll tell you all about it.
Now get some shuteye.
I'll see you first thing in the morning.
Good night, son.
Good evening, sir.
Josie. No one told me this initiation
was a formal affair.
Well, someone had to class up the joint,
right, Henry?
Ain't that the truth.
The hard part's over, right?
We made it.
Miss Sands?
Henry, do not let Abbadon get it.
That's impossible. How...?
Which of you is John Winchester?
Please. Time is of the essence.
- Which of you is John Winchester?
- Neither.
That's impossible.
That's absolutely...
What did I do wrong?
- Who the hell are you, mister?
- Not now, I'm thinking.
Please, I can assure you,
there's no need for violence.
- One of you must know John Winchester.
SAM: Tell you what.
When one of us falls out of your closet,
then you can ask the questions.
Yes. My apologies.
Is it absolutely essential, sir,
that you keep your hands on me?
Thank you.
Gentlemen, in the absence of
any and all other explanations...
I'm afraid this has been a marvelous,
tragic misunderstanding.
I'll be on my way.
- Not happening.
- There are things of grave importance.
I do not have time to deal
with the likes of you.
You're not going anywhere, 007,
till we get some answers.
How did he do that?
You gotta be kidding me.
My God.
Guess the Mayans were wrong.
Nice taste in wheels.
Yours, I presume?
And there with the holy water.
He's clean.
I could have told you that.
Well, you can start by telling us
everything before I beat it out of you.
I'm quite certain this is all beyond
your understanding...
my alpha-male, monkey friend.
And violence will not help
you comprehend this any easier.
Let me tell you what I understand,
some ass-hat pops out of my closet...
asking about my dad,
smashes up my ride.
So why am I not getting violent?
John Winchester is your father?
What is that?
- Oh, my God.
- What?
Heh, heh. Silly man.
You forgot to lock the door.
Then spells never were
your best subject, were they?
Why don't you be a doll and give me what
I want and I promise to kill you quickly?
- You know I can't do that.
- You're not a fighter, Henry.
Josie, I know you're still in there.
You must fight this.
I'm afraid Josie's indisposed, pet.
It looks like it's just you and me.
Well, that is no way to treat a lady.
Go. Go, go, go.
Hey! Hey! Hey!
You okay, lady?
What the hell you doing?
Show me what you've seen.
Thank you.
By the way, I'm checking out.
Are you okay?
Yes, I will be.
It's just all the adventures I enjoy
are usually of the literary nature.
Now that you're done blowing chunks,
wanna tell us who Betty Crocker was?
Abbadon. She's a demon.
No kidding.
- Where'd she come from?
- Where'd you come from?
She's from hell.
I'm from Normal, Illinois, 1958.
Yeah, right.
Time traveling through closets?
That's what we've come to?
If you take me to John,
we could clear this up.
- I'm sure.
- That's not gonna happen.
- Why not?
- Because he's dead.
Well, what's it to you?
I'm his father.
Driver's license says he's
Henry Winchester from Normal, Illinois.
He knows Dad's birthday,
the exact place where he was born.
Dude, that's our grandfather.
Before we break out
the warm and toasties...
let's not forget H.G. Wells over there
left Dad high and dry when he was a kid.
Maybe he didn't run out on Dad.
Not on purpose.
Maybe he time traveled here
and, I don't know, got stuck.
Either way,
Dad hated the son of a bitch.
And Dad made up for that how?
By being Father of the Year?
WAITRESS: Here you go.
- Thanks.
You're welcome.
Look, Dad had his issues, okay?
But he was always there for us.
I freaking hate time travel, man.
How you doing?
I'll be fine.
After all, despite everything...
I've just met my grandsons,
haven't I?
Henry Winchester.
- It's a pleasure.
- Sam.
Hello, Sam.
This is Dean.
This has been touching. How about
we figure how to clean up your mess?
Yes. She must be stopped.
And how come she didn't die
when I stabbed her?
Because demons can't be killed
by run-of-the-mill cutlery.
At the very least you'd need an ancient
demon-killing knife of the Kurds.
That's what this is.
Where'd you get that?
Demon gave it to me. We've been around
this block so many times.
Now, that portal, or whatever it was
you came through, is it still open?
I highly doubt it. Why?
I'm just thinking,
if we can't kill this Abbadon...
Maybe we could shove her back where
she came from. How did you do it?
It's a blood sigil.
Blood leads to blood.
Or their next of kin.
But Abbadon came through it also,
So can you create
this blood sigil again?
With my blood...
an angel feather, tears of a dragon,
a pinch of the Sands of Time.
I would need those and at least a week
for my soul to recharge.
But, yes, it's possible.
You tapped the power of your soul
to get here?
I thought only angels can do that.
You should know this.
- What level are you two?
- What level?
Level of knowledge.
You're Men of Letters, correct?
Ahem. I'm a little rusty on my boy bands.
Men of what?
Men of Letters.
Like your father,
who taught you our ways.
Our father taught us
how to be hunters.
You're not, are you? Hunters?
Well, hunters are...
Hunters are apes.
You're supposed to... You're legacies.
Legacies of what?
What's going on here?
All right. Well, this was enlightening.
Let's hit the road, huh?
- Give him a minute, Dean.
- We spent four hours driving.
All he did was stare out the window
and request Pat Boone. He had time.
It's just a façade.
A way to rook our enemies
into believing we are housed elsewhere.
Okay. Enough with the decoder talk.
Tell us what this whole Men of Letters
business is or you're on your own.
- It's none of your concern.
- Why? Because we're hunters?
- What do you have against us?
- Aside from the unthinking, unwashed...
shoot first and don't bother to ask
questions later part, not much, really.
Wait a second.
We're also John's children.
You're more than that, actually.
My father, and his father before him,
were both Men of Letters...
as John and you two
should have been.
We're preceptors, beholders...
chroniclers of all that
which man does not understand.
We share our findings
with a few trusted hunters, the very elite.
They do the rest.
So you're like the Yodas to our Jedis?
Never mind. You'll get there.
Okay, but if you guys were such
a big deal, then why haven't we...
or anyone we know,
ever heard of you?
Henry, why? Why'd she do it?
I think for this.
SAM: Okay. What's that?
- I wish I knew.
Abbadon attacked us
the night of my final initiation.
- All secrets were to be revealed then.
- Let me get this straight.
You traveled through time to protect
something that does you don't know...
from a demon
that you know nothing about?
Hand me your walkie-talkie.
- You mean my phone?
- Even better.
Operator, I need Delta 457.
Who are you not calling?
Our emergency number.
Yeah. Not anymore.
They can't all be gone.
There must be another elder out there...
who can help us figure out how to stop
Abbadon and what to do with the box.
Hey. Hi. Can we hijack
your computer for a hot second?
Ha, ha. Like you could fit a computer
in this room.
- Sure.
- Thanks.
- Sam.
SAM: Yeah.
All right. Ahem. Give me a name.
Anybody who might have been there
that night. One of those elders.
Ackers, David. Larry Ganem.
- Ted...
- Okay, here it is.
"August 12th, 1958.
Tragic fire at gentleman's club,
242 Gaines Street."
This is 242 Gaines Street.
But that was no fire.
Larry Ganem, David Ackers,
Ted Bowen and Albert Magnus.
All deceased.
Albert Magnus.
- He a friend of yours?
- Even better.
These were my friends, my mentors.
Our last defense against
the Abbadons of the world.
DEAN: Well, there's your buddy,
Albert Magnus.
Albertus Magnus.
And he was hardly a buddy.
He was the greatest alchemist
of the Middle Ages.
Okay. So why is he buried here?
He's not.
His was the alias we'd use
when going incognito.
I believe someone planted his name
in that article...
so that if a Man of Letters
came looking...
he'd know something was amiss.
So someone wanted
you to come to this grave?
The question is why.
- What is this?
- Our crest.
The Aquarian Star.
Representing great magical power.
They say it stood at the gates
of Atlantis itself.
It's on all the tombstones
except for this one, Larry Ganem.
The Haitian symbol for speaking
to the dead.
This is the message.
You boys ever exhume a body?
Love what you've done with the place.
Wrong night.
Carrie screening is on Sunday.
I dig your costume, though.
What are you doing?
Show me what you've seen.
Can we hijack your computer?
- Give me a name.
- Ackers, David. Larry Ganem.
- A tragic fire.
- No fire.
- Albert Magnus.
- Thanks.
Please don't hurt me.
I like your top.
You gonna tell me
how we got stuck doing this?
Hey, was Larry a World War I vet?
- No.
- Well, then who's the stiff?
No idea.
"Captain Thomas J. Carey III."
That mean anything to you?
Well, somebody wanted you to see this,
so maybe that somebody is Larry.
So, what, maybe he survives
the attack...
and then hides out
with this guy's identity?
What are we waiting for, then?
Cover this up. Let's be on our way.
What is that? I know that tune.
"As Time Goes By."
I hope so. It's from Casablanca.
Right. Dad used to whistle it
from time to time.
Your father saw
Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy...
at the drive-in one night.
It scared the beeswax out of him.
So I got him this little music box
that played that song...
to help him sleep at night.
Worked like a charm.
It's hard to believe
Dad was ever scared of anything.
Hey, according to county records,
Tom Carey...
lives in Lebanon, Kansas,
and is a very happy 127-year-old.
Say we get some shuteye,
head over in the morning.
Wait, wait, wait. Listen to this.
According to Dad's journal,
he tortured a demon...
said he made his bones
working for Abbadon.
Who, turns out, is a knight of hell.
What does that even mean?
Knights of hell are handpicked
by Lucifer himself.
They are of the first-fallen,
firstborn demons.
So very pure, very strong.
Legend has it that
archangels had killed all of them.
Which, as we have witnessed,
is not the case.
Unless she's the last of her kind.
- You say that belonged to your father?
- Yeah.
May I?
It's a hunter's journal.
I assume, Men of Letters,
you used journals too?
I intended to.
I sent away for one
the day before my initiation.
As a matter of fact,
judging by my initials here...
this one, I believe.
That was yours?
It must have arrived after...
I'm beginning to gather
I don't make it back from this time, do I?
We don't know for sure.
What we do know is
that Dad never saw you again.
What did he think happened to me?
He thought you ran out on him.
John was a legacy.
I was supposed to teach him
the ways of the Letters.
Well, he learned things
a little differently.
- How?
- The hard way.
Surviving a lonely childhood,
a stinking war...
only to get married and to have
his wife taken by a demon...
and later killed by one himself.
That man got a bum rap
around every turn...
but you know what? He kept going.
And in the end, he did a hell of a lot
more good than he did bad.
I'm sorry. I wish I had been there
for him.
Yeah, it's a little late for that now,
don't you think?
There's a price we pay for upholding
great responsibility. We know that.
Your responsibility was to your family,
not some glorified book club.
I was a legacy. I had no choice.
Yeah, you keep telling yourself that.
SAM: Hey, wake up.
- What, what?
- Henry. He's gone.
- Where is he?
I have no idea. He just left a note
saying he was gonna fix everything.
Yeah, or screw it all up.
All right.
Welcome, traveler.
What can I help you with?
I can use a tear of a dragon
and a pinch of the Sands of Time.
Don't bother wrapping it up.
I'll be using it right away.
We don't carry those things here.
Can I interest you in some kava root?
- It's great for anxiety.
- In your window, hunter signs.
I know who you are and what you are.
Now give me what I need
so I can be on my way.
I agree.
You should be going, stranger.
I understand.
You don't know me,
so you're reluctant to sell to me.
But please let me purchase
some chamomile...
for my restless nights before I go.
Sleep well.
Now we know what he meant
by "fix everything."
He stole an angel feather.
He's gonna whip up
one of those blood spells...
Marty McFly himself
back to the 1950s.
To do what?
- Stop Abbadon before she strikes?
- Or grab Dad and haul ass?
- Look, point is, he's doing it.
- But how?
He still needs two other ingredients
for the spell. Unless...
Unless there's someplace nearby
that sells real hoodoo.
I'll call Garth.
DISPATCH [OVER RADIO]: All units, possible
homicide at Astro Comics. Location...
Hey. Just hit the wires.
One dead at Astro Comics.
- Abbadon?
- Yeah. Has to be.
Okay, so she's close.
I'll go find Henry, you find Larry,
figure out how to kill this chick.
So Henry is dead?
I was so sure that he had survived.
Yes. Well, like I said,
I found his journal...
and was hoping you could fill in
the gaps...
and explain to me
what happened that night in 1958.
Doesn't matter. They're gone.
We're gone.
- But Abbadon is not.
- Abbadon was a hired gun.
She killed us all that one night.
Everyone but you.
She blinded me.
It's a miracle I survived.
It's okay, dear.
But she did not get what she came for.
The box.
Listen. Abbadon is here,
and she wants this thing...
so I need to know everything
there is to know about it.
In the box is the key
to every object, scroll, spell...
ever collected in a thousand years,
under one roof.
It is the supernatural mother lode.
Henry, wait.
This is a risk I have to take.
And what if you die, huh?
Who said you'll even survive the jump?
You cannot begin to understand
how I felt after reading John's journal.
Oh, I think I can.
I've read that thing more times...
than you can imagine.
And it hurts every time.
Maybe so. But you didn't let him down,
I did.
- Just like you said.
- Well, I was wrong.
No. No, you were right.
And I'm going to go back...
and give him the life he deserves,
not the one he lived.
- What if it's not meant to be?
- It will be.
- How can you be so sure?
- Because it's the right thing to do.
- I can save him and stop Abbadon.
- How?
By going back an hour before
she attacks and making preparations.
If you do that, then you change the past.
Me and Sam might cease to exist.
I'm aware that time is
a delicate mistress...
but I'm willing to bet on this being
for the best.
I understand that this is not your idea
of a happy ending.
And you're disappointed that me
and Sam are mouth-breathing hunters...
but you know what?
We stopped the apocalypse.
If this works the way I planned...
there will never be
an apocalypse to stop.
So Abbadon wants the key
so she can get her hands on it.
Can you imagine
what she would do with that?
How do we stop her?
How do we stop Abbadon?
You don't.
If you know where the key is.
Then take it to these coordinates.
Throw it in.
Shut the door forever and walk away.
Wait. Why would I do that?
Because it is the safest place on earth,
warded against any evil ever created.
It is impervious to any entry
except the key.
Right, but then all that knowledge
would be lost and gone forever.
And that is the price we have to pay
for keeping it away from Abbadon.
You do have the key, don't you?
I don't.
But my brother...
My brother does.
How rude.
You haven't finished your tea, Sam.
The years have not been kind, Larry.
Ha, ha.
No. Much sexier. Try again.
- Abbadon.
- Good boy.
Listen up, I wanna make
a good, old-fashion horse trade.
Henry and the key for your brother...
or he dies.
- Am I clear?
- Crystal.
On the road to Larry's,
there's a processing plant.
Don't keep me waiting.
Abbadon has Sam?
She wants to trade you and the key
for Sam's life.
If I could just go back,
stop this all from happening.
And what if you can't?
I can't take that risk.
Not with Sam on the hook.
I can't abandon my son, Dean.
Not again.
I need to do this. I'm sorry.
Well, I'm sorry too.
Sorry about that.
No, you're not.
You've wanted to do that
since we met.
Henry, you need to understand
When my dad died,
I couldn't save him.
No matter how bad I wanted to.
I never want that to happen to Sam.
If there's a chance
that I can save him...
I'm gonna do it.
He's my brother.
He's the only family I got.
- Don't do it, Dean.
- Too late for that now.
That's the problem with you hunters,
you're all shortsighted.
Yeah, at least we're not extinct.
I'll send Henry here over with the box.
You do the same with Sam.
No tricks.
My only interest is Henry and the key.
You two are free to go.
You can do this standing
or you can do it crawling. Your call.
- Henry, I'm sorry.
- Save it.
- Don't do this, Dean. This is a bad idea.
- Shut your mouth. Let's go.
Come on.
We had a deal.
Ha-ha-ha! Surprise. I lied.
SAM: Henry!
- Wait, wait.
You're not the only one.
DEAN: I'm gonna do it. He's my brother.
He's the only family I got.
- So, what are you thinking?
- Can you slow Abbadon down?
Because if you can, I'll do the rest.
Whoo. What a blast.
Now give me the box.
Where is it?
Okay, we can do this the hard way.
Why am I stuck?
A devil's trap carved into the bullet?
You're gonna have to get close.
And close means it could get ugly.
I know. But you do that for blood.
Heh-heh. You still didn't kill me.
No, but you'll wish we did.
That demon trap in your noggin
is gonna keep you from smoking out.
We're gonna cut you into little steaks
and bury each strip under cement.
You might not be dead
but you'll wish you were.
We did it.
No, you did it.
And for a bookworm, that wasn't bad,
I'm sorry I judged you two so harshly
for being hunters.
I should have known better.
You're also Winchesters.
And as long as we're alive,
there's always hope.
I didn't know my son as a man...
but having met you two...
I know I would have been proud
of him.
I get it now.
What Cupid said...
about heaven busting ass
to get Mom and Dad together.
Winchesters and the Campbells...
the brains and the brawn.
I'm glad you see it.
All I see in our family tree
is a whole lot of dead.
Hey, I found this in Henry's wallet.
Dad looks happy.
Kind of makes you wish
he knew the truth, huh?
I mean, all those years thinking
his old man ditched...
when the poor son of a bitch
really came here and saved our bacon.
Freaking time travel, man.
You think it would have made
a difference?
Dad, if he'd had his own father around.
What, in how he raised us?
- Sammy, he did the best he could.
- I know that. I do.
They all did.
What are the chances
that place is still standing?
A chance we gotta take, I guess.
I mean, we are legacies, right?