Super Giant Robot Brothers (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Episode #1.3 - full transcript

♪ Feel the power ♪

♪ It's the Super Giant Robot Brothers ♪

♪ In the battle for the Earth
They'll find a way ♪

♪ Super Giant Robot Brothers! ♪

Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.

One final blast of pure sonic power,
and my mission will be complete.

Premature declaration of subjugation.

I repeat, a premature declaration
of subjugation.

Don't worry, happens to the best of us.

Thunder, are you okay?
Can you take him down?

Of course Thunder can take him.

Thunder is the raddest,
most impressivist robot I've ever seen.

- He's basically the shi...
- Shiny.

Wh... What? What? I wasn't gonna say it.
"Shiz." I was gonna say "shiz."

Kaiju's getting too close
to the civilians.

Okay, new plan.

I want you to blast open a trench
and hit it with 700 kilohertz

at 10,000 joules
from your Volt-o-tronic Violator.

Attention, Earth menace.

Well that was... suboptimal.

Hang on, baby bro. I'm coming!

Shiny, cease your interference

This is not your mission.


Is that sound only for riding horses?

What's the sound you're supposed to make
when riding a Rhino-Kaiju?

Oh no.

Oh yes!

Never mind that, Shiny.
Just steer the Kaiju into the pit.

This is highly inadvisable
as Shiny is untrained. Shiny, stand back.


Shiny, behind you!

The resistance needs him.

It's almost time.

He'll know what to do.

You have a GUT instinct.

GUT stands for
Genius Unsurpassed Technology.

Man, that's a lot of stuff to remember.

You will.



Exclamatory remark, "Whoa."

Exposed soft underbelly.

Confirmed, exposed soft underbelly.

His underbelly's exposed.

Thunder, there's an exposed
soft underbelly.

Shiny, stand back.

Great job, bro.
I set it up, and you knock it...

- Incorrect, Shiny.
- Down.

That was not a great job.
Your purpose on these missions

is to evacuate
the human citizens and observe only,

not to engage with Kaijus,
which is quite clearly my mission.

I know, but I just went with it.

Come on, you can admit
how awesome that was, right?

Uh, I need a little help here.

You're coming back, right?

A slides how? Did you see what I just did?
It's time for ice cream.

Shiny, this is the postmortem
we hold after every Kaiju fight.

It's where we assess
our strengths and weaknesses,

so that we don't
make the same mistakes twice.

Shiny's interference
caused the Kaiju to fumble,

then Shiny cut him off at the pass
and flipped him using that star weapon.

With that assist,
Thunder went in for the touchdown.

From my calculations,

Shiny's inability to follow protocol
put every human citizen in harm's way.

His, as you say, "assist,"
was unintentional.

Actually, Shiny's actions
were very intentional.

The result of his actions
led to the Kaiju stomping on his head,

which unleashed what was quite honestly
the coolest weapons we've ever seen!

- And it was hell a cool.
- And it was hell a cool.


Who knows how much
more damage it could've caused

had Shiny not interfered.

Oh! Cool hologram.

This was pure luck.

Shiny did not plan or strategize.
He just felt,

which is a defective blueprint
for future attacks,

especially when combined
with his lack of experience

and, dare I say, unprofessional rhetoric.

That's true.

Thank you, Alex.
I find that my logic sensors...

No, not the first part.

That was just you
sounding like a full-blown snob.

- But that second part is right.
- Got it!

Shiny lacks experience,
and there's only one way to fix that.

Real-life danger
might be the only way for Shiny to feel

and for these advanced weapons to unleash.

And maybe if we can
access more of Shiny's powers,

it's possible we can
uncover some of his buried memories,

like what actually happened to my parents.

Uh, actually, Alex, about that...

I'll just have to give Shiny
his own solo mission.

No way. I get to fight a Kaiju on my own?

Oh, that is just dandy.

Your stares reveal confusion.

I am beta testing my sarcasm program.

Did I achieve sarcasm?

You've achieved hurt feelings.

Thunder, there's no reason
to be concerned.

We'll start him on training wheels,

something easy
like a slow Alpha Type Jumbo Class Z.


That's what I'm talking about.

My very own Kaiju battle.

Numero uno.

Top of the list. King Kahuna. Aces.

Thunder, you hacked your big brother?

I... No. I... No, no.
That cannot be proven.

Excellent, so smart.

You're such a smart robot,
but I'm taking that away from you.

GUT instinct.

your subroutines are glitching.

Whoa. Oh, Thunder,
I had the craziest dream.

Robots cannot dream.

Dr. Rose and Dr. Rose were there,

and they were talking to me.

I should tell Alex, right?

She thinks I have some buried memories
of them, and now I think I really do.

Absolutely not,
as robots are completely unable to dream.

You are clearly experiencing
a serious malfunction in your CPU.

Instead of unnecessarily reviving hope
that Alex's parents are still alive,

I would instead immediately alert EDF
medical command to run a full diagnostic.

And no solo Kaiju fights until we know
how irreparably damaged you truly are.

Really? But I feel fine.

Kaiju alert. Kaiju alert.

Kaiju alert. Kaiju alert.

All right, what are we looking at?

We have an incoming Kaiju 3,000
kilometers from Earth's atmosphere.

Stand by as we assess
type, class, and variant.

Uh oh. This sucker looks like
a Beta Type Humongo Class Z. Yikes.

Okay, Shiny, now's your chance
to show us what you got.


Thunder, you're on evac duty
and active support for Shiny.

Wait, before you sign off on this mission,

you need to know
that Shiny has a malfunction in his CPU.

What the heck are you talking about?

Ah, here we go. I knew this was coming.

Look, Thunder, I get that you're maybe
a little jealous of Shiny.

A sibling rivalry. It's a waste...

This is not sibling rivalry,

mainly because
we are robots and not siblings.

Don't listen to old worrywarts over here.
Thunder's just overreacting.

I had a weird dream, no biggie.

Robots do not...

Wait a second, don't I know you?

You look so familiar.

Dang it, Shiny,
you should know this Kaiju.

You fought one
just like him ten years ago.

Oh, then I can definitely take him.
Thunder, did you hear that?

I get to take down my arch nemesis.

This is so humiliating.

Citizens, please evacuate to the southwest
to reach minimum safe distance.


You like that? How about this?
You want a piece of this?

Yeah. Come and get it.

What's the matter, loser?
Am I too much for ya? Huh?


Teenage super genius
and head mastermind of the EDF Alex Ross

has decided to test out her giant
red round radish-looking robot to save us,

as opposed to our trusty and dedicated,
easy on the eyes robot, Thunder.

I guess we're all lab rats in her world.

Makes you wonder if Alex Ross
is truly as smart as she claims to be.

I was expecting energy field zappers,
harpoon blasters, auxiliary ion cannons,

but no, we've got a giant 200-foot robot
with a Bruce Lee complex.

Ugh, Shiny, you need to focus.

This is taking too long,
and the city is getting destroyed.

This is by far the coolest day of my life.

I'm just getting...


- Oh boy.
- What?

A wolf in sheep's clothing.

This isn't a Beta Type
or even an Omega Type Kaiju.

It's almost like a sub-variant
Delta Type Savage Class Meccha Kaiju

that looks like a Beta Humongo
but has the strength, ferocity,

and psychotic aggression
of an Alpha Type Colossus Z.

- This is bad, really bad.
- We need to change course.

Thunder, it's a go
for Attack Pattern Alpha.

Repeat, Attack Pattern Alpha.

Stand by for Attack Pattern Alpha.

Shiny, fall back to a safer position.

What the heck are you doing?

This is my Kaiju, not yours.

You're stealing my
thunder, Thunder... Whoa!

Wait, is that why your name is Thunder?

That is messed the heck up.

The Kaiju has run out of energy

and is now
a normal Beta Type Threat Class D.


I've lost it off my sensors. It got away.

In the history of the EDF,

- we've never seen a Kaiju retreat before.
- Track it!

It's scrambling our EDF tracking device.

No way to know
where's he's gonna attack next.

This just in,
the gruesome killer Kaiju is on the loose.

Citizens should be on high alert.

You could be
attacked by it any minute now,

and it's all thanks
to the self-proclaimed genius, Alex Ross.

I hope you're happy, Alex.

Stupid girl.
My goodness, woman.

I am going to kill you with my bare hands.

Sorry, Alex. Sometimes we just fail.

Do I seriously need to spell out
just how screwed we are right now?

We are sitting freaking ducks,

and what's worse
is that these Kaijus have been coming in

stronger, faster, and scarier
each time we're attacked.

You failed
to do the one thing I asked you to do.

Alex, I...

When we give you orders, you follow them.

You can't go around
doing whatever you want,

like fighting Category X Kaiju solo

when we explicitly told you to stop.

Or taking off to "save" my parents,
only to disappear for ten whole years

with absolutely zero explanation.

Whoa, let's all take a beat.

I can turn on some smooth jazz,

maybe crack open some nutrient bars?

I thought you were
going to help me find my parents,

or at least help us save the world,

but you've ruined everything, Shiny.

And now, instead of hoping
my parents are still alive out there,

I wish you never came back!

She's right. I am a failure.

I'll never be as heroic
or as strong as Thunder.

I'll always be just a loser sidekick.

Shiny, can you hear me?

Are your conscious sensors operating?


Shiny, Shiny, Shiny, Shiny, Shiny, Shiny?

- Yeah.
- Good.

You are alert and conscious.

You were right this whole time.

I'm a gorgeous failure,

a red-hot nothing,

a round, beautiful nobody.

I legitimately never said any of that.

But Shiny, your performance
was not altogether a failure.

Your approach was unique.

I don't want to be unique.
I want to be you.

It is an impossibility for you to be me.

There is not enough room
in my casing to hold two AIs.

Also, I am not
solely responsible for my success.

You're not?

Of course not.

Alex Creed
and the entirety of the EDF crew

are dedicated in assisting me
to defeat Kaiju after Kaiju.

The humans
colloquially refer to this as "teamwork."

You're so right.

I just wish I could
get a second chance to make it up to Alex.

That's your first accurate statement
in 30 seconds and may be possible.

Really? How?

Wait, are we going back in time?

- OMG, we are, aren't we?
- I knew it.


See, the Kaiju left
a slime trail through the ocean.

That means my ThunderVision can tap
into the EDF oceanic sensor buoy system

and track the Kaiju's path.

Now, we know what it can do,
and where it will attack next.

That's so dope!

But you should probably
take the lead on this one.

I'll just mess everything up
like I always do.

I can't let Alex down again.

It hurts too much.


it's me who should apologize, Shiny.

I should never
have said those horrible things.

Instead of yelling at you,
I should have voiced my actual feelings.

The truth is, I feel like I failed you.

You failed me?

You see, I created you,
and now because so much time has passed,

I feel like I don't even know you,
or what you're capable of,

and that's really scary for me.

But I want you to know
that the one thing I am certain of

is that you are not responsible
for my missing parents.

Alex, I... I need to tell you...

Thunder, is it okay if we let Shiny
try a solo mission and lead the team

just one more time?

Of course.

Correction. I mean, affirmative.

The Kaiju has arrived at Ocean City
right on schedule

as predicted
by Thunder's slime trail model.

Sound red alert
and launch the boys ASAP.

Bring the reporting station on screen two.

...attacking without warning.

People are fleeing as the Kaiju
tears into Ocean City's waterfront,

reminding us just how puny
and insignificant we really are.

And now Alex Rose is sending in
this ridiculous red ball of a robot.

Is this really your plan, Alex Rose?

Damn straight.

Get ready to eat crow.

Okay Shiny, listen closely.
You know exactly what to do.

And I have zero doubt in your abilities.

Really? Zero?

I mean, I have some doubt,

but sometimes
you gotta believe in someone so hard

that they begin to believe in themselves.

Good tactic, Coach Rose.

Okay team, I'm ready to do this.

As long as you guys have my back,
there's absolutely nothing that...



Firing missile barrage now.

Is that your optimal effort Kaiju...

Thunder! Are you still with us?

Darn it. Get Thunder back on the line.

All his systems are unresponsive.

Forget Thunder. We got to use Shiny.

This might come as a shock to you Alex,

but it's possible
my smack talk got the best of me.

I doubt I can do this on my own.

Get Thunder back online.
Shiny is getting pummeled out there.

He can't take much more of this.

I can't do this.

Thunder can take over... anytime.

Thunder is still unresponsive.

Shiny isn't getting injured at all.

He's taking a beating,
but not any significant damage,

like what Eddie Gamora did
in the heavyweight fight of the century.

What? I'm not familiar with that one.
Did Gamora win?

Uh, no. He died in the tenth round.

But it was
a pretty epic battle up until that point.

Guys, not helping.

What I mean is,
just let the Kaiju tire itself out.

Shiny, did you copy that?
Keep the Kaiju focused on pounding you.

Not sure the city
can take much more of this.

My feet.

No, no, no, no, no!

The Kaiju
is recharging its internal weapon!

Oh no. Shiny!

Shiny, go with your gut instinct!

GUT instinct.

GUT instinct.

GUT instinct.

GUT instinct.

My GUT instinct.

You're sushi now, pal.

I realize my sushi analogy
was probably not an accurate metaphor

since I cooked fish-face pretty good,
and sushi is actually served...

Now finish him.

Get him, Shiny!

You're takoyakinow, pal.

Thunder is here.
I am a go for Attack Pattern Alpha.

Actually, we're all good, Thunder.
Turns out, Shiny saved the day.

Oh, did he?

Sure did, bro.
Totally led the team to victory.

Sending you the video now.
It's pretty epic.

That is quite unnecessary.
Engaging firewall now.

Bro, for real? It was super cool.
You might want to take some notes.

Oh yes. I will be sure to do that.

Getting right on it, now.



You know, I was only a hero

because I knew my little brother
and human team had my back.

Alert. Alert.
High levels of sentimentality detected.

Alert. Beep-bo-beep.

Are you doing The Robot?


No. What gave you that impression?

That's a good Robot, bro, but watch mine.

That audio impression of a robot
is insufficient.

I can do a way better robot than you.

Negative, negative, Shiny, check it.

Robots talk like this,
you have to raise the larynx.

As I've said time and time again,
I love Alex Rose.

She has been one of our most
heroic geniuses of our time,

someone I've never doubted,
not for one second.

My robot voice is killer.

It is a reasonable facsimile thereof
but far from authentic.

Thrusters launching.


Shiny, what was that thing
you wanted to talk to me about?

Uh, it was nothing, Alex.

I'll save it for another day,
when the time is right.

Rodrigo that, Shiny.

♪ When the worlds under attack ♪

♪ And no one else is fighting back ♪

♪ There's salvation in a child's mind ♪

♪ When the aliensinvade ♪

♪ We won't back down
Won't be afraid ♪

♪ Kick evil through the void
To save mankind ♪

♪ There is hope for tomorrow ♪

♪ If we rise up today ♪

♪ We can lead our world out of the fray ♪

♪ Never fold, never follow ♪

♪ Power flows through our veins ♪

♪ Guardians of earth like no other ♪

♪ Super Giant Robot Brothers ♪