Succession (2018–…): Season 2, Episode 9 - DC - full transcript
Logan, Kendall, Gerri and Tom testify before Congress; Shiv speaks candidly to Kira, a victim who is set to be a key witness; in Turkey, Roman's business pitch takes a chilling turn.
There's a small matter
we wanted to make you aware of.
Former cruise employee,
James Wiesel in accounting,
seems to have gotten spooked.
seems like he might be
about to talk.
I thought we had this
all sewn up.
-I said I'd hoped.
-Don't... Interrupt me.
Have you talked to your dad
about a major injection
or even taking us private?
It's a conversation we can have.
To Bill, the best boss
that ever lived.
So I'm gonna create
a word document for you,
and then I'm gonna print it
because I don't want anything
with my handwriting on it.
I think Rhea is dangerous,
and I think we need to stop her.
We need to put feelings aside
and call a family truce.
So we made the second
to Mr. Wiesel, and he said,
The new face is gonna get
ripped to shreds."
I really am wondering about
Rhea. Have I got her right?
She's the one.
I shall be appointing
Rhea Jarrell
as my Chief Executive Officer.
This empire of shit,
time to pay up.
SUSAN VARDY: Good evening.
I'm Susan Vardy,
and in focus tonight,
an exclusive interview
with Waystar Royco
whistleblower James Weissel.
SUSAN: Sexual exploitation,
violence, theft,
plus, a host of other crimes,
all of it hidden
by cover-ups and corruption
-to avoid damaging headlines...
-(CHANTS) Book deal, book deal!
-SUSAN: That's what my guest
alleges went on for decades
inside Brightstar,
America's second-largest
cruise line operator.
So, James, you witnessed some
terrible things at Brightstar.
What disturbed you the most?
(SIGHS) Well, Susan...
"Well, Susan,
I'm a piece of shit.
-I'm a weasel, and I'm scared."
-JAMES: Brightstar Cruises was,
for decades, a cesspool
of mismanagement...
and millions and millions of
dollars paid out over decades
to cover up sexual exploitation
and harassment
by Brightstar employees,
and a lot of it
actually committed by the man
in charge, Lester McClintock.
-Uncle Mo.
-Mo McClintock.
-Who could forget our Mo?
-JAMES: Then you have even more
serious incidents
outside of U.S. jurisdiction.
Guests overboard, injury,
and, uh, unexplained deaths.
SUSAN: And what are you saying
about these incidents,
including passengers overboard?
-I don't know everything.
-He doesn't know everything now.
But I know
what the stories were,
and I do know that there was
no appetite...
Yeah, where's the proof, Ruth?
...whatsoever from
the senior management
-for uncovering the truth.
-Oh, yeah.
Yeah, who's backing you,
weasel? Hm?
-SUSAN: You're saying
there were cover-ups?
-JAMES: Absolutely.
SUSAN: And people, people off
the ship, the company HQ,
did they know this sort
of cover-up was going on?
Well, there was there a certain
amount of oversight, um...
Gerri Kellman...
-SUSAN: Gerri Kellman,
the Waystar general counsel.
-Gerri alert!
-JAMES: ...saying no bad PR
-was the priority.
-ROMAN ROY: Yeah, Gerri!
JAMES: That, um, senior
management was to be protected.
And that went on until
Bill Lockheart
changed things up.
-Wow! Old Bill!
-SUSAN: Bill Lockheart
was the then-head
-of parks and cruises.
-Fuck Bill.
Yeah, there was a clean up
under Bill and
-he reported to Kendall Roy.
-GREG HIRSCH: I liked Bill
when we met him.
-JAMES: You know,
they tried to clean things up.
And, uh, recently,
Tom Wambsgans...
ROMAN: Wambsgans!
JAMES: I believe he tied off
a lot of loose ends.
-Hey, bangin' on the Tom-Tom!
-SUSAN: But getting into
the details a bit.
-Your mom and dad
should be so proud.
-SUSAN: You mentioned this...
-SUSAN: ...phrase that occurred
many times in the shadow logs.
-Ooh, "shadow logs"!
-Incident: NRPI.
Uh... Yeah, that's, uh...
Incident: No Real
Person Involved.
SUSAN: Uh-huh,
and what does that mean?
That means it's a sex worker
or a migrant worker
at a foreign port,
not involving a guest
or a permanent member of staff.
No real person involved.
-And these shadow logs...
-Oh, I can't watch any more of
-this fucking bullshit.
-SUSAN: ...with the full record
of these crimes.
-Here you are, Connor.
-Do you know where they are?
-JAMES: No. No, I--
-Dad, you okay?
It's bullshit! Clearly,
Sandy's backing him. Clearly.
With his buddy and his
six fucking shell companies.
Sick bastards who'd fucking
do and say anything.
Don't you think
we should watch, though,
so we can have a response?
I've got 50 fucking people
paid to watch this shit.
JAMES: It's senior management's
duty to be in control...
LOGAN ROY: I don't need to
see this nonsense.
We'll watch it later.
JAMES: ...of the people
it employed. Either they
did know, which is terrible,
or they didn't know,
which is an unconscionable...
-lack of control.
SUSAN: Waystar representatives
declined to appear...
-SUSAN: ...but they did issue
a statement saying,
-"We are disappointed..."
-Okay, thanks
for letting me know.
-" have given airtime
to these recycled
and debunked claims..."
So... bad. Bad. But, uh...
Yeah, but not too bad?
Bad, I think. Very bad.
I would agree. Bad.
Yeah, obviously,
it's fucking bad, Frank,
we're talking here
about how bad.
Well, just from a PR perspective
I wouldn't want anyone
-to underplay how bad it was.
These are the talking points
that we're hitting.
He's embittered.
He's the bad guy
covering his tracks.
No proof, no victim voices,
and nothing that new.
Want to hear what I think?
I think we say the truth.
That the senior cadre here,
and the family,
-knew nothing of this.
So we throw Mo overboard.
Mo, bad apple.
Jim Weasel, bad apple.
Spies a book deal. Sotto voce,
backed by Sandy and Stewy,
all corporate fuckery,
no real concern.
And in terms of historic shit?
I'm afraid we give up Bill.
Because he should have let us
know what he discovered,
rather than clean up
without telling us the details.
I don't think
there's gonna be paper
that shows anything beyond Bill.
I mean,
everyone likes Bill, but...
-I like Bill.
-I mean, Bill tried to clean up.
I like Bill.
It seems like Bill is where
the buck stops, though, right?
ROMAN: Do we kill Bill?
I think I just, uh, turned down
a quarter of a billion dollars.
Yeah, I'm gonna--
I'm gonna make a drink.
Uh... I think--
I think I'm gonna...
I-- I can drink
these drinks, right?
These are drinks for people?
Looks like there might be
a slight uptick in ticket sales.
'Cause Logan... promised he'll
look after me, so--
-A quarter of a billion?
-GREG: Mm-hm?
-Instead, you're trusting Dad?
No, I mean,
my grandpa changes his mind
a lot, so it's not final.
And plus, um, he's so sturdy.
Like, who knows how long
I might have to wait.
I'm good, anyway, 'cause, uh...
My-- So, I was just talking
to my mom, and she said,
apparently, he'll leave me
five million anyway,
so I'm golden, baby.
CONNOR ROY: You can't
do anything with five, Greg.
Five's a nightmare.
Mm-- Is it?
Oh, yeah. Can't retire,
not worth it to work.
Oh, yes.
Five will drive you un poco loco
my fine feathered friend.
Poorest rich person
in America.
The world's tallest dwarf.
The weakest strongman
at the circus.
-TOM: Mm-hm.
Okay, Tom? Hey. We're done,
we have a strategy, come on.
TOM: Oh, okay.
-Hey, Tom. You're famous.
-TOM: Hey.
So, this isn't that different
from the magazine piece.
The strategy is,
we're letting Bill take it.
It went as far as Bill.
Kill Bill.
It'll blow over in 48 hours.
Uh... Well, no.
I'm just off the phone,
and it's definite.
Either Gil or Gilliard
are going to call for hearings.
-Oh, fuck. What?
Wait a minute. What?
Yeah, Senate Commerce.
Probably House, too.
The staff are huddled
on how to choreograph,
but after the interview,
they'll want to fast track
and roll it into the tourism
regulatory hearings
-they're cooking up, so...
-Yup, buckle up, folks.
We're going to get an invite
to the great national latrine.
See who wants to take
a public dump.
Yeah, Mr. Fuck is going
to Washington.
I can't have this now!
He's right. Who, um...
Who will they want to testify?
Uh... Well, they'll--
they'll want Dad.
Okay, now...
But we won't accept that.
Protect the egg chamber!
Karolina. Make some calls.
Our various friends.
Uh... The Florida gang.
See who can jam this
the fuck up.
I mean, to actually get
to the bottom of this...
...we could argue
it would be better
to have people
who operationally--
We suggest... Gerri and Tom?
You want to explain
your thinking, Hugo?
Look, I--
I'm just positing here, okay?
Sure, yeah, but you're positing
in my direction, so...
Yeah, it's just that General
Counsel is very compelling,
and you know
where the buck stops.
Right. And why Tom?
Tom can speak operationally.
And he got quite heavy play
in that interview.
Tom would be good.
Well, I-- I-- I see where you're
coming from, Hugo, obviously,
-and I'd be happy to help.
We might be able to slow it down
but the Dems,
they are gonna push fast,
-and they're gonna push Logan.
-Do we just say "Fuck 'em"?
Fuck... Congress, Roman?
Yes, Shiv. Fuck Congress.
Have I shocked you?
FRANK: Uh... Shareholder meeting
in two-and-a-half weeks.
I mean, we are unusually subject
to the vicissitudes
of public opinion.
Uh... I can translate.
That's Frank for "We're fucked."
I want your help.
Oh, yeah?
Someone needs to run
to the store for smokes?
This'll go on all night...
but it might not be okay.
It might not be okay?
Congress will spook
I'm on a knife's edge.
Ten bad minutes on camera
in D.C., that could be it.
The end.
The end? Come on.
I need you to chase down
the sovereign wealth money.
Okay. Right. uh...
I mean, that's-- It's, uh...
It's a cool idea,
but it's kind of a stretch,
you know?
That Central Asian money,
that's no strings,
fuckable dry powder.
Time out
from the responsibilities
of being a public company.
That's a fucking lifeline.
Can you do it?
-Can I do it?
Um... (SCOFFS)
Fuck. Dad, I--
I want to say yes,
but I'll be honest,
if it's, like, really important,
I mean, I can say I can
do it, like, you know,
a fireman in a movie,
-but honestly, I--
-You act the fucknuckle,
but you know, people like you.
It's a really big fucking deal
to set up.
Nah, anyone can do a deal.
It's getting the right number
from the right suit.
Getting your dick in there
is easy.
Getting them into bed,
that's hard.
For some.
You can do it.
Then, uh... yeah.
Sure, Dad, I got it.
-Keep me close.
Take Laird and Karl...
for the details.
Great, I'm on it.
Oh, um, also...
just to... I don't know, check,
uh, Marcia?
Is she... upstairs, or--
Is that okay? Are you okay?
Do you have someone
that you can speak to about...
You want me
to speak to a shrink?
You know, you may want
to screw your mother,
but I am okay
in that department, thank you.
Great, well, it's just nice that
we can talk about these things.
I'm gonna go.
-ROMAN: Hello.
-Hey, you okay?
ROMAN: Oh, yeah. Great, yeah.
Off to Asia to get ten billion.
-Don't wait up, bye!
-Hey, how you doing?
Yeah. Worried I've agreed
to be CEO
of a dumpster fire
pirate death ship. You?
Yeah. Not worried.
(CHUCKLES) Sit. Sit.
The magazine
was one thing but, uh, this?
I didn't know
he was gonna pipe up.
Yeah, I feel like
I'm your prophylactic.
A rubber you've slipped on
so I can protect you.
Rhea, that was not the idea.
I can see I fulfil
a useful role at this point:
a more respectable flavor...
secure votes
from shaky shareholders.
You're good. A new broom.
You're golden.
It's fun to be the new bride.
the bachelor's apartment.
Putting flowers out.
It's just not nice
to think you might find
a corpse in the freezer,
you know, Bluebeard?
Rhea, they kept this from me.
-It's a rogue sicko. Trust me.
Yeah. Uh-huh.
Well... (MUNCHES)
By accident or design,
you have left me
very little room to maneuver.
Shall I... show my face?
Oh, that would be
very much appreciated.
-RHEA: Shiv.
Wow. Tough night.
-Great to have you coming in.
-Well, thank you.
Couldn't think of anyone better
to see us through.
Hey! What you guys
all doing here?
Is there a game on?
-KENDALL: Hey, Rhea.
-(LAUGHS) Seriously...
that was a mountain
out of a molehill.
Everyone's saying it.
Hearings happen every day.
C-SPAN filler.
So, as I understand it,
we have nothing
to be guilty about...
and nothing to worry about.
So, yeah. I look forward to,
uh, getting more involved.
-Thank you.
-They look scared.
They're good.
-Rhea, I've got it.
-It's nothing.
-Look after yourself, okay?
It's good to see you, man.
And you know how much
I love the Hibs.
-The fucking Hearts.
But fuck it, I'm just gonna come
right out and say it.
Think there's any chance
you guys have the muscle
to take us private?
Is that something
that's interesting
to you and your dad?
Well, that's...
Yes, we're interested
in helping you go private.
-KARL: Huh.
We like it as
part of the portfolio,
and we like the news expertise
you can share.
Well, great.
Uh... You want--
Uh... Shall I call, uh, Logan?
Uh... Shall I get--
Can you do it, Rome?
Uh... Could you and your, uh...
your bum-boys here
come to Turkey, like, tomorrow?
-KARL: Okay...
-And pitch to me and my dad?
Absolutely. I think
we can absolutely do that.
-Ain't that right, bum-boys?
Azeri investment conference
in Bursa.
Everyone will be there,
we can get into it.
Well, let's fucking get into it.
I can pitch.
-I'll pitch the fuck out of it.
-MAN: Nice, Paddy! Nice!
COACH: Good session, guys.
I've got the lads here.
The owners are gonna want
to say a few words. All right?
Great session, guys.
And listen, for Saturday...
you have the ability,
you have the mentality.
Watch that press
doesn't leave you exposed
on the turnover,
and you fucking got this. Rome?
Uh... Thank you. Yeah.
Uh... Hey.
Really proud to be associated
with you guys.
Uh... Well,
what the fuck can I tell you
that you don't already know?
You-- You got all this, guys.
Don't worry about it.
'Cause you guys are a team,
and, uh, when a team...
is a team... it can't actually
physically be beaten.
It's impossible.
So, go hard, go fast,
go, you lovely bastards.
-"Go, you lovely bastards"?
-I don't fucking know.
What the fuck
am I supposed to say?
KARL: I have no idea.
LAIRD: Do you want 20
of my best minutes
on Turko-Azerbaijani relations?
Uh... What,
the oil pipeline cooperation,
the military
and diplomatic links,
or the deeper
cultural sympathies?
Hey, what's up?
Hey, how's Dad? Is-- Is he okay?
Is he-- Is he doing it?
Uh, yeah, we got them to agree
to Gerri and Tom up first,
on operational,
and then him with Ken.
How's selling the family cow
for magic beans?
Oh, yeah, yeah, that's right,
yeah, just a dipshit, a sex pest
and a Grand Old Duke of Dork
on a Central Asian vacation.
No, nothin' to see here, thanks.
(WHISPERS) Oh, fuck. Bill!
What's Bill doing here?
Oh, no! Gerri,
if we're gonna kill Bill,
I don't want to see Bill.
Bill! Hey! Wow.
-GERRI: Hey!
-TOM: Bill!
-Bill, Bill, Bill! Look at you!
What the fuck?
Are you appearing?
-No! God, no.
-TOM: Okay.
No, no. Hey, Magic Johnson's
still a Laker
even if he's not
on the team, right?
-(LAUGHS) Yeah, right, okay.
Ah, I live in Maryland.
Just thought I'd come in,
support the old gang.
Well, that's such
a nice gesture, Bill.
-SHIV: Yeah.
-Great to see you.
I'm rootin' for ya out there!
-Go get 'em, my friends.
-TOM: (LAUGHS) Yeah.
-TOM: Bill.
-Gerri. Thanks.
-Good luck!
-SHIV: Wow.
-That's nice.
-That is nice.
-I mean, that is just... nice.
-Adios, Bill.
Yeah, rest in peace, Billy boy.
Okay, folks.
All right. Here we go.
"Are you now,
or have you ever been,
a member of the Cruise Dirty Sex
Fuck Cover-up Party?"
How's the link?
We can hear you, Rhea,
thank you.
RHEA: Great.
-HUGO: Good, good, good.
-SHIV: Oh, my God.
Hey, Gerri, do you wanna--
Can I do one more?
Do you wanna do...
one more round? Just one?
Tom, you've done the prep.
You are murder-boarded
to death, okay?
-I know, I know. I know.
-Can you stop angsting?
You're angsting me.
-Okay. Okay.
-HUGO: Just remember,
it is not a courthouse.
It is a stage. Okay?
Anything goes. Filibuster.
Every minute you're speaking,
you're stealing from them
and their horseshit.
Eat, eat, eat those dangerous
fucking minutes. Okay?
-You bet. Okay.
-Got it.
You guys got this.
It's a cinch.
-TOM: Yeah.
Just let the training kick in.
And maybe just try to enjoy it?
Thanks, Greg. Thanks.
-PEJ: Oh, we're on, guys.
Let's go.
-HUGO: All right,
-here we go. Yes.
-This is it?
-Right. (CLEARS THROAT) Sure.
-It's time.
-HUGO: You're gonna do great.
-TOM: Okay. Okay.
-GERRI: Ready?
-Okay. Come here.
-HUGO: Good luck, everybody.
-You're good.
-TOM: I know. Good, yeah?
-Let's go.
-HUGO: Let's do this.
-SHIV: All right.
TOM: Go team.
The Committee on Commerce,
Science and Transportation
will come to order.
We welcome everyone
to today's hearing
on corporate abuses
in the Brightstar cruise lines.
Just look at the cash flow.
We are undervalued.
I think tech just had everybody
shitting their pants
about legacy media, but really,
the wheel turns.
And most tech is overvalued.
We're profitable.
We're real money.
This is a tremendous
This is once-in-a-lifetime.
You get to buy
into the U.S. media landscape
at the very top. The very top.
Well, it's a lot of debt, right?
Are you sure
you can bring it together?
(LAUGHS) Absolutely sure.
Jaime here is the fucking master
of leverage.
He has structured some of
the biggest LBOs in history.
-Guilty as charged.
ROMAN: Yeah, besides, we'd, um,
have a decent amount
of equity in this
-and not something of any...
...concern. Hello?
Um... Are they with you?
ROMAN: We...
The, uh, the guy in the black
vest has a gun just here.
Dave? We're good, right?
-It's good?
-Yeah. Hey, look, we're good,
we're good.
-ROMAN: Okay.
-But, uh...
we're all gonna go
with these gentlemen now, okay?
We're all gonna... go?
-(GIGGLES) Uh...
Uh... No. I don't think--
Is this--
These gentlemen are--
are who, exactly?
-KADIR: We'll go
with them, it's fine.
-ROMAN: Dave?
Okay, uh... Dave?
Uh... Dave... just walked out.
-Dave just walked out.
-Yes. We'll go with them now.
Okay. Can I just ask
what this is in regards to?
Is this about the meeting?
Is it-- It's a business thing?
-Okay, and my security guy,
Dave, he just walked out.
Can I ask where Dave went?
Dave-- Dave's not coming.
-Oh, Dave's not coming.
-Yeah. Uh...
Um... I-- I-- I would actually
really like for Dave to come.
Dave's downstairs,
we'll go without him.
-Please, gentlemen...
-Uh... Dave!
Uh... There's a concern
about Dave.
It's a security risk here,
so we're better with these guys.
Okay? It's, uh, all good.
Everything is under control.
There could be a situation,
but luckily,
we're being looked after.
Oh, we're being looked after.
That's nice.
Laird, let's get--
let's get Dave.
-Uh... We need to go.
-ROMAN: Yeah. Oh-- Oh!
-Protocol, he took my phone.
-And I can't contact
my security.
-Yep, yep, yep, yep.
EDUARD: It's-- It's fine.
Don't worry about it.
Senator Eavis, you have
five minutes for questions.
Mr. Wambsgans, I hope
I'm saying that correctly.
Just some background.
Mr. Lester McClintock.
You accept he offered jobs
to young women
who would sleep with him?
Uh... That does seem
to be the case.
Um... But the-- the company,
uh, wasn't aware,
and obviously, that was
some time before my time, um...
However, Bill... uh, Lockheart,
-my predecessor--
-GIL EAVIS: Uh-huh.
But within the upper echelons
of the firm and the family,
Lester was commonly known as Mo.
Is that correct?
I... I don't... I don't...
I-- I'm a relative newcomer.
This email, you call
Lester McClintock "Mo." Why?
I-- I guess I think
it was just a nickname.
EAVIS: Mm-hm. You call him "Mo"
over 30 times in emails
to family and colleagues,
but you never use it
in the items of correspondence
sent to him privately,
for instance,
during his illness. Why not?
-Senator, I don't know.
-EAVIS: You don't know?
He was called Mo,
but always behind his back.
Um... Uh... I'd--
I'd have to look at the emails,
uh, I never thought about it.
Lester's nickname was Mo.
Mo Lester. Molester.
That never came up?
TOM: Senator, I think, uh...
I guess maybe he was, uh,
a little creepy-seeming perhaps.
Well, you were right there.
But just because we--
he was called, um, Mo Lester,
doesn't-- didn't mean...
It was just a-- (CHUCKLES)
It's just an off-color joke.
You know?
That was 100 percent
based on truth.
But of all the many, many people
who called this molester...
"Mo Lester," not one of them
had the slightest idea
that he actually was a molester.
I mean, you could see how
that stretches our credulity.
TOM: Yes, senator,
I can see that.
I think he just seemed
a bit like one, maybe.
But we didn't know anything.
Well, if he seemed
a little bit like one,
don't you think it behooved
the people in charge
-to find out if he was one...
-Oh, my...
...before you sent him out
on ships full of young women
and vulnerable old
and young guests?
Oh, fuck!
Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck!
This isn't business, is it?
No, it is not very businessy.
ROMAN: Oh, shit!
-Don't worry,
this is all normal.
Yeah, great, 'cause this feels
super fucking normal, man.
Is this-- Are these terrorists?
And where's my fucking
security guy? Where's Dave?
It-- It's just an...
an administrative
action function.
Yeah, good, great.
And what exactly--
Hey, look at that.
Guy not being allowed to leave
the hotel at gunpoint.
-LAIRD: Oh, Christ. administrative
action function.
-KARL: Yeah.
This is gr--
What-- What-- What is that?
There's just like, uh... um...
a gathering here now,
of us and some-- some other
investors and so on, and...
-And men with guns, yeah?
-Yep, yep.
Their guys are
some kind of, um...
anti-corruption kind of guys,
and they're like... (INHALES)
-It's like their conference...
-ROMAN: Really?
...or, uh, party, and...
we're all invited.
Okay, well, that's nice, uh...
but what if we, you know,
what if we-- if we don't
wanna go, is that cool?
(SIGHS) It's-- It's the kind
of party where you have to go.
-LAIRD: Oh. I see.
-It would be... rude.
-Okay. Well, I mean, I guess
I don't mind being, like...
...a little, tiny bit rude.
Let me direct your attention
to document 16
of the blue-tabbed packet.
Document 16... of the blue?
-EAVIS: It suggests
that there were over...
-Document 16.
...forty thousand
electronic records
and paper documents
from the period
which we're interested in,
that were not available to us.
Uh... Yes,
unfortunately, it seems that
there are a great many
of these documents
that were destroyed
in the, uh, course
of normal data management
and corporate housekeeping.
So, there was
not a targeted cover-up?
The hard drives that were wiped?
Uh... It's a normal practice,
as I understand it.
Um... I'm not an IT expert.
But on Thanksgiving last year,
it seems that a number of boxes
were targeted specifically.
I'm not aware of that.
EAVIS: Well,
if you'll look at item 34,
it suggests boxes 2918
to boxes 3125...
are now empty.
Uh... They were full
back in August,
but when they were subpoenaed,
they were apparently unavailable
and in the interim,
they were signed out
and if you look at the ledger,
packet 15B,
by a Gregory Hirsch.
Is that someone known to you,
Mr. Wambsgans?
Uh... No, no, sorry.
-"No"? "No," Tom?
Oh, yes, yes, sorry. Yes.
Known-- Known-- Known to me.
-Yes. In that sense, yes.
-In what sense?
Uh... In the sense that, uh...
that, uh... what I understood
that you meant--
EAVIS: What did you think
I meant?
That-- Um... I knew of him,
but no, no, I know-- I know him.
And his face.
Do you know what is special
about the hours between
3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.
-on the night of March 12th?
-Uh... No, sir.
That was the only two-hour
period in which you did not send
an email to Mr. Hirsch
with the title...
"You Can't Make a Tomlette
Without Breaking Some Greggs."
You sent the same email to him
67 times in one evening.
I guess it was a joke.
Right. I wonder, do the phrases
"human furniture"
or "footstooling"
mean anything to you?
Not that I'm conscious of, no.
Have you ever used
another human being
as a footstool, Mr. Wambsgans?
Uh... I-- Senator,
I use a variety of, um,
target-oriented, um, incentives
to enhance optimal performance.
I yield back
the balance of my time.
What is it like to be married
to a man with two assholes?
...reconvene shortly.
If I was to give Tom
a letter grade,
I'd give him a B-plus
for "bad plus terrible."
That was all--
That was all fucking me.
They hit me
from every fucking side!
It's okay. Tom, you did good.
Oh, I didn't get
enough resources spent on me.
Okay, what the fuck is going on?
I'm getting-- I was fucked
from every direction!
-Are you fucking me, Shiv?
-Huh? I'm the patsy,
I'm the meat in the sandwich.
-SHIV: Sit down.
Gerri is the bulletproof monk.
Kendall and Logan in reserve.
I'm the meat
in the fucking sandwich.
SHIV: Hey, calm down.
Oh, fuck. Fuck.
Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck.
-HUGO: Okay.
-GREG: Oh, Fuck.
Guys, everything is fine.
Nothing bad is happening here.
GREG: Oh, man. Oh, my God. Ah.
Fuck, man, I just turned down
a quarter of a billion,
and now I'm going to jail
forever, 'cause of this
fucking guy, man!
-This fucking--
You. Outside.
-Out-fucking-side, now!
GREG: Unbelievable.
Shiv, is there any way
we can find out
what's coming down the pipe
at us?
Because much more of that,
and we're fucking toast.
All of a sudden,
Sandy and Stewy are...
looking pretty good
to the shareholders.
He's right. Maybe it's time
to drop some of our research.
I'll see what I can do.
KENDALL: Jess, will you keep
an eye on...
-Okay. Sorry.
What a shit show.
What a fucking shit show.
So... Yeah. Just wondered
if I could say hi.
Anyone see you come in?
You're pretty regular
on ATN these days,
I notice.
How are you liking that?
It's got its advantages,
its disadvantages.
-SHIV: Uh-huh.
-They love the ratings.
Yeah, right.
So, I feel like after
everything we did together,
there's some residual good will?
Okay, look, meeting over.
We're not gonna soft-peddle,
Shiv. Great to see you.
I'm not asking, I'm giving.
-Just a favor.
We've been digging,
and I'd like to help.
I still think that Gil
is a great candidate,
and I would hate for you
to make fools of yourselves.
Says the person whose husband
was just called,
"A smirking block
of domestic feta,"
-by the Atlantic.
-Weissel, the weasel.
You want the dirt?
No, Shiv, we don't need your
shit-talking background briefing
but thank you.
He's dodgy as fuck.
Lost joint custody of his kids,
substance abuse issues,
done for soliciting prostitutes.
He's not exactly
your Snow White,
-he's your Blow White.
-Uh-huh. Not interested.
This meeting never happened.
Okay. On Mo and James Weissel,
you can go to town.
And if you're looking
for a scalp,
we're willing to give up Bill.
So, if you want the easy win,
go for Bill, and we'll fold.
Okay? And then we can keep
the invites to ATN flowing
and the snipers trained
on your primary rivals.
I'm sorry.
Tell your dad it's not personal.
We've just got something
really, really good now...
much better than Weissel.
Bullshit. How much better?
I'll give you a clue.
It actually rhymes
very precisely with
"You're fucked."
-KENDALL: What is it?
Let's go through it again.
-WOMAN: No direct knowledge.
-No direct knowledge.
-WOMAN: Full cooperation.
Okay, hey. Hey. Guys, listen up.
Hey. We have a problem.
They have someone else
for later in the week
who could probably kill us.
-Wait a minute.
A victim.
Used to work under Lester,
ex-entertainment manager,
Kira someone?
Also knows a bunch of victims
personally, and details.
Feels personally responsible.
They're prepping her.
-Oh, fuck! Fuck!
-SHIV: Yeah.
If she comes out,
and the NDAs domino,
I don't think--
I think that's it.
RHEA: Hey, just wanted
to say, "Good luck."
Uh... We got an incoming bogey.
-Where is she now?
-I-- I-- That's all I know.
HUGO: Oh, uh, they got her
through Senator Gilliard,
-who you know, right, Rhea?
-A little.
But what is this?
This, uh...
This supposed victim.
Do you think-- Is it possible?
Could we see--
You know, could we meet up
with her, you know?
Talk? You know,
find out what she wants?
Oh, come on.
We-- We-- We gotta try.
Whether it's true or not,
it-- it changes the narrative.
One of you. Both of you.
Guys, it's almost time.
They're heading back in.
So, we gotta get this show
on the road.
One last time, just in case
they're super-direct,
did you, Logan Roy,
witness any assaults
on your ships
or take part in them?
I'm not gonna answer
a fucking question like that.
-I, uh, I thought
that's just a "No."
I'm not dignifying that fucking
question with an answer.
You can both fuck off.
-Is he okay?
Low blood sugar.
Could you, uh, give him
a chocolate suppository?
Just, uh, slip a Snickers bar
up there?
-Don Grundham.
Institute for
a Competitive America.
-Oh, hello.
-Keep fighting the good fight.
You got a lot of Con-heads
out here pullin' for ya.
That's fantastic.
May I use that?
-All right, God bless you, sir.
Thank you.
ROMAN: I spy with my little eye
something that begins with H.
-LAIRD: Hostages.
-ROMAN: You are smart,
aren't you? Well, that game
didn't take us too far.
That was like 30 seconds.
Marry, fuck, kill?
Marry, fuck, kill...
the executive floor.
-KARL: Executive floor.
-ROMAN: Mm-hm.
-KARL: Hmm.
-Uh... I'd kill Ray.
-Of course.
-Fuck Elsa.
-Marry Gerri.
-LAIRD: Yeah.
Marry Gerri?
-Well, it's a small pool.
-You'd marry Gerri?
-You sick fuck. Gerri?
You like Gerri?
Oh, that's hilarious.
You're fucking disgusting.
Ugh! Hot. Ugh!
Karl, what about you?
-Look, full disclosure?
-ROMAN: Yeah?
I am, um, currently having
a panic attack.
Could I sit there?
Do you mind, Laird?
-Oh, sure.
-ROMAN: Really?
-KARL: Mm-hm. God...
-You seem... kind of the same.
-You okay, man?
-Up you go. On the floor.
-ROMAN: Oh. Okay. Oh, Jesus.
ROMAN: Where do you think
they're taking them?
It doesn't look
like they're going
-for a tour of the spa.
-Oh, fuck!
Let me tell you--
tell you something.
-My advice...
-ROMAN: Yeah?
....just don't look at anything.
'Cause if you don't look,
then you're not a witness.
And if you're not
a witness,
-you know.
-ROMAN: Yeah.
Just take it easy, man.
Just take it easy.
You don't have-- It's okay.
-LAIRD: Hey.
-KARL: Oh, my God.
-ROMAN: Hey.
-LAIRD: Hey.
ROMAN: How we, uh...
-How we doin'?
-Good. Good, man.
-KARL: Good.
-All good.
So, uh, my president's
daughter's husband has asked him
to take closer control
of some key assets.
It's anti-corruption,
but a bit of a power grab.
Some Turkish acquiescence,
but it's all in play.
And can I ask,
not to make this all about us,
but are they going to shoot us
at any point?
I'm also intrigued
on that point.
No one is getting shot.
Look, it's complicated,
but with Zeynal here...
-ROMAN: Uh-huh.
-...there is some interest
in the deal.
The deal. Um... Okay, the deal.
Yeah. Great.
So, one query they wanted
some clarity on was
how could we-- how could they
be sure their investment
wouldn't be blocked
by your government?
Well, okay, uh, it wouldn't.
My father has a lot of sway.
I mean, he can't lock
his opponents up in a hotel,
uh, but, well, he kinda could.
Okay, and, uh...
you're the target
-of another bid?
-ROMAN: Yes.
Isn't that a problem?
That is not a problem at all.
If the price is right,
we are fully confident
that we can reach a settlement
before the shareholder meeting.
Okay. Okay, well,
that went great.
-Yeah. That's... great.
-KARL: Really hope so.
Yeah. I mean, should we see
if any of the other hostages
want to cut a deal?
This could be
a bumper time for us.
Well, this doesn't feel great.
No. No, soft skills,
lady-duty shit-work.
-Not great at all.
Senators, when I read
of the abuses of power
alleged in my cruise division...
well... that was the worst day
of my life.
To think bad things
might have gone on
without my knowledge.
And frankly...
I don't know if I'll ever
forgive myself.
But we will investigate,
and we will make sure
every victim is compensated,
and every act of wrongdoing...
punished to the full extent
of the law.
I just hope, so help me God,
you believe me when I say that.
Thank you very much.
Fuck, yeah.
Senator Eavis? Time is yours.
Thank you, Madam Chairwoman.
Emerson said, "Every institution
is the shadow of a single man."
At Waystar,
that man is Logan Roy, isn't he?
Well, I'm... (CHUCKLES)
I'm certainly not gonna argue
with Mr. Emerson.
Your cruises run for profit,
your news runs for profit.
Is that any way
to keep the life blood
of a democracy going,
by using news
as your own personal ATM?
Uh... If-- If I may.
Um... I think you might be under
a misapprehension, Senator.
In this country, all news,
from the Times
to the supermarket tabloid,
is for profit, sir.
We don't have a state media.
As I'm sure you know,
you'd have to go to China
or Russia for that.
-Ooh, snap! Snap on Gil!
-We don't have
a state media yet...
Have we got that, Karolina?
Let's get the surrogates prepped
with that line.
They call Gil "Meth-Head Santa"
because he so rarely delivers.
What I'm getting at,
is it any surprise
that, uh, exploitation
and cover-up runs rife
at your cruise division?
I mean, exploitation is at
the heart
of your business model.
Well, I-- I would,
of course, disagree, but, uh...
but in terms of the historic...
historic charges of practice--
malpractice, um...
Mr. Logan Roy,
what did you personally know
about the operation
of a system of obfuscation
of wrongdoing
in your cruise division...
by the means of the keeping
of shadow logs?
At that point,
I believe my son was across
-that operation, right?
-EAVIS: At which point?
At the point he was across
entertainment operations.
You can talk to him.
EAVIS: Mr. Kendall Roy, then.
-Tell us about the shadow logs.
-KENDALL: Okay, you know what,
I'm sorry, Madam Chairwoman,
can-- can I speak for a moment?
Because you know, I--
I'm here in good faith today,
I'm very willing to talk you,
Senator, and this committee
through our operations,
but, uh, let's cut the BS,
shall we? Because it seems to me
that this investigation,
uh, is not about
proper oversight
of the cruise industry codes
and standards,
or some highly regrettable
but isolated incidents
from nearly two decades ago.
What this feels to me it's about
is your personal dislike
of my father,
and your ideological hatred
of his newspapers
and his news channels,
and in particular,
of the, uh, success story
which is ATN,
on which you've appeared,
I think, 14 times
in the last four months,
Good, good, good.
Senator Eavis, it seems to me
that since you don't agree
with us ideologically,
that nothing we can say
will be enough,
no groveling will be low enough,
and as much as you like
to accuse us of bias,
uh, today,
you're the one with the bias.
So, I say go ahead.
Hit us as hard as you can.
We can take it.
We have nothing to hide.
So, she's expecting us, yeah?
Look, I'm not going in.
Seriously? You're...
You're leaving it to me?
you don't have to do this.
If she speaks
and she's compelling...
then that's it
for my family's company.
So... yeah. I do have to.
Thanks, Rhea.
Thank you so much
for your time.
Ah, Mr. Roberts.
We can now slip into something
-a little bit more comfortable.
-A warm bath.
-I already feel better.
And I want to say right off,
for the record, gentlemen...
I like you.
I'd like to have a drink
with both of you.
And I have taken
one of your cruises with my wife
and it was, frankly, delightful.
Well, thank you, Senator,
that's very kind.
No, no. Careful!
Hi. Hi, Shiv Roy.
Thank you for seeing me.
I just wanted the opportunity
to say hello.
And I want to say I realize
this is an incredibly difficult
so I-- I want you to know
I deeply appreciate you
-taking the time.
-Right. Um...
I'm not sure I should-- I--
I thought this was gonna be
a very unofficial thing
with Rhea?
Uh-huh. Yeah.
Uh... This feels very different.
No, she's busy. Uh...
But she will join later on.
-Right. I j-- I--
I just don't know
if I feel comfortable.
Oh, but I'm not here
to stop you testifying.
-Yeah. And I'm not here
to offer you anything.
I'm here to listen,
and to try to understand.
Just trying to understand
what we did wrong
and how I can fix it.
Well, it's a very convenient
time to show up...
-wanting to understand.
-I think you're brave.
-Well, thank you.
Honey, no. No, get down.
Don't go too high.
Come here! Come here!
What? Oh, my God! Ah!
-There we go!
SHIV: Oh, wow.
These just kill me. (LAUGHS)
I know. Come on...
You know, look, um...
My-- My dad... My dad,
a couple months ago,
you know, he screwed me over.
He made me an offer
that wasn't real.
And he's a serial liar.
And I'm gonna be
very frank with you,
put my cards on the table,
I don't trust him. Okay?
Your firm has been very tough.
Yeah, too fucking right.
Visits at night,
turning up at work.
Weird email stuff. I mean, I--
I... don't want to accuse you--
No, it's perfectly possible.
Yeah, I mean,
it's out-sourced security,
so who... (CHUCKLES) Who knows
what could be happening?
It's probably worse
than you think.
-Yeah. Yeah.
But hey, you should be safe
from all that now.
You've got the whip hand.
Now, they're scared.
I don't think that stuff
will happen to you anymore.
You don't think?
Being honest, I don't know.
But... it would look bad.
You've broken ranks,
you're in a new category.
But, look... I wanna clean up.
I need it all out there.
-Yeah, no, I do.
I wanna fire these bastards.
And I want you to help me.
Well, I guess, you know,
the only question
I would have for you is just...
is this-- this, you know,
the-- the right forum?
Okay, here it comes.
Nope, honestly?
A better question.
What do you
actually want to happen?
I want people to hear
what Lester was like.
How he treated me
and other women.
I want the Hewson story
to come out.
How she went overboard...
and there was no rescue attempt,
because they thought
it was a stowaway.
"No real person involved."
Hey, you want to sit down?
I mean, the good thing is,
you're gonna have
a lot of people on your side.
Who will-- Who will sing your
name, and back you up, and...
But the other people?
You know, the other side?
Normal people,
they will doubt you.
They'll say... terrible things.
They'll call you a slut...
and a whore,
and a money-grubber.
Your life is gonna get
ripped apart.
Your home,
you'll want to move out.
For two or three days,
you're gonna be kind of famous,
but then the caravan moves on.
I just think
it's what I have to do.
Yeah, true.
No, I get it. That's good.
But from tomorrow,
that's... all you'll ever be.
To your grandkids, to the people
you meet on vacation.
When they google you, yeah?
Pages and pages of filth
and lies.
First line of your obituary.
Last line.
So, what is it
that you are trying to get?
Because money?
Money you can have.
That's easy. Book deal.
Interview appearances.
We will give you millions
of dollars...
and I will destroy the men
who ran that dirty operation.
I will kill them
for what they've done.
And I want you to help me.
We will be the best,
cleanest operation in the world
because of you,
if you help me do this.
Would you help me?
Well, it-- it sounds...
Can I trust you?
No. No, actually, no.
Kira, you're in a shitstorm
of conflicting interests here.
You can't trust anyone.
You just have to be smart.
So, listen to everyone
and make an assessment.
'Cause frankly,
I want what's best for me.
But the other people?
The folks who want you
to get up there tomorrow,
and get pulled apart?
They want what's best for them.
You need to think about
what's best for you, huh?
-Hey. Hey!
-ROMAN: Mm-hm?
-LAIRD: Hey, Roman.
-ROMAN: What?
-LAIRD: Wake up.
-Good, man, good?
-EDUARD: All good. All good.
Hello. Hi. I'm so sorry.
-Foreign nationals,
please identify yourselves.
-KARL: (WHISPERS) Oh, my God.
-ROMAN: Oh, fuck.
-LAIRD: What do you think?
Uh... I don't know.
I feel like, traditionally,
Americans don't usually
fare well at this point.
I don't know,
what do you think, Karl?
-KARL: Oh, fuck.
-LAIRD: Just do what he says.
Yeah, okay. Um...
-Roman Roy?
Follow me, please.
-EDUARD: Good luck.
-Yeah. Uh...
Good luck to you, too.
-Go, Hi-- Hearts.
-Go, Hearts.
Anyway, thank you
for your support.
You got it. All the time.
-Great job.
-KENDALL: Thank you.
-I salute you.
-KENDALL: Thank you, Senator.
-Excellent job.
-KENDALL: Thank you.
-BILL: Here, here.
-KENDALL: Cheers, Bill.
Well done.
Lovely to reconnect
with the gang.
I appreciate your support, Bill.
Are you kidding?
So many memories, huh?
I should write a book. I could.
I've got the diaries.
But no time. No time!
SHIV: You okay?
-You... did great.
-Thank you.
It must've been tough,
but you did it, she dropped out.
"Personal reasons."
Yeah, you did good.
Thank you.
LOGAN: So, are you okay, kiddo?
Yeah. Yeah, good.
You, uh... You feeling--
feeling okay?
I'm, uh...
I'm sorry if it was rough.
No, it was... it was fine.
We're good. It's all good.
Hey, Logan? Rhea's here,
but she-- she wants a word.
-You remember Naomi Pierce?
-LOGAN: Yeah, yeah.
-KENDALL: She came down to--
-KENDALL: support us.
So, as you know,
I didn't go in.
Yeah, yeah. No, it's fine.
Shiv's tough.
Will you tell me what happened?
You can ask me anything.
No. I don't know what to ask.
You tell me.
Well, it's all... You know.
It goes a long way back.
Did you-- Did you ever
have an editor
who put a hand up a sweater?
Well, things were done
differently in those days.
I can't fly blind.
Was Lester McClintock
a friend of yours?
No, I wouldn't say
he was a friend, no.
You once told me
he was a close friend.
-You told me that.
Friend, close friend,
colleague, I don't know.
It's kind of a--
a superpower, isn't it?
If you can lie to someone
like that, to their face.
I mean, I know you're lying,
but I still find you
very plausible and appealing.
I misspoke.
Forgive me.
But there are some things
that went on from time to time,
and I just wanted
to protect you.
-I don't need your protection.
-Well, you know,
as the next CEO,
it might be wise
to keep clean of certain areas.
I've been thinking about that.
I'm not sure
it works any longer.
So, what do you want?
I'm not sure
I want to work for you.
Fine, you've got me
over a barrel.
You know it, I know it,
so tell me what you want
-and let's get into it.
-You don't understand.
I'm out.
I don't want to be part of this.
Oh, come on.
(LAUGHS) Fuck off!
Little Miss Prim.
You knew.
You know who I am.
I think it's changed.
In the details.
You don't walk over details.
I can't see
the bottom of the pool.
I-- I-- I don't know
if you care about anything.
-And that scares me.
-Oh, yeah.
Fucking words. Fucking words.
Come on. Stay!
(CHUCKLES, SIGHS) I could always
find someone else.
You know you're fungible.
-I am not fungible.
-Oh, yes, you are.
You're as fungible as fuck.
Then funge me.
Go ahead. Try.
Kendall Roy served
self-satisfied hypocrites
on the senate commerce
committee a healthy portion
of reality pie
today when he delivered them
a takedown for the ages.
-Democrats on the committee
had worked themselves...
-LOGAN: Hmm.
-ANCHOR: ...into a fit of
phony outrage
-over historic corporate...
-Rhea's gone?
-ANCHOR: But they made
a fatal miscalculation.
She can't hack the hate.
Well, she can fuck off
and enjoy her lily-white,
chicken-flesh conscience
working for
a fucking phone company.
(SCOFFS) Yeah.
Yeah, well, maybe.
Yeah, but do you think
that's it?
If Kira holds, and we kill Bill,
do you think we're through?
No. Not with the shareholders.
I'm afraid this Kendall stuff
won't play.
They're a little more...
fucking vegetarian.
KENDALL: (ON TV) Yes. Yes.
He came out like a fighter,
but I'm hurt.
We're hurt.
And Bill's on maneuvers.
He won't go quietly.
No, no, no.
Bill's not the answer.
We need something big.
Time for a blood sacrifice.
ANCHOR: Tell it like it is,
Kendall Roy. I see...
one meaningful skull to wave.
If the shareholders meeting
were tomorrow, we lose.
You know what you're looking at
if you don't go private.
Foreign and Corrupt Practices.
It's terminal.
It might be humiliating.
There's gonna be a head
on a spike.
Let's get the party started.
Everybody thinks you're a joke.
SHIV ROY: The tension,
it's getting to people.
If we fail, then we die.
Here's the thing,
I want to vote your ticket
on the fundamentals,
but this thing feels so toxic...
we feel that it should be you.
The magazine was one thing,
but, uh... this.
You're good. A new broom.
It's fun to be the new bride,
the bachelor's apartment,
putting flowers out.
It's just not nice to think
you might find a corpse
in the freezer, you know,
We have a lot of scandals.
You never quite know
when you're in the middle
of the rainstorm and when it's
the first drops
and when you've reached
the end of it.
I can't have this now.
We wanted to try and give that
slightly sickening sense
of, "Was that the worst moment
of it
and also the worst thing that
we're gonna hear happened?"
We have a problem.
They have someone else
for later in the week
who could probably kill us.
-SHIV ROY: A victim.
If she comes out and the NDAs
domino... I think that's it.
There's concentric circles
of levels of knowledge
and you can be pretty compelling
when you persuade yourself
you did or didn't know
This supposed victim?
Could you meet up with her?
You know, talk?
You know, find out
what she wants? Apologize?
Oh, come on.
One of you. Both of you.
It's one of those moments
where your sense of yourself
and your own moral parameters
are tested a bit, and what's
painful for them both
is that they know
they've been asked to go
and do that particular job
because they are women.
Why Shiv is able to do something
which other people might find
is 'cause she already feels like
they've had all those arguments.
We're in the car.
Now, let's just go and do it.
SHIV: The good thing is you're
gonna have a lot of people
on your side.
But the other people,
normal people,
they will doubt you.
Your life
is gonna get ripped apart.
From tomorrow, that's all
you'll ever be.
ARMSTRONG: We were just thinking
about people's
personal responsibilities
to take on
political, cultural change,
which is gonna be damaging
to them,
and the people who choose
to do that are very brave,
but however, if it was
your best friend,
or your mother or sister,
could you, hand on heart,
tell them to do it?
It's an interesting dilemma.
we wanted to make you aware of.
Former cruise employee,
James Wiesel in accounting,
seems to have gotten spooked.
seems like he might be
about to talk.
I thought we had this
all sewn up.
-I said I'd hoped.
-Don't... Interrupt me.
Have you talked to your dad
about a major injection
or even taking us private?
It's a conversation we can have.
To Bill, the best boss
that ever lived.
So I'm gonna create
a word document for you,
and then I'm gonna print it
because I don't want anything
with my handwriting on it.
I think Rhea is dangerous,
and I think we need to stop her.
We need to put feelings aside
and call a family truce.
So we made the second
to Mr. Wiesel, and he said,
The new face is gonna get
ripped to shreds."
I really am wondering about
Rhea. Have I got her right?
She's the one.
I shall be appointing
Rhea Jarrell
as my Chief Executive Officer.
This empire of shit,
time to pay up.
SUSAN VARDY: Good evening.
I'm Susan Vardy,
and in focus tonight,
an exclusive interview
with Waystar Royco
whistleblower James Weissel.
SUSAN: Sexual exploitation,
violence, theft,
plus, a host of other crimes,
all of it hidden
by cover-ups and corruption
-to avoid damaging headlines...
-(CHANTS) Book deal, book deal!
-SUSAN: That's what my guest
alleges went on for decades
inside Brightstar,
America's second-largest
cruise line operator.
So, James, you witnessed some
terrible things at Brightstar.
What disturbed you the most?
(SIGHS) Well, Susan...
"Well, Susan,
I'm a piece of shit.
-I'm a weasel, and I'm scared."
-JAMES: Brightstar Cruises was,
for decades, a cesspool
of mismanagement...
and millions and millions of
dollars paid out over decades
to cover up sexual exploitation
and harassment
by Brightstar employees,
and a lot of it
actually committed by the man
in charge, Lester McClintock.
-Uncle Mo.
-Mo McClintock.
-Who could forget our Mo?
-JAMES: Then you have even more
serious incidents
outside of U.S. jurisdiction.
Guests overboard, injury,
and, uh, unexplained deaths.
SUSAN: And what are you saying
about these incidents,
including passengers overboard?
-I don't know everything.
-He doesn't know everything now.
But I know
what the stories were,
and I do know that there was
no appetite...
Yeah, where's the proof, Ruth?
...whatsoever from
the senior management
-for uncovering the truth.
-Oh, yeah.
Yeah, who's backing you,
weasel? Hm?
-SUSAN: You're saying
there were cover-ups?
-JAMES: Absolutely.
SUSAN: And people, people off
the ship, the company HQ,
did they know this sort
of cover-up was going on?
Well, there was there a certain
amount of oversight, um...
Gerri Kellman...
-SUSAN: Gerri Kellman,
the Waystar general counsel.
-Gerri alert!
-JAMES: ...saying no bad PR
-was the priority.
-ROMAN ROY: Yeah, Gerri!
JAMES: That, um, senior
management was to be protected.
And that went on until
Bill Lockheart
changed things up.
-Wow! Old Bill!
-SUSAN: Bill Lockheart
was the then-head
-of parks and cruises.
-Fuck Bill.
Yeah, there was a clean up
under Bill and
-he reported to Kendall Roy.
-GREG HIRSCH: I liked Bill
when we met him.
-JAMES: You know,
they tried to clean things up.
And, uh, recently,
Tom Wambsgans...
ROMAN: Wambsgans!
JAMES: I believe he tied off
a lot of loose ends.
-Hey, bangin' on the Tom-Tom!
-SUSAN: But getting into
the details a bit.
-Your mom and dad
should be so proud.
-SUSAN: You mentioned this...
-SUSAN: ...phrase that occurred
many times in the shadow logs.
-Ooh, "shadow logs"!
-Incident: NRPI.
Uh... Yeah, that's, uh...
Incident: No Real
Person Involved.
SUSAN: Uh-huh,
and what does that mean?
That means it's a sex worker
or a migrant worker
at a foreign port,
not involving a guest
or a permanent member of staff.
No real person involved.
-And these shadow logs...
-Oh, I can't watch any more of
-this fucking bullshit.
-SUSAN: ...with the full record
of these crimes.
-Here you are, Connor.
-Do you know where they are?
-JAMES: No. No, I--
-Dad, you okay?
It's bullshit! Clearly,
Sandy's backing him. Clearly.
With his buddy and his
six fucking shell companies.
Sick bastards who'd fucking
do and say anything.
Don't you think
we should watch, though,
so we can have a response?
I've got 50 fucking people
paid to watch this shit.
JAMES: It's senior management's
duty to be in control...
LOGAN ROY: I don't need to
see this nonsense.
We'll watch it later.
JAMES: ...of the people
it employed. Either they
did know, which is terrible,
or they didn't know,
which is an unconscionable...
-lack of control.
SUSAN: Waystar representatives
declined to appear...
-SUSAN: ...but they did issue
a statement saying,
-"We are disappointed..."
-Okay, thanks
for letting me know.
-" have given airtime
to these recycled
and debunked claims..."
So... bad. Bad. But, uh...
Yeah, but not too bad?
Bad, I think. Very bad.
I would agree. Bad.
Yeah, obviously,
it's fucking bad, Frank,
we're talking here
about how bad.
Well, just from a PR perspective
I wouldn't want anyone
-to underplay how bad it was.
These are the talking points
that we're hitting.
He's embittered.
He's the bad guy
covering his tracks.
No proof, no victim voices,
and nothing that new.
Want to hear what I think?
I think we say the truth.
That the senior cadre here,
and the family,
-knew nothing of this.
So we throw Mo overboard.
Mo, bad apple.
Jim Weasel, bad apple.
Spies a book deal. Sotto voce,
backed by Sandy and Stewy,
all corporate fuckery,
no real concern.
And in terms of historic shit?
I'm afraid we give up Bill.
Because he should have let us
know what he discovered,
rather than clean up
without telling us the details.
I don't think
there's gonna be paper
that shows anything beyond Bill.
I mean,
everyone likes Bill, but...
-I like Bill.
-I mean, Bill tried to clean up.
I like Bill.
It seems like Bill is where
the buck stops, though, right?
ROMAN: Do we kill Bill?
I think I just, uh, turned down
a quarter of a billion dollars.
Yeah, I'm gonna--
I'm gonna make a drink.
Uh... I think--
I think I'm gonna...
I-- I can drink
these drinks, right?
These are drinks for people?
Looks like there might be
a slight uptick in ticket sales.
'Cause Logan... promised he'll
look after me, so--
-A quarter of a billion?
-GREG: Mm-hm?
-Instead, you're trusting Dad?
No, I mean,
my grandpa changes his mind
a lot, so it's not final.
And plus, um, he's so sturdy.
Like, who knows how long
I might have to wait.
I'm good, anyway, 'cause, uh...
My-- So, I was just talking
to my mom, and she said,
apparently, he'll leave me
five million anyway,
so I'm golden, baby.
CONNOR ROY: You can't
do anything with five, Greg.
Five's a nightmare.
Mm-- Is it?
Oh, yeah. Can't retire,
not worth it to work.
Oh, yes.
Five will drive you un poco loco
my fine feathered friend.
Poorest rich person
in America.
The world's tallest dwarf.
The weakest strongman
at the circus.
-TOM: Mm-hm.
Okay, Tom? Hey. We're done,
we have a strategy, come on.
TOM: Oh, okay.
-Hey, Tom. You're famous.
-TOM: Hey.
So, this isn't that different
from the magazine piece.
The strategy is,
we're letting Bill take it.
It went as far as Bill.
Kill Bill.
It'll blow over in 48 hours.
Uh... Well, no.
I'm just off the phone,
and it's definite.
Either Gil or Gilliard
are going to call for hearings.
-Oh, fuck. What?
Wait a minute. What?
Yeah, Senate Commerce.
Probably House, too.
The staff are huddled
on how to choreograph,
but after the interview,
they'll want to fast track
and roll it into the tourism
regulatory hearings
-they're cooking up, so...
-Yup, buckle up, folks.
We're going to get an invite
to the great national latrine.
See who wants to take
a public dump.
Yeah, Mr. Fuck is going
to Washington.
I can't have this now!
He's right. Who, um...
Who will they want to testify?
Uh... Well, they'll--
they'll want Dad.
Okay, now...
But we won't accept that.
Protect the egg chamber!
Karolina. Make some calls.
Our various friends.
Uh... The Florida gang.
See who can jam this
the fuck up.
I mean, to actually get
to the bottom of this...
...we could argue
it would be better
to have people
who operationally--
We suggest... Gerri and Tom?
You want to explain
your thinking, Hugo?
Look, I--
I'm just positing here, okay?
Sure, yeah, but you're positing
in my direction, so...
Yeah, it's just that General
Counsel is very compelling,
and you know
where the buck stops.
Right. And why Tom?
Tom can speak operationally.
And he got quite heavy play
in that interview.
Tom would be good.
Well, I-- I-- I see where you're
coming from, Hugo, obviously,
-and I'd be happy to help.
We might be able to slow it down
but the Dems,
they are gonna push fast,
-and they're gonna push Logan.
-Do we just say "Fuck 'em"?
Fuck... Congress, Roman?
Yes, Shiv. Fuck Congress.
Have I shocked you?
FRANK: Uh... Shareholder meeting
in two-and-a-half weeks.
I mean, we are unusually subject
to the vicissitudes
of public opinion.
Uh... I can translate.
That's Frank for "We're fucked."
I want your help.
Oh, yeah?
Someone needs to run
to the store for smokes?
This'll go on all night...
but it might not be okay.
It might not be okay?
Congress will spook
I'm on a knife's edge.
Ten bad minutes on camera
in D.C., that could be it.
The end.
The end? Come on.
I need you to chase down
the sovereign wealth money.
Okay. Right. uh...
I mean, that's-- It's, uh...
It's a cool idea,
but it's kind of a stretch,
you know?
That Central Asian money,
that's no strings,
fuckable dry powder.
Time out
from the responsibilities
of being a public company.
That's a fucking lifeline.
Can you do it?
-Can I do it?
Um... (SCOFFS)
Fuck. Dad, I--
I want to say yes,
but I'll be honest,
if it's, like, really important,
I mean, I can say I can
do it, like, you know,
a fireman in a movie,
-but honestly, I--
-You act the fucknuckle,
but you know, people like you.
It's a really big fucking deal
to set up.
Nah, anyone can do a deal.
It's getting the right number
from the right suit.
Getting your dick in there
is easy.
Getting them into bed,
that's hard.
For some.
You can do it.
Then, uh... yeah.
Sure, Dad, I got it.
-Keep me close.
Take Laird and Karl...
for the details.
Great, I'm on it.
Oh, um, also...
just to... I don't know, check,
uh, Marcia?
Is she... upstairs, or--
Is that okay? Are you okay?
Do you have someone
that you can speak to about...
You want me
to speak to a shrink?
You know, you may want
to screw your mother,
but I am okay
in that department, thank you.
Great, well, it's just nice that
we can talk about these things.
I'm gonna go.
-ROMAN: Hello.
-Hey, you okay?
ROMAN: Oh, yeah. Great, yeah.
Off to Asia to get ten billion.
-Don't wait up, bye!
-Hey, how you doing?
Yeah. Worried I've agreed
to be CEO
of a dumpster fire
pirate death ship. You?
Yeah. Not worried.
(CHUCKLES) Sit. Sit.
The magazine
was one thing but, uh, this?
I didn't know
he was gonna pipe up.
Yeah, I feel like
I'm your prophylactic.
A rubber you've slipped on
so I can protect you.
Rhea, that was not the idea.
I can see I fulfil
a useful role at this point:
a more respectable flavor...
secure votes
from shaky shareholders.
You're good. A new broom.
You're golden.
It's fun to be the new bride.
the bachelor's apartment.
Putting flowers out.
It's just not nice
to think you might find
a corpse in the freezer,
you know, Bluebeard?
Rhea, they kept this from me.
-It's a rogue sicko. Trust me.
Yeah. Uh-huh.
Well... (MUNCHES)
By accident or design,
you have left me
very little room to maneuver.
Shall I... show my face?
Oh, that would be
very much appreciated.
-RHEA: Shiv.
Wow. Tough night.
-Great to have you coming in.
-Well, thank you.
Couldn't think of anyone better
to see us through.
Hey! What you guys
all doing here?
Is there a game on?
-KENDALL: Hey, Rhea.
-(LAUGHS) Seriously...
that was a mountain
out of a molehill.
Everyone's saying it.
Hearings happen every day.
C-SPAN filler.
So, as I understand it,
we have nothing
to be guilty about...
and nothing to worry about.
So, yeah. I look forward to,
uh, getting more involved.
-Thank you.
-They look scared.
They're good.
-Rhea, I've got it.
-It's nothing.
-Look after yourself, okay?
It's good to see you, man.
And you know how much
I love the Hibs.
-The fucking Hearts.
But fuck it, I'm just gonna come
right out and say it.
Think there's any chance
you guys have the muscle
to take us private?
Is that something
that's interesting
to you and your dad?
Well, that's...
Yes, we're interested
in helping you go private.
-KARL: Huh.
We like it as
part of the portfolio,
and we like the news expertise
you can share.
Well, great.
Uh... You want--
Uh... Shall I call, uh, Logan?
Uh... Shall I get--
Can you do it, Rome?
Uh... Could you and your, uh...
your bum-boys here
come to Turkey, like, tomorrow?
-KARL: Okay...
-And pitch to me and my dad?
Absolutely. I think
we can absolutely do that.
-Ain't that right, bum-boys?
Azeri investment conference
in Bursa.
Everyone will be there,
we can get into it.
Well, let's fucking get into it.
I can pitch.
-I'll pitch the fuck out of it.
-MAN: Nice, Paddy! Nice!
COACH: Good session, guys.
I've got the lads here.
The owners are gonna want
to say a few words. All right?
Great session, guys.
And listen, for Saturday...
you have the ability,
you have the mentality.
Watch that press
doesn't leave you exposed
on the turnover,
and you fucking got this. Rome?
Uh... Thank you. Yeah.
Uh... Hey.
Really proud to be associated
with you guys.
Uh... Well,
what the fuck can I tell you
that you don't already know?
You-- You got all this, guys.
Don't worry about it.
'Cause you guys are a team,
and, uh, when a team...
is a team... it can't actually
physically be beaten.
It's impossible.
So, go hard, go fast,
go, you lovely bastards.
-"Go, you lovely bastards"?
-I don't fucking know.
What the fuck
am I supposed to say?
KARL: I have no idea.
LAIRD: Do you want 20
of my best minutes
on Turko-Azerbaijani relations?
Uh... What,
the oil pipeline cooperation,
the military
and diplomatic links,
or the deeper
cultural sympathies?
Hey, what's up?
Hey, how's Dad? Is-- Is he okay?
Is he-- Is he doing it?
Uh, yeah, we got them to agree
to Gerri and Tom up first,
on operational,
and then him with Ken.
How's selling the family cow
for magic beans?
Oh, yeah, yeah, that's right,
yeah, just a dipshit, a sex pest
and a Grand Old Duke of Dork
on a Central Asian vacation.
No, nothin' to see here, thanks.
(WHISPERS) Oh, fuck. Bill!
What's Bill doing here?
Oh, no! Gerri,
if we're gonna kill Bill,
I don't want to see Bill.
Bill! Hey! Wow.
-GERRI: Hey!
-TOM: Bill!
-Bill, Bill, Bill! Look at you!
What the fuck?
Are you appearing?
-No! God, no.
-TOM: Okay.
No, no. Hey, Magic Johnson's
still a Laker
even if he's not
on the team, right?
-(LAUGHS) Yeah, right, okay.
Ah, I live in Maryland.
Just thought I'd come in,
support the old gang.
Well, that's such
a nice gesture, Bill.
-SHIV: Yeah.
-Great to see you.
I'm rootin' for ya out there!
-Go get 'em, my friends.
-TOM: (LAUGHS) Yeah.
-TOM: Bill.
-Gerri. Thanks.
-Good luck!
-SHIV: Wow.
-That's nice.
-That is nice.
-I mean, that is just... nice.
-Adios, Bill.
Yeah, rest in peace, Billy boy.
Okay, folks.
All right. Here we go.
"Are you now,
or have you ever been,
a member of the Cruise Dirty Sex
Fuck Cover-up Party?"
How's the link?
We can hear you, Rhea,
thank you.
RHEA: Great.
-HUGO: Good, good, good.
-SHIV: Oh, my God.
Hey, Gerri, do you wanna--
Can I do one more?
Do you wanna do...
one more round? Just one?
Tom, you've done the prep.
You are murder-boarded
to death, okay?
-I know, I know. I know.
-Can you stop angsting?
You're angsting me.
-Okay. Okay.
-HUGO: Just remember,
it is not a courthouse.
It is a stage. Okay?
Anything goes. Filibuster.
Every minute you're speaking,
you're stealing from them
and their horseshit.
Eat, eat, eat those dangerous
fucking minutes. Okay?
-You bet. Okay.
-Got it.
You guys got this.
It's a cinch.
-TOM: Yeah.
Just let the training kick in.
And maybe just try to enjoy it?
Thanks, Greg. Thanks.
-PEJ: Oh, we're on, guys.
Let's go.
-HUGO: All right,
-here we go. Yes.
-This is it?
-Right. (CLEARS THROAT) Sure.
-It's time.
-HUGO: You're gonna do great.
-TOM: Okay. Okay.
-GERRI: Ready?
-Okay. Come here.
-HUGO: Good luck, everybody.
-You're good.
-TOM: I know. Good, yeah?
-Let's go.
-HUGO: Let's do this.
-SHIV: All right.
TOM: Go team.
The Committee on Commerce,
Science and Transportation
will come to order.
We welcome everyone
to today's hearing
on corporate abuses
in the Brightstar cruise lines.
Just look at the cash flow.
We are undervalued.
I think tech just had everybody
shitting their pants
about legacy media, but really,
the wheel turns.
And most tech is overvalued.
We're profitable.
We're real money.
This is a tremendous
This is once-in-a-lifetime.
You get to buy
into the U.S. media landscape
at the very top. The very top.
Well, it's a lot of debt, right?
Are you sure
you can bring it together?
(LAUGHS) Absolutely sure.
Jaime here is the fucking master
of leverage.
He has structured some of
the biggest LBOs in history.
-Guilty as charged.
ROMAN: Yeah, besides, we'd, um,
have a decent amount
of equity in this
-and not something of any...
...concern. Hello?
Um... Are they with you?
ROMAN: We...
The, uh, the guy in the black
vest has a gun just here.
Dave? We're good, right?
-It's good?
-Yeah. Hey, look, we're good,
we're good.
-ROMAN: Okay.
-But, uh...
we're all gonna go
with these gentlemen now, okay?
We're all gonna... go?
-(GIGGLES) Uh...
Uh... No. I don't think--
Is this--
These gentlemen are--
are who, exactly?
-KADIR: We'll go
with them, it's fine.
-ROMAN: Dave?
Okay, uh... Dave?
Uh... Dave... just walked out.
-Dave just walked out.
-Yes. We'll go with them now.
Okay. Can I just ask
what this is in regards to?
Is this about the meeting?
Is it-- It's a business thing?
-Okay, and my security guy,
Dave, he just walked out.
Can I ask where Dave went?
Dave-- Dave's not coming.
-Oh, Dave's not coming.
-Yeah. Uh...
Um... I-- I-- I would actually
really like for Dave to come.
Dave's downstairs,
we'll go without him.
-Please, gentlemen...
-Uh... Dave!
Uh... There's a concern
about Dave.
It's a security risk here,
so we're better with these guys.
Okay? It's, uh, all good.
Everything is under control.
There could be a situation,
but luckily,
we're being looked after.
Oh, we're being looked after.
That's nice.
Laird, let's get--
let's get Dave.
-Uh... We need to go.
-ROMAN: Yeah. Oh-- Oh!
-Protocol, he took my phone.
-And I can't contact
my security.
-Yep, yep, yep, yep.
EDUARD: It's-- It's fine.
Don't worry about it.
Senator Eavis, you have
five minutes for questions.
Mr. Wambsgans, I hope
I'm saying that correctly.
Just some background.
Mr. Lester McClintock.
You accept he offered jobs
to young women
who would sleep with him?
Uh... That does seem
to be the case.
Um... But the-- the company,
uh, wasn't aware,
and obviously, that was
some time before my time, um...
However, Bill... uh, Lockheart,
-my predecessor--
-GIL EAVIS: Uh-huh.
But within the upper echelons
of the firm and the family,
Lester was commonly known as Mo.
Is that correct?
I... I don't... I don't...
I-- I'm a relative newcomer.
This email, you call
Lester McClintock "Mo." Why?
I-- I guess I think
it was just a nickname.
EAVIS: Mm-hm. You call him "Mo"
over 30 times in emails
to family and colleagues,
but you never use it
in the items of correspondence
sent to him privately,
for instance,
during his illness. Why not?
-Senator, I don't know.
-EAVIS: You don't know?
He was called Mo,
but always behind his back.
Um... Uh... I'd--
I'd have to look at the emails,
uh, I never thought about it.
Lester's nickname was Mo.
Mo Lester. Molester.
That never came up?
TOM: Senator, I think, uh...
I guess maybe he was, uh,
a little creepy-seeming perhaps.
Well, you were right there.
But just because we--
he was called, um, Mo Lester,
doesn't-- didn't mean...
It was just a-- (CHUCKLES)
It's just an off-color joke.
You know?
That was 100 percent
based on truth.
But of all the many, many people
who called this molester...
"Mo Lester," not one of them
had the slightest idea
that he actually was a molester.
I mean, you could see how
that stretches our credulity.
TOM: Yes, senator,
I can see that.
I think he just seemed
a bit like one, maybe.
But we didn't know anything.
Well, if he seemed
a little bit like one,
don't you think it behooved
the people in charge
-to find out if he was one...
-Oh, my...
...before you sent him out
on ships full of young women
and vulnerable old
and young guests?
Oh, fuck!
Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck!
This isn't business, is it?
No, it is not very businessy.
ROMAN: Oh, shit!
-Don't worry,
this is all normal.
Yeah, great, 'cause this feels
super fucking normal, man.
Is this-- Are these terrorists?
And where's my fucking
security guy? Where's Dave?
It-- It's just an...
an administrative
action function.
Yeah, good, great.
And what exactly--
Hey, look at that.
Guy not being allowed to leave
the hotel at gunpoint.
-LAIRD: Oh, Christ. administrative
action function.
-KARL: Yeah.
This is gr--
What-- What-- What is that?
There's just like, uh... um...
a gathering here now,
of us and some-- some other
investors and so on, and...
-And men with guns, yeah?
-Yep, yep.
Their guys are
some kind of, um...
anti-corruption kind of guys,
and they're like... (INHALES)
-It's like their conference...
-ROMAN: Really?
...or, uh, party, and...
we're all invited.
Okay, well, that's nice, uh...
but what if we, you know,
what if we-- if we don't
wanna go, is that cool?
(SIGHS) It's-- It's the kind
of party where you have to go.
-LAIRD: Oh. I see.
-It would be... rude.
-Okay. Well, I mean, I guess
I don't mind being, like...
...a little, tiny bit rude.
Let me direct your attention
to document 16
of the blue-tabbed packet.
Document 16... of the blue?
-EAVIS: It suggests
that there were over...
-Document 16.
...forty thousand
electronic records
and paper documents
from the period
which we're interested in,
that were not available to us.
Uh... Yes,
unfortunately, it seems that
there are a great many
of these documents
that were destroyed
in the, uh, course
of normal data management
and corporate housekeeping.
So, there was
not a targeted cover-up?
The hard drives that were wiped?
Uh... It's a normal practice,
as I understand it.
Um... I'm not an IT expert.
But on Thanksgiving last year,
it seems that a number of boxes
were targeted specifically.
I'm not aware of that.
EAVIS: Well,
if you'll look at item 34,
it suggests boxes 2918
to boxes 3125...
are now empty.
Uh... They were full
back in August,
but when they were subpoenaed,
they were apparently unavailable
and in the interim,
they were signed out
and if you look at the ledger,
packet 15B,
by a Gregory Hirsch.
Is that someone known to you,
Mr. Wambsgans?
Uh... No, no, sorry.
-"No"? "No," Tom?
Oh, yes, yes, sorry. Yes.
Known-- Known-- Known to me.
-Yes. In that sense, yes.
-In what sense?
Uh... In the sense that, uh...
that, uh... what I understood
that you meant--
EAVIS: What did you think
I meant?
That-- Um... I knew of him,
but no, no, I know-- I know him.
And his face.
Do you know what is special
about the hours between
3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.
-on the night of March 12th?
-Uh... No, sir.
That was the only two-hour
period in which you did not send
an email to Mr. Hirsch
with the title...
"You Can't Make a Tomlette
Without Breaking Some Greggs."
You sent the same email to him
67 times in one evening.
I guess it was a joke.
Right. I wonder, do the phrases
"human furniture"
or "footstooling"
mean anything to you?
Not that I'm conscious of, no.
Have you ever used
another human being
as a footstool, Mr. Wambsgans?
Uh... I-- Senator,
I use a variety of, um,
target-oriented, um, incentives
to enhance optimal performance.
I yield back
the balance of my time.
What is it like to be married
to a man with two assholes?
...reconvene shortly.
If I was to give Tom
a letter grade,
I'd give him a B-plus
for "bad plus terrible."
That was all--
That was all fucking me.
They hit me
from every fucking side!
It's okay. Tom, you did good.
Oh, I didn't get
enough resources spent on me.
Okay, what the fuck is going on?
I'm getting-- I was fucked
from every direction!
-Are you fucking me, Shiv?
-Huh? I'm the patsy,
I'm the meat in the sandwich.
-SHIV: Sit down.
Gerri is the bulletproof monk.
Kendall and Logan in reserve.
I'm the meat
in the fucking sandwich.
SHIV: Hey, calm down.
Oh, fuck. Fuck.
Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck.
-HUGO: Okay.
-GREG: Oh, Fuck.
Guys, everything is fine.
Nothing bad is happening here.
GREG: Oh, man. Oh, my God. Ah.
Fuck, man, I just turned down
a quarter of a billion,
and now I'm going to jail
forever, 'cause of this
fucking guy, man!
-This fucking--
You. Outside.
-Out-fucking-side, now!
GREG: Unbelievable.
Shiv, is there any way
we can find out
what's coming down the pipe
at us?
Because much more of that,
and we're fucking toast.
All of a sudden,
Sandy and Stewy are...
looking pretty good
to the shareholders.
He's right. Maybe it's time
to drop some of our research.
I'll see what I can do.
KENDALL: Jess, will you keep
an eye on...
-Okay. Sorry.
What a shit show.
What a fucking shit show.
So... Yeah. Just wondered
if I could say hi.
Anyone see you come in?
You're pretty regular
on ATN these days,
I notice.
How are you liking that?
It's got its advantages,
its disadvantages.
-SHIV: Uh-huh.
-They love the ratings.
Yeah, right.
So, I feel like after
everything we did together,
there's some residual good will?
Okay, look, meeting over.
We're not gonna soft-peddle,
Shiv. Great to see you.
I'm not asking, I'm giving.
-Just a favor.
We've been digging,
and I'd like to help.
I still think that Gil
is a great candidate,
and I would hate for you
to make fools of yourselves.
Says the person whose husband
was just called,
"A smirking block
of domestic feta,"
-by the Atlantic.
-Weissel, the weasel.
You want the dirt?
No, Shiv, we don't need your
shit-talking background briefing
but thank you.
He's dodgy as fuck.
Lost joint custody of his kids,
substance abuse issues,
done for soliciting prostitutes.
He's not exactly
your Snow White,
-he's your Blow White.
-Uh-huh. Not interested.
This meeting never happened.
Okay. On Mo and James Weissel,
you can go to town.
And if you're looking
for a scalp,
we're willing to give up Bill.
So, if you want the easy win,
go for Bill, and we'll fold.
Okay? And then we can keep
the invites to ATN flowing
and the snipers trained
on your primary rivals.
I'm sorry.
Tell your dad it's not personal.
We've just got something
really, really good now...
much better than Weissel.
Bullshit. How much better?
I'll give you a clue.
It actually rhymes
very precisely with
"You're fucked."
-KENDALL: What is it?
Let's go through it again.
-WOMAN: No direct knowledge.
-No direct knowledge.
-WOMAN: Full cooperation.
Okay, hey. Hey. Guys, listen up.
Hey. We have a problem.
They have someone else
for later in the week
who could probably kill us.
-Wait a minute.
A victim.
Used to work under Lester,
ex-entertainment manager,
Kira someone?
Also knows a bunch of victims
personally, and details.
Feels personally responsible.
They're prepping her.
-Oh, fuck! Fuck!
-SHIV: Yeah.
If she comes out,
and the NDAs domino,
I don't think--
I think that's it.
RHEA: Hey, just wanted
to say, "Good luck."
Uh... We got an incoming bogey.
-Where is she now?
-I-- I-- That's all I know.
HUGO: Oh, uh, they got her
through Senator Gilliard,
-who you know, right, Rhea?
-A little.
But what is this?
This, uh...
This supposed victim.
Do you think-- Is it possible?
Could we see--
You know, could we meet up
with her, you know?
Talk? You know,
find out what she wants?
Oh, come on.
We-- We-- We gotta try.
Whether it's true or not,
it-- it changes the narrative.
One of you. Both of you.
Guys, it's almost time.
They're heading back in.
So, we gotta get this show
on the road.
One last time, just in case
they're super-direct,
did you, Logan Roy,
witness any assaults
on your ships
or take part in them?
I'm not gonna answer
a fucking question like that.
-I, uh, I thought
that's just a "No."
I'm not dignifying that fucking
question with an answer.
You can both fuck off.
-Is he okay?
Low blood sugar.
Could you, uh, give him
a chocolate suppository?
Just, uh, slip a Snickers bar
up there?
-Don Grundham.
Institute for
a Competitive America.
-Oh, hello.
-Keep fighting the good fight.
You got a lot of Con-heads
out here pullin' for ya.
That's fantastic.
May I use that?
-All right, God bless you, sir.
Thank you.
ROMAN: I spy with my little eye
something that begins with H.
-LAIRD: Hostages.
-ROMAN: You are smart,
aren't you? Well, that game
didn't take us too far.
That was like 30 seconds.
Marry, fuck, kill?
Marry, fuck, kill...
the executive floor.
-KARL: Executive floor.
-ROMAN: Mm-hm.
-KARL: Hmm.
-Uh... I'd kill Ray.
-Of course.
-Fuck Elsa.
-Marry Gerri.
-LAIRD: Yeah.
Marry Gerri?
-Well, it's a small pool.
-You'd marry Gerri?
-You sick fuck. Gerri?
You like Gerri?
Oh, that's hilarious.
You're fucking disgusting.
Ugh! Hot. Ugh!
Karl, what about you?
-Look, full disclosure?
-ROMAN: Yeah?
I am, um, currently having
a panic attack.
Could I sit there?
Do you mind, Laird?
-Oh, sure.
-ROMAN: Really?
-KARL: Mm-hm. God...
-You seem... kind of the same.
-You okay, man?
-Up you go. On the floor.
-ROMAN: Oh. Okay. Oh, Jesus.
ROMAN: Where do you think
they're taking them?
It doesn't look
like they're going
-for a tour of the spa.
-Oh, fuck!
Let me tell you--
tell you something.
-My advice...
-ROMAN: Yeah?
....just don't look at anything.
'Cause if you don't look,
then you're not a witness.
And if you're not
a witness,
-you know.
-ROMAN: Yeah.
Just take it easy, man.
Just take it easy.
You don't have-- It's okay.
-LAIRD: Hey.
-KARL: Oh, my God.
-ROMAN: Hey.
-LAIRD: Hey.
ROMAN: How we, uh...
-How we doin'?
-Good. Good, man.
-KARL: Good.
-All good.
So, uh, my president's
daughter's husband has asked him
to take closer control
of some key assets.
It's anti-corruption,
but a bit of a power grab.
Some Turkish acquiescence,
but it's all in play.
And can I ask,
not to make this all about us,
but are they going to shoot us
at any point?
I'm also intrigued
on that point.
No one is getting shot.
Look, it's complicated,
but with Zeynal here...
-ROMAN: Uh-huh.
-...there is some interest
in the deal.
The deal. Um... Okay, the deal.
Yeah. Great.
So, one query they wanted
some clarity on was
how could we-- how could they
be sure their investment
wouldn't be blocked
by your government?
Well, okay, uh, it wouldn't.
My father has a lot of sway.
I mean, he can't lock
his opponents up in a hotel,
uh, but, well, he kinda could.
Okay, and, uh...
you're the target
-of another bid?
-ROMAN: Yes.
Isn't that a problem?
That is not a problem at all.
If the price is right,
we are fully confident
that we can reach a settlement
before the shareholder meeting.
Okay. Okay, well,
that went great.
-Yeah. That's... great.
-KARL: Really hope so.
Yeah. I mean, should we see
if any of the other hostages
want to cut a deal?
This could be
a bumper time for us.
Well, this doesn't feel great.
No. No, soft skills,
lady-duty shit-work.
-Not great at all.
Senators, when I read
of the abuses of power
alleged in my cruise division...
well... that was the worst day
of my life.
To think bad things
might have gone on
without my knowledge.
And frankly...
I don't know if I'll ever
forgive myself.
But we will investigate,
and we will make sure
every victim is compensated,
and every act of wrongdoing...
punished to the full extent
of the law.
I just hope, so help me God,
you believe me when I say that.
Thank you very much.
Fuck, yeah.
Senator Eavis? Time is yours.
Thank you, Madam Chairwoman.
Emerson said, "Every institution
is the shadow of a single man."
At Waystar,
that man is Logan Roy, isn't he?
Well, I'm... (CHUCKLES)
I'm certainly not gonna argue
with Mr. Emerson.
Your cruises run for profit,
your news runs for profit.
Is that any way
to keep the life blood
of a democracy going,
by using news
as your own personal ATM?
Uh... If-- If I may.
Um... I think you might be under
a misapprehension, Senator.
In this country, all news,
from the Times
to the supermarket tabloid,
is for profit, sir.
We don't have a state media.
As I'm sure you know,
you'd have to go to China
or Russia for that.
-Ooh, snap! Snap on Gil!
-We don't have
a state media yet...
Have we got that, Karolina?
Let's get the surrogates prepped
with that line.
They call Gil "Meth-Head Santa"
because he so rarely delivers.
What I'm getting at,
is it any surprise
that, uh, exploitation
and cover-up runs rife
at your cruise division?
I mean, exploitation is at
the heart
of your business model.
Well, I-- I would,
of course, disagree, but, uh...
but in terms of the historic...
historic charges of practice--
malpractice, um...
Mr. Logan Roy,
what did you personally know
about the operation
of a system of obfuscation
of wrongdoing
in your cruise division...
by the means of the keeping
of shadow logs?
At that point,
I believe my son was across
-that operation, right?
-EAVIS: At which point?
At the point he was across
entertainment operations.
You can talk to him.
EAVIS: Mr. Kendall Roy, then.
-Tell us about the shadow logs.
-KENDALL: Okay, you know what,
I'm sorry, Madam Chairwoman,
can-- can I speak for a moment?
Because you know, I--
I'm here in good faith today,
I'm very willing to talk you,
Senator, and this committee
through our operations,
but, uh, let's cut the BS,
shall we? Because it seems to me
that this investigation,
uh, is not about
proper oversight
of the cruise industry codes
and standards,
or some highly regrettable
but isolated incidents
from nearly two decades ago.
What this feels to me it's about
is your personal dislike
of my father,
and your ideological hatred
of his newspapers
and his news channels,
and in particular,
of the, uh, success story
which is ATN,
on which you've appeared,
I think, 14 times
in the last four months,
Good, good, good.
Senator Eavis, it seems to me
that since you don't agree
with us ideologically,
that nothing we can say
will be enough,
no groveling will be low enough,
and as much as you like
to accuse us of bias,
uh, today,
you're the one with the bias.
So, I say go ahead.
Hit us as hard as you can.
We can take it.
We have nothing to hide.
So, she's expecting us, yeah?
Look, I'm not going in.
Seriously? You're...
You're leaving it to me?
you don't have to do this.
If she speaks
and she's compelling...
then that's it
for my family's company.
So... yeah. I do have to.
Thanks, Rhea.
Thank you so much
for your time.
Ah, Mr. Roberts.
We can now slip into something
-a little bit more comfortable.
-A warm bath.
-I already feel better.
And I want to say right off,
for the record, gentlemen...
I like you.
I'd like to have a drink
with both of you.
And I have taken
one of your cruises with my wife
and it was, frankly, delightful.
Well, thank you, Senator,
that's very kind.
No, no. Careful!
Hi. Hi, Shiv Roy.
Thank you for seeing me.
I just wanted the opportunity
to say hello.
And I want to say I realize
this is an incredibly difficult
so I-- I want you to know
I deeply appreciate you
-taking the time.
-Right. Um...
I'm not sure I should-- I--
I thought this was gonna be
a very unofficial thing
with Rhea?
Uh-huh. Yeah.
Uh... This feels very different.
No, she's busy. Uh...
But she will join later on.
-Right. I j-- I--
I just don't know
if I feel comfortable.
Oh, but I'm not here
to stop you testifying.
-Yeah. And I'm not here
to offer you anything.
I'm here to listen,
and to try to understand.
Just trying to understand
what we did wrong
and how I can fix it.
Well, it's a very convenient
time to show up...
-wanting to understand.
-I think you're brave.
-Well, thank you.
Honey, no. No, get down.
Don't go too high.
Come here! Come here!
What? Oh, my God! Ah!
-There we go!
SHIV: Oh, wow.
These just kill me. (LAUGHS)
I know. Come on...
You know, look, um...
My-- My dad... My dad,
a couple months ago,
you know, he screwed me over.
He made me an offer
that wasn't real.
And he's a serial liar.
And I'm gonna be
very frank with you,
put my cards on the table,
I don't trust him. Okay?
Your firm has been very tough.
Yeah, too fucking right.
Visits at night,
turning up at work.
Weird email stuff. I mean, I--
I... don't want to accuse you--
No, it's perfectly possible.
Yeah, I mean,
it's out-sourced security,
so who... (CHUCKLES) Who knows
what could be happening?
It's probably worse
than you think.
-Yeah. Yeah.
But hey, you should be safe
from all that now.
You've got the whip hand.
Now, they're scared.
I don't think that stuff
will happen to you anymore.
You don't think?
Being honest, I don't know.
But... it would look bad.
You've broken ranks,
you're in a new category.
But, look... I wanna clean up.
I need it all out there.
-Yeah, no, I do.
I wanna fire these bastards.
And I want you to help me.
Well, I guess, you know,
the only question
I would have for you is just...
is this-- this, you know,
the-- the right forum?
Okay, here it comes.
Nope, honestly?
A better question.
What do you
actually want to happen?
I want people to hear
what Lester was like.
How he treated me
and other women.
I want the Hewson story
to come out.
How she went overboard...
and there was no rescue attempt,
because they thought
it was a stowaway.
"No real person involved."
Hey, you want to sit down?
I mean, the good thing is,
you're gonna have
a lot of people on your side.
Who will-- Who will sing your
name, and back you up, and...
But the other people?
You know, the other side?
Normal people,
they will doubt you.
They'll say... terrible things.
They'll call you a slut...
and a whore,
and a money-grubber.
Your life is gonna get
ripped apart.
Your home,
you'll want to move out.
For two or three days,
you're gonna be kind of famous,
but then the caravan moves on.
I just think
it's what I have to do.
Yeah, true.
No, I get it. That's good.
But from tomorrow,
that's... all you'll ever be.
To your grandkids, to the people
you meet on vacation.
When they google you, yeah?
Pages and pages of filth
and lies.
First line of your obituary.
Last line.
So, what is it
that you are trying to get?
Because money?
Money you can have.
That's easy. Book deal.
Interview appearances.
We will give you millions
of dollars...
and I will destroy the men
who ran that dirty operation.
I will kill them
for what they've done.
And I want you to help me.
We will be the best,
cleanest operation in the world
because of you,
if you help me do this.
Would you help me?
Well, it-- it sounds...
Can I trust you?
No. No, actually, no.
Kira, you're in a shitstorm
of conflicting interests here.
You can't trust anyone.
You just have to be smart.
So, listen to everyone
and make an assessment.
'Cause frankly,
I want what's best for me.
But the other people?
The folks who want you
to get up there tomorrow,
and get pulled apart?
They want what's best for them.
You need to think about
what's best for you, huh?
-Hey. Hey!
-ROMAN: Mm-hm?
-LAIRD: Hey, Roman.
-ROMAN: What?
-LAIRD: Wake up.
-Good, man, good?
-EDUARD: All good. All good.
Hello. Hi. I'm so sorry.
-Foreign nationals,
please identify yourselves.
-KARL: (WHISPERS) Oh, my God.
-ROMAN: Oh, fuck.
-LAIRD: What do you think?
Uh... I don't know.
I feel like, traditionally,
Americans don't usually
fare well at this point.
I don't know,
what do you think, Karl?
-KARL: Oh, fuck.
-LAIRD: Just do what he says.
Yeah, okay. Um...
-Roman Roy?
Follow me, please.
-EDUARD: Good luck.
-Yeah. Uh...
Good luck to you, too.
-Go, Hi-- Hearts.
-Go, Hearts.
Anyway, thank you
for your support.
You got it. All the time.
-Great job.
-KENDALL: Thank you.
-I salute you.
-KENDALL: Thank you, Senator.
-Excellent job.
-KENDALL: Thank you.
-BILL: Here, here.
-KENDALL: Cheers, Bill.
Well done.
Lovely to reconnect
with the gang.
I appreciate your support, Bill.
Are you kidding?
So many memories, huh?
I should write a book. I could.
I've got the diaries.
But no time. No time!
SHIV: You okay?
-You... did great.
-Thank you.
It must've been tough,
but you did it, she dropped out.
"Personal reasons."
Yeah, you did good.
Thank you.
LOGAN: So, are you okay, kiddo?
Yeah. Yeah, good.
You, uh... You feeling--
feeling okay?
I'm, uh...
I'm sorry if it was rough.
No, it was... it was fine.
We're good. It's all good.
Hey, Logan? Rhea's here,
but she-- she wants a word.
-You remember Naomi Pierce?
-LOGAN: Yeah, yeah.
-KENDALL: She came down to--
-KENDALL: support us.
So, as you know,
I didn't go in.
Yeah, yeah. No, it's fine.
Shiv's tough.
Will you tell me what happened?
You can ask me anything.
No. I don't know what to ask.
You tell me.
Well, it's all... You know.
It goes a long way back.
Did you-- Did you ever
have an editor
who put a hand up a sweater?
Well, things were done
differently in those days.
I can't fly blind.
Was Lester McClintock
a friend of yours?
No, I wouldn't say
he was a friend, no.
You once told me
he was a close friend.
-You told me that.
Friend, close friend,
colleague, I don't know.
It's kind of a--
a superpower, isn't it?
If you can lie to someone
like that, to their face.
I mean, I know you're lying,
but I still find you
very plausible and appealing.
I misspoke.
Forgive me.
But there are some things
that went on from time to time,
and I just wanted
to protect you.
-I don't need your protection.
-Well, you know,
as the next CEO,
it might be wise
to keep clean of certain areas.
I've been thinking about that.
I'm not sure
it works any longer.
So, what do you want?
I'm not sure
I want to work for you.
Fine, you've got me
over a barrel.
You know it, I know it,
so tell me what you want
-and let's get into it.
-You don't understand.
I'm out.
I don't want to be part of this.
Oh, come on.
(LAUGHS) Fuck off!
Little Miss Prim.
You knew.
You know who I am.
I think it's changed.
In the details.
You don't walk over details.
I can't see
the bottom of the pool.
I-- I-- I don't know
if you care about anything.
-And that scares me.
-Oh, yeah.
Fucking words. Fucking words.
Come on. Stay!
(CHUCKLES, SIGHS) I could always
find someone else.
You know you're fungible.
-I am not fungible.
-Oh, yes, you are.
You're as fungible as fuck.
Then funge me.
Go ahead. Try.
Kendall Roy served
self-satisfied hypocrites
on the senate commerce
committee a healthy portion
of reality pie
today when he delivered them
a takedown for the ages.
-Democrats on the committee
had worked themselves...
-LOGAN: Hmm.
-ANCHOR: ...into a fit of
phony outrage
-over historic corporate...
-Rhea's gone?
-ANCHOR: But they made
a fatal miscalculation.
She can't hack the hate.
Well, she can fuck off
and enjoy her lily-white,
chicken-flesh conscience
working for
a fucking phone company.
(SCOFFS) Yeah.
Yeah, well, maybe.
Yeah, but do you think
that's it?
If Kira holds, and we kill Bill,
do you think we're through?
No. Not with the shareholders.
I'm afraid this Kendall stuff
won't play.
They're a little more...
fucking vegetarian.
KENDALL: (ON TV) Yes. Yes.
He came out like a fighter,
but I'm hurt.
We're hurt.
And Bill's on maneuvers.
He won't go quietly.
No, no, no.
Bill's not the answer.
We need something big.
Time for a blood sacrifice.
ANCHOR: Tell it like it is,
Kendall Roy. I see...
one meaningful skull to wave.
If the shareholders meeting
were tomorrow, we lose.
You know what you're looking at
if you don't go private.
Foreign and Corrupt Practices.
It's terminal.
It might be humiliating.
There's gonna be a head
on a spike.
Let's get the party started.
Everybody thinks you're a joke.
SHIV ROY: The tension,
it's getting to people.
If we fail, then we die.
Here's the thing,
I want to vote your ticket
on the fundamentals,
but this thing feels so toxic...
we feel that it should be you.
The magazine was one thing,
but, uh... this.
You're good. A new broom.
It's fun to be the new bride,
the bachelor's apartment,
putting flowers out.
It's just not nice to think
you might find a corpse
in the freezer, you know,
We have a lot of scandals.
You never quite know
when you're in the middle
of the rainstorm and when it's
the first drops
and when you've reached
the end of it.
I can't have this now.
We wanted to try and give that
slightly sickening sense
of, "Was that the worst moment
of it
and also the worst thing that
we're gonna hear happened?"
We have a problem.
They have someone else
for later in the week
who could probably kill us.
-SHIV ROY: A victim.
If she comes out and the NDAs
domino... I think that's it.
There's concentric circles
of levels of knowledge
and you can be pretty compelling
when you persuade yourself
you did or didn't know
This supposed victim?
Could you meet up with her?
You know, talk?
You know, find out
what she wants? Apologize?
Oh, come on.
One of you. Both of you.
It's one of those moments
where your sense of yourself
and your own moral parameters
are tested a bit, and what's
painful for them both
is that they know
they've been asked to go
and do that particular job
because they are women.
Why Shiv is able to do something
which other people might find
is 'cause she already feels like
they've had all those arguments.
We're in the car.
Now, let's just go and do it.
SHIV: The good thing is you're
gonna have a lot of people
on your side.
But the other people,
normal people,
they will doubt you.
Your life
is gonna get ripped apart.
From tomorrow, that's all
you'll ever be.
ARMSTRONG: We were just thinking
about people's
personal responsibilities
to take on
political, cultural change,
which is gonna be damaging
to them,
and the people who choose
to do that are very brave,
but however, if it was
your best friend,
or your mother or sister,
could you, hand on heart,
tell them to do it?
It's an interesting dilemma.