Spider-Man (1994–1998): Season 1, Episode 2 - The Spider Slayer - full transcript

Norman Osborn hires Spencer Smythe to capture Spider-Man. Smythe releases his deadliest weapon, the Spider Slayer.

Sometimes I have to get out
of there, dusting my cobwebs.

My spider's sense is running wild.

I can not even throw some webs.

Flying toys. Why does it
alarm my spider's mind?

That was, of course, a stupid question.

Unbelievable. What is he quick and agile.

They are a real mini air force.

Flying smart bombs.

Stay in that position.

Do not stand up.

If you get angry, I'll make
sure you never find work again.

Go away, otherwise they will blow me up.

They are going apart. They want to
embed me. I can use that against them.

This is a matter of timing.

There comes the other.

Only this one, then I am there.

Do you have to have me again?

You messed it up. You failed, Smythe.

My father is an expert in the
field of robots, Mr. Osborne.

He is not a failure. -You
do not have to defend me.

Oh no? That web weaving
weasel has made us crazy.

Just a moment. -This was only a test.

Now it has been proven that my
computers can localize Spiderman.

They are my computers. I paid them.
You only designed them.

And they do not even take him.
That is not their job.

Is that your task? That's her job.

Gentlemen, get acquainted with my
spider killer: The Black Widow.

Plus the catering company,
the musicians and the cleaners.

Is everything settled, Mr. Jameson?

This is not my first
charity ball, Miss Hardy.

But the first thing the
Hardy's take part in.

And the photographer? Mother
insists that we hire one.

Tell me it will cost me enough,
soon I will need charity myself.

Jonah, do not forget that Felicia's
mother advertises a lot with us.

And we already have a photographer.
Do you sometimes...

Fine, I was just waiting for that.
Flying robots. Would she control them?

Peter, Mr. Jameson wants to talk to you.
I'm coming.

I assure you, Miss Hardy, this ball is
just as important to me as it is to you.

That's why I send you my best photographer.

V fie is that good?
Felicia Hardy.

- Peter Parker?
- Do you know him?

We are together at school. Parker,
what are you unpredictable?

Mr. Jameson says that you
are his best photographer.

- Really?
- My very best.

Ah, I just shoot pictures.

This ball is not common. Her mother
sponsors it and it is my home.

Can you photograph anything
else than Spiderman?

I am very flexible. -You
will not disappoint me.

- I do not think about it.
- Bye.

I want to speak to Eddie Brock. He
would have a scoop for me, and I...

Parker, your mouth is open.

Watch out. This acid is the only
thing that can pierce the armor.

We are almost done.
Yes almost...

Eddie Brock's biggest scoop:
How Spiderman got caught.

I am glad that I can be there.
You are my insurance.

With the press, everything will be fair.
Nobody wants it to get out of hand.

I am not going to play my own judge.
I just want to capture him.

- He is a criminal.
- He is news.

I'm going to put my team together.
See you. -I must also leave.

I assure you, everything goes according
to the book. You have to trust me.

I feel that I can not trust him.

That is not entirely unjustified.
But there is something wrong.

I make it exactly to your size.
So why not help Osborne?

Do you hand over Spiderman to him?

The explosion in the lab was my fault.
I want to do everything to help you.

Even working for Osborne? -Even that.
He is not that bad yet.

The Black Widow is finished. -Do
they know that I'm behind it?

- No not at all.
- Beautiful.

That's the way it is supposed to be.

I live off crime. It's my life.

And now everything is
endangered by Spiderman.

How can I lead my world empire if I
do not even have New York in my power?

The Black Widow can outdo Spiderman.

That game breaker has to disappear.
You do not have to worry.

But you do, Osborne. If it fails, I'll
get your business. Do you remember?

So you pay me back the loan.
Tomorrow I will pay off my debt.

Now I get it: Spiderman is
turned off, or you get Oscorp.

Whatever happens, you always win.
I am also the Crime King.

- Ready.
- Do you think?

The searchers have already found
Spiderman once, and that is now possible.

If we find him, we must strike.

Spiderman does not give
you twice the chance.

Is not your father there, Osborne?
He could not come.

Something was going on in his factory.
He did not say what.

Do you always have to talk about work?
I find that boring.

Flash, this evening is a huge success.
Jameson was...

Peter Parker. -I am curious
about who he is here.

Is not it fantastic? I already said it?

It's nice, but I had
just watched TV at home.

Aunt May, you have to
go out once in a while.

- Is he with her?
- I love him.

I wonder who she is.

You should have asked Mary
Jane, Anna Watson's cousin.

But auntie, I do not even know her.
Parker. What do you look beautiful.

Aunt May, this is Patricia Hardy.
Nice to meet you.

Can I dance with your nephew?
Well I...

Felicia, I actually have to take pictures.
And I should dance with Flash.

And I should have asked Mary
Jane and miss this? For no gold.

I was already afraid of this. Come with me.

I will not let Parker
Felicia take me away from me.

You seem to speak to your great hero.
This suit has cost a lot of rent.

What will Peter do if he sees
you like this? I do not know.

But I would stay away
from him when he does it.

There he is, on the corner
of 39th and 2nd Street.

Jonah Jameson lives there. Then
my boss is at the first rank.

Is he equally lucky. Go to work.

You dance surprisingly well.
I have more surprising sides.

I love surprises. What
do you think of this?

Something's wrong. Why right now?

What is he doing here?
He is not real.

How can you know that?
Yes, maybe it is him.

Is this really Spiderman? Here in my house?

Parker, we have to talk.
What about, Spiderman?

That you always take photos of me.
I do not like that.

Well, I'm sorry about that.

That is a bit better,
but not good enough yet.

What should I say?

What stimulates my spinning sense then?

Aunt May.

- Stay here.
- But…

I'll save me, I hope.

Hey you there. You ruined everything.

Leave her alone.

Do you dance? Dance with me.

The fight of the century, and there is
no photographer. Parker, where are you?

Come on, little bull.

That is again with the door in the house.

Where did he go?

Over there. Go back, Spencer.

Get him.

This will cost me a million.

- Spiderman seems dazed.
- Hey?

Now that he is unconscious,
we must seize our chance.

This is the moment that the whole
of America has been waiting for.

The unmasking of Spiderman.
So that's what it was about.

This is Brock's big scoop.

That is worth all the damage.
And now, live and exclusive...

Come on, Brock.

Flash Thompson.

Do you know him? -He is in
school with Peter Parker.

Did you say that Spiderman is only
a schoolboy? That is incredible.

A publisher of a gossip magazine
does not look at anything anymore?

And this is him, dear viewers.
The police will...

Ladies and gentlemen, suddenly
men are coming in here.

Pardon sir, may I ask you something?

- Where do you occur?
- For him.

We would transfer him to the police.

What is happening here, Osborne? -I
did not know anything about this.

And I trusted you.

There is press freedom in this country.
That has just been abolished.

This is fun. I am in two
places at the same time.

This is the real Spiderman. After all
those years, I can almost smell him.

But then Brock has put
my company into a shit.

That is not that difficult.
I'll teach you, clown.

Can I have a moment? Now that poor Thompson
is the bobbin. Is nobody going to save him?

And who should save the
boy who hates Peter Parker?

What a dramatic irony.

Knock Knock.

This can not be him, he is inside.
It is only optical illusion.

What is happening?
I do not know.

Let's finish it, otherwise
the Crimean King will kill us.

The Crime King?
Spencer, believe me...

Please do not. -I have my orders, web-head.

He said: Please.

Did you learn that at school?

Explain how you start the Black Widow.
You have no choice, Spencer.

Press that button.

So that's your name, the Black Widow.

I know you are stronger than
me, but maybe this helps.

Stop it, boys. The Widow and
I were just as comfortable.

Thanks for your cooperation.

What are you going to do?
To let the odds turn.

This thing is indestructible.

That is an effect ball.

Can I play baseball, or not?

Do you remember our appointment?
No Spiderman, no float.

All right, take Alistair away.

No, you should not stay here.
I'll be fine.

The Widow is more
convenient than I thought.

I have to be quick.

I was not fast enough.

My webs are gone.

I have to replace the cartridges.
But that is not possible now.

Spiderman, make that thing go away.
I'm trying.

If I climb a bit higher...

It is a kind of oil. Now
I do not stick anymore.

Where is he?
I should have done this before.

He can only be in one place.

If I can just sit.

- He has come off.
- I'm not him.

Good Flash, what a heroism.
Ah, I'll help you anyway.

I do not stick to the wall, and
swinging at webs makes me sick.

These web patterns stick your drive.

Spiderman, hurry up. It's coming closer.

Please, help me.

Still, Thompson. I already
have the Widow under control.

Just dive in, Widow.

I was not very brave, was it? I had
hoped that I would be more like you.

If Felicia or Parker can not figure it out.
Do not you tell me?

No. Do you now understand that
this costume attracts problems?

Has my father already come out?

The other TV stations are laughing
at me, Brock. What a humiliation.

That's your fault. It's Spiderman's fault.

Yes, but I can not fire him.
Boss, you do not mean...

Yes, it's over for you. You fly out
of the lane. And get off my vase.

But wait a minute, you can not...
Throw out this stupid cup.

You do not understand. -V fi I your
understanding? Find a psychiatrist.

It is the fault of that wall crawler.
How do you make up something like that?

- Mop.
- But Felicia...

That is always Miss Hardy for you.
Well, let it go.

You look out, crazy.

First the mop, now the lafbek.
Lafbek? I just wanted to...

You left me alone. Spiderman saved me.

If only you were a guy like him...
I was worried about you.

I was also worried about you, Aunt May.
That you had to make this happen.

I actually thought it was exciting.

I remember a nice girl for you...

Is your father still not found?
Do you know me?

I worked with your father.
Now I want to work with you.

I do not need a partner.

My proposal does make you change your mind.

I want to give you the
money to build new spiders.

Why would you do that?

Then you can avenge yourself on the
man who made your father disappear...


To be continued