Scarecrow and Mrs. King (1983–1987): Season 3, Episode 18 - Wrong Number - full transcript

Lee's old nemesis Gregory is involved in a plot with a geeky mathematician, his KGB doppelganger and Francine- who has been captured in Beirut.

- Anybody killed?
- Just our local contact.

The KGB sprung a trap.
Took him out with an AK-47.

It was bound to happen. Abernathy's
been trying every trick in the book...

running guns to those
hillfighters. They get him?

- I don't know, you better do a nose count.
- I'll run an overseas ops tally.

I tell you, I don't envy
Abernathy one bit.

The whole country's a shooting
gallery. Russians are trying like hell...

- to win a Kewpie doll.
- Kewpie doll, that's funny.

- Hello.
- Hi.

What's the matter,
your shirttail on fire?


- Oh!
- Ah!

Oh, I'm sorry.

- What are you doing?
- Oh, I'm just sorting some dossiers.

Amanda, aren't you making more
of this than is really necessary?

I'm not gonna do a slipshod
job on my first assignment.

Look, Billy was only humoring
you when he called it that. Relax.

Checking security
clearances isn't busy work.

Mr. Melrose is expecting
serious recommendations...

- and that's what I'm gonna give him.
- Ow.

Why are you in such
a hurry, anyway?

There's a rumor that one of our agents
was grabbed. Probably Bob Abernathy.


Gotta pin it down.

Damn it.

Francine knows the
undercover roster better than I do.

Every time she goes on vacation
something like this happens.

Why is my contact book in
the back of the coffee beans?

I don't know, it usually
lands where you toss it.

Uh-huh. And when am I
gonna get my desk back...

so that I can toss it in there?

Couple of days. I'm down to my
last interview, Dr. William Towne.

Look at this, I've already
done his background check.

Ah. What did you do, go way
back to the Revolutionary War?

Well, no, but his math theories come
pretty close to our basic code system.

So if I stamp "cleared" on his security
check, I wanna know that I'm right.

- Okay, okay. I can't fault you there.
- Mm-hm.

We can all sleep a lot easier
knowing that the world is safe...

from renegade
arithmetic teacher.

- Very funny.
- Ha, ha.

Hey, Ronda.

What do you hear?

Well, super's gonna be down
10 cents a gallon by summer.

Come on.

There was a big slumber party
at the Russian embassy last night.

- Oh?
- A confab about codes, ciphers.

Guest of honor was a
heavy dude on the subject.

Great, that narrows it down
to every third person in D.C.

This one isn't the American
he's pretending to be.

- Nationality-change operation?
- No, he's still a Russian.

- He just dresses like an American.
- You get this from your friend...

- at the Soviet Embassy?
- No, they were in here the other day.

The way they talked, you
would've thought I was deaf.

Well, how many D.C. pump
jockeys speak Russian, huh?


Did they say anything about
bagging one of our people in Kabul?

No, nothing like that.

But, uh, if I hear
anything I'll let you know.

- We've got plenty. AMANDA:
Oh, no, really thank you.

I've already had my lunch.

Now, Dr. Towne, could you tell
me the percentage of your work...

that you've found involves
matters of national security?

Nothing, so far.

But all my papers are
scrutinized by your agency...

- before they're published, just in case.
- Yes, sir.

I wish all of your colleagues
were as cooperative as you are.

We do need to classify as much of
this material as we can, you understand.


I can't agree with you there.

I think sometimes we're
too hung up on secrets.

Really? Well, do you
object to the reviews?

No, no not the reviews.

You never know when a
relatively innocuous formula...

is the basis of someone
else's intricate ciphers.

Uh-oh. Honey, guess
what, I'm having a reaction.

- Oh, no.
- What's in here, peanuts?

No. No peanuts. I was careful.

The cortisone is
next to the sink.

It's probably the MSG, my son
Philip has the same reaction.

Oh, no. I know I forgot something.
It's the MSG, honey, I forgot to tell them.

Oh, Will, how
could you forget...

Chinese restaurants always
put MSG in their food...

- unless you ask them not to.
- I, know, I'm sorry. Ooh.

I forgot. Listen, um...

we're out of beer, anyway,
so I'll go get you a burger.

- Oh, thanks.
- All right, come here.


How involved is this
security clearance business?

Well, at this stage, it isn't
really much more difficult...

than establishing good credit.

However, if I haven't
asked you a question...

that could lead to an answer
that I might need to know...

- now would be a good time to tell me.
- No, you were very thorough.

- I just hope it all works out.
- Well, so far so good.

- Okay.
- Talk in a couple days.

All right. AMANDA: Goodbye.


That was her, Edgar.

Not that I could hear everything. The bug
you put in seems to be in the wrong room.

- She didn't look much like an agent.
- Well, perhaps agent is the wrong word...

but I know what she does
and she does it quite well.

Mrs. King and I are old friends.

She ran afoul of a pretty
little gambit I was playing...

that would have turned
the whole agency inside out.

Thanks to her, and an agent
code-named Scarecrow...

I spent six months in
Lubyanka Prison for my troubles.

Perhaps we can even the score.

- Gonna give Slide Rule the green light?
- As soon as I get all the bugs out of it.

Your sign's still
not straight, Edgar.

Twelve hundred and twenty
three. That's an A-1 rating.

- You really liked this guy, Towne.
- He seems all right.

I was a little unsure on how to
score him on personal philosophy.

He thinks we have a
few too many secrets.

- I took off five points.
- No, that's good.

That's good. He's not perfect.
He's a better security risk.

If you have doubts, you ask
questions and you get answers.

- It gives you a personal stake.
- Mm-hm.

- It's real good, Amanda.
- Thank you.

Okay. If you wanna
talk about this later...

I'll do it but I've got to
get back to my work here.

- Okay.
- So here you go.

- Thanks.
- Mm-hm.

- By the way, we found Abernathy.
- Uh-huh.

Istanbul. A 104 temperature,
delirious. Turkish flu.

We don't know who
the Russians have.

Well, good luck.

- Oh, Amanda...
- Yeah.

Hypothetically speaking,
how would you rate me?

I wouldn't. Not yet.

Watch it!

I'm a reporter...

- for the Columbia Broadcasting System.
- You'd be amazed at the speed...

and accuracy of our new ID
section at Dzerzhinsky Square.

Ms. Desmond.

- Want a lift?
- Gregory.

I didn't expect to see
you back in D.C. so soon...

Or ever.

I thought our last escapade
finished your career.

It should have, Billy, really.

But I just happened
to have salted away...

some very fine video tapes...

for a rainy day.

The first undersecretary
for international exchange...

was rather eager to
get me out of Moscow.

Well, why back here to
D.C.? We know you here.

I know you.

It's comfortable.

Besides, my tailor is here.

What's on your mind?

Actually, I'd like to discuss
a piece of property with you.

Real estate, it's my new
cover. What do you think?

What property?

It was mine, Billy.

Or should I say yours for mine?

- You have something to trade?
- Mm.

An import, actually, all
the way from Afghanistan.

- Gregory couldn't give you a single clue?
- Let me tell you something.

The Russian czars used
to tease their guests...

with 20 appetizers before
they served the main course.

- My hunch is they've got somebody.
- Mm.

- Melrose here. RONDA:
Lee Stetson, please.

It's for you.

- Yes, Stetson.
- Lee, it's Ronda.

I got a name and a meet.

- Go.
- The guy's name is Towne...

and he's going to meet a KGB agent
at 1, outside a Chinese restaurant.

Uh, Xin Hua's on Third.

Thanks, Ronda. It's a good thing the
KGB takes such bad care of its cars.

- You sure it's legit?
- They were talking like no tomorrow...

but I'm not the one who
has to believe them or not.

- Have a good day.
- Yeah.

That's one of my sources. Says
there's some kind of a drop going down.

Can you get a surveillance team
to this location in half an hour?

- You got it.
- Okay.

Give me a 30
degrees right and left.

Hey, I'll see you
in the restaurant.

Still camera, cover the reverse.

It's Towne coming from the east.

Lock in on him.

Okay, the man coming from
Pennsylvania, in the gray coat.

That's Edgar, the KGB's
local number five man.

Looks like a pay-off stash.

I'm gonna check
the newspaper rack.

Get stills of this.

Coming out of the
restaurant, that's Towne.

Here's the drop.
Everybody on it?

Oh, I'm sorry.

Towne's picking up his money.

Cover it. I'm going after Edgar.

Go on. He's up there. Get him.
- Come on, let's go.


Damn it.

Square one, Dr. Towne
buys Chinese food.

Is that in character?

Amanda. AMANDA: Yes, sir.

When you interviewed Towne and his
wife, you said they were eating Chinese.

- Yes, sir.
- Okay.

Lee, when you interviewed
the restaurant owner...

he told you that Dr. Towne and
his wife came there all the time.

- All the time, that's correct.
- Square two.

Square three.

Okay, square three. Ahem.

I spotted Edgar, the Soviet's
number five man in town...

salting away a pretty heavy pay
envelope inside The Daily Ledger.

Now, here's Towne.

He is passing the
container to Edgar.

Amanda, does Dr. Towne have
the paper delivered to his home?

Well, yes, sir. Actually, he has
two daily newspapers delivered...

three weekly news magazines,
and four professional journals.

Well, if that's a drop,
it's an awfully messy one.

No, Dr. Towne is not a pro.

- But just what is he? AMANDA:
He's a fellow at Georgetown...

a full professor with a PhD
in theoretical mathematics...

and he seems to be a nice man.

As the agent of record, I'd like...
- Amanda.

"Agent of record" is really
stretching it. Heh-heh.

- It was my assignment...
- Under my supervision.

I'm still the agent of record.

- Listen. Amanda, listen to me.
- All right, all right, all right.

- Yes, sir.
- Now, the most important question here is:

Why does this man, who
passes secrets to the enemy...

walk around with an
A-1 security clearance?

Sir, I did the background,
I conducted the interview.

I fed the facts into the computer,
and the computer came out with A-1.

Now, I stand by that assessment.

Come in.

Oh, Tagart, maybe
you can help settle this.

What does the lab have for us?

Well, first off, the
message in that takeout...

must be some kind of
theoretical mathematics formula.

That should be right
up Dr. Towne's alley.

I took an electron
microscope look-see...

at a tiny little fiber
we found on the paper.

As you can see, it's a
McCormick 389, triple-twist...

75 percent wool, commercially
sold as angel-cloud plush.

- Expensive.
- I saved the best for last.

Now, this is a blow-up of
the watermark on that paper.

Now, it's a hard croft, flat block,
pressed bond, custom letterhead paper.

I'll make a list of the local
customers by morning.

Don't tell me.

That's the formula for the
stealth bomber paint, hmm?

No, it's the chemical breakdown
of the contents of the container:

moo goo gai pan.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

I know tomorrow is Sunday.

But, uh...

soon as Tagart gets that
list, I want you to check it out.

See if anybody knows
our math professor.

You know, if the Soviets do
wanna trade for one of our agents...

this Towne may be the
bargaining chip that we need.

All right. That's it. Good
night and thank you.

- Yes, sir. Good night, sir.
- Good night, Amanda.

Sorry for the
inconvenience, Ms. Desmond.

We've been busy on your behalf.

Yeah, I bet. I don't know what you think
you're doing, kidnapping an American.

It seems there are developments in
your favor. Be smart, Ms. Desmond.

Don't spoil our plans,
we won't spoil yours.

Damn. Puddle of
paint. Stupid Americans.

This would never have
happened in Moscow.

Slide Rule?

There's nothing more fun to see
than American vacation photographs.

They arrive by courier tonight.

And the American flies
out of Beirut tonight.

- She'll be in Havana tomorrow.
- Congratulations.

Slide Rule is ahead of schedule.
- So far.

Popovich, getting involved with
the woman was very negligent.

We've gone to a great deal of trouble to
convince them that you're William Towne.

Why risk the whole plan?

My, uh, arrangement with Cindy
was intended to be strictly professional.


That's the best you
have to offer, eh?

The reality is somewhat less.

The next move is
worth the whole game...

if the Americans do not make
us a gift of William Towne...

we'll go very hard on you, in
spite of your good intentions.

I'll take care of it.

Oh, no, if you need me to come
in today, then I'll come in today.

Absolutely. No, it's no problem.

No, I'm sure they'll
understand. Uh-huh.

Okay, I'll be there
just as quickly...

as I can change my
clothes and get in the car.

Okay. Bye-bye.

You gonna be good guys and
clean the garage, like you promised?

- Mm-hm.
- Good.

- Give you a buck-fifty if you do it.
- You don't have a buck-fifty.

- Mom, can I borrow a few dollars?
- No.

- No?
- Mother, I'm awfully sorry.

- I'm gonna leave the dishes for you.
- When do you work on Sundays?

When you have to work, you have to work.
- Are you sure this is work?

- I'm sure.
- I don't believe it.

- Mother.
- I don't believe it.

- Mother. DOTTY:
I don't believe it.

Ah. It's getting to the point
where I don't believe it.

This condo complex is the only
place using paper with that watermark.

- It's Jango Hart. Mm-hm.
- Thank you.

- Thank you so much. Hello.
- Hi.

- Hi.
- What would you folks like to hear?

- Well...
- How about, "I've Got Your Number."

IRS, we've got some questions.

Oh, no, my lawyer told me to
never ever answer any questions...

unless he and my
accountant were present.

Mm. LEE: Hmm.

Well, I suppose we'll have
to subpoena his bank records.

- We're forced to.
- Mm-hm.

Uh, maybe I could answer
just one or two little questions.

Oh. Well, that
would be very helpful.

Could you tell us how long
you've known this gentleman?

Well, I wouldn't exactly
call him a gentleman.

He bought a condo here
a couple months ago...

and I don't think I should talk
about him without my lawyer.

- Uh...
- Oh, look at this.

Oh, dear me.
Undeclared income...

Wait, just a...

I'll cooperate, wait, okay.
Please, do me a favor.

Just leave my name
out of this, please.

My business depends a
great deal upon my discretion.

- Mm-hm.
- I see.


- What do you know about this Towne?
- Who?

William Towne, take a good look.

I could have sworn that was
Wally Tuttle, looks just like him.

Oh, I see. Well, thank you very much.
- Ahem.

- Sorry about the inconvenience.
- Wait, hold it, hold it.

Is it or is it not the same man?

I've only seen the guy
maybe four or five times.

- Will you see him here today?
- No, not on weekends.

The only time I've ever
seen him is on week nights.

Well, thank you very
much for your help, Mr. Hart.

Yes. We know where to find you.

Lucky me. LEE: Heh-heh.

- There's no time like the present.
- For what?

Go upstairs to that condo
and peel the wallpaper.

All right.


hair samples, carpet fibers. This
should give us enough to work with.

Hopefully, till we can prove
that Wally Tuttle isn't Will Towne.

That Will Towne is
leading a double life.

Mild-mannered mathematician
from Georgetown...

and a wild party
boy from Baltimore.

Look, Amanda, the valet saw
him, and the elevator operator.

Yeah, but the piano
player wasn't sure.

Let's stop arguing about this.

- Let's take Tuttle do...
- Towne.

Towne, Tuttle, whatever.

Let's take him down to the
piano bar and get this over with.

- That's a good idea.
- You agree with me?

I agree with you there.

Come on.

Come on.

This is ridiculous, you've
never met me before.

I've never net you? - All right.

Now, listen, calm
down, gentlemen.

Let's just discuss this, huh?

Oh. Now I see.

I'm sorry, I can't help you.

Now, Mr. Hart, we know
that this is Will Towne.

Are you telling us that you know
this gentleman as Wally Tuttle?

Whoa. They must have
you by your W-2s, pal.

How can you pretend to know
me? I've never been in this place.

I hear you, Wally.

Half the guys come in here
have never been in this place.

Thank you.

Mr. Towne, would you
wait here for a minute?

- Amanda.
- Excuse me.

- What is it?
- You seen enough?

Enough to know he's being set
up. You see him push the door...

- marked "pull"? He's never been here.
- Jango identified him.

Don't care. I think
you're making a mistake.

I think you are
way out of line...

Ow! What? Hey.

Hey! What's going on?

Come on, we got him.
Let's go. MAN 2: Let's go.

- Move it. MAN 3:
Somebody call the police.

You all right?

Get down!

- You okay?
- I've been better.

- Go call for some backup. Quick.
- Right.

You should have stuck
with your Russian friends...

because now
you're stuck with us.

The FBI has lost
Towne in their system...

he's in our interrogation room.
We can keep him there for 36 hours.

- We'll owe them for that.
- We already owe him...

Stop. Sit.

- What is it?
- Mrs. King's personal feelings...

- are clouding her professional judgment.
- Mr. Stetson's need to always be right...

is about to cause the
agency to make a mistake.

I made a mistake by
listening to Mrs. King.

We came within an inch of losing the guy.
- That was a setup.

Here she goes, her
fantasy frame-up theory.

It's not.

- Then back it up.
- How could he have known...

the joggers were coming?

- He didn't know it would happen soon.
- We caught him two blocks away.

- All right.
- Oh, sir. Yes, sir.

I agree with both of you, and
I disagree with both of you.

I'm gonna wait on the lab
results of your samples.

Well, sir, that
could take hours.

I agree with you.
Listen, Billy, we've gotta

get rolling with a dose
of damage control.

Towne has compromised our codes.
We've gotta call State, somebody...

tell them their communiqués are
being passed around the Kremlin.

If we do that, Scarecrow, if I blow
that whistle, there's no turning back.

- Get me something more.
- What?

I need to know if this man, Towne,
is an American citizen, at least.

- Sir, he was born and raised in Culpeper.
- Or so he told you.

- Please! BILLY:
Oh, now, please.

Put your personal
differences aside.

Get me something more
conclusive by tonight...

or I will have to
blow that whistle.


Awful lot of people
born in 1948.

- That's why they called it...
- The Baby Boom.

- Right.
- Mm-hm.

Just keep looking. If he was born
here, there's got to be a record of it.


Oh, I got it.

William Alan Towne, born
11:28 a.m., June 22nd, 1948.

St. Johns.


- Oh, no.
- What's the matter?

- No.
- What's the matter?

I found something I don't
think we were looking for.

What is it, let me see?

William Towne died 9:25
p.m., August 19th, 1950.

That's right. The
oldest trick in the book.

Assume the name of a dead infant,
take an ID and no one usually checks.

I'm sorry, Amanda.

Will Towne is not
who he says he is.

Hardwood floors, central air...

gas fireplace. It's an
excellent place to entertain.

Who are we entertaining here?

You asked for
the meeting, Billy.

Cut the bull, Gregory.
No games, no codes.

- You wanna make a trade?
- The price is high.

Usually is a spy for a spy.

Ours for yours?

We could explore that.

But I must tell you that our
property is of the very highest value.

- Do I have to take that on faith?
- I can do better than that.

Look behind you.

Would you care to make an offer?

I'd like to make the arrangements
with the escrow company.

Let me do some inventory.

We'll meet your price.

Oh, I want this conducted
under Potsdam regulations.

Shall we say noon tomorrow?

The C&O tunnel on the
way to Harpers Ferry?

- You got a deal.
- I certainly hope so.

To quote Mark Twain, "The reports
of my death are greatly exaggerated."

- You believe me.
- Oh, of course, I do.

All we have to do is convince the
entire United States Government.

That's me.

Amanda, Scarecrow,
we're huddling in the bullpen.

- Yes, sir.
- And you're the football.

That's unnecessary.

You say William
Towne is a Russian spy?

No living relatives, no school
records. They invented him.

And he has a condo in Baltimore
as Wally Tuttle. The prints matched.

You can plant carpet
fibers and fingerprints...

- and that condo was hardly lived in.
- He just bought it.

The shirts hadn't even been worn. It's
conjecture. You don't have any proof.

Soviet agents don't
usually carry IDs.

Listen, somewhere in
all of these, uh, pictures...

and chemical breakdowns for
moo goo gai pan with MSG...

Well, wait a minute. That's it.

- What's "it"?
- Well, the MSG.

When I was at Will Towne's, his wife had
an allergic reaction to the Chinese food...

because he forgot to
tell the restaurant not

to put the MSG in
it. She's allergic to it.

There's MSG in this. He would hardly
make the same mistake twice, would he?

No, not likely.

Would somebody please explain this? I
mean, you found Towne's death certificate.

This has all been a setup to make
us think that Towne is a Russian.

Billy, can you believe
this, what a prize!

A top code theorist and we hand
him over thinking he's one of theirs.

You're telling me he's not?

They almost pulled it off too.

They probably used
a double to do it.


They made one crucial mistake.

Our agent of record caught it.

What's the matter, sir?

I just found out who the
Russians are holding for a trade.


- Francine?
- What she's doing in Kabul?

She's supposed to
be in Cairo on vacation.

She's not supposed to go
undercover without my approval.

So how do we get her back?

Thanks to your good work, we don't
have anybody to trade for her anymore.

- Welcome home, Ms. Desmond.
- Gregory. Heh.

I should have figured
this for your kind of game.

For your sake, let's hope Mr. Melrose
remembers to play by my rules.

Well, you sound,
uh, almost agreeable.

Believe me, Ms. Desmond, no one
wants this trade any more than I do.

Except possibly, you, of course.

You know, there were a lot of girls in
these pictures we got from his apartment.

But Tuttle seems
to favor this one.

- Oh, what a longshot.
- It's the only shot we've got.

Well, hello again, Mr. Hart.

I wonder if you could take a look at
this picture and identify the lady for us?

You folks have a lot
of pictures, don't you?

Look, I called my accountant. Bernie
says, "Okay." I should play ball with you.

First, I gotta know what
you guys want, capiche?

- She just told you, pal.
- Let me see that again, okay.

- Mm-hm. Take a good look at it.
- Yeah.

It's Cindy Bell. She hasn't
been around in a long, long time.

You know what happened to her?

Usually only two reasons
why girls like that disappear.

Either they're taking a
nine-month vacation...

or they've taken up with a john.

Do you think Cindy Bell could
have taken up with Wally Tuttle?

Well, it's hard to say.

- It's hard to say.
- Well, you wanna make a guess?

If she knows him,
where can we find them?

Hot Tub Headquarters.

- Hello.
- We've still got 15 minutes.

Yes, I know we don't mean to bother
you. But I think I left my glasses inside.

- We've been here since 11.
- Yes, I know that...

but we left shortly before 11, and I
really can't see a thing without them.

- Who is it, honey?
- She left her glasses, they wanna look.

- Thank you so much.
- Tell them we've still got time.

Your time just ran out, Tuttle.

No, you're confusing
me with someone else.

Well, that's the
whole idea, isn't it?

What's going on, Wally?

Are you married?

I'm afraid it's a lot more
complicated than that.

The Russian will only trade
Francine back for the real Towne.

They'll spot this guy. You don't
wanna go back, do you, Popovich?

Gregory will drop me down a
Siberian uranium mine and forget me.

Please, let's talk.

You have a protected
witness program, right?

- We hear about it all over Russia.
- Propaganda. Look.

The swap goes down in one
hour. Will you floor this thing?

According to the section of the
agency manual on offensive driving...

short bursts of speed will do very
little to increase one's top-end average.


You're sensible. She's sensible.

We can work this
out. What can I do?

Try to get us something
to listen to on the radio.

So I'm afraid we all owe
you a big apology, Dr. Towne.

The KGB went to an awful
lot of trouble to set you up.

- You two walked right into it.
- I wouldn't say we walked...

Hold your explanation. I have someone
at the paper who'll be very interested.

You hold it a second. I really
wish you wouldn't do that.

Mr. Stetson, you've embarrassed
me in front of my family...

and made me a prisoner
in my own country.

Why shouldn't I?

Because there's someone's
life you can help us save.

- And how can I do that?
- By letting us trade you to the Russians.

Here we go. Set it up down here.

- You got it?
- Careful with that.


Let's put it on the side.

Ready to go through with this?
- Yes, sir, I think so.

Remember, we have to
treat you like you are a spy.

I understand.

Good luck, Will.

- Thanks.
- Yeah.

Let's just get it over with.

All right, here they come.

All right, everyone.
Potsdam regulations:

signal, counter-signal,
by the numbers.

No sudden moves
from either side.

Bring him up.

This is it. Come on, guys.

- What is this for?
- Positive ID.

It's okay, Will, they want
this to work as much as we do.

All right. Bring her up.

All right, hit it.

It's Francine.

- Get him on the gurney.
- Come on.

All right. Let's
write a little history.

We're ready.


Hit Gregory in the eyes.

Hey, watch it with that light.

Hold your fire. Don't shoot.

I'm sorry. I tripped.


Paint on his shoes? That's got to
be Popovich. What's he done now?

It's a trick.

Move it out, guys.
Get their light.

Take cover. Get down.

Everybody take cover.

Will! Come on, Will, good job.

Move it. Come on,
let's go. Hurry up.

Come on, move it! MAN 2: We
got it. Help me load. To the back.

Oh, I haven't eaten for
days. This is fabulous.

Well, I'm certainly glad that
Amanda recognized the recipe...

or Dr. Towne here would be
aboard an Aeroflot airliner...

- heading for Moscow right now.
- Would you have had him deported?

Not deported, Sonia, traded.

- But what about his rights?
- KGB agents don't have rights.

And that's what
we thought he was.

I can tell you one thing: that is
the last favor I do for Abernathy.

I can recall his exact words.
He said, "It's just a milk run.

You'll be back in
Cairo in time for dinner."

- Are there any snow peas left?
- I'm sorry. They are all gone, Francine.

Aw. Oh, boy, I need a candy bar.

- Listen, I wanna thank you very much.
- Oh, no. You're welcome.

And, uh, you'll have to excuse
us. Sonia and I have to run.

Well, we certainly do appreciate
everything that you've done.


And once again, I hope
you won't hold a grudge.

- I'm just glad everything turned out okay.
- Yeah.

- Okay.
- Bye-bye now.


- Well, there you have it.
- Yeah. Mm-hm.

I knew he wasn't KGB.

- You knew?
- Mm-hm.

That's pretty strong.

You were fairly certain
but you really didn't know.

- Oh. You know me too well. Ha, ha.
- Listen to me, Amanda.

- Will you...?
- What?

Most of the time, we
only think that we know...

therefore, I can't really
know you too well.

Exactly my point.