Prison Break (2005–2017): Season 1, Episode 22 - Flight - full transcript
With the escape in motion, Michael, Lincoln and the inmates take flight outside the prison walls, risking life and limb to evade capture. Warden Pope and Captain Bellick embark on a relentless pursuit to capture the escapees; the Vice President fears she will lose her command as well as her life; and Veronica tracks down the most significant piece of evidence to prove Lincoln's innocence.
SCOFIELD: Previously
on Prison Break.
You got a couple foxes
in your hen house, right?
They both want out of here.
They'll behave until then.
Look, this is it, man.
Ain't no do-overs this time.
We break out tonight, or
we ain't never getting out.
Brains of the
outfit, huh, Scofield?
He's leading you
off a cliff, boys.
Now you're acting
like you still in charge.
Pretend I ain't here.
Yeah, you and the radio.
The thing I can't
quite figure is
with the crap storm
this thing's become
why they haven't killed you.
We have an employee.
She's not working out.
We fire her. It needs
to be that simple.
She's the Vice President
of the United States.
And that's all
she'll ever be, Jim.
What's going on?
You get to Blackfoot,
you find Steadman.
Just... Just give me a chance.
Where's the lawyer?
We're through.
Hey, hey, hey.
You okay, old man?
Oh, my God!
Sound the alarm.
Come on, Michael!
Sound the alarm!
LINCOLN: Come on!
Come on!
Michael, come on, move it!
Michael, grab my hand!
Grab my hand.
Don't shoot! Don't
shoot! Get down!
Don't shoot, please!
Don't shoot, please!
We got a 10-98!
Inmates over the wall!
Who was with you?
Who was with you?
Nobody, huh? No.
Talk or I swear to God, I'll
snap your neck right here!
I don't know! I don't know!
Names. I want names.
Scofield, Burrows, Sucre.
And that Vanilla
Ice kid. Who else?
Bagwell, man. C-Note. Abruzzi.
And that bug-eyed J-Cat..
Was there anybody
else? I don't know.
Was there anybody else?
MAN ON P.A.: We got
inmates over the wall. Repeat.
How many? Eight.
Warden, they just found Bellick.
Get me my shotgun.
Pope's already given orders
for all the COs to hit the streets.
Did I stutter?
Get me my shotgun!
Those piles of crap,
doing what they just did,
they just signed
their death warrant.
Every last one of them.
men went over the wall, they made a choice.
That choice makes them a
threat to society once again.
Now, as many of you know, some
of those men are convicted killers.
Now, our job is to protect and ensure
the safety of the general population.
That means if we have to bring
them down to ensure that safety,
by God we will do it!
This time we're playing
for keeps, gentlemen.
Now it's been at least 12 minutes
since they went over that wall.
That's one mile on foot at best.
If they've got their
hands on a vehicle,
they could be 10
miles from here.
So let's get moving!
Yo, come on,
man, we got to roll.
We don't got to do anything but wait
right here and let them get ahead of us.
I don't know if we're
gonna get a chance, papi.
Dogs. Son of a bitch.
They're coming right
for us. Nobody move.
They can't smell us.
But they can see us.
Hey, this is Nick. Can't get to
the phone. Leave a message.
Hey, Nick, it's me. Look,
I just landed in Montana.
I'm about an hour
outside of Blackfoot.
And this house, it's got something to
do with Terrence Steadman's murder,
I know it.
And if whatever's here
can help free Lincoln,
then I wanted to say thank you.
Soft money makes the world go
round. You know it, and I know it.
You cut my funding and I can't
run a proper campaign without it.
There was a lot of
internal debate, trust me.
And there's every chance that
you can still win with your message,
and it would certainly be
our loss... Oh, cut the crap.
Is there anything else
you want to tell me,
or did you just come here to twist
the knife you stuck in my back?
Well, actually, I came
here to express our gratitude
for all that you've done
for us over the years.
And to let you know
that this isn't personal.
Surely you've been in politics
long enough to know that.
Look, is this about
the energy bill?
The energy bill has
nothing to do with it.
Why am I finding that
so tough to believe?
I'm a grown woman.
How about you
give it to me straight?
All right.
All right.
The bottom line,
Madam Vice President,
is that you can't effect
change in the Oval Office.
And that is what we
need the most. Certitude.
Simply put,
you can't get things done.
Well, maybe you
don't know me so well.
I highly suggest that
in the coming weeks,
as the race narrows and
the candidates start falling out,
that you walk away,
quietly, of your own volition.
Otherwise, maybe it'll be
of The Company's volition.
Hey, hey, take the suit off. You're
practically glowing in the dark.
I only got my Skivvies on
underneath. Take the suit off!
I'll freeze to death!
Hey! Hey, hey!
Hurry up. We got to do
something about that freak.
You got it, dude. Come on.
Come on, hurry up. Hurry up.
Where the hell is the van?
Eyetie, where in
the hell is the van?
Ye of little faith.
Come on, come on.
I told you. I told you.
Behind the wheel, Cro-Magnon.
Hey, hey, hey.
What the hell you doing?
I'm getting us invisible.
John, where are the keys? What?
The keys, where are they?
I told you, in the garbage can
by the trees in a plastic bag.
What are you waiting for?
Oh, the keys.
Come on, come on.
The keys.
Must find the car keys.
Where are the keys?
The keys. The
keys. The car keys.
There's not even a plastic bag.
No! No, no, no!
We got the on-ramps to
55 and 80 being monitored.
We've got traffic
checks on 171, 6 and 53.
Special Services has secured
a watch on passenger lists
at O'Hare and Midway.
How are we doing
with the wiretaps?
They're being set up on all the family
members of the escapees as we speak.
Surveillance teams
are being established
outside the residences
as well. Thank you.
What do you got?
Door wasn't forced.
Lock wasn't picked.
As far as I can tell, they
basically just walked right in.
I don't see how that's possible.
These doors are locked down every night
when we leave. It's priority number one.
Only thing I can think is...
Someone left it open for them.
Hey, John, I've
got to ask you, uh,
why you were so intent
on Lincoln driving here
and you taking
that particular seat?
Now, what is it exactly you
got up underneath there, huh?
What the hell are you doing?
You think that
will stop me, huh?
Think twice, Johnny boy.
You shoot me,
pretty here will be dragging around 170
pounds of dead Alabama flesh with him.
And considering how
much you need him
to get this little Fibonacci
vendetta of yours...
So I just don't think you're
gonna be pulling that trigger.
SCOFIELD: You're gonna give
me the key to those cuffs, T-bag.
Give me the key,
you son of a bitch.
Get it, get it. Get it.
You looking for this?
Come on. Spit
it out! Spit it out!
Come on. Come on!
MAN 1: They drink this,
it's only a matter of minutes.
This glycoside saxitoxin hybrid goes
to work in the blood stream instantly.
Five minutes is
the outside limit
even the strongest cardiac
muscles can continue to function.
After that, massive cardiac
arrest with no chance of survival.
MAN 2: What about
toxicology tests?
Well, they'll reveal nothing.
Death will appear to
be from natural causes.
This is high treason.
You know that, don't you?
It's fresh, boss. From tonight.
Can't be more than an hour old.
Dogs get the
scent? Already have.
boss, check this out.
this guy lives up the road. Works
on the property during the day.
You see a vehicle parked here?
Uh, I think so, yeah.
What did it look like?
Um, like a... Like
a van. A blue van.
And you didn't think to
report it to the authorities?
A parked car?
Come on.
If you think I won't gut
you myself to get that key,
you're in for a big surprise.
I encourage you to remember the
last time you came at me with a knife.
Shut up! Shut up! Both of you!
You can settle this in Mexico.
How far to the airstrip?
I guess five miles, maybe.
You know your jet
better be there, Mr. Mafia.
You feel me? It better be there.
unit being deployed.
MAN: Roger that.
Push past the search perimeter
before we can pick up track. Over.
They're everywhere out there.
Tell me something I don' t know.
You're saying you don't
know anything about this?
Honestly, I don't.
The door was left open, Katie.
It wasn't me. Well,
then who was it?
Only you and Dr. Tancredi
were left at the end of the night.
The orderly confirmed that.
It wasn't me.
Then you're telling
me it was Dr. Tancredi?
I know you know
something, Katie.
And anything you know,
you have got to tell me.
If you don't, you are gonna
lose a lot more than your job.
Withholding information
makes you an accessory.
And I will press that button
if you don't start talking!
What about Sara?
Sara had a thing for Scofield.
Thank you, Katie.
All I want to do
is touch her belly,
feel that he's in there.
After that,
whatever I got to
do, I'll figure it out.
I just want to touch her belly.
We're close, papi.
We got trouble.
Yo, dawg, man, this is bananas.
We got to get off this road.
Any other way to the
airstrip? This is the only road.
Then let's just run this bitch.
Somebody shut him up, or I will.
Can we go back? That
won't do us any good.
It'll only get us farther
from where we need to be.
LINCOLN: Which means
we got to bust that roadblock.
Maybe not. We've got
to try and go around.
Come on.
We're gonna get
that key from you.
I don't care if you
got to crap it out.
You got a foul mouth
sometimes, pretty.
Son of a bitch, we're stuck!
Everybody out. Everybody out.
You heard.
This for the speech tonight?
Need some ID.
Secret Service.
Have at it.
Come on!
This thing ain't going
nowhere! How far is the airstrip?
On foot? Maybe two miles.
What the hell are we
waiting for? Let's move.
Three-legged race over here
ain't going to make it 10 feet.
Oh, we'll manage, won't we?
Sure, pretty. We're teammates.
Teammates till the end.
Let's get out of here! Let's go!
Let's go.
Let's go. Come on.
This is as far as
you go, my friend.
What? No, man, you can't
leave me out here, not like this.
We had a deal, remember?
Yeah, but come on, bro.
You and I, we're not bros.
And I don't think you want
me telling the guys what I know.
Now walk.
We got trouble, pretty.
We got more than that.
Go! Go! Come on!
Oh, my God!
Oh, come on.
Now what? What do
we do now, Michael?
I don't believe this. What now?
MAN: This area
clear. Negative contact.
It's coming back,
y'all, it's coming back!
C-NOTE: Make yourself small.
There's no way we are
gonna make two miles like this.
Especially with
that bird up there.
We are if I got
something to do with it.
Excuse me.
What can I do for you?
Sort of was gonna ask
you the same question.
I run the tower during the day.
There's no traffic allowed
here after sundown.
Had some mechanical problems.
You need me to take
a look at anything?
No, no, we got it.
Don't trouble yourself. We'll
be on our way in no time.
You sure? Positive.
Have a good night, hey,
buddy? Yeah, you, too.
Those guys better hurry up.
Hey, it's me.
I've got an unidentified
aircraft here at Goose Park.
I think you better have a look
at it. Tail number's 986-Delta.
Hurry it up.
Tranquilo. Just let papi work
a little bit of his magic, okay?
You know what you're
doing? Are you kidding me?
Hot-wiring this thing is
like hot-wiring a toaster.
Now, if it were to be an Acura,
or one of those Chinese cars,
that's a whole different story.
Electronic ignition, computer
chips, forget about it.
But, no, we're good.
LINCOLN: Well, that chopper's gonna
be coming back again, so hurry up.
Hey, yo. What they
got in Mexico, anyhow?
You never been there?
Ain't never been
nowhere except for Iraq,
Chi-Town and Fox River.
What you looking at?
Look, man,
is it a good place where
you can have a family?
Lots of families
down there, so I hear.
Man, you know
what I'm talking about.
For a black man, an
American man with a family.
So that's the plan, huh?
They're gonna meet
you down in Mexico?
Yeah, it's worse
to not see them.
And I can't do that no more.
Not much of a life for them.
But it'll be a life.
More than what me and them have
been having for the last two years, man.
They're family, snowflake.
Ain't no way in hell I'm
leaving them behind.
We're good. I must have
done this a thousand times.
Man, I thought you got
busted for armed robbery.
That's what they caught me for.
Red's the juice,
white is the ground.
You strike them together
and we blow this town.
What? What?
I don't get it.
That's just great.
It's okay.
Engine's still warm, and I don't
see any other tire tracks out here.
They're on foot, and judging
by how hot this engine is,
they haven't gone far. Five, ten
minutes ahead of us, at the most.
Where are you? Renwick road?
BELLICK: A quarter mile
west of Weber on Renwick.
Okay, we've got Renwick on
the south, Weber on the east,
143rd Street on the
north and 55 on the west.
Units are in place
along all those roads.
And I've got a
dozen more coming.
Brad, this could be over
quicker than we thought.
We've got them boxed in.
Sir, we've got an
update on Dr. Tancredi.
Tell me.
None of the staff had
any interaction with her.
She left work suddenly
in the early afternoon,
returned for maybe an hour,
then left again. All of it's very erratic.
Has anyone been
able to reach her?
Doesn't have a home line,
cell phone seems to be shut off.
Chicago PD identified her
car outside her residence.
They're getting an
emergency warrant to go in.
Sir, it's none of my business, but
are you gonna call the Governor?
This is his daughter
we're talking about.
Captain, the dogs picked
up a trail. Which way?
That way and that
way. They split up?
Looks like it. What
the hell we waiting for?
I think it's pretty clear that
our policies have been effective.
We've had 14 consecutive
quarters of GDP growth above 3%.
The tax cuts are working.
MAN: Madame Vice President!
WOMAN: Madame Vice President!
Madame Vice President,
a lot of people question
the wisdom of granting
tax cuts to the oil industry,
in light of the fact that
they're seeing record profits.
Do you have thoughts on that?
We're a market-driven
economy, Peter.
Punishing companies for
being a good business model
doesn't make a whole lot of
sense to this administration.
Madame Vice President!
Yeah, Rebecca.
Thank you. Madame Vice
President, are you saying...
if you're elected president?
If those tax breaks
result in growth, yes.
Excuse me. Excuse me. Sir? Yes.
Sir, can I...
Where are they?
They were way
the hell back there.
C-NOTE: Now they're
slowing us down, man.
This ain't gonna work like
this. We've got to do something.
This way.
Come on.
What's going on?
What's going on?
T-BAG: Guys, what are you
doing? What the hell you doing?
T-BAG: I swear to
God. You swear what?
SUCRE: It ain't gonna work.
I guess it was just meant
to be, hey, now, fellas?
He's lucky I didn't
take this to his head.
You cut his... You cut his...
SUCRE: You cut his...
Sucre, shut up.
MAN: Hello!
Come on, let's go.
SUCRE: We can't
leave him to just like...
You want to stay
here? Be my guest.
Good boy, good boy.
Boss, we got something.
Yes, this is Warden Henry
Pope t Fox River Penitentiary.
I need to speak
with the Governor.
Yes? Governor, I'm
sorry to bother you,
but there's been an...
Are you watching this?
Watching what?
I suggest you turn
on your TV, Warden.
Washington Medical Center have corroborated
that President Mills was
admitted into emergency care here
a little more than
45 minutes ago.
In the chief surgeon's words,
President Mills suffered
massive cardiac arrest,
doctors were
unable to revive him.
The news out of Washington
Medical Center is official now.
The President of the United
States, Richard Mills, is dead.
And keeping with protocol,
Vice President Reynolds is
in an undisclosed location,
being sworn in as
the 46th president...
"I will faithfully execute the office
of President of the United States,
"and will to the
best of my ability,
"preserve, protect and defend
"the Constitution of
the United States."
I hereby recognize you as the
46th president of this country.
And now, if you'll excuse me,
I have a lot to attend to tonight.
Thank you, all.
And you said I
couldn't get things done.
Madam Vice President, perhaps we could
get together and discuss how to move...
It is "President" now, madam,
and you're going to have
to talk to my organizers.
My schedule is suddenly quite
full. I'm sure you'll understand.
Sara Tancredi! It's the police.
We have a warrant to come in.
It's easier if you
just open the door.
Otherwise, we're
gonna come on in.
MAN: Dispatch, this
is 15 David on scene.
Roll a bus to 1616
Vanlear Drive.
Apartment 236. Possible
overdose. Likely DOA.
Copy 15 David. Bus en route.
The airstrip's on the
other side of that field.
Just 500 yards, and
this whole thing's over.
He's not moving.
Every second we stay here is another
chance for them to find the plane.
We got to go now. Wait, wait.
All right, let's go. Let's go.
If this doesn't work
out, I want you to know...
I know. I know.
Freeze. Don't move.
I'll tell you when we got to go.
No, man. I mean, we got to go.
Fire her up.
We find the defendant charged of
murdering Terrence Steadman guilty.
REYNOLDS: This stunt by
Lincoln Burrows' defense counsel
is an affront to the
memory of my brother.
We made an imprint
of the deceased's teeth,
and compared them to the dental
records of Terrence Steadman.
They were a perfect match.
Who killed Terrence Steadman?
Hello, Terrence.
I can see it.
Faster. Oh, God.
Come on, let's go.
It's on the runway. Right
there. Let's move it. Let's go.
I see it, baby.
Let's go.
We're almost there.
It better be there, man.
It better be there.
C-NOTE: What's the deal? Hey!
ALL: Hey! Where's it going?
No! No!
What do we do now?
We run.
This way, this way. Run into
the dark. Run into the dark.
Stop and put your hands up.
You are completely surrounded.
Stop and put your hands up.
You are completely surrounded.
on Prison Break.
You got a couple foxes
in your hen house, right?
They both want out of here.
They'll behave until then.
Look, this is it, man.
Ain't no do-overs this time.
We break out tonight, or
we ain't never getting out.
Brains of the
outfit, huh, Scofield?
He's leading you
off a cliff, boys.
Now you're acting
like you still in charge.
Pretend I ain't here.
Yeah, you and the radio.
The thing I can't
quite figure is
with the crap storm
this thing's become
why they haven't killed you.
We have an employee.
She's not working out.
We fire her. It needs
to be that simple.
She's the Vice President
of the United States.
And that's all
she'll ever be, Jim.
What's going on?
You get to Blackfoot,
you find Steadman.
Just... Just give me a chance.
Where's the lawyer?
We're through.
Hey, hey, hey.
You okay, old man?
Oh, my God!
Sound the alarm.
Come on, Michael!
Sound the alarm!
LINCOLN: Come on!
Come on!
Michael, come on, move it!
Michael, grab my hand!
Grab my hand.
Don't shoot! Don't
shoot! Get down!
Don't shoot, please!
Don't shoot, please!
We got a 10-98!
Inmates over the wall!
Who was with you?
Who was with you?
Nobody, huh? No.
Talk or I swear to God, I'll
snap your neck right here!
I don't know! I don't know!
Names. I want names.
Scofield, Burrows, Sucre.
And that Vanilla
Ice kid. Who else?
Bagwell, man. C-Note. Abruzzi.
And that bug-eyed J-Cat..
Was there anybody
else? I don't know.
Was there anybody else?
MAN ON P.A.: We got
inmates over the wall. Repeat.
How many? Eight.
Warden, they just found Bellick.
Get me my shotgun.
Pope's already given orders
for all the COs to hit the streets.
Did I stutter?
Get me my shotgun!
Those piles of crap,
doing what they just did,
they just signed
their death warrant.
Every last one of them.
men went over the wall, they made a choice.
That choice makes them a
threat to society once again.
Now, as many of you know, some
of those men are convicted killers.
Now, our job is to protect and ensure
the safety of the general population.
That means if we have to bring
them down to ensure that safety,
by God we will do it!
This time we're playing
for keeps, gentlemen.
Now it's been at least 12 minutes
since they went over that wall.
That's one mile on foot at best.
If they've got their
hands on a vehicle,
they could be 10
miles from here.
So let's get moving!
Yo, come on,
man, we got to roll.
We don't got to do anything but wait
right here and let them get ahead of us.
I don't know if we're
gonna get a chance, papi.
Dogs. Son of a bitch.
They're coming right
for us. Nobody move.
They can't smell us.
But they can see us.
Hey, this is Nick. Can't get to
the phone. Leave a message.
Hey, Nick, it's me. Look,
I just landed in Montana.
I'm about an hour
outside of Blackfoot.
And this house, it's got something to
do with Terrence Steadman's murder,
I know it.
And if whatever's here
can help free Lincoln,
then I wanted to say thank you.
Soft money makes the world go
round. You know it, and I know it.
You cut my funding and I can't
run a proper campaign without it.
There was a lot of
internal debate, trust me.
And there's every chance that
you can still win with your message,
and it would certainly be
our loss... Oh, cut the crap.
Is there anything else
you want to tell me,
or did you just come here to twist
the knife you stuck in my back?
Well, actually, I came
here to express our gratitude
for all that you've done
for us over the years.
And to let you know
that this isn't personal.
Surely you've been in politics
long enough to know that.
Look, is this about
the energy bill?
The energy bill has
nothing to do with it.
Why am I finding that
so tough to believe?
I'm a grown woman.
How about you
give it to me straight?
All right.
All right.
The bottom line,
Madam Vice President,
is that you can't effect
change in the Oval Office.
And that is what we
need the most. Certitude.
Simply put,
you can't get things done.
Well, maybe you
don't know me so well.
I highly suggest that
in the coming weeks,
as the race narrows and
the candidates start falling out,
that you walk away,
quietly, of your own volition.
Otherwise, maybe it'll be
of The Company's volition.
Hey, hey, take the suit off. You're
practically glowing in the dark.
I only got my Skivvies on
underneath. Take the suit off!
I'll freeze to death!
Hey! Hey, hey!
Hurry up. We got to do
something about that freak.
You got it, dude. Come on.
Come on, hurry up. Hurry up.
Where the hell is the van?
Eyetie, where in
the hell is the van?
Ye of little faith.
Come on, come on.
I told you. I told you.
Behind the wheel, Cro-Magnon.
Hey, hey, hey.
What the hell you doing?
I'm getting us invisible.
John, where are the keys? What?
The keys, where are they?
I told you, in the garbage can
by the trees in a plastic bag.
What are you waiting for?
Oh, the keys.
Come on, come on.
The keys.
Must find the car keys.
Where are the keys?
The keys. The
keys. The car keys.
There's not even a plastic bag.
No! No, no, no!
We got the on-ramps to
55 and 80 being monitored.
We've got traffic
checks on 171, 6 and 53.
Special Services has secured
a watch on passenger lists
at O'Hare and Midway.
How are we doing
with the wiretaps?
They're being set up on all the family
members of the escapees as we speak.
Surveillance teams
are being established
outside the residences
as well. Thank you.
What do you got?
Door wasn't forced.
Lock wasn't picked.
As far as I can tell, they
basically just walked right in.
I don't see how that's possible.
These doors are locked down every night
when we leave. It's priority number one.
Only thing I can think is...
Someone left it open for them.
Hey, John, I've
got to ask you, uh,
why you were so intent
on Lincoln driving here
and you taking
that particular seat?
Now, what is it exactly you
got up underneath there, huh?
What the hell are you doing?
You think that
will stop me, huh?
Think twice, Johnny boy.
You shoot me,
pretty here will be dragging around 170
pounds of dead Alabama flesh with him.
And considering how
much you need him
to get this little Fibonacci
vendetta of yours...
So I just don't think you're
gonna be pulling that trigger.
SCOFIELD: You're gonna give
me the key to those cuffs, T-bag.
Give me the key,
you son of a bitch.
Get it, get it. Get it.
You looking for this?
Come on. Spit
it out! Spit it out!
Come on. Come on!
MAN 1: They drink this,
it's only a matter of minutes.
This glycoside saxitoxin hybrid goes
to work in the blood stream instantly.
Five minutes is
the outside limit
even the strongest cardiac
muscles can continue to function.
After that, massive cardiac
arrest with no chance of survival.
MAN 2: What about
toxicology tests?
Well, they'll reveal nothing.
Death will appear to
be from natural causes.
This is high treason.
You know that, don't you?
It's fresh, boss. From tonight.
Can't be more than an hour old.
Dogs get the
scent? Already have.
boss, check this out.
this guy lives up the road. Works
on the property during the day.
You see a vehicle parked here?
Uh, I think so, yeah.
What did it look like?
Um, like a... Like
a van. A blue van.
And you didn't think to
report it to the authorities?
A parked car?
Come on.
If you think I won't gut
you myself to get that key,
you're in for a big surprise.
I encourage you to remember the
last time you came at me with a knife.
Shut up! Shut up! Both of you!
You can settle this in Mexico.
How far to the airstrip?
I guess five miles, maybe.
You know your jet
better be there, Mr. Mafia.
You feel me? It better be there.
unit being deployed.
MAN: Roger that.
Push past the search perimeter
before we can pick up track. Over.
They're everywhere out there.
Tell me something I don' t know.
You're saying you don't
know anything about this?
Honestly, I don't.
The door was left open, Katie.
It wasn't me. Well,
then who was it?
Only you and Dr. Tancredi
were left at the end of the night.
The orderly confirmed that.
It wasn't me.
Then you're telling
me it was Dr. Tancredi?
I know you know
something, Katie.
And anything you know,
you have got to tell me.
If you don't, you are gonna
lose a lot more than your job.
Withholding information
makes you an accessory.
And I will press that button
if you don't start talking!
What about Sara?
Sara had a thing for Scofield.
Thank you, Katie.
All I want to do
is touch her belly,
feel that he's in there.
After that,
whatever I got to
do, I'll figure it out.
I just want to touch her belly.
We're close, papi.
We got trouble.
Yo, dawg, man, this is bananas.
We got to get off this road.
Any other way to the
airstrip? This is the only road.
Then let's just run this bitch.
Somebody shut him up, or I will.
Can we go back? That
won't do us any good.
It'll only get us farther
from where we need to be.
LINCOLN: Which means
we got to bust that roadblock.
Maybe not. We've got
to try and go around.
Come on.
We're gonna get
that key from you.
I don't care if you
got to crap it out.
You got a foul mouth
sometimes, pretty.
Son of a bitch, we're stuck!
Everybody out. Everybody out.
You heard.
This for the speech tonight?
Need some ID.
Secret Service.
Have at it.
Come on!
This thing ain't going
nowhere! How far is the airstrip?
On foot? Maybe two miles.
What the hell are we
waiting for? Let's move.
Three-legged race over here
ain't going to make it 10 feet.
Oh, we'll manage, won't we?
Sure, pretty. We're teammates.
Teammates till the end.
Let's get out of here! Let's go!
Let's go.
Let's go. Come on.
This is as far as
you go, my friend.
What? No, man, you can't
leave me out here, not like this.
We had a deal, remember?
Yeah, but come on, bro.
You and I, we're not bros.
And I don't think you want
me telling the guys what I know.
Now walk.
We got trouble, pretty.
We got more than that.
Go! Go! Come on!
Oh, my God!
Oh, come on.
Now what? What do
we do now, Michael?
I don't believe this. What now?
MAN: This area
clear. Negative contact.
It's coming back,
y'all, it's coming back!
C-NOTE: Make yourself small.
There's no way we are
gonna make two miles like this.
Especially with
that bird up there.
We are if I got
something to do with it.
Excuse me.
What can I do for you?
Sort of was gonna ask
you the same question.
I run the tower during the day.
There's no traffic allowed
here after sundown.
Had some mechanical problems.
You need me to take
a look at anything?
No, no, we got it.
Don't trouble yourself. We'll
be on our way in no time.
You sure? Positive.
Have a good night, hey,
buddy? Yeah, you, too.
Those guys better hurry up.
Hey, it's me.
I've got an unidentified
aircraft here at Goose Park.
I think you better have a look
at it. Tail number's 986-Delta.
Hurry it up.
Tranquilo. Just let papi work
a little bit of his magic, okay?
You know what you're
doing? Are you kidding me?
Hot-wiring this thing is
like hot-wiring a toaster.
Now, if it were to be an Acura,
or one of those Chinese cars,
that's a whole different story.
Electronic ignition, computer
chips, forget about it.
But, no, we're good.
LINCOLN: Well, that chopper's gonna
be coming back again, so hurry up.
Hey, yo. What they
got in Mexico, anyhow?
You never been there?
Ain't never been
nowhere except for Iraq,
Chi-Town and Fox River.
What you looking at?
Look, man,
is it a good place where
you can have a family?
Lots of families
down there, so I hear.
Man, you know
what I'm talking about.
For a black man, an
American man with a family.
So that's the plan, huh?
They're gonna meet
you down in Mexico?
Yeah, it's worse
to not see them.
And I can't do that no more.
Not much of a life for them.
But it'll be a life.
More than what me and them have
been having for the last two years, man.
They're family, snowflake.
Ain't no way in hell I'm
leaving them behind.
We're good. I must have
done this a thousand times.
Man, I thought you got
busted for armed robbery.
That's what they caught me for.
Red's the juice,
white is the ground.
You strike them together
and we blow this town.
What? What?
I don't get it.
That's just great.
It's okay.
Engine's still warm, and I don't
see any other tire tracks out here.
They're on foot, and judging
by how hot this engine is,
they haven't gone far. Five, ten
minutes ahead of us, at the most.
Where are you? Renwick road?
BELLICK: A quarter mile
west of Weber on Renwick.
Okay, we've got Renwick on
the south, Weber on the east,
143rd Street on the
north and 55 on the west.
Units are in place
along all those roads.
And I've got a
dozen more coming.
Brad, this could be over
quicker than we thought.
We've got them boxed in.
Sir, we've got an
update on Dr. Tancredi.
Tell me.
None of the staff had
any interaction with her.
She left work suddenly
in the early afternoon,
returned for maybe an hour,
then left again. All of it's very erratic.
Has anyone been
able to reach her?
Doesn't have a home line,
cell phone seems to be shut off.
Chicago PD identified her
car outside her residence.
They're getting an
emergency warrant to go in.
Sir, it's none of my business, but
are you gonna call the Governor?
This is his daughter
we're talking about.
Captain, the dogs picked
up a trail. Which way?
That way and that
way. They split up?
Looks like it. What
the hell we waiting for?
I think it's pretty clear that
our policies have been effective.
We've had 14 consecutive
quarters of GDP growth above 3%.
The tax cuts are working.
MAN: Madame Vice President!
WOMAN: Madame Vice President!
Madame Vice President,
a lot of people question
the wisdom of granting
tax cuts to the oil industry,
in light of the fact that
they're seeing record profits.
Do you have thoughts on that?
We're a market-driven
economy, Peter.
Punishing companies for
being a good business model
doesn't make a whole lot of
sense to this administration.
Madame Vice President!
Yeah, Rebecca.
Thank you. Madame Vice
President, are you saying...
if you're elected president?
If those tax breaks
result in growth, yes.
Excuse me. Excuse me. Sir? Yes.
Sir, can I...
Where are they?
They were way
the hell back there.
C-NOTE: Now they're
slowing us down, man.
This ain't gonna work like
this. We've got to do something.
This way.
Come on.
What's going on?
What's going on?
T-BAG: Guys, what are you
doing? What the hell you doing?
T-BAG: I swear to
God. You swear what?
SUCRE: It ain't gonna work.
I guess it was just meant
to be, hey, now, fellas?
He's lucky I didn't
take this to his head.
You cut his... You cut his...
SUCRE: You cut his...
Sucre, shut up.
MAN: Hello!
Come on, let's go.
SUCRE: We can't
leave him to just like...
You want to stay
here? Be my guest.
Good boy, good boy.
Boss, we got something.
Yes, this is Warden Henry
Pope t Fox River Penitentiary.
I need to speak
with the Governor.
Yes? Governor, I'm
sorry to bother you,
but there's been an...
Are you watching this?
Watching what?
I suggest you turn
on your TV, Warden.
Washington Medical Center have corroborated
that President Mills was
admitted into emergency care here
a little more than
45 minutes ago.
In the chief surgeon's words,
President Mills suffered
massive cardiac arrest,
doctors were
unable to revive him.
The news out of Washington
Medical Center is official now.
The President of the United
States, Richard Mills, is dead.
And keeping with protocol,
Vice President Reynolds is
in an undisclosed location,
being sworn in as
the 46th president...
"I will faithfully execute the office
of President of the United States,
"and will to the
best of my ability,
"preserve, protect and defend
"the Constitution of
the United States."
I hereby recognize you as the
46th president of this country.
And now, if you'll excuse me,
I have a lot to attend to tonight.
Thank you, all.
And you said I
couldn't get things done.
Madam Vice President, perhaps we could
get together and discuss how to move...
It is "President" now, madam,
and you're going to have
to talk to my organizers.
My schedule is suddenly quite
full. I'm sure you'll understand.
Sara Tancredi! It's the police.
We have a warrant to come in.
It's easier if you
just open the door.
Otherwise, we're
gonna come on in.
MAN: Dispatch, this
is 15 David on scene.
Roll a bus to 1616
Vanlear Drive.
Apartment 236. Possible
overdose. Likely DOA.
Copy 15 David. Bus en route.
The airstrip's on the
other side of that field.
Just 500 yards, and
this whole thing's over.
He's not moving.
Every second we stay here is another
chance for them to find the plane.
We got to go now. Wait, wait.
All right, let's go. Let's go.
If this doesn't work
out, I want you to know...
I know. I know.
Freeze. Don't move.
I'll tell you when we got to go.
No, man. I mean, we got to go.
Fire her up.
We find the defendant charged of
murdering Terrence Steadman guilty.
REYNOLDS: This stunt by
Lincoln Burrows' defense counsel
is an affront to the
memory of my brother.
We made an imprint
of the deceased's teeth,
and compared them to the dental
records of Terrence Steadman.
They were a perfect match.
Who killed Terrence Steadman?
Hello, Terrence.
I can see it.
Faster. Oh, God.
Come on, let's go.
It's on the runway. Right
there. Let's move it. Let's go.
I see it, baby.
Let's go.
We're almost there.
It better be there, man.
It better be there.
C-NOTE: What's the deal? Hey!
ALL: Hey! Where's it going?
No! No!
What do we do now?
We run.
This way, this way. Run into
the dark. Run into the dark.
Stop and put your hands up.
You are completely surrounded.
Stop and put your hands up.
You are completely surrounded.