Paranormal Caught on Camera (2019–…): Season 2, Episode 25 - Chased by a Bigfoot and More - full transcript

Extremely blurry recordings of miscellaneous figures, including ghosts in an apartment, a skeleton in a robe opening doors, a light swinging and more.

Narrator: Next on
"paranormal caught on camera"...

In a haunted jail,
a phantom prisoner

tries to drain the life energy
from a ghost hunter.

Scott: You said, "I feel cold,"

and it touched your hand
at the same time.

Whatever the entity is,
it's, like, sucking,

like, the life right out of him.

Could this be the ghost
of pablo escobar

going down
with his former mansion?

To be present in that moment
in that particular place,

is just perfectly poignant.

A local legend gives a british
man the fright of his life.


You can clearly see a head,
a face, the eyes, a mouth.

A speeding ufo gets perilously
close to an airliner...

We know that no piloted
human craft,

either military or otherwise,

would fly that close
to another plane.

...And even more
paranormal footage

you have to see...

...To believe.



The old joliet prison
in illinois was opened in 1858

and quickly earned
a notorious reputation

for its overcrowded, unsanitary,
and dangerous conditions.

The prison
finally closed in 2002,

and after years of neglect,

the city acquired control
of the property in 2017.

They began leading historic
walking tours

through the prison,
but many paranormal enthusiasts

wondered about the darker energy
that may have been left behind

and whether there were any
spirits lingering in the halls.

Then in March 2019,
the city allowed two ghost

hunters the opportunity
to investigate the prison,

and what they experienced
chilled them both to the bone.


Place like a prison harbors

all sorts of
paranormal activity.

If you think about it,
it makes perfect sense.

You've had murders.

You've had people that spent
their entire lives here.

Injuries, sadness, despair, all
of this energy

has taken place
in these buildings

sometimes for hundreds
of years on end,

so it's no surprise to me
that there's some, you know,

energy hanging on
to the building.

Now the interesting fact
about this prison

is that it was built on top of
an old limestone quarry site.

Limestone is very porous,
almost like a stone sponge.

I like to call it, like,
nature's tape recorder

because if there's any type
of energy in the environment,

good or bad,
it's going to keep it,

that resonance, there forever,
for a long, long time.

It's superabsorbent and
electromagnetic energy.

An illinois paranormal
investigating team,

david scott and john stephens,

were the lucky two who,
for the very first time,

were given permission
by the prison

to search for
paranormal activity.

My name is david scott.

I shot this video
in joliet, illinois,

at the old joliet state prison.

My name is john stephens.

David and I, together,
we are a paranormal group.

I mean, it was cool to be
the first people

to go in there
and conduct a ghost hunt,

professionally because
the energy and the spirits

in there is still so raw.

Sturges: Just imagine spirits
at a location,

and they've had nobody to
connect with all these years,

and finally, a group
of people come in,

and they're open-minded,
and they're willing,

and they're asking
the right questions,

and they're in
the right frame of mind.

David and john made their way
through the prison,

and when they got
to the death row

and solitary-confinement wing,

they took out their spirit box
and attempted to make contact

with whatever might be
in the space.

[ static ]

these guys are using
an sb7 spirit box.

Now, this was
specifically designed

for paranormal investigating.

Now what it does, it sweeps
through the frequencies

trying to pick up
on paranormal energies.

How many spirits are in here
with us right now?

[ oscillating static ]

I definitely felt the energy
of a lot of spirits,

people watching me
and very curious.

Did anyone ever die
in this building?

[ oscillating static ]

they seemed to be getting
a lot of hits.

They seemed to be getting
responses to their questions.

They seemed to be getting
a steady interaction.

I feel a spirit standing in
the doorway peeking in.

Will you tell me
what your name is?

They're asking, you know,
"who's here with me?"

like, and getting name
responses like "calvin."

I heard calvin.

I thought this was really

because of the clarity
of the evps that you're getting.

I heard calvin.


Encouraged by the contact
they were making,

john and david decided
to try a different building

and walked across the yard
to the hospital,

which housed the x-ray room.

Once inside, john laid
down on the table.

How many of you have laid
on this table?

- One hundred.
- One hundred.

- One hundred, 100.
- Yeah.

Stephens: I got on the table
because david and I,

we had figured that we would
rile up the spirits

maybe or try to get them
to interact with us.

Cano: When investigating,
it's a popular technique

to try to put yourself
physically in the situation.

It's a way of putting yourself
in that position

hopefully making communication

I did feel somebody touch me
on the hand, I think?

It was like a light swipe,
and it was kind of cold.

That's all.

What is your name?

[ oscillating static ]

scott: I think it's a woman.

Did a woman just touch, john?

Calvin. - Calvin.

Whoo. Calvin is following us

We heard the name calvin twice.

We were actually in a completely
different part of the prison

when he said his name again.

Two times, the same name
came through.

That's kind of incredible
as it is.

Twice, they got the name calvin.

It seems really interesting
to me

that it would land
on the same frequency twice,

and you would get
the same name twice.

I've got to get out.

David and john went
into the room next door

and set up their next piece of
high-tech paranormal equipment,

a modified xbox kinect camera,

one of the newest tools
used by paranormal experts

to detect entities to see

if they could further
communicate with calvin.

The camera uses
an infrared light

to detect motion in the room

and then displays a 3-d image
of the capture on the screen.

Paranormalists believe spirits
can be picked up

by infrared cameras,

so their energy
can also be monitored.

The idea is that if there is
an energy around you,

the kinect system will be able
to also articulate

that in a visual way
that we can see on our monitors.

And what the camera
captured was truly eerie.

Scott: Holy [bleep].
It's behind you now.

Turn around real slowly.

The blue humanoid figure
in the center of the screen

is john.

Now, look to the left side
of the screen

as the camera maps out
another presence seen here

as a green humanoid form.

You can sort of see a humanoid
shape with the lines

and the dots
and it's showing you something

that you cannot see
with your own eyes,

and to me,
that's always very scary.

He's standing right in front
of you, yeah, right there.

I was directing john.

I was telling john kind of
where the spirit was because

john can't see what I'm seeing.

I'm looking at the screen.

He's just seeing pitch darkness.

He's touching your [bleep] hand.

It's touching your hand.

Scott: You said, "I feel cold,"

and it touched your hand
at the same time.

I started feeling a cold spot,

towards the right side of me,

and I guess I had
reached out my right hand.

It felt like, like, energy
was touching my right hand,

and it was really cold
and it was sinking out...

Like, it felt like
it was draining me,

the energy out of me.

And you can actually see,
it's like...

Whatever the entity is,
it's, like,

sucking, like,
the life right out of him.

It was pretty fantastic.

Scott: It's getting bigger
and stronger.

It grew.

David wanted to press on
with the investigation,

but by then, john had had enough
and needed to stop.

- John, I don't feel good.
- All right. All right.

All right. All right.
No, don't move, don't move.

The spirit started taking out
some of john's energy,

and we were able to see that,
and he felt really sick,

nauseous, and so at that point,
he had left the room.

...And manifested itself
to become stronger and bigger,

and I actually felt that.

I was like, "whoa," you know?

I was like, "wow."

stephens: You must stay here.

Scott: All right.
It just disappeared.

You're not allowed with me.

Any time you have an interaction
with a spirit,

there is a risk
of an attachment.

When you're trying to interact
with the unseen,

that danger is always
a possibility,

it always exists,
so you have to be careful.

You have to stay guarded.

Narrator: David and john left
before confirming who it was

that was touching
john that night,

but david thinks
he has a good idea.

The fact that we were
communicating with a spirit

named calvin two times
in two different locations

leads me to believe
that it might have been him,

and the aggression we were
feeling was him pretty much

in the final act trying to
really communicate with us

or attach himself to john,
maybe he wanted to leave.

Scott: It's touching your
[bleep] hand.

- It's cold right here.
- It's touching your hand.

Coming up, a glowing trail
of orbs lights up

the south texas sky.

Santos: Oh, my god.

And across the state, this video
stuns a top ufo expert.

Santos: That is weird.



Since the 1901 discovery
of oil in texas,

many texans have made
a living extracting petroleum

in the oil fields.

It's a difficult job
with unique challenges

where the shifts cover all
24 hours in the day

to keep things moving.

For the people who work
these shifts,

it's just another day
at the office.

And for one such worker,
one of those days at the office

turned into a night
of utter amazement.


In 2016, jaime santos was
working a late-night shift

at an oil field in catarina

when some bizarre orbs
of light paid a visit.

My name is jaime santos,

and I was actually the one
that took the video that night.

One of my equipment
had shut off.

I noticed that there was a real
bright light in the sky,

and it didn't look like the moon
or anything that I usually see.

The bright light was enough
to capture jaime's attention,

but its behavior
is what made him scramble

to record it with his phone.

Santos: Oh, my god.

I tried reaching for my phone,

and I noticed that my phone
was not in my pocket.

I left it charging in my truck.

So on my way back to my truck,

I was walking really slow
keeping an eye on it,

and it just stayed there.

And when I turned around,

I actually shined
my flashlight at it,

and that's when it just, like,
completely disappeared.

Fortunately, once he finally got
ahold of his phone,

the orbs suddenly reappeared
and continued to put on a show.

Santos: That's [bleep] crazy.

At first, it was just one light,
and then that one flickered out,

and then more
just started appearing.

Every now and then,
you see a clip where you go,

"all right. This is new.
I haven't seen this before.

All right.
What could be causing this?"

and in this case, first,

you just see the typical ball
of light, the ufo,

and then another light and
another light and another light,

and it seems to be coming from
that main source in a line.

Santos: That's [bleep] crazy.

I was working the oil field
for 5 years.

I never saw any lights
like that.

I'm used to seeing, you know,
planes, jets, helicopters,

things like that, shooting stars
but never something like this.

Just looking at it logically,
well, you can say what it isn't,

but when you take out
all of those other things,

what are we left with?

Santos: Oh, my god.

This one seems to be traveling
from right to left

and dropping some sort of...

Either flares or molten metal
or something

that lights up the sky
and then quickly disappears.

It's very interesting and unlike
anything I have seen

or recognize.

Something is manipulating it.

Something is orchestrating
its movements.

We just don't know
what that thing is.

He sent to the video
to his friends

and colleagues in the area

in search of an explanation
for the enigmatic event.

I was asking people, you know,
"what do you all think it was?"

and nobody was able to tell me,
but they just kept saying,

"oh, it might have been a ufo."

I mean, it was a ufo, you know,

because I got a bunch
of friends in the military.

I've got friends in border
patrol and things like that,

and they said that the lights
didn't replicate

anything that a flare would do.

A lot of people
that study ufology

or have seen
these types of lights

believe these to be forms
of communication,

just like a morse code.

Santos: Oh, my god.

Incredibly, jaime found out
he was not the only person

to witness something peculiar
in the oil fields.

There's a bunch of people
out there

that say they've seen those
lights and things like that.

There's actually been a bunch
of reportings

from ranchers
and things like that,

a lot of videos
that you can find on youtube,

especially in south texas.

We're not seeing ships
or saucers anymore.

So it seems like if there is
some sort of ufo activity

going over texas, we can argue

that maybe the technology
that they're using now

doesn't require them to use,

like, saucers or spaceships
or anything like that,

but they're using lights
to move about now.

Whatever the lights were,
jaime truly believes he saw

something otherworldly
in the texas skies.

This was definitely something
out of this world,

something that, you know,
me, nobody else can explain,

and you know,
I think that's pretty cool.


That's [bleep] crazy.

Meanwhile, across the state,
a resident of el paso, texas,

was driving to his job
early in the morning

when a bright light high above
the horizon caught his eye,

so he too pulled out his phone

and started to record
the strange sight.

The next day, still unsure
of what he saw,

he submitted the video to mufon,
the mutual ufo network,

in hopes that they might
be able to identify it,

but instead of getting
any answers,

the video only raised
more questions.

Man: That is weird.


Narrator: On September 1, 2018,
mufon investigator melanie young

began researching the case.

My name is melanie young.

I am the state section director
in texas

and the original investigator
for this case.

I don't think anybody in mufon
has seen anything like this.

They were very impressed
with this clip.

It was a triangular-shaped

This was at 6:30 in the morning.

It was in the eastern sky

about 25 miles
outside of el paso.

Man: That is weird.

I don't think I've ever seen
anything that looked like that.

Like, it's not an exact

It sort of has, like, a little
bit of, like,

weird curves all over it.

The fact that the sun was
behind it, it was bright yellow,

and it could not have been
the sun reflecting off of it

because it was
behind the object.

There seems to be light
coming from on top of it.

It's reflecting from the top
of its surface so either,

a, it's translucent, or b,
it's got its own light source.

Because the object is so large
and visible during the day,

and we have buildings
and mountains

so that we could actually
judge distance, judge size,

and the fact that
the pictures were so good.

They weren't pixelated.
He didn't zoom in.

He just took them
as he was driving.

Man: That is weird.

It looks humongous to me.

It looks like it's super high
in the sky.

It almost looks like a pyramid.

That seems to be a very
common shape among ufos.

I think this guy
did an excellent job.

He filmed the encounter.

He got a decent picture,
but I think

I would have pulled over
and, you know, filmed

a little further, you know,
zoomed in a little more,

maybe try to get
a different angle

or get a little information

on what it is
he's actually looking at.

Stumped by what it could be,

melanie decided instead to focus
on what it most likely wasn't.

Then I went and checked
out the weather

to make sure there was,
like, no thunderstorms

or ball lightning
and stuff like that.

Then I checked out if there were
any meteors that day.

My first thought was,
"well, it's a sun devil,"

which is a reflection off of a
cloud that sort of intensifies

so if the right angle
from the sun,

it reflects off of it.

It almost acts like a prism,

but that doesn't seem
to be the case here

because that, first of all,

it's too perfectly shaped like
a triangle to be a cloud.

And if it's a cloud,
it's the only cloud anywhere

that you see on the horizon.

Because the surrounding area has
multiple military installations,

holloman air force base,
white sands

missile range,
and biggs army airfield,

it is not uncommon to see
government craft in the skies,

but melanie is familiar
with what those look like.

Young: It's not a stealth
because those are black,

and they're smaller,
so it's not that.

It's not a jet.

We do have the spaceport here.

It's not a rocket
going into the sky.

It definitely seems to be...

I wouldn't say
piloted necessarily,

but there seems to be a plan
to what it's doing.

There has to be some sort
of intelligence

behind what's going on.

The easy explanations
weren't checking out,

so next, she brought it
to a member of the us military.

I talked to my brother,
who was in the air force,

and I asked him,
"look at this clip.

What do you think?"

and everything came back,

"nothing like this exists
that we know of."

Melanie was surprised by
the lack of a definitive answer

but excited by the possibility
of what that could mean.

It just was so cool and so big

that there is just no way
it could, in my opinion,

be anything the general public
knows about.

Man: That is weird.

Coming up, a spooky apparition
appears on a haunted path.



A local legend haunts a small
village in essex, England.

According to lore, a young man
looking for a shortcut home

across the river
ran on the railroad tracks

instead of walking
to the nearest bridge.

While on the tracks, he was hit
by an oncoming train,

which flung him into the river.

His body was never found.

Since then, many residents claim
to have seen a ghostly figure

by the pathway between
the tracks and the river.

Despite the numerous reports
of sightings through the years,

one man was skeptical
of the story

and in 2018, decided to check
out the trail for himself.

What he discovered was shocking.


Originally from london,

rob wakefield heard the story
upon moving to essex.

My name is rob wakefield.

...Which is where all good
ghost stories are told.

Personally, I didn't
believe the story,

but I found myself
on that path...

And so I decided to get
my camera out and film,

see if I could see anything.

As a paranormal investigator

I am fascinated by local legends

because no matter
what town you go to,

a big city,
a small little hamlet,

the people who live
there have some folktale

or legend that they love.

It's part of their history,
so they like to share it,

and I love to investigate.

But if somebody told me
that story, and I had the time,

I would certainly have done
the same thing as mr. Wakefield.

It was mainly just to capture
the fog

and the atmosphere
and the weather

because it was kind of
a pretty day

and scary at the same time,
so that's why I was filming.

Hayes: I've got to point out
that this is

a terrifying-looking location.

It looks like the exact spot

I would expect to see
some sort of ghostly activity.

It wasn't until I got home
that I looked at the footage,

and I noticed there was
something a bit strange.


I showed it to a few people
who were like,

"there's a ghost
in that picture."

but when someone pointed it
out to me on the video,

it did scare me.

You can clearly see a head,
a face, eyes, a mouth.

There's an arm and a hand.


You can pause this

and see every one
of those things very clearly.

It looks like the figure
of a young man.

You can see through it,

but it was distorted
a little bit.

So, yeah, he definitely
caught something there.

People I know have taken photos
in a location,

and then they looked back
at it later

and then saw very clear figures
standing in front of them

or near them.

It's a very commonly
occurring phenomenon

that your eyes cannot convey
what the camera conveys,

which is why we use cameras
on investigations

because they tend to be
really successful

at seeing into spectrums
of light

that the human eye can't convey.

So you'll have phenomena
happening in front of you,

and you would not know

until you review the footage
on your camera

and see that you have anomalies,
you know, captured.

Is this some kind of residual
type of haunting where,

you know, a lot of emotion,
a lot of energy happened there?

You know, somebody getting hit
by a train,

I could imagine that being
a terrifying experience,

and did all that emotion

and all that energy become
imprinted at that location,

and mr. Wakefield
was lucky enough

to catch part of that happening?

Seems to be, you know

As for rob, this may have been
enough to make him a believer

as he has returned to the path

with the hopes
of another sighting.

I have been back a number
of times,

never managed to capture
anything quite as good

on the video, though.


Coming up, a ufo is spotted
overtaking a jet.

Should we be worried?



The management of planes
flying through our skies

is a very precise
and crucial skill

that is taken very seriously

to ensure the safety of everyone
involved in air transportation.

The unlikely occurrence
of two airplanes

flying close to one another
would be immediate cause

for concern as it could lead
to catastrophe both in the air

and on the ground.

So imagine one new hampshire
man's alarm

when he looked up into the sky
at a passing jet

and saw a ufo not far behind,
gaining speed and closing in.


Upon seeing the objects
flying in such close proximity,

he immediately grabbed his phone

and filmed
the startling incident.


In this one, we clearly have
a man-made jet flying, you know,

you can see the contrail,

but we don't usually see
a second craft

flying basically right
in the wake of that jet.

Kissel: We see this different
flying object

that does not look the same.

It does not leave the same
exhaust behind as it flies,

and it seems like it's able
to change its speed much faster

than a traditional
man-piloted aircraft.

We know passenger jets travel
at about 575 miles per hour,

so for this ufo to suddenly
catch up to it so quickly,

it had to be traveling
at an incredible speed.

The ufo didn't have a trail.
The jet did, which is odd.

I mean, how do you explain that?


We know that no
piloted-human craft,

either military or otherwise,

would fly that close
to another plane.

It's just not safe.
It's dangerous.

And unless it was an act
of aggression of wartime,

you wouldn't do it.

You would never have jets
in the air like that,

that close,
unless you're, you know,

doing stunts
for an audience or something.

This definitely didn't look
like a stunt.

Because a military base
is nearby,

planes do fly over this area
quite frequently,

but this appeared
to be something else entirely.

Cano: So many of the people
that report this are ex-military

themselves or pilots

or people who know
when they look up in the sky,

they know what they're
looking for,

and they know
what they're looking at.

Incredibly, this was not
an isolated event.

Eight months later, another
unidentified craft was spotted

flying suspiciously
close to a commercial jet,

this time in saltillo, mexico.

[ speaking spanish ]

It's interesting that we're
seeing this happening

in multiple places
and not even within a few miles

of each other,
in different countries.

It's obviously different planes
but the same behavior.

Maybe this is standard
operating procedure for a ufo

to approach a human craft
so that it's not detected.

Maybe it just happened
to enter our atmosphere,

enter our reality at this point.

The second smaller one seems to
be almost using the contrail

as a cloaking device,
so it's not seen.

And then it actually overtakes
the lead craft, the jet,

and you can see that there is no
evidence of its own propulsion.

It seems completely different
technology altogether.

And the fact that it can just
overtake this jet

and sort of go out in front

as if it had observed it
from the back,

now it's going to go
and observe it from the front,

very, very unusual.

So this could also just be done
perhaps as a way

to sort of
taunt man-made aircraft,

you know, just being, like,
yeah, y'all got a plane,

but look what we can do.

We can, you know, zip around
much faster

and hit turns at a much
different angle

than you're able to do.

So perhaps this is more
of a taunt than anything.

If these acts of daring do
are indeed a kind of taunt

then the question must be asked,
"is this cause for concern?"

cano: Is this an invasion?
Is this an attack pending?

I feel like there's no reason
to be fearful.

If they want to attack,

there's probably nothing
we'll be able to do about it,

and it'll come fast
and very little resistance.

Coming up, pablo escobar's
mansion is destroyed.

Was his ghost there to see it?



In February 2019, the city
of medellin in colombia

decided to demolish
the former home

of the infamous
drug lord pablo escobar.

The residence, which consisted
of eight floors

and 12 apartments,

was where he housed his family
and his closest associates.

Thousands gathered from around
the city to watch the event,

some even recording as the
building crumbled to the ground,

but one camera seemed
to have caught more

than just the destruction.


There is a lot of emotional
ties to pablo escobar

in this apartment complex.

There is a lot of things
that went on in this building.

I mean, it's been rumored

that he kept
political prisoners there.

There's a point in time where he
was a congressman for 2 years

and he was being, like,
a super shady congressman.

He would also keep
his drugs here.

A lot of people came in,
fought for the drugs.

At this location, people died
at these apartment buildings.

Well, I think it was probably
for the best

that this place was taken down.

I would think that the energy
and the feeling

that you would have at that

would be a pretty creepy

or pretty negative
feeling there.

The demolition is just moments
away when suddenly,

a white figure is spotted

frantically moving around
on the top floor.


It kind of looked
a little bit humanoid.

It looked like they were
running around.

They didn't look like
full-body apparitions,

but I definitely saw little
white figures running around.

The way it moves across
the balcony like that,

it certainly seems
to be something else,

but we don't know what it is.

Cano: And at first I think,
okay that's just a reflection.

It's a light bouncing
off of something.

Maybe she's filming
through her window.


This is going to make...
Oh, there goes the building.

The building goes down,
smoke everywhere,

and you don't see
that little thing anymore.

If it were a reflection
in the window,

if it were some kind
of lens flare,

it would persist after
the building fell down,

but that didn't happen here.

But could this really be
the ghost of pablo escobar?

Sandalo: If that was the spirit
of pablo escobar,

you know, he spent
a lot of time in that mansion.

Spirits tend to linger in places

where they spent a lot of time
or that they loved a lot,

so the fact that that building
was being demolished,

maybe that's why
his spirit appeared.

We definitely get reports
of historical and famous figures

more often than
the average other figure.

Moran: A lot of times,
these historical people are,

were larger than life in life,

so one could argue that perhaps,
they were larger than life,

and they lived on past it.

That imminent destruction,

that erasing of his memory,
of his impact, of his history...

To be present in that moment
in that particular place

is just perfectly poignant.


If the spirit of the notorious
kingpin is hanging around,

should the city take note?

Hayes: A lot of people assume

because the building
has been demolished

that the spirit
just withers away,

but anyone that's built
a new home on an old ground

can tell you that sometimes,

whatever was there
before sticks around afterward.

My advice for the city planners
when deciding what to put there,

I wouldn't necessarily worry
about it right now,

but just the fact that
this was the former site

of someone notorious,
all the tours that go by it,

all the people who inhabit it
or live there afterward

will know this used
to be pablo escobar's house,

and just that acknowledgment,
just that recognition

may be enough
to keep that haunting going.

It may be enough
to anchor it to that spot.


Narrator: Coming up, hikers spot
a large mysterious cryptid.

Could this be bigfoot?

He's [bleep] hauling it down
that mountain.



While hiking in the forests
near squamish, british columbia,

it's not uncommon to see
wild animals

like bears,
deer, and mountain goats.

So when a group of four
experienced hikers

came across something
that was none of these things

and unlike anything
they had ever seen before,

it stopped them in their tracks.


In August 2014, shayd johnson
and his three friends

were finishing their second day
of an overnight hike

in garibaldi provincial park

when shayd noticed something
unusual in the distance.

My name is shayd johnson.

I was the first person
to see it,

and that day, particularly,
it was a super misty day,

and so the clouds
were kind of socked

in around the mountain peaks,
and the mist cleared,

and I was just kind of,
like, taking a look

because we hadn't gotten to see
a lot that day,

and I first saw it moving.

- Dude, no.
- Yeah.

Man: You think so?

I've seen bear, and I've seen
all sorts of wildlife.

I've seen people out hiking.

Like, it's very obvious
in your brain

when you see something
that is not normal,

and that's what happened.

Shayd alerted the group,
and his friend graham,

who is the only one
who still had battery left

on his smartphone,
started recording.

Man: This is so far away.

To me, this looks
extremely interesting

because you have a figure,
a humanoid figure,

walking in a place
that most normal people

probably wouldn't walk in.

The fact that the color
is uniform, too,

also suggests that this may
be something other than human.

Cano: Could it be a bear?

Bears can stand upright,
but it's not like

they're going to walk
like that the whole time.

They'll stand on two legs
to get something,

to grab something,
to get food, to intimidate.

It's not intimidating
anyone down there.

It's traveling.

There was definitely something
walking down

that mountain that wasn't human.

It looked hairy. It looked big.

It looked dark.

It looked scary.

Man: What the [bleep]?

He's [bleep] hauling it down
that mountain.

For it to appear to be
moving so fast,

it really has to be moving fast

because distance changes
the perception of speed.

Man: What the...

- For scale.
- This is awesome.

Dude, we actually
just see a sasquatch?

The fact that this video
took place in british columbia

tells me one thing...
This could be bigfoot.

British columbia
is a huge bigfoot hot spot,

and the pacific northwest
in general

is the origin place
of the bigfoot

and sasquatch legends.

Adding to the mystery
was its location off the trail.

The direct line of where it was
coming from leads

to absolutely nothing
and nowhere.

We were on a trail,
and where the sasquatch was,

there's no trails over there,
and where it was coming from

was basically, like,
glacier and mountains

that were very inaccessible
to humans without proper gear.

So it just makes so sense.

Any hiker out there that's,

has gotten that far on the trail
would have a backpack,

a jacket, you know, a hat.

There was no defining feature
that showed

that it would
have been a person.

Looks like a pretty rugged,

maybe perhaps slippery terrain,

but it seems perfectly at ease
with that environment

and is walking quite upright.

It seems very sure of foot.

It doesn't need walking sticks
like a hiker might,

so whatever it is, it's
definitely its natural habitat.

No way he could cover that

if you were just a person.
- Yeah.

You're just going down
the side of a glacier?

No way, man. And by yourself?

And it's dark.
- What the [bleep]?

Just how natural it felt
as he was going down the hill,

it knew what it was doing,

and it was cruising
at quite a clip.

So I just... it was unhumanlike
and unbearlike,

so it's just, like,
the only category

that could fit into our mind
is all these, you know,

photos that we've seen
in our head of sasquatch.

Unable to quite believe
what they were seeing,

one of the guys
tried to communicate

with whatever or whoever it was.

Man: Yo!


- It stopped.
- He yelled down.

It took, like, a couple seconds
for the sound

to hit the sasquatch,
and then it just stopped,

and then when it turned
and stared us down,

like, we all...

Our reactions, like, you hear
my friend go, "ooh"...

Man: Ooh!

...Because, like, it's staring
right at us.

- It stopped.
- Yeah.

It, like, it gave me chills down
my spine when it happened.

It doesn't wave like a person

might be prone to do
or anything like that.

It just stops and looks at them,
and then it proceeds on its way.

It definitely noticed
those hikers, though.

That's kind of scary.
- We were scared.

We thought that maybe if...

Because it obviously...
It noticed us.

It stared at us for a second,

and the only other thing
that could happen

is that it came towards us.

But whatever it was continued
on its journey

down the ridge and out of sight.

Man: It's just going down
the [bleep] bank like that.

I would have liked for them
to maybe go to that area

and see if there was
any footprints,

or maybe some hair
stuck on a rock

or something along those lines.

Johnson: There's so many regrets
now thinking back, like,

"oh, we should have gone
after it,

or we should have done
these things,"

but when you see a creature
that you have no idea

that it shouldn't even exist,
like, I don't know.

Your first reaction is not
necessarily to chase after it.

Shayd and his friends
finished their hike

but couldn't get the image

of what they saw
out of their heads.

I think all four of us
are in the same boat

where we know what we saw,

and so now we 100% believe.

It was just a pivotal moment,
you know?

Like, it just kind of leaves you
with so many more questions

than answers,
and since that day,

like, we've all become,
like, rock climbers

and you know,
mountaineers and things,

and I think it kind of
actually instigated us

to want to go out and experience
more things outdoors,

so you might as well spend
as much time outdoors

as possible in case,

you know, you have
another encounter like that.

Most people run through
the obvious answers first,

"could it be a bear?
Could it be a deer?

Could it be an elk?"

before coming around to a,
"what if it's this other thing?"

you know, if the natural world
isn't giving me an answer,

maybe the supernatural world
is going to give me an answer.

Man: Dude, did we actually
just see a sasquatch?

What should you do in the event

you witness something

Here are some tips
to get it all on camera.

Go to where the spirits are,
trust your instincts

that what you're seeing
really is paranormal,

watch for anomalies
in the night sky,

and if you do catch something,

and connect with us
on social media.

Your footage could be seen
right here

on "paranormal caught
on camera."