Paranormal Caught on Camera (2019–…): Season 2, Episode 24 - Ghostly Abandoned Prisons & More - full transcript

A man films chairs moving in an abandoned prison, lights a cigarette and asks a ghost to smoke, which it allegedly does. Gray man jumps from wall in front of a biker, disappears. Jellyfish light in the sky.

Next, on
"paranormal caught on camera,"

a poltergeist torments a family.

Until it happens to you,
you really don't understand

how powerful it can be.

A ufo in arizona...

Holy ..

...Drops even more ufos.

Hey, hurry.

A man in north carolina
sneaks up on a bigfoot.

He's moving,
he's moving, he's moving.

Yeah, your stomach will
definitely turn cartwheels

when you see one.

A mysterious dark entity

emerges from a storm.

Just got shivers,
kind of, you know, goosebumps.

You know, "what is that?"

And even more paranormal footage

you have to see...

...To believe.

Realizing your house may be
haunted by a poltergeist

is terrifying enough.

Leave my house.

Moving to a new house
more than once

and discovering that poltergeist
has moved with you each time

is a living nightmare.

Add to that the arrival
of a life-threatening illness,

and it becomes a fight
for your very survival.

One family in
boca raton, florida

knows this all too well,

because it happened to them.

What was that?

In the summer of 2014,
in boca raton, florida,

jeff geragi's two sons
began to complain

about sounds
waking them up at night.

And the more it happened,
the more they freaked out.

So jeff set up a camera in
their rooms to calm their fears.

But when they
reviewed the footage,

their terror, and jeff's,
went through the roof.

First, the shade on the window
shakes for a moment...

...Though the window is closed.

Now, keep your eyes on
the bedside table to the right,

as a book is pushed off.

Then, strange lights
flash across the room

and another object is pushed off
the bedside table.

Then, all hell breaks loose.

I'm jeff geragi.

That particular evening,
my youngest child

went into
my older child's bedroom

because he kept getting
woken up in his room.

And then we captured
all that activity

that happened in that room.

Um, unfortunately, there was

much more activity
that happened.

My son cut the camera off

as they were
leaving the bedroom.

When my kids came to me
with this,

I mean, it was
a really hard time for them.

I now understand
what they were going through

and they were trying to tell me.

And it was just difficult for me
to comprehend that in my head,

until I experienced
it first-hand.

And jeff's first-hand experience

with this entity
was only just beginning.

The activity
continued for years,

forcing the family
to move multiple times.

This is my third place, uh,
in less than six years.

But unfortunately,
moving homes didn't work.

In 2018, four years after
he filmed the first video,

jeff captured this
in a new house.

Watch as a large orb
suddenly appears...

Followed by a few others.

Then, even more activity.

Moments later,
jeff enters the room.

He immediately notices
objects out of place,

and when he reviews the footage,
his blood runs cold.

The poltergeist
is still with him.

I think that something
was attached to us,

and then when we moved,
it stayed with us.

A lot of times,
we think about haunted houses,

but people themselves
can be haunted.

Objects can be haunted.

So it's not just about
a building,

it can be people.

Sometimes it'll be orbs.

Other times, it can be movement.

It's... it's unpredictable.

Let me put it that way,
it's unpredictable.

This is one of
the best films I've ever seen

for capturing of orbs.

They do seem
kind of intelligent.

Like, they're not just, like,
floating in the air.

They're... it looks like
they're walking, like,

or floating around the room.

And when the man
comes into the room,

he obviously doesn't even notice
that these orbs are, like,

on him and all over him,
which is even more creepy.

Making matters even worse,

jeff believes
whatever he's living with

has taken a toll on his health.

I was fine, um,

and then this activity started.

And I am now...

Uh, I have completely lost
all, uh, function of my kidneys.

Um, so I rely on dialysis
every day to, uh...

To keep going.

I do believe that the stress
and if I get aggravated,

that it... it allows the entity
to maybe feed off of that

and then come back at me

even stronger than it...
Than it does, you know,

say, on a normal day when I'm
not as aggravated or whatever.

It targets me
at my most vulnerable times.

When I'm doing my dialysis,
it'll target me then.

When I'm trying to hook up
to the equipment,

it'll mess with the equipment.

It definitely feeds off of
the negative energy especially.

The fact that this guy

is also undergoing
some severe health challenges

actually tracks
with paranormal activity.

It does make sense that

as his body
is in a weakened state,

that there might be
some more entities, spirits

trying to communicate with him,
influence his environment.

The flip side is it could be him

that's actually the catalyst
behind the activity.

It's impossible to diagnose

just by watching the video,

but if he feels
the stress of the unknown,

the stress of this thing,
whatever it is, following him,

it definitely wears down
on your health.

I mean, it's stress.
We live it every day.

And the last thing you need
is something unseen

that so much of the population
doesn't even believe is real.

For now, jeff is coping

with the situation
as best he can...

Focusing on his health
while trying to capture

as much proof of the activity
as possible.

It can be, uh, hard at times
to... to... to deal with,

but we're trying
to understand it.

We're trying to...
To document it.

And, um, you know, as long as
it keeps on happening,

we're gonna keep documenting it

and, uh, trying to move forward.

I don't think it's something
we can run from.

I think it's something
we have to either find out

what's going on
and deal with it ourselves,

or maybe someone will...
Will help us with this.

Until it happens to you,
you really don't understand

how powerful, uh,
it... it... it can be.

The south western united states,

a beautiful part of the country

known for
gorgeous national parks,

striking desert beauty,
and of course...

...Legendary ufo activity.

But even by
south west standards,

the footage captured
by a couple in mesa, arizona,

is truly remarkable...

And utterly unexplainable.

What is that?!

What is that?

On the evening
of December 8, 2019,

in mesa, arizona,

couple douglas maier
and kerri burnett

saw something bizarre
in the night sky.

Is that a comet?

A strange orange orb
hovered in the air.

The sight was so stunning
that they both

pulled out their phones
and started to record.

Guys! Come here, look!

Hey, hurry.

My name's douglas maier.

I'm kerri burnett.

I looked straight up above,
kind of, our tree,

just up into the distance,

and it was such a bright
orange-ish light that, for me,

first I said,
"babe, what the heck is that?

That's, like,
venus or something,

that's, like, super bright
in the atmosphere."

then I see that it looks like
it's heading towards us,

so heading, like,
north-bound in the sky.

So it just kept getting,
kind of, brighter,

looking as if
it's getting closer.

And then, suddenly...

- Look, see that?
- What?

What the hell that?

There was four there.

All of a sudden,
it starts dropping pretty fast,

these orange orbs.

And it was...
They were just heading,

like, shooting straight down.

And it was,
"okay, what the heck is that?"

it didn't look like
any tracers...

You know, chem trails,

no fire, uh, nothing that looked
like it was burning out.

The orbs were
the same brightness

as the actual flying object.

And when it did release
these things,

it was almost like
the object itself got brighter.

It was like a "boom."

What is that?!

What is that?

I don't know what the that is.

It is dropping stuff.

I have to offer
a lot of kudos to these people.

What they did was smart.

They utilized two separate
cameras to document this,

and that adds a lot of validity
to what they captured.

I had it on video, too.

- Wow.
- Did you s...

There it is again.

What is that?

Kerri has the better phone,
so her video footage

showed it close up
and saw it doing

what we were just talking about,

but I switched to facebook live.

Dude, I'm facebook living this.

Look at that. Do you see that?

You can't fake
a live stream, man.
You can't fake that.

And it shows the neighbor,
actually, coming up at the end.

Hey, did you guys see that?

I don't know.

And so, she goes,

"how long have you guys been
watching, and what was that?"

and she...
You could hear her say it.

She's actually scared.

I'm a little scared.

Made me feel like scared.
I don't know why.

Yeah, it was weird.

That there was
something in the sky that night

was undeniable.

But what exactly was it?

- That was creepy.
- Yeah, just a little bit.

Are we gonna have to evacuate?

Is this an attack?
Is this... w...

Oh, my god.

- It's going...
- Holy.

It's pretty much
the only reaction

that the average, sane person,

would think when seeing
what th... whatever that is.

And the fact that
they had the wherewithal

to get out the camera,

document it.

Other people saw it,
they documented it.

They're all asking
the same question...

"what was it?"

say, is that a comet?

I don't know what the that is.

It is dropping stuff.
Watch guys. Do you see it?

Douglas and kerri
still have no idea

what it was they saw that night.

But it was something
that neither they, the children,

nor anyone else
that was there with them

will ever forget.

I don't know what to make
of that experience.

And whenever kerri and I
came in the house,

the kids... you know,

you heard them
in the video them, too.

What is that?

I don't know
what that is, honey.

- Ufo!
- Look, it's going higher.

The four of us saw it.

We didn't say anything
to each other

almost for 45 minutes.

Everybody was in shock.

- What is that?
- Holy.

What is that?

Coming up...

A lightening storm
gives birth to a sky monster.

Extreme weather

can result
in unusual atmospheric energy...

...And incredible
natural beauty.

It also makes a great subject
for photographers.

But during a powerful
late-summer storm,

one man captured something
far more impressive

than just a photo
of lightening in the sky.

In September of 2019,
near detroit lakes, minnesota...

...A lightening storm
is expected any minute.

Amateur photographer
todd mitchell,

who runs a campground
in the area,

uses his security camera

to capture what he hopes will be

some impressive shots
of the storm.

But instead of lightening,
he captures this.

A mysterious
black amorphous shape

flying through the sky.

It goes away after a moment.

And then returns again...

Two more times,

before finally
disappearing for good.

When reviewing the footage,
todd was sure of one thing...

Whatever this was,
it was not from these parts.

Todd mitchell, uh,
detroit lakes, minnesota.

I backed it up
and played it again.

And I backed it up,
and played it again.

And I just got shivers, kind of,
you know, goosebumps,

'cause, you know, what is that?

I was just freaked out.

And it appeared to be, you know,
way up in the sky

and kind of darted around

you know, with a...
With a trail.

This is the first time
we've ever seen

anything like... like this.

I mean, I don't think
anybody that I know of

has ever talked about
seeing anything like that.

Um, and we lived here...
Well, we...

My wife grew up here, and aside
from our time in the air force,

uh, we've lived here
our whole life.

I totally forgot
about the lightening.

I didn't even end up saving
any lightening photos that day.

Over the past decade or so

of research that I've done,

I've seen hundreds,
if not thousands

of ufo videos and pictures.

And I got to say,
I've never heard of anything

that sounds anywhere close
to what we see in this video.

That's, like,
straight out of "lost"...

Smoke monster stuff.

That was super creepy.

I have no explanation for that,
but I love it.

I wish I had been there.

To come across
something like this

that nobody can explain
and nobody's ever seen before,

is pretty exciting.

I would say, even for, you know,

paranormal enthusiasts
and scientists

to try and figure out what
this thing could possibly be.

It kind of reminds me

of what a will o' wisp
would look like.

But usually,
those are forms of light.

This is like a shadowy,
soft-looking will o' wisp,

and I've never seen anything
that looked like that before.

Some people thought it was
some kind of a spirit.

Um, I think "entity" was
a word that some people used.

One of the clips looked like it
shot out of the lightening.

Could the weather
have played a part

in explaining why or how
this entity appeared in the sky?

Whether this thing
is alien or not,

um, it's definitely using
the extreme weather

to either garner energy
or to use it to cloak itself

and to mask during this time.

The strange object
hasn't been seen since.

And todd is no closer
to solving the mystery

of the flying sky monster.

I was totally miffed.
I was stunned.

I didn't know what...
Absolutely no idea.

And I still don't know
what to think of it.

Coming up...

An intrepid bigfoot hunter
has a very close encounter.

He's moving,
he's moving, he's moving.

When you're a cryptid hunter

in search
of an illusive creature,

patience and consistency
are a must.

It may take repeated attempts,
hundreds even,

sometimes waiting hours
for the faintest clue...

The snap of a twig...

...A sudden rustle of leaves...

...And even then,
you can still end up with...

A deer.

But if you're persistent
and dogged in your search,

eventually, you may actually
pull off the impossible

and come upon
something truly special,

like one north carolina man did,

when he suddenly found himself
a stone's throw...

From bigfoot.

He's moving.

He's moving,
he's moving, he's moving.

It's the summer of 2019
in a remote area

of the pisgah national forest
in north carolina.

Bigfoot enthusiast
doug teague ventures out

into the big brush
with his dog, crazy daisy.

Daisy, get down here. Come here.

They're in search
of the legendary sasquatch...

...Known to frequent
these parts.

I'm doug teague
in hickory, north carolina.

It was hot,
you know, 95 to 100 degrees,

and, uh, I didn't expect
to see anything that day.

We just went into the woods
to retrieve some trail cameras.

And I heard knocking.

Just figured it was woodpeckers.

Then a rock was thrown
in front of me, down the hill.

So I stopped, starting scanning
the hillside, looking around.

Had a couple more rocks threw.

And then I spotted the big one
up on top of the hill.

It looks like it's looking over
the top of that stump.

Look at it.

Doug is sure of it.

What he's seeing
through the trees

is bigfoot.

Here, you can see
what looks like an arm.

And here is the head.

He's moving.

He's moving,
he's moving, he's moving.

It's slick, beautiful.

It had thick hairy arms
and thick hairy hips.

And where I measured
on the tree,

I looked, you know, on the video
and the tree as he walked by

and he was right around,
8.5, 9 feet,

somewhere in that area.

Your stomach will definitely
turn cartwheels

when you see one.

There is, no doubt,
something there.

It's right there.
You can see it.

He's still up there.

I had a lot of ridicule about,

"why didn't you walk toward him?

Why didn't you do this?
Why didn't you do that?"

well, when they're
throwing those rocks,

that's their way of telling you,
"you're close enough."

This always really scares me

when I see bigfoot
or sasquatch imagery

that is this close
to the person who's taking it,

because there's imminent danger.

Like, you're not supposed to be
that close to any cryptid,

much less a bigfoot.

But doug's personal safety

is not the only reason
his shot of this encounter

is relatively brief.

I gave the media
22 seconds of video.

I just figured that's all
the public needs to see.

I know they're there and, uh,

I just don't like
to be ridiculed.

That's the reason
I've never showed it.

And I don't know
that I ever will.

And believe it or not...

This wasn't the first time
doug had seen bigfoot.

In fact, he claims to have seen
several at a time.

I've been as close as...
25 to 30 feet.

Me and crazy daisy
has followed these tracks.

This is the best one of them.

I'm gonna try to cast it.

I've got multiple
pictures, videos.

I've collected
a lot of evidence.

This is a cast of,
I believe to be, a female.

She's only got three toes...
Missing some toes.

One day, we hope that doug

will be willing to share
even more of his evidence

with the public.

I just want people to...
To know that,

you know, they're out there.
They're real.

I'm sure they
want to be left alone.

But they're just as curious
as we are.

They don't want to go
to walmart, you know,

but they still want to know
what's going on.

And I honestly think
they want to mingle with us

every now and then.

He's moving, he's moving,
he's moving.

Coming up...

Get ready
to have your mind blown.

Since the early 1900's,

there has been
a suspected connection

between ufo sightings
and the military.

For starters,
with the naked eye,

it can be difficult
to differentiate

a military aircraft
from an alien spaceship.

And when it comes
to what the government

really knows
about alien visitations

versus what they
have told us they know,

well, let's just say there
exists a certain lack of trust.

So naturally, when videos
like this pop up online...

it's going to cause some uproar.

Italy, 2011.

Roberto godani
is walking alone in the woods,

when suddenly, he hears this.

And then sees this.

Take another look.

As two jets
appear to be escorting

what looks like a flying saucer.

Roberto quickly runs
to get another shot.

Sure enough, there they are.

Roberto's mind screams,


This footage is unbelievable.

If this holds up to scrutiny,

this is the most impressive
and convincing footage

of a ufo craft I have ever seen.

Let's assume it's not a hoax,

because we get
a really clear, uh, image

of two jet fighters, um,
flying in a very tight formation

with what is
your typical flying saucer.

What's really impressive
about that video

is that the light
is dispersed so evenly.

Usually when there's stitching,

and, like, there's
an overlay of, like,

"I'm putting this thing
into this video,"

you can see that
they're two separate files,

like, on each other,
'cause the light is different.

But that's not
what's happening here.

Like, there... the light source

is coming from the same place

and it's shifting with it.

This is, like, "wow!"

This video is not asking,
"what is the truth?"

this video is asking,
"who knows the truth,

and why haven't they told us?"

because the truth
is evident in this video.

If we take this video
at face value,

it's a flying saucer being
escorted by two military jets...

Fairly obviously.

So, if this is real,

then we don't need to say,
"are ufos real?"

we need to say,

"where is it going,
and who is taking it there?"

But let's
just take a moment here.

Is it really plausible
that the military

would be escorting
a ufo anywhere?

Believe it or not,
I've actually heard of ufos

being escorted by military craft
quite often.

It's something
that people report

seeing after big, uh, ufo cases,

they'll see an armada
of jets show up.

It just reinforces
the whole storyline

that the government
knows exactly what's out there

in the skies
and what's going on.

They know of
our alien visitations

and is somehow in cahoots

with this
other alien civilization

unbeknownst to the masses
of everyone here on this planet.

Or perhaps, the explanation

is even more mind blowing.

Seeing this formation,

one might assume
that this is two human pilots

escorting an alien visitor.

That might not be the case.

This might be three humans
piloting three human vehicles.

And this is straight out
of the 1950s.

This is "war of the worlds."

this is what you would expect.

It's very possible that

in our experimentation
with different crafts,

and, indeed, if there is
any credence

to reverse engineering
of alien spacecraft

to our own technology,

maybe we're finally developing
saucer-shaped ships.

I fully believe
most of the time,

the ufos that we see,
or are captured on camera,

are ufos that are either
manufactured by the government,

or obtained by the government.

If it's one of our crafts

that they just
haven't told us about,

they're light years ahead

of where we think they are

Whether we're allied
with an alien civilization,

or more technologically advanced
than anyone thought possible,

one thing's for sure.

The secret is out there.

We have what appears to be

a substantive body
of evidence...

...That suggests that it is not

just random people's
unexplained sightings

that are the evidence for ufos.

We have government information
on this.

We have files. We have area 51.

People have thought for decades

that the us military knows
more than they're telling us

when it comes to ufos,

and this footage
is definitive proof of that.

If you didn't
trust the government before,

there you go.

Coming up...

A security camera captures
evidence of a powerful entity.

When confronted
with an unknown entity,

our mind generally tries
to categorize it as best it can,

even if the categories
themselves defy logic.

For example,
could it be a ghost,

a cryptid,
or an extraterrestrial?

But what if the entity
defies all logic?

What if it fits into
more than one category?

Like some kind of
hybrid alien ghost.

That's what happened
to one family in india

who were visited by a mysterious
and powerful entity

in the middle of the night.

And they used an age-old method

to figure out
exactly what it was.

It's winter of 2018
in new delhi, india.

Residents of an apartment
awake to a disturbing sight...

A large heavy planter
has been moved

5 to 6 feet
across their back patio.

And when they check the video
from the security camera

on the back of the house,
they see this.

Watch the right side
of your screen

as a dark, shadow-like figure
walks down the stairs,

turns to the left,

and pushes the planter
across the patio.

Then continues on it's
merry way along the back wall.

I've seen objects
of all shapes and sizes

seemingly move on their own,

or due to some sort of
paranormal force.

this is extra impressive

because of the size and weight
of this thing.

The pot that it moves

is actually
a really heavy ceramic pot.

Like, would require
a lot of energy

to be pushed in the first place.

So whatever it is
that's in this video,

is pretty powerful.

Because spirit
doesn't have a physical form

that we're aware of,

in order to interact
with our physical universe,

it has to be some form of pk,
or some energy transfer,

because everything
in our universe

is energy and vibration.

After viewing the video

and witnessing
what this thing did,

the family believed the figure
was either a powerful ghost

or maybe an alien.

My mind does go to ghost
when I see this footage,

but what I find so fascinating
is that these people think,


they don't go straight to ghost.

So what is happening there
in that scenario

that they are thinking
about extraterrestrials?

In order to help them
figure out what exactly it was,

and hoping it would return,
the family came up with a test.

Their hope was that
the alien, or ghost,

would leave some kind of
imprint in the ashes.

I thought was really interesting

was, uh, the woman resorted to

one of the oldest tricks
in the books

of paranormal investigations,

where she brought out ash
to capture footprints.

That an alien
could leave footprints,

or some kind of mark,
seems reasonable.

But could a ghost?

Well, that depends on
who you ask.

I always try to explain going,
"look, ghosts don't have feet.

So they're not gonna be able
to make the footprint,

unless they want to." you know?

Unless they know what
you're doing, and they say,

"okay, we're gonna
give it to you."

there's a few rare cases
around haunted swimming pools

where entities supposedly leave
a track of wet footprints.

So to think that a ghost
may leave some sort of track

isn't unheard of.

We see this spirit

with a physical object,

so, in my opinion, it means that
it could interact with ash

that's left on the floor.

But when
the next morning arrives,

there are, sadly, no footprints.

Instead, there's something
far more confounding...

A trail of ashes.

It seemed that
the dust which she had

really just laid out
all over the ground there,

collected in a very narrow path

that was the exact same path

that the shadow figure
walked on.

It looks like
whatever this thing was

kind of swept it
in a straight line,

which makes think
it may be not a human form.

The odd pattern of the dust

only adds to the confusion.

whatever this thing was,

it hasn't returned since.

At least, not yet.

I wouldn't call it a ghost,

unless it's the ghost
of an alien,

which seems like a lot.

I'd say, "open your mind
a little bit."

call it an alien and...

Understand that we don't know
what that means.

It's hard to deny
that something's going on here.

And it's definitely
sending a message

to whoever lives in this place
that they are not alone.

Coming up...

A close encounter in canada.

On may 20, 1967,

in the manitoba province
of canada,

a man named stefan michalak

was looking for some valuable
minerals near falcon lake...

When he saw a large metallic ufo

land about 100 feet
away from him.

He walked up to it and
touched it with a gloved hand.

It suddenly blasted off again,
letting out a jet of hot gas

that knocked him back
and set his clothes on fire.

he lived to tell the tale.

This event became
one of the most famous

and thoroughly investigated
ufo encounters

in canadian history.

So much so, that in 2018,

the canadian mint
released a $20 coin

commemorating the event.

Nearly 50 years later to the day

and just a few miles
from that same location,

two young men had an incredible
ufo experience of their own.

In may, 2017...

...Two men were driving along

the trans-canada highway
in manitoba...

A long, monotonous stretch
of prairies and farmland

that go as far as
the eye can see.

When suddenly...

A massive, bright,
shining, white object

appeared in the sky,
followed by a smaller one...

...Which flashed
in and out of view.

The men continued to film
the objects for miles

as they drove along the highway.

My biggest complaint
about ufo videos

is how shaky they are
and how blurry they are.

But this video,
it's pretty clear,

wide open space.

It's your
traditional pie-plate ufo,

but it's great
these camera people

actually took the time
to really film it,

try to steady the camera,
so we could all see it

and try to figure out
what the heck is going on.

You know, at first,

I thought it was
the moon coming up,

but then you notice
that there's two of them.

There's one of them, and then
there's a-a smaller one.

There's one main light
and another one appears,

and then sort of
seems to merge with it,

or move around it.

One bright light
is compelling enough.

The appearance of another one
that behaves

in some sort of different way?

Even more so.

Something that I think

lends credibility
to this footage

is how quickly it takes place.

These guys are driving fast,

when you look at the sky,

it is being obscured quickly
by the trees,

by the telephone poles.

So they are not faking this.
This feels legit to me.

What makes this
sighting even more remarkable

is how long the crafts
are visible

and how close they are
to the horizon.

Compared to the horizon,

this thing must be huge.

I mean, it's not just
a little speck in the sky.

It looks like
a huge, round object.

The ufo is very bright
and sort of low to the ground,

which is a little bit unusual
for ufo videos.

You know, it's not being
very discreet,

so maybe it wants to be seen.

They don't seem too concerned
about being noticed.

And if you think about it,
that's a bit of a scary thought.

What I noticed was,

where is this ball of light
hovering over?

A giant field...
A field with tons of cows.

I am just thinking that
the next day some report

is gonna show up being, like,

"our cows are all dead
and drained of blood,"

or, "there are giant
crop circles in our field."

no mutilations were reported

after this sighting.

Regardless of their agenda,
one thing is certain...

For at least half a century,
alien life forms

appear to have had
manitoba, canada,

on their radar.

If you think about it,
it's a lot of open farmland,

it's a very rural area

so a lot of people
will be looking up.

So it makes perfect sense

that people are gonna
see things up there.

These are ufos, man.

What should you do in the event

you witness
something paranormal?

Here are some tips
to get it all on camera...

Install cameras everywhere...

What is going on? What the heck?

...Get as close as you can
to your subject.

He's moving,
he's moving, he's moving.

...Don't be afraid
to chase the story...

...And, if you do
catch something,

e-mail us at...

And connect with us
on social media.

Your footage could be seen
right here on

"paranormal caught on camera."