Paranormal 911 (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - The Voice - full transcript

An EMT responds to a call in a home that contains a creepy collection of mannequins, a first responder questions her sanity after hearing the voice of a dead woman and a police officer investigates strange goings-on in an attic.

[ police radio chatter ]

[ sinister music plays ]


[ glass shatters ]

Alexander: As a first responder,
we really,

Really want there
to always be hope.

[ gasps ]

I kept feeling like I was
being watched.

It was almost like the house
was saying,

"come in if you dare."

She looked like
a broken porcelain doll.

[ disembodied voice ]
help me!

And now I'm seeing her
standing here.

Hill: So this dark shadow,
whatever this is...

- Ah!
- ...It's toying with me.

[ scream ]

This was a force
that I could not see,

And it shook me to my core.

There's a whole other world
that you knew nothing about.

[ scream ]
cooper: There was no
logical explanation...

- Ah!
- ...For what I was looking at.

I was terrified.

[ sirens wail ]

Woman: Please!
Oh, my god.

Operator: Nine-one-one,
please state your emergency.

I think it's a ghost.

[ roars ]


[ growls ]
[ gun cocks, fires ]


[ screams ]

[ squelch ]


[ suspenseful music plays ]


[ siren wails in distance ]

Infernalis adversarii
omnis legio.

Infernalis adversarii
omnis legio.

Te rogamus audi nos.

Infernalis adversarii
omnis legio.
[ demonic growls ]

Inversari adverdari
envogamo audi nos.
[ demonic breathing ]

Infernalis adversarii
omnis legio.

[ ragged breathing ]
[ demonic growling ]

[ screams ]

[ demonic growling ]


[ dials phone, phone rings ]

Aah... [ gasps ]


Narrator: The 911 call goes to
rookie emt courtney cooper

And her partner, eric.

When I decided to become an emt,

I had been out of college
for about a year.

What it is that appealed to me
about the medical field

Is helping those
that can't help themselves.

As a new recruit, courtney gets
the shifts no one else wants,

Mostly downtown
and always at night.

Cooper: There it is.

Chest pain calls can be
some of the most difficult.

They could be having
a heart attack.

You grab the defibrillator.

I'll grab the pack.

Thank you.
Got it.

Let's get this.

Let's go.

The urgency to get to something
that could possibly be

A heart attack
goes up immensely.

[ breathes heavily ]


[ knocks on door ]

It's open.

Hello, paramedic.

Paramedics here responding
to a 911 call.


Narrator: No sooner inside,

Courtney feels a strange wave
of emotions wash over her.

[ disembodied voice ]

My heart just kind of sunk
into my feet.


[ demonic growling ]
[ gasps ]

There was something very off
about this house.

Here we go.


So strong is the feeling,

Courtney is unable
to move any further.


Cooper: It was the most
foreboding feeling I'd had.

It was almost like the house
was saying,

"come in if you dare."

Courtney, she's weak.

I'm hardly feeling
anything here.

I'm going to plug in.

[ soft growling ]
[ heartbeat ]

The feeling I had definitely
felt threatening.

It stopped me in my tracks.

[ sighs ]
let's roll her down.

Want to help me here?



Had to take a second
to gather myself.

Oh, shoot. Yeah.

I kind of had to will myself
to go in.

Here to do a job,
this lady needs our help.

Let's flip her on her back.


Let's put her over here.

[ quietly ]
let me check her...

I'm not
getting anything.


She's unresponsive,
not getting any breath.


She looked like she was
having cardiac arrest.

We're charged.


[ gasps ]

She comes back to life
without their assistance.



They have no idea
what's wrong with her.


Can you hear my voice?

She looked distraught,
but her coloring was good.

Ma'am, my name is courtney.
I'm a paramedic.

Do you know where you are?
[ low growling ]

Can you hear me?

Do you know what happened?

Ma'am, we're responding
to your 911 call.

We found you unconscious.

We tried to let her know that we
were there to take care of her.

We asked her where she kept
her medication

So we could check
if she was allergic to anything.

All right.

Let's get her up here.

Come on, miss.

[ ragged breath ]
do you remember what happened?

Well, let's check her
vitals here.


Seemingly unable to speak,

The patient's silence only adds
to the mystery of her condition.

I'm going to grab your arm.

I need your arm.

[ heartbeat ]

I continued to get her
vital signs,

Blood pressure, pulse oximetry.

Narrator: To the emts...

Did you take any drugs
this afternoon, this evening?

...The patient
seems more terrified

Than an actual medical trauma.

She seemed to be pretty on edge,
eyes wide as saucers.


But before she could finish
taking her blood pressure...

[ scream ]

I suddenly was pushed over.



[ gasps ]

Without really looking up to see
where my partner was,

I told him, "be careful."

[ low growl ]

Man: Why did you say that?

I felt like he had knocked me
over off my feet.

But eric is a few feet away busy
reporting back to the station.

Stand by.

Are you all right?

Yeah. Yeah.

Courtney is at a loss
for answers.

This was a force
that I could not see,

And it shook me to my core.

[ heartbeat ]

Check her...

So I gathered my senses
about me again,

And I went back to getting her
vital signs, her blood pressure.


[ demonic hissing ]


And I got knocked over again.

Are you all right?

My immediate reaction to be
knocked down again was,

"we need to get
the hell out of here.

There is something terrible
in this house,

And it doesn't want us here."

[ gasps, whimpers ]

Narrator: After responding
to an emergency call...

Eric: Clear.

...To the home of a woman
suffering from chest pains...


...Emt courtney cooper...


...Is knocked down twice
by an invisible force.



It freaked me out so bad.

I had no idea
what had touched me.

Courtney tries to rationalize
what just happened.

I lost my balance.
I'll take over.

Take a sec.

It feels to me that she had
a malevolent entity there.

There's often a willingness
to drive out anybody

Who may interfere
with the relationship

That it has built
with the human.

Narrator: While eric takes over
the examination,

Courtney takes a break.

Noticing the room is filled
with religious artifacts

And ancient books.

It was very odd,
not something you see every day

When you walk
into someone's home.

Blood pressure is good.

While the patient's 911 call
indicated chest pains,

The emts are unable
to find anything

Physically wrong with her.

Cooper: Her ekg reading
was totally normal.

She didn't present medically
as someone who was ill,

And then I noticed something
that I will never forget.

[ demonic hissing ]

[ scream ]

[ high-pitched scream ]

There were mannequins
standing there.

[ scream ]

I've never seen anything
like that in anyone's home.


I asked her why she had the
mannequins in her living room.

Cooper: Did you
design them yourself?

Narrator: At long last,
the patient finally speaks.

They were my grandmother's.

She told us her family happened
to be dressmakers

Back in the day,

And then I noticed something
that will haunt my dreams

For the rest of my life.

[ screams ]

Narrator: One of the mannequins
has moved toward her.

The mannequin was now
completely facing me.


I knew my partner was not
messing with these mannequins

Because he cannot
move that fast,

So something was moving
this mannequin,

And it was not him.

She's stabilized.

We're going to be
moving her soon.


Sometimes what we'll see
in negative entity cases

Is that they will actually
use objects to intimidate.

We got to get out of here.

What ends up happening
is that the entity

Becomes extremely territorial
over the space or the person,

And probably
the paramedics coming in

Threatened that territory.

And now they seem to be
showing them the way out.

Eric, did you not shut the door
when we came in?


Did you not shut the door
when we came in?


The other fear that something
uninvited is moving in and out.


The feeling that I had that
was forbidding me to go in,

It all started kind of
crashing down on me.

do you live alone?


Are you sure you let
no one in the house?

I didn't let anyone in.

No one else came to the door
before you called 911?


I decided to start looking
through the house...

[ heartbeat ]

And came across
no living human being.

Come back down the hallway,

[ ominous chord strikes ]


The mannequin is now
facing towards me

As I'm walking out
of the hallway.

It [bleep] out of me.

Knudsen: A negative entity
will move objects,

Position them into different
places to frighten the perceiver

Into feeling like
they're out of control.

Eric, we, we got to
get out of here.

It was the most freaked out

I've ever been
in my entire life.

Ma'am, are you okay to stand?

Wasn't that mannequin...

That was the one
that was over there.

I don't know
what's going on.

Ma'am, we're going to take you
to the hospital now.

We need to package her up,
and we need to leave.

To this day, those mannequins
haunt my dreams.

[ indistinct whispering ]


Whatever dark force was
in that house

Tried to take over
her possessions

Was definitely trying
to take over her,

And I think that was more
than likely contributing

To the downfall
of her health.

Woman: Adversarii.

Infernalis adversarii
omnis legio.

Prayer is often
considered a meditation.

However, if we get a situation

Where somebody is praying
from a fearful state of being,

That's not achieving the end
game which is to feel better.

Infernalis adversarii
omnis legio te rogamus audi nos.

Infernalis adversarii
omnis legio.

So if you're attacking something
from any sort of state of fear,

That's never going
to end well.

Infernalis adversarii
omnis legio.

Inversari adverdari
envogamo audi nos.

Infernalis adversarii
omnis legio.

[ demonic growling ]

[ phone ringing ]

[ gasping ]

[ crying ]

[ ringing continues ]

[ gasping, whimpers ]

That call happened 11 years ago,

But it has stuck with me more
than any car accident,

Stabbing, shooting,
more than anything

Because I'm now more aware
that these presences exist,

That they are out there,
that they're real,

And it scares [bleep] out of me.

Because there's nothing
I can do about it.

These are not people
that I can help.

These are not people I can save.



[ engine hums ]




[ tires screech,
glass shatters ]

[ crickets chirp ]
[ horn blares in distance ]


Oh, my god. Oh, my god.
Oh, my god.

[ phone rings ]

The 911 call goes to the emt

Nearest to the accident,
ceredwyn alexander,

Who's only been on the job
a few short months.

The nature of the call
that I got was

That it was
a motor vehicle accident,

A tractor trailer
versus motorcycle,

Unknown number of casualties.

Alexander is part of a remote
crew of first responders.

We're a small department.

Transport times from town
are quite long.

You can be waiting around
for an ambulance

For 30 minutes
on a good day.

Because the accident was
between the station and myself,

I thought, "I'm just going to
grab my own vehicle and go."


I had been an emt
for about 9 months.

Really, this was only the first
few months of me

Being cut loose on my own.


I call into dispatch, and I say,
"I am the first here,

So I'm going to try
to secure the scene."


We did not have a lot
of information partly

Because where the accident was,
it was a radio dead zone.



When I got there,
all I could see was the truck,

[ crickets chirping ]

And then I saw
the primary witness,

The driver of the truck.

Sir, are you all right?

Are you okay?

Are you the only one here?

Yeah. No.

When we're surveying the scene,

We're trained listen
to what people are saying.

You don't even need to ask them.

Usually, they'll tell you.

There was only one person.

Are you the only one here?



When people have accidents,
when they are traumatized,

They will very often
be confused.


It's a function of shock.

She's in the back.

She's in the front.

Just take
a few deep breaths.

Help is on its way.


It was not very clear
where my patient was,

So I slid under there,

[ exhales sharply ]

And I found my patient.


I have this sinking feeling.



[ exhales sharply ]

It suddenly comes into focus
how mangled she is.


She looked like
a broken porcelain doll.


No emt wants to be the one

Who pronounces somebody
on the scene.

We hate doing that.

Narrator: For the rookie emt,
it's baptism by fire.


Up until this point
in my career,

I had seen bodies that had
died of natural causes.

This was the first
traumatic death.



As I'm getting ready to go up
and notify dispatch,

[ gravel crunches ]

I see boots
on the other side of the truck.


And I kind of...
And I don't see anyone.


[ exhales sharply ]

And I started hearing
this voice.

[ disembodied voice] I shouldn't
have taken that sharp...

I shouldn't have done that.

He can't see me like this.


Sir, was there
only one person?



[ disembodied voice ]
he can't see me like this.

I shouldn't have done that.

Help me!
Help me!

I shouldn't have done that.

I shouldn't have done that.
I'm sorry.

My brother can't see me
like this.

Help me.

My brother is going to be
so mad at me.

My brother is going to be
so mad at me.

I was terrified because
I'm seeing her standing here.

I shouldn't have done that.


[ tires screech ]
[ glass shatters ]

Emt ceredwyn alexander is called
to a remote stretch of highway

Where she discovers
a young woman killed on impact,

But moments later...
Help me!

...To alexander's horror...
Help me. Help me.


[ tires screech ]
[ glass shatters ]

Emt ceredwyn alexander is called
to a remote stretch of highway

Where she discovers
a young woman killed on impact,

But moments later...
Help me!

...To alexander's horror...
Help me. Help me.

...She finds the victim...
I shouldn't have done that.

...Has risen from the dead...

He's going to be so mad.
He can't see me like this.


...And then vanishes
into thin air.

Now I'm having this moment of,

"that couldn't have been real,
what I just saw."


[ exhales sharply ]

In very high-impact
sudden deaths where the spirit

Is just kind of ejected
from the body very quickly,

The spirit is immediately
put into a state of shock

And disbelief.

We have so many reports
of people

Kind of hovering over their body

And watching everything
that happens.


I was focused on doing what is
the next correct thing to do

Because if I thought beyond
that next step,

I was going to lose it.


[ disembodied voice ]
he is going to be so mad.

He can't see me like this.


I shouldn't have done that.

He can't see me like this.
[ gasps ]

Narrator: The dead woman
reappears a few feet away.

He can't see me like this.

She was confused.

She didn't understand
what happened.

She kept saying
the same set of things.

"I came around
that corner too fast."

"I knew I came around
that corner too fast."

I shouldn't have taken
that sharp...

I shouldn't have tried
to overtake that sharp...

My brother is going
to be so mad at me.

She kept saying,
"don't let my brother see me."

By brother is going to be
so mad at me.

"oh, don't let my brother
see this.

Oh, my god. It's going
to upset him so much."

I probably should...
I shouldn't have done that.

Don't leave me here.

She says, "oh, god,
don't leave me,"

And she was really frightened.

My brother is going to be
so mad at me.

She didn't want to be alone.

Don't leave me here.

Even to talk about it makes all
the hair on my arms stand up.

It was more than a feeling
of being watched.

I really felt she wanted
to interact with me.

I think there was just
so much energy expended

During this very high impact,
very traumatic and sudden death.

[ thud, glass shatters ]
[ woman screams ]

It was really easy to pick up
on a presence there.


[ disembodied crying ]

My brother is going to be
so mad at me.

It allowed a state in which
the spirit

Could usually communicate
with her first responder.

Don't leave me here.

Suddenly, the chief arrives.

Everybody seems to roll up
all at once.

Hey. You okay?

Yes, sir.
We have a fatality.

Okay. The driver?
He's okay.

I spoke with him.

A woman, could you come look
at the body with me?





Did everything you could.

Alexander: Everybody's
first trauma fatality,

They always do remember it.

It always looms very large
in their lives.

What does that mean?

What does that mean?

Let me get through.
Sir. Sir. Sir.

Let me get...
What does that mean?

Sir. Sir. Sir.

Let me see.
That's my sister's bike!

I can't let you over there.
I got to go see!

Drawn by the commotion,
a local man rushes the scene.

That's my sister's bike!

Sir. Sir. Sir.
Nothing you can do now.

It's the victim's brother.

And he heard me say "fatality,"

And this visceral moan
came out of his throat.

[ anguished moan ]



[ ominous music plays ]

Narrator: Seeing her brother
for the last time,

The ghost disappears for good.

[ man cries ]

It's going to be okay.

We'll get you out of here soon.

Alexander: When you're
confronted with evidence

That goes against
your whole belief system,

It's really,
really terrifying.

It's like discovering that
there's a whole other world

That you knew nothing about.

Help me!

I still dream about it
from time to time.

It still has a lot
of emotional weight,

And I know I'm going
to dream about it tonight.





[ clothes scrape box ]

[ creaking ]

[ footsteps ]




[ dials phone ]

[ phone rings ]

[ tires squeal ]
[ siren wails ]

Narrator: Fourteen-year
police veteran eddie hill

Races to a 911 call
for a possible home invasion.

[ siren wails ]

Hill: Once the dispatcher told
me that it was

An elderly lady that called,

The whole thing that kept
running through my mind was,

"is she hurt? What's the
potential for her getting hurt?"

[ siren wails ]

I was going into a potentially
dangerous situation.

This isn't something you can
just run up to

And take care of in 5 minutes
and you're gone.

This is something that you
really have to think through

Because people lives
are at stake.

You don't know
what's going to happen.



As I get out of my patrol car,

Now I saw this really nice
fragile little old lady.

Afternoon, ma'am.
Good afternoon.

There's a stranger in my house
in my attic.

She started telling me
that there was people

Walking around
inside her attic,

So I kind of thought
that was a little bit strange.

Normally, when we receive
a call on a burglar,

There's somebody
within the house itself,

Not in the attic,

So I kind of questioned
her a little bit

If, you know,
her husband was home,

And she said that he had passed,
and she lived by herself.


After hearing that, I asked her,
"could this be a raccoon?

Could this be a squirrel?
Could this be a rat?"


I started kind of feeling more
like there

May not be as much threat
as she had thought.

[ heavy footsteps ]

Suddenly, I heard
these footsteps.

[ footsteps ]

And I thought, "well, it's not
a raccoon. It's not a opossum."

It was not an animal
that was walking on all fours.


Whatever was walking around
in that attic

Was walking around on two feet.


Narrator: A dark attic
with many hiding spots

Is a dangerous place for
a police officer working alone.

[ thud ]

[ deep warble ]

In our particular department,
we ended up handling calls

A lot on our own mainly due to
the shortage of man power.

You pretty much had to take care
of business on your own.

[ floor boards creaking ]


My frame of mind was that
there's somebody up there

Trying to hide from me

And had told her
not to say anything

And had maybe threatened her.

[ creaking ]

You have no idea
where these people are,

If they're watching you,
if they're about to ambush you,

If something's going to go wrong
and could be life-threatening.

[ bicycle squeaking ]


I kept feeling like
I was being watched.

I kept feeling like someone
was watching me.


Although I've looked
all over this place,

And I didn't see anything.


[ footsteps ]

Again, he hears footsteps.

Like somebody walking
with work boots.

[ footsteps ]

And I'm looking around.

I see nothing,
but I can hear it.

I can hear that
there's something.

It left me with
a very uneasy feeling.


[ footsteps ]

[ indistinct whispering ]


I started thinking, "well, maybe
it was the house shifting,

Or maybe it was my imagination,

Or maybe there was just
some critter up there,

And it just sounded like it
was a big person moving."

With no clear explanation
for what he heard or felt,

The officer heads back down.


What did you tell the old woman?

I told the old lady at first

That I could not find anything
out of the ordinary,

That everything looked okay.

I thought the next thing
I should do was stay with her

For a little bit
and talk to her

And basically try
and put her more at ease.

The more I spoke to her,

The more I started
getting a sense

That she was more lonely
than anything,

And it almost got to the point
where I felt

That maybe
she just wants attention.

Maybe she just needs
somebody to talk to.

[ heavy footsteps ]

[ ominous chord strikes ]

And that's when I saw
this dark shadow.

[ ominous chord strikes ]
this wasn't an ordinary shadow.

It was very obvious that this
wasn't being cast from somebody.

[ warbly chord strikes ]


And that scared
the [bleep] out of me.

[ siren wails ]

Narrator: After responding to
a home invasion call,

Texas police officer
eddie hill finds no intruder...

[ footsteps ]

...Until he is stalked
by a mysterious black shadow.

Whatever it was I was looking at
was not of this world.

Bound to protect,

The officer races towards
the mysterious figure.


I immediately went outside and
started looking around the area,

And I started checking
in some of the areas

That I thought somebody
could possibly be hidden.


There was nothing moved.

There was nothing out
of the ordinary.

There was nothing
that drew my attention.

I couldn't put a body
to any of these noises.

I couldn't put an explanation
to the shadow I was seeing,

And I started questioning

Whether I actually saw it
or not.

Someone such as a police

Someone who has
a very analytical mind,

A very objective mind,

They're looking for
real live human beings,

And when they come
across something

That is just so out
of the ordinary,

That's something that
could really startle somebody

And start having them
question themselves.


[ footsteps ]

I all of a sudden start hearing
these footsteps again.

Are you making a connection,
perhaps, with the shadow?

I didn't know at the time
whether this was related

To what was going on

Or if this was something
totally separate.

Officer hill goes back upstairs
but this time alone.

[ discordant notes play ]



[ footsteps ]

[ whoosh ]


As I'm looking around
with the flashlight,

I saw a dark shadow
move across.


And, again, lo and behold,

I started hearing
these footsteps.

[ heavy footsteps ]


Narrator: For the officer,
it starts to feel personal.

Whatever this is,
it's toying with me.

It has to be.

This can't be my imagination.



And as I'm looking around,
I see the shadow again.


I suddenly saw that
it had a face.


[ whoosh ]

[ floor creaks,
fading footsteps ]


And it was just gone.


[ floor creaks ]

It was just...It was...
It just vanished, history.

When I saw that, the hairs on
the back of my neck stood up.

I was terrified.

Seeing no further trace
of the strange figure,

The officer feels the burden
of having no clear explanation

To share other than it's gone.

And it made me feel bad

Because I really, really,
really wanted to help her,

And I really wanted
to put her at ease,

So I didn't know exactly
what to say or do to do that.

Who's this?

My husband,
isn't he handsome?

I miss him so much.


Suddenly, the photo brings
the terrifying apparition

Into clear focus.

This face was the same face
that I just saw moments earlier.

[ ominous chord strikes ]

[ footsteps ]

The face of the shadow

I was seeing was the face
of her dead husband.

When people die,
if they have a loved one

That they are
extremely attached to,

Maybe they're not ready
to leave them.

Sometimes their partner will
stick around with the thought

That when the other person dies,
they'll be there to meet them,

And they can cross over

To where they're going
together as a couple.

Don't worry, ma'am.

I think everything is going
to be just fine.

Oh, thank you.

The revelation finally
puts the officer at ease.


Thank you so much.

It's my pleasure, ma'am.


[ car engine starts ]


Hill: I believe this to be
her dead husband

That is there to protect her,
that's there to watch over her

[ footsteps ]

And possibly there to one day
take her home with him.


I think
the paranormal experience

I had opened my eyes and my mind
up a lot more than what it was.

I think there are many things
that happen

That we can't explain
that maybe one day we will.
