Paranormal 911 (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - Phantom Footsteps - full transcript

A police officer chases a ghostly intruder around a nursing home, a father's spirit watches out for his baby from the other side after a deadly car crash and an unseen entity slaps a first responder in the face.


It was an automotive accident.

It scared
the **** out of me.


He's at the point now
where he's pleading.

We saw a shadow figure
of a man.

Who's there?!

It was one of the most
terrifying experiences

of my life.

It was all connected
to dark forces.

They don't train you
for something like this.

Oh, my God!

Please state your emergency.

I think it's a ghost!

Is anyone there?

Police constable David Elvy,

a seven-year veteran,
gets the call.

I became a police constable.

I always wanted to be
in the police.

Probably helped by the fact that

my father was also
a police officer at the time.

I was working with a colleague
that night.

We received a call regarding
possible intruders

at a local nursing home.

The staff there had
experienced persons unknown

banging on the outside
of the windows

around the nursing home.


Follow me.

The lady indicated
that they were upstairs.

Up there.

On the landing upstairs,
there was lighting,

but it was very dim lighting,

just purely to illuminate
the hallway just slightly.

There were times when you
couldn't actually see

what was around the corner.

Offenders can get themselves
into all sorts of hiding places

that you wouldn't
necessarily expect.

The environment was
very, very spooky, actually.

But there was
absolutely nothing --

no damage or anything amiss.

The officers move next
to the third floor...

...the last place where
the intruders could possibly be.

I'm basically prepared
for any eventuality.

I did find it quite unsettling.

Noises that some of
the residents were making

were quite unnerving.

The intruders could
potentially be in a bed

hiding in plain sight.

Suddenly, someone was
staring back at me.

And it scared
the **** out of me.

What is it?

Nothing, I guess.

Then I realized fairly quickly

that this was actually
a resident,

and they were actually asleep
with their eyes open.

Very, very bizarre.

When we're presented with
something paranormal in nature,

something which is completely
outside of our spectrum

of understanding,

we respond accordingly,
which is very difficult

for someone who's trying to
make sense of what's going on.

We might have a feeling
of being observed.

We might not see ourselves
as having,

like, a psychic sense,
but what is that?

You know,
what exactly does that mean

when we feel
that someone is observing us?

That's a sixth sense that is
activated in situations

where we may be in danger.

Once we ascertained
that the upstairs

was clear of any intruder,

we went around the outside
of the premises

to see if there was
any sign of damage

or forced entry
on any of the shutter windows.

I'll go this way.


The staff were clearly

which would be understandable
in any of these circumstances.

In the staff room,
there is an intercom system,

and they can then hear
what's going on in the wards.

One lady in particular did feel

that the experience
was entirely paranormal...

...that it was all connected
to dark forces.

Then something else happened
that made it even more...


Suddenly, through the intercom,
quite clearly,

they all hear
all sorts of noises.

They're inside.

Given the fact that all
the residents are bed-bound,

the last thing they expected
to hear coming through there

were loud, precise footsteps
going across the landing.

- Nothing?
- No, nothing.

Next thing, we hear
the ladies screaming...

...full-pelt screaming.

Loudest screams ever heard,

Unexplained noises outside
an old English nursing home

suddenly shift to inside,

sending police constable
David Elvy and his partner

rushing to the scene.

I launched myself
up the steps...

...what I think is
in hot pursuit of an intruder.

I heard it.
I heard footsteps.

I literally must be seconds away
from the person.

My adrenaline
was really flowing.

I wanted to catch him.

When I got to the landing,
I did start to feel very uneasy.

Scotty, you take a look
down here.

I'll end up here.

All right.

Went very quiet,
very dark, very still,

and once again,
I heard footsteps...

...very precise thudding
of feet on the floor.

I was scared as hell.

On a lot of investigations,

we find that spirits seem to be
stuck at a particular location,

sometimes even in a particular
room or even in a bed.

And it's usually
of their own doing.

Psychologically, emotionally,
they're trapped there

because they don't believe
they can leave.

It felt very oppressive
up there.

It was like the atmosphere had
kind of, like, closed in on me.

There are so many examples where
a spirit is pulling energy,

is pulling heat, the life force,
out of its surrounding.

We often think about
this icy finger of death,

the shiver up our spine,

this cold that just
gives us goosebumps.

Oftentimes, those are spirits
pulling energy

out of their environment
to manipulate objects,

to manipulate us.

I looked,
and there was no one there.

I didn't feel that I was quite
in that real world anymore.

There was absolutely no way
that any person

could have got up those stairs,
onto that landing,

and anywhere else
without me seeing them.

There was no other route out.

That's when I realized
that whatever was up there

did not belong
in the living world.


When I joined up
with my partner,

I actually had never seen him
so unnerved.

He confirmed that he had the
exact same experience as I did.

Constable two,
status report, please.

Yeah, we've searched
the area.

No traces of an intruder.
No signs of forced entry.

I felt it best, when I did
get back downstairs,

that I shouldn't say anything
to the ladies.

They had been terrified enough,

and I really didn't
want to add to it.

Why didn't you
report it?

It's not good for your career
to, shall we say,

promote belief
in supernatural activities.

What do you think
you encountered

in that nursing home?

Given all the evidence
that I was presented with

from the staff and from my own
experience on that landing...

...there was no doubt
in my mind

that something paranormal
had happened to all of us.

Sometimes a spirit might be
bound to a particular spot,

and it needs help,
it needs a guide.

It needs to be given instruction
as to how to cross over.

A dark entity might
open up a portal --

some doorway
that they can move through.

Hospitals are places
where a number of people

have crossed over.

There's been
a lot of death there.

There are very strong
psychic traces left behind.

We lost a patient today.

They told me that,

one of the residents had died
earlier on in that day.

And was it clear to you
that it was that death

that triggered
all this paranormal activity?

Absolutely clear.

I remained in that area policing
for quite a while afterwards,

and, to my knowledge, there were
never any further calls

to that nursing home.


Wilson Creek.
Truck 23, please respond.

Lawrence here.

Reporting vehicle roll-over,
junction 4, possible multiples.

Roger that.
I'm close by.

With the all-too-real
possibility of casualties,

veteran volunteer EMT
Betty Lawrence

races to the scene.

Nights like that --

I don't think anyone would want
to find themselves in that area.

As an EMT, Betty Lawrence's
area of the country

is one of the most dangerous
to service,

with miles of winding roads,
hairpin turns,

steep hills, and deep ravines.

When this particular
call came in,

it was a bad night.

There were other calls going on,
so we had three ambulances out.

It was an automotive accident.

The one particular road
that this accident was on

was well-known
for having accidents on it.

The roads in this area tended
to be prone to black ice.

You could feel the ambulance
slipping a little

getting up to the accident.

The details that I had been told

was it was a car
over the hillside.

We didn't know how many people,
what type of vehicle,

or any of that information.

Once on scene,
Betty's first task

is locating the 911 caller.

But whoever placed
the call is no longer there.

It was so dark, I could
barely make anything out.

It was like someone
was there with me.

Right beyond the guard rail
is an extremely steep hillside

going down at this angle --

very difficult to walk down
in broad daylight

when it's dry, let alone
impossible in the dark and wet.

There was no signs
of any humans, any bodies.

I didn't even see the car.

But deep below, she can hear
the sound of an engine running.

Is someone down there?


Suddenly, I heard a man almost
at the other side of the ravine.

We're down here!

We need help!

Help us, please!

This is Lawrence.
There's a survivor here.

Please send help.

Send a rescue squad.

The rescue squad was probably
two miles from the accident.

However, it could be
up to 15 minutes

to get the actual crew
and truck there.

Please hurry!

Isn't it protocol
for you to wait for backup?

I really didn't feel
I had a choice.

The individual was becoming
so frantic.

I felt like if I waited
for other people

to come and help me,

I would never be able
to live with myself.

I knew how to go down
a hill like this,

but I'd only ever done it
in practice.

You have to hurry!

Help us!

It probably took me
five minutes total time

to get from the top
of the hill to the bottom,

going very slowly
and carefully.

It felt much longer

because I knew
this gentleman was down there,

hoping I would get to him
as quickly as possible.


Please hurry!

Through the thick foliage,

she finally spots the wreckage.

There was broken glass
and plastic.


When I looked at the vehicle
and the way that it was,

I was surprised
we were talking to someone.

When I looked at the driver,
I noticed his neck was broken,

so it was evident
that he had died.

Hey, come help.

Over here.

I can hear the man saying,
"I'm over here.

I'm over here.
Please come."

And then I started
to hear something.


I felt a presence there with me.


It was quite a strong

that it was a person
involved in the accident

who may have succumbed
to his injuries.

But once again,
the man has vanished.

Every hair in my body
is now standing up on end,

trying to figure out
this situation.

It's like there was
a little child

somewhere in that area,
lost and just...

just crying.

It totally froze me right down
to my core with shock.

But there was no one...

Help us!

...not a shred of anyone.

That was terrifying.

Racing to the scene
of a deadly clash,

volunteer EMT Betty Lawrence
is summoned into the dark woods

by a mysterious figure...

...where she hears
the wails of a baby.

It's like there was
a little child

somewhere in that area,
lost and just...

just crying.

There was a car seat buckled
tight against the back seat,

and I thought,
"Is there a child in there?"

and craned my head down,
trying to see,

and at that point,
this little hand moved up

into the light.

Why that baby survived
was the parent loved it enough

to put it in the car seat

and have the car seat
correctly buckled.

I immediately was looking for
the other passenger

who had been calling us
and crying out to him,

"Is this who we need to help?

Where are you?"

There's no sign of this man.

Oftentimes what will happen
is people will report

seeing these apparitions,
and then they will,

to our eyes, disappear,
but one of the theories is

that they're not actually

One of the theories is
that maybe the light bends

in a slightly different way,
our perception changes,

the frequency in which
we're receiving

those particles of light
may change,

and, to our eyes,
the entity actually vanishes.

I'm looking at this child,

and I realize I have to
get this baby out

because I'm afraid they're
going to suffer hypothermia

from being so cold.

So, as an EMT,

how many victims
were you now dealing with?

At this stage in the call,
there were three victims --

the infant, the individual
who was in the driver's seat

and had died
at the scene of the crash,

and the gentleman who was
speaking to us.

The rescue team finally
reaches the accident scene.

Some go to work
on freeing the dead man

from the car
and retrieving his ID,

while others keep searching
for the missing survivor.

- Hello?
- Is anybody out there?

- Are you there?
- Hello?

The rescue team spent two hours

looking for the man
who urged me

to come down into that ravine...

Hello, sir?
Are you out there?

...and no one found him.

There was no clothing found.

There was no evidence
that he ever was there.

In fact, I was quite shook up
about that.

I personally knew what I saw.

What about the ID
they found on the driver?

The police department got ahold
of the victim's family.

The wife said
it was just her husband

and their infant child
in the car.

There was no one at any time
in the car, other than them.

We need help!

What about the man
that called you down?

What I believe I saw
was the ghost...

Down here!

...of the deceased driver.

Save us!

When you're confronted
with something like that

that you don't understand,
it can be very scary.

I was dealing with something
that's not of this world.

I personally knew
that I heard this man,

that he was able
to ask for help.

"Help us."

Help us!

Oftentimes, we forget
that these intelligences

are emotional beings

and that they can think
and feel and process,

and that they still
very, very much care

for the people
that they observe all the time,

and I think it's easy
to forget that

just because we can't see them

doesn't mean
they're not still there.

This father,
even though he had died,

did everything he could
to ensure his child

would receive
all the help she needed.

He knew if he didn't get help
for his daughter,

his daughter most assuredly
was going to die.

He may have even called
and let us know.

911. What's your emergency?

Car went off the road.

Sir, how many vehicles
are involved in the accident?

It's so cold.

Was anyone thrown
from the vehicle?

You need to come now!

How he called,
I can't explain to you,

but this father is the one
that made the call.

The bond between
parent and children

exists for eternity.

I don't think that bond
ever breaks.

An alarm has been
set off on the grounds

of a large university.

And with a possible intruder
on the loose,

campus officer Lisa Kimes,
fresh out of the academy,

races to the call
with her partner in tow.

The majority of universities
now have police.

Like any other police officer,
I have the same training.

I was armed.
I had arrest powers.

With campus violence
on the rise,

the officer prepares
for the worst.

The university was dangerous

because there were
a lot of gangs.

They would come
and steal cellphones

and beat up the "U" kids.

Like it was pretty bad.

It was really bad
where I worked.

A motion alarm is pretty much
a burglar alarm.

Someone could possibly be
in the building.

To students on campus,

the building is widely believed
to be haunted

because of its dark,
sordid past.

It did look very spooky.

The outside of it was just
an old church-looking building.

This one of the sites where
the bodies were stored

during the Spanish Flu epidemic.

There were bodies kept
in the basement.

To be honest,
it was extremely scary.

There were no signs
of forced entry.

They disarm the alarm

and proceed to search
the old building.

We turned it off
as we're entering the building.

We reset it when we leave.

Suddenly, about 40 feet away
from us, we saw something.


You see that?

Where'd it go?

And I called out to it,
and I said, "Who are you?

Show yourself."

We heard the sound --
a very loud sound --

through the door.

When you hear a sound like that,

you assume someone was
in the building.

There was nobody
on the other side of the door.

And no one was inside
of the building.

I've encountered false alarms
in the past.

It could have been a bat.

It could have been
a curtain, dust.

So we set the motion alarm,
and we went back on patrol.

We heard the alarm again.

I was thinking that maybe
someone was playing a prank.

Something tripped it.

We heard "boom, boom, boom"
very loud.

We heard something
run up the stairs,

and we went over to that area.

At the top of the staircase...

...the door slammed.

The doors were locked.

From a rational standpoint,

none of this makes sense.

There's no one there.

They don't train you
for something like this.

Whatever this was,
it was not of this world.

In an old university building,

campus police officer Lisa Kimes
chases an intruder...

...that keeps disappearing
into thin air.

We had a very clear view.

We would have been able to see
someone go up those steps

and go through that door,
but we did not see anyone.

Immediately after that,
my partner said

the side of his face
went ice-cold and numb.

I did not believe in ghosts
until that moment.

It's likely that the
spirit may be present there.

A spirit is believed to draw
energy out of the atmosphere,

and people who get touched
by spirit energy claim

that they have
this very cold sensation,

almost down to the bone.

But it's not just
the temperature

that is suddenly affected.

We heard a very loud sound
in the basement of the building.

Ghosts and spirits can manifest
in all different kinds of ways.

There really seems to be
a correlation

between buildings that have
a dark history and hauntings.

These buildings are
full of tragedy

and highly charged emotions
and death.

I thought maybe
there was a connection

between my experience

and the bodies that were kept
in the basement

during the Spanish Flu epidemic.

Death has its own energy.

We noticed a figure of a man
peering at us.

And, again, there was nobody
on the other side of the door.

But that wasn't the case.

Who's there?!

We saw a shadow figure
of a man.

You seeing this?

I said, "Did you see that?"

And he said to me,
"I do see that".

Where the hell is it?

We both froze.

We just were motionless.

We just froze.

This figure you say
you saw coughing --

what made you think it was
connected to the Spanish Flu?

during that flu epidemic,

there were so many deaths
in that area.

This is a case, I think,
where the spirit

was intentionally
reaching out for help.

Some spirits will continue
to go back to those scenes,

even if
they're not trapped there,

until they get help
and are able to cross over.

Please help me.

No point in us catching it.

It was extremely scary.

Let's get out of here.

Sometimes a person
recognizes that they died,

and they're not ready to go,

so they remain at that area,

looking for help,
not knowing what to do.

We left the building.

We just left the building.

We were scared out of our minds.

But you're police officers.

You should be
checking it out.

That's correct,

but because of
what just happened,

we did not.

Following this incident,

I avoided going in there
at all costs.

We would stay away
from that area altogether.

I believe now.
I never believed in ghosts.

I never did...

not until that moment.

It was one of the most
terrifying experiences

of my life.