Paranormal 911 (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - Paranormal Prisoner - full transcript

A correctional officer witnesses the Grim Reaper collect the soul of a dead prisoner; The ghost of teenage girl attaches herself to the EMT who tried to save her; An elderly man is saved by his recently deceased wife.

[ police radio chatter ]


Spinks: Prison hospitals
are not equipped

To handle all emergencies.

We had to transport this guy
to -- to the local hospital.

[ heavy breathing ]

I was ready to pull my firearm
out and protect myself.

Mcfalls: Paramedic.

I had a very eerie feeling
about this house.

[ laughing evilly ]

[ woman screaming ]

I felt fear.
I felt terror.

- [ screaming ]
- [ distorted voice ] don't go.

And that completely
freaked us the [bleep] out.

[ screams ]

Spinks: I just witnessed
the grim reaper come

And take this guy
to wherever he was going.

Chapman: One of the most
scariest moments of my life

Up to that point.

[ screaming ]

[ siren wailing, engine revs ]

Woman: Oh, my god!

Man: 911--
please state your emergency.

I think it's a ghost!
[ creature snarls ]

[ screams ]


[ gun cocks, fires ]

[ woman screams ]


[ door buzzes ]

[ metal door clanks ]

[ telephone rings ]

With an inmate population

Of more than 3,000,
correctional officer

And ex-military
dave spinks' main job

Is keeping the public safe

When an inmate is taken
outside the prison walls.

Man #2: This is control.
Come in.


Go ahead, control.

On that particular day,

I received a call
from the prison hospital saying,

"we have an inmate with
a possible heart attack."

Prison hospitals
are not equipped

To handle all emergencies.

We had to transport this guy
to the local hospital.

So I hightailed it down
to medical.

[ grunting ]

He had the pasty,
pale look to his face,

And he was sweating
pretty profusely,

Which is a telltale sign
of a heart attack.

[ grunting, wheezing ]

I started doing my job,

Which was to search him
for weapons

Or anything of the sort in case
of a possible escape attempt.

You have to check their ears,
inside their mouths.

Open wide.

[ grunting ]
open wide.

They've been known
to cut cavities

On the side of their cheeks

And implant things
inside their cheek,

Inside their skin,
in their hair.

Very ingenious people
when it comes to escaping.

[ wheezing ]


As I'm doing this, I notice
the energy in the room changed.

And it felt very, very heavy.

[ heavy breathing ]

I thought there was someone else
in the room with me.

It felt dark.
It felt negative.

And I didn't like it.

[ moaning, wheezing ]


The emts arrived,
but I still have a job to do

To escort this guy
to the local hospital.

Narrator: That job also includes
the safety

Of the inmate himself.

He may have committed
several murders.

That's not my concern.

He's still a human, and you have
to treat them with respect,

And 9 times out of 10,
they'll give you respect back.

They're people, too.

[ grunting ]

Even with no medical background,

Spinks can tell things aren't
looking good for his charge.

He was not in good shape.

Riding in the ambulance,

The officer is all too aware
of the threat of violence

That also exists
outside the vehicle.

There's been numerous inmates
over the years

At various prisons
that have feigned an illness

And had guys on the outside
waiting with weapons to,

You know, take over the officers
and help an inmate escape.

[ grunting ]

Narrator: The crew arrives at
the hospital with no incidents,

Other than the inmate's
deteriorating condition.

[ inmate coughing ]

He let out this god-awful,
just, grunt sound,

And he turned bright red
and purple.

And it looked like
he was flexing

Every muscle in his body.

[ groaning ]

[ police radio chatter ]


Narrator: They rush him into
e.R. For emergency surgery.

[ groaning ]

[ police radio chatter ]


They took him in and started
working on him immediately,

Hooking him up
to all the machines,

Shooting his I.V.
Full of chemicals.

And I stepped back
out of the doctors' way

And I just basically
guard the door.

They weren't telling me

I was just -- you know,
that's not my job.

My job is to just maintain
the security of this guy,

Make sure he doesn't go nowhere.

Narrator: The operation lasts
for nearly an hour to no avail.

The doctor finally called it
and said,

"there's nothing
more we can do. He's gone."

Narrator: Officer spinks' job

Now shifts
from guarding the prisoner

Against a possible escape

To watching over his dead body.

I'm just contemplating,

"wow, I was just talking to
this guy a little bit ago,

And now he's gone."

Faced with a morbid task,

The officer leans
on his professional training.

For me, I guess being
in the military,

After you had numerous
experiences with people,

Even some of your friends
maybe dying

Or getting killed
and so on and so forth,

You kind of build up a tolerance
to death in certain aspects.

But looking at the guy
in the bed,

The dead guy,
it didn't feel normal.

Very dark in nature, very heavy.


I noticed the fluorescent light

Start to flicker
and start buzzing.


As I'm kind of looking
at this light,

I see movement
in the corner of the room.


[ creature growling ]

I thought, you know, "wow, is
there somebody in the room?"

But I knew there was no one
in the room

'cause I witnessed everybody
go out of the room --

The doctors, the nurses.

I knew I was
the only one in there.

But when I saw the movement,
I thought for one second,

"man, there's somebody else
in here with me."

[ heavy breathing ]

It's almost like a dark shadow
figure standing in the corner.

Never saw any facial features.

It just had the outline
of a humanoid.

This thing was darker than dark.

It was darker than the dark
in the room.

[ laughs evilly ]

Shadow figures are entities

Which don't want to be

These are very dark,
evil energies

That shy away from any
kind of light or goodness.

They don't want to reveal
their true form,

Their true intention,
which is often quite evil.

[ heavy breathing ]

What the hell?

Jumped up out of my chair.

Scared the living hell
out of me.

"what is this thing?
Is it gonna hurt me?"

I was ready to pull
my firearm out

And, you know,
protect myself.

[ vocalizing
indistinctly ]

[ grunting ]

Narrator: After corrections
officer david spinks

Escorts a sickly prison inmate
to a nearby hospital,

The patient dies.

Later, while guarding
over the corpse,

The officer is confronted
by a dark humanoid shape.

When I saw the movement,

That's when I thought
it was a person,

But when I snapped my head
to that direction,

That's when I looked up

And saw that this thing
was massive in height.

What the hell?

It was black -- pitch black,
and there was no light

Protruding through it
or behind it.

And I was frantically reaching
for the light switch

So I could get
a better look at this thing.

I never looked behind me.

I never took my eyes
off of this thing

Because that's just my training.

You know, when I'm focused
on something,

That's what I'm looking at.

I have to see what's going on
in the room,

Get a good look
at what this is.

Lights flickering can be an
indication of spirit activity.

Spirits are comprised of energy,

So it's easy for them to
manipulate electrical devices --

Lights being a very popular
way to communicate.

[ creature vocalizes
indistinctly ]

[ screams ]


That's when it all felt
like the time slowed down.

It went into slow motion.

[ inmate grunting ]

I don't know if you've
ever had a dream

Where you feel like
you're running real fast,

But you're really going
really slow in the dream.

That's what it felt like.

[ heavy breathing ]

Narrator: Spinks tries
to get a better look

At the strange intruder.

So, I finally found
the light switch.

I turn it on.

And, poof,
there's nothing there.


I start testing
the light switch,

Turning it back on and off,

To see if it was some kind
of trickery of the light,

Some kind of shadow created in
the room somehow, and nothing.

It was nothing there anymore.

I did this several times.

That figure was no longer there.


[ sighs ]

I couldn't rationalize
what I just saw

Because I tried to re-create it,
and I failed.

There was no explanation
as to what I just saw.

This unnerved me
significantly for a few minutes,

And then I sat back down
trying to contemplate

What I had just observed.

And that's when the most
chilling thing

Happened in the room.

No! No! No!

[ distorted voice ]
no, don't! No!

I heard a distinct voice
crying out saying, "no!

I don't want to go!"

No! No!

It's a weird situation
when you know the guy's dead

And he's still cuffed to the bed
but still moving.

I can't breathe!

And that's when I saw
the white mist

Coming out
of this guy's chest.


I can't breathe!

And it looked almost like
a fire --

Right before a fire starts --

The smokiness coming out
of this guy and rising up.

[ moaning ]

[ creature
breathing heavily ]


I start to just almost go
into a little bit of a panic

'cause I'm not sure --
I'm asking myself,

"am I going crazy here?"

[ heavy breathing
continues ]

It was a very negative feeling.

Oh, no!

It scared the living hell
out of me.


[ inmate moaning ]


Was no heartbeat.


I believe, personally,
and this is my own opinion,

That that was that guy's soul
leaving his body,

And there was something
there to collect it.

When a person dies,
there are many reports

Of witnesses seeing shadows,
strange mists, balls of light,

Streaks of light
at that exact moment

When the soul leaves the body.


Spinks: 'cause of what he said,
you know,

"no, I don't want to go,"
I kept wondering,

"did I just witness
the grim reaper come

And take this guy
to wherever he was going?"

I can't breathe!

In paranormal lore, it's usually
said that an angel of death

Or a grim reaper
is coming to take your soul.

And it's usually not
to a very good place.

We certainly don't want them
coming for us.


[ inmate screaming ]

Suddenly, the door
behind me flew open,

And I nearly jumped
out of my boots

Because I was so transfixed
on what was occurring

Right in front of my face.

And it was my partner.

He said, "don't look right,
but I'll take over.

He's not going anywhere."

Made a beeline straight
for the bathroom,

And I began throwing cold water
all over my face

Because it really scared
the living hell

Out of me what I had just --
the whole thing that transpired.


I knew that I'd just witnessed
a supernatural event.


I've always felt that there's
bad energy and good energy.

And there's bad people
and good people.

And I feel that this was

Almost a karma-type thing
for this guy.

You know, it was time for him
to pay the piper.


[ breathing heavily ]

You're early.

I ain't done yet.

You are.



[ grunting ]

Kind of makes you reflect
on your own life --

"hey, maybe I need
to do things differently

'cause I don't want to go
wherever he was going."

It didn't seem like
it was a good place.

There are things out there
that we don't understand.

And you better try to be
a good person.

I mean, that's all the advice
I can give you on that.

Unless you --

Unless you see something
like this with your own eyes,

It would be very hard
to believe.



Woman #2:
We're gonna get towed.

Woman #3: Okay, listen, if
we're playing beer pong

And you guys are gonna
be on our team...

You better bring
your "a" game.

He's going the speed limit,
you guys.

[ laughs ]
no one does that.

[ horn honks ]
we're gonna be so late.

Come on!

Please, just go.

[ engine revving ]

What -- ?
[ horn honks ]

Man #3: Oh, my god!

[ all screaming ]

[ tires squealing ]

[ crash ]

Unit 1356, come back.

Unit 1356 responding.

Narrator: Rookie emt ben chapman
and his partner respond

To a vehicle accident located
along a remote stretch of road.

[ police radio chatter ]

Copy that.
Mark us as mobile.

The 911 caller,
a witness at the scene,

Has reported multiple victims
in one of the vehicles.

I became an emt basically due to
my attraction to helping others.

So as soon as I was able, I went
to school and got out there.

[ siren wailing ]

1356, first unit reports

Two fatalities at the scene,
male, female, late teens.

Copy that.
We're on our way.

Chapman: It was a littler
early in my career,

So there was some anxiety.

I had never dealt with incidents

Before that had
multiple fatalities.

On arriving at the scene,

Ben learns the victims

Easily extracted
from the wreckage

Had already been
transported to hospital.

The only victims left
are the deceased

That could not be moved.

It was reported that some
of the victims

Were trapped in the small car.

Dispatcher: Unit 1356,
coroner has been notified.


Narrator: Ben's focus now shifts
from saving lives

To recovering the dead.


Chapman: Now there's
a death investigation

That's gonna take place
by the coroner's office

In conjunction
with law enforcement.

Narrator: While his partner
prepares a report,

Ben's job is to identify
how the victims died.

I noticed a female
in the front seat,

Also a male in the back seat.



Once I got a closer look,

I could see that
she had a fractured neck.


It appeared that she had died
on impact.

Narrator: The next step is
determining who the victims are.

Chapman: One of the priorities
is to establish the identity

Of everyone involved
as quickly as possible,

And that's
a law-enforcement matter.

They do ask us to assist them

In locating items
of identification,

Such as a driver's license.


Narrator: Ben searches
the vehicle for clues.


In the car, I saw a purse
and went to retrieve that.

It was a very confined space,

So there wasn't a whole lot
of room for me to access it.

As he grabs the purse...

[ all screaming ]

Narrator:...He feels a strange
jolt course through his body.

Chapman: The only way I can
describe it is just a complete

Intrusive bombardment
of emotion,

And it was a combination
of emotions --

Absolute desperation,
horror, sadness.


Very strange emotions
for me to feel.

They didn't match my situation,

And they certainly didn't feel
like they were my own,

Which was extremely unsettling
and very, very startling.

Narrator: He decides to take
a closer look at the victim.

Chapman: Her face was covered
in a fine glass powder

From the glass exploding.

Narrator: But something else
catches his attention.

Chapman: Suddenly, there were
some tears coming down.

Narrator: As an emt,
ben knows all too well

It's impossible
for the dead to shed tears.

And that was the most
frightening thing

Because it was very confusing.

I was absolutely certain
that she was deceased.

I was scared, but I hadn't
completed the job

That I was doing.

Bound by professional duty,

Ben ignores the unexplainable
and gets back to the business

Of identifying the dead woman.


This time, as he comes
into contact with the purse,

He feels no jolt.


[ woman screaming ]

Narrator:...Sees something
he would never forget.

It was the female
from the accident.


Then suddenly,
you know, nothing.

There was nothing there.

Narrator: The emt elects not to
tell anyone

What he thought he saw.

It was one of the most
scariest moments

Of my life up to that point.

After I got
the identification out,

I provided it
to the state trooper.

My first instinct
was to get out,

Was to remove myself
from the area.

Narrator: Ben moves as far away
as possible from the victim

As another ambulance
takes her away.

Chapman: What I noticed was

That as soon
as I got away from the vehicle,

All those feelings
were completely gone,

And there was zero anxiety,
zero fear.

Nothing at all remaining
of what I'd just experienced.

[ woman crying ]


Chapman: Suddenly, I felt
her presence again.


Unit 1356 responding.

Narrator: After racing to
the site of a deadly accident,

Emt ben chapman attempts to
identify a dead female victim,

Only to witness her sudden
and terrifying reappearance...

[ woman screaming ]

[ chapman breathing heavily ]

...Even after she's taken away.

[ woman crying ]

It was so unsettling
and startling

That I just had to get away.


I had a little bit of some
breathing trouble

From being frightened,

From being, you know,
almost ambushed.

Narrator: As a rookie,
the emt wonders

If he let his imagination
get the best of him.

I was not understanding what was
happening or what had happened.


Dispatcher: Unit 1356.

Unit 1356 responding.

Accident on highway 24
and vine.

Proceed at once.
Fire is on the scene.

All units, proceed.

We're on our way.

Narrator: Soon after, ben and
his partner are dispatched

Not far away to another
motor-vehicle accident.

This particular location

Wasn't very well known
for accidents.

It was a two-lane highway
that had some curves in it.

Generally, people obeyed
the speed limit there.

When we arrived on scene,

I noticed one vehicle
that had severe damage,

Which indicated
a very high-velocity impact.


At that point, the fire
department personnel

Had stepped away
to start cleaning up the scene.

I was alone around the vehicle.

Narrator: Again,
the emt enters the wreck

To identify the victims.


Chapman: Suddenly, I felt
her presence again --

The female from the accident.

[ screaming ]

Narrator: A familiar,
dark feeling

Spreads through his body
and mind.

The emt no longer feels
like himself.

It felt very much like someone

Had placed themselves
inside my mind,

My body
in a very unsettling way.

Just after the moment of death,

You're just kind of
in between worlds.

All you know is you're not
in your physical body anymore,

And that's very confusing.

That's very jarring.
That's very scary.

So a spirit might follow you
if it recognizes you

As a safe, grounding,
protective force.

Narrator: But the experience
lasts only seconds.

Chapman: Everything stopped
at that moment,

And there was nothing there.

Despite his deep fear,

The first responder's thoughts
are with the victim.

Chapman: I was upset that...

You know, that she was even
still there experiencing that.

Narrator: As time passes,

Ben tries to put the haunting
experience behind him.

About six months
after this occurred,

After the second incident,

I was in the home of someone
that I was seeing at the time.


Do you have any sugar?

on the fridge there.



And I noticed there was
a picture of this female

From the accident.


How do you know her?

And she said,
"yeah, that's --

A friend of mine passed away
in a car accident last year."

Of course, I said that I was
familiar with her.


When I saw the photo
of her alive,

It took me back to that day
in a very specific way.

[ woman screaming ]

Chapman: I could feel her --

The fear that she had,
the desperation.

The feeling was that she was
trying to get

My attention again.

Narrator: Ben begins to wonder
what role he might be playing

In the woman's life,
or afterlife.

When a spirit is
making itself known,

Part of us is pulled
into that realm --

Part of our consciousness,
our perception.

We're able to see things
when that body,

When that spirit is
in a state of transition.

I still miss her sometimes.

Come here.

- [ sniffles ]
- come here.

[ crying ]
it's okay.


I'm gonna be okay.

I'll let you go now.


Chapman: I believe that the
physical contact between myself

And her very well
could have amplified

The opportunity for her

To make contact
with her friend at the time,

Which ended up being
who I was dating.

Did you see her?

Part of the story
I don't often tell,

Because it seems so cliché --
it seems so unlikely and unreal,

But literally,
that's exactly what happened.

A spirit might attach themself

To another individual, perhaps,

If they see this person
maybe living a life

That they still want to live.

You know, the pull of the
physical world is so strong

To someone
that's just crossed over.

So attachments happen
very frequently, actually.

When people are killed in tragic
events that are sudden,

As if from
a motor-vehicle accident

Or any other accident...

Man #3: We're gonna be late.
Come on.

Just go pass him.

Just pass him.

[ engine revving ]

Oh, my god!

[ tires squealing ]

[ crash ]

...There may be a gray area,

Or a transition period that may
be occurring

Or does occur.


It's a fine line
between respecting

Not only the people
that have passed

And also respecting
that we don't understand it all

And we don't have
all the answers.





Ow! Aah!

Aah! Ohh!

[ telephone ringing ]

[ beeping ]

Life alert.

Let's go.

Narrator: Responding to the
residential medic alert call

Is paramedic jen mcfalls,

For whom saving lives
runs in the family.

[ siren wailing ]

My father has been
in emergency services

For well over 30 years.

When I was in high school,

I realized this is
what I want to do.

And I can't picture myself
doing anything else.

Narrator: With no contact
between the patient

And the medic-alert operator,

Jen and her partner race
to the scene fearing the worst.

When we respond to these
types of calls,

We treat it as
a very serious matter

Because we don't know what we're
gonna find when we get there.

All they know is that the button

On the man's medic
bracelet was activated,

Indicating he could be
in grave danger,

Especially since
he's no longer responding.

They could be bleeding out
on the floor,

Possibly having a heart attack.

Any number of severe
medical complications.


Narrator: As with all
medical-alarm clients,

The location of a hidden
emergency key

Is relayed to the paramedics.


Mcfalls: Paramedics.

As we entered the house,
it was pitch-black,

So we turned our flashlights on.

We were looking for the patient.

So we start announcing,

Is anyone home?"

Narrator: Adding to the mystery
of the call,

There seems to be no power
in the house.

Mcfalls: Anybody home?

I was preparing myself
for the worst --

Finding someone deceased.


Narrator: Jen takes
an immediate dislike

To her dark surroundings.

I had a very eerie feeling
about this house.

We noticed a lot of knickknacks,

Porcelain dolls.


It led me to believe that there
was a female in this house.

Narrator: But why has she not
come to greet them,

And where is their patient?

[ mcfall gasps ]

[ woman screams ]


[ breathing quickly ]

Suddenly, something
in that room tripped me.

[ panting ]


Narrator: But aside from
the scattered antiques,

There's still
no sign of anyone.


Mcfalls: Anybody home?

Jen and her partner
take their search upstairs.

Mcfalls: Paramedic.

[ man groaning ]

We heard the voice of a man
coming from upstairs.

- [ groaning ]
- in here.


[ groaning ]

We found an elderly man
on the floor in his bedroom.

We asked him how he fell.

He told us that he had lost his
balance and fell to the floor.

The patient tells the paramedics

He's still feeling dizzy

And hasn't been able
to move since the fall.

Jen, again,
notices several dolls,

As well as an array
of female articles.

Mcfalls: There was women's
clothing all over the place,

Makeup, dolls.

But when she asks the patient

Who else lives in the house,

He states that
he lives alone.

Mcfalls: He said his wife had
just recently passed away

And he had been too heartbroken
to clean up the house.

And he began apologizing
for the condition

That his house was in.

Narrator: The man explains
the accident happened

As he was trying to store
his wife's personal effects.

I must have lost my balance.


How'd you know
I fell down?

We told him that we received
the medical alarm activation.

That piece of information

Startles the patient.

But my pendant is --
is downstairs.

At that point, I was like,
"what the [bleep]"

It would have to be
within his reach for him

To be able
to press the button.

This just got weird.

Narrator: Jen wonders if someone
else might be in the house.

Is there anyone
else here?


But if he's truly alone,

Then he would have had to press
the button to trigger the alarm.

I started thinking,
"maybe he's possibly confused.

He forgot he had
his pendant upstairs."

So we started to check to see

If the pendant was somewhere
in the room.


Narrator: But what they find is
not at all what they expect.

[ woman screams ]


And that completely
freaked us the [bleep] out.

Narrator: A 911 medic-alert
call plunges

Paramedic jen mcfalls into
a dark, twisted mystery...

[ woman screams ]

...Where no one seems

To have triggered
an alarm bracelet

And where a house
full of creepy dolls

Appear to come to life.

[ woman screams ]

I turned to my partner.

We both said at the same time,
"holy [bleep]"

This creepy doll
was watching us.

We were both very freaked out.

Narrator: The patient seems
almost hypnotized by the doll.

Those are
my wife's dolls.

She loved them very much.

But jen has a job to do --

To find the patient's
medic bracelet.

Something had to push the button
on the pendant to activate it.

It would have to be
within his reach for him

To be able
to press the button.

Narrator: Coming up empty,

Jen decides to search
the patient herself.

Do you mind
if I search you?

Sure. Go ahead.

You won't find anything.

Okay, uh,
just give me a...

We did not find the pendant.

[ glass breaks ]

Narrator: The paramedics hear
a noise somewhere in the house.

I thought you said
you were alone here.

I am.

[ woman laughs ]

Jen decides to check it out.


[ woman screaming ]


Narrator: To her horror, jen
discovers the same strange doll

That was just in the bedroom
watching her.

What we'll end up seeing is the
patient who has lost somebody --

The entity will actually create
what we call a bluff identity

Where they will actually
use objects to intimidate.

So they will move them
and position them

Into different places
to frighten the perceiver

Into feeling like
they're out of control.

[ laughs evilly ]

[ animal chatters ]


Narrator: Then she sees
the patient was right.

His pendant was downstairs
after all.

The pendant was
with the receiver.

Narrator: But how could the
injured man have triggered

The pendant from upstairs?

It felt like I was in
"the twilight zone."

Can anyone hear me?

The receiver is
a two-way-speaker system

In which the operator can stay
in communication

With the patient
until help arrives.

Is there someone there?

The operator must have heard me
coming down

Because she started
calling out.

[ beep ]

This is
emt officer mcfalls.

I told the operator
he has received help

And we are taking care of him.

Do you need
anything else?

So I asked her how did
she receive this call.

Narrator: What jen hears next
changes her life forever.

It was a woman's voice.

She said,
"my husband needs help.

Send someone soon,"
and then her voice cut out.

Once I heard that,
a shiver went up my spine

Because he told us
that his wife had passed away

About a month
prior to this situation.


It's hard to say exactly
what this actually was.

It could be something
like the fleeting type

Of paranormal activity
that we sometimes see,

Where one thing can happen,

Last for an extremely short
amount of time,

And then disappear
just as quickly.

Mcfalls: I immediately went back
upstairs as fast as I could.


Jen decides to take the patient

To the hospital
for further tests.

Mcfalls: I told my partner,

"if we're gonna transport him,
we need to go,

And if we're not gonna
transport him, we need to go."

[ laughs evilly ]

Narrator: She notices the same
doll now back in the bedroom.


I'm fine.
I'm okay. I'm okay.

The patient told us
that he's fine.

He doesn't feel any pain

And that he did not want to be
transported to the hospital.

So we called our medical
command physician,

And he gave the approval for the
patient to not be transported.


[ sighs ]

Knudsen: In this case,

We're definitely talking about
an intelligent entity

That has managed somehow
to actually communicate

With the dispatcher
and get a message across,

Which is quite something.


Ow! Aah!


[ groaning ]

[ voice echoing ]
woman #4: My husband.

My husband.
He needs help.

Send someone soon.

He needs help.

He needs help.

I think oftentimes, we forget
that these intelligences

Are emotional beings

And that they can think
and feel and process

And that they still very,
very much care

For the people
that they observe all the time.

And I think it's easy
to forget that

Just because
we can't see them

Doesn't mean
they're not still there.

I find it incredible that even
in the afterlife,

His wife is still
taking care of him.

Woman #4: You're okay now.

Knudsen: Love is one of the most
powerful human emotions.

It can actually begin to change
the physiology of our body.

So the idea that it expands
beyond the physical form is,

To me,
absolutely credible.

Man #4: 911.
What's your emergency?

Woman #5: This is medic-alert
operator number 6028.

This will be a story
that I will never forget,

A call that will always
be in my mind.
