Paranormal 911 (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 12 - Demon Boss - full transcript

A police officer faces a paranormal nightmare when he responds to a 911 call from a distressed homeowner; A firefighter experiences ghostly phenomena at a popular amusement park.


Weigant: There was something not
right inside the house.

There was a change
in the feeling of the room.

It was something horrible...

Even darker than the dark.

I know what I saw.

I might not make it out
the basement alive.

I'd never experienced
anything like that.

It was terrifying.

Every strange call happens
on a full moon.

It's one of those stories
that you won't believe.


And that's when I saw the body.

Something is wrong.

♪ in the swimming pool ♪

It's absolutely horrific
to look at.

I wanted to run like hell.

[ door closes ]

What do you got?

Weigant: This was the darkest,
most sinister thing

That I've ever dealt with.

Girl: Help me.

[ siren wailing, engine revs ]

Woman: Oh, my god!
Man: 911.

Please state your emergency.
Woman: I think it's a ghost!

[ creature snarls ]


[ gunshot ]

[ screams ]


[ wolf howls in distance ]



Is someone there?

[ footsteps approaching ]




Girl: This way.

I'm coming.

[ door slams ]

[ gasps ]


[ ringing ]

1147, this is a code 10-22.

Proceed to 2428 rayburn avenue.

Roger that.
We're on way.

Narrator: Officer joe weigant,
a 20-year police veteran,

And his partner respond
to the call.

[ siren wailing ]

A 911 call came in about
a burglary in progress.

I went into law enforcement

Because I wanted to be
a police officer.

To be of assistance to people

In their lowest possible moment
of their life.

And oftentimes, we're the only
beacon of light

In the really dark situation.

Narrator: As they arrive, they
are greeted by the homeowner.


But a thorough search
of the perimeter

Reveals no signs
of forced entry.

Narrator: The officers make
their way to the second floor,

Where the caller
spotted the intruder.

Man: This is dispatch.
Let us know if you need backup.

Narrator: The potential for a
violent confrontation is high.

The intruder could be
hiding behind any door.



20 years of experience
on the force

Triggers the officer's
sixth sense.

I could feel there was something
not right inside the house.

Narrator: From the deep shadows,
they see something stir...

Leading them into
the oldest part of the house.


[ girl speaking indistinctly ]

And once we walked in there,

Even the officer
that was with me

Also could feel that there was
a change in the room.

Not just temperature-wise,
but there was just a change

In the feeling of the room.

Come out where I can see you.


Girl: I'm scared.
They're coming.

Aah! Quick.

Do not move.

I saw children kind of
huddled up in the corner.

If I were to describe their
clothing and their appearance,

I would say that
they were from the 1920s.

Their feeling was almost out
of fear, or trying to hide.

[ whimpering ]

But hiding from what?


What do you got, joe?

They were hiding here.

But whatever he thinks he saw
isn't there now.

There's no one there.


I'd never experienced
anything like that.

They were here.

I had this inner knowing
that something else

Was involved in this situation.

Narrator: The officer hopes the
homeowner can shed a light

On what he just saw.


Weigant: She mentioned
that she had felt there

Was something else in that house
from the moment she moved in.

She actually kept
the basement door locked

Because she felt

There was something
horrible down in the basement

She just couldn't
put her finger on.

I do know that this house
has a really dark past.

It used to be some sort
of insane asylum or something.

She had found out
that there had been

Some kind of patient abuse
going on there,

And it went on
for a very long time.

There are rumors
that people died here.

It had a long sordid history
of a lot of insidious things

Happening there
and a lot of death

And a lot of sickness
and illness

And mental infirmities.

There is one more room
I would like you to check.

I- I...
It's just...

The homeowner said,

"here's a bedroom that we had
originally started

Using as a bedroom,
but we don't go in there anymore

Because we don't like
the feeling in that room."

It's in here.

Yeah, I-I can't
go in there, but -- please.

Hey, that's no problem.
We can have a look.

Thank you.



I just felt like there was
something beyond this door

That I needed to look at.

I just -- I felt drawn
to go through there.

It wasn't a space
that I was compelled to ignore.

[ indistinct whispering ]



There was something
in the wall there.

[ whispering continues ]


What I saw was something
that was some kind of

A prismatic,
almond-shape thing.

It had light emerging from it.


For a moment, I had no idea

What was about to emerge
from that space.

And for a few seconds there,
between breaths,

I wondered
what I was gonna face

When it did finally
show itself to me.


It was terrifying.

Narrator: Responding
to a 911 home-invasion call,

Officer joe weigant
and his partner search through

What was once a home
for the insane.

Do not move.

Inside, the officer uncovers
a mysterious brood of children,

That then vanish.

There's no one there.
I know what I saw.
They were here.

But what he encounters
next challenges his own sanity.

[ voice speaking
foreign language ]


It was like a tear had occurred
in the fabric of our time

And space here
and had opened up.

And from within that tear,

Light was shining out
into the room.

[ voice speaking
foreign language ]

Portals are openings
from this dimension to another,

In areas where the natural
electromagnetic shield

For the earth
is in collapse.

It creates a very kind
of thin membrane

Where spirits from other
dimensions can pass through,

Just like walking through
a hole in a gate.


[ low growling ]

And then the tear closed itself
shut, and then it was gone.

Narrator: Still reeling
from what he's just seen,

The officer keeps it
to himself,

And moves on to investigate
the rest of the house.

Not that long.
Just a couple months.

This was something
completely unique

And completely different from
anything I had ever dealt with.

Narrator: The last area to clear
is the basement,

From they hear
strange sounds.

[ clanging ]

We were gonna have to go
down to that basement.

[ switch clicking ]


Weigant: Going down these stairs
was pretty frightening,

Because anything that could be
hiding down below the stairs

Can see you walking down.

So you're possibly walking
into some kind of an ambush.


[ growling ]

They follow the strange sound
deep into the ancient basement.


Everything was dirty and dusty,
with wires hanging down

And exposed, you know,
electrical junctions,

And those kinds of things.

It was just one of those spaces.

You just didn't want to
spend any more time

In than you absolutely had to,

If you had to repair something
and get out.

[ ghostly whisper ]

Pretty frightening.

Because I can feel that there's
something down in the basement

Somewhere, but I can't see past
where I'm walking.

[ ghostly whisper ]


[ baby fusses ]

[ ghostly whisper ]

Don't move.

[ baby continues fussing ]

Don't move!

[ ghostly whisper ]

[ baby crying ]

And when I turned to look,

What I saw was something
that took off running.


We walk in this room,

And in the corner of this room
had been built --

For lack of a better word,
it kind of looked like an altar.


They discover old photographs,

Indicating this section
once housed

The most troubled
of the asylum's inmates.

The air felt sticky.

The air felt musty.

It felt really thick
and wretched and moldy and...

Just really uncomfortable.

Narrator: Worse still is what
he sees next in an old mirror.

[ high-pitched ringing,
woman screaming, groaning ]

Images started pouring
through my mind,

Like an old slide show being
projected against the wall.

Narrator: Dark images
of violence and torture.

[ woman groaning ]

I immediately started gagging,

And was nearing the point
of throwing up --

From what I had felt,
what I had experienced,

And what I was being shown.

When joe touched the mirror,

There was a moment
of transference there.

Bad deeds, dark memories,
very tragic events.

When a spirit is
making itself known,

Part of us is pulled
into that realm.

A dark demonic entity
might want to possess somebody

'cause of the life force
that they give off.

There's a lot of energy
they can feed from.

Narrator: The dark visions
connect with what the homeowner

Has told him about
the history of the house.

The story is --
during the years of abuse

That the staff had committed

Upon the patients
in this building,

One of the patients here
had become pregnant.

And when her baby was born,
they brought her down here

To this room in the basement
for her to birth the baby.

That was to hide
any evidence of abuse.

So after she had delivered,

They put the baby
in that corner.

That's where they had
buried the baby.

[ baby crying ]

It was forever going to be
in the foundation of the house.

[ loud clattering ]

What was that?

[ voice speaking
foreign language ]

I don't know.


Narrator: The officers follow
this sinister sound...

[ voice continues speaking
foreign language ]


...Which leads them deeper
into the cavernous basement.

[ voice grows louder ]


There was something back there
in the corner

That was even darker
than the dark.

And this was the most powerful,
the most aggressive,

The darkest, most sinister thing
that I've ever dealt with.

I tapped into that part of me
that says, okay,

I'm willing to get hurt
if I can get the job done.

And I don't care if I'm afraid.

This needs to be finished.

And I can't just not do it
because it scares me.

It was just gonna be a fight,

And it was not
gonna be over quickly.

[ speaking foreign language ]

A 911 home-invasion call

Brings officer joe weigant
and his partner to an old house

With a dark history,

Unleashing the ghosts
of children from another time.

They're hiding here.

A doorway
into a gruesome past...

[ woman gasping ]


...That leads the officers
through dark catacombs,

For a confrontation with
something deeply sinister...

[ speaking foreign language ]

...And ancient.

Immediately, when I saw
this dark thing in the basement,

I knew that this was the source

And cause of everything that had
been happening in this house,

And that this thing
had entered this house

Through the portal that we found
on the second floor.


A dark entity
might open up a portal,

Searching for a focal point
of other dark energy,

Which, in this case,
was building

Where so many tragic events
had played out over the years --

These dark deeds, bad memories,
bad thoughts, bad intentions.


I could actually see it
moving in the dark.

That's how dark it was.

It was blacker than you
could imagine black could be.

[ speaking foreign language ]

And it was moving back and forth
in the back corner back there,

Just pacing, waiting...

Just waiting for that moment.

Red glowing eyes have been seen
in paranormal investigations.

It's believed that this is
a sign of something evil,

Something demonic.

We often associate red
with hell,

With the color of hell,
and fire.

And that's really scary to us.

And that's the intention --
to put us into a state of fear.

[ speaking foreign language ]

I'm looking at this,
and my first thought was,

Oh, you need to get out of here.

[ speaking louder ]

If he were to attack me,

I might not physically
be able to take it.

That's how much power
I felt from him.

[ growling ]

[ speaking foreign language ]

Just like the training I've had
on the police department,

Where you have to
compartmentalize your fear

And go in and get the job
done despite all of that.

That was what I had to draw on

To get this thing
out of this house tonight.

[ speaking foreign language ]

Firing my gun at this thing
was gonna be pointless.

It was not going to make
any difference whatsoever.

They feel their energy slowly
draining from their bodies.

At this point, I realize I'm in
over my head against this thing.

I might not actually make it
out of a basement alive.

[ voice speaking
foreign language ]

[ roars ]

[ breathes heavily,
speaks foreign language ]

They don't like light.

Come on!

I began throwing light
at this thing.

As much light as I could throw
at it, and as much energy

As I could bombard
this thing with.

[ voice speaking
foreign language ]

Keep going!


[ breathing heavily, growling ]

[ panting, coughs ]

The light closed itself off
and vanished,

And we were in the room alone.

[ both breathing heavily ]

It's as if you had
a rock concert going on,

And then someone
pulled the power cord.

No sound.

No movement.
No energy.

It was just clear.

In a duel as old as time,

Light has once again
conquered darkness.

I don't know how long ago
this thing came into our world,

But it must have been easily
attracted to all the abuse

And the misery
and the torture and the torment

And the just horrifying things
that have happened

In this house
over the years.


Well --
did -- did you get it?

I think so, ma'am.


Oh, thank you so much.

You're welcome.

I'll show you out.

Narrator: The terrifying
experience forever changes

The officer's view
of the world around him.

It does not fill me with
any amount of comfort to know

That these things
are out there.

I don't feel happy
at all knowing that

Something like this could be
in somebody else's house,

Causing this kind of torment.

But every once in a while,

Something lurks its nasty head
up out of the gutters

And lets us know that there's
an even darker place out there

That most humans
would never care to tread.



Girl: ♪ swimming, swimming
in the swimming pool ♪


♪ the days are hot,
the days are cold ♪

♪ in the swimming pool ♪

[ ringing ]

Unit 53. Dropped call.

Pool resort.

Possible drowning.

We're on our way.

Under the glow of a full moon

And halfway through
their night shift,

Firefighter and seasoned
paramedic ting rappa

And her partner respond to
a mysterious poolside 911 call

At a large resort hotel.

This call came in
from a dropped phone,

Which is usually located
near a pool area

So that the life guards
can just jump in the pool

And save somebody's life
and not have to speak.

The phone itself will dial 911

And tell us the location
of the pool.

Entering resort.
Rear entrance.

Narrator: Within minutes,
they reach the resort

And the location where
the 911 call was placed...

This can't be it.

...And make
a troubling discovery.

My gps says it is.

And the pool was shut down
completely due to construction.

Let's go.

The place is undergoing
extensive renovations.

Where's the pool?

There's just a big old hole
in the ground.

And they had fencing
completely around it.


And every entrance
was bolted shut.

With the area tightly secured,

Ting and her partner try
to understand how a 911 call

Could have been made
from inside the location.

Even though it was late
in the evening

And the pool was shut down
completely due to construction,

Somebody could have
climbed the fence.

Somebody triggered
that phone call.

Somebody is in distress.


It physically made me nervous.

It made me worry.


Can I help you?

Someone make
a 911 call?


Is something wrong?

Think we could
take a look?


Narrator: The on-duty guard
reports no one has entered

The premises all evening,
but to make sure,

He lets ting and her partner
in to investigate.


There's nobody else that really
has access to this location,

Except for maintenance,
manager, security,

And the fire department.

There's no reason why any
employees would be back there,

Unless they actually
worked in the area.

Narrator: The first thing they
try to locate is the drop phone

From which the call was made.


Where's the
drop phone stand?

Phone stand?

We tore everything out
last week.

What you see
is what you get.


The phone didn't even exist.


It had been removed
during the renovation.

The phones themselves are
encoded with a resort address

And location.

Narrator: Meaning it's
impossible the call was placed

From another location,
or from another phone.

That was the mystery --
how could that call come in

With no phone there?

We did look for a caller,

Or anybody
that would have made the call.

Girl: ♪ swimming, swimming
in the swimming pool ♪

When I heard that, it definitely
sent shivers down my spine.

Girl: ♪ the days are hot,
the days are cold, ♪

♪ in the swimming pool ♪

And we found nobody.

And this was a full-moon night.


Narrator: With no phone, victim,
or logical explanation

As to who might have placed
the call and why,

Ting and her partner get ready
to report the false alarm

To dispatch,

When they receive a disturbing
piece of information.

The dispatcher calls and says,

"I have something
really interesting to show you."

Dispatcher: Unit 17, this is
the playback recording

Of the 911 call
from the drop phone.

She plays back a recording
of that call off her cellphone.

There was somebody that called
in that call.

It wasn't just
an anonymous phone call.

[ static crackling ]

[whispering] help me.

And in that recording, you could
hear a little girl's voice,

Stating, "help me."

Girl: Please help me.

When I listened to the
recording, I heard "help me."

Nobody heard the voice
when the call came in.

Please help.

It sent chills up my spine.

It was incredible.

I couldn't believe that this was
the same call that we ran on

With the mysterious phone
not being there.


Narrator: Concerned they may
have missed something,

Or someone,

Ting and her partner
check the area one more time.


Girl: Please.

We'd spotted a little girl
between the ages

Of seven and nine.


And she was gone.


I had never experienced

Anything this frightening
in my entire life.

Narrator: In florida,
firefighter and paramedic

Ting rappa and her partner
respond to a 911 call

Of a possible drowning
at a popular resort.

But once they arrive,

They discover not only is the
pool closed for construction,

The emergency phone
has long been removed,

And there's no immediate sign
of a victim,

Until strange noises trigger
feelings of being watched...


...A feeling confirmed by
the apparition of a young girl.

Girl: Please.


It was gone.

Narrator: When dispatch later
plays back the recording

Of the 911 call,

Ting and her partner hear
a previously undetected voice.

[whispering] help me.

Please help.

A young girl's cry for help.

I heard "help me."

Nobody heard the voice
when the call came in.

Quite often, voices are
imprinted in the environment,

In the type
of a residual voice.

And oftentimes, people won't
hear that we their ears.

But if you have
an electronic recording device,

That device may pick up
on the sound

That's in the environment
and record

It onto the recording system.

It's believed that there's
a type of electromagnetic pulse

That the sound is carried in,

So rather than a sound wave
being present

That someone's ear
can pick up,

This magnetic pulse
will get embedded

Right into a recording device,
and if played back later,

You'll hear the sound
or the voice or the words

That had been embedded
into the environment there.

Unit 17, a line activation
at key west amusement park.


Narrator: Ting and her partner
are called away

To a second emergency call,
next door to the resort.

It was around 2:30,

And we get a call
from that same amusement park.

We responded to the 911 call

Knowing that
this could be a fire.

[ siren wailing ]

In this case, we know that
the smoke detector was attached

To one of the water
rides in the park.


This was the back lot
of the amusement park,

Where most guests
were not allowed to be at.

It is where all the operations
are housed.

When we arrive at the location,
there is no smoke, no fire.


With no immediate evidence
of a fire,

Ting and her partner,
still shaken from the last call,

Look for the on-duty
security officer

for patrolling the area.

We waited for maintenance
and the security teams

To open the doors for us.


The back area of this ride
is dark,

And the only thing
that you could really see

Glistening off the water
was the full moon that evening.

A lot of people in the spiritual
community believe

That a full moon
can open up psychic senses.

If you have a little bit,
they open up a lot stronger.

This I believe has a lot to do
with the closeness of the moon

To our planet,
the magnetic fields,

And where we are
in comparison to the sun.

[ alarm blaring in distance ]



At this point,
the maintenance guy had come

To unlock the door for us.

We actually had to go
to the control room,

Where the alarm panel
was gonna be at.

Even though there was no fire
or smoke found in the building,

We still had to investigate.

We still had to make sure that
the system is up and running.

Walking to the control room,
I started thinking about it

And just replaying the scene
in my head again.


I couldn't get the image
out of my head.


They head deeper inside,
towards the electrical room,

To investigate
why the alarms have gone off.

It's dark and creepy.

There's a little light
in the background

So that you could see the panel,

But other than that,
you get a cold feeling there.

The presence of a ghost,
whether seen or not,

Can often cause
these cold spots.

So if someone is in a particular
part of a building

That's very warm,

And all of a sudden
a spontaneous cold spot appears,

It's likely that a spirit
may be present there.

♪ sidestroke, breaststroke ♪

♪ fancy diving, too ♪

Please help me.

I was pretty startled.

Girl: Help.

Rappa: And the maintenance guy
looked at me,

And he goes, "what's wrong?"
and I said,

"oh, it's one of those stories
again that you won't believe."

And the maintenance guy said
this little girl

Had been spotted
several times by managers,

Employees, security,
walking through the building,

And near the pool area,
quite often.

♪ I bet you wish you never had ♪

[voice deepens]
♪ anything else to do ♪

At that moment,
I wanted to run like hell.

But keeping focused,

They finished the job
by resetting the alarm,

And quickly
exiting the building.


Spirits will try and communicate
their presence

In any manner possible.

it's the creaky floorboard,

Or the footsteps
in an empty room,

But other times, they'll try
and manipulate the environment,

And that includes
triggering alarm systems.

It happened in this case.

Trying to say, to ting
or anybody, hey, I'm still here.

I haven't left.

We're going into our final
check outside.

Copy that. Dispatch out.

Narrator: Ting and her partner
move towards

The ride's water reservoir
where the alarm was triggered.

We're on the back side of side,
so we're in the reservoir,

Where they actually pump the
water through the water ride.

The moon is shining
on the water.


I go towards the water,
take a look down...


...And that's
when I saw the body,

floating in the water.

He's over six foot tall,

And he's probably 230,
240 in weight.

It's absolutely horrific
to look at.

You okay?

I looked at my partner.

I pointed to him down there
again to look at it.

What is it?

My partner did not see
what I was seeing.

[ breathing sharply ]

I could feel flashbacks
of that person's emotion,

Of how he passed away.

[ fading scream ]

[ breathing sharply ]

And it scared the hell
out of me.

Oh, god!

He was putting his emotion
into my visions in my head.


The maintenance guy
overheard our conversation,

And he told me
that in early 2000,

While he was working,
there was an incident

Where a large man actually
drowned in that reservoir.

I had no idea
what was going on.

I thought, had I entered
the twilight zone?

Girl: Help me.

Narrator: During a full moon,
a mysterious 911 call

Draws firefighter and paramedic
ting rappa and her partner

To a resort,
where they're confronted

By a series
of unexplained events,

Including seeing a young girl
that keeps disappearing...

Girl: Help me.

...And crying for help.

Girl: Please help me.

Narrator: When they're called to
a second emergency

At an adjacent
amusement park,

Ting discoveries a dead man
floating in a reservoir.

More troubling, is that she's
the only one who can see him.

It's absolutely horrific
to look at.

When I look back down,
it was gone, disappeared.

I was pretty startled.

The maintenance guy goes,
"what? Tell me."

And I said, "well, I just saw
a body in the reservoir."

And he goes, "you do know some
guy died here 11 years ago?"

Narrator: Ting is overcome with
emotion out of her control.

It felt like
this man was transferring

His emotion onto me,

To have the feeling
of how he passed away.

If you have an entity
that is consciously aware

That someone can recognize them,
sense their presence,

They may try to communicate
information to that person --

If they're in need of something,
if they need help.

They often communicate
the way that they died.


I felt isolated that I was the
only person that could see this.

And I didn't feel validated.

I thought I might have been
dreaming about it.

[ muffled scream ]

We still don't know why
people see ghosts,

But in this particular case,

Ting had two sightings
in the same night.

Was it the phase of the moon?

Was it something
about her mental state?

Was it something
about the environment?

Or a combination of many,
many factors all coming together

So that she could see
what she saw?

With no emergency to respond to,

Ting and her partner leave
the scene to resume their shift.

But on the way out,
they pass the pool area,

The location of
the original emergency call.

Ting feels drawn to look
for the mysterious girl

Known to haunt the area.


I believe the little girl that
haunts one of the buildings

Actually picked up the phone

And made that call,

'cause her pool area
was being destroyed.



One of the biggest triggers
for paranormal activity

Is construction or destruction.

When the natural environment
is changed,

Spirits don't seem to like it.

And they will make
their displeasure known.


Narrator: Ting is once again
overcome with emotions

That are not her own.

And I could feel, like,

[ screaming ]

Girl: Please help me.

These were really
strong feelings.

I had to hear
a little girl's voice,

Stating, "help me."

[ girls screams ]

I saw it, and then it was gone.


It sent chills up my spine.

In many cases where there is a
significant emotional

Or traumatic impact
on a person,

These people tend to linger
around the location

Where they died sometimes.

There's something traumatic
holding them there.

And either they don't realize
they're dead,

Or they're not ready to move on,

Or they're stuck with
the ongoing event in their mind,

And they're unable to break
themselves from the location

That they're in.


Because ting is sensitive,
she was able to see this entity

And release her
from the location

That she was trapped in.



-Go ahead.
- Back lot and resort clear.

Reporting back to control.

Dispatcher: Copy that.
Dispatch out.

We went back to the station.

I didn't sleep that evening,

'cause it was playing
over and over in my head.

I had never experienced
anything so scary.

Girl: ♪ swimming, swimming
in the swimming pool ♪

Any time I run on a person
that has passed away

On one of my calls now,
I will say, "please understand,

We have done everything
we possibly can.

Please do not follow me
or my crew members.

Please go visit your families.

Find the light.

Do whatever you need to do.
Finish business up."

♪ in the swimming pool ♪

"and may you find peace."

♪ fancy diving, too ♪

This is just one of those

That definitely validate
that they are among us.

Girl: ♪ I bet you wish
you never had ♪

♪ anything else to do ♪
