Mystery Science Theater 3000 (1988–1999): Season 6, Episode 19 - Outlaw of Gor - full transcript

A hero and his loser friend are transplanted to the planet of Gor and are soon caught up in an evil sorcerer's plot in Outlaw of Gor (1988). Mike and the Bots are inspired to perform the song "Tubular Boobular Joy" because of the amount of skin shown by characters in the movie.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}THEME SONG: In the not too
distant future, way down

{\a1\pos(180,460)}in Deep 13, Dr.
Forrester and TV's Frank

{\a1\pos(33,432)}were hatching an evil scheme.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}They hired a temp by the name
of Mike, just a regular Joe

{\a1\pos(96,432)}they didn't like.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Their experiment needed
a good test case,

{\a1\pos(201,460)}so they conked
him on the noggin,

{\a1\pos(33,432)}and they shot him into space.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Let me go!

{\a1\pos(33,460)}We'll send him cheesy movies,
the worst we can find.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}He'll have to sit
and watch them all,

{\a1\pos(54,432)}and we'll monitor his mind.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Now, keep in mind,
Mike can't control

{\a1\pos(33,432)}where the movies begin or end.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}He'll try to keep his
sanity with the help

{\a1\pos(117,432)}of his robot friends.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}Robot Roll Call-- Cambot!

{\a1\pos(201,460)}Show yourself!

{\a1\pos(201,460)}I'm not ready.
Tom Servo.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}Hello there!


{\a1\pos(201,432)}That's one oh.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}If you're wondering how
he eats and breathes

{\a1\pos(12,460)}and other science facts, repeat
to yourself, it's just a show.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}I should really just relax.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}For Mystery Science
Theater 3000.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}For Mystery Science
Theater 3000.

-Oh, god!

{\a1\pos(12,432)}Wrap it around some more, Mike.

-Hi, everyone.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}Welcome to the
satellite of love.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}I'm Mike Nelson.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}And this is Crow T. Robot,
and that's Tom Servo.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}We're just rough housing.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Gee, it sure looks
like fun, you guys.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-No, no, it's really
not that much fun.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}Hop down here, buddy.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}This is fun.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-That feels hilarious.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Hey, you guys, this
is not a gymnasium.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Wah-- doh, come on, Jibs.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}It's fun when it's fun.


{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Yeah, it's fun
until somebody dies.


{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Whoa, that's harsh, huh?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-I think it's time for
you to go for a ride.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}-Oh, no, no.
No, no.

{\a1\pos(264,460)}No, no.
Please, please.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Come on, come on, it's fun!

{\a1\pos(201,432)}Isn't it fun?

{\a1\pos(180,432)}It's fun.

-Not that, Mike.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}I think it's quiet
time now, Mike.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Here's a very big one.




{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Now, good one, Mike.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-And we'll be right back.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-My mom says you have
to go home now, dink.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}[theme music]


{\a1\pos(180,432)}Uh-uh.Uh-uh, no.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Come on, Tommy.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}I'll catch you.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-But I'm scared.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Oh, don't be ridiculous.

{\a1\pos(264,460)}Come on.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}Here I come.


{\a1\pos(96,432)}CROW: Hey, hey, careful!


{\a1\pos(138,460)}-We can't have nice
things, can we?

{\a1\pos(222,460)}-Owie, owie.
Help me, Mike.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}Mike, help me.
-OK, I'm coming.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}I'm coming.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Oh, it'll have to wait.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}The dual air bags are calling.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Bonjour, my little
friends, I must admit,

{\a1\pos(12,432)}I'm giddy with excitement.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}You see, Frank and
I have invented

{\a1\pos(180,460)}the first really
real time machine.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}Previously, time machines have
been mere works of fiction.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}But this, this is good.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}This is real.
Isn't that right, Frank?

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-That's right.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}We've broken through the
space time continuum,

{\a1\pos(12,432)}and passed the savings onto you.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}-It's quite
complicated, actually,

{\a1\pos(54,460)}but all you need to know is
that we get into the capsule

{\a1\pos(138,460)}and are transported
back thousands of years,

{\a1\pos(117,432)}back to caveman time.


{\a1\pos(138,432)}FRANK: That's right.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}We're heading back to
time at a dizzying speed.

{\a1\pos(264,460)}Oh, boy!

{\a1\pos(12,460)}We're in the '60s, a time
of tumultuous change.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}DR. FORRESTER: All right,
Frank, I've spotted a T-Bird.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}We must be in the '50s.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}FRANK: Oh, no.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}Now, it's the '40's-- the '40s.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}DR. FORRESTER:
Geez, well, that's

{\a1\pos(117,460)}why I'm busy planting
my victory garden.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}FRANK: Ouch.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}DR. FORRESTER:
Frank, back we go.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}FRANK: Oh, hi,
Alexander Graham Bell.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}DR. FORRESTER:
Farther back still.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Oh, why it's-- it won't
kick Carson, Frank.


{\a1\pos(117,460)}FRANK: Boy, it sure is
weird being in the old West.


{\a1\pos(12,432)}Hey, are you dressed yet?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}DR. FORRESTER: No.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}FRANK: Uh, Mike, we
seem to have entered

{\a1\pos(138,460)}some kind of strange
time portal thingy.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Um, allow me to shove
back through the centuries

{\a1\pos(138,432)}back to you, Nelson!




{\a1\pos(201,460)}-We're Fabio.
-That's right.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}We are all Fabio,
star of book covers,

{\a1\pos(54,460)}movies, and marketer of his
own line of chest grease.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-And why we all Fabio?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Because everyone
wants to be Fabio.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}Men respect Fabio.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}Women love Fabio.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-There isn't a
female organism alive

{\a1\pos(54,432)}that doesn't worship Fabio.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}Even Janis Ian
muse at his altar.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-We believe Fabio
is here to stay.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}That's why we've come
up with the Fabio kit,

{\a1\pos(78,460)}the jutting, manly, yet
accessible jaw line, the soft,

{\a1\pos(96,432)}mane of grab-able hair.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}And the tan, taut,
muffiny chest.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}Fabio fever--

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Catch it!


{\a1\pos(33,432)}Hey, you guys look like Fabio.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Hey, don't laugh.
We're Fabio.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Yeah, bit buttery
slabs of Fabio.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Ah, she's gone.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Let it go.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}Back to you, guys.


{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Hello, Mike, as you
can see, I went back,

{\a1\pos(180,460)}all the way back
to caveman time.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Why, I got very close to
the wellspring-- Frank!

{\a1\pos(138,460)}How come I'm dressed
like a caveman

{\a1\pos(96,460)}and you're dressed
like a whatever you're

{\a1\pos(96,460)}supposed to-- it's
all going to hell.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Well, I guess that leaves
it to me, Televisio Frankus,

{\a1\pos(12,460)}to tell you that your experiment
today is Outlaw, starring

{\a1\pos(117,460)}the very huggable Jack
Palance, the anvil

{\a1\pos(117,432)}that men do last long.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}The ghoul is often
fur to their homes.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}I'll send you the movie.


{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Oh, we are moving. [shouts]


{\a1\pos(54,432)}-William Comrades presents--


{\a1\pos(12,460)}You make such a production
out of everything.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-But it's limited,
thank goodness.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-John Norman's Steakateria.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-With Jane Russell?

{\a1\pos(33,460)}Please, oh please, oh, please.
Oh, please.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-No, no, no don't
get your hopes up.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Well, that's Italian
for Adrian Barbeau.


{\a1\pos(54,432)}-I hate this movie already.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Me, too.


{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Give it a chance.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Hey, I have Donna
Denton pajamas.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-I think you mean Dr. Newton.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Oh, you're right.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-I crap bigger than this movie.



{\a1\pos(33,432)}-This lush score, though, hm?

{\a1\pos(264,432)}Love it.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Oh, the great Amish
director of photography.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Ah, yes, featured in the
New York Times book review,

{\a1\pos(180,432)}I believe.


{\a1\pos(201,460)}-Who requested
their names be shown

{\a1\pos(138,460)}at the crescendo of
the musical score?


{\a1\pos(33,432)}-(SINGING) Harry Alan Towers.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}Now, you see, you really
undermine your authority

{\a1\pos(117,460)}when you put "Bud" in
the middle of your name.


{\a1\pos(138,432)}-[gasp] Joe Namath.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}She's got her legs on wrong.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Whoa, no.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}No, no, no.
She doesn't--

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Come on, Baby.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Buzz off, Buster.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Who is wearing one of
the Fred Flintstone ties?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Hey, how are you doing, honey?

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Swing, and a miss.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Take it easy.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}Take it easy.


{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Wayne Gretzky, the great one.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Doing anything later?

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Ohh, yeah, blowing you off.

Hey, Cabot.


{\a1\pos(96,432)}Ah, this is a surprise.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Someone will talk to me.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-It's past your
bedtime, ain't it?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Hmm, better than being
a bit early than alone.


{\a1\pos(201,432)}-You're sweet.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-It's Doc Savage.


{\a1\pos(117,432)}-No, no, stick around.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}Stick around.


{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Would you check out
the legs on that blonde

{\a1\pos(54,432)}at the end of the bar, huh?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}I mean, she is awesome.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-That's my brother, man.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Well, I'm a-- I'm a legman.
So, you know.


{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Yeah, yeah.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}I love 'em.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Ooh, I love 'em.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}[? -i ?] am so heterosexual.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Hey, would you lighten up?

{\a1\pos(201,432)}What's wrong?

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-I don't have a crispy shirt.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-[sigh] Well, what is with you?

{\a1\pos(78,460)}How come I don't see you
going out with any women, huh?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-I'm my own woman.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-What are you, my mother?

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-[sigh] Hey, come here baby.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-He's a treasure.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Is your friend?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}I got a friend over here.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-It's Commissioner
Gordon calling.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}Later, in "Miller's Crossing."

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Previously, on "Outlaw."


{\a1\pos(138,432)}Where the hell am I?

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-You're the hell here.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-You've come to a
land called Gor.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}Gor is a harsh world, and
she breeds harsh people.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-But the rents are reasonable.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-We believe that you've been
sent to us through the stone.

Two months' salary?


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Oh, and we don't
believe in transitions.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Honey, I shrunk the Nelson.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Those are not our mountains.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-I swear, Buddy, how come
Jack Carter got their start?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-You want to hand me a magazine?


{\a1\pos(180,432)}-What the?


{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Peoples of Koroba.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}-An ancient
motivational speaker.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Has returned.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Maybe it's the other
world that's a dream.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-This is some weird stuff.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}[gasps] Uh.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Uh, ugh.

{\a1\pos(264,460)}-Uh, oh.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}No more gin fizzes for me.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Hey, baby.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}What's your sign?


{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Very charming.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}-See, I'm guessing the crispy
guy in the middle's going

{\a1\pos(54,460)}to go home, put on a pan of
mac and cheese and fall asleep.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Hey, let's go to the Red Onion.

-Oh, sure.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}The Red Onion will
solve all your problems.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-No, no, we'll party, Cabot.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}You know how to party.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-You just put your lips
together and drink.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Well, look.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}It can't be any worse over
there than it is over here.

{\a1\pos(264,460)}Come on.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Cabot, wait up.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-The Pullman is located
in the Russian parliament.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-We'll use your car.
Save me gas.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-We always use my car.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Picky, picky.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-I'll drop you off, OK.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Oh, will I drop you off.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-I worry about a superhero
named Cabot who drives a Camaro.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-What is that thing?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}One of those mood
rings or something?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Oh, this is a long story.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-I bought it off Pete Rose.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Hey, can we listen to Z-Rock?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-No one backs up
like the Outlaw.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}-Hey, your playboy air fresher
thing dropped on the floor.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Hey, back at you, pal.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-I hope he puts in his
8-track of Aqua on.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-What the hell's the
matter with the car, Cabot?

{\a1\pos(54,432)}Woah, woah, keep it on road.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-It's just a stage
hand's rocking it.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-I'm trying.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Once it gets up
to 90, it'll stop.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-For crying out loud!

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-When time traveling,
always wear your seat belts.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Think there's any chance
Barney Rubble there

{\a1\pos(12,432)}could go through the windshield?

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Hope so.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}--[sigh] Sorry folks,
we simply could

{\a1\pos(96,460)}not afford to have
special effects.


{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Oh, they're in Ishtar.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Toto, I have a feeling
this isn't the Red Onion.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-He's a mouth-breather,
that one.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-Cabot, Cabot.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}Cabot, you OK?

{\a1\pos(138,432)}Cabot, speak to me.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}Cabot, Cabot, you all right?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Hey, the theatre.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Cabot, what the
hell's going on?


{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Where the hell's the car?

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Thought you had it.


{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Oh, we have worm sign.


{\a1\pos(117,432)}-I can't believe it--

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-The things I can do
with my Spirograph.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-I can't believe it.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}I'm back.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}I am back!

{\a1\pos(180,432)}I am back.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-And better than ever.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Back where?

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-This is where Telena lives.


{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Who's Telena?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Telena, my girl, my love.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}This is the planet of Gor.


{\a1\pos(117,432)}-What the hell's Gor?

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-It's the hell here.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Listen, Cabot, w-what
are you talking about?

{\a1\pos(138,432)}W-where hell are we?

{\a1\pos(54,68)}What's going on here, Cabot?

{\a1\pos(96,68)}-Shh, I'm acting.

{\a1\pos(117,68)}-I must go to Koroba.


-The same to you.

{\a1\pos(201,96)}Cabot, listen.
Listen to me.

{\a1\pos(96,96)}Cabot, what's going on?
What happened last night?

{\a1\pos(12,96)}What happened last night?
-(CHANTING) Kill him, kill him.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Did I do something?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Well, what do you
want from me, Cabot?

{\a1\pos(201,460)}Cabot, listen.
Would you speak to me?

{\a1\pos(54,432)}I want to go home right now.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}All right, Cabot?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}W-where are you going?
No, no.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}Wait, there, Cabot.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Tell me what the
hell's going on here.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}Is this one of your crazy
science experiments, huh?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Cabot, no one would see it
if you killed him right now.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-They'd probably give him a
free drink at the Pullman.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Cabot, would you wait up?

{\a1\pos(117,432)}Cabot, wait-- hold it.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-(MOCKING) Hey, Cabot.
I'm up there, boy.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Cabot, can we take a break?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Cabot, I-- it's--
it's getting hot.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}Have you noticed?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Well, this would be
a good drinking game.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}Every time he says "Cabot,"
you could take a drink.

He's trucking.


{\a1\pos(138,460)}Cabot, can-- can we
just hold it a minute?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Shh, he's conducting a
flight of the bumblebee.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Where are we going on
this planet, anyway?

{\a1\pos(78,460)}-We're getting close.
-We're getting close to where?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-To the Perkins on 494.


{\a1\pos(138,460)}Hey, are there-- are
there any women on Koroba?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Yeah, and they'll
reject you too.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Want to tell me
about the women?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}You-- you still remember
women, don't you?


{\a1\pos(138,432)}-[gasp] Sand Nazis.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}I hate these guys.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Wouldn't it be great if you
were stuck in another dimension

{\a1\pos(117,460)}with an annoying guy,
and he bought beer?


{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Oh, no, Cabot.
Yeah, buddy.


{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Oh, I'm doing my best here.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}It's all the sand.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}There we go.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-(WHINING) I want to
go back to the Pullman.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Yes, it's T. Lawrence
night at the Pullman.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-(ARABIC ACCENT) I am
confident that I am secure.


{\a1\pos(54,432)}-You, you sit and you stay.


{\a1\pos(33,432)}-They're wearing dance belts.


{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Well, I hope you like it-- Oh!

{\a1\pos(12,432)}Hey, I was trying to play.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Sword, a gel pack, and a
stunt man, all for $1.25.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Hey, did Rick say you could
use his sword to kill us?

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Behind you!

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Oh, he should have
set his purse down.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}Hey, thanks for setting
for up my stuntman.


{\a1\pos(96,432)}Oh, stunt misfire.


{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Stinky pit.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}[theme music]

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Hey, he's all yours.
Take him.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Yeah, take him.
Take him!


{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Hey, it's a gal in white
tights, bludgeoning the sand.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-We're in such
troubled, young man.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Through the Rome
stone, I have succeeded

{\a1\pos(12,460)}and Cabot is here on Gor.
-Wow, his lips don't even move.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Time has shown me the
move, the nameless threat

{\a1\pos(138,432)}is now known to me.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}The high Pricino has
acquired much power,

{\a1\pos(117,432)}and hungers for more.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}How he will achieve this
is where the danger lies.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-What are you doing?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-(ELDERY VOICE) Ah,
drying my hands.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}There are no towels.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-I have been cleaning
and adjusting

{\a1\pos(96,460)}the vibrations of
the Home stone.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-And I'm out of pine sole.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Well, she's all yours.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}If it's cold, just
keep the pedal

{\a1\pos(54,432)}down when you start her up.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Have fun.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Hmm, what do you know?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}He crapped bigger than me.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Hey, Crow, I think I know
where you're going with that,

{\a1\pos(222,432)}and enough.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}Let's stop there.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Yes, but is it art?

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Go on, touch it.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Go ahead.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Ah, the golden
days, before sewers.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Hey, Buffy and Jodie.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-We come over here
to the Jericho

{\a1\pos(12,432)}once a year for this sale.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Oh, yeah.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}It's Iowa.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Oh, for crying out loud.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Staying in a Red Roof Inn.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Ow, this shovel is heavy.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}Ow. [whining]

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-He's got Jennifer
Beal's shirt on.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-There's something
you haven't told me.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Oh, quite a lot.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Who are you?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-My name is Cabot.




{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Nope, doesn't ring a bell.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-I'm looking for Marlenus.
-Marlenus castle?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}It's just on the
road, follow the road.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-(SINGING) Strut,
pout, put it out.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}What you want from women.


{\a1\pos(138,432)}That's a real butt.


{\a1\pos(201,432)}-I'm with him.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}We're like this.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-He's being welcomed
by the cast of Fame.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-(FEMININE VOICE) Honey,
must you always bring

{\a1\pos(12,432)}your work home from the office?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Darling, what's the fuss?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Tell me what's happening.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Tis Cabot.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}He has returned,
from his world to us.

-Ooh, Cabot.


{\a1\pos(138,432)}-So Cabot then, huh?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-When he defeated Zarm, the
priest of kings, darling,

{\a1\pos(12,432)}I owe him my freedom too.

{\a1\pos(99,460)}-Oh, I can't find the
Christmas tree star anywhere.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Without him, Koroba would
still be in ruins, my dear.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}Don't you understand?

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Times have changed.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Oh, darling.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-We're at peace now.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Does the man realize
he's disrupting

{\a1\pos(12,432)}our nation by his little visit?

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-Oh, darling.
Oh, darling.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}Oh, darling.

{\a1\pos(120,460)}It is Cabot.
He has returned, my darling.


{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Oh, it's a different Cabot.


{\a1\pos(117,432)}-I need a bigger room.


{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Huh, she must be a goalie.



{\a1\pos(54,460)}-So uh, Cabot's coming then?
-Pretty much.



{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Personally, I think Cabot
is highly overrated, but--


{\a1\pos(138,460)}-So our hero's name
is uh, what again?


{\a1\pos(12,432)}-I got to make dinner for Cabot.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-It's time for the
brutal gourmet.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Ah, good seasons and me.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Now, to preheat the
oven and grease the pan.


{\a1\pos(96,432)}-This is my room, Lori.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}No once said you
could come in here.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-I do not wish to be disturbed.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-You will like it less
when you hear my news.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Kathy Lee a baby.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Tarl Cabot has return to Gor.

{\a1\pos(264,432)}-To Gor?


{\a1\pos(264,432)}Oh, Gor.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I told you would
not be pleased.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-That old fool, the elder.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}He would dare to
meddle in my affairs.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Are you mad now?

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Kill him.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Oh, I'll do more than that.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-What are you going to do?
-Kill him.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-I don't know.

{\a1\pos(78,460)}-Oh, the Sullivan of an
audition isn't until tomorrow.



{\a1\pos(33,432)}-I'll set the table. [laughs]

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Ah, the book says the
dove should come out now.


{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Huh, well, the Cabot thing
has really died down, huh?




{\a1\pos(222,432)}-My friend.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}[clears throat]

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Oh, Professor Watney
Smith, from my world.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Ah, my pleasure.


{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Yeah, sure.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Annoying in any dimension.



{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Excuse me.



{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Did you bring my pants?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}--[laughs] Oh, I'm so
glad you returned.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Oh, go easy there.


{\a1\pos(33,432)}-My god, you're so beautiful.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Don't tell me.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}You two know each other, right?


{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Ew, yuck.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-He dislocated his mandible.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-I've been waiting for this day.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-(FEMININE VOICE)
Since this morning.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Come on.

{\a1\pos(183,460)}-That guy's a
professional third wheel.


{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Welcome back, Cabot.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}Meet my wife, Lara, the Queen.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-The trophy queen.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Watch out for the tongue!

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-And Xeno, the high priest.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Yeah, he is pretty
high up there. [laughs]


{\a1\pos(201,432)}-You know him?

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Oh, my friend, Watney Smith.



{\a1\pos(138,460)}-The entertainment's
about to start, Cabot.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}Would you please come?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Mortigunty's up first.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}-The world's first successful
paper-mache village.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Yay, for truely, this is
the land of Diary Queen.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-And I can see your
dilly bar. [laughs]

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-What do you guys do
around here for fun?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Come on, you'll find out.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-For some reason, they're
really into pictionary here.


{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Yeah, this is the life.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-For you, maybe.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}Not for the women.

{\a1\pos(78,460)}-This is what I want the
inside of my van to look like.


{\a1\pos(12,432)}-[sniffs] Smell this, will you?

{\a1\pos(117,432)}What's it smell like?


{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Hmmm, I could get into this.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-You're so tight.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-This is Koroba.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Oh, yeah.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Next time you're
thinking romantic,

{\a1\pos(96,432)}Mike, think of that guy.


{\a1\pos(117,432)}It's dance party USA.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Hey, great floors.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Look at it, they're
all built like Whippets.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}Whip it good.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-You know, liturgical
dance is really weird.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-But it brings in
the parishioners.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Oh, you got that right.


{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Thank god for the pump.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-You know, I think

{\a1\pos(12,432)}Terrio makes his entrance.


{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Yeah, they got pretty
decent chicken fingers here.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Pelvis lady moves
into position.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}What-- uh-- it's
Melanie Griffith.


{\a1\pos(12,432)}-So this is Bishop's Buffeteria.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-(FEMININE VOICE) Oh, hi.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}We saved you a table.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-She's really overdressed
for this culture.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I've dreamed of holding
you in my arms once more.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Yeah, look, we got to order.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}The kitchen closes at 10:00.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Cabot, I've missed you so.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Hey, it's Jeanine
from "Spinal Tap."


{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Why did I come as a cardinal?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-My darling, you're not eating.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-(FEMININE VOICE)
I ate last year.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-I've simply been preoccupied.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}It is truly a time
of great celebration.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-I'm so glad to see
Marlenus happy again.

{\a1\pos(78,460)}-Oh, cripes.
You don't know the half of it.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-My father's in love.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-You don't seem
very happy about it.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Thank you, darling.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I'd better go say
hello to the Petersons.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-You'll have to
stop the insanity.



{\a1\pos(117,432)}[crow and tom humming]

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Took ya long enough.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Mike, we admire you immensely.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Why, thank you.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}-And it's due almost entirely
to your acting career.


{\a1\pos(33,432)}Well, I have trod the boards.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Must be some great memories.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-You mentioned Hamlet and--

{\a1\pos(33,460)}-Mike, do us a favor and lead
us through those memories

{\a1\pos(33,460)}with the help of the scapbook
we found under your bed.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Oh yeah, we found
the scrapbook.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-It's right under
the desk there.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}-Oh, really?

-Grab it.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Oh, you did I find it.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-We sure did, yeah.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-You know, this is old stuff.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Nobody would be
interested in this.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Oh, Mike, Mike.
-Come on.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-No, this is-- they're
old production stills.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}Let's just tuck this away.
-Hey, Cambot, bring it in.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}Let's all enjoy these.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}CAMBOT: What's the
first one there, Mike?

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Oh great.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Well, this first one is
HMS Pinafore, that's right.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Great production.
-Cute sailor suit.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Cute sailor suit.
-Ha ha.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Yeah There's, oh,
and the lovable Stew

{\a1\pos(117,432)}Pot in South Pacific.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Oh now that's marvelous.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Here's Anything
Goes, Billy Crocker.

{\a1\pos(141,460)}-Very nice.
-Oh, the musical Moby Dick.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-A lot of sailor suits early
in your career, eh Mike?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Well, yeah I guess so.
Death of a Salesman.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Death of a Salesman.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Inherit the Wind.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}Great production.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}Waiting for Godot.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}That was a very good Godot,
respected director in that one.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}There's the Hamlet.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-That's Hamlet?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}You see the skull?

{\a1\pos(183,460)}-Of course.
-A Spoon River Anthology.

{\a1\pos(183,460)}'Night Mother.
-Detecting a theme, Mike.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Great production.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Murder in the Cathedral.


{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Elephant Man-- What?


-You're always in a sailor suit.



{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Holy cow!

{\a1\pos(54,432)}I am in a sailor suit a lot.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Well, you look
good in sailor suit.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-But how did this happen?

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Don't worry about it.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-I mean, sailor suits
are comfortable, right?

Sailors seem to like them.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Oh, yeah.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Richard III, I'm in
a sailor suit there.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}Oh, Calcutta!

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Wow, that's naughty!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-No, don't look at that.
That's not for you.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Later, honey, when
you're asleep.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}We'll be right back.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-You'd be nude except
for the sailor suit.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Don't look at that.


{\a1\pos(117,432)}[theme music playing]

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-You can't explain it.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}I don't know.
-It's OK, honey.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Something about
Lara I don't like.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-What's not to like?


{\a1\pos(222,432)}-And Xenos.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Look at my split-top,
butter-top hat.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Those Priest-Kings
are very dangerous.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Especially with them hats.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-They have unknown powers.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Our honored guest has no drink.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Your highness.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Your hotness.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-So, Whatney Smith, does
our world please you?

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Oh, extremely.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-He looks like a happy pig.
[crow laughs]

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Especially when
I'm in the company

{\a1\pos(138,460)}of such a beautiful
and charming queen.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-This is as far as he's
ever gotten with a woman.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Are you very friendly?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Well, we see each other.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-We teach at the same school.


{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Hey, I came from far
away for your smile, huh.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-I have a brain, you know.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-My lord--

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Have you tried Denise's
cream puffs yet?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-I trust you've
enjoyed yourself son.

-Oh, hi Rick.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}No, don't, oh.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-And step and spin and
down and-- oh shoot!

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Six and I'm down, Oh, I'm
up, I'm supposed to be down.

{\a1\pos(162,460)}I'm sorry.
-Don't break, don't break.


{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Let's clear the floor
for volleyball now.

{\a1\pos(264,432)}Come on.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Now I'll coronate the
ding-a-ling sisters.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Tonight, we have a
very special vintage.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-19 me, ha ha ha.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Bring on the wine.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}The king.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Oh, wine kegs.



{\a1\pos(12,432)}-It's an '83 Pat Paulson.


{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Oh, I love the way Edgar
Winter opens his show.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Don't crush that dwarf,
hand me those pliers.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-There's wine in
the other barrel.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Ha ha ha!
Serve the wine.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Come pour the midgets.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Hey, Hup, my friend.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Hey, I love the hair.
-Miss me?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Now you have to kiss me.
-Not enough.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Listen, don't think we
can't live without you.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Jeez, you need some time alone?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-To my daughter, Talena, and
Cabot of the earth, a man

{\a1\pos(96,460)}who one day could be the
new king of Koruba, a toast!

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Let's bring 'em out.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-To Koruba!



{\a1\pos(96,432)}-To the new king.



{\a1\pos(96,460)}-That means I get to be
Director of Communications.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Meet the new boss,
same as the old boss.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-That's a jiffy top hat.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Where's the little King's room?


{\a1\pos(96,432)}-We have to talk.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-We desperately need pants.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-It should be unheard.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-We have no more enemies.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Your enemies and mine
are all around us.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}The Priest Xenos.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-How can he be dangerous
if Marlenus is king?

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Now, which old guy are you?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Is in Xenos' power, and
she controls Marlenus.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Marlenus Dietriek-us?

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-I have gate watch tonight.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I like Wade, he's
just not a dancer.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Let's go.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-I needed you sooner.


{\a1\pos(12,460)}-But the planets were not
in the proper position.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Your pants?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-And then I summoned you through
the power of the Home Stone.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-You must help us.
-The Home Stone, huh?

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-How can I help you?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Protect the throne,
and the freedom

{\a1\pos(96,432)}of the people of Koruba.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-And the Home Stone.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-You will inherit my powers.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-And you will always guide me.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Touch me again, you pull
back a bloody stump, kid.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-You will guide me.


{\a1\pos(180,432)}Of course.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-$200 a day plus
expenses, naturally.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Oh, maybe we should
keep interviewing

{\a1\pos(96,432)}for this king position.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Bah, bah, bah, bah, Mitchell.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Whose leg is that?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-This weekend package thing
was a great idea, honey.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-That was love of
an epic proportion.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Let's watch Letterman.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Honey, could you
shove over a little,?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}I don't have a lot of room here.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-First we baste him in
real creamery butter.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-(SINGING) Deep in
the heart of Texas.


{\a1\pos(201,460)}-He's got soul
patches on his back.


{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Tell me, Whatney, would you
like to share my power with me?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Jeez, she's trying to
sleep her way to the bottom.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-If I stay as wife to
Marlenus, the kingdom

{\a1\pos(96,432)}will descend to Talena.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}And from the way
things look, she'll

{\a1\pos(33,432)}be joined by that fool, Cabot.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-He's been marinated.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-He's--he's-- he's
an absolute fool.


{\a1\pos(180,432)}But you--

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I think even that
guy's bones are fleshy.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-You can be a master.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Are you-- are you
making me an offer?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Tell me, how do they
make love on your planet?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}Is it very different from ours?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}--Well, I'm speaking

{\a1\pos(180,460)}of course, but--
-I'm curious to find out.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-So would I.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Hmm, you smell
like comic books.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Oh, it's over.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Well, OK, I've made up my mind.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}I'm going to ask her
tonight to marry me.


{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Help me choose my trouseau.


{\a1\pos(180,432)}Oh my god.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Do you think she will accept?

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Hell, Cabot, I don't know.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}She's really
something, isn't she?

{\a1\pos(33,432)}I mean she's really, ah, whoa.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-She's got hands?


{\a1\pos(201,432)}I don't know.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-But, I love her.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}I really do.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Well, on the other
hand, if you're sure.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Whoa, that women
could sublet that hat.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-I mean, aren't there
some kind of rituals?

{\a1\pos(33,432)}Hey, I mean she's a princess.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Yeah, you're right, she's
a princess, but, look--

{\a1\pos(36,460)}-Why don't you ask the king?
-I don't want to marry the king.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-That's a good idea.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-I'm starting early
today, a little something

{\a1\pos(117,460)}I call a Ramos Fizz, I
think you'll like it.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-It's the Windex that
really spices it up.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Dearly beloved.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Some plain old dry
ice for effect.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Hey, I thought

{\a1\pos(285,432)}Ha ha.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Here, now take
this out to Table 7.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Hey, her belly
button's blinking.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-And garnish with a dagger.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}Come on, order up.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Mwah, ha, ha, ha.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}TGI Die Day.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-A drink, my husband.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}No, thanks.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Hey, are my calimari
coming along here?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Here you go, Socrates.

{\a1\pos(264,432)}-To us.


{\a1\pos(117,460)}-A lot of paperwork in
the other dimension.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}[kissing noises]

{\a1\pos(138,460)}--[coughing] Sorry,
getting a hairball there.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Nope, nope, don't
feel a thing, sorry.



{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Maybe if you wore
something sexy.


{\a1\pos(54,432)}-So how much did that cost?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-She's got a denim
housedress on.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Looks good.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Sheer energy.


{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Oh, that was great.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Hey, you spilled
on the great floor.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-She's got some funny ways
of expressing affection.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}Nice cheeks, ha ha.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Good luck.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Marlenus can be a
stubborn man, especially

{\a1\pos(33,432)}when it comes to his daughter.


{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Thank you, my friend.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-For the show the never ends.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I'm out here with
my little warrior.

{\a1\pos(264,432)}-Go on.

-Come in-i-cus.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-We were just-- Whoops!

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Well, maybe I'll
come back later.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Marlenus is dead!



{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Volume, volume.



{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Ah, don't make a
crack about that.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-So would this be
a bad time to ask

{\a1\pos(33,432)}if I can marry your daughter?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Well, look here's your problem.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Oh my god.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-He always has a tantrum
when he doesn't get his way.


{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Let's call the guards.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-They're having a party

-What's happened?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-The king is dead.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}Marlenus the king is dead.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Oh, so you're saying
the king is dead.

-Well, time to frame myself.

{\a1\pos(264,432)}-Oh, hi!


{\a1\pos(138,432)}-He killed Marlenus.


{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Cabot, what have you done?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-All right, what's
the trouble here?

My husband!

{\a1\pos(96,432)}The king is dead!

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Your husband, my-- my Dad!

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-You liar!

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Oh, Whatney.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-You did this.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}You murdered my father.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-That's impossible.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Lara was with me,
the whole evening.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}[theme music]

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Guards, put them in chains!

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Watch the knee.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I'm going to kill
me a mountain man.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Get them.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-There are too many.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Get them!

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Look at Jack run.


{\a1\pos(180,432)}Seize him!

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-Hey, you know
where you're going?


{\a1\pos(96,432)}Woop, woop, woop, woop!

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Why you--

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Oh no, they're going to
hot roller her to death.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}-(IRISH ACCENT) Well, there's
no getting over that rainbow.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Are we still in the shot?


{\a1\pos(117,460)}-You know, they could
claim dimensional immunity.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-I think.


{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Kill him!

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-You can't kill me, I quit.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-I thought he was dead.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Lower you weapons.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}Put your weapons down!

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-I didn't say Simon Says.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-I have never
disobeyed an order.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}But now I must!

{\a1\pos(96,432)}This man saved our city!

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Justice must be done.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}Out of our way, old man.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Hey, that's Jack Palance.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Go Cabot.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-I won't leave you.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-The guards will never harm me.


{\a1\pos(54,460)}You must be safe for Telena
and the people of Koruba.


{\a1\pos(57,460)}-Go get Cabot!
-Ah, I'm just an intern, sorry.

-Ah, OK.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-I have to do everything myself.


{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Now, go get Cabot.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-It's open season on geriatrics?


{\a1\pos(180,432)}Remove the body.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-Put some club
soda on that stain.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Oh, now don't run with the
knife, it's not worth it.


{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Ah, it's too late.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}They've escaped
into the soybeans.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-I'll get the hunter.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}Can we have sex again?

{\a1\pos(264,432)}-Oh no!

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-All right, woman.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}Get him, girlfriend!

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Now return the candy and
apologize to the store manager.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Let me out of here!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I get one call to
my tanning booth!

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-I should have
paid those tickets.

This is incredible.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Torches everywhere.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-After so many years,
studying, waiting,

{\a1\pos(180,460)}teaching people
about men with power.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}And now-- ha!

{\a1\pos(54,460)}If those fools like Napoleon
and Hitler could do it,

{\a1\pos(117,432)}why not Whatney Smith?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}King Whatney, I love it.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}King Whatney.

{\a1\pos(78,460)}What's the matter?
This is a great moment for me.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Look, I really
like you and stuff,

{\a1\pos(117,460)}but I think we should
just be friends.


{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Get you hands off me!

{\a1\pos(138,432)}What is this a joke?


{\a1\pos(138,460)}I'm the future king!

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Cut away.
-Cut away.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Cut away.


{\a1\pos(264,432)}-Oh no.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-You're going to
lose your heads.


{\a1\pos(33,432)}-I'm going to count to three.



{\a1\pos(264,432)}-Oh no!

{\a1\pos(201,460)}They're on the
Moon Zero Two set.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-I thought so.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-(IRISH ACCENT) Littlest
buffalo shot of them all.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-You know, I'm really
concerned about Talena.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Don't worry.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}The elder will take care of her.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Yeah, the elder.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Meanwhile, I'm high and dry.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-We can't let Lara and
Xenos get away with this.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-It just makes me so mad.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-We have to find some
help, some friends.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Sure, like your friend Whatney?

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-That hurt, little side kick.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Where's the nearest town?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-This dimension used to be fun.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-That way.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}But it's too far.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}We'll never make it.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Any alternatives?

{\a1\pos(264,432)}Come on.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-But the bus comes
by in an hour.

{\a1\pos(264,432)}-No way.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}It's too dangerous.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}I'm not walking in the dark.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-See, it's dark there and there.




{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Watch out for snakes.





{\a1\pos(12,460)}-About how much further do
you think we have to go?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Couple of hours.


{\a1\pos(201,432)}-More or less.

-At the crow flies.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-You catch Acapulco
Heat last night?

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Need some help?

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Will you carry me?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-They could use some
roomy, button-fly Levis.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Hey, now they're
the same height.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-I know, I know.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}Don't even say it.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-They use him to open oil cans.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-I think he got that at a
rummage sale at Jack Palance's.


{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Your highness, the hunter.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Ooh, Fred Dryer.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}-Man, is he over-accessorized.
-Watch your clearance.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Ah, I think it's your line.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Your line.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Get your butt in here.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Excuse me sir, I'll have
to check your package.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-It's big.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-We've all heard
of you, Ost, said

{\a1\pos(180,460)}to be the finest
manhunter on Gor.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}What do you have to
say for yourself?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-I'm not dead yet.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-I'm feeling better.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-There's a prisoner
loose in the desert

{\a1\pos(12,432)}and I want him back alive.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Bring him to me and you
shall receive 50,000 tarsks.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}Dead, nothing.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Wounded, we can prorate it.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}We'll talk about that.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Well, I guess I'll
just invoice you then.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-He's neat.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-The hunter is hungry,
like an animal.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Let me just sneak by you here.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-That dress makes
Jack look hippy.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Now, how shall we dispose
of the pathetic Talena?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Take her door off,
put her in the alley?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-My seed pod is opening.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-What about a contest--

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Oh for fun!

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-The leather woman--
-Pinky Tuscadaro?

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-She dies.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-The gods, not I will
determine her fate.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Back at ya.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-You are wise, Xenos.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-I live to serve
you, your legginess.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-I'll remember.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-But I do not like
to be given orders.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Say, fellas, there sure is
a lot of skin in this movie,

{\a1\pos(222,460)}isn't there?
-There sure is.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Yet, despite all the acres
of flesh in this film,

{\a1\pos(12,460)}I just can't come up with
a word that describes it.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Well, I can.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-You can?

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Why, sure.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}(SINGING) It's breastakaboobical

{\a1\pos(117,432)}pendular globular fun.


{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Right-O. That's the one.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Is it gluteal maximal,
tushital-crackular bunular

{\a1\pos(138,432)}morning till night?

{\a1\pos(33,460)}-Well, you're absotiglandular,

{\a1\pos(96,432)}mastokafleshular right.

{\a1\pos(78,460)}-It's an arealogical,
autoerotical, tubular boobular


{\a1\pos(117,460)}An exposular-reginal,
batchical-pouchular fun

{\a1\pos(96,432)}for girl and boy.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}A lassimal-dorsical,

{\a1\pos(138,432)}calipyligical ball.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-The most bunular-funular--





{\a1\pos(138,432)}tushita-ticular joy!


{\a1\pos(180,460)}GYPSY: Hey guys,
how's the movie?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Oh, it's breastakaboobical,

{\a1\pos(138,432)}pendular, globular--

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-The movie sign!

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Hey, look, the Judds.


{\a1\pos(180,432)}-God, I'm drunk.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Well, they get
their mud flaps on.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}That's good.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}Dirty pictures of guys on them.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Oh, this is like
interactive wrestling.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Joan Fontaine and Olivia
DeHavilland in a fight

{\a1\pos(201,460)}to the death.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I think all this
infighting is really

{\a1\pos(138,460)}hurting the national



{\a1\pos(180,460)}-OK, OK, you can
borrow my shirt.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}Just don't pit it out.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Lambada, the forbidden dance.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-It must be sweeps week.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}-Wow, these Tupperware parties
are getting way out of hand.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}Camille Paglia and Susan
Faludi, the final conflict.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Let's just agree
to disagree, OK?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Mike, will you make me my
own jack-booted dominatrix?



Thanks, Susan.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}I don't need your help.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Wonder Woman!

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-(SINGING) Do do
dit dit dit dit do.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Well, she'll be
out for the season.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Take her away!

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-And get her more oil.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-What about me?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-That little fighting
bird must die.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-And take that hat off.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Why not wait 'til you
have paged her mate?

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Armchair quarterback.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Has Cabot been captured?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Do not be too eager
to have your revenge.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Why not?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Am I not queen?
-Ain't I a woman?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Who dares challenge me?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-There are still
those in Koruba who

{\a1\pos(117,460)}would have another in
your place on the throne.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Let them dare try.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}Misplayed my hand there.

-Oh, yeah?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Arrakis, Dune, Desert
Planet-- The Long Version.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-I wonder what Billy Barty
would do in this situation.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Wake up, you big load!

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Boy, I could go
for a short stack.


{\a1\pos(96,432)}-You do him well.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Thank you.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Let's move.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}We won't last another
day without water.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Say, uh, last night
did I-- never mind.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Hey, that's where
Fred Flintstone works.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Would ya-- another nice day!


{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Come on.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}This way.


{\a1\pos(54,432)}I'll just follow your butt.


{\a1\pos(138,432)}Not anymore I won't.


{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Midday at the oasis.


{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Eh, I'm getting
sand in my socks.


{\a1\pos(33,432)}Well, I'm chafin' like a bear.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-He's wearing Judy
Jetson's skirt.



{\a1\pos(12,460)}-It don't look like much, but if
you want to hit the big jacks,

{\a1\pos(117,460)}this is a place to go.
-Oh yeah.

{\a1\pos(285,432)}Oh ho.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Silver spoon.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Aw, you bet.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-No, Cabot, no!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Damn it, Cabot, this is
not your personal war!


{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Nyuh, uh,uh, eh, eh, nyuh, eh.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}-No, Cabot!

{\a1\pos(222,432)}It's poison!

{\a1\pos(180,432)}How do you know?

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-And your point?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-In the desert, you
don't remember your name.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-That's funny.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-It's starting to look more like
Joey Heatherton all the time.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-That mountain over there.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I sa-- I saw that
mountain yesterday.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-It's clearly following us.

{\a1\pos(180,68)}-I'm sure.

{\a1\pos(96,68)}We're walking a circle.

{\a1\pos(117,96)}-Oh, good one, Cabot.


{\a1\pos(12,68)}"Warrior of the Lost World" set.


{\a1\pos(138,96)}-Hold-- hold my arm.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}That's not my arm.


{\a1\pos(33,460)}-They're going downhill fast.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Oh, you're right.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}They are.


{\a1\pos(96,432)}-I figured it out.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}That guy's the photo negative
of Hervez Villechaize.


{\a1\pos(54,460)}And he'd win a lot of limbo
contests when it's class.



{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Boy, we got good seats, huh?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-The first Lollapalooza



{\a1\pos(96,432)}-[spitting noises]

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Now did I get this right?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}We're supposed to
come out to the desert

{\a1\pos(12,432)}and beat the crap out of people?


{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Come on, you're
watching Chevy Chase

{\a1\pos(54,432)}whether you like it or not.



{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Did you boof?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Marlenus's goal
was to end slavery.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Yeah, I know.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Lara obviously has
no such intention.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Yeah, I see.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Well, I'm glad
we had this talk.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Whoa, they're jumping
right in the boat there.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-Hey, no fair.
You're caught.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}You gotta stay in the middle.

{\a1\pos(264,432)}You too.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Hey, give me a hand.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}I'm swamped here.


{\a1\pos(117,432)}-It's the S&M Follies.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-He's down at the 40.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}He's up again.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-You know the slaves
are the underdogs

{\a1\pos(12,432)}at the beginning of this season.



{\a1\pos(264,432)}Look it.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}She's laughing.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}You've got spunk.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}I hate spunk.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Well, looks like
it's almost over.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Let's get to our car
and beat the traffic.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-You think I look
like Greg Norman?

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Let's go.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}They have water.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I'm not so sure I
want to end up a slave.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Listen, as long as I will have
some blood left in my veins,

{\a1\pos(138,460)}I will always fight
slavery and oppression.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Uh, starting tomorrow.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Doo-doo doo-doo.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-You know, the whole
halter top thing

{\a1\pos(138,460)}just isn't happening
for him, Tom.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Why are they wearing
toilet lids on their necks?


{\a1\pos(12,432)}Come on, let's save them.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Da-da da-dum da-dum.


{\a1\pos(54,460)}-We don't want to see that.
No, no, no, no, no.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-This movie is for the ladies.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-But I like it too.


{\a1\pos(33,432)}-You saw my butt, didn't you?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Do-do-do-do do-do do-do.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}Say, you seen "Macaroni" yet?

{\a1\pos(117,432)}I hear it's excellent.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Let's catch it and then
go for some espresso.

{\a1\pos(162,460)}-Somebody left a
perfectly good slave here.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-I left this one to die.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Well, he's good for parts.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Oh, look.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}His eyeball comes right out.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-He's dead.


{\a1\pos(54,460)}-There's nothing we can do.
-Except play with him.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Ow, geez.

{\a1\pos(180,68)}I was marching.

{\a1\pos(54,96)}What do you-- I was in line.
Oh, oh, yeah.

{\a1\pos(222,96)}Pick me up.
Grab me.

{\a1\pos(222,96)}That's good.
That's great.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-And so the Osmonds
are marched from U-tah.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Oh, good.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Oh, you know, these
slavers are so mean.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}You know, It doesn't take
any more time to be nice.

{\a1\pos(264,432)}-No, no.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Did it ever occur
to them that you

{\a1\pos(201,460)}can catch more
slaves with kindness?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Oh, that's right.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}You know, you can
catch more slaves

{\a1\pos(138,460)}with honey than you
can with vinegar.

-Warren says that.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Check it out.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}One of them Jack Nicklaus
golf communities.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Are you old?

{\a1\pos(54,432)}How do you know about that?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Let's watch them from
a different angle.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}Yep, they're still slaves.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Pretty much.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Well, the best metal on the
market would be two stalls

{\a1\pos(117,460)}on the right hand side
just opposite the stair--

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Thank you.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-It's a pleasure.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}You want to buy some meat?

{\a1\pos(264,460)}-No, no.
Look, shut up.


{\a1\pos(222,432)}Fresh meat.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}Fresh meat.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Man, it's nuts over here.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Want some?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Thanks, Daddy-O.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}Thanks, I'm vegetarian.
Thanks very much.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Sure, no problem.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Hey, you gonna pay for
that apple, hotshot?

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Mmmm, good driftwood.


{\a1\pos(33,432)}-White slave in a wooden cage.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-For your pleasure, take
your woman to the field.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}So what have I got
for the people?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Tube top not included.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Eh, we can get it
cheaper on a midway.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-What's your captor like?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-I have come to chew
bubble gum and kick ass,

{\a1\pos(96,432)}and I'm all out of ass.


{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Dum dum dum dum.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Try the apples.
-Do you have a Camaro?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Hi, thanks for

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Sir, your horns are
upside do-- ooh!

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Thank you.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}That's all I wanted to tell you.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-They just don't
have my size here.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-You want to maybe just
go to the food court?

{\a1\pos(201,460)}I need a baked
potato or something.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}-Sooner or later they're going
to spot us with these clothes.

{\a1\pos(57,460)}-What clothes?
You're wearing a leather thong.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}-I'm sneaky.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}-Oh, ha ha.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}This is gonna be like
"Bosom Buddies," isn't it?

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Is Wendie Jo Sperber in this?


{\a1\pos(180,460)}-She was--
-Hey, girlfriend.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-You pay for this?


{\a1\pos(222,432)}-You thief.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-I love you.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Well, they have towels.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}Now they need costumes.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Take her away.


{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Hey, leave her alone.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}Hey, hey, hey!

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-What do you think you're doing?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Stop beating up on
the merchandise!

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-But the merchandise started it.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Here, Cabot, check this.


{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Would you knock
that off, please?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Say, it really
brings out his eyes.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Oh, God, do I feel dumb.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-He's dressed like an
electric typing ball.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Hehe, I love my job.
Who's next?


{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Hey, I'm a bartender,
and it's not fun anymore.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}--[grumbles] that auction
there with a girl.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-I'll give you 150 for her.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Come here, wench.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}Come here, wench.


{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Why I would you
get-- [grumbles]

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Oh, look how lively she
is under these wares.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}200 I hear on this side.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}200 once.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}200 twice.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}Sold to the slaver on my right.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-200, is that all?

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-This must stop.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}First thing Monday morning.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}Another senseless
horse jacking here.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Hi-yo, whatever your name is.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Boba Fett.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Avast ye matey.


{\a1\pos(33,460)}-Man, Barnaby Jones had better
fight scenes than this movie.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Oh, thank you.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}I'll just stab myself here.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I wonder if there were
actual suicides on this film.



{\a1\pos(117,460)}I just keep forgettin'
my ding dang sidekick.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Well, enough hot doggin'.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}Let's get out of here.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Mel Torme.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}The velvet forum.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Lucky for him it was a pony.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Ooh, a rare triple.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Ah, speed!

{\a1\pos(201,432)}Oh, too fast.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Oh, you could stop and ask
for directions, you know.


{\a1\pos(96,432)}Thanks for coming.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Good one, Cab, but you just set
fire to the Boy Scout jamboree.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Well, that pretty
much busts up the sale.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}-They've got nothing of value.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Only that cheap
little slave girl.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-[mumbles] slave girl.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}---of them all right.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}All right, let's go.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Um, permission to
get out the fire, sir?

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Dear friend.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}You mean so much to
me in so many ways.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}I know we haven't
been close lately.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}You're hurting
from the hurt that

{\a1\pos(12,432)}is everywhere hurting everyone.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}Don't hurt.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Oh, Dove bars.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-I love them no matter
what dimension I'm in.

{\a1\pos(264,432)}Come on.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Uh, boss, your
batch is on fire.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}I wasn't gonna say anything, but
the smell's putting me off my--

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Oh, my god.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Well, the lizard's good.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}Uh, eh, forget it.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-God, I hate camping.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Did you ever know
that you're my hero?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Well, third wheel again.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}OK, I'll leave.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}Really, it's no bother.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}No bother at all.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}I'm over here,
I'll be over here.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}-Keep going.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Ooh, you have a mole here.
It looks infected.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I have to request that
you not touch my butt.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-What are you doing?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Master, allow me to
give you pleasure.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Hey, I'm not your master.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-You see freedom
as, what, pleasure?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-You're-- you're, you're
very, very beautiful.



{\a1\pos(96,460)}---um, I'm in love
with another woman.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-In love?

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Oh, brother.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}She feels for me,
and I feel for her,

{\a1\pos(33,432)}and we're free to express it.


{\a1\pos(117,432)}-And now you are free.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Woman may be free to
feel for whom she wants?

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-That's what it says in Cosmo.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Well, in my world it is so.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}And it shall be here too.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-You're a very strange warrior.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-In fact, you're a freak.


Let's go to sleep.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-What are you?
Thomas Merton?

{\a1\pos(222,460)}Let's do it.
Come on!

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-I'm tired.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Well, can I just
stroke your hip again?


{\a1\pos(222,432)}-One nipple?


{\a1\pos(138,460)}-No, no, no, no, no,
no pleasuring me.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}Don't pleasure me.


{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Don't these people ever floss?

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Why, thank you, sir.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}That's very kind.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}Ooh, that feels good.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Oh, he looks like
a little angel.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-He looks like a gravy boat.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Oh, those shoes
are very expensive.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Open-toed type--
-Oh, sure.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}---Doc Marten.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I'm from the camp
across the lake.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}Can I borrow some sugar?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-No, I need a cold shower.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Nice job on watch, Short Round.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-So could I like
pleasure you now?

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Come on.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-The baton nature walk.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Could we play something?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}You know, count
the rocks, or not?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-It's so great we don't
have to talk, you know.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-So is Hunter your real name?

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Shut up.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-This hunting stuff
pay pretty good?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}You bonded with the staters,
that licensed out of the--

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-She's so lucky.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-You know, this is the
kind of thing just designed

{\a1\pos(138,460)}to bring resentment
in the slaves.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Oh, man, she's
heavier than she looks.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Carry her coins
everywhere she goes?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-In the next kingdom over,
Nell Carter is queen.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Pull over now.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}I desire a nut roll.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}That looks like--
-Hey, hey, hey, hey.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}Do not say the word.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Well, just that I
envy that structure.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-It's Dr. Freud's office.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Oh, poor god.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}Please invent the battery.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-All the guards are

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Open the gate!

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-You know, you
remember to rotate

{\a1\pos(54,432)}your men every 10,000 miles.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Ma'am, I think this is
a handicap spac-- Ma'am?



{\a1\pos(201,432)}Sorry, Wally.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Finally, we're cleaning
out the basement.




{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Out of the way.
-Don't worry.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}I'm not overworked or anything.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Would you like a guided
tour, your highness?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Tour of my highness?
Well, you rude little man.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}---all day and all night.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}They don't know the difference
between sunrise or sunset.


{\a1\pos(96,432)}Let them learn as I did.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Yeah, really slaves
today, I tell ya.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-And what did you learn?

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Power is all.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}Some are born to be whipped.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Some born to rule.
-I'll be whipped.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}I'll be whipped.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-What do you know?

{\a1\pos(180,432)}The salt mines.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Ah, Bob Fosse.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Some men can just
cannot wear a bustier.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-Oh, you never
would believe where

{\a1\pos(12,432)}those Keebler cookies come from.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Oh, just a little
asbestos, ma'am.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Oh, they're making those.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}There's a great need for those.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I think they're mining
giant chicken McNuggets.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Hi, Duane.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}How we run.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-The workers will be crushed.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Just feel terrible.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}D'oh, ho,ooh.!

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Open the gates!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-But the mines were your
life's blood, Pittsburgh.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-These people need a Mother
Jones or a Martha Ray or a--

-Now go.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Your Majesty, it's a slide.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-We've plenty more slaves
where they came from.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}The work mustn't stop.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Send them back.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Close the exits!

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-[laughs] They're smiling.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}They're all smiling.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Hey, man.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}We already punched out.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Now the queen's being penny
wise and pound foolish.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}There's got to be
capital costs involved

{\a1\pos(96,432)}in getting more slaves.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Hey, is something coming down?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Let those who are alive
carry out the dead.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Am I not right?

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Know other way to work it.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-You gave the order.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I think you would
enjoy to see me suffer

{\a1\pos(138,460)}the way I now enjoy
seeing others suffer.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Uh, awkward moment.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Your highness, the
hunter has returned.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Go meet the hunter, and
bring me back my prize.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-You know, this is gonna
come up in labor talks.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-See that more slaves
are sent to the mine.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}The work must continue.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Must be a De Beers mine.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Ah, geez.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Now they need slaves to
clean up the other slaves.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}-But sir, hundreds are dead in
this horrible mining accident!

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-No, no, no, no, no comment.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}No comment.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}No comment.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-How can you?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Oh, I gotta start
sending out some resumes.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Sister Mary Jack Palance.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-The enemy of the state
no longer walks free.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}Tarl Cabot is
yours, your majesty.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Yours to the destroyer.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Believe it.


{\a1\pos(33,432)}-I do not want him destroyed.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-(MOCKINGLY) You do
not want him destroyed.


{\a1\pos(117,432)}Lead him to the cells.


{\a1\pos(54,432)}-First, the Sabbath prayer.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-You heard the queen.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Obey her.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Come on.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Don't want to be pleasured
by the slave girl.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}What was I thinking?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Cruella de Vil, Cruella de Vil.


{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Ah, Idaho potato.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Thank you.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Time to fill out a 1099.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Now are you satisfied?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-I shall never be satisfied
'til you kneel before me,

{\a1\pos(138,460)}and accept me fully
as your queen.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-That's all you're looking for?
No problem!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I am but a humble
priest, your majesty.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}I kneel only before my God.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Oh, your God is so great.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}-Wow, these Steak and Ales get
crowded on the weekends, eh?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-The true story of Biosphere 2.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-He must be killed.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}He will destroy our power.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-My power.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}He's a greater threat
dead than alive.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}You see how they worship him.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}We must not make him a martyr.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Dead, the people
will soon forget him.


{\a1\pos(180,460)}-I wish I could
fire priest kings.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Go, Jack, go.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Guys, guys, guys.


-Guess what I got.


{\a1\pos(54,460)}-It's Jack Palance's book on
the making of today's movie,

{\a1\pos(117,460)}"Palance on Palance--
Believe It or Not."


{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Cool, let me read it!

-OK, OK.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Oh, oh, oh.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Let's see.

{\a1\pos(264,432)}Day one.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}Missed call.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Partied all night
with that platinum

{\a1\pos(12,432)}midget fellow and Urbano.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-This is great.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Still having trouble
seeing straight.


{\a1\pos(138,432)}-OK, OK, let's see.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Day three.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}Missed call.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}Wandered into shock yesterday
and they decided to keep it.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}What the heck does
avanti, avanti mean?


{\a1\pos(222,432)}-OK, OK, OK.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Day five.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}Missed call.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}After four days of shooting,
finally got script today.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}And guess what?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}I'm not playing Thomas Aquinas.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}I'm supposed to be some
kind of freakin' wizard.


{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Here, you read.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}You read.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Day eight.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}Missed call.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Just can't get canceled
series Bronk off my mind.



{\a1\pos(12,432)}Can't keep anything down.

-Not sleeping.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-Not sleeping.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Let me read.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Day nine.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}Missed call.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Went into village with Gina.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}My voice scares
little Italian kids.


{\a1\pos(117,460)}Spent entire per diem
on bunch of crap.


{\a1\pos(222,432)}-OK, OK, OK.

{\a1\pos(264,432)}Day 10.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}Missed call.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}I think I-- I think
I killed a man today.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}More later?


{\a1\pos(201,460)}-Geez, Mike, I
think that's enough.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-I don't think I
want to know anymore.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Hey, guys.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}A whole chapter
on Tango and Cash.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Oh, woah.
Let's see.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Let's see.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-I wanna, I wanna, I wanna read.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Saw Russell's butt today.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Hee hee hee hee.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}[theme music]

{\a1\pos(180,432)}[music playing]


{\a1\pos(201,432)}-There he is.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}[door opening]
-Heh heh.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Three more.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Are you playing
Ringmar, game of gore?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Bring in the prisoner.
-Yes, sir.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-And do you carry the
"Wall Street Journal"?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I'm stuck Wizard
of ID cartoon, huh?


{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Shirley, I'm ready.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-So how was your little stay?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}Did you Enjoy it?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}Oh, don't forget you've got
to sing for your phone calls.

{\a1\pos(264,432)}Oh, boy.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}--[humming] Well, we expect him
any time here, your wizardness.


{\a1\pos(117,432)}Oh, here he comes now.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Oh, Dad, hi, sorry.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Thanks for bailing
me out of jail again.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Sorry about the car.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-I have come to make
a deal with you.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Here, taste this, will you?

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-No, ew, wasabi.



{\a1\pos(33,432)}-One word-- [spits] seasoning.


{\a1\pos(12,432)}-I uh, I thought you knew.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I am prepared to
set you free if--

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-If it's for children.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-You promise to leave Coriba
and return to your own planet.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}If you give me your
word, I will let you go.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Yeah, yeah, can
I get a wet nap?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-I don't deal with butchers.
-My wife usually--


Oh, wow.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Listen to me, you fool.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}If you don't go--

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Mr. Palance, you're hurting me.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-I said no deal.


{\a1\pos(12,432)}-I brought the wrong bull.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Freedom or--

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-There's a-- ah, hell, I'm lost.


{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Gacamole's off.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-Help him eat.
[muffled groans]

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Look at that.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Look what you did, you
bad, bad-- shame on you.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Outside, outside.

[imitating dog whine]

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Dad, can I have
a sandwich here?


{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Ew, wow, I can only
watch so much of that.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-I mean, so how could
they preempt Doctor Quinn,

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Medicine Woman two
weeks in a row?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}Guys, doesn't make sense.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}I'm going to write
my affiliates.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Ah, there you are.


{\a1\pos(117,432)}-I will see Cabot now.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Oh, please, let's not
have another vague scene.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-I would not advise
that, your excellency.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-But you want a popover?

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-And why not?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-He must--


{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Remain in solitary longer
as further punishment.


{\a1\pos(12,432)}Have Ulst get him for me.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Okily, dokily do.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}[door opening]

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Uh, sorry to bother you, sir.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}Mr. Grand Wizard to see you.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Haven't you guys
had enough yet?


{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Get up, slave.
-You Cabot.

{\a1\pos(264,432)}Come on.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Ah, Pavarotti's really
fallen on tough times.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Honey, his art
must not be selling.

-His art?

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Aw, shoot.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}Just locked myself in.


{\a1\pos(12,460)}[mumbles] Uh, gee, listen guys.
Thanks a lot.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}If you just point me
in the right direction,

{\a1\pos(96,432)}I can take it from here.


{\a1\pos(96,432)}I guess not, huh?





{\a1\pos(180,432)}-I'm so ashamed.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-What have you done
to the prisoner?

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Uh, we canceled it.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}It was too obscure.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Answer me.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Eh, this is really awkward,
but he didn't like Bronk.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-He was offered an
opportunity, your highness.

{\a1\pos(204,460)}He refused.
He was then disciplined.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-What are you talking about?

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-I really don't know.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-What opportunity?

{\a1\pos(36,460)}What did you offer him?
-The side kick on Conan O'Brien?



{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Your highness.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-If he would only return
to his own planet.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}But he is my prisoner to
be handled as I so wish.


{\a1\pos(264,460)}-I know.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-He will destroy this--
-Jack, over here, buddy.

-Hey, whoa.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}There you go.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Because you are behaving
like a bitch in heat.


{\a1\pos(117,432)}-And not like a queen.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Jack, you are way off script.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Get out of here,
you disgusting worm.


{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Your royal highness.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Now if you'll excuse me.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}I'm going to go tear my
agent a new-- [gasp] [gulps]

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Duh, all rise for the queen.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-You're a lucky slave.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-There are no more slaves.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-In my empire--


{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Nothing else.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Whoa she's on a lazy
Susan or something

{\a1\pos(99,460)}-No, no.
-I could have had you killed.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}PRISONER: I'm sure that
Zeno would be delighted--

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-No, ugh. oh.
-To do your dirty work.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-No one does my
dirty work but me.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Oh, god.
-Thank you.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Oh, good help is hard
to find these days.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}-You betcha.


{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Ooh, right in the thighs.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Oh, I forgot she had the whip.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Bring him.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-Can I get you
some chamomile tea?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-The people continue to hold
their faith in you, your love.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}I can make you their martyr.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Or I could make
you a margarita.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Or I can make you
a better offer.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Like the one you did to Watney?

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-I can show you pain.


{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Or I can show you pleasure.


{\a1\pos(138,460)}-With you it doesn't
make any difference.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Now who told you that?

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Do you not want me?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}I can make you far
more than a slave.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-You could be my juggler.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}At the Tarn, I
control the people.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}And you know that is power.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}And the Tarn will
only listen to me.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-[panting] Oh, nipple.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-So why don't you
make it easier?


{\a1\pos(180,460)}-You were a hero
once to the people.


{\a1\pos(12,432)}-I can't made you a hero again.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Or I can Make you
a fluffernutter.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Our power could be
invincible, and no one

{\a1\pos(96,432)}would stand in our way.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Can we just snuggle?


{\a1\pos(96,460)}He's gone too far.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-But you, you.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Me what?

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-The kingdom.


{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Yeah, let me shoot
it over to my lawyers

{\a1\pos(12,432)}and I'll get back to you.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-You can love me.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Mm, mm, you tastes
like bronzer.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Your choice.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Return me to my cell.


{\a1\pos(201,460)}Then they must
know who you really

{\a1\pos(33,432)}are-- an alien and a murderer.


{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Ooh, I just hit
the great floors.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-You're up to the limit now.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}You must confess to the murder
of Marlenus, King of Coriba.



{\a1\pos(201,460)}-OK, I ate the
brownies, I didn't

{\a1\pos(12,432)}know they were for lunch.


{\a1\pos(180,432)}-T. E. Lawrence.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}One more time for T.E. Lawrence.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Sorry about this.


{\a1\pos(201,432)}PRISONER: Ah!

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-OK, I admit it.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}I like "Newsies"
and "Swing Kids."

{\a1\pos(138,460)}I was in "Starlight
Express." [cries]

{\a1\pos(36,460)}-Her problem is that she let
him know she liked him too soon.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Yeah, we totally
redid it in here.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}You should have seen what
they had, oh flocked wallpaper

{\a1\pos(264,432)}and oh.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Just Wanted to apologize,
bring your a fruit basket.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Wake up.

{\a1\pos(264,460)}Wake up.

-Wake up.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Wake up.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}Bus is gone and Mom has to
drive you, and she's mad.


{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Man, the forum is hell.


{\a1\pos(96,432)}[heavy breathing]

{\a1\pos(201,432)}[crowd noise]

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Oh, look over there.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}It's the queen mother.


{\a1\pos(117,432)}-What a nice old gal.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Oh, yeah.

Hey, slaves.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Day-old slaves.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}Get 'em fast.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Slightly lethargic,
but still good.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-I can't believe that
hat was ever in style.


{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Hey, intolerance, sort of.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Hey, quick everyone.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}Don McLean is up next.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}-[gasp] Ooh.
-Hi Rog.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Hi Dwayne.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}[crowd chatter]

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Ladies and gentlemen,
please welcome Super Tramp.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-(SINGING) Dreamer,
know you are a dreamer.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-And now a word
from King Friday.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-They captured Roxette.



{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Welp, she's in black,
and she's outside.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}Wrong, wrong.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Mm-nm-nm [thud]
-Oh, ho.


{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Do we have to see this?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Avert your eyes.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Hi, hi, sorry you
had to see my butt.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}[theme music]

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Everybody, rise.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Here come the judge.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}[crowd noise]



{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Michael J. Fox.


{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Uh, is this Barabbas?



{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Hey, Sheila E. relaxing.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}[laughs] (SINGING) Black
Velvet, if you please.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Well, check it out
in back. (SINGING)

{\a1\pos(117,432)}Wash and go Pert Plus.


{\a1\pos(138,460)}-All kneel to Lara,
Queen of Coriba.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Or not, whatever's
OK with you guys.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Don't worry, kids.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}We'll have lions
eating Christians

{\a1\pos(96,432)}if you just be patient.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Sir, I think you'll be
more comfortable down there.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Mm, no, no, no, no.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Scotch, make a double, no ice.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Send in the challengers.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}-But first, my queen, we must
appease the spirits above.


{\a1\pos(117,432)}-We must drink a toast

-To the gods of carnage.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Jack, you drink a
toast when a leaf falls.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-He made up that gods
of carnage thing.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Yeah, I think so.
-Thanks, Merna.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Nice hat.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-We shall drink.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-The impossible drink.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-To the death of Taro Cabot.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I shall join you
in your prayer.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-You're ruining my toast.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}[glasses clinking]

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-To the gods above, may they
bless our land forever more.


{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Oh, what a kick.


{\a1\pos(138,460)}-All right, I'm out
of the film, yes!

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-To the gods.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}May they bless
Coriba forever more.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-I believe in Crystal Light
because I believe in me, oopa!


{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Now, kill him.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-OK, but I just remembered.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}I gotta punch in.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}Pum, pum, pum pum, pum, pum.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Oh I hate it when they
use a net to kill him.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}It takes forever.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Should I start
saying, Cabot, Cabot?


{\a1\pos(201,460)}-Runners, take
your marks, or not.


{\a1\pos(201,460)}-Pum, pum, oh.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-That's not him.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Good thing they brought
his stunt double in.


{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Yeah, but he fights good.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Too bad he wasn't
the hero of the film.



{\a1\pos(96,460)}-No need to worry.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-It's all part of the act.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}Oh, that wasn't-- oh.


{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Oh, hey you got bits
of dolphin in that net.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}-You know, these people should
invent vaudeville or something.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}-It'd help.


{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Thank you.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Ooh, not in the sand.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Right In the sand.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Hey, mock was the
Queensbury rules.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-All right, there,
you'll keep there.


{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Does it really need
the eye make up?

{\a1\pos(222,460)}-Wait, wait.
Wait, wait.



{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Get him.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Get him Get him.

{\a1\pos(264,432)}Get him.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-What does this clown
have against dirt?

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-I don't know.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}Ted Danson.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Stop him!


{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Ah, great.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}Just when our Sir Chomps a
Lot is done in the micro.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}All right, come on.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Blup, blup.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Oh, crap.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}Here come our dads.


{\a1\pos(201,460)}Live, damn it.
Come on.



{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Everyone grab your
oh, ho ho, ho, wow.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Kill him!

{\a1\pos(138,432)}Send in the hunter.

{\a1\pos(264,432)}-Oh, hi.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Sorry I'm late.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}There was this thing.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Kill him.


{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Your Queen Lara
is the assassin.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}CROWD: What?

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Lara killed Marlenus.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Kill him.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-It's true.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}Lara killed Marlenus.

-Do as I bid.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Kill him.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}He speaks lies.


{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Kill them all.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-And kill yourselves.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}Just kill everyone.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Should I?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}Ah, what the hell.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}Here you go.


-Oh, ow.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-There we go.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Cry Freedom Two, the Armageddon

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Good night now.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Pum, pum.
CROWD: Freedom!


{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Now we need another
hot chick to worship.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Give it up for your posse.


{\a1\pos(54,96)}now here comes the hard part
because with the freedom,

{\a1\pos(117,96)}comes responsibility.


{\a1\pos(201,68)}She's cheeky.


{\a1\pos(180,96)}-And thus endeth
the poucho crusades.

{\a1\pos(180,68)}[crowd cheering]

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Mnom, mm, these
candles are good.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-This time, Taro
Cabot, I'm not going

{\a1\pos(54,432)}to let you get away from me.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-I won't leave you any more.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}I promise.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Well, let's heave to.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-But it seems that there's
no such plans a surrendering.


{\a1\pos(33,432)}-He's in a hurry to get home.


{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Don't worry about Watney.


{\a1\pos(54,460)}-What's it like to be king?
-Oh, it's a--

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-It's good to be the king.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Big responsibility.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-You mean, I'm a
big responsibility.


{\a1\pos(222,460)}-Open wide.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Ooh, he looks like
a large mouth bass.

{\a1\pos(264,432)}-Blech .

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Going after and injured
minnow or something.



{\a1\pos(96,432)}-[inaudible] is calling.


{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Honey, did you close
all the time portals?



{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Oh, oh no.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}He's stuck in the-- oh, this
is the delightful cherry

{\a1\pos(117,432)}on top of this movie.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Uh, oh my.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}MAN: Where the hell am I?

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-You're the hell here.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-What the?
Hey, who's that?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Thery're Italian
actors pretending

{\a1\pos(96,432)}to be gay American cops.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}-Where am I?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-What the hell?
I don't--

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Kill him.
-I do not believe this.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Aw, the poor little
guy's disoriented.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}Let's got find his daddy.
-Have you guys seen--

{\a1\pos(141,460)}-My little guy
-Cabot or Delena or-- what?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Cabot or Delena or-- what?
-I don't know.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}I think a little
spell in the hoosegow

{\a1\pos(96,460)}might just be the
thing this guy needs.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Might be perfect.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-No really, I was
telling the robot--

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Yeah, yeah, buddy.
-I'm serious, you know.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I'm serious, you know.
-Hey, my "New York Times."

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-I was looking for a good time.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}So we were at his car and boom.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Isn't this just typical
of wherever this is.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-And 10,000 nomads
start chasing me.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Right, right, tell it
to Golden and Globus.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-I don't think I can take that.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}I'd take care of the rest.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}Boom, I was like, you know--

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-You know, actually I
think this is Italy.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-You know, during
this shot, there

{\a1\pos(54,432)}have been three governments.


{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Italy, two of them are foreign.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-For my taste, there
wasn't enough of that guy

{\a1\pos(141,460)}in the movie.
I say, pile on more of him.

{\a1\pos(12,96)}--[laughs] You know, they
had to stop that take

{\a1\pos(138,96)}because the guy was
cracking up the crew.

-Ah, no.

{\a1\pos(96,96)}Actually the crew
all rushed over

{\a1\pos(33,68)}and beat the crap out of them.

{\a1\pos(33,68)}-Yeah, that's what I thought.


{\a1\pos(117,68)}-Good thing too, yeah.

{\a1\pos(96,96)}[laughs] Ah, well.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Have you seen the
outtakes for this film?


{\a1\pos(57,460)}-No, the shown them on
"Bloopers and Practical Jokes"?

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-No, faces of death, actually.



{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Sounds like "Miami Vice."

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Say, was this movie ever
released in the theaters,

{\a1\pos(201,432)}do you think?

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-No, I don't think so.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}But it's a good bet it was
on the USA network one night.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Oh, the USA-- [humming]


{\a1\pos(138,96)}-I really like those
original movies

{\a1\pos(57,96)}they had made, like,
especially for the USA network.


{\a1\pos(33,96)}-Ba-dum-dum dum-dum da-dum-dum
da-dam da-dum dum dum doh.

{\a1\pos(54,68)}-Yeah, I know they're great.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}And they all seem to have titles
like "Malibu Death Breast."

-That's good.

{\a1\pos(12,96)}-Yeah, or Jeff Conway and
Shari Belafonte Harper

{\a1\pos(33,96)}play a deadly game of cat and
mouse in "Murder Most Moist."

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Oh, hey, hey, let me play.
I got one.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}I got one.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Judy Landers is on the
trail of a devious killer

{\a1\pos(96,432)}in "Peekaboo Lace, PI."


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Oh, that's pretty good.
Oh, wait.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}How about Jeff
Conway is a vigilante

{\a1\pos(138,460)}who stalks by night
in "Dark Underpants."


{\a1\pos(222,460)}-All right.
-How about this one?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Lindsay Wagner is a
sexy speech therapists

{\a1\pos(180,460)}held hostage in
"Tongue Lashing."

{\a1\pos(264,460)}-I like.
-Hold it.

{\a1\pos(264,460)}Hold it.
Hold it.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}I got it.
I got it.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}How about Jeff Conway is up to
his mouth in murder in "French


{\a1\pos(180,460)}Catch it.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-This is fun.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-OK, here, try and top this one.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Jeff Conway is a college
professor whose secret life

{\a1\pos(138,460)}catches up with him
in "Death Spank."

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Oh, good one. "Death Spank."

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-I've got a good one.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}How about Chris Lemon
and Heather Locklear

{\a1\pos(33,460)}form a crime fighting unit in
"The Lingerie Justice Files."

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-[laughs] That's great.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}Wait, wait.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}I've got another.

{\a1\pos(12,96)}Jeff Conway and Morgan Fairchild
are "The Crotchless Killers."

-I like it.

{\a1\pos(264,68)}I like.

{\a1\pos(180,68)}It's got verve.

{\a1\pos(138,96)}It's got-- Well, how
about Buckner weaves a web

{\a1\pos(54,96)}of suspicion between Richard
Chamberlain and Ben Vereen in--


{\a1\pos(138,432)}-"Tap Pant Desire."


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Nice use of Ben Vereen.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-I like the way you think.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Try this one on.
-Thank you very much.

{\a1\pos(264,432)}Oh yes.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-William Devane
tracks a killer--


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-On a tropical paradise
in "The Hawaii Edible

{\a1\pos(138,432)}Underwear Murders."

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Oh, yes, yes.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Mike, I love you for that one.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-OK, get this.

{\a1\pos(180,96)}Lisa Hartman is
a street-wise cop

{\a1\pos(96,96)}who traps a killer
in "Cheek Beats."

{\a1\pos(117,96)}-You know, Servo, I'd
marry you for that.

-Oh, I have one.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}This one's great.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Jess Conway is a
crazed cult leader

{\a1\pos(12,432)}in "The Waco Panty Raid."


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Eric Roberts is a
freaked out artist

{\a1\pos(12,460)}who gets more than he bargained
for in "Naked Came the Nude."


{\a1\pos(96,96)}-Peter DeLuise and Tommy
Tune are "Cod Police."

{\a1\pos(201,68)}-That's good.


{\a1\pos(180,68)}[music playing]

{\a1\pos(180,432)}[slamming doors]

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Fact-- in this movie alone,
there were more groin shots

{\a1\pos(96,460)}of the human male
body than in all

{\a1\pos(96,460)}previously viewed
movies combined.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-With that in mind, Cambot?

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Let's watch.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}[music playing]

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Buffalo shots.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Think about it, won't you?
-Thank you.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}Well, sirs?

{\a1\pos(180,432)}[music playing]

{\a1\pos(201,432)}[theme music]

{\a1\pos(96,96)}-Get out of here,
you disgusting worm.