Mystery Science Theater 3000 (1988–1999): Season 11, Episode 12 - Squirm - full transcript

A short depicts the importance of springs by a satanic spring sprite to an unappreciative doughy guy while a Georgia town is terrorized by electrified flesh eating worms the same day a northern interloper comes to town. During the movie breaks, Mike and the bots check the SOL's safety equipment, all of which have already been used for either gym class or shooting it off in Mike's face. The crew is then terrorized by Mikey, the Mike sprite after Crow wishes Mike didn't exist for the sake of argument. Down in Castle Forrester, Pearl throws her first annual Castle Forrester Fair, which involves low altitude bungee jumping and fried ape hair. Tom finds the southern atmosphere of the movie contagious until Mike injects him with pastrami and Crow mimics the younger sister with the patchy pants and platform shoes, but he goes a little overboard with the shoes. Mike then uses the ship's reactor to turn his own worm collection into a race of flesh eaters, which ultimately fries them all into tasty crispy hors d'oeuvres. Crow is assigned to make the dipping sauce.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- ♪ In the not-too-distant
Future ♪

{\a1\pos(12,460)}♪ Somewhere in time and space ♪

{\a1\pos(222,460)}♪ Mike Nelson
And his robot pals ♪

{\a1\pos(12,460)}♪ Are caught in a nasty place ♪

{\a1\pos(138,460)}♪ They try to survive
The wrath of Pearl ♪

{\a1\pos(138,460)}♪ Just an evil gal who
Wants to rule the world ♪

{\a1\pos(117,460)}♪ From her castle below
She sets her sights above ♪

{\a1\pos(117,460)}♪ Just to torture
All the captives ♪

{\a1\pos(75,460)}♪ On the Satellite of Love ♪

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Get me down!

{\a1\pos(180,460)}♪ We'll send him
Cheesy movies ♪

{\a1\pos(117,460)}♪ The worst I can find
La-la-la ♪

{\a1\pos(159,460)}♪ He'll have to sit
And watch them all ♪

{\a1\pos(75,460)}♪ And we'll monitor his mind
La-la-la ♪

{\a1\pos(117,460)}♪ Now keep in mind
Mike can't control ♪

{\a1\pos(117,460)}♪ Where the movies
Begin or end ♪

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- ♪ He'll try to
Keep his sanity ♪

{\a1\pos(201,460)}♪ With the help
Of his robot friends ♪

{\a1\pos(117,96)}♪ Robot roll call
Cambot! ♪

{\a1\pos(201,96)}- ♪ You're on ♪
- ♪ Gypsy! ♪

{\a1\pos(117,96)}- ♪ Oh my stars ♪
- ♪ Tom Servo! ♪

{\a1\pos(117,96)}- ♪ Check me out ♪
- ♪ Croooow! ♪

{\a1\pos(117,68)}♪ I'm different ♪

{\a1\pos(138,460)}♪ If you're wondering
How he eats and breathes ♪

{\a1\pos(33,460)}♪ And other science facts
La-la-la ♪

{\a1\pos(33,460)}♪ Then repeat to yourself
It's just a show ♪

{\a1\pos(159,460)}♪ You should really
Just relax ♪

{\a1\pos(138,460)}♪ For Mystery Science
Theater 3000! ♪

{\a1\pos(180,460)}( BOTS HUMMING )

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Hi, folks.
Mike Nelson here.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}Crow and Servo
are about to help me

{\a1\pos(57,460)}with the annual
Satellite of Love safety check.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}You guys ready?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Roger.
- Ramjet.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- All right, uh,
fire extinguishers.

{\a1\pos(264,460)}- Empty.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Shot 'em off
in your face-- next.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Okay, uh, flare gun.
- Ibid.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Shot 'em off
in your face-- next.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Right--
uh, first aid kit?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- I used it to treat
your flare burns, heh-heh.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- All right, parachutes.
- Gym class.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Okay, life vests.
- Falsies.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Ham radio.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Mistook it
for an actual ham.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}( SERVO SMACKING HIS LIPS )

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- There, the Satellite of Love
is completely unsafe.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Hey, does anything
work at all?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Yeah, the toaster oven.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}We used it to bake
the ham radio.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Mm.
- Oh, okay.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Uh, well, then,
uh, we're dead.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}We'll be right dead.

{\a1\pos(78,460)}- Come on, Mike,
we're gonna go stick our heads

{\a1\pos(96,460)}in the towel dispenser.

{\a1\pos(264,460)}- Whee!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( THEME MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- The list of emergency
numbers by the phone.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- We threw it out

{\a1\pos(138,460)}and replaced it with
a Jeff Foxworthy joke book.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}( CHUCKLING )
- Ah, good work.

{\a1\pos(264,460)}- Yeah.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Oh, uh, yes,

{\a1\pos(201,460)}( CHUCKLING )

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- I do the cute names
around here, Nel-son.

{\a1\pos(183,460)}Well, anyway,
you can't bother me today

{\a1\pos(96,460)}because I'm very happy.

{\a1\pos(120,460)}- Uh, Pearl,
this isn't so happy-- smile.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Anyway, you can't bother me
today, because I'm very happy.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}It's time for our first annual
Castle Forrester Fair.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Uh, yay.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Here's the plan.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}First, we take over
a local fair,

{\a1\pos(138,460)}then a county fair,
then the state fair,

{\a1\pos(117,460)}then the world's fair,
and then the universe fair.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}( SINISTER LAUGHTER )

{\a1\pos(12,460)}And it starts so simply--
a couple of crappy rides,

{\a1\pos(138,460)}livestock, corndogs,
butter sculptures.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Our grandstand act is this
authentic cardboard replica

{\a1\pos(12,460)}of Mr. Ben Murphy himself.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- And folks in cooking contests
up the wazoo.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}For instance,
I put up some pickles.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}Here, try one.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}It's an old family recipe
using cucumbers and Windex.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}( VOMITING )

{\a1\pos(117,460)}What have you guys got
for the fair?

{\a1\pos(264,460)}- What?
Uh, oh, uh--

{\a1\pos(201,460)}no, uh, guys,
did you see the--

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Come on, Winston.
- --my project.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Come on, this is
your big moment.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Come on, boy.
- Come on in. Come on in.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}There you go.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Good boy.
He's a good boy.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Uh, guys, do you have
a giant pig?

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Oh, you bet.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}Winston here tips the scale
at 5,743 pounds.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Raised him from a little
eight-pound cutie.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- He's a cinch to win
the blue ribbon.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Yeah.
- Aren't you, boy?

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Well, what do you feed him?

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Uh, silage.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- We have a silo?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- You're not very observant,
are you, Mike?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Giant pig, huh?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Mm, no, the judge says
my pickles win.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Let's visit one of
our many concession stands

{\a1\pos(96,460)}here at the fair.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}One, please.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Coming right up.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Ape hair?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}That's an imaginative name.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}That's another wonderful
thing about the fair--

{\a1\pos(180,460)}delicious snacks
with funny names

{\a1\pos(96,460)}like dippin' dots,
and pronto pups,

{\a1\pos(96,460)}and elephant ears.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}So, what's ape hair?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Well, you see, I just rip
a big hunk off like this,

{\a1\pos(96,460)}dip it in batter,
and I fry it.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Mm, come to the fair.

in the loser pavilion,

{\a1\pos(12,460)}we're showing a horrible killer
worm movie called Squi{\r};m

{\a1\pos(138,460)}but, first, a short
made in the 1700s

{\a1\pos(138,460)}about the importance
of springs.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Come to the fair.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- He's so good,
he's so good.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Where are you
even keeping him?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- From the feed lock.
He was our biggest.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Yeah.
- Wait, we have a feed lock?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Do you even live here?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Man, I thought so.

{\a1\pos(120,460)}( BUZZER )
Well, we've got movie siren.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Wait a minute.
Come on, Winston.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Come on.
- Oh, boy.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Come on, come on, Winston.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}Here you go--
go, go, go.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Ah, me, I'd rather have
a case of bass ale.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}( CHUCKLING )

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Ah.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- People read slowly
back then.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(183,460)}- No, I'm sorry,
but Gilbert won't be able

{\a1\pos(138,460)}to play with you boys
'til later this afternoon.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- I want to play,
but I can't.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- He's doing some work for me.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Look how ( indistinct ).

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Springs-- I hope
I never see another spring

{\a1\pos(117,460)}as long as I live.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- I anticipated
your complaint.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- So, you never want to see
another spring, eh?

{\a1\pos(33,460)}Okay, mister, I'll fix it
so you get that wish.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- In hell!

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- Who, who are you?

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- The name's Coily--

{\a1\pos(33,460)}Coily, the spring sprite,
they call me.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Coily? Eww.
- I heard your wish;

{\a1\pos(201,460)}and, well,
you're gonna get it.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}No more springs for you
from now on.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}( BOT SCATTING )

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Oh.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- No springs?
I don't care.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}There's still butter
and meatloaf.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Hey, how'd I get so old?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- My Tamagotchi seems okay.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Hm, he parted his hair
with a band saw.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- This Edgar Kennedy
one-man-show is going good.

{\a1\pos(204,460)}- No springs--

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- I love Coily.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- So, one clod says one thing,
and the whole world pays?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- I guess.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Can't decide between
short sleeves or long?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Split the difference.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- No springs!

{\a1\pos(222,460)}( LAUGHING )

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Honey, get the swatter.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Well, it's not as bad

{\a1\pos(96,460)}as the time I said
no muscle tone--

{\a1\pos(12,460)}never recovered from that.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- No springs!

{\a1\pos(222,460)}( LAUGHING )

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Oh, and no redemption,
by the way.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Oh, I'll show Coily.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}I'm gonna digitize everything.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}I've gotta widen my windows.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}I've been putting that off.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Hey, the door!

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- I own your ass, fat boy!

{\a1\pos(201,460)}Get back here!

{\a1\pos(201,460)}( LOUD CRASH )

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Hm.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- No springs!
- Hee-hee!

{\a1\pos(141,460)}Where does Coily
fit into God's plan for us?

{\a1\pos(201,460)}( CHUCKLING )

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Wow, Billy Barty
was driving the car last.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- No springs, my friend,
no springs.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- We are friends,
aren't we, Coily?

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Oh, well, I still won't have
to fix the couch, so eat me.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Yeah, try it eight more times;
maybe it'll work.

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Hm?

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- No springs.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Stop him!

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Well.
- Well, gee, Coily.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}I didn't realize
what I was wishing.

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Man.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- I'm sorry for
everything I said.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}Can't we call
the whole thing off?

{\a1\pos(159,460)}Isn't there anything
I can do?

{\a1\pos(222,460)}Please let me
take back my wish.

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Oh.

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Well--
- No!

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Okay, I'll do it
just this once;

{\a1\pos(33,460)}but next time, be careful.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}Don't ever make
that wish again.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- So, Coily waited all eternity
for this moment,

{\a1\pos(96,460)}and he backs down
almost instantly?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( LIVELY MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Merry Christmas,
you wonderful old couch.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( LIVELY MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(183,460)}- From now on,
Coily visited him nightly

{\a1\pos(117,460)}until he was driven mad.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- I hear music, are tumblers
coming into the room?

{\a1\pos(264,460)}Oh, ooh.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Looks like
Eleanor Roosevelt.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Sufficient springs.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}( WHISTLING )

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- You see, fellas,

{\a1\pos(117,460)}the scientific principle
of a spring

{\a1\pos(159,460)}is to absorb energy
and then to release it.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}That's all there is to it.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Wow, you just about nailed me
in the crotch there, Steve.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Welcome to Divot Hills.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Too bad, Joe.

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Yeah.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Well, if you didn't
need springs so much,

{\a1\pos(54,460)}that wouldn't have happened.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Rip, tear, expose,
horrify friends.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( LIVELY MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Ooh, that's hot.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Spring-loving bastard.

{\a1\pos(243,460)}- Nice shot.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Yes, it was;

{\a1\pos(12,460)}but if it wasn't for the amount
of spring in the club shaft,

{\a1\pos(78,460)}combined with the spring
of the rubber inside the ball,

{\a1\pos(117,460)}that drive wouldn't have
gone anywhere at all.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}You see, all spring action
depends on elasticity,

{\a1\pos(78,460)}the ability of material
to return to its original form

{\a1\pos(138,460)}after it's been forced
out of shape.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- By anti-spring extremists.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- You know, like the action
of a springboard.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}And when you stop
to think about it,

{\a1\pos(36,460)}even the ground,
the earth is like a huge spring.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}It has the ability--

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Okay, come here,
come here a minute.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- --to absorb a blow
and then transmit the shot

{\a1\pos(33,460)}from one point to another,

{\a1\pos(117,460)}and that's exactly what
a spring is supposed to do:

{\a1\pos(222,460)}transmit shock
from point to another.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Okay, but let's get on
with the game.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Shouldn't this be over?

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- You don't realize
the number of springs

{\a1\pos(75,460)}that work for us every day.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}Why, there's a little spring
in your cigarette lighter

{\a1\pos(243,460)}and a spring
in your pencil clip.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Nice touch.

{\a1\pos(78,460)}- And the huge springs
that push the railroad trains.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}Why, I could name thousands
of everyday uses for springs.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Don't bother.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- More gray asses.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- I never realized
until lately

{\a1\pos(117,460)}that springs have
such a universal use.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}Why, there's springs
in mousetraps,

{\a1\pos(117,460)}guns, exercisers,

pogo sticks.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Guns, huh?
- Yeah.

{\a1\pos(243,460)}- Why, it's
practically impossible

{\a1\pos(120,460)}to name a single thing
in which some sort of spring

{\a1\pos(201,460)}isn't essential
in one way or another.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Well, look,
God has a spring.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- Take that plane up there,
for instance.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- It's a Zero!

{\a1\pos(99,460)}- It's got a set of
shock absorbers on the wheels

{\a1\pos(243,460)}that depend
on heavy springs

{\a1\pos(204,460)}controlled by
a hydraulic arrangement.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}When the ship lands,

{\a1\pos(225,460)}the springs
ease the shock so much,

{\a1\pos(159,460)}you can't even tell
when you're on the ground.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- That's if you're stupid.

{\a1\pos(141,460)}- And as far as
an automobile is concerned,

{\a1\pos(159,460)}why, I wouldn't even
attempt to tell you

{\a1\pos(33,460)}how many various kinds of
springs are used,

{\a1\pos(33,460)}in addition to the springs
in shock absorbers.

{\a1\pos(264,460)}- Door.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Lots of loose soil
to bury someone out here.


{\a1\pos(117,460)}- You know, the trouble
with people like you guys is

{\a1\pos(54,460)}that just because most springs
are usually hidden,

{\a1\pos(120,460)}you seldom think of
the important part they play

{\a1\pos(117,460)}in the regular operation
and enjoyment of our cars.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Spring-less creeps.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- For instance,
just take those springs

{\a1\pos(117,460)}I mentioned a while ago,

{\a1\pos(33,460)}the springs that are built
under the car--

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Ah!

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- --provide smooth
riding comfort.

{\a1\pos(141,460)}Spiral coil springs
in the knee action in front

{\a1\pos(117,460)}balance the weight
of the car

{\a1\pos(138,460)}with soft leaf springs
in the rear,

{\a1\pos(117,460)}so that the body always
rides along on an even keel.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}( BOT CLUCKING )

{\a1\pos(201,460)}Can you imagine
what it would be like

{\a1\pos(243,460)}riding along
a rough road like this

those special springs?

{\a1\pos(264,460)}- Shit.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- And then, too, the springs
in the seat and back cushions

{\a1\pos(117,460)}take up any other
little bumps

{\a1\pos(201,460)}that get through
to the body of the car.

{\a1\pos(99,460)}Yes, sir, as far as
riding comfort is concerned--

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Wow.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- --the tires,
the cushion springs,

{\a1\pos(117,460)}and the special springs
under the car

{\a1\pos(120,460)}all combine to give us
a ride that can't be topped.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- The 1941 dull gray-mobile.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- Hey, Joe, wake up!

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- It's Coily's
army of darkness, look!

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Wake up, fellas.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Well, that didn't take long.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- What's this?

{\a1\pos(222,460)}You guys are
breaking up with me?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- You played a great game, boy,
but you lost.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}What you need is a little more
spring in the old-- aha, ha.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Mm, very funny.
You and your springs.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}I hope I never see another--
- Stop, don't say it!

{\a1\pos(78,460)}Don't ever wish anything
like that as long as you live.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}( LAUGHING )

{\a1\pos(33,96)}- You'll be the first to die,
heh, heh.

{\a1\pos(96,96)}- Jam Handy reminds you
to keep your preserves

{\a1\pos(117,68)}in a convenient place.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( THEME MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(96,68)}- Hm. Uh-huh, oh, yeah.

{\a1\pos(57,96)}- This is the night that
the lights went out in Georgia.

{\a1\pos(285,68)}- Oh.

{\a1\pos(117,96)}Forward to Fly Creek--
drop dead.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- We thought you'd enjoy
reading your movie.

{\a1\pos(78,460)}- The most bizarre
freak of nature ever recorded.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Oh, broccoflower.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Of a man named Jed.

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Jed!

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Oh, wow.
- Yeah, that was inevitable.

{\a1\pos(78,460)}- Here are some images
to augment our written premise

{\a1\pos(96,460)}that there was, in fact,
bad weather.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}( WIND HOWLING )

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Uh, please
enjoy these pictures

{\a1\pos(180,460)}while we quickly
finish your movie.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- There are other productions
of this movie?

{\a1\pos(204,460)}- Oh, yeah,
but this one's the best.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Bergman's was a little slow,
no doubt.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Well, I don't know why,
but okay.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}( OMINOUS MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Huh?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Doesn't this make
you squirm, huh?

{\a1\pos(264,460)}- Mm-hm.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- ♪ I can hear the dark ♪

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- It's Paula Cole scatting.

{\a1\pos(138,68)}- ♪ If I listen hard ♪

{\a1\pos(96,68)}- Oh, that's nice.

{\a1\pos(162,96)}Traffic lights
never get to have any fun.

{\a1\pos(12,68)}( OMINOUS MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(96,96)}- Uh-oh, he's gonna get
Dave Barry all over his head.

{\a1\pos(33,96)}- ♪ Watching in the garden
Waiting in the yard ♪

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Huh, kitten's next job.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Live nude worms.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- ♪ I can feel the dark ♪

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- These new jungle gyms
serve two purposes.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- ♪ Coming up the stair ♪

{\a1\pos(75,460)}♪ Whispering in my keyhole ♪

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- ♪ Evil little kid music ♪

{\a1\pos(75,68)}- ♪ I know you're in there ♪

{\a1\pos(78,460)}- The monster goes down,
he's destroying the city, huh?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Oh, I'm beat, ugh.

{\a1\pos(12,68)}- Ooh, wee, yield, yahoo!

{\a1\pos(201,68)}- Tough break.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}( SCREAMING )
- Steven Tyler worm.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}( SCREAMING )

{\a1\pos(33,68)}- ♪ I can hear the dark ♪

{\a1\pos(54,96)}- Oh, of the failed career,
Smedley Astons?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- ♪ If I listen hard ♪

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- ♪ I won't sing anymore ♪

{\a1\pos(96,460)}♪ Until the check
Clears the bank ♪

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- George Manasse--
the "E" is silent.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}( CHUCKLING )

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- I'm a nude model
for Georgia O'Keeffe.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- So, I'm assuming
the hero of the film

{\a1\pos(180,460)}is the guy
with the newspaper.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Oh, crash the cabin
into the side

{\a1\pos(96,460)}and call it an addition.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- The Jim Varney Library.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Ooh, I guess
I am starting to squirm

{\a1\pos(96,460)}a little bit, heh, heh.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}Hm, heh-heh.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- I love to watch
women exfoliate.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Hm, a trap door.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- A black stork.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Oh, no, it's Brad Door.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Oh, I mean it's her.
- Yeah.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Well, Billie Joe McAllister

{\a1\pos(78,460)}jumped off
the Tallahatchie Bridge again.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- That's real kind of you,

{\a1\pos(159,460)}but isn't it too hot
for that kind of work?

{\a1\pos(243,460)}- No, ma'am,
Miss Sanders, ma'am.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Well, come in
for a cold drink.

{\a1\pos(243,460)}- As soon as
I finish this bunch.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Oh, way over southern-ing.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- I don't know how Roger
can work in this awful heat.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Mom, we live in Michigan.

{\a1\pos(162,460)}- They say
it's going up to 90 today.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Feels like that already.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Check the garage.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}I hope nothing got flooded
in the shop.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- I stacked everything
off the floor last night.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Oh, for heaven's sake.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Out of Billy Beer.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- The fridge is out, too.
All the food will spoil.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- All the Smithfield hams
will go off.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Where'd you meet
this Mitch anyhow?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Mick-- and I told you
at the dealer show.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}He was browsing around.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- He came all the way down here
just to look for antiques?

{\a1\pos(162,460)}- Oh, mama,
he has a five-day vacation

{\a1\pos(117,460)}he'd rather spend
in the country.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}What's the matter?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}What's wrong with him
coming here?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- He'll see us.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Honey, I don't--

{\a1\pos(264,460)}- Hm.
- Duh!

{\a1\pos(12,460)}( RADIO )As reported earlier,
downed power lines--

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Aha, I produced the dustpan
out of thin air.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- All right, all right,
I won't butt in.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Mom, you don't even
have a butt.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- I just don't want you
to be too disappointed

{\a1\pos(159,460)}if he doesn't come.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Mother, that's private.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Maybe the bus from the airport
can't get through.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Yeah, and maybe giant cows
will attack, too.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}What's your point?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}( ON RADIO ): A car rammed
a trailer tractor

{\a1\pos(117,460)}in a section of route--

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- My nerves are still jumping
from all that thunder.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Plus, I'm expecting
a gentleman caller.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}( ON RADIO --be blocked,
and you'd be advised

{\a1\pos(117,460)}to use Route 17--

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- I never saw such a storm.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- I do hope Ashley Wilkes
can get through.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Something evil
about it.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}( ON RADIO ): Now here's a late
bulletin on last night's storm.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}Most of the damage--

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Hey, mornin',
Cindy Williams.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Alma, do you think Roger
would let me borrow his truck?

{\a1\pos(159,460)}That way, I can cut
through the woods

{\a1\pos(33,460)}and meet Mick on Route 41.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- I don't know.
Why don't you ask him?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Now I've gotta go play
with the New York dolls.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}( ON RADIO ): Most of the damage
caused by the storm

{\a1\pos(75,460)}was due to the winds that--

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- I'm switching it to

{\a1\pos(138,460)}the all Philadelphia
Freedom Station.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}( MUSIC PLAYING ON RADIO )

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- I can't wait
to meet this guy.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}You've been yakking
about him all week.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Oh, I have not.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Just fine--
the sink is acting up.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- It's sassing me back.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- What else could go wrong
around here?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- I accidentally married
one of the sheep.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Roger, can I ask you
a big, big favor?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Where'd you get that shirt,

{\a1\pos(33,460)}Not robbing corpses again?

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- It's easier
than going to Pamida.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- How's your pimples?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}( MUSIC PLAYING ON RADIO )


{\a1\pos(201,460)}- I have someone
to pick up on Route 41,

{\a1\pos(33,460)}and the roads are flooded,

{\a1\pos(117,460)}but I bet I can make it
if I can borrow your truck.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Well, I'll drive you there.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- What's the matter?

{\a1\pos(222,460)}Afraid I can't
handle it myself?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Hey, Ma!
- Who's Pa again?

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- Where's Mick gonna sleep?
In Geri's room?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- He'll sleep on the cot
in the extra room.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- You mean the bathroom.

{\a1\pos(243,460)}- I promise
I'll be real careful.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- You can borrow
the loaner truck,

{\a1\pos(222,460)}but be careful
of them crates.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}I've got a full shipment
in there.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Okey-doke.
- Well, here's some lint.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- Would you pick up some ice
at Henley's?

{\a1\pos(33,460)}Lord knows when the fridge
will go on again.

{\a1\pos(99,460)}- Mind if I paw
through your underwear drawer

{\a1\pos(180,460)}while I'm here?
It'll save me a trip.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Bad move, Roger.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- If Steve Young and Alvin
the Chipmunk had a baby--

{\a1\pos(201,460)}( CHUCKLING )

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Pogo's back from vacation.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}( BABY CRYING )

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- I'm sorry, folks.

{\a1\pos(243,460)}We're gonna
have to turn around

{\a1\pos(33,460)}and go back to Poolyville.

{\a1\pos(204,460)}There's a tree
across the road up here,

{\a1\pos(33,460)}and it's all flooded out.

{\a1\pos(204,460)}- But I have
a chess club tournament.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Wait a minute.
I'll get off here.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}( BABY CRYING )

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Uh, if anyone wants a baby,

{\a1\pos(96,460)}I'm leaving one up here
in the luggage rack.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Hang on.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Imperial Grand Dragon,

{\a1\pos(138,460)}and I've still gotta
drive a bus.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}( BABY CRYING )

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- A lamp and an ant farm.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}Oh, grab the other end of
my anvil there, will you?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Uh, hold on, my sofa
is down in the storage bin.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- Oh, sorry, sorry,
excuse me.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Oh, sorry about
that samurai sword

{\a1\pos(54,460)}cutting off your arm there.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Sorry, it's okay, okay.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- I'm on the Jonathan Winters
workout plan.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Would you have any maps
of the area?

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- Well, where are you going?

{\a1\pos(243,460)}- Fly Creek.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- Well, it's straight ahead
about five miles.

{\a1\pos(243,460)}Flooded out.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}You gonna need a boat
to go over there.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}You've probably
got one somewhere.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Uh, well parried,
my radial-witted friend.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Now, there's another way
you can go,

{\a1\pos(54,460)}right through the woods here.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}It's a half a mile,

{\a1\pos(33,460)}but you'll need a compass
to go there.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}You should have
one of them, too.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Oh, and you'll need
a conical hat

{\a1\pos(54,460)}with eye holes cut into it.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Oh, uh, by the way,
you wouldn't know

{\a1\pos(33,460)}where there's a men's room
around here, would you?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Southern man don't
need you around anyhow.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Jennifer Beals is welding
behind that bush.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Heh, heh, heh.
- Wow.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- So, every object
in the universe

{\a1\pos(96,460)}has its own spry,
satanic sprite

{\a1\pos(54,460)}just waiting for the moment

{\a1\pos(138,460)}when someone wishes
it didn't exist?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Well, evidently.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Wow, that's weird.
Hey, hey, do you suppose

{\a1\pos(222,460)}there's even
a hellish imp for me?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Well, let's try it.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Yeah.
- Shoo, Mike.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}I hope I never see Mike again
for as long as I live.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Oh, ho, so, you never
want to see Mike again

{\a1\pos(96,460)}for as long as you live.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}Okay, mister, I'll fix it
so you get that wish.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Hey, guys, look,
it must be, uh--

{\a1\pos(99,460)}- The name's Mikey--
the Mike sprite they call me.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- This is totally amazing.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}I had no idea.
- Quiet!

{\a1\pos(180,460)}This has nothing
to do with you.

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Wow.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- I heard your wish;

{\a1\pos(180,460)}and, well,
now you're gonna get it.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}No more Mike from now on.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Wow, wow.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Look at that.
- Live and learn, huh?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}There is a Mike sprite.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- The name's Mikey.

{\a1\pos(264,460)}- Right,
yeah, fine.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- You got your wish.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Uh-huh-- we, we, uh,
we understand that.

{\a1\pos(264,460)}- Yeah.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- No, um--
- No Mike.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Exactly.
- Right.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Ha, ha, this is great.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- What's that you say?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Uh, I didn't say anything.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Neither did I.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Heh, heh.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- You, you got
your wish.

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Yup.
- No.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Ah, okay, uh, gee,
I wish I could have

{\a1\pos(96,460)}a big Steak-umm sandwich
brought to me by Mike.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Oh, Mike!
Do another.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Oh, for crying--

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Um--
- Let's see.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}I, uh, I wish I could
jump on Mike's bed.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}How's that?
- No-- well, hold on.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Does Mike's bed exist
if there's no Mike?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Huh, good question.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- You'd better do
an easier one.

{\a1\pos(183,460)}- Look,
do you want us to beg you

{\a1\pos(138,460)}to bring Mike back?
Is that it?

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Well, yes.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Oh, all right.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Uh, aw, gee, Mikey,

{\a1\pos(180,460)}I didn't realize
what I was missing.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Isn't there anything
we can do?

{\a1\pos(201,460)}Please, let me
take back my wish.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Well, okay, I'll do it
just this once.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Right, okay.
- But next time be more careful.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- We will, we will.
- Yeah, right.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Don't ever make
that wish again!

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Whoa--ho.
- Ah.

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Wow.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Well, so there must be
a sprite for everything.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Now, what if I said,

{\a1\pos(138,460)}"I hope I never see
Mike's socks again"?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Aw, no.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- The name's Mike's socksy.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}The Mike's socks sprite
they call me.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Right--
uh, we'll be right back.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}Hey, come on,
I want my socks back.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- No Mike's socks.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Geez.
- Okay, well.

{\a1\pos(264,460)}- Whew.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( THEME MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Oh, look at that

{\a1\pos(96,460)}he's actually lost
in the Wooley Swamp.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Oh, I don't know.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}This feels like Powers Boothe
should be in this scene.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( GERI LAUGHING )

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- I said that.

{\a1\pos(243,460)}- Hi, Geri.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}How you been?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Sharpened bamboo sticks
on the bottom were a nice touch.


{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Well, when he wets
in the river-- fool around.

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Hm.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- I'm an idiot.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- I'll get you
some dry clothes

{\a1\pos(117,460)}when you get back
to the house.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Hope you like
flimsy sundresses.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Say, can we see the weird kid
with the banjo?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Well, here's Main Street.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Uh, you come prepared,
don't you?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- This is my vent figure,
heh, heh.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- I just picked up
a few things.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}Hey, where did you get this?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Used Outhouse
on Wheels World.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- Do you like my truck, hm?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Like my Dorothea Chambers
signature racket?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Mm, nice package.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}MICK: What kind of bait
does Willie sell?

It's my neighbor's truck.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}He runs a worm farm.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Mom, you okay back there?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}( MUMBLING, MUFFLED VOICE )

{\a1\pos(117,460)}GERI: I promised Mama
I'd stop and get some ice.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}All our electricity is out--
phones, too.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}MICK: Boy, it must've been
a dilly of a storm.

It sure was a dilly.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}I never saw so much thundering
and lightning in my life.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Come on, no one's
that southern.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}Tone it down.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- I'm sorry I missed it.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- It was beautiful.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- I like a good thunderstorm.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}Makes you feel--
- Wet.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- --helpless.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- I'll be right back.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Wow, she's nice.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}If I was just
a little straighter.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Wow, the block ice sign
really pulls them in.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- I'm going to
randomly nail plywood.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Whoa, she's got one of those
angry bull worms back there.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( EERIE MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- ♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Peg Bundy getting groped
by Paul Harvey.

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- No.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Hm, I'll put my hand
up his dress, too.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- What about the Cutters?

{\a1\pos(75,460)}They always had that trouble
with those floods.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}JIM: Yeah, they took
the brunt of it, all right.

{\a1\pos(99,460)}I hear old mama
had to come out in a rowboat.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Hee-hee-hee-hee.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Hey, Jim, we heard the whole
electrical tower came down.

{\a1\pos(99,460)}- Yeah,
lucky it didn't start a fire,

{\a1\pos(204,460)}all that juice
pouring into the ground,

{\a1\pos(159,460)}over 300,000 volts.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Well, when are we gonna get
those lines back up?

{\a1\pos(75,460)}Before I go out of business,
I hope.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Yeah, they're sending some men
down from Statesboro.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}They promise to have it back up
by tomorrow morning.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- And in the meantime,

{\a1\pos(159,460)}all that electricity
going into the ground.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}And guess who's paying for it?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- He's actually sitting
and spinning.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Yeah, honey?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Uh, I'd like a large egg cream
and a glass of water, please.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Well, I've got water,
but what did you say?

{\a1\pos(222,460)}An egg cream?

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- An egg cream.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}It's just chocolate syrup,
a little milk,

{\a1\pos(117,460)}and some seltzer water.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- A chocolate soda?

{\a1\pos(57,460)}- That's it--
with just a little shot of milk

{\a1\pos(117,460)}to give it a head.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Hit him.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Yeah, that's probably
the worst storm we've had

{\a1\pos(138,460)}since I was knee high
to a duck.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}We had six turkeys
up there at the house.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}They were out in the field,
and five of those turkeys

{\a1\pos(162,460)}was stripped
of every feather they had.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}And the old turkey gobbler
didn't have a feather over her.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}The turkey hen
stood up there

{\a1\pos(201,460)}and looked like
flapped the wings over--

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- How's that, honey?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- --trying to hide theirselves
like five old maids.

{\a1\pos(243,460)}- Almost had
a ( indistinct ) storm

{\a1\pos(54,460)}we had about three years ago.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Well, you know, that old pig
up at June Jenkins--

{\a1\pos(141,460)}- Well--

{\a1\pos(222,460)}( LAUGHTER )

{\a1\pos(306,460)}- Hey!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Didn't you order
a worm cream?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( WORM SCREAMING )

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Hey, there's a worm
in my egg cream!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- I ordered a millipede.

{\a1\pos(243,460)}- Ooh, ugh!

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Oh.

{\a1\pos(306,460)}- Ugh!

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Well, it's no worse than
putting okra in something.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- If you didn't like the drink,
all you had to do was say so.

{\a1\pos(78,460)}I've got enough problems
around here without comedians.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- What? I found it in the glass;
I didn't put it there.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- I keep this place spotless.
- Okay.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}WOMAThis has never
happened before.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Well, it happened now,

{\a1\pos(117,460)}and it's not a good way
to win over new customers.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}You know what I mean?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Have we violated you yet?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Hi, I'm Sheriff Pink.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- Now, why did you go and do

{\a1\pos(201,460)}a juvenile thing
like that, fella?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- I'm gonna Willem Dafoe
all over you.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Where are you from, friend?

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- From the city, I'll bet.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- We shape our hair into waves
down here, boy.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- I don't want your money.
I just want you to leave.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Southern lunch counters
are a lightning rod for trouble.

{\a1\pos(78,460)}- Now, don't you think
an apology is in order, fella?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Apologize for what?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}For finding a worm
in my egg cream?

{\a1\pos(183,460)}- What business
do you have in Fly Creek?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- I wonder what be so fly
about that creek.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- No business,
just pleasure.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Well, then you're gonna
want to see

{\a1\pos(12,460)}the possum rendering plant

{\a1\pos(117,460)}and the yam that looks
like Lyndon LaRouche.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}( CHUCKLING )

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Ah, no!
- Ah.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( GERI LAUGHING )

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Who's ee-eeing?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Mama, this is Mick.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}This is my sister, Alma.

{\a1\pos(306,460)}- Hi.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}GERI: Mick got off the bus
and fell in the swamp.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}He fell clean through,
even his suitcases.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Well, well, you can give him
some of Daddy's old clothes.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}They're upstairs in the trunk
in the storage room.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Along with Daddy!

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- They'll be kind of big,

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Uh, where do I put this?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- In the kitchen.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Ee-ee-ee-ee!

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Always properly refrigerate
your chitterlings.

{\a1\pos(264,460)}- Yeah.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- Wait 'til you see
Mr. Beardsley's place.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}He's got the greatest
old stuff.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- Yeah?
- And he's real reasonable.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}You can bargain with him.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Oh, my Lord, I forgot
the clock just stopped.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}What time do you have?

{\a1\pos(243,460)}- Uh, 11:20.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- I arranged to meet him
at his house at 11:30.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}We're gonna have to hurry.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- Hey, Geri, wait a minute.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}What about seeing the stuff
in your garage?

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- We'll see that
when we get back.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Geri, wait.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- What, what are you doing?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Yuck, gross, don't!

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- How are you doing?

{\a1\pos(243,460)}- Just fine.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Excuse me,
I just need an ipecac.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}I'll be right back.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- Mama, we're taking the car
to Beardsley's.

{\a1\pos(243,460)}- What about
the dry clothes?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- I like to chaff.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Uh, I guess it'll just
have to wait 'til later.

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Ee.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( THEME MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- Hey!
- Don't hit the bionic man!

{\a1\pos(306,460)}- Hey!

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- I'm lonely!

{\a1\pos(57,460)}- Geri, you know,
I'm responsible for that truck.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}I only borrowed you
the loan of that truck

{\a1\pos(201,460)}'cause you said
you'd be careful.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Uh, you want to
develop that idea?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Roger, what's wrong?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Oh, he had a tiff
with one of his pigs.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Perhaps my damp redness
can help.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- Them crates is all empty,

{\a1\pos(117,460)}every damned last
damn one of them.

{\a1\pos(264,460)}- Damn.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- But I never left the truck,
except to get ice.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Remember when we picked up
Vanilla ice?

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Why, it's strange to me.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}I didn't let them out.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Well, if you'n didn't,
then who did?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( SERVO MUMBLING )

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- We stood to make
eight dollars off that load.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- How many worms were there?

{\a1\pos(183,460)}- I can tell you
how many worms there was.

{\a1\pos(99,460)}There was 100,000 worms,
cost me over $300, sonny boy.

{\a1\pos(183,460)}- Look, Roger,
maybe the door was loose,

{\a1\pos(222,460)}and you forgot
to close the crates.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Damn right he forgot!

{\a1\pos(138,460)}He'd forget his head,
if it wasn't fastened.

{\a1\pos(78,460)}He doesn't have his mind
on business at all these days.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- This, I believe, would be
the eponymous Willie.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Look, I'm trying
to run a business,

{\a1\pos(117,460)}and you will not,
will not lend my truck

{\a1\pos(159,460)}to nobody, no time,
no more!

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Ow.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}MR. GRIMES: It's gonna take me
the rest of the week

{\a1\pos(99,460)}to replace those worms,
if I can replace those worms.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}You're gonna dig deep,
buddy boy,

{\a1\pos(201,460)}and I mean deep,
down to your toenails!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Woo, the old man's arm
fell off.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- I have a mind to cancel
your health benefits.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}I wish I didn't
love him so much.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Roger, I'm real sorry.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}Is there anything I can do?

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Oh, baby--
oh, wait, that's me.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Well, we'll see you
later then, okay?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- I don't care if it's me.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- The Ford station wagon,
un-small at any speed.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Well, who's that?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Let's drop in
on the Ziffels.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- We have to stop and pledge
the side of the car.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Um, I have my pocketknife
with me,

{\a1\pos(12,460)}so you're safe, heh, heh.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Mr. Beardsley!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Your victims are here!

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Mr. Beardsley!

{\a1\pos(33,460)}( SERVO MAKING GUNSHOT SOUND )

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Well, where is he?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- It's almost like
he's not here or something.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Mr. Beardsley!

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- I'm only gonna call you
50 more times.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Mr. Beardsley!

{\a1\pos(222,460)}( RUSTLING )

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Mr. Beardsley,
is that you?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Mr. Beardsley's bathroom.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- I'm incapable
of even considering

{\a1\pos(117,460)}that he might be gone.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- All right, Beardsley,
let's go, you and me.

{\a1\pos(264,460)}Come on!

{\a1\pos(117,460)}( GERI SCREAMING )

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Ugh, ugh, eh.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- What happened?
- Someone had a bronto burger.

{\a1\pos(183,460)}- Whoa.
Who do you suppose it is?

I have no idea.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Well, we'd better get back
to shouting, "Mr. Beardsley."

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Look, I think one of us
ought to go get the sheriff.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}I'll stay here, okay?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Damn it, bones!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}I've always wanted
to say that.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Yeah.
- Damn it, bones.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- I'm glad.

{\a1\pos(243,460)}- Hey, Geri.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Be sure to compliment
my muffin top head.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- I think I'd better
go with you.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Oh, sister,
let me tell you.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( GOOFY LAUGHING )

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Ryan Setzer
at his day job.

{\a1\pos(243,460)}- Which way?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Around the back.

{\a1\pos(99,460)}- We need your help
calling out, "Mr. Beardsley!"

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Hey, no bra on the sheriff.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Yeah.
- It's right over here.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- This is too
a real sheriff's shirt.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- My hair challenges yours
to a fight.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Now, listen, fella.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}I don't know what you're up to,
but you sure as hell

{\a1\pos(33,460)}ain't gonna pull this bull
in Fly Creek.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}I want you the hell
out of this town.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- But it was right here,
Mr. Reston.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}We both saw it.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- Now, Geri, that's enough.

{\a1\pos(78,460)}I'd expect this bull
from your sister, but not you.

{\a1\pos(264,460)}- Bull.

{\a1\pos(243,460)}- Your daddy
was real proud of you.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}If he were alive
and saw you now,

{\a1\pos(159,460)}he'd tan your fanny.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- She didn't do anything.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Well, I'm gonna let this go,
'cause it's too hot,

{\a1\pos(117,460)}and I'm too busy to book
this little city weasel.

{\a1\pos(141,460)}I've got a damn town
to put back together again.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- And as for you--
hey, wait.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Where'd you go?
Oh, there you are.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- But if I see you
even one more time--

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- That'll be three times.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- You won't even be able to
call a city lawyer.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- I'll keep pressing
the phone cradle down.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- 'Cause all the phones
are dead.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Heh, heh, heh, heh.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- No phone.
- And stop making fun of me.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}I'm very vulnerable right now.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}( CHUCKLING )

{\a1\pos(12,460)}( CROW MAKING VOMITING SOUNDS )

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Hey, Roger.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Listen, I'm sorry
about those worms.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Ah, just forget it.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Forget what?
Ha, ha!

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Geri and I are gonna
go fishing.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}You want to come with us?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}I'll bet you know
all the best spots, huh?

Oh, come on, Roger.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}It'd be better if you stay away
from your father for a while.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- When you gonna do it?

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- After lunch,
about an hour.

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Yeah?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- I'll pack a picnic
of hands and skin.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- I've gotta get
some stuff and things

{\a1\pos(138,460)}over at the bait shop.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- That stuff I bait
and stuff and stuff.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- I'll meet you
down by the boat.

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Okay.

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Great,
then you can show me

{\a1\pos(117,460)}how to use the new reel
I bought, huh?

{\a1\pos(201,460)}Let's go.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Hey, a new outlet
for my rage.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Do you see Roger around?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Let's ask Mr. Beardsley.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}Mr. Beardsley!
- Stop that.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- He's probably at the dock
getting the boat ready.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Okay, good, I just like to
keep track of Roger.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Hey, antique urine stains.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}These are valuable.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}A rare Queen Anne bass lure.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}( GASPING )
- Drachen!

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- The skeleton.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}How'd it get here?

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- I don't know.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Maybe it took a cab.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- I think it's the same one.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}They all look alike to me.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- That is so fleshist.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Last load of ankles
coming up.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- It's Mr. Grimes.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Well, thank you.
I was cold.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- All that shirt needs is
a chianti candle and a menu.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Baiter to Her Majesty
since 1667.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( EERIE MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Quit biting my shoulder.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( EERIE MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Hey, he flattened
two garter snakes

{\a1\pos(138,460)}and made suspenders.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- They just managed to avoid
an aggressive worm sales pitch.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- Let's tell Sheriff Reston.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Tell him what?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- I know. I'm sorry
I even brought it up.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- If only we knew
whose bones those are.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- We'd better start looking
for a boneless person.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( SERVO SINGING "WORMS"

{\a1\pos(138,460)}( CROW JOINING IN )

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Do you like things?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}I sure do.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- And remember
what I told you.

{\a1\pos(99,460)}- In the north,
I'm considered very handsome.

{\a1\pos(78,460)}- Do anything you can
to keep Roger out on the lake.

{\a1\pos(246,460)}I mean,
at least half an hour.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Then I'll meet you
back at the house.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Oh.
- Mick, you've got me scared.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Wow, even his touch is pale.


{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Welcome to the club.

{\a1\pos(99,460)}( BOTS SINGING "WORMS"

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( THEME MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Oh, my, my, my.

{\a1\pos(183,460)}I do declare,
it is ever so hot, today.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Crow, darlin', be a dear
and fetch Servo a mint julep.

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- No.
- Oh.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Uh-oh, looks like
we've got a problem.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Oh, why, Mike Nelson,

{\a1\pos(204,460)}I do believe
you're flirting with me.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Why, Mr. Nelson, you're
a big old flirt, aren't ya?

{\a1\pos(201,460)}Heh, heh, heh.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Uh, yeah, Mike,
Servo's become afflicted

{\a1\pos(222,460)}with severe
southern belle-ness.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Yeah, well, he probably
picked it up from the movie.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}He's pretty susceptible
to that kind of thing.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- I recommend we administer

{\a1\pos(12,460)}good, old-fashioned Yankee
behavior modification.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Sir, how dare you say
that word in my house!

{\a1\pos(204,460)}- Okay, uh,
let's give it a go here.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}All right, Servo, uh,
how'd you like a nice,

{\a1\pos(222,460)}big slice of
Pepperidge Farm bread?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Well, I do declare

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Oh, oh, heavens.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Give it to him good, Mike.

{\a1\pos(57,460)}- Oh, I do believe
I'm getting the vapors, oh, oh.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- All right, okay,
we're losing him.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Uh, let's give 20cc's
of pastrami to him stat.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Good idea.
- Oh, no, no, you mustn't sir!

{\a1\pos(99,460)}How dare you!
Oh, oh, oh, oh, my, oh, whew.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}Ooh, you guys.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}What the hell?

- Sorry about that, Servo.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}You were alarmingly,
dangerously southern.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Oh, man, I must've been

{\a1\pos(54,460)}I'm really sorry about that.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- No problem, buddy.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Just glad to have
the real you back.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Yeah, thanks, although
this doesn't really make up

{\a1\pos(222,460)}for the wall
of northern aggression!

{\a1\pos(180,460)}( BUZZER )
- Uh-oh, oh.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Throw and egg cream
into the theater.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Okay throwing the egg cream,

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- Boy, there's nothing like
fresh salt air, huh?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}ROGER: Thanks, you guys.
Whew, feel better.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- There's nothing like
fresh salt air.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}What is that smell, anyway?

Low tide.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}You can't even swim in here.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}I don't know how the fish
stay alive.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Maybe they come
from New York.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Or Massachusetts.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}( LAUGHING )

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Maybe they do.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}Okay, uh--

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Fish love moo goo gai pan.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Lowly worms'
Worst day ever!

{\a1\pos(162,460)}- Yeah, Roger,
you're a pro at this, huh?

{\a1\pos(201,460)}What do you say?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Remember
when I said New York?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( GOOFY LAUGHING )

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- No, I don't want to waste time
getting them on the hook.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- The Dalai Lama says I must
honor all living creatures.

{\a1\pos(243,460)}- I can't.
- I'm full.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- They're disgustin'.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- Roger, I don't understand.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Don't you handle these
all the time?

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- I hate it!
- They remind me of worms.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- Well, I'll do it.
My goodness.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- No, no, please.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}I'm really a snake.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Sss, sss, sss-- see.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Fine, aerate your own lawn.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}I don't care.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Leave me alone.
No, stop it, no.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}There are more of us,
you bastard!

{\a1\pos(12,460)}You'll never keep us down.
We'll always be there.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}We're hermaphroditically
breeding, ha, ha.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Getting smeared
on your sidewalks.


{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Ah!
- Ugh, a worm had a shiv!

{\a1\pos(306,460)}- Oh!

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- Thank you.
- Are you all right?

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- The little mother bit me.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Small mother.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}GERI: Well, Mick, are you sure
it wasn't the hook?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}MICK: Geri, the thing bit
right into my arm.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- Well, they usually
don't bite hard enough

{\a1\pos(138,460)}to penetrate the skin.

{\a1\pos(243,460)}Let me see.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Of course, your skin
is pretty flimsy.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- I never saw one bite
like that.

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- I did.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Oh, boy, here we go.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- When I was little,

{\a1\pos(33,460)}my daddy had just started
the worm farm.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Started it
with his own tapeworm.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Experimenting with ways
of getting them

{\a1\pos(117,460)}out of the ground.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Tried electricity.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- I'm Peter MacNicol,
and I'm concerned.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- Took my train transformer
and hooked it up.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}Then he wet down the ground,
sat back,

{\a1\pos(201,460)}and waited
until it got dark.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Speed it up.
- Did it work?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Come out of the ground
all right.

{\a1\pos(99,460)}( CHUCKLING )
Like roaches up a drain pipe.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Want to taste it, heh, heh.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}ROGER: Had to pretty near
cut off all my thumb.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Got three on the other hand,
so it's okay.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Roger, I never knew.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- It weren't no big deal.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Listen, um--
- Lick me.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- I'm gonna go back to shore
and put something on this.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Well, I'll go.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- No, no, no, no,
that's okay.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}You guys row me back.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}I want to catch a nap anyway.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}And you and Roger can catch
some fish for dinner.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}It's okay.
- Woo-ooh.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Roger will take care of you.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Won't you, Roger?

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Yeah.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Hey, hey, hey,
gently down the stream.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- ( indistinct ) to hit you
with the oar here.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- So, how is it possible

{\a1\pos(180,460)}that Jerry Reed
isn't in this movie.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- I don't know.
- How?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- ( indistinct )

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Oh, this hurts more than
when that butterfly struck me.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- I guess he went fishing
in his new school clothes.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Mick, could you just help
my mom identify my body?


{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Save the girl
or go antiquing?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}Hm-- antiques, here I come!

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Now I can cavort,
and skip, and prance,

{\a1\pos(117,460)}and caper all I want!


{\a1\pos(180,460)}- This is a job
for antique man!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( EERIE MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- This is Willie's Bait
mobile unit.


{\a1\pos(54,460)}- He's got that lighter set
on the Dan Haggerty level.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( SERVO TRYING TO

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Okay, say you're sorry,
and you can come out.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Hm, hm, hm, hm,
yes, yes.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}I have a fatal case
of pyorrhea.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Uh, it's Chuck Wepner's skull.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Yeah, okay, great.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}You've got my jaw.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Now what are you
gonna do, genius?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- The mind melt doesn't work
on dead people.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Please, I need to get back
into Gary Hart's closet!

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- What, what are you doing?

{\a1\pos(33,460)}Hey, you creepy little wiener.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}What the hell?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- First, there was
tilt down man,

{\a1\pos(96,460)}then southern man!

{\a1\pos(201,460)}( CHUCKLING )

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- Oh, there you are.
- Ah!

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- That's very funny, Alma.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- What you got there?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Skull--
gonna put it on my bike.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Ooh. Well, who is it?

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- That's what
I want to find out.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- You get that
out of Roger's truck?

{\a1\pos(306,460)}- Shh.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- I don't think
he'd dig that.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- I'll put it back.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Okay if I come, too?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- If you stay here, sure.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Sure, why not?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- ♪ Ever since I was a young
Boy I played the silver ball ♪

{\a1\pos(96,460)}GERI: Maybe we ought to
go for one more.

I don't mind.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Charge!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- I'm drying out.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}I don't think
I can make it.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Nice, isn't it?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Just the two of us
out here alone.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- You, me,
and my fileting knife.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- He's staying with you,
will you move him tonight?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Uh, did your smell
just change?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- You know better
than to listen to Alma.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Did I tell you
my thumb story yet?

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Roger.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}ROGEI wish we could've done
this before he come down here.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- We don't have feet, Ron.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- I'm enjoying it, too.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}You know,
I've been thinking.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Okay, I mean stinking.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- With your daddy gone
and all--

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Me having killed him
and stuff--

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Well, I was thinking
you need some help

{\a1\pos(117,460)}with the business,
moving heavy furniture--

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Slicing thick flesh.

{\a1\pos(243,460)}- I'm ready.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- I will dye my hair
clown red for you.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- I'm ready to tell Dad

{\a1\pos(201,460)}I don't want to
take over no worm farm.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- It's so sad the way
small-family worm farms

{\a1\pos(138,460)}are being taken over
by corporate worm farms.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- You know, I've got
a surprise for you.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- I made you a coat
out of old boxer shorts.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Really?

{\a1\pos(243,460)}What is it?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Geri, I told you
it's a surprise.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Oh, well, what is it?

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- I'm charmed
by your creepiness.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- I've got tickets to
the George Wallace concert.

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Roger.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Another half hour
and we strike.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Roger!
- It's him, isn't it?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}He come down here
and busted his way in.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}Well, if he come
near you again,

{\a1\pos(54,460)}I'm gonna bust his liver loose
if he tries to touch you!

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Oh, Roger,
you complete me.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- No, no, no!


{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Ugh, the worms tackled him.

{\a1\pos(306,460)}- Oh!

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Mr. Beardsley?

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- I should've known.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}You can't drill teeth
without electricity.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Hey, there's someone
drilling teeth

{\a1\pos(138,460)}without electricity.

{\a1\pos(162,96)}- Next time,
I'm gonna wait for a storm

{\a1\pos(117,96)}before I can make
an appointment.

{\a1\pos(12,96)}- Of course, I do treasure
my last remaining tooth.

{\a1\pos(138,68)}- Hey, what you doing?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- No more sucking
whipped cream cans.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}I'm going for the big score.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- I really have to
check this out.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Far out,

{\a1\pos(138,460)}just like in New York.

{\a1\pos(183,460)}- Whoa,
right into the litterbox.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Ooh, clumps.

{\a1\pos(78,460)}- Hey, her behind is
a little face with a mustache.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Pringles guy.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- She could easily
stomp muskrats to death

{\a1\pos(96,460)}with those shoes.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- You know,
he's a good dentist

{\a1\pos(138,460)}if you can keep him
from knocking you out

{\a1\pos(117,460)}and impregnating you.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- This is really freaky.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}May I ask what
you're looking for?

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- X-rays.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}There's three teeth missing
from the top of the skull.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- That's everyone
in the county.

{\a1\pos(78,460)}- Let's see,
John Birch Society literature.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Insurance fraud,
1970 through '75.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- '76 through '80 there.
What else, what else?

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- Hold this for me.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Letters from
Der Weise Engel.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Klan minutes, 1972.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Oh, yeah,
nude pictures of teeth.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- I need more light.
- Where will you ever find it?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Bring it over here.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- It's the skull
of Mortimer Snerd.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- It belongs to a guy
named Al P. Yorick.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Anybody I know?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Aaron Beardsley.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Right on the snout.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}We've got
a pinochle game going.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Come on.

{\a1\pos(285,460)}Come on.

{\a1\pos(78,460)}- Tarzan's experiment
with electric vines goes awry.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- This isn't suspicious, is it?

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Mick!


{\a1\pos(159,460)}- What's the matter?
What happened?

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Roger.
- What is it?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Hey, you've been seeing
another skeleton!

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Geri!

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Ah, I can pick up that spare.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- They cancelled "Hee Haw!"

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- What is it?
What happened?

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- The worms attacked Roger.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Well, he's got a layer
of topsoil, honey.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}You can't blame them.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- They were all over his face,

{\a1\pos(54,460)}and he ran off into the woods,

{\a1\pos(117,460)}I, I couldn't find him.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Were any antiques harmed?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Look, I'm really glad
you didn't chase after him.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}If, if Roger can see,

{\a1\pos(138,460)}he'll probably try to
make his way home, too.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- If Roger can see?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Do worms routinely
blind people?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- The worm farm is much closer
to the lagoon.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Okay, then we'll go
to the worm farm,

{\a1\pos(117,460)}and we'll look for him,
all right?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Ain't you gonna put
Mr. Beardsley's skull

{\a1\pos(117,460)}back in the truck
before Roger gets back?

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Ow, ow, ow.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- What?
- I didn't say anything.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- No!
- What the heck is going on?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- You little brat.
You don't even care!

{\a1\pos(75,460)}He was a beautiful old man.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Cut it out!
Who said I didn't care?

{\a1\pos(141,460)}GERI'S MOM:
What is going on down here?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Patch Ass and Scrawny,
I want you to play outside.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- What were you two
fighting about, anyway?

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Nothin'.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( STOMPING FOOT )
- Young lady!

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- I told her it was her turn
to make dinner.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- I'll go lock myself
back in the attic.

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Well,

{\a1\pos(117,460)}since Geri has a guest--

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Rockin'.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- I think it'd be a nice gesture
if you offered to make dinner,

{\a1\pos(54,460)}whether it's your turn or not.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Yeah, okay, Mom.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- It's settled.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- I do believe
I have the farts--

{\a1\pos(96,460)}I mean, I mean, vapors.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Did, did you remember
to tell Alma

{\a1\pos(117,460)}that you'd invited Roger
for dinner?

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- Oh, no, I forgot.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Alma, try to think of
an extra side dish.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}Lord only knows
when's the last time

{\a1\pos(138,460)}we had two hungry men
around here.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- She called me a man.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- She gets kicked by a mule
about once a month.

{\a1\pos(243,460)}- I'm sorry.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- It's all right.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- It is all right
in this movie.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- I'm really worried
about Mama.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}I've never seen her
this freaked out.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- You try and stay with her
until we get back.


{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Thank you, giant sister.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Mr. Beardsley!

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Oh, shut up!

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- I wonder what made
those worms act that way.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Maybe it was the medication
they were taking.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- You don't think
Roger's old man

{\a1\pos(117,460)}is fooling around
with electricity.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- What electricity?

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Good point.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Is this the pilot
for a worm-based

{\a1\pos(33,460)}antique dealer/detective show?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Look. No springs!

{\a1\pos(201,460)}( WHISTLING )

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- God, I love antiques!

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Free kittens with mange.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- I hope we find him
before it gets dark.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- My bedtime is 7:30.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- You wait in the car.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- They clear cut
their whole village.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Ah, the fertile septic fields
of the Deep South.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Give me an actor, please.

just get in the scene.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Hello, come on in.

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Roger!

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Mr. Beardsley!

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Roger!

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Do you know where
Mr. Beardsley is?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- I'd like to order
a worm gift basket.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Mr. Grimes!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- His travel agent
booked him

{\a1\pos(96,460)}a hell of a great
vacation package.


{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Rerun? Dwayne?


- Okay, Tom.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}A pencil with hair!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Oh, no, it's her.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Oh, lady, hey, hey,
there's a guy.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}Never mind.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Wow, she's swiveling
her head 360 degrees.

{\a1\pos(36,460)}( CROW GASPING )
- A badly dressed swizzle stick.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Oh, no, it's not.
It's her.


{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Ooh, that was close.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}it's getting mixed up.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Thanks to his website,

{\a1\pos(138,460)}he's shipping worms
all over the world.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- James Harriet, no!

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Hm, what could possibly be
on the other end of legs?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- I was trampled
by a worm stampede.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Even after death, he has
irritable bowel syndrome.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Don't eat the gorditas!

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Stop having worms
in your body, you idiots!

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Did you see him?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Get back in the car!

{\a1\pos(201,460)}Give me the key!

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- I left it in the ignition.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- I'll floor it.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}In just ten minutes,
we'll be going 30.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}( TIRES SQUEALING )

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Can you squeal out on dirt?

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Mick, what did you see?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Talk about New York?
Two corpses in one day.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}Next time you visit me, okay?

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Roger?

{\a1\pos(306,460)}- No.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Is that enough of an answer?

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- His father.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Okay, throw out the anchor.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}( SERVO PRETENDING TO SOB )

{\a1\pos(243,460)}- You know,
I've been thinking.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}Why, with the roads
to Statesboro closed,

{\a1\pos(222,460)}we're going to
have to find you

{\a1\pos(159,460)}some accommodations
for the evening.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Mr. Reston--

{\a1\pos(141,460)}excuse me,
but this is real important.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- Sheriff, I know you think
I'm a troublemaker.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- That's about the first thing
you've said that I can buy.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- I don't know how to go
about this, but, uh--

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Can I have a meatball?

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- Well, I think I have proof
that the skeleton we found

{\a1\pos(222,460)}is the remains
of Aaron Beardsley.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Yeah, bite my hair.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- What kind of proof?

{\a1\pos(306,460)}- Uh,

{\a1\pos(75,460)}well, we found another body.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}It was Mr. Grimes.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- Tell him about the worms.

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Worms?

{\a1\pos(243,460)}- They bite!

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Mr. Bean!

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Mr. Reston,
it's just horrible.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}They attacked Roger Grimes
when we were out fishing,

{\a1\pos(54,460)}and he ran off into the woods,
and we can't find him.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- Look, if you'll only come
with us to the worm farm,

{\a1\pos(138,460)}I can prove it to you.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Now, listen, fella.
- I'm damn creepy.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- There's a lot
of spaghetti here.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}It may take us 10-15 minutes
to finish it.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Oh, then there's sex.
That's another minute.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- That's a bigger headstart
than you deserve.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Mr. Reston,
you don't know--

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Geri.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- I smell pork,
and it ain't the special.

{\a1\pos(243,460)}- Let's go.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- We've got clown school.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Now, ( indistinct ),
as I was saying,

{\a1\pos(201,460)}what with
the state roads closed--

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Ha, I stole
a Lion's Club mint!

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Where are we going?
- Back to Beardsley's.

{\a1\pos(225,460)}- Whoa,
they have a teleporter!

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Hey, Richie Cunningham,
tuck your shirt in, huh?

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- What do you expect
to find here?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Shirt buttons, I hope.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Uh, trying to force out
a chest hair.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}It's not working.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- What was Beardsley doing
in his shop that late at night?

{\a1\pos(246,460)}- Look,
I barely knew the man.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- He was probably working
on a piece of furniture

{\a1\pos(117,460)}and didn't want to stop.

{\a1\pos(120,460)}- He's got fewer
rusty appliances in his yard

{\a1\pos(12,460)}than most southern people.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Oh, not a bad outfit to wear
if you're a southern man!

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- That's blood.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- That's what we both lack
in our capillaries.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- What's in there?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}GERI: I think that's where
he gets his well water.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- And candles?

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- I don't know.

{\a1\pos(99,460)}- And luffas?
Where does he get his luffas?

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Jame Gumb rents this shack.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Hey, is there a door
to this thing?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( EERIE MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- The tension is thick.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Is the sheriff done
with his spaghetti?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( EERIE MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- It's an historical landmark.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}It's Mickey Gilley's

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( RUNNING WATER )

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Come on.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}I think Roger and his father
are off the hook,

{\a1\pos(75,460)}as far as killing Beardsley
is concerned.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- I deduced that
by not opening the door.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Roger must've
followed us here,

{\a1\pos(33,460)}spying on us all the time
like a little kid.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}And then he saw this--

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Wait, not like a little kid.
It was more like a--

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- But why take the skeleton?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- That was the surprise,

{\a1\pos(99,460)}the surprise he was
telling me about on the boat.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Surprise.
- What?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Well, that thing would bring
$100 at an auction.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}He was talking about
going into the business.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}Oh, Mick!

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- The business of selling
human bones at auctions?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Wow, this is the south.
- Total chaos.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Then who--
- --is paler than me?

{\a1\pos(243,460)}- The worms.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- A certain convocation
of politic worms!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( THEME MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Kevin McHale,
cross dresser.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- We have
eraser head chicken.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Mom, Diane Harvest wants to
take some pictures of me.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Shouldn't you run next door
and ask about Roger?

{\a1\pos(201,460)}I feel terrible
starting without him.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- I know how much
he loves creamed kudzu.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- He probably had to work late
at the worm farm.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- One of the worms was calving.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Willie just doesn't appreciate
how hard that poor boy works.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}Don't understand that man.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}That's Roger's seat, dear.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Oh, that explains the stain.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Well, what's the difference,

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Damn, she out-southerened me.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- I thought you'd want to
sit next to Mick.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Uh, please pass
something brown.

{\a1\pos(57,460)}MOTHER: Oh, I guess
it doesn't make any difference.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}Why isn't anybody eating?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Mama, can we move
to the Bronx?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Um, squirrel, please.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Ah, here you go, Big Ethel.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- I slept with my son!

{\a1\pos(57,460)}- The kid from
"A Separate Peace" is up there.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- He's been around.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Wait, my face is weird.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}( TREE BRANCHES CRACKING )

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Our house just--

{\a1\pos(117,460)}( CRASHING/SCREAMING )

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Save the chicken fried
collard greens!

{\a1\pos(138,460)}( CRASHING NOISES )


{\a1\pos(54,460)}Mama? Mama!
- There, that's my salad fork.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Mama, you all right?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- It would be a real loss
if Mama went down.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- We found her!

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- We've got to secure
that tree better.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}This keeps happening.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- First order of business,

{\a1\pos(96,460)}put the washing machine
in the yard.

{\a1\pos(264,460)}- Mm-hm.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Hey, you know,
carve that up,

{\a1\pos(117,460)}you've got tree sticks
for a year.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Hey, it was just
stapled in place.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Now, let's just
skip to dessert.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- It's all right, Mama.
Nobody's hurt.

- Hey, I'm fine back here.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Come on.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- I'm surprised the old wreck
didn't explode.

{\a1\pos(243,460)}- Hey, Geri!

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Can you come out here
for a second?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Damn, he didn't die.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Alma, I want you to stay
with Mama, okay?

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Leave me,
skin pigment, ugh.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}( GERI GASPING )

{\a1\pos(204,460)}- What?
It's our family reunion.


{\a1\pos(75,460)}- Listen to me for a minute.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}Is there some gasoline around?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Sorry, I didn't
listen to you for a minute.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Uh-huh, in the shop.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- And which aisle
is canned peas?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Hey, you all right?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Ooh, you need a shave.

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Okay.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Scamper, skip,
prance, whoo.

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Mick!

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Gamble, frolic, cavort.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- I recognize
one of the worms.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- They're all gone.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- We don't mess around.
On to the next tree!

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Well, what did you
say to them?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- To Oliver Hardy's house.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}Oh, ho, ho.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Just picking up Mama.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}MICK: I've got to get some
plywood to cover these doors,

{\a1\pos(243,460)}so the worms
can't get in here.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}See, if I'm right,

{\a1\pos(57,460)}the only thing
holding them back is the light.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}Where can I get some plywood?

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- There's an old rice mill.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}It's all torn down.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Where is it?
- I'll show you.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- No, no, no, you stay here.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Your mother looks like
she's about to crack.

{\a1\pos(243,460)}I'll be back
before it gets dark.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Mom cracked in 1953.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- Stay in the house,

{\a1\pos(33,460)}and don't tell your mother
about what we saw,

{\a1\pos(54,460)}and keep the candles burning.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- What?
- Which way?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Uh, it's straight back
about half a mile.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}You come to this clearing,

{\a1\pos(138,460)}and then there's this
concrete structure.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}You can't miss it.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Okay.
- Mick, how will you carry it?

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- I'll think of somethin'.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Then I'll fail, heh.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}( OMINOUS MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Ugh, son of a bitch,
great workout today.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Shoot, someone
flushed the toilet

{\a1\pos(96,460)}over in the next county.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Ah, I haven't showered
for three years.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}Another day won't matter.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Hard water, huh?

{\a1\pos(264,460)}- Yeah.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- And just to make things worse,
a black hole appears.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Breathe deep.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- ♪ Lights out uh-huh ♪

{\a1\pos(138,460)}♪ Dance dance dance
Lights out uh-huh ♪

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Mm, Mike, honey.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Oh, hey, fellas.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Uh, this here is
Emmett the worm.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Emmett, this here's
the fellers.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Hi, Emmett.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Uh, Mike,
you probably noticed,

{\a1\pos(222,460)}but you have
a huge electrode

{\a1\pos(162,460)}clamped onto
that worm's keister there.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Oh, yeah, well,
I was watching the movie.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Mm-hm.
- Yeah, the movie.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Yeah, right.
- And that got me thinking.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}I could use the ship's reactor
to turn my worm farm

{\a1\pos(201,460)}into a race of
giant mutant killer.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Well, that's nice, Mike.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}Uh, say, could you drop us off
at the nearest satellite.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Yeah.
- Because I'd really like to--

{\a1\pos(141,460)}- Ooh, no time!
Gotta make a race of worms.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Okay.
- All right, here we go.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Look out!
- Whoa!

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Wow.
- Ah, ah!

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Wow.
- Oh, no.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}Emmett, dear,
sweet Emmett.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}He died like
all the rest.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- No.
- Uh, Mike, you know,

{\a1\pos(12,460)}we usually encourage these
little projects of yours.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- But this is getting
grotesque even for us.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- I know, you're right.
I'm a failure.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}( SOBBING )

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Ugh!
- Ooh! Oh, good worms.

{\a1\pos(264,460)}- What?
- Ick!

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Not bad.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- What are you-- stop.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Taste?
- No, Mike, yuck.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Mike, that's horrible!

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Oh, come on, try it.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- I'm not gonna try that.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}that's delicious!

{\a1\pos(33,460)}Much better than fresh worms.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Mm, gimme, gimme,
come on, come on.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Mm, try.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Mm, mm, yum!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Finally a sane use
for nuclear power.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}( LAUGHING )
- Mm-hm, we'll be rich.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Yes.
- Rich, rich!

{\a1\pos(222,460)}( LAUGHING )

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- And we'll be right back.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}Crow, we need
a dipping sauce.

{\a1\pos(264,460)}- Check.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Gimme-- mm.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( THEME MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- See, it's not true
that I can't get wood.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Oh, shouldn't have had
my chest muscles removed.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Five feet, a break.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}Five feet, another break.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Oh, well,
at least I still have

{\a1\pos(96,460)}my short and sassy
Dorothy Hamill look.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Ow, my face, ow!

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- This could be anyone
who's ever met him.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}He's completely used to it.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}( GRUNTING )

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- My tennis shoes!

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- You ain't got
no good way to go, boy.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- You're right. I don't have
no ( MUMBLING ) go, boy.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- She's mine!

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Do you mind
if I'm a crazy worm guy?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- She always was mine!

{\a1\pos(138,460)}And now you're coming
down here,

{\a1\pos(33,460)}and you spoil everything!

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Mr. Beardsley?

You're gonna be spoiled.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}You're gonna be
the worm face!

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- No, you're gonna be
the worm face.


{\a1\pos(201,460)}- This is for
Rudy Boschwitz!

{\a1\pos(306,460)}- Ah!

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Death by particle board.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- You're a stupid head!

{\a1\pos(264,460)}- Whoa!

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Ugh, ugh.

{\a1\pos(204,460)}Hey, this is
Georgia Pacific Plywood.

{\a1\pos(264,460)}Ugh, ow.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- The worms observed
30 seconds of silence

{\a1\pos(96,460)}before eating his guts.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Ah, Grandpa tried to
set his alarm clock again.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Man, I just want to shower
and get the dirt off for once.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Mm, beef lo mein.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Yum, yum.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Did anyone see
the Mr. Bubble?

Alma, do you hear a noise?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Just your marbles
rolling around.

{\a1\pos(243,460)}- No, Mama.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}Take some candles into her.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- I was gonna work
on my fade away jumper,

{\a1\pos(180,460)}but sure.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- God, her neck looks
like a xylophone.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- These candles made from Dad
really burn good.

They're here.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Mama, don't scare me.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- I spent my life
scaring you, child.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}It's my job.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Did you leave the water
running in the bathroom?

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Yeah.

{\a1\pos(285,460)}Oh, wow.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}Geri, water's
coming out upstairs.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}I can't wait to wash my face.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- It's gonna be a blast.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- You be careful, hon.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}( OMINOUS MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Mm, the worms are
playing kazoo in there.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}( OMINOUS MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- No, I'm not gonna
wash my face yet.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}I'm gonna save the joy
'til later.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Twizzler order's in.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Hey, it took all my strength
to get the plywood off me.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- It must've been
one of those things

{\a1\pos(12,460)}where adrenaline kicks in,

{\a1\pos(222,460)}and he gets
super human strength.

{\a1\pos(306,460)}- Ah.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Why does it not surprise me
that he has weak ankles?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Still, the antiquing
has been great.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- I just want to see
if my wrist is weak, too.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Oh, it is.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- I had a Kleenex.
I'm sure of it.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Oh, my shorts are
all punched up, too-- ah.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}Come on, man,
make everything lo mein.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}You're looking
quite icky today, Ron.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Thank you.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Okay, first step,
get a shillelagh.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Ah, he's disguising
himself as a worm.

{\a1\pos(78,460)}- I'm glad I traded in
my own skin for lamp ray skin.

{\a1\pos(99,460)}- Okay, shirt,
if you can't stay tucked in--

{\a1\pos(12,460)}There's enough oil on that shirt
to keep it burning a long time.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- He looks like
sentient artery plaque.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Another trip for wood
ends in complete triumph.

{\a1\pos(243,460)}- Mm, um-hm.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Ah, she sold herself
for a plate of spaghetti.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Ah, heh, heh.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Well, you're no Barney Fife.

{\a1\pos(57,460)}RESTON: Well, now, how
do you like the accommodations?

Mm, just fine, honey.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Gave the camera
to Dustin Hoffman.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}( CHUCKLING )

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Are we just going to
have afterglow,

{\a1\pos(54,460)}or are we going to have sex?

Do you have room service?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}RESTOSure do-- all the bread
and water you can eat.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- The worms are driving around
in Matchbox cars.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Ooh, I'd hate to pull
bottom of the pile duty.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- What was that?

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Don't worry,
I've got the key.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Look at my horrible teeth.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}( CHUCKLING )

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Let me just push
the old wedding tackle

{\a1\pos(96,460)}against you there.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Mm, mm.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- I love our creep

{\a1\pos(117,460)}conspiratorial laughs
about nothing.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Stop doing that.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}( CHUCKLING )

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Doing what?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Being a horrible gray
beaver-toothed Randy Travis.

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- That.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- I'm not doing anything.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- You know
I'm perfectly smooth.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}( SCREAMING )

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Oh, no,
they're in the bidet!

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Cinematography
by Seymour Butts.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Come on, Ken,
closing time.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Yeah, see you in an hour.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Hey, did you hear something?

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- I don't know.
Wait a minute.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}Hand me that candle.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Look, it's that weird guy
who wanted to make a movie.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Let's worm surf!

{\a1\pos(201,460)}( SCREAMING )

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Everybody frug!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( SERVO BURPING )

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Excuse me.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}What the--?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Ow! Gosh, Timmy, just
'cause you're bigger than me.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- A red-headed
fiber optic cable.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Oh, no, it's her.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- A moldy Slim Jim!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Oh, no, it's her.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Oh, it's just, it's her.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}A drinking straw
that has lint on the end.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Oh, oh, no, it's her.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- ♪ Isn't she lovely ♪

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Well, squirm, I guess.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- I'm used to rats, silverfish,
and cockroaches, but this--

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Over here a little.
I lost my keys.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}( EERIE MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Mom's knitting a sweater
for William Faulkner.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Mama, where's Alma?

{\a1\pos(243,460)}- Upstairs.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Hollowed out by worms.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}- Is the front door closed?

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Uh-huh,

{\a1\pos(54,460)}but I left the back door open.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}Trying to get
some fresh air.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}Wish there was
a little breeze.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Oh, I didn't see you.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- I didn't get any plywood,
but I broke my ankle.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- It's hard to do this

{\a1\pos(96,460)}and not fall into a Klan
rally down there.

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Geri!

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- We must bomb Geri
day and night.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Anybody there?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Mr. Beardsley?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Better than fiberglass.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Keep your home cozy
with wormsulation.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Ah, the hell
with the Olympics.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( THEME MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Oh.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}( OMINOUS MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Argh, I'm a pirate.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}( OMINOUS MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Looks like he's lit
from inside his pants.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- ♪ I can hear the dark
If I listen hard ♪

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- See, Mike,
I'd go out with that.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}That's how desperate I am.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- You know,
this whole movie

{\a1\pos(117,460)}definitely illustrates
one unshakeable principle.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Never go to the South
for any reason.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}In fact, please, South,
secede, will you?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}We won't stop you
this time.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}Oh, come on,
they know we hate them.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Now, stop.

{\a1\pos(120,460)}- Sorry, South,
he's a violent little robot.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}Pay no attention.
- ♪ I can hear the dark ♪

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Oh, my body's gonna be
dragged up there eventually.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}I'll just do it now.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- ♪ Coming up the stair ♪

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Yep, I'm full of your worms,

{\a1\pos(138,460)}but they did let me
keep my arms.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Don't let Mick live.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}( ROGER SCREAMING )

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Somebody told us
there was mulch here.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Happy New Year!

{\a1\pos(12,460)}( OMINOUS MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Hey, you run over my friend
with your bike, huh?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Give me those earlobes!

{\a1\pos(201,460)}( SCREAMING )
- He's got back pairs!

{\a1\pos(201,460)}( SCREAMING )

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Ooh, it's Franco-American.


{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Bye, byes.
- So long.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Ooh, there's a lot of
Elton John in that face.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Wow, most faces
can't take much.

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- No.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- He's like an unbaked
bread stick in his slacks.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- This shot is for the ladies.


{\a1\pos(75,460)}- Hey, hey, it's all right.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Come on, come on,
I'll help you down.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}Okay, another one, come on,
one more, one more, one more.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}There you go.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Please ungag me
before making out.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}( GERI SOBBING )

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- It's all right.
Let me get this off of you.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- He was made by
a Play-Doh fuzzy pumper.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}( GERI SOBBING )

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- There you go.
It's okay.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}It's gonna be okay.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}( GERI SOBBING )

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- Are you all right?
- Uh-huh.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Here, this is the substance
I'm made of.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Come on, come with me.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Does anybody know
where we're going, really?

{\a1\pos(222,460)}( SCREAMING )

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- That's Roger's peeping tree.

{\a1\pos(120,460)}- You know, it helps
that I'm smooth and nutless.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}See how my scrotum-less bottom
fits snuggly with the tree?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Must've tunneled
through Vaseline.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}( SCREAMING )

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- The anti-bird rally
gets violent.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}( SCREAMING )

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Squirming is not
doing the trick, sir.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}Fall back, fall back, men.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- If the camera
keeps tilting up,

{\a1\pos(138,460)}we'll find something
nice and pale.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}It's there.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- There it is.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Ooh, that one seems
really mad.


{\a1\pos(33,460)}- It's Glenda the good witch,
and she's hung up in the wires.

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Ow.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- You know, the seniors
used to chase them up

{\a1\pos(96,460)}in the tree a lot, too.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}So did the juniors,

{\a1\pos(138,460)}second grade girls,


{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Her dream date,

{\a1\pos(96,460)}wedged into a tree
with Howdy Doody.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Hey, excuse me.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- I fluffed.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- I thought you love birds

{\a1\pos(117,460)}might want to know
the power is on.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}The power's repaired.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}Everything is good as knew.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Thanks, Hank Hill's friend.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Which direction
is the nearest town?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Mm, flashlight.


{\a1\pos(201,460)}Hope they've got
plenty of coffee.

{\a1\pos(75,460)}I could drink five gallons,
right now.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Yeah. Say, did you notice
that we're in a tree?

{\a1\pos(138,68)}- The strangest thing.

{\a1\pos(117,96)}- Ah, he's back.
{\i1\1c&HFFFFFF&}- ( indistinct ).

{\a1\pos(222,460)}( SNIFFING )

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Did you rub the worms
into your scalp?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Left my shadow.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Hope you don't mind.

{\a1\pos(159,460)}- Hey, ( MUMBLING ).

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Now, you can't deny that
he was truly a southern man!

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Brown spots on the wall
by who flung--

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Okay, we know the rest.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Heh, heh, poo.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Never ask Tom Arnold
to house sit, huh?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}( OMINOUS MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(183,460)}- This is not
a great Remax sales team.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Now, whatever happened
with that guy running around

{\a1\pos(96,460)}with the newspaper
on his head in the rain?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}That's kind of a loose end.

{\a1\pos(264,460)}- Yeah.

{\a1\pos(285,460)}- Gee.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Man, she must've folded
her legs about three times.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- Manute Bol's sister,
Susan Bol.

{\a1\pos(306,460)}- Oh.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Meow.
ALMA: Hey, Mick!

{\a1\pos(264,460)}- Wow.
- Geri!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Sh, ignore her.

Stay right where you are.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}Don't you move, all right?

{\a1\pos(243,460)}Don't move.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- The worms are hiding
in the car,

{\a1\pos(117,460)}trying not to press up
against the horn.

{\a1\pos(162,460)}- Please, folks,
remember to worm your dog.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- And if you do start
a worm farm,

{\a1\pos(12,460)}do not raise flesh-eating,

millipedes by mistake.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- And if you have red hair,
do not mate.

{\a1\pos(264,460)}- Ever.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Now, how do they
distinguish between

{\a1\pos(12,460)}hold up your house pillars
and cushion your head pillars

{\a1\pos(201,460)}in the South?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Well, usually
it's contextual.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- Oh, oh, thank you, Mike.
You're smart.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Oh, and so what?
I'm an idiot?

{\a1\pos(264,460)}- Right.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Okay, as long as it's clear.

{\a1\pos(75,96)}- ♪ How can I ever hold you
long enough ♪

{\a1\pos(180,96)}- Time yourself
with a stopwatch.

{\a1\pos(138,96)}- ♪ One night together
Goes so fast ♪

{\a1\pos(12,96)}- Well, now, your winter nights
are longer.

{\a1\pos(264,68)}- Mm-hm.

{\a1\pos(159,96)}- ♪ Have we the time
To make it strong enough ♪

{\a1\pos(33,68)}♪ Strong enough to last ♪

{\a1\pos(180,96)}- Uh, no.
- No, no.

{\a1\pos(117,96)}- ♪ How can I ever
make you feel enough ♪

{\a1\pos(33,68)}- Well, you can get me drunk.

{\a1\pos(75,68)}- ♪ To get us to eternity ♪

{\a1\pos(138,96)}- Uh, do we have to
sing the answers?

{\a1\pos(264,68)}- Yeah.

{\a1\pos(117,96)}- ♪ How can I make
The memory real enough ♪

{\a1\pos(96,96)}- Try a camcorder.
I don't know.

{\a1\pos(33,68)}- ♪ For the day will be ♪

{\a1\pos(180,68)}- Will be what?

{\a1\pos(180,96)}What'd you say?
- What?

{\a1\pos(138,96)}- ♪ Shadows of life ♪
- Uh-huh.

{\a1\pos(117,96)}- The shadow?
- ♪ Cast by the rain ♪

{\a1\pos(117,68)}- Look at that shadow.

{\a1\pos(264,68)}- Great.

{\a1\pos(117,96)}- ♪ Shadows of pleasure
Shadows of pain ♪

{\a1\pos(117,68)}- Shadows of pleasure?

{\a1\pos(138,96)}- Shadows of the day
will be--

{\a1\pos(159,96)}- ♪ Shadows of you ♪
- Shadow Stevens?

{\a1\pos(138,68)}- ♪ Cast by our love ♪

{\a1\pos(33,96)}- Hey, wait, I'm losing track
of the question!

{\a1\pos(12,68)}- We need a copy for you.

{\a1\pos(54,68)}- Uh, I put down my answer.

{\a1\pos(96,68)}35, is that right?

{\a1\pos(138,96)}- How'd you get 35?
I had ( indistinct ).

{\a1\pos(180,96)}- Well, she says
shadow a lot, so, uh,

{\a1\pos(12,96)}let's all put down shadow
for the answer.

{\a1\pos(180,68)}- Okay, shadow.

{\a1\pos(180,68)}- Shadow.

{\a1\pos(222,96)}- ♪ And try to
Memorize my smile ♪

{\a1\pos(96,96)}- Use a mnemonic device,
if you have to

{\a1\pos(99,96)}- ♪ While we still have
The stars let's try to find ♪

{\a1\pos(138,68)}- Try to find worms

{\a1\pos(117,68)}- ♪ Happiness a while ♪

{\a1\pos(12,96)}- Ma'am, the singer lady,
are we done?

{\a1\pos(54,96)}Can we put our pencils down?
- Yeah.

{\a1\pos(159,96)}- ♪ Shadows of life
Cast by the rain ♪

{\a1\pos(117,96)}♪ Shadows of life ♪
- Shadows.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- ♪ Shadows of pleasure ♪
- Shadows of this.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- ♪ Shadows of pain ♪
- Shadows of pain.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- ♪ Shadows of you ♪
- Oh, wait a minute.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Filmed in Georgia?

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Well, there's your problem.
- Ah.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Could just as well
have filmed it in Alabama

{\a1\pos(138,460)}for all that matter.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- ♪ Became shadows of ♪
- Film it in Kentucky.

{\a1\pos(264,460)}- Crow?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}( SINISTER LAUGHING )

Up here, Mike.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- Crow, is that you?
You're so high up.

{\a1\pos(162,460)}All's I see
is a little fleck of gold.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}CROHeh, heh, heh,
it's me, Mike,

{\a1\pos(138,460)}dressed as the sister
with the big shoes

{\a1\pos(201,460)}and the patches
on the pants.

- Ah, hang on.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Oh, yeah, I see.

Well, go ahead, Mike.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Have a good laugh.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Well, it's not really
my style of humor, you know.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Not very subtle.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( CROW LAUGHING )

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Kind of stupid, really.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}I'll go get Servo.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}CROW: Hey, hang on, Mike.
I'll come with you.



{\a1\pos(117,460)}Whoa, whoa, whoa!



{\a1\pos(201,460)}- What's this
you've got for me here?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Oh, it's just
this thing here.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}- Let me look.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Okay, Crow, tall shoes,
falling to a horrible death.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}Oh, that's kind of funny,
I guess.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}- Yeah, it's kind of funny.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Uh, yeah, what do you
want there, Pearly Pants?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- There he goes.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}- Ooh, sorry about your little
gold reindeer, Mike.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}I don't know if this helps,

{\a1\pos(78,460)}but maybe you could call
someone who gives a rat's ass.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}- Um, Pearl.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- Almost ready?

{\a1\pos(33,460)}We've got an exciting new ride
at this year's fair--

{\a1\pos(12,460)}the super screamer bungee jump.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}- But I've calculated
both the length of the rope

{\a1\pos(96,460)}and the distance down...

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- Start screaming!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Exhilarating, huh?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Want to go again?
Sure you do.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}- I think
my shoulder separated.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}- I have a feeling this is
going to be a very popular

{\a1\pos(117,460)}attraction this year.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Come to the fair.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}( THEME MUSIC PLAYING )

{\a1\pos(54,68)}- You gonna be the worm face!