Mystery Science Theater 3000 (1988–1999): Season 11, Episode 10 - It Lives by Night - full transcript

A man gets bit by a bat and turns into a horrible man-bat because, after all, isn't that what happens to everyone? Meanwhile on the SOL, Mike and the Bots plan to repaint the place and figure out how colors affect their emotions. Pearl then douses the crew with a mutating poison and the crew find themselves suffering from various side-effects despite Pearl's denial of the whole thing. Crow then becomes offended when Mike and Tom feel the heroine from the movie looks more like Mary Tyler Moore than he does (even though his hair is a wig), but he gets even when he and Tom inject several rabies vaccination shots into Mike's stomach. It turns out he just fell asleep while eating a creme puff though. Mike then tries to grow a mustache again based on the doctor from the movie and Pearl is only slightly impressed before Crow's bigger mustache proves to be much more impressive. In the end, Tom receives a disappointing package from the Buddy Ebsen Hat Distressing Corporation, but Observer and Prof. Bobo have it worse when Pearl shows them a slide show based on all of her ex-husbands, all of whom have died horrible deaths.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}THEME SONG: In the not too
distant future, somewhere

{\a1\pos(96,460)}in time and space, Mike
Nelson and his robot pals

{\a1\pos(54,432)}are caught in a nasty place.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}They try to survive
the wrath of Pearl,

{\a1\pos(138,460)}just an evil gal who
wants to rule the world.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}From her castle below, she
sets her sights above just

{\a1\pos(54,460)}to torture all the captives
on the Satellite of Love.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}Get me down!

{\a1\pos(54,432)}I'll send him cheesy movies.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}The worst I can find.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}La la la.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}He'll have to sit and watch them
all, and I'll monitor his mind.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}La la la.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Now keep in mind
Mike can't control

{\a1\pos(33,432)}where the movies begin or end.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}La la la.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}He'll try to keep his
sanity with the help

{\a1\pos(117,432)}of his robot friends.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Robot roll call.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}You're on.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}Oh my stars.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Tom Servo.
Check me out.


{\a1\pos(201,432)}I'm different!

{\a1\pos(12,460)}If you're wondering how he eats
and breathes, and other science

{\a1\pos(117,460)}facts, just repeat to
yourself, "It's just a show.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}I should really just relax for
Mystery Science Theater 3000."

{\a1\pos(33,460)}I should really just relax for
Mystery Science Theater 3000."

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Hey, folks.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Painting day up here on
the Satellite of Love.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Time to spruce up the
galley, the companion ways.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-And the can.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-And the can, too, yes.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}I thought I'd, uh--

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-The can really needs it, man.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Let me tell you.


{\a1\pos(33,460)}OK, I thought I'd try a little
experiment based on the theory

{\a1\pos(96,460)}that the color of
the room can affect

{\a1\pos(180,460)}the mood of said
room's occupants.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}For instance, this
color of green

{\a1\pos(12,460)}is used in prisons, because it's
said to calm the inmates down.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}How does this make
you guys feel?

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Well, I feel calm, placid.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Sort of a Jimmy
Carter-like serenity.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-I find I have the inexplicable
desire to date Lisa Stansfield.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-That figures.
How about this?

{\a1\pos(33,460)}This orange is bright, cheery,
said to increase appetite.


{\a1\pos(138,460)}This may sound odd,
but I feel bitter

{\a1\pos(12,432)}and ignored, you callous snobs.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-It increases my desire
to date Lisa Stansfield,

{\a1\pos(96,460)}but in particular,
I want to take

{\a1\pos(12,432)}her to see competitive curling.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-I don't know why I even bother.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}But let's try one more.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}How about this one?

{\a1\pos(180,96)}This is a morose
blackish crimson,

{\a1\pos(96,68)}the color of dry blood.

{\a1\pos(96,96)}The exact color of
the last room in Poe's

{\a1\pos(96,68)}Masque of the Red Death.

{\a1\pos(12,96)}One look at it is said to
drive its occupants mad.

{\a1\pos(12,96)}Mad, I tell you, mad! [laughing]
How does it make you feel, hm?


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I'm sticking with
the Stansfield bit.

{\a1\pos(117,96)}-Yeah, I think it'd be
perfect for the can.

{\a1\pos(96,96)}-No, in there, I'm going
to use this eggshell color.



{\a1\pos(96,432)}Oh, it's horrible.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Get it away, Mike.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}That'll keep them
out of my biffy.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}We'll be right back.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-Oh, horrible!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-And how does this
color make you feel, hm?


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-It makes me want
to invest everything

{\a1\pos(96,460)}I have in steam powered
weaving machines.

{\a1\pos(264,432)}-Me too.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Man, that's eerie how
colors can influence you.


{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Oh, uh, Pearl's pestering us.


{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Bloodless Bob to Monkey One.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}Bloodless Bob to Monkey One.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}The lemmings are in position.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}Drop your pay lode.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Oh, hello, Mike.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}I'm going to start today's
experiment with a little poll.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}How do you feel about
tactical misdirections?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Oh, where'd her hand go?

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Uh, tactical mis-- uh, hm.

{\a1\pos(36,460)}Well, I guess, you know, if
it's done for the right reasons,

{\a1\pos(138,460)}I can certainly see
using tactical--



{\a1\pos(201,460)}-Hey, you used
tactical misdirection

{\a1\pos(54,460)}so we wouldn't notice you're
secretly spraying poison on us!


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I don't know what
you're implying, Nelson,

{\a1\pos(180,460)}but I don't like
where it's headed.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-What I'm implying is that
you spray poison on us-- hey!

{\a1\pos(96,432)}You did it again!

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Admit it!

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-I have a statement.


{\a1\pos(117,460)}In response to various
reports to the contrary,

{\a1\pos(180,460)}at no time did I
or my associates,

{\a1\pos(12,460)}me personally, or myself, spray
any kind of contaminants, nerve

{\a1\pos(138,460)}function inhibitors,
or thin bouillons

{\a1\pos(117,460)}on the inhabitants of
the Satellite of Love.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-OK, Monkey One, this
is Bloodless Bob.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Hit them hard with
everything you've got!

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Oh, hey.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}So I did.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}But what you have
to understand is

{\a1\pos(12,432)}things were different back then.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}Once you frame it in the proper
context, I think you'll--

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-That was 30 seconds ago.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Yeah, and now I've got
several more sets of arms!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}I don't even know
which ones are mine!

{\a1\pos(12,432)}Well, they're all mine, I guess.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-And hey, take a
look at these hands!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Might as well call
me Bob Huge Hands.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-And I've got a Servo
growing out of my back.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Now I'll have to
sleep on my stomach.


{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Now you did it again!


{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Fine, fine.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}I'll drop a load of
very expensive, highly

{\a1\pos(96,432)}experimental antidotes.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}But you owe me, Nelson.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}I'm also sending you
a really stupid bat

{\a1\pos(180,460)}movie called "It
Lives By Night."

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Monkey One, give the
babies their bottle.



{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Well, I should dry up and
fall right off you, Mike.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}-Yeah, sure.
No problem.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Hey, put her there, pal.



{\a1\pos(222,432)}[movie sign]

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Confound that Pearl.


{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Well, someone three houses down
runs a vacuum cleaner at night.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Wow, we're going
to need spotters

{\a1\pos(33,432)}in order to watch this movie.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-The left eye of Laura Mars.



{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I hate these new
aluminum bats, by the way.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Let me go!


{\a1\pos(180,432)}This guy's nuts!

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-God, what are we seeing?


{\a1\pos(222,460)}-That's it.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}Let's go, pal.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-A human!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}He'll entangle my
feet with his hair!

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Ick, there are sheets involved.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I hate it when you get
bats in your pajamas.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Oh, Vikings, why?
-Alanis Morissette.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}No wonder he's
having a nightmare.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Honey, you've got
to cut your toenails.

-You can go home now.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-You're yelling in
your sleep again.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}The same dream?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Yeah, only Raymond Burr
was in it this time.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Try to go back to sleep.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-I'll change the bedding.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Now I'm dreaming of credits!

{\a1\pos(180,432)}[music playing]

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-It's Julee Cruise in concert.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Boy, Batman has really
let his place go.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Well, it shouldn't
drink so much coffee.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Now the credits are
gently hang gliding away.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-It lives by night.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}It pulls a long shift
down at the Ford plant.

{\a1\pos(54,68)}-In fact, the Lou Shaw film.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}-Stewart enjoys living on the
north side of many large trees.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Now, your car is on fire.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}I told you we shouldn't
do kebabs on the manifold.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Music for the heavily sedated.

{\a1\pos(96,96)}-Well now Bonnie's
not fooling anyone.

{\a1\pos(96,68)}It's Bonnie Van Lesbian.

{\a1\pos(54,96)}-When picking up hitchhikers
goes horribly wrong.

{\a1\pos(138,96)}-Oh, I wish this car
had an eject button.

{\a1\pos(96,68)}-An early David Berley.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-I've got a job delivering
spooky folk singers.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Stop it.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-(SINGING) Well, I'll be damned.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}Here comes your ghost again.

{\a1\pos(96,96)}-Someday I'll tell
you why I'm so smug.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-(SINGING) Take me
out to the ball game.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-I'm just gonna drive
it off a cliff, honey.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-A guy named Associate Producer
was the Dante Cuccinello?


{\a1\pos(264,96)}He was--
-Stop it.

{\a1\pos(180,96)}-A woman and her
guitar were found dead

{\a1\pos(96,96)}in a shallow grave
in the desert today.

{\a1\pos(12,68)}-Vacation in the Forbidden Zone.


{\a1\pos(201,432)}Look at this.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-It's a free range orange.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-What have you got?

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-I don't know.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-Oh, it's the
onion of knowledge.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-It's cactus [inaudible].


{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Mary Tyler Less.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Man, she's got a lot
of fingers, hasn't she?

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-What is it?

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Don't you hear that?


{\a1\pos(138,432)}-I think I heard U2.


{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Shh, shh.


{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Well, what is it?


{\a1\pos(201,432)}-I don't know.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}I hear something, but I--

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-I'm too dumb to interpret it.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-That's strange.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Darn, lost my crutches.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Come on, bring your thinness.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Come with me.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}We'll surprise him.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Mutual of Omaha's Mild Kingdom.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-It's horrible.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Couldn't even do one pushup.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Johnny, come on.
Let's get out of here.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Don't you dare eat
my potato salad.


{\a1\pos(96,432)}-I'm sorry, Cath.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}I keep forgetting they
turn everybody else off.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-They turn me on.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-God, it's ugly.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-I'll get rid of it.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}We can get going.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-I'll get it!

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Johnny, can't we skip
the caves for today

{\a1\pos(33,432)}and go right on to the slopes?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-I'd kind of like to make
the last tour if we can.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-But I've got a lot
of not eating to do.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Is it so important?

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Well, of course not.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}It's just my work.
-[sarcastic mumbling]

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-That's what the weekend's
all about, remember?

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-I remember something else.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}This weekend is also supposed
to be an overdue honeymoon.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-We were supposed to
do the humpty hump.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-You're right.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}I can do it later.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-No, I want to do it now!

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Oh, Johnny, you're right.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Sex is silly.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Your work is important.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}We'll catch the last tour.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-You sure?


{\a1\pos(54,460)}-I'll hit the snooze button
on my biological clock.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Whee, we're going caving!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Hey, honey, there's the
millennial death cult.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Spelunking away to the
music of Herbie Mann.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Oh, I hope there's
a buffet in the cave.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-While we're in the cave,
please stay together.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}No straggling.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}No wandering off.
-No fun.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}-Remember, there are hundreds
of unexplored passageways

{\a1\pos(222,432)}in the cave.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-This cave is popular
for those avoiding sex.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}-Water drips from the ceiling
for a long period of time.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}With each drop of
water that falls,

{\a1\pos(33,432)}a litte tiny bit of mineral--

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Please don't succumb to
the urge to eat each other.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}[tour guide talking]

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Oh, this is the best
not sex we've ever had.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}[tour guide talking]

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-So a scientist
gets his information

{\a1\pos(138,460)}from a minimum wage
Park Service guide.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Oh, wow.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-This is really boring.

{\a1\pos(264,432)}-You OK?


{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Second stair landing, wife OK.


{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Hey, see how they're going
up those stairs around there?

{\a1\pos(264,460)}Come on.


{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Nobody can see us.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-We're too thin.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Doing what?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Something down here
makes me feel primitive.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Is it my raw manhood, honey?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-You haven't got the nerve.
-Try me.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-As an entree or side dish.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-You're on, lady.


{\a1\pos(12,432)}-[fake manly laughing] Oh, oof!



{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Hey, guys, eventual food!




{\a1\pos(117,432)}-I'm losing the mood!

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Johnny, please, hurry!


{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Are you all right?

They're crawling all over me.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-At least something is.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-They're mites, honey.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}Keep still.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-They're mites?

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-How do we get out of here?

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-I don't know.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Maybe by not being idiots.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Finally, an excuse
to drink my urine.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-The best thing
we can do is wait.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Yeah, taking action is
for effective people.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Sooner or later, they'll
figure we're missing.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Grub grub grub grub grub.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Johnny, Johnny, please,
let's get out of here.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Cathy, Cathy.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Let's try that.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}Best thing we can
do is stay put.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Trying to save
yourself is undignified.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-I'm sorry.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Listen, our honeymoon was
getting a little dull anyway.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Yeah, a little soft.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}I mean flaccid.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}Sorry, I mean dull.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-What is it?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-I heard a woman say what is it?

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Same thing I heard before.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-[monkey noises]

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-The bats.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}I couldn't hear.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-I don't hear anything.


{\a1\pos(33,432)}One of them is getting closer.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}-Hey, get out of our bedroom!
-Oh god!

{\a1\pos(33,460)}-He has his own pulley system!

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Get me out!

{\a1\pos(222,432)}Get me out!

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-I can detach myself.
I'm not stuck.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}Everybody calm down.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Hey, kick me off your
little blanket, huh?


{\a1\pos(96,460)}I'll kick the guano out
of you, you son of a--

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Are you hurt?

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-Just get away
from me, you wife.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-It's nothing.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-He sucker punched
me, that's all.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Are you sure?

{\a1\pos(33,432)}Are you sure you're all right?



{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Oh god, no!

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-She ramps right
up to ordeal mode.


{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Is anybody down there?


{\a1\pos(180,432)}Hey, down here!

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Help us, please!

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Down here!

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Are you all right?

-We'll just go on, then!


{\a1\pos(12,432)}-OK, line up, you maggots!

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Cathy, don't do that!

-Never mind.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}It doesn't matter.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Tell me?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-No, the bat and I were
lovers in another life.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}That-- that's fine.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-You wanted to
examine it for rabies.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}Oh, I'm sorry.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Don't worry about it.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Why did I kick it away?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}We could have had some
good stew, you know.

-[laughing] it.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Tastes just like
white meat of tuna.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}That's what they tell me.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-You're disgusting.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Have you ever thought about
what we look like to a bat?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-I don't care about bats.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}I care about you.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-I care about me too.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-And I care about you, and bats.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-And maggots.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}And rats, too.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}Rats are cool.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Oh, great wife.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Look at that.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}Isn't that beautiful?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Bread and butter.


{\a1\pos(201,460)}Oh, what a run
that's going to be.


{\a1\pos(12,432)}-That's what the ADR lady says.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-I'm so glad.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}I'm really happy.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Oh, too much vapor action.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-You'll get the money!

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Let me go!

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-God, I hate festival seating.


{\a1\pos(138,432)}The horrible truth.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Try running forward
instead of in place.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-The roads [inaudible] in hell.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-You're thrusting
your hair at me again!

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-I suppose Mary Slaney
will blame a bat this time.


{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Be right there!

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-She's in my six.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}I can't see her.


{\a1\pos(54,460)}-You kiss like my aunt Rita!

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Oh, come on!

{\a1\pos(12,432)}It doesn't hurt that long!

{\a1\pos(54,460)}I have a naturally occurring
analgesic in my teeth.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Johnny, please!

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-We took a vote.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}We're pushing you out, Johnny.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Are you all right?

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-We're very concerned.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-What's wrong?

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Isn't everybody here a bat?

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-I don't know.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}You-- you were acting so funny.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}Kind of crazy.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Honey, what are
you talking about?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Well, you flapped your arms and
formed your tongue into a tube.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-I thought I was
a bat once, too.


{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Are you sure you're all right?

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-I'm fine.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-You know, they save
money by hooking

{\a1\pos(12,432)}the gondola to the power lines.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}-While we're up here, we might
as well confound the Germans

{\a1\pos(12,432)}by triggering our timing bombs.


{\a1\pos(138,460)}-That was an awesome
two foot run.


{\a1\pos(180,432)}-What was that?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Are you ready for this?

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Let's go!


{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Russell Means!

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Hey, do Agony of Defeat again.


{\a1\pos(117,460)}-It's the Like Father,
Like Son suite.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Suzie Chapstick and her
husband Ron Chapstick.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Hey, they flocked
all the trees.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-I have a brioche in my hat.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-[laughing] Eat my dust, honey.


{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Look, honey, I'm doing daffies.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-I'm thirsty.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Let's tap those.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-The brakes aren't working!

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Hey, this is an
expensive camera.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Hey, hey!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}--[laughing] My femur's
sticking out of my ski pants!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-The precise moment they
realized their marriage

{\a1\pos(180,432)}was over.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Hey, where'd my chair go?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-You're really brave.
Oh, God.


{\a1\pos(54,432)}Imagine having fun together.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Brace yourself.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}We're next.

{\a1\pos(264,432)}-Oh, no.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}I'm barely thawed
out from the slopes.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Oh, Professor Firefly.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-$23 a day.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}It's almost worth it.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-You ready for a drink?
-Oh, am I.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Here's a glass of snow.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Well, bats to you.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-I love you.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-To us, Johnny.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}--[gags] Bailey's
and pickle juice!


{\a1\pos(12,432)}-How's our marriage going?

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Leave me alone!

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-I'm having sex.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Your hand!

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Johnny, Johnny, what's
the matter with you?

{\a1\pos(264,432)}-Oh, hi.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}You've got to see a doctor.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-For what?
-Your hand.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-It's so young looking.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-It was an accident, honey.
-I don't care what it was.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Please, come on.

-Oh, it's not serious.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Not serious?

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Well, it's meant to be funny.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-All right.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}I'll stop at the
first aid station

{\a1\pos(54,432)}first thing in the morning.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-For now, I'll
bleed in the water.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Switzerland World Headquarters!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Hey, he's a Love,
American Style doctor.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-That looks pretty good.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-It's not bad.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I heal you in the
name of skiing.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-What are we going
to do about that?

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-That can wait.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-You're the doctor.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}But promise me something.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Start treatment just as
soon as you get back, huh?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-You mean the Pasteur treatment?


{\a1\pos(54,432)}Otherwise he could go sour.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Look, you two,
there's a minimum 30

{\a1\pos(117,432)}day incubation period.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}So there's no reason
to spoil the weekend.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Is it true that the
cure is sometimes

{\a1\pos(96,432)}worse than the disease?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Is that a hangup I hear?

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Nothing is worse than rabies.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Thanks a lot, doctor.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Johnny, I think--


{\a1\pos(12,432)}Honey, it's not that big a deal.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Would you stop with
the damn compassion?

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-I can wait until next week.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-I don't think a week
will make any difference.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}I am going skiing.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Oh, don't let anything
stop you, doctor.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}He's only a patient.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Take it easy, Cath.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-And you're being as
irresponsible as he is.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}You're working on a grant
in preventive medicine,

{\a1\pos(12,432)}and you won't take it yourself.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}You're not doctors,
you're children!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-But Dr. Mellow Ski Bum
said it would be fine.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-You ready to go, doctor?

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-I'm ready, doctor.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Where are we going?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Bring your bitter wife.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-About five miles down
the hill, in town.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Are you happy now?


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-So, you guys think that
the wife in the movie

{\a1\pos(138,460)}looks more like Mary
Tyler Moore than me,

{\a1\pos(96,460)}even though I have
the same skinny

{\a1\pos(12,460)}body, the same pointy hip
bones, and the exact same hair?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}If you ignore the
fact that it's a wig.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}Well, I'm very
insulted, and deeply,

{\a1\pos(138,460)}deeply disappointed
in both of you.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Really, Crow, you look
plenty like Mary Tyler Moore.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Yeah, more than the woman
in the movie, really.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Well, that's not what you
said before, you jellyfish.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Now, we're going
to do this right,

{\a1\pos(12,460)}so there's no backpedaling
from you two clowns later on.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}You start the
scene, and then try

{\a1\pos(33,460)}to deny that you don't forget
that I'm not Mary Tyler Moore.


{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Just go.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Ted, you can't have a lava
lamp in your dressing room.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Oh, come on, Lou, it's what all
the groovy hep cats are doing.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-I said no, Ted.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Oh, come on, Lou, please.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Oh, Mr. Grant, Ted
was only trying to be--

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-You stay out of this, Crow.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Uh, come on, Lou.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}I mean, Crow agrees
with me, Lou.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Hey, it's Mary, you guys.


{\a1\pos(180,432)}Yes, Mr. Grant.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Shut up, Crow, or
I'll transfer you

{\a1\pos(12,432)}to Chuckles the Clown, OK, Crow?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-All right, it's Mary,
you spiteful bastards!

{\a1\pos(54,460)}How dare you be Lou and you
be Ted and not let me be Mar?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}I can turn the world on
with my stinkin' smile!


{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Whoo, we got him.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Let's me grow, and
I should know it.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-We'll be right back, Lou.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-With each glance and every
lousy movement, I show it.

{\a1\pos(264,432)}Come on!

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-You prefer this to another
day on the slopes, do you?


{\a1\pos(117,432)}Don't worry about it.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}It's strictly routine procedure.


{\a1\pos(138,460)}But you're strictly
special, and I

{\a1\pos(138,460)}don't want anything
to happen to you.


{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Cath, nothing's happening.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Everything copacetic in here?

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-I'm worried.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Whoa, this one's
gonna hurt like hell.


{\a1\pos(33,460)}-Posed like this in Playgirl,
only without my pants.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Mrs. Beck, I can only
handle one emergency a day.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Would you mind waiting
in the solarium?

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Go ahead, Cath.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}It'll only take a minute.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Be groovy, OK?


{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Hey, she's wearing a
Charlie Brown sweater.



{\a1\pos(54,460)}-We could also spackle your
nose holes, if you want.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Should I pick out
your belly button lint

{\a1\pos(138,432)}while I'm down here?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-There's a heavenly
light on his groin.


{\a1\pos(33,460)}-Yeah, dump that in the ocean.
-Numero uno.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-19 to go.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-(SINGING) What would you
say if I sang out of tune?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Can you hear me?

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Can you hear me?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}You're having an
allergic reaction.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}Try to breathe slowly.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-We have to mellow him out.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Sodium phenobarb.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-20 ccs of the dry look, and
get me some space food sticks.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Hurry, hurry.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-These nurses are on the
website Pink Lukewarm Nurses.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Man, I've really got
to quit killing guys.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Licorice condom?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}What the hell is
that doing in there?


{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Um, this didn't happen.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-I think he's all right now.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}Prepare a room for Dr. Beck.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}He'll be staying here, nurse.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Yes, sir.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Um, do you have
any drug allergies?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-That's a hell of a ride.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}I've never seen anything
like that before.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Just like rabies itself.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-From what I understand,
allergic reaction

{\a1\pos(12,432)}can produce identical symptoms.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-It wasn't my shot, it
was your stupid reaction.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-That's ironic, isn't it?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}The odds are probably
one in a million.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}And where does it hit?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}My research [inaudible].


{\a1\pos(12,460)}--[laughs] It's like this
chick I was making it with.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I guess the bats
are getting even.


{\a1\pos(138,432)}-I could use a hug.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-What's your opinion about
the rest of the shots?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-You mean, do I
think you're going

{\a1\pos(180,460)}to have another
reaction like this?

{\a1\pos(222,432)}I doubt it.

{\a1\pos(117,96)}I think that was just
the initial jolt.

{\a1\pos(117,96)}The rest of the shots
should have minimal effect.


{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Not as good as fondue.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Dr. Kipling?

waiting for you.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Dr. Kipling?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Dr. Kipling, um, I'm
sorry to bother you.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Can I just poke you in
the ribs a few times?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-You promise not to
bomb me any more?


{\a1\pos(12,432)}-You know, you were right.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-I am hot.
-I am kind of a ski bum.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Doctor, one of the nurses
told me what happened.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-You pinched her bippy.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-She shouldn't have done that.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-How serious is it?

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-You mean his
reaction to the serum?


{\a1\pos(180,460)}-I wouldn't call
it serious at all.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-But is that it?


{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Is it possible there may
be other side effects?


{\a1\pos(117,460)}There is a possibility
of side effects.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}But I wouldn't worry about it.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-But it was a violent
reaction, wasn't it?

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Yes, it was.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-The reaction pistol
whipped your husband.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Obviously, he is
allergic to the serum.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}But that's not
unusual in itself.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}The Pasteur
treatment can produce

{\a1\pos(138,460)}reactions very, very
similar to rabies.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}Like, uh, sudden shifts in mood,
manic depression, paranoia,

{\a1\pos(117,432)}inability to swallow.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-But that's what I don't
understand, doctor.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}He had those
reactions, everything

{\a1\pos(96,460)}you're describing,
before he took the serum.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Hey, that hits
my erroneous zone.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-I don't know what you mean.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-It was really strange.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}On the gondola,
and in the jacuzzi,

{\a1\pos(138,460)}he had these sudden
fits of anger.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Has he never been mellow?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-He was without any problems
one minute, and then the next,

{\a1\pos(117,460)}he was like a madman,
completely out of control.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}And he wasn't even aware of it.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Mrs. Beck.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-You're a loser, baby.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I want to assure
you of one thing.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Whatever you saw in him,
believe me, it wasn't rabies.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}The incubation period
is one to five months.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Doctor, what if he
does have rabies?

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-I wouldn't worry about it.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}We got an early start
on the treatment.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Even if it's not fatal, there's
a good chance of brain damage,

{\a1\pos(222,432)}isn't there?

{\a1\pos(33,460)}-This is all about me shaving
my mustache, isn't it?

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Come on, let's go.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-You haven't commented
on my Aspeny good looks.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-All right, hold him.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}--[miming punching noises]
Get him, get him!


{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Please, we can't all
eat the same mosquito!


{\a1\pos(117,432)}-[miming machine gun]


{\a1\pos(201,460)}-I tell you, I
don't know anything!


{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Please, just hide me
from Ozzy Osbourne!


{\a1\pos(54,432)}This is really good, ma'am.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Excellent blood.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Mm, mm, B negative.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}Thank you very much.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Slightly redolent of cilantro.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}[eating noises]


{\a1\pos(12,460)}-It'd be a better movie if
he'd gotten bit by a cow.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-His hands are small, I know.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}But they are his.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}They are not our own, you know?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-He's turning into
a damned werewolf.


{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Chin buffed and waxed.


{\a1\pos(54,432)}-He's becoming honey baked.


{\a1\pos(180,432)}[eating noises]

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-That's Eubie Blake's hand.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Where's the nurse?

{\a1\pos(117,432)}I'm dilated to eight!


{\a1\pos(33,432)}Left my hand in the Fry Daddy.


{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Hey, honey, come look at this.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}Is this weird?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Ow, my studded contacts!


{\a1\pos(117,460)}Listen, "The Planet of
the Apes" apes are coming.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Listen, you hypochondriac,
I know what you did.


{\a1\pos(201,432)}-What is that?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-What do you mean, Nurse
Soon To Be Killed By A Bat?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-What do you want?


{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Good morning, darling.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-My damn finger came off again.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-How did you ever get that off?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}It took two strong men
and a boy to get it on.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Cathy, I want you to
find the psychiatrist.


{\a1\pos(33,432)}-I'm mistaking you for a hat.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-For once in your life,
just do what the hell I ask.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}Can't you see I'm in trouble?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-But the doctor says
you're doing fine.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Find somebody, Cathy!

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Maybe he got bit by a jerk bat.


{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Just as soon as
I get you settled.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Sometimes you make me so thin.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-What are you talking about?

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-In the motel.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-They won't let me leave, Cathy.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Didn't you talk to the doctor?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}He says you don't
have to say here.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}I've already signed you out.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-But I like it here.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}I love the pudding.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-I think I should stay
close to the hospital.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}For a while, anyway.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-But there's no reason!

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-I want to.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}Isn't that reason enough?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Back in the days when
you could check yourself

{\a1\pos(96,460)}in and out of the
hospital willy nilly.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-So I'm lifted and
separated for no reason.


{\a1\pos(54,432)}-I need $7.00 for the copay.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-It's not OK.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-You're just a bad wife.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-I'm coming home with you.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-You don't have to.
-I've remarried.


{\a1\pos(117,432)}Have a mosquito on me.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Yes I do.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Did she marry Kevin McDonald?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Why don't you go on ahead
and find us [inaudible]?


{\a1\pos(96,432)}You do feel well enough?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-My weak chin will
get us through this.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Get the psychiatrist.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Now, into the closet with you.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}There you go.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-I thought I bought a half slip.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}-It's fine.
How much is that?


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Well, throw in a
bag of bat chow.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Thank you.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}Give [inaudible], please.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Now I steal some Leggs.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Oh, nice panties.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}What-- hey!

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Uh, sir, this is a
non-convulsing zone.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}I'm going to have to ask
you to take that elsewhere.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-I'm Sheriff Character Actor.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-You all right, doctor?

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-I am now.


{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Sergeant Ward,
Sheriff's Department.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-I'm not a bat!

{\a1\pos(180,432)}I mean, uh, hi.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-How are you feeling, Dr. Beck?

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-I'm fine.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}How did you know my name?

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-I've been following you, Doc.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}Just missed you at the hospital.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}You sure you're all right now?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Look, Sergeant, I'm taking
a series of preventive shots.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}I don't need to stay
at the hospital,

{\a1\pos(54,460)}and you are not a doctor, so
just what can I do for you?

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Take it easy, doc.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}All I want to do
is talk a little.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Chew some gum at you.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Now, if I had a pretty
young wife like yours,

{\a1\pos(96,460)}and I brought something
home like this,

{\a1\pos(96,460)}there's no telling
what she might think,

{\a1\pos(117,432)}you know what I mean?


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Sorry, I'm being
weird again, huh?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-You, uh, got something
sheer for my deputy?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-You got a beating area, ma'am?

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Is this your hand?


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Well, when I guess you
get around to it, Sergeant,

{\a1\pos(33,432)}you'll know where to find me.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-In the dweeb
department at Sears.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Oh, Doc.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-I'm having a lingerie party.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-What I wanted to
mention is I'm checking

{\a1\pos(180,460)}out the accident
at the hospital.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}Last night?

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-I don't know.

{\a1\pos(264,432)}I can--

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Well, you see,
your room's pretty

{\a1\pos(54,432)}close to where it happened.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Thought you might
have heard something,

{\a1\pos(117,432)}you know what I mean?

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Not a thing.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}I was asleep.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Yeah, figures, what with
all you've been through.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}The reason I ask you is I
found this near the body.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-A signed confession from you.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}-It's yours.
-Yes, let's see.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}Bat W. Batman.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Yes, it's mine.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-I don't understand
how it got there.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Yeah, that's what I
keep wondering, too.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}Same way I keep wondering how it
got off, you know what I mean?

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-I don't know.

{\a1\pos(264,432)}-Try it.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}Let me turn into a
murdering bat first.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Real puzzler, ain't it?

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-Later, over a
romantic dinner, they

{\a1\pos(12,432)}discuss the details of the case.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Yes, tonight, we're
having lightly dilled

{\a1\pos(96,460)}field mouse and a
mosquito demi-glace.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Oh, honey, yes, yes, oh!

{\a1\pos(138,432)}Oh, wait, that's me.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Mm, worry, mm, fret.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Ew, a human lady.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}Her skin is hairless, and
she really has small ears.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-It's the Bats Motel.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Fret, stew, worry.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-I'm just going to fly once
around the parking lot.


{\a1\pos(180,432)}What the--

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-It's just a mannequin.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Pose at me in your
IZOD shirt, will you?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Go tell Charlie
McCarthy I want my money.


{\a1\pos(180,432)}Now I'll fit in.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Hey, there's a crazed
sweaty guy wearing pajamas

{\a1\pos(138,432)}and-- oh, oh, wait.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}He's got a blazer on.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}It's all right.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-A mannequin was brutally
beaten and murdered last night.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-"Married With Children" blaring
out of each and every trailer.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-I'll cry Tabasco tears for you.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}-Do the bat!

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Oh, man, yeah, suck
your blood, do the bat.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}Batty batty batty, batty batty
batty, knock down groovy bat.

{\a1\pos(264,432)}Oh yeah.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Wanna suck your
coocoo vein, baby.


{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Now I know why they
call it scatting.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Yeah, you oughta.


{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Hosanna superstar,
hosanna superstar.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Actual trailer trash.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}All right.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-Well, she got
away from the bat,

{\a1\pos(12,460)}but ironically, a tornado
tore through her trailer park

{\a1\pos(201,432)}moments later.


{\a1\pos(36,460)}-Hey, hey, hey.
You got a mosquito on your neck.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}I just want to grab it.



{\a1\pos(117,460)}-My turtleneck doesn't
match our sheets!

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-It's all right, it's all
right, it was just a nightmare.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}You're all right.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}You're all right, darling.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}You're all right.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}It was only a bad dream.
-I'm sorry, honey.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}We've got to wash
the sheets again.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Just remember, the first
30 years are the hardest.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-It's like the others.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}Just a dream.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}That's all.

{\a1\pos(264,432)}A dream.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Big boys don't cry.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}Big boys don't cry.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}-I can't take any more of her
shrieking her empathy at me!

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Attention, bed wetters.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}Get up and go now.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-I'm not as popular as
Enis, and that troubles me.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}--[snoring] Squeak
squeak squeak squeak.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}[snore] Squeak
squeak squeak squeak.


{\a1\pos(222,432)}I'm lonely.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Who is it?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Sergeant Ward.
-I'm not sleepy.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}Can I have a glass of water?


{\a1\pos(54,432)}-What do you want, Sergeant?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I'd like to talk
to your husband.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Um, he's really kind
of a bat right now.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Oh, I have breasts,
I'm so great.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}That's what you're
saying, isn't it?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Can it wait until
morning, sergeant?

{\a1\pos(201,432)}It's 3:00 AM.

{\a1\pos(264,432)}-Uh, no.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Get back to bed, Cathy.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Sorry, Johnny.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}I told the sheriff he
could sleep with us.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-I'll handle this.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Hey, you got a good
rack there, too, fella.


{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Oh, Mike!

{\a1\pos(12,432)}Oh my god, what happened, Mike?

Servo, get the rabies kit, stat.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-I'm on it!

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Hang on, buddy!

{\a1\pos(264,432)}Hang on!

{\a1\pos(222,460)}-Rabies kit!

{\a1\pos(96,432)}Let's get to work.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}We haven't a moment to lose.

Don't worry, buddy.

{\a1\pos(57,460)}-There you go.
-Everything's going to be fine.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-There you go.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-This might hurt a little there.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-OK, there you go.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-OK, another one, there.
-There you go.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-Another one.
Another one.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-There's another.
And one more.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-There you go.


{\a1\pos(117,432)}-[groaning] Hey, guys.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Oh, man, I don't
know what happened.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}I guess I fell asleep
eating my pastry.


{\a1\pos(54,460)}Well, now, I'm-- I'm sure I
wouldn't have a bunch of giant

{\a1\pos(96,460)}hypodermic needles
sticking out of my stomach

{\a1\pos(201,460)}unless it was
absolutely necessary.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Well, Mike, you
led us to believe

{\a1\pos(12,460)}you were rabid and seconds from
becoming a horrible man bat.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Oh, uh, you know, I'm not.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Well, we know that.
-So, so what?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Are you saying we can't
finish your series

{\a1\pos(201,460)}of painful but
necessary injections

{\a1\pos(96,460)}because you fell asleep
eating a cream puff?

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Yeah, thanks, Mike.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}So-- so we're just supposed to
live with no sense of closure

{\a1\pos(180,460)}just because you
don't have rabies?

{\a1\pos(201,460)}Great, great.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-You guys, look.
I'm sorry.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}You're right.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}I, I, uh-- I really was
selfish to not have rabies.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}I'll tell you what.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Go ahead and finish the
series of painful injections.

-Thanks, Mike.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}But really, it is
the least you can do.

Hey, 37 more injections to go.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}Let's rock.


-Just kidding.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}[movie sign]
-We've got movie sign.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Let's go.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}SERVO: Ah, they're going
to reject that one.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-All right, sergeant.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}What's so important in
the middle of the night?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Kind of an inconvenient
hour, I guess,

{\a1\pos(54,460)}but there's been one of two
things that have been bothering

{\a1\pos(117,460)}me, and I thought I'd
better talk to you.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}-About what?



{\a1\pos(117,432)}I want to murder you.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-This little girl had her throat
ripped out a couple hours ago.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Hey, admit it, it
was Richard Jewell.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-What's that have to do with me?

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Well, nothing, doc.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}I'm just talking
to a lot of folks.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}Been in all night, have you?

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Yes, of course.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}My wife will verify that.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-She don't have to do that, doc.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}You're not on the stand,
you know what I mean?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-You haven't told me
what you wanted, sir.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-He's got a Mia Farrow haircut.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Oh yeah.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}Well, you ever seen this before?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}The girl ripped it off
whoever attacked her.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-It was his prized used Kleenex.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Are you implying that's mine?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I guess if you've
seen one bandage,

{\a1\pos(12,432)}you've seen them all, right doc?


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Yeah, well, I've got a
lot more people to wake

{\a1\pos(12,432)}up who I once saw with bandages.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-I ought to be able to
have a reaction to that.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}I'm an actor.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}Ah, it's not worth it.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Is everything all right? '

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-He has achieved a state
of perfect blandness.

{\a1\pos(204,460)}-Take these.
-And jam them right up--

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-They'd knock out an elephant.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}They'll help you
with the nightmares.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-They'll make them scarier.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I'm not sure they
were nightmares.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Between this and the
oil embargo, I just--

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Look, I'm not a psychiatrist.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}Far from it.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}But I think what happened
is pretty obvious.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}You were running
a very high fever

{\a1\pos(180,460)}and you wandered
out of your room

{\a1\pos(54,460)}and you spotted the nurse--
-You killed her.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Lying on the floor.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-You killed her.


{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Because of you.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-You panicked.
-Re-killed her.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}-You rushed back to your room.
-Killed her again.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Now, you were in a
state of near coma.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Then you distorted the
sequence of events.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}In your mind, you
killed the nurse.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Which is what you
did, so it's fine.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-All right.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-You're a doctor.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}You didn't help her.


{\a1\pos(33,432)}-That's what you should feel.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Same reason I'm here
instead of up on the hill.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-He wants to stay
in the hospital

{\a1\pos(33,432)}until the treatments are over.


{\a1\pos(117,460)}-I'd go along with him
if I were you, Mrs. Bank.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Get a devil's haircut.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-He's had a severe trauma.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}It's pretty rough.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-What can I do to help?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Oh, land me, I suppose.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Give him all support he needs.
No pressure.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Expect nothing from him.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I think his mind
will ease up just as

{\a1\pos(201,460)}soon as these
treatments are over.


{\a1\pos(12,460)}A little fruit for my fruit bat.
-For you.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Thank you, sweetie.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-You want one?

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-No, not now.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-I talked to your mother.
-You didn't.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Yeah, she said squeak.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Oh, you promised to
call her, remember?

What did you tell her?

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-I told her you were fabulous.


{\a1\pos(117,460)}And she didn't insist
on talking to me?

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Oh, she did.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}But I said you were asleep.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Said the honeymoon
was too much for you.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-So you bragged to mom about
the frequency of our sex.


{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Now we're going to keep on
hearing about grandchildren.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}You know that.



{\a1\pos(138,460)}-You always do that
when we talk about kids.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Charlie, what's wrong?
-I'm tired.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}I'd better get a little rest.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-I'll get the doctor.
-No, no.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}I want a little
rest, that's all.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Johnny, you--

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Just get the hell out of
here and leave me alone!


{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Forget it!

{\a1\pos(138,460)}I'm leaving you for
Dr. Mustache Love!

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-This isn't happening!

{\a1\pos(138,432)}This is in my mind!

{\a1\pos(180,432)}It's in my mind!

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Oh, then you can clean that
up with your mind, young man!

{\a1\pos(117,432)}I can't believe this.

I've got to get to church.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Ah, the bats are
paying the harp.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Please, no.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}I must stay.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}I need help.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-I'm Bradford Dilman!

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Wow, there's a whale
farting outside.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Maynard Ferguson is coming.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Oh, good, he left
a trail of guano.



{\a1\pos(33,432)}Johnny, please, open the door!

{\a1\pos(138,432)}I want to help you.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-God, they were out of
toilet paper in there.



{\a1\pos(117,460)}-I don't like it when
you take the Lands' End

{\a1\pos(96,432)}catalog in there.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I guess he had a
garden level room, huh?


{\a1\pos(138,432)}Man, am I a doofus.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Man on the run, man on the run.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-The Fugi-bat.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Emergency and parcel pick-up.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Man, this remake of
The Road is pretty bad.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Just gotta swing by and
pick up Randolph Mantooth.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Out of the way,
and warm your hands!

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-I guess by definition
I'm in the Batmobile now.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}FEMALE SPEAKER (ON

{\a1\pos(12,460)}fleeing the scene heading
east on Nake Road.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}Suspect [inaudible].

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Suspect is 18 inches long
with huge upturned ears

{\a1\pos(138,460)}and weird, elongated
webbed arms.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Jeez, all he's missing
is the feather boa.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}FEMALE SPEAKER (ON
RADIO): Apprehend.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}Do not shoot.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}Repeat, do not shoot.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Beating to death is OK.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}FEMALE SPEAKER (ON
RADIO): Heavily drugged

{\a1\pos(96,460)}from treatments received
at the hospital.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-This is Sergeant Ward.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Who is the patient who
stole that ambulance?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}FEMALE SPEAKER (ON
RADIO): Male Caucasian.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-What's his name?

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Mr. Male Caucasian.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}FEMALE SPEAKER (ON
RADIO): Dr. John Beck.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-And the giant Impala
groans into action.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-God, I love this job.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}Spinning donuts, wearing shades.

{\a1\pos(120,460)}-This is unit one in
pursuit of stolen ambulance,

{\a1\pos(12,432)}now headed south on 14th street.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}All units converge.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Over and phlegm.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Hunter Thompson, Texas Ranger.


{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Stay in my mouth, drool.

{\a1\pos(264,432)}Come on.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-The town that's all outskirts.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-Bob Wetface.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-It's KFC.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}Man, imagine those poor saps
who lived before extra crispy.


{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Must have been hell.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-When you want your ill
delivered fresh, call us.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-OK, first Little Shaky's
Pizza, and then I'll

{\a1\pos(33,432)}get the guy to intensive care.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-It's the mailbox of values!

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Save me, large nose holes!

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Kind of a minimalist ambulance.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-Fill her up.
Thank you.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-He was gonna hit him anyway!

-Squeak squeak.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Well, the skiing looks good.

{\a1\pos(180,96)}-Ah, hell, he's
heading to Mexico.

{\a1\pos(12,96)}It's illegal to prosecute
Chiroptera there.

{\a1\pos(78,96)}-You hit a bump in that
thing, 50 miles down the road,

{\a1\pos(96,68)}you're still recovering.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Oh, air conditioning
really kicked in.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-[laughing] This is rich!

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-I lost him.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Oh, there he is.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}I've got to laugh.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}That is something.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Uh, you seen mother or Jugs?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-All right, [inaudible].

{\a1\pos(222,460)}-He's got a
Pop-O-Matic on his car.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Pull over!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Yeah, just let me
escape from you first.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-OK, I'll pull over first.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}This is what I want you to do.
-Crummy high speed chase.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}I didn't even knock
over a fruit stand.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-This is Ward.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Calling June.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-All cars converge at Mill Road.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}Stolen ambulance, westbound.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}Suspect homicidal.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Hey, I'm heterocidal.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-(LAUGHING) This is great.


{\a1\pos(12,432)}Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-With bitter irony,
he realizes he

{\a1\pos(33,432)}now has to call an ambulance.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-I really guanoed my
pants on that one.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-What a complete guanohead, man.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Now he's picked
up by the Kents.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-And then what?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-He becomes Super
African Crested Bat.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-No he doesn't, Mike.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-It's-- [humming]

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I've gotta get my robe
back to the Ritz Carlton.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I think he'll be
OK if he can just

{\a1\pos(201,460)}make it to the
mountains of bush.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Oh, oh, catheter's still in.


{\a1\pos(138,460)}-So now we watch him
recede into a tiny speck.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}Thank you, movie.


{\a1\pos(162,460)}Put my head in a
stanchion and milk myself?

{\a1\pos(222,432)}Oh, why not?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Of course he was
with me all night.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Every minute together
and never apart, huh?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-What's the point
of this, sergeant?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-We had a young girl
killed the other night,

{\a1\pos(54,432)}over at King's Trailer Park.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}She died pretty much the
same way as the nurse

{\a1\pos(180,460)}the other night.
-The other other night?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-But that was an accident.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I don't think so
anymore, Mrs. Beck.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}You recognize this?


{\a1\pos(180,432)}Should I?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Found it in the trash
barrel at your motel.


{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Well, the man who killed
that girl was wearing it.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-I told you, Johnny
never left my side.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-He was hooked
on, sucking blood.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Tell me this.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}When Dr. Beck ran off--

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-He didn't run off.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}He was hallucinating, and
that was from the medication.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-And so he ran off.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Do you believe this medication
could have made him violent?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Oh, Johnny's never done
a violent act in his life.



{\a1\pos(201,460)}Probably never
stole an ambulance

{\a1\pos(96,460)}and smashed it to
bits in his life,

{\a1\pos(33,432)}either, you know what I mean?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Hey, Mike, if you want

{\a1\pos(138,460)}there's a poster up
there that explains

{\a1\pos(12,432)}it pretty thor-- oh, it's gone.



{\a1\pos(57,460)}-Leave the door closed?
What, were you born in a house?

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-This is good.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}He can fashion cow
pies into a crude suit

{\a1\pos(96,432)}and get away unnoticed.

-Jack Albertson.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-I'm sorry, sonny.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}I thought you were
somebody else I knew.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Will this be my
Yoda-like mentor?


{\a1\pos(180,432)}-No, thank you.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-No wonder farmers
are struggling.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Well, I went to the Buddy
Epson hat distressing store.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-You don't look like
the kind of fellow

{\a1\pos(180,460)}who runs around
wearing only pajamas.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Sounds like the
Swedish Chef Muppet.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}-You [inaudible] or something?
-[swedish chef noises]

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Oh, you're beginning
to know the real me.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Well, no sense
putting off the loving.

{\a1\pos(99,460)}-You're one of the few
people who's fortunate enough

{\a1\pos(138,460)}to know the real me,
because I'm free, man.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}Free, free as a--

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-A guy who just messed himself.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-The real him is basically
a diseased liver with legs.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-You know that whiskey and
alcohol and all that stuff

{\a1\pos(201,432)}is depressing?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Who do you suppose would
want to take this stuff

{\a1\pos(138,460)}if they didn't want
to be depressed?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-He's a naturally
occurring clown.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}-If you're so free and happy,
you don't want to be depressed.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}You want to stay free
and happy, right?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}So if I'm so free
and freaking happy,

{\a1\pos(12,460)}I would never even take a
swig from this bottle, right?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Hey, squeak, man.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-All right.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-So-- so who's the bag
hiding the booze from?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-OK, now open that robe.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-I don't only take swigs, man.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}I drink it from the
bottom of the bottle.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}And I get more and
more depressed.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}I get so depressed
I don't remember.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I forgot the name
of my tapeworm.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-They get by the
other night or day.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Or maybe a couple of
nights [inaudible].

{\a1\pos(96,460)}That's what I call
real freedom, man.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}-Oh, oh, I'm
technically dead again.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Something wrong with your leg?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-I slipped and fell, I
think a couple nights ago.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}I don't remember.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Let me see that.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Why, there's a thorn in there.


{\a1\pos(201,432)}You found it.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}Let go, for Christ's sake.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Your hand is broken.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-I tried to reach into
a Mickey's Big Mouth

{\a1\pos(180,432)}to get my tooth.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Are you a doctor?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-It's admirable he's
drinking through the pain.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-So you're a doctor and you
dropped right on out, huh?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}I understand that.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}I sure do.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}You know too much.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Anybody who knows too
much has got to drop out.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-You're quite a philosopher.
-That's me.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Jack of all thoughts,
master of none.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Master of my belches, though.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-You know when you walk
along the railroad tracks,

{\a1\pos(138,460)}you-- you got a lot
of time to think.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}Just thinking, no doing.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}If there's the slightest
chance I might start doing,

{\a1\pos(180,460)}I just naturally
reach for a bottle.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Oh God, this story again.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-I can say for sure
there's only one thing

{\a1\pos(138,460)}I can do better than
anybody else in the world.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}Stink, right?

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Oh, good.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Hey, doc, have yourself a swig.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}You look awful.

{\a1\pos(285,432)}Go on.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Well, I do feel
closer to you since you

{\a1\pos(54,432)}opened up about your stink.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Oh, I'd wipe that off.


{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Hey, you're wasting it.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Catch that in a
bucket or something.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-I know this stuff's
bad, but not that bad.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-I'm sorry, liquor.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}He hurt your feelings.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Oh, the aftertaste
is exquisite.


{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Come on, move over.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}We've got a huge cave here.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-And everyone stop
talking at once!

{\a1\pos(201,432)}Order, please!

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Oh, that's good bat!

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Yeah, that'll happen.


{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Attention APB.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}Dr. John Beck.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Roll all units.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Every man.

{\a1\pos(96,96)}FEMALE SPEAKER (ON
RADIO): Yes, sir.

{\a1\pos(180,96)}Every man.
-How do I look?


{\a1\pos(222,68)}-I-- I need.

{\a1\pos(138,96)}-I don't give a damn
if she had quintuplets.


{\a1\pos(117,432)}Where are you off to?

{\a1\pos(180,432)}What's going on?

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Careful now.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}He probably has Captain
Morgan's Spiced Blood.


{\a1\pos(54,460)}-There's a couch cushion you
don't want to look under.

{\a1\pos(57,460)}-You know, some roommate
situations just don't work out.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}-OK, he's wearing the drunk's
clothes, which means there's

{\a1\pos(138,460)}a dead smelly naked
drunk somewhere.


{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Welcome to Landfill
National Park.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Look, he's spying
on us, you guys.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Get away.
-We can see you.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Hey, look at the
Grinch's dog tree.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-He'll be so delighted
when he finds

{\a1\pos(12,460)}that old piece of bologna
in the coat pocket.


{\a1\pos(33,432)}-This makes my nostrils flare.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Bats draw the curtain and
turn off all the lights.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Man, it's that stupid
bat wannabe guy.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Oh, come on.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}You can't mean that.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Wait, what did you guys say?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}How many times my weight
in mosquitoes every day?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Hey, I was hoping for
another cave tour scene,

{\a1\pos(180,432)}and we got one.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-The rocks over which
those people climbed

{\a1\pos(54,460)}give us an idea of just how
rough cave exploring may be.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Please be careful.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}This will be boring.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}- --just a few years ago.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}By a few years,
we mean somewhere

{\a1\pos(117,460)}in the neighborhood of
8,000 to 10,000 years.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Over here is Idiot's Crevasse.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-In the total period
that the cave has--

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Ooh, if he reports any
inaccuracies on bats,

{\a1\pos(12,432)}I'll be all over him, man.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Until thousands upon
thousands of years ago.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-And remember that if
you are bit by a bat,

{\a1\pos(96,460)}you will convulse
and turn into one.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}It is a scientific fact.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Lisa Loopner!

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Smile, cave.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Oh, yeah, that's a
great picture, lady.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Oh, come on!

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-The most virginal of
the herd is carried off.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}- --pretty good idea
how stalagmites develop.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}Water drips from the ceiling
for a long period of time.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Each drop of water
dissolves and then

{\a1\pos(138,460)}a little tiny bit of
mineral is left behind.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Hey, she was on the first tour.


{\a1\pos(54,432)}-The longest cave tour ever.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}- --familiar with,
though, is that

{\a1\pos(12,432)}the little tiny bit of mineral--

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-He's got her
tucked in his coat.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-OK, I'm gonna expose
myself to a butte.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Ah, yes, and he decides on
the aircraft carrier of cars.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}-OK, good, it has an overbuilt
engine and mushy suspension.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Oh, for-- dude, just drive.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Don't call attention
to yourself.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Dr. Man Bat, you're
needed in surgery.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}Dr. Man Bat.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-(SINGING) Squeak diddly
eek eek eek, squeak eek eek.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Ah, the Keith Richards
Memorial Blood Bank.


{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Not a peep out of you, door.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Where are all the
huge vats of blood?

{\a1\pos(33,460)}-Come on, where do they drain
the blood of the living?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Well, as long as I'm here,
I'll borrow me a pencil.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Oh, hello.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}Uh, can I help you?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Hi, Nurse Eight Pints.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Uh, yes.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}I'm Dr. Winston.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}Can you tell me where the
anti-rabies vaccine is stored?

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Oh, in the cabinet.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Like all nurses,
I immediately obey

{\a1\pos(180,460)}anyone who even
resembles a doctor.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-You new around here, too?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Look, I'm married
and I'm a bat.


{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Dr. Winston?

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-A girl talked to me!



{\a1\pos(138,432)}Dr. Winston, please.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Doctor, I'm going
to get some help.


{\a1\pos(54,460)}-No, the Jehovah's Witnesses
are coming up the walk!



{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Look, I know we just met,
but can I spit anticoagulant

{\a1\pos(117,460)}on your neck and suck
some blood, please?

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-Don't scream.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-You just have the cutest
little face, don't you?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Give me the key.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-The refrigerator.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-But there's no serum in there.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-It's too late for that now.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Remember, I don't
want to hurt you.

{\a1\pos(264,432)}Got it?


{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Mm, Tahitian Treat blood.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Oh, help me.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Open it.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Don't hurt me, please.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Open it!

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-It's got a bat proof lid.


{\a1\pos(54,432)}-I'm going to go get an owl!

{\a1\pos(138,432)}He'll kick your ass!

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Oh, gotta sneeze.

{\a1\pos(285,432)}Oh no.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-O negative, now in the
new wide mouth slam can.


{\a1\pos(12,460)}Straight into the arms of
Sheriff Menacing W. Pervert.


{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Where is he?

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-He's in the pharmacy.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Keep that bra strap
visible until I get back.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Damn, I hate it
when you enter a room

{\a1\pos(54,432)}and there's no one to shoot.


{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Gee, what am I going to do with
all these moths in my pocket?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-I'm an injured mosquito.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}Buzz, buzz.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Hey, there's George Clooney.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-He killed a bag.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}The animal.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Let's see this here.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}Winged mammal linen supply.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Shot from inside an oven.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Thanks for the
lift, invisible guy.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-Let me guess.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}They'll be thanking a window
company at the end of the film.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Well, I've got just
enough time to spend

{\a1\pos(201,460)}the weekend at
this Sedona resort.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Said you might have found him?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-I only talk to
my tape recorder.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-My name is John Beck.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}This is my last
will and testimony.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}My final communication
with the outside world.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-I included this video of
me stealing a tape recorder.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Many will deny as possible the
phenomenon, the miracle, which

{\a1\pos(138,460)}has forever altered
my being emotionally,

{\a1\pos(117,432)}mentally, physically.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}A few, perhaps, will understand.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Oh, and the kids are fine.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}We got a microwave
for Christmas.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}A gift to ourselves.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I hope that you, Cathy,
will be one of them.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-I bid you ack.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-You are my one sorrow.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}The only regret
that I take with me.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-That and investing in silver.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Always remember I loved you.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}The first symptoms
of my metamorphosis

{\a1\pos(12,460)}were strange and horrible,
medically indescribable.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-(CRYING) This is so sad.

{\a1\pos(222,460)}-But now the
metamorphosis is swift,

{\a1\pos(12,432)}quite smooth, painless, natural.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}I welcome it.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}It is only then that I
am fully the other being.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Gary Gaetti.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-This self dominates
my personality.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}Human form and human emotion--


{\a1\pos(180,432)}I won't listen.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}Don't you see?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}He's taking on the
guilt for something

{\a1\pos(54,432)}he doesn't even understand.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}How can you believe
something so irrational?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-You heard the same thing
we heard, Mrs. Beck.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}That was a confession.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-A confession?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}From someone pumped
full of medicine?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}He doesn't know
what he's saying.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-I think it's more complex
than that, Mrs. Beck.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}How he got there, that's
out of my bailiwick.


{\a1\pos(138,460)}-All I know is that
you're listening

{\a1\pos(12,432)}to the voice of a killer.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Geraldine's boyfriend?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Something within my
psyche has emerged.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Has helped me reach
a new consciousness.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}A sharp awareness
of truth, untouched

{\a1\pos(54,460)}by human greed or ambition.
-Bats are without sin.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-Free from the
negative, the hypocrite.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}Can you understand?

{\a1\pos(54,432)}I'm part of everything now.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-We didn't vote you in yet.
-I've journeyed to a belonging.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Oh god, turn it off.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}Please, turn it off.


{\a1\pos(117,432)}Pearl, are you there?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Well, hey, Mike.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}What can I not do
for you? [laughing]

{\a1\pos(54,432)}Hey, something's different.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Yeah, well, I, uh, decided
to try a mustache again,

{\a1\pos(54,460)}only a slightly bushier one,
like the guy in the movie


{\a1\pos(96,460)}And, you know, I wanted
a woman's opinion.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Well, it certainly does
something for you, Mike.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}It kind of sort of gives
you kind of a Roberty

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Redfordy kind of
thing, in a way.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}It's not bad.
-You think so?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Because, you know, I
was a little worried

{\a1\pos(117,460)}that it might look, I
don't know, a little--

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Hello, Pearl.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}Will I see you on
the slopes later?




{\a1\pos(54,460)}My, you're looking-- [growl]
What a hunk of burning love.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}You want to come down later
and maybe hot tub with me?


{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Oh, we'll see, Pearly.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}The fact is the babes are
on me so thick I gotta

{\a1\pos(96,460)}peel them off like
pants. [laughing]

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Oh, come on, Pearl.
Look at him.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}He looks ridiculous.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Excuse me, Art.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}What is that small
mustachioed idiot next to you

{\a1\pos(180,432)}croaking about?

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-OK, fine.


{\a1\pos(180,432)}Point taken, OK?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}It's a nakedy lip from me.


{\a1\pos(33,460)}-All right, honeys, get ready
to jump-- jump my bones.


{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Ladies, I'll be right back.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-I have to remember to
put a bat door on this.

-Don't jump on the bed.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}You'll spill my nachos.


{\a1\pos(264,432)}Oh God.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}You did come back.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Keep your hand off
the light, Cathy.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-It's all right.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}No one can see us.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-I don't want you to see me.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-I have rat entrails on my lips.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Johnny, I love you.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Stay back!

{\a1\pos(12,432)}It's all finished, Cathy.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-What are you talking about?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Something you could
never understand.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-The great taste of rate.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Oh, Johnny, please, let me try.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Nothing can be the same, Cathy.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}Can't you understand that?


{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Let me help you.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Go home.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Empty the bug zapper
and bring them here.


{\a1\pos(201,460)}I couldn't go
without you, Johnny.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Go home, Cathy.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-But it's your home, too.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Actually, the mortgage
does have a bat clause.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-What are you saying?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-The caves are my home.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-It's a development
called Caverbury Downs.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-He's posing for the dollar.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Who is it?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-You haven't seen your
husband, have you?

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-No, of course not.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Well, I've seen his eye
and a little bit of flesh.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-You mind if I come in?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Yes I do, Sergeant.
I'm in bed.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}It's very late.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I had a report he
was seen in the area.


{\a1\pos(117,432)}Gosh, am I sleeping?f

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Good night, Mrs. Beck.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Good night.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-I'm definitely leaving and not
hanging around to eavesdrop,


{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Wait, I want to
buy a raffle ticket!

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-I've got to go.


{\a1\pos(180,460)}I have a zit on
the end of my nose!

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-It's all right.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}You're all right.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}You look fine, Johnny.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-I mean, you're trying
to be ugly, right?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Stop sucking on that
rat and talk to me, huh?

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-I can't control it, Cathy.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}I do change.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-No you don't change, Johnny.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}You think there's a
change of some kind,

{\a1\pos(12,432)}but that's because of the drugs.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}It's in your mind.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}Don't you see?

{\a1\pos(117,460)}It's nothing more than
an allergic reaction.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Shellfish makes
me turn into a bat.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-I'm leaving, Cathy.


{\a1\pos(54,460)}The police may be watchin.g
-I told them they could.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Johnny, Johnny, I love you.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-No, Cathy.


{\a1\pos(222,432)}-I do, I do.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-My whipper is small and furry.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}I hope that's OK.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Which slutty little
bat gave you this?

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-And you love me too.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-I've seen you undressing
me with your sonar.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Oh, your tongue is
long and tubular.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}I love that.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Oh, squeak.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}Squeak, squeak, squeak.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}Oh, squeak.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Well, if I go into
the Krispy Kreme,

{\a1\pos(117,460)}I'll just be advancing
the stereotype.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Ah, yes, that.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Well, I taped Banachek.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}I better head home.


{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Well, he's been
using Rembrandt.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I just made love
to Chris Berman!

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Alan Sues to the rescue!

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-He was just adding up his
Magic Fingers take for the day.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-You need more paper
toilet seat covers?

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Mrs. Beck?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-This is a non-intercourse room.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Mrs. Beck!

{\a1\pos(96,432)}Are you all right?

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-She's all right except for
the fact that she married Beck.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-It's Fred Garvin,
male prostitute.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Mrs. Beck.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Mrs. Beck?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Mrs. Beck, you must have
been having a nightmare.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-She is now.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Are you OK now?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-In a Motor Lodgey
kind of way, yeah.

Of course.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}I-I'm sorry.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Oh, a lot of rat carcasses.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Boy, it must have
really been a bad one.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-I've had better.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Well, listen, I'm heading
back to the office now.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}But if you, uh-- if you need
me, or if you have another one

{\a1\pos(12,460)}of those nightmares, you--
you just give me a yell, OK?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}And I'll be over there.
All right then.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Don't you worry.
You take it easy.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}I-- I got no other
place to go, believe me.

-Mrs. Beck.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Good night, Mrs. Beck.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Say, could you get the
light-- oh, never mind.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-You know, If I'm ever asked
do a love scene with someone

{\a1\pos(138,460)}turning into a bat,
I'll do it, but only

{\a1\pos(96,432)}if it's tastefully done.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Part of the story.


{\a1\pos(96,432)}-He left me guano.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Oh, there's more coming, honey.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Watch out.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-It's so solid and well shaped.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}He's obviously very healthy.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-But it's so nitrogen
rich, he knew

{\a1\pos(138,460)}it would be perfect
for the tomatoes.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}FEMALE SPEAKER (ON RADIO):
Sergeant Ward, Headquarters.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Do you read me?

{\a1\pos(54,432)}Sergeant Ward, headquarters.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Yeah, I read you.

-Oh, man.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}FEMALE SPEAKER (ON
RADIO): She kept

{\a1\pos(12,432)}babbling you killed her husband.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}She's got a ranger to
drive her to the cave.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}FEMALE SPEAKER (ON
RADIO): A few minutes ago.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-And when was that?

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-I'll take care of it.


{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Or 7-Eleven or whatever.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}I don't know.


{\a1\pos(201,460)}Nobody set the
brakes on the camera.

Going downhill.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Going downhill.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Hey, Mark Simpson
behind that wall.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Well, sooner or later, I'll
have to do the bat-tussey,

{\a1\pos(180,432)}I suppose.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-He's checking with his
bat sources on the street.



{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Is he looking for shoe
prints on the ceiling?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Man, I've gotta take more naps
if I'm going to be nocturnal.

{\a1\pos(78,460)}-Hey, there he goes!
Oh, it's just a crummy balrog.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}Swoop down on him using
my perfectly human arms,

{\a1\pos(96,460)}and then bite him
with my human teeth.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-If only I had a huge ambulance.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Usually just hit
people with this thing.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}I've never used it
for light before.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Holy squeak.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Batlike stealth will-- ow!


{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Oh no, he's got
a tennis racquet!

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-You're going to come
along with me peacefully.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}-Please, I'm a
protected species.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-You know what I mean?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Oh, right in the sonar!

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-I'm giving you your
Miranda beating.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-I had a ton of you in my
attic last summer, you bastard.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-You have the right
to remain ultrasonic.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}Anything you squeak can and
will be used against you.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Oh yeah, and he was also
bitten by an Ecuadorian

{\a1\pos(96,432)}bald faced monkey.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-So what, bats kneel on
moths and pummel their faces?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-You attracted to
the light now, huh?

{\a1\pos(54,432)}You gonna fly into my grill?


{\a1\pos(138,460)}You and your stupid
powdery wings!

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-I'm flying away.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}Flap flap flap flap.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-Ook ook ook.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}I mean squeak squeak squeak.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}--[panting] Man, I
gotta get in touch

{\a1\pos(54,432)}with some bat sympathizers.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-I was just pimp
slapped by a bat.

{\a1\pos(33,432)}How do I put that in a report?

{\a1\pos(33,460)}-This is worse than when I got
jumped by those field mice.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Well, I shouldn't
have laughed my way

{\a1\pos(78,460)}through small mammal
wrestling back at the Academy.


{\a1\pos(54,432)}He's not wearing underwear.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-That would be cool
if I had any ammo.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-My father was a
master bat hunter.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Guess that makes me
to Bat Masterson.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}Just enjoy that one, fellas.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Give me five good
men and a wig.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}I'll get them.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Dick Dale's lightly
noodling somewhere.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-I took a nap in
the blast furnace.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Now, let's be honest.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}The other bats haven't really
welcomed him with open arms,

{\a1\pos(180,432)}have they?

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-What the squeak?

{\a1\pos(33,460)}-So, he's just going to-- what
the-- well, squeak him, man.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Sergeant, is my
husband all right?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Ooh, he really
banged you up, honey.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-I don't know what he is.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Well, what happened?

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-I don't know what happened.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-But bats weigh less than a
pound, and he beat you up?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-All right, that's enough.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Well, there he is.
He's in the corner.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Let's go.


{\a1\pos(54,432)}-Wait, my hearing aid's off.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-I don't hear anything.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}I hear something,
but I don't know--

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Uh, ma'am, you need
me to ram anyone?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Give me a minute.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}I have a fear of paneling.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-What's wrong with you?

{\a1\pos(33,432)}I just thought of Jack Carter.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}-I knew wouldn't understand.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Duh, what?

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-Get ready, sergeant.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Why's he got a picture of
Slash from Guns 'n' Roses?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-So who was this
movie's target audience?

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Well, I don't know.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}A bat fetishist named Stan,
and even he missed it.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Oh, is this part of the
movie we're watching?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-There's a bush baby
hiding in the backseat

{\a1\pos(117,432)}waiting to pound him.


{\a1\pos(96,460)}Do I have time to plant
evidence somewhere?

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Haha, tell me that
one again, Jimmy!

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-I have pyarea!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Boy, the mosh pit
is crowded tonight.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Come on, you're
pinching my wing.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-Someone threw toilet
paper into a fan.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Hey, back off.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}I saw the mosquito first.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Guys, we're very vulnerable
packed together like this.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}One owl could take us all.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}Spread out!

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Hey, here comes
our mouse supplier.


{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Oh, are you wearing Joan too?

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-If it's comfortable with you.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}We don't have to talk.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Could I just go to the
bathroom alone for once?

{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Well, gotta get to the cave.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}Company's coming.


{\a1\pos(201,460)}-Oops, sorry.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Sonar's jammed.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Somebody's operating
a TV in the area.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}It's screwing us all up.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-Oh my god.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-I'm out of wiper fluid.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}-They're attacking us!

{\a1\pos(12,432)}What the hell's wrong with you?

{\a1\pos(12,68)}Can't you see what's happening?

{\a1\pos(222,68)}-Yes, I see.

{\a1\pos(117,96)}-The bats are throwing
rotten tomatoes at them.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-These wipers are rated
for intestines and gall.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}I don't know what
the problem is.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}[brakes screeching]

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-The bats are causing me to
not know how to stop a car!

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-I'm concerned for
the hostile, creepy,

{\a1\pos(54,432)}ineffective panicky sheriff.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}I hope he's OK.


{\a1\pos(201,460)}This is Ward.


{\a1\pos(138,432)}What are you doing?

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Good bye, sergeant.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Hi, I need a ride.
-Yeah, yeah.

{\a1\pos(264,432)}Me too.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Wait, wait, I've got
to get my suitcase.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Can my cousin and my mom
and my brother come too?

{\a1\pos(201,460)}How about me?
Can I come along?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}Hey, thanks a lot for the ride.
Thanks, man.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}Pile in, guys.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Get off!

{\a1\pos(264,432)}Get off!

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Well, the realtor's showing
us a couple of caves.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}Guess I'd better get going.


{\a1\pos(36,460)}It's hard to fly when you've
got a Coach purse over your arm.


{\a1\pos(12,460)}-So message is, ladies, if
your husband becomes a bat,

{\a1\pos(138,460)}abandon your career
and become one, too.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Yeah, the final
part of her walking

{\a1\pos(96,460)}away was just too
graphic to show.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}[music playing]

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-(SINGING) We never
go anywhere anymore.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Sounds like Sam
Harris is singing this.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-Well, I've changed my mind.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}I'm back.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}-Yeah, by this time,

{\a1\pos(12,432)}a 22 year old trophy bat.

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Now wait a minute.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}How did she turn into a bat?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}The only contact she had
with him was in the hotel,

{\a1\pos(138,460)}and the-- oh my God.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Oh my God, I get
to shower first.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}-No, me first!

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Come on!

{\a1\pos(57,460)}-So you're a brand new
franchisee with the Buddy Ebson

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Hat Distressing
Corporation, huh?

{\a1\pos(138,432)}-Hoo, doggies, Mike.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-Stress enhanced
for bums since 1967.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}And there's enough bums is
willing to pay for what?

{\a1\pos(96,460)}-Well, you see, hats are
blocked, then folded, stepped

{\a1\pos(12,460)}on, crushed, and rolled in
dirt, all for a very low price.

{\a1\pos(96,460)}There's plenty of
bums, Mike, and they

{\a1\pos(117,460)}don't want to be seen
eating cold beans out

{\a1\pos(96,460)}of a can wearing a brand
new Dobbs New York.

{\a1\pos(264,432)}-No, no.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Well, let's take
a look at the kit.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}Looks like you get a list
of employee greetings.

{\a1\pos(57,460)}-Oh, yes.
They're very strict about that.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Hoo doggies, of course.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Mess of vittles.

{\a1\pos(54,432)}Wonder what granny's up to.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}-Yeah, naturally.

{\a1\pos(54,460)}-And you get a bag of dirt.
-Yep, yep.


{\a1\pos(117,460)}And reorder forms for
the dirt. $75 a bag.

And that's it.

{\a1\pos(201,460)}And that's it.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}Wait a minute.


{\a1\pos(96,432)}No business plan?

{\a1\pos(12,432)}No promotional materials?


{\a1\pos(12,432)}I paid $20 grand for that?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}Well, of all the
stupid, dang blasted--

{\a1\pos(12,460)}-Hey, Mike, could you give me a
hand down at the loading dock?

{\a1\pos(12,460)}My franchisee kit from the
Red Skelton Technologies

{\a1\pos(12,432)}Hat Distressing Company is here.

{\a1\pos(12,460)}It looks unbelievably complete.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}All right.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}Let's go.

{\a1\pos(117,432)}The castle's calling.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}-Stupid Buddy Ebson cap signing.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}You stupid!

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Throw it in a pond.
You piece of--

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Oh, hi, fellas.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}Much as I'd love to emphasize
about the whole Buddy Ebson

{\a1\pos(54,460)}thing, Pearl has trapped us
here in the wake of the movie,

{\a1\pos(12,460)}and we're watching slides
of her various honeymoons.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}-So, uh, did, uh, you
ever marry that guy

{\a1\pos(180,460)}and, uh, go to a
cave on the honeymoon

{\a1\pos(96,460)}and have him turn
into a bat again?

{\a1\pos(180,460)}-No, no, nothing
like that, Bobo.

{\a1\pos(117,460)}Although here's Chuck
and me at the prairie dog

{\a1\pos(96,432)}colony in South Dakota.


{\a1\pos(33,432)}-Oh, he became a prairie dog.

{\a1\pos(33,460)}But usually, when my husbands
died on the honeymoon,

{\a1\pos(138,432)}it was more mundane.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}Like Wendell here.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}Somebody shot him.


{\a1\pos(12,432)}Same thing with Philippe.

{\a1\pos(180,432)}And Maury.

{\a1\pos(138,460)}Somebody shoved hat
pins through his eyes

{\a1\pos(12,432)}right before the ceremony.

{\a1\pos(96,432)}We still don't know who.

{\a1\pos(201,432)}Hey, sit down.

{\a1\pos(12,432)}You want me to marry you?

{\a1\pos(180,432)}-Ooh, no.

{\a1\pos(222,432)}-And Jerome.

{\a1\pos(180,460)}You want to know
how Jerome died?

{\a1\pos(180,432)}[music playing]
