Monarch (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - Not Our First Rodeo - full transcript
Nicky makes a bold decision as she races to find a new song to perform at the Roman Family Rodeo; Albie is signed by a new manager, which angers Luke.
- Previously on Monarch...
- So you stayed
out of the spotlight
because you thought
you'd outshine me?
Well, there can
only be one queen.
The deal was, you pay them
- what they demand every month.
- What guarantee
do we have that they'll give us
the documents after I'm gone?
I'm dying Saturday night,
right after the concert.
- And you're gonna help me do it.
- What did you do?
The prelim tox screen showed us
some questionable results.
Then a member of my
family is going to jail.
Mama wrote this song.
Yeah, I think Daddy
cheated on her.
Isn't anyone's marriage
what it's supposed to be?
Mine is.
We have to stop this.
You're not eating sushi
and you're not drinking sake.
How far along are you?
Luke doesn't even know yet.
Evening, Ms.
Roman. Mind if I have
a few words with your father?
They're either gonna
show up here with a warrant
or they're gonna
go back out there
and start digging.
We better get to that body
before they do.
Oh, hell.
Somebody got here first.
Oh, my God.
One job.
- You had one job...
- Just get rid of the damn body.
- Watch yourself, boy.
- Or what?
What are you gonna do, old man?
I prefer to show, not tell.
Hey. What are you doing?
Stop it. The only way we're
gonna get through all this
is if we stick together
and stay calm.
There's a dead body
out there, somewhere,
and we're complicit. All of us.
Let me remind everybody
who we're protecting here.
I think we all know
it ain't just me.
Just one, Earl.
Um, Geeg, have you seen Luke?
- Actually.
- He would never miss a signing party.
I can't believe
this is all for me.
You deserve it.
You okay?
I'm lying. I'm so nervous.
Don't be.
We're just like any
other super famous,
always-in-the-public-eye family.
Excuse me. If I could have
all your attention
just for a minute.
We would like to introduce Ana
to our Monarch label.
- Whoo-whoo!
- When we sign
a new artist, we have a
little Monarch tradition.
Tatum has collected
slips of paper.
Each one has a song on it.
You're gonna stick
your little hand in there.
- -Yeah.
- And you're gonna pick one out.
And whichever one you pick,
- you have to sing.
- Drumroll.
What'd you get?
That one's mine.
"Sugar" in "G."
One, two,
I need to talk to you right now.
Where have you been?
Why would you do that?
Why would you go and tell
the coroner about Mama?
I told you... I wanted answers.
She had months left to live.
They found oxycodone
in her blood, Nick.
Someone gave her
the pills that night.
Someone tried to kill her, Nick!
- Not someone!
- It was me-me.
I gave her those
pills. I-I did that.
What are you talking about?
Because she wanted to
go out on her own terms.
And when's the last time
someone talked Mama out
of doing what she wanted?
Nick, who else knows about this?
- Only Gigi.
- Why didn't you come to me first?
I know. I don't...
No, you don't.
Assisted suicide is a
felony in Texas, Nick.
That means, if the D.A. files...
What, that the cops
are coming for me?
Now, I know we've all
been through a lot lately.
Some of us more than others.
But I've got a prelim schedule
for the Founder's Day Rodeo.
I need y'all to take a good look
and make sure that
y'all are comfortable.
Page four. What's...
- "Gigi or Nicky" mean?
- We all know
that, every year, Mama
debuted a new song at the rodeo.
It means only one of
you is gonna pick up
Mama's mantle and
debut a new single.
- One of us?
- One of us?
If you go by the metrics,
Gigi's on fire right now.
- I'm sorry, what?
- Gigi literally
has notebooks full
of new material the
fans have never heard.
It's true. I have been
writing up a storm.
Right. And what about my
new song called "Hell No"?
Nicky, have you got a new song?
Yes. I have.
And it has number
one written all over it.
It's settled then.
You're both gonna sing.
May the best song win.
Oh, hey, baby.
What are you doing?
I'm trying to pick a song
to perform at the rodeo.
Okay, you can't pick some
old song from a notebook.
You need something,
you know, incredible.
I guess.
You guess? I know.
You got a lot of heat
on you right now, Geeg.
It's rare, and it's fleeting.
This is a pivot point.
All eyes are on you right now.
Be honest.
With both of us.
Do you want to be a
star like your mama?
You know I do.
Okay, then.
We need to level up and release
the most jaw-dropping song
they have ever heard.
I've got an idea... for one.
It really tears your heart out.
- But...
- No, no, no. No buts.
Just do it.
You work on the song.
I'll handle the rest.
Starting with your look.
Trying to write a song
for the rodeo, huh?
How's it going?
It is going well.
Really? 'Cause it looks
like a serial killer wrote that.
Writing is a process, Tatum.
Well, your process
is pretty wack.
You've been scribbling
on that pad for hours, Mom.
Has it really been that long?
Let's just be honest...
Aunt Gigi's gonna
win this competition.
It is not a competition.
Keep telling yourself that.
Maybe you should just ask
Gigi for one of her songs.
Let's be honest
about how every single time I
think it's my moment, it's not.
And about how if I don't get out
of my family's shadow
very soon, I never will.
Too honest?
I mean, you always tell me
- it's okay to ask for help.
- Yeah.
And I think I need help
from some of the best
songwriters in the business.
Gas up the jet, 'cause
Mama's going to Nashville.
Oh, yeah. Thank you.
So, what'd you think, Mama?
What I think, baby,
is we got a hit.
I've quietly set pitches with
Nashville's best and brightest.
They're all coming to
give you what you need.
Which is a new look.
Lillian Tsai's the best
stylist in all of Austin.
But I need you...
to keep an open mind.
What I'm looking for is a power
ballad. Something that's, like,
strong and sexy, undeniable.
Say no more.
Forgot to charge it.
Got a power cord?
These outfits
are... They're nice.
Well, at least you
didn't say "pretty,"
like that Maren Morris.
I don't work with her anymore.
This is our mama's favorite.
It's like an older,
white lady version
of "Old Town Road."
All the Real Housewives love it.
I want something that'll
blow people's minds.
Something outrageous.
- Bold?
- Please.
- Vicious?
- Yeah.
Just finished one last night,
and you're the first to hear it.
These are for the risk takers.
Well, it's... I-I don't even
know what to say. It's perfect.
It's absolutely, exactly
what we're looking for.
Sorry, Nicky, but...
I think I need to
keep it for myself.
I do have a song
that I wrote about my
grandma's rocking chair
that I think would be perfect.
You want to hear
that one instead?
Did you know, when
John Anderson played this
for the record company,
they told him it was a B-side?
'Cause suits wouldn't know a
hit if it kicked them in the jewels.
Forgive the
intrusion, Mr. Roman.
I'm Jamie Burke.
Let me guess, music producer.
Well, go ahead, do your thing.
Tell me how you're
gonna change my life.
Reinvent Albie Roman.
It's nothing I ain't heard
before from guys like you
sitting on stools like that.
You're right. I'm
in the business.
I know your story.
Three years behind
bars for manslaughter,
a dozen top tens after that,
each one better
than the last. Shoot,
I should know, I
grew up listening
to every damn
record you ever made.
Before your music
turned to crap, anyway.
What'd you just say?
Come on now.
Last 20 years, you've
been getting screwed
by 28-year-old record execs
who've been
yessing you to death.
- Look, when your wife passed...
- Oh.
Be very careful
what you say next.
When Dottie Roman
passed, the world...
they lost the Queen of Country.
But you lost your North Star.
She focused you, polished you,
pointed you to stardom.
But I got to ask, Mr. Roman,
do you even know who
you are without her?
If you ever want some help
remembering who
Albie Roman was...
and who he still can be...
give me a call.
Is this where we come
to pitch songs to the
legendary Nicky Roman?
- Word's out, you're on the hunt.
- Wade.
- You got a song for me?
- You'll tell me.
But my style does tend
more towards the, uh...
Lovesick young cowboy?
Did I offend you?
We'll call it even if...
you agree to have a
drink with me tonight.
Sorry. Hey.
I'm just checking in.
How's it going up there?
It's going well. I've, um...
I have lots of-of good options.
That's good because
bar's been set high.
I'm at the church now,
I'm listening to Gigi's song.
I got to tell you, it's...
it's haunting and sweet.
It's heartbreaking.
Now, is that her in the,
in the, in the background?
Hold the-the phone
up so I can hear.
Have a listen.
That's Mama's song.
What was that?
- That's Mama's song.
- -Anyway,
it's amazing.
Honestly, I didn't
think Gigi had it in her.
Neither did I.
All right.
Well, if that's how
you want to play it,
game on, little sister.
She has no right. If anybody
should sing that song,
it is me. It is a cheating
song, for God's sake.
All good country songs
are cheating songs.
Nobody knows more
about heartbreak
and betrayal than I do.
I'm sorry, I'm so mad at her,
I can't even think
straight right now.
Luckily, you don't have to.
The bar's right there, for
that drink you promised me.
I'm sorry, it's been
an exhausting day.
Aren't you sober, anyway?
I still need fluids.
Look, normally I'd say fine,
bail on my ass, I
can take a hint, but...
you still need a song, right?
I can be useful to you.
What you need is a break,
dinner maybe, get
your energy back.
Ugh. What I need is room
service and a bath, and...
I don't even know
what floor I'm on.
I could be talked into that.
Talked into what?
Room service.
Right. I didn't,
I didn't say that.
Now, my guess would
be you're staying...
the penthouse.
Well, thank you.
That is very helpful.
Now, my only other question
is, just how fast do
you want to get there?
Not very fast.
When's the band getting here?
I sent 'em home.
You did what now?
I'm not gonna let you hide
behind the best session players
in the business. It's just
me and you in here today.
Listen, hoss, this...
truth-teller Rick
Rubin act of yours
is starting to
wear a little thin.
Thought that was
the exact reason
that you called me.
I saw that Insta video of
you and your daughter Gigi
playing in the truck.
That wasn't nothing.
That was just a daddy
singing with his little girl.
Yeah, well, someone
leaked it for a reason,
and I'm happy about
that because that's
the old Albie Roman again.
And that's what we're
gonna find in here today.
Take your time. Feel it.
Let it flow.
Hey, Dad.
Hey, son.
Jamie Burke,
producer out of Atlanta.
Yeah, charmed. Dad,
can I have a word?
I'll just go check
out the hydrangeas.
What's so important?
Come on.
You have seen a thousand
pied piper producers
come and go.
Why didn't you come to me?
- You?
- Yeah. I'm your son.
And that's why I came
to you to get an answer
- about the music rights.
- And I told you,
she sold them.
Publishing and masters.
- Sold them? Why?
- I don't know.
She must have had her reasons.
That's not an answer.
See? Businessmen
are the problem.
They're not the solution.
Guess you wouldn't
understand that.
Why? 'Cause I'm not an artist?
I'm not a real Roman?
Okay, fine, you know what?
You want to hear
the truth? Here it is.
Ever since Mama died...
no, no, it was long before that,
you've been lost,
and that makes you
an easy target for sharks
like that Jamie what's-his-name.
I mean, can't you see
what he's trying to do?
Yeah. Make me relevant again.
I got to go.
Good morning.
Hi. That is not fair.
Waking up before me.
Why? 'Cause now
you can't sneak out?
Uh, no, 'cause
it's my hotel room.
Okay. I'm busted.
But I do have to
get back to Austin.
Start rehearsing
something, anything.
- You know, it's gonna be okay.
- Is it?
'Cause it's supposed
to be my moment, and...
my little sister, who I've
protected and cared for
my entire life, is trying
to take it from me,
Well, listen,
like I was telling you
yesterday, before we got, uh...
I think I can help.
But I got to tell you,
this song is not just for you,
it's about you.
Take a listen.
That's right.
I can, um...
push that jet back by, like,
two, three hours.
- You can?
- I can.
That would
certainly interest me.
- That sounds good.
- Oh!
It just doesn't make any sense,
why Dottie would
sell those songs.
You do know
something about this.
Albie, I've worked
for the Roman family
longer than I've
had one of my own.
Dottie trusted me implicitly.
I swore I'd take
this to my grave.
Which may be
sooner than you think.
A few years back,
Dottie needed money.
A lot and quickly. She
didn't want anybody to know.
- Money for what?
- Dottie was being blackmailed.
Started about five years back.
$50,000 a month, every month.
Paid to who?
If she knew, she wasn't telling.
I tried to get to
the bottom of it.
Hell, I even put a P.I. on
it. I never could find out.
I swear, it's all I know.
All right, well, here's
what you're gonna do now.
You reach out to those
spineless bastards,
and you tell them
that this ends today.
You tell them that Albie Roman
ain't paying them another cent.
- Hey.
- You're back.
Yeah. I got to start rehearsing
my song for the rodeo.
So you found something?
I did. I'm not gonna
say much about it yet,
but I hear that yours is great.
You want to... want to, um...
You want to give
me a sneak preview?
I'd rather not.
It's, um, something
very personal to me.
I bet.
You know, uh, all the
time I was in Nashville,
I kept thinking
about Mama's song.
You know, the one
that she left for Daddy.
Just kept
going around and
around in my head.
Like she knew
all the pain I was...
I was going through with Clive.
real sorry you've
been feeling that.
Me, too.
Being betrayed by
someone you trust is painful.
I hope you never
have to feel that.
- There! - Ladies and gentlemen,
Monarch Entertainment presents
the Austin Founding Days
Rodeo. Welcome, everyone.
- Hi!
- Hi!
- Hi, Dad.
- Hey, Luke.
Remember Jamie Burke?
Yeah, how could I forget?
Seems like you're
everywhere all of a sudden.
I was just thinking,
you remember when you
taught me to ride those things?
Remember that?
That was a lifetime ago.
Come on, boy, I'll
show you around.
- See you later, son.
- Yeah.
Hey, baby.
So excited for her.
Following in her
mother's footsteps.
Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!
It's-it's on.
Nicky's song is on.
All right, babe.
Nicky, that ain't you.
That's Mama.
Hello? Come in.
Ms. Roman?
- You decent?
- Yup.
Sorry to interrupt. I-I know
you're about to go on. I...
I-I just wanted to
introduce myself.
- I'm Jamie Burke.
- Yeah, I-I know who you are.
My brother warned me about you.
Oh. Guess I made quite
the impression, then.
Us Romans can be
a very protective bunch.
Don't take it personally.
Hey, can I ask you...
- what song are you singing today?
- I'm...
I'm singing something I've had
tucked away for a long time and,
well, thinking of recording it.
May I ask why you haven't?
Because it wasn't ready.
Now, are you fooling yourself
or are you trying to fool me?
- Excuse me?
- Come on. We both know what's at stake here today.
You're singing in
your mother's shadow
first year she's been gone,
and so is your sister, the
overnight viral sensation.
My sister and I are
not in competition.
Well, that's not what I hear.
Nicky, you're so
talented and beautiful.
In fact, you're spectacular.
But you're not your mama.
Well, now I know why my
brother loves you so much.
No, what I'm trying
to tell you is, don't be
some Gen Y clone
of Dottie Roman.
If you go out there
and serve these folks
some recycled song that you-you
meant to record way back when,
but there's probably a damn
good reason why you didn't,
your sister's gonna
leave you in the dust.
With all you've been through,
what you need is to...
is to let your heart
bleed out there.
Or you're better off
not going on at all.
I want you to know it really
is a pleasure meeting you.
You're on in 15, Ms.
Roman, right after your sister.
Change of plans.
Folks, put your
loving hands together
for the one and only
Nicky Roman!
What the hell? I'm
supposed to be next.
How y'all doing?
Now, as you all know,
my mama used to perform here
every year for her
most loyal fans.
And today I'm gonna
continue that tradition
by singing a song that
was real close to her heart.
This one's for you, Mama.
- Whoo!
- Nicky, we love you!
That bitch stole my song.
-How dare you? You stole Mama's song!
You mean before you could?
What did you think I was gonna do?
Huh? You think I was gonna
sit back quietly and let you take
every single thing I've
worked for my entire life?
I even gave you the
chance to come clean.
- All you had to do was be honest.
- And then what?
Screw me in plain sight,
instead of behind my back?
You'll do anything
to get what you want.
- No, I wouldn't.
- And you don't care who you hurt.
Of course you helped Mama die.
You're just like her.
The queen is dead.
Long live the queen.
You sure about this?
Eight seconds
can feel like forever.
Whatever he's
got, I can take it.
Coming up next,
a late entry in the amateur
bull-riding competition.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Mr. Luke Roman!
Did you hear that? Mom?
I-I did. Come on.
Come on, Tatum, hurry up.
Daddy? Daddy, have you heard?!
Have you heard
what Luke's doing?
Well, I didn't
think I heard right.
Oh, my goodness.
-Watch your arms, though. Watch your arms.
As we get ready to go now
to the next bucking champ.
Lord, is that boy
trying to kill his self?
Well, Luke Roman is ready.
He nods his head.
Hang on, son!
Oh, man, he is hurt.
This cowboy is down.
- Oh, my God. Luke!
- As soon as we get
the bull back in the chute,
please stand by, paramedics.
Dr. Saffron,
please report to ER 1.
Oh, come on, Daddy.
You know why he did
this, don't you, right?
Boys will be boys, I reckon.
No, Daddy, he was trying
to prove something to you.
He was... Well, it's not fair.
No one should have to fight
for their father's love. It's...
He's never gonna be like you.
Okay? No matter how
many bulls he rides.
Anything? Any news?
No, we're still waiting for
him to come out of surgery.
You-you should sit,
Gigi. It could be a while.
I'm sorry. Did somebody
say something?
You okay, baby?
Of course.
I'm just worried for
all of you, you know?
Good. You're all here.
Is-is... is he... is
he gonna be okay?
Well, there was more internal
bleeding than we anticipated.
But he came through fine.
Well, can we see him?
He's resting.
Just one at a time.
All right.
You sit back down.
I got this.
- Hey.
- Hey, son.
Hey, Dad.
You got your sisters
in a panic out there.
Not a very nice
thing to do to 'em.
I'm sorry.
Well, the good news
is, you're gonna be okay.
But maybe...
Maybe we rethink this
bull-riding thing, huh?
I don't think it's a good
career move for you, hoss.
I can't replace you as CEO.
What would Monarch do...
without you?
Hmm. Yeah.
- I'm gonna let you rest.
- Okay.
Look, Luke, I'm not very good
at putting things into words.
Unless it's song lyrics.
But you know how
I feel, don't you?
All right.
Cath Lab, please dial 2692.
Cath Lab, please dial 2692.
Uh, I'm gonna get a soda.
Give you two a minute.
Can I get you guys something?
Other than a new sister, no.
Right. Okay, I am
not sorry for what I did.
You do not understand
the pressure I'm under.
I'm not a new, fresh discovery.
And thanks to you, neither am I.
Oh, come on. There's gonna be
other songs and other chances.
So I should sit patiently
and wait for my chance?
Like you waited for Mama?
How'd that work out for you?
No, it's-it's different for
you. You're just beginning.
You think it's my fault
she never made good on
any of the promises to you?
And you think it's helped you?
Always doing
everything on her terms,
playing by her rules?
News flash, Nicky.
She made up those rules to
ensure that she'd always win.
No. I think she did what
she did to stay on top.
She had to be ruthless.
Now you are, too.
Mission accomplished.
You may not feel it now,
but today you got
a little bit stronger.
Now come on down
and celebrate Mama's bit hit.
Put your prettiest
smile on, okay?
Show must go on.
I can't.
I can't ever sing that song
again. She broke my heart.
Yes, you can, Nicky, because
I'm gonna be right next to you.
No matter what she
ever makes you do,
I'll always be here for you.
I just thought you should know.
- Hey.
- I better go.
How you doing, soldier?
- I'm good.
- Yeah?
Yeah. Mm.
so, I'm guessing, um,
she told you about
the pregnancy?
Yeah, she told me.
And, uh, how do
you feel about that?
Happy? Scared?
I don't know.
I'm on a lot of morphine.
Well, we'll deal with it when
you're back up and about.
All right?
- Mm.
- Good?
- I think there's something else.
- What?
The D.A.'s been read in
on the oxycodone levels
in Mama's blood.
He's not gonna let it go.
So, what next?
We do the only thing
we can do. We wait.
Come on, Marty.
Well, I delivered the message
that you're done paying.
They didn't take
too kindly to it.
Now... they want double.
Next payment's due tomorrow.
All right. It's all clear.
Come on.
This, too.
- So you stayed
out of the spotlight
because you thought
you'd outshine me?
Well, there can
only be one queen.
The deal was, you pay them
- what they demand every month.
- What guarantee
do we have that they'll give us
the documents after I'm gone?
I'm dying Saturday night,
right after the concert.
- And you're gonna help me do it.
- What did you do?
The prelim tox screen showed us
some questionable results.
Then a member of my
family is going to jail.
Mama wrote this song.
Yeah, I think Daddy
cheated on her.
Isn't anyone's marriage
what it's supposed to be?
Mine is.
We have to stop this.
You're not eating sushi
and you're not drinking sake.
How far along are you?
Luke doesn't even know yet.
Evening, Ms.
Roman. Mind if I have
a few words with your father?
They're either gonna
show up here with a warrant
or they're gonna
go back out there
and start digging.
We better get to that body
before they do.
Oh, hell.
Somebody got here first.
Oh, my God.
One job.
- You had one job...
- Just get rid of the damn body.
- Watch yourself, boy.
- Or what?
What are you gonna do, old man?
I prefer to show, not tell.
Hey. What are you doing?
Stop it. The only way we're
gonna get through all this
is if we stick together
and stay calm.
There's a dead body
out there, somewhere,
and we're complicit. All of us.
Let me remind everybody
who we're protecting here.
I think we all know
it ain't just me.
Just one, Earl.
Um, Geeg, have you seen Luke?
- Actually.
- He would never miss a signing party.
I can't believe
this is all for me.
You deserve it.
You okay?
I'm lying. I'm so nervous.
Don't be.
We're just like any
other super famous,
always-in-the-public-eye family.
Excuse me. If I could have
all your attention
just for a minute.
We would like to introduce Ana
to our Monarch label.
- Whoo-whoo!
- When we sign
a new artist, we have a
little Monarch tradition.
Tatum has collected
slips of paper.
Each one has a song on it.
You're gonna stick
your little hand in there.
- -Yeah.
- And you're gonna pick one out.
And whichever one you pick,
- you have to sing.
- Drumroll.
What'd you get?
That one's mine.
"Sugar" in "G."
One, two,
I need to talk to you right now.
Where have you been?
Why would you do that?
Why would you go and tell
the coroner about Mama?
I told you... I wanted answers.
She had months left to live.
They found oxycodone
in her blood, Nick.
Someone gave her
the pills that night.
Someone tried to kill her, Nick!
- Not someone!
- It was me-me.
I gave her those
pills. I-I did that.
What are you talking about?
Because she wanted to
go out on her own terms.
And when's the last time
someone talked Mama out
of doing what she wanted?
Nick, who else knows about this?
- Only Gigi.
- Why didn't you come to me first?
I know. I don't...
No, you don't.
Assisted suicide is a
felony in Texas, Nick.
That means, if the D.A. files...
What, that the cops
are coming for me?
Now, I know we've all
been through a lot lately.
Some of us more than others.
But I've got a prelim schedule
for the Founder's Day Rodeo.
I need y'all to take a good look
and make sure that
y'all are comfortable.
Page four. What's...
- "Gigi or Nicky" mean?
- We all know
that, every year, Mama
debuted a new song at the rodeo.
It means only one of
you is gonna pick up
Mama's mantle and
debut a new single.
- One of us?
- One of us?
If you go by the metrics,
Gigi's on fire right now.
- I'm sorry, what?
- Gigi literally
has notebooks full
of new material the
fans have never heard.
It's true. I have been
writing up a storm.
Right. And what about my
new song called "Hell No"?
Nicky, have you got a new song?
Yes. I have.
And it has number
one written all over it.
It's settled then.
You're both gonna sing.
May the best song win.
Oh, hey, baby.
What are you doing?
I'm trying to pick a song
to perform at the rodeo.
Okay, you can't pick some
old song from a notebook.
You need something,
you know, incredible.
I guess.
You guess? I know.
You got a lot of heat
on you right now, Geeg.
It's rare, and it's fleeting.
This is a pivot point.
All eyes are on you right now.
Be honest.
With both of us.
Do you want to be a
star like your mama?
You know I do.
Okay, then.
We need to level up and release
the most jaw-dropping song
they have ever heard.
I've got an idea... for one.
It really tears your heart out.
- But...
- No, no, no. No buts.
Just do it.
You work on the song.
I'll handle the rest.
Starting with your look.
Trying to write a song
for the rodeo, huh?
How's it going?
It is going well.
Really? 'Cause it looks
like a serial killer wrote that.
Writing is a process, Tatum.
Well, your process
is pretty wack.
You've been scribbling
on that pad for hours, Mom.
Has it really been that long?
Let's just be honest...
Aunt Gigi's gonna
win this competition.
It is not a competition.
Keep telling yourself that.
Maybe you should just ask
Gigi for one of her songs.
Let's be honest
about how every single time I
think it's my moment, it's not.
And about how if I don't get out
of my family's shadow
very soon, I never will.
Too honest?
I mean, you always tell me
- it's okay to ask for help.
- Yeah.
And I think I need help
from some of the best
songwriters in the business.
Gas up the jet, 'cause
Mama's going to Nashville.
Oh, yeah. Thank you.
So, what'd you think, Mama?
What I think, baby,
is we got a hit.
I've quietly set pitches with
Nashville's best and brightest.
They're all coming to
give you what you need.
Which is a new look.
Lillian Tsai's the best
stylist in all of Austin.
But I need you...
to keep an open mind.
What I'm looking for is a power
ballad. Something that's, like,
strong and sexy, undeniable.
Say no more.
Forgot to charge it.
Got a power cord?
These outfits
are... They're nice.
Well, at least you
didn't say "pretty,"
like that Maren Morris.
I don't work with her anymore.
This is our mama's favorite.
It's like an older,
white lady version
of "Old Town Road."
All the Real Housewives love it.
I want something that'll
blow people's minds.
Something outrageous.
- Bold?
- Please.
- Vicious?
- Yeah.
Just finished one last night,
and you're the first to hear it.
These are for the risk takers.
Well, it's... I-I don't even
know what to say. It's perfect.
It's absolutely, exactly
what we're looking for.
Sorry, Nicky, but...
I think I need to
keep it for myself.
I do have a song
that I wrote about my
grandma's rocking chair
that I think would be perfect.
You want to hear
that one instead?
Did you know, when
John Anderson played this
for the record company,
they told him it was a B-side?
'Cause suits wouldn't know a
hit if it kicked them in the jewels.
Forgive the
intrusion, Mr. Roman.
I'm Jamie Burke.
Let me guess, music producer.
Well, go ahead, do your thing.
Tell me how you're
gonna change my life.
Reinvent Albie Roman.
It's nothing I ain't heard
before from guys like you
sitting on stools like that.
You're right. I'm
in the business.
I know your story.
Three years behind
bars for manslaughter,
a dozen top tens after that,
each one better
than the last. Shoot,
I should know, I
grew up listening
to every damn
record you ever made.
Before your music
turned to crap, anyway.
What'd you just say?
Come on now.
Last 20 years, you've
been getting screwed
by 28-year-old record execs
who've been
yessing you to death.
- Look, when your wife passed...
- Oh.
Be very careful
what you say next.
When Dottie Roman
passed, the world...
they lost the Queen of Country.
But you lost your North Star.
She focused you, polished you,
pointed you to stardom.
But I got to ask, Mr. Roman,
do you even know who
you are without her?
If you ever want some help
remembering who
Albie Roman was...
and who he still can be...
give me a call.
Is this where we come
to pitch songs to the
legendary Nicky Roman?
- Word's out, you're on the hunt.
- Wade.
- You got a song for me?
- You'll tell me.
But my style does tend
more towards the, uh...
Lovesick young cowboy?
Did I offend you?
We'll call it even if...
you agree to have a
drink with me tonight.
Sorry. Hey.
I'm just checking in.
How's it going up there?
It's going well. I've, um...
I have lots of-of good options.
That's good because
bar's been set high.
I'm at the church now,
I'm listening to Gigi's song.
I got to tell you, it's...
it's haunting and sweet.
It's heartbreaking.
Now, is that her in the,
in the, in the background?
Hold the-the phone
up so I can hear.
Have a listen.
That's Mama's song.
What was that?
- That's Mama's song.
- -Anyway,
it's amazing.
Honestly, I didn't
think Gigi had it in her.
Neither did I.
All right.
Well, if that's how
you want to play it,
game on, little sister.
She has no right. If anybody
should sing that song,
it is me. It is a cheating
song, for God's sake.
All good country songs
are cheating songs.
Nobody knows more
about heartbreak
and betrayal than I do.
I'm sorry, I'm so mad at her,
I can't even think
straight right now.
Luckily, you don't have to.
The bar's right there, for
that drink you promised me.
I'm sorry, it's been
an exhausting day.
Aren't you sober, anyway?
I still need fluids.
Look, normally I'd say fine,
bail on my ass, I
can take a hint, but...
you still need a song, right?
I can be useful to you.
What you need is a break,
dinner maybe, get
your energy back.
Ugh. What I need is room
service and a bath, and...
I don't even know
what floor I'm on.
I could be talked into that.
Talked into what?
Room service.
Right. I didn't,
I didn't say that.
Now, my guess would
be you're staying...
the penthouse.
Well, thank you.
That is very helpful.
Now, my only other question
is, just how fast do
you want to get there?
Not very fast.
When's the band getting here?
I sent 'em home.
You did what now?
I'm not gonna let you hide
behind the best session players
in the business. It's just
me and you in here today.
Listen, hoss, this...
truth-teller Rick
Rubin act of yours
is starting to
wear a little thin.
Thought that was
the exact reason
that you called me.
I saw that Insta video of
you and your daughter Gigi
playing in the truck.
That wasn't nothing.
That was just a daddy
singing with his little girl.
Yeah, well, someone
leaked it for a reason,
and I'm happy about
that because that's
the old Albie Roman again.
And that's what we're
gonna find in here today.
Take your time. Feel it.
Let it flow.
Hey, Dad.
Hey, son.
Jamie Burke,
producer out of Atlanta.
Yeah, charmed. Dad,
can I have a word?
I'll just go check
out the hydrangeas.
What's so important?
Come on.
You have seen a thousand
pied piper producers
come and go.
Why didn't you come to me?
- You?
- Yeah. I'm your son.
And that's why I came
to you to get an answer
- about the music rights.
- And I told you,
she sold them.
Publishing and masters.
- Sold them? Why?
- I don't know.
She must have had her reasons.
That's not an answer.
See? Businessmen
are the problem.
They're not the solution.
Guess you wouldn't
understand that.
Why? 'Cause I'm not an artist?
I'm not a real Roman?
Okay, fine, you know what?
You want to hear
the truth? Here it is.
Ever since Mama died...
no, no, it was long before that,
you've been lost,
and that makes you
an easy target for sharks
like that Jamie what's-his-name.
I mean, can't you see
what he's trying to do?
Yeah. Make me relevant again.
I got to go.
Good morning.
Hi. That is not fair.
Waking up before me.
Why? 'Cause now
you can't sneak out?
Uh, no, 'cause
it's my hotel room.
Okay. I'm busted.
But I do have to
get back to Austin.
Start rehearsing
something, anything.
- You know, it's gonna be okay.
- Is it?
'Cause it's supposed
to be my moment, and...
my little sister, who I've
protected and cared for
my entire life, is trying
to take it from me,
Well, listen,
like I was telling you
yesterday, before we got, uh...
I think I can help.
But I got to tell you,
this song is not just for you,
it's about you.
Take a listen.
That's right.
I can, um...
push that jet back by, like,
two, three hours.
- You can?
- I can.
That would
certainly interest me.
- That sounds good.
- Oh!
It just doesn't make any sense,
why Dottie would
sell those songs.
You do know
something about this.
Albie, I've worked
for the Roman family
longer than I've
had one of my own.
Dottie trusted me implicitly.
I swore I'd take
this to my grave.
Which may be
sooner than you think.
A few years back,
Dottie needed money.
A lot and quickly. She
didn't want anybody to know.
- Money for what?
- Dottie was being blackmailed.
Started about five years back.
$50,000 a month, every month.
Paid to who?
If she knew, she wasn't telling.
I tried to get to
the bottom of it.
Hell, I even put a P.I. on
it. I never could find out.
I swear, it's all I know.
All right, well, here's
what you're gonna do now.
You reach out to those
spineless bastards,
and you tell them
that this ends today.
You tell them that Albie Roman
ain't paying them another cent.
- Hey.
- You're back.
Yeah. I got to start rehearsing
my song for the rodeo.
So you found something?
I did. I'm not gonna
say much about it yet,
but I hear that yours is great.
You want to... want to, um...
You want to give
me a sneak preview?
I'd rather not.
It's, um, something
very personal to me.
I bet.
You know, uh, all the
time I was in Nashville,
I kept thinking
about Mama's song.
You know, the one
that she left for Daddy.
Just kept
going around and
around in my head.
Like she knew
all the pain I was...
I was going through with Clive.
real sorry you've
been feeling that.
Me, too.
Being betrayed by
someone you trust is painful.
I hope you never
have to feel that.
- There! - Ladies and gentlemen,
Monarch Entertainment presents
the Austin Founding Days
Rodeo. Welcome, everyone.
- Hi!
- Hi!
- Hi, Dad.
- Hey, Luke.
Remember Jamie Burke?
Yeah, how could I forget?
Seems like you're
everywhere all of a sudden.
I was just thinking,
you remember when you
taught me to ride those things?
Remember that?
That was a lifetime ago.
Come on, boy, I'll
show you around.
- See you later, son.
- Yeah.
Hey, baby.
So excited for her.
Following in her
mother's footsteps.
Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!
It's-it's on.
Nicky's song is on.
All right, babe.
Nicky, that ain't you.
That's Mama.
Hello? Come in.
Ms. Roman?
- You decent?
- Yup.
Sorry to interrupt. I-I know
you're about to go on. I...
I-I just wanted to
introduce myself.
- I'm Jamie Burke.
- Yeah, I-I know who you are.
My brother warned me about you.
Oh. Guess I made quite
the impression, then.
Us Romans can be
a very protective bunch.
Don't take it personally.
Hey, can I ask you...
- what song are you singing today?
- I'm...
I'm singing something I've had
tucked away for a long time and,
well, thinking of recording it.
May I ask why you haven't?
Because it wasn't ready.
Now, are you fooling yourself
or are you trying to fool me?
- Excuse me?
- Come on. We both know what's at stake here today.
You're singing in
your mother's shadow
first year she's been gone,
and so is your sister, the
overnight viral sensation.
My sister and I are
not in competition.
Well, that's not what I hear.
Nicky, you're so
talented and beautiful.
In fact, you're spectacular.
But you're not your mama.
Well, now I know why my
brother loves you so much.
No, what I'm trying
to tell you is, don't be
some Gen Y clone
of Dottie Roman.
If you go out there
and serve these folks
some recycled song that you-you
meant to record way back when,
but there's probably a damn
good reason why you didn't,
your sister's gonna
leave you in the dust.
With all you've been through,
what you need is to...
is to let your heart
bleed out there.
Or you're better off
not going on at all.
I want you to know it really
is a pleasure meeting you.
You're on in 15, Ms.
Roman, right after your sister.
Change of plans.
Folks, put your
loving hands together
for the one and only
Nicky Roman!
What the hell? I'm
supposed to be next.
How y'all doing?
Now, as you all know,
my mama used to perform here
every year for her
most loyal fans.
And today I'm gonna
continue that tradition
by singing a song that
was real close to her heart.
This one's for you, Mama.
- Whoo!
- Nicky, we love you!
That bitch stole my song.
-How dare you? You stole Mama's song!
You mean before you could?
What did you think I was gonna do?
Huh? You think I was gonna
sit back quietly and let you take
every single thing I've
worked for my entire life?
I even gave you the
chance to come clean.
- All you had to do was be honest.
- And then what?
Screw me in plain sight,
instead of behind my back?
You'll do anything
to get what you want.
- No, I wouldn't.
- And you don't care who you hurt.
Of course you helped Mama die.
You're just like her.
The queen is dead.
Long live the queen.
You sure about this?
Eight seconds
can feel like forever.
Whatever he's
got, I can take it.
Coming up next,
a late entry in the amateur
bull-riding competition.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Mr. Luke Roman!
Did you hear that? Mom?
I-I did. Come on.
Come on, Tatum, hurry up.
Daddy? Daddy, have you heard?!
Have you heard
what Luke's doing?
Well, I didn't
think I heard right.
Oh, my goodness.
-Watch your arms, though. Watch your arms.
As we get ready to go now
to the next bucking champ.
Lord, is that boy
trying to kill his self?
Well, Luke Roman is ready.
He nods his head.
Hang on, son!
Oh, man, he is hurt.
This cowboy is down.
- Oh, my God. Luke!
- As soon as we get
the bull back in the chute,
please stand by, paramedics.
Dr. Saffron,
please report to ER 1.
Oh, come on, Daddy.
You know why he did
this, don't you, right?
Boys will be boys, I reckon.
No, Daddy, he was trying
to prove something to you.
He was... Well, it's not fair.
No one should have to fight
for their father's love. It's...
He's never gonna be like you.
Okay? No matter how
many bulls he rides.
Anything? Any news?
No, we're still waiting for
him to come out of surgery.
You-you should sit,
Gigi. It could be a while.
I'm sorry. Did somebody
say something?
You okay, baby?
Of course.
I'm just worried for
all of you, you know?
Good. You're all here.
Is-is... is he... is
he gonna be okay?
Well, there was more internal
bleeding than we anticipated.
But he came through fine.
Well, can we see him?
He's resting.
Just one at a time.
All right.
You sit back down.
I got this.
- Hey.
- Hey, son.
Hey, Dad.
You got your sisters
in a panic out there.
Not a very nice
thing to do to 'em.
I'm sorry.
Well, the good news
is, you're gonna be okay.
But maybe...
Maybe we rethink this
bull-riding thing, huh?
I don't think it's a good
career move for you, hoss.
I can't replace you as CEO.
What would Monarch do...
without you?
Hmm. Yeah.
- I'm gonna let you rest.
- Okay.
Look, Luke, I'm not very good
at putting things into words.
Unless it's song lyrics.
But you know how
I feel, don't you?
All right.
Cath Lab, please dial 2692.
Cath Lab, please dial 2692.
Uh, I'm gonna get a soda.
Give you two a minute.
Can I get you guys something?
Other than a new sister, no.
Right. Okay, I am
not sorry for what I did.
You do not understand
the pressure I'm under.
I'm not a new, fresh discovery.
And thanks to you, neither am I.
Oh, come on. There's gonna be
other songs and other chances.
So I should sit patiently
and wait for my chance?
Like you waited for Mama?
How'd that work out for you?
No, it's-it's different for
you. You're just beginning.
You think it's my fault
she never made good on
any of the promises to you?
And you think it's helped you?
Always doing
everything on her terms,
playing by her rules?
News flash, Nicky.
She made up those rules to
ensure that she'd always win.
No. I think she did what
she did to stay on top.
She had to be ruthless.
Now you are, too.
Mission accomplished.
You may not feel it now,
but today you got
a little bit stronger.
Now come on down
and celebrate Mama's bit hit.
Put your prettiest
smile on, okay?
Show must go on.
I can't.
I can't ever sing that song
again. She broke my heart.
Yes, you can, Nicky, because
I'm gonna be right next to you.
No matter what she
ever makes you do,
I'll always be here for you.
I just thought you should know.
- Hey.
- I better go.
How you doing, soldier?
- I'm good.
- Yeah?
Yeah. Mm.
so, I'm guessing, um,
she told you about
the pregnancy?
Yeah, she told me.
And, uh, how do
you feel about that?
Happy? Scared?
I don't know.
I'm on a lot of morphine.
Well, we'll deal with it when
you're back up and about.
All right?
- Mm.
- Good?
- I think there's something else.
- What?
The D.A.'s been read in
on the oxycodone levels
in Mama's blood.
He's not gonna let it go.
So, what next?
We do the only thing
we can do. We wait.
Come on, Marty.
Well, I delivered the message
that you're done paying.
They didn't take
too kindly to it.
Now... they want double.
Next payment's due tomorrow.
All right. It's all clear.
Come on.
This, too.