Monarch (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Show Them Who You Are, Baby - full transcript
- Previously on Monarch...
- And y'all saw her last night.
That was not a woman
who was just about to die.
Something doesn't make sense.
She also left behind
letters for her children.
Nicky wrote these letters?
What the hell's
my sister hiding?
♪ How do I live without you? ♪
So you stayed
out of the spotlight because
you thought you'd outshine me?
Well, there can
only be one queen.
My name is Catt Phoenix,
and my daughter Ana and I have
an appointment with Luke Roman.
I am so sorry. We must
have double-booked y'all.
There are millions of people
trying to be country
singers, Mom.
Yes, but they're not you.
We can't play "Love of my Life."
There's an issue
with the rights.
Hell I can't. We own the
whole damn catalogue.
Please. We could get sued.
Nick, it's over, all
right? I ended it.
How old is she this
time Clive, hmm?
She able to vote?
Not me I'm worried
about. It's Luke.
He's always alone.
This is wrong.
We have to stop this.
I love Gigi.
A Roman never forgets a friend.
Or an enemy.
Yeah, I need you to
run some tags for me.
Good evening, Ms. Roman.
- Evening.
- I hate to bother you this late.
You mind if I have a few
words with your father?
Oh, he's in bed.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
I just saw his truck
down near the woods
by Enchanted Rock
about an hour ago.
It's kind of late for
him to be out there.
Yeah, he went for a drive.
Um, he got back and
turned in a while ago.
Do you want me
to go wake him up?
No need. Just wanted to
make sure he got home okay.
All right. That's
sweet. Thank you.
- Have a good evening.
- Good night.
So? What do you think?
I think she's lying
through her teeth.
All right, they're gone.
- Not for long.
- What?
In about 40 minutes,
they're either gonna show
up here with a warrant,
or they're gonna go back
out there and start digging.
Right. So what are you saying?
I'm saying we better get
to that body before they do.
♪ Mirror, mirror on the wall ♪
♪ Don't say it, 'cause
I know I'm cute ♪
♪ Ooh, baby
Louis down to my drawers ♪
♪ LV all on my shoes ♪
♪ Ooh, baby I be
dripping so much sauce ♪
♪ Gotta been looking like
Ragù Ooh, baby ♪
♪ Lit up like a crystal ball ♪
♪ That's cool, baby, so
is you, that's how I roll ♪
♪ If I'm shining,
everybody gonna shine ♪
♪ Yeah, I'm goals
♪ - ♪ Heard you say ♪
♪ I'm not the baddest
chick, you lie, ha-ha ♪
♪ It ain't my fault that I'm
out here getting loose ♪
♪ Gotta blame it on the Goose ♪
♪ Gotta blame it
on my juice, baby ♪
♪ It ain't my fault that I'm
out here making news ♪
♪ I'm the pudding in the proof,
gotta blame it on my juice ♪
♪ Ya-ya-ee, ya-ya,
ya-ya, ya-ya, ya-ya ♪
♪ Blame it on my juice,
blame it, blame it on my juice ♪
♪ Aha Somebody
come get this man ♪
♪ I think he got lost in
my DMs What? ♪
♪ My DMs what? ♪
♪ You better come get your man ♪
♪ I think he wanna be
way more than friends ♪
- ♪ What? ♪ - ♪
- More than friends ♪
♪ What you want me to say? ♪
♪ It ain't my fault ♪
♪ That I'm out
here getting loose ♪
♪ Gotta blame it on the Goose ♪
♪ Gotta blame it
on my juice, baby ♪
♪ It ain't my fault that I'm
out here making news ♪
♪ I'm the pudding in the proof ♪
♪ Gotta blame it on
my juice, ya-ya-ee ♪
♪ Ya-ya-ee
Ya-ya, ya-ya, ya-ya ♪
♪ Blame it on my juice ♪
♪ Blame it, blame it
on my juice, uh-uh. ♪
I cannot wait to see you
light up the Queens
of Country with that!
I cannot wait to see her
wipe the floor with Nicky.
Oh! Sister rivalry
is the best rivalry.
Ugh. I hate that everything
has to be a competition.
- I love Nicky.
- Well, so do I.
But what can I say?
People like a little
Game of Thrones
with their country music.
When your mama
won her first crown,
she sang circles around
both Reba and Dolly.
I appreciate the support.
I'm gonna go out
there and do my best,
but this is not a competition,
and there is no rivalry.
Her naivete is adorable.
Sorry, Mom. I'm taking mine
to go. Looks delicious, though.
Well, don't forget your meds
and your... and your cleats.
Yeah, I got it. See ya.
And whatever else
you're gonna call me about
- in the next two hours.
- He's 18 now.
You could let
him forget about it.
Maybe then he'd learn.
Well, in that case,
shall I let you...
you forget this?
And here. Sweater.
You've had a cold. Put it on.
Too bad the Grammys
don't have an award
for helicopter parenting.
You'd finally get one.
- Mm-hmm. - Mm.
- Hey.
What about me? What
should I remember?
I'd say to keep
it in your pants,
but I don't think
that's possible.
I meant what I said, Nick.
It's all behind me.
I'm just about to
go to therapy now
so I can deal with
why I'm so compelled
to screw up the best thing
that ever happened to me.
- Hello, Clive.
- Luke.
Don't bother to knock.
Uh, what brings
you here so early?
We need to talk. Now.
You're a bad liar, Nick.
Even worse forger.
This letter? The one
that Mama didn't write?
- What, you gonna deny it?
- Well, I had to do something.
You and Daddy were arguing,
me and Gigi were at
each other's throats.
- I just thought...
- What?
That making up some fairy tale
in Mama's handwriting
was gonna make it all better?
We've all broken a commandment
somewhere along the line.
I'm sure if you dig deep,
you'll be able to
think of something.
Besides, with the Queens
of Country concert coming up,
I just... I don't know.
I just want some
peace in this family.
Well, speaking of, I'm
working something for you.
Open Horizon's gonna
come to your rehearsal today.
They're ready to
offer me my tour?
Hmm. Think of it
more as a... negotiation.
Oh, and I also know
that you've been
poking around Mama's death,
like one of us had
something to do with it.
Now you have got
to stop harping on
about these conspiracy theories.
Yeah, I guess you're right.
Just... sometimes
let my imagination get
the better of me, I guess.
- Coroner's office.
- Hey.
I'm tired of waiting.
Tell me what you got.
Look, I need to go through
the official channels on this.
We're talking about
the potential, illegal,
assisted suicide
of Dottie Roman.
Just tell me what you found.
The prelim tox screen showed
us some questionable results.
We are running it
again as we speak.
But brace yourself, Luke,
because if my gut is correct...
Then a member of
my family's going to jail.
♪ ♪
♪ Cause I can feel you
breathe, it's washing over me ♪
♪ And suddenly,
I'm melting into you ♪
♪ There's nothing
left to prove ♪
♪ And baby, all we
need is just to be ♪
Yeah. Great.
♪ Caught up in the touch ♪
♪ A slow and
steady rush ♪ - Hey.
- Hi.
- ♪ Baby, isn't that the way ♪
♪ That love's supposed to be? ♪
♪ I can feel you breathe. ♪
Nicky, meet Mackenzie
Gates from Open Horizon.
- Hi.
- Hi.
So you're the new Alec Graham.
Not really. I pride myself on
my relationships with talent.
Discovering new artists,
nurturing older ones.
And which one am I?
That's just it. I don't know.
You have something, no doubt.
But you took a back seat
to your mother for years.
The spotlight
doesn't find everyone.
Uh, no, it does
not, you're right,
but I'm not everyone.
I just need a chance.
Chances aren't
given. They're seized.
And if you're begging me
for a tour, you've already lost.
Show me who you are at
the concert this weekend.
Make me beg you.
Always a pleasure, Mackenzie.
Anything for the Romans.
Well, I don't think she
replaced Alec Graham.
I think she ate him.
I told you, Nick. It's
just gamesmanship.
She's a professional hard-ass.
No, it's not just that.
She saw right through me.
- What are you talking about?
- The whole thing.
The song, the photos,
the whole performance.
It's like, my marriage is
hanging by a thread, and...
it's not real.
It's not supposed
to be real, Nick.
And anyway, you sounded great.
I know it's been a long road,
but just keep doing
what you're doing, okay?
Your time will come.
♪ When you go to sleep tonight ♪
♪ And the stars
are shining bright ♪
♪ And your day has
been weary and long ♪
♪ Just know now far away ♪
♪ Someone'll say
that they miss you ♪
♪ While you're away... ♪
Oh, Clive.
You son of a bitch.
Tell that to
your therapist, Clive.
- You flushed 'em?
- Luckily, it was
a low-flow toilet,
so I fished 'em out,
and I donated them to
the Austin women's shelter.
Good. Happy ending.
Disgusting but happy.
- That's good.
- Yep.
Oh, Geeg, I still
can't believe it.
I mean, I know he's done
it before, but six months.
Look. This is her.
Imogen Lowe.
She's an actress.
He did that Hallmark
movie with her in Vancouver.
Mm. Fake teeth, fake hair.
Fake hoo-hahs, too, probably.
So does this mean
you're finally gonna
kick his skinny
British ass to the curb?
I can't.
According to Open Horizon,
divorce doesn't
go with my brand.
- Nicky.
- Well, Mama and Daddy had
the perfect marriage,
and she proved
that a woman
can have it all, so...
now I'm expected to
keep up appearances.
For who? Is this what you want
your children thinking
that a marriage is?
Lying and cheating?
So you picked the wrong
guy. It's not your fault.
And not everybody can
be as lucky as Mama was.
She and Daddy genuinely
loved and respected each other.
Every marriage has
got to start from there.
I know mine does.
Yeah, I guess so.
I feel terrible
doing this to Gigi.
I can't keep coming here.
That's what you said last time.
- And the time before that.
- Right.
Hmm. Who is it?
It's Nicky. She wants to
have lunch with me tomorrow.
Do you have any
idea what this is about?
Mama always told Nicky,
"Keep your friends close."
Well, Nicky and I have
never really been friends.
Then she's gonna
keep you even closer.
♪ ♪
♪ Better days are on the way ♪
♪ Yes, they're on the way... ♪
I'm starving, Grandpa.
Well, we can't have that.
They're here.
You ready?
We didn't come all the way
from Albuquerque for nothing.
You've worked
really hard on this.
So, come on. You can do it.
- Okay. Okay.
- Go, go on.
♪ ♪
♪ 'Cause you are the rose ♪
♪ I go through the brambles. ♪
This is Ana, my daughter,
so you won't forget.
Our number is right
there on the back.
Call us anytime, day or night.
Anytime you're
ready to sign her.
That was amazing.
Did you lose something?
I mean, yeah, just must be in
another jacket or something.
Yeah, it could be, or you might
want to check Lake Buchanan,
'cause I'm pretty sure that's
where the sewage ends up.
You know... after
you've flushed.
- Oh, you wouldn't have.
- I wouldn't?
Because... I think...
maybe I... did?
And, Clive,
I found, uh, this
charging in the kitchen.
You invited Imogen to
my house this weekend
on the Roman family jet?
For God's sake, Clive!
- It's not what you think.
- You've been sleeping with her
for six months, and that's the
best you can come up with?
It's a good thing that you are
an actor and not a
writer. That's all I can say.
She's just coming
here so I can end it,
- in person, face-to-face.
- Oh. Okay.
- I mean, I owe her that!
- Such sensitivity.
I'm really glad that I
found you that therapist,
'cause she's clearing
doing an amazing job.
Now the bed in the pool
house is already made up.
I was gonna say, be
careful about the rats,
but there's no need because...
you're gonna fit right in.
♪ ♪
Yeah, I'm gonna stay
with Dad again tonight.
He's still having
a tough time, but...
oh, I hate to miss
Summer's bedtime.
Can you put the
phone up to her ear
so I can sing her a lullaby?
She's already fast asleep, baby.
But you can sing it to me.
♪ There's so much
good I want to do ♪
♪ But God knows the
bad that I've done ♪
♪ It only takes
one look at you ♪
♪ To see the one I
want to be become... ♪
♪ ♪
Geeg told me about
Queens of Country. That's huge.
Sure is.
You haven't touched your lunch.
Yeah, I don't know.
I'm not very hungry.
I don't know.
Maybe it's the heat.
Or your conscience.
I know about you and my brother.
How could you do that to Gigi?
Do you know what that
will do to her if she finds out?
It's wrong.
I love Gigi.
I will not let you hurt my
sister. Do you hear me?
You need to end it.
Right. To Gigi Tucker-Roman,
who we're lucky enough
to have in our lives.
You're not eating sushi,
and you're not drinking sake.
How far along are you?
Not very.
Luke doesn't even know yet.
Well, I can't imagine the...
burden that you're carrying.
But if this was to get out,
it would hurt a lot of people
that mean the world to me.
Are you threatening me?
The opposite. I'm...
I'm asking you
to let me handle it.
♪ ♪
Hey. What you got there?
Uh, just some old photos.
Queens of Country want to do
a memorial reel on Mama, so...
Well, nobody's using pictures
of your mama without my say-so.
Understood. I'll, um...
I'll clear 'em with you first.
Oh, and by the
way, you know what?
It'd be nice if maybe you
MC'd or-or sang a song.
Nice for who?
After that mess
at Mama's funeral,
we need to remind
the world who you are.
You're the King of Country, Dad.
You're the Texas Truth-Teller.
Well, I didn't
think you'd do it.
Well, there's something
you need to do for me.
Find out who's got
the rights to our music
and how the hell
you're gonna get it back.
I'm into it, okay?
Don't worry.
Don't manage me.
This is about more
than contracts and cash.
Those albums are a piece
of me and your mama.
I've lost enough
of her as it is.
I'm not giving up any more.
♪ ♪
♪ I work a double
shift on Monday... ♪
I can't believe Mama
saved all of her old wardrobe.
You find anything
good, Miss Tanya?
Sorry, girls. Might as
well give it up right now.
Not so fast, Tucker.
Damn. Looks like your
mama just rose from the dead.
Where'd you get those?
Well, Mama left 'em to Daddy,
and Daddy's not
gonna wear 'em, so...
Take 'em off.
- Give 'em to me.
- What?
Take 'em off!
Uh, all right.
Um, I'm so sorry.
Geeg? Geeg? No, Gee... Oh!
What has gotten into you?
Geeg, hold up.
Mama promised me these boots.
She knew what they meant to me.
Course, she never really
paid me much mind in life.
Not sure why I thought
she'd start after she died.
She did her best.
I don't understand
why you're always
tearing her down.
And why are you
always building her up?
She made you kill her, Nicky.
What kind of a mother
does that to one of her kids?
Now, I know that
you're the smart one
and I barely
graduated high school,
but seeing your parents
for who they really are
does not make you bad, Nicky.
It makes you whole.
♪ ♪
♪ When someone's coming at you ♪
♪ And coming on strong... ♪
Mr. Roman?
I wanted to ask you
why I haven't
heard back from you
about signing my daughter Ana.
- Her heart is set on Monarch, and she's...
- Listen.
No BS, all right? Your
daughter's got chops.
- Yes.
- But the business is handled by the suits.
And I don't look like
one of them, do I?
- No. No.
- Okay.
We were supposed to
meet with your son Luke,
but we haven't heard
back from him, either.
That's no surprise.
I'm sorry. I-I got enough
issues with my son.
I'll let this one be yours.
Thank you.
Look, Mama. I'm the
queen, just like you.
You are nothing
like me. Nothing!
Don't you ever touch
these boots again.
You hear me?
You are nothing
like me. Nothing!
Mama, what were you hiding?
♪ Our love
was built on lies ♪
♪ The truth is I
closed my eyes ♪
♪ And I see the red taillights ♪
♪ Of our life fade away ♪
♪ She's where you want to be ♪
♪ But we both know
you'll never leave me ♪
♪ So I'm left here bleeding ♪
♪ On these pages... ♪
She left this for him.
The pain in her voice.
Nicky, I think he
cheated on her.
Daddy wouldn't cheat.
It's about heartbreak
and cheating, yes,
but so is every country song.
- If that's true, then why not record it?
- I don't know.
Maybe she wasn't done with it.
Or she just didn't want
anybody else to hear it but him.
- You've been cheated on before.
- All right.
But Daddy is
not... he's not Clive.
Well, he ain't a saint, either.
Well, if that's true,
then all this time, I've
been living up to their...
shining, perfect example, and...
Is anyone's marriage
what it's supposed to be?
Mine is.
Well, with Mama
gone, there's only
one way to find out the truth.
- Talk to Daddy.
- Mm-hmm.
It's not fair. You get
to take your anger out
on a pair of boots. I get...
I get to take mine out
on a country legend.
- Mom?
- Yeah?
Something just came
in under the door.
Maybe it's your
Monarch contract.
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God! Oh, my
God! Oh, my God!
Is it?
No, it's nothing for
you to worry about.
- Hmm.
- Well, I have good news.
Ace Roman follows
me on Instagram.
Less social media, more guitar.
Eyes on the prize, baby.
My marriage is none of
your business, Nicolette.
Of course it is. You and
Mama set an example
that I've spent half of my
adult life trying to live up to,
so if it's all a lie,
I'd like to know.
I loved your mother.
with all my heart.
It was 40 years ago.
It was one night and
a lifetime of regret.
Did Mama know?
The whole damn time.
She told me right
before she died.
I guess she found
a way to forgive me
whether I deserved it or not.
She made a choice,
and it kept our family together.
What choice would
she want me to make?
Did that pasty limey
cheat on you again?
You asked what Mama
would want you to do.
Well, Mama's gone,
so do what you
need to do for you.
♪ ♪
Clive! Hi, bunny.
Hello, Imogen.
Come on in.
I won't bite.
♪ ♪
♪ It's just a matter of time ♪
♪ Before I have
to pay the price ♪
♪ For what I done ♪
♪ Back there ♪
♪ I am bound ♪
♪ For my fate ♪
♪ I got bad man's blood ♪
♪ In my veins. ♪
♪ ♪
- Hey. Thank you.
- Wade!
- So who's going to win tonight?
- Hey,
my money is always
on Nicky Roman.
♪ Ooh! ♪
♪ Hmm, you've been
wearing that crown ♪
♪ And tearing me
down, it's been a while ♪
♪ Since you've treated me
right, you've strung me along ♪
♪ For far too long 'cause
I never gave up the fight ♪
♪ Oh, my, oh, my, huh ♪
♪ Mama always told me
that I should play nice ♪
♪ But she didn't know you
when she gave me that advice ♪
♪ I'm through with you ♪
♪ You're one bridge
I'd like to burn ♪
♪ Bottle up the
ashes... ♪ - For you.
Nicky, why are you in black?
Because this is the
funeral of my marriage.
This is my friend, Imogen Lowe.
Why is Imogen here?
Because it's always
the other woman
that's painted as a
slut or a home-wrecker
or the wife that
deserves to be cheated on
because she's cold or unloving.
So, instead of
blaming one another...
We're joining
together in solidarity
to hold accountable
the only truly guilty party,
which is my lying,
cheating husband.
♪ Delta Dawn, what's
that flower you have on? ♪
♪ Could it be a faded
rose from days gone by? ♪
♪ And did I hear you say ♪
♪ He was meeting
you here today ♪
♪ To take you to his
mansion in the sky? ♪
That was a real baller
move out there with Imogen.
Thanks, Geeg.
- Hold on.
- Mm-hmm.
He's where?
- I'll go get him.
- What?
Daddy's on a bender down
at the Shake and Take.
I got to go pick him
up before the cops do.
Daddy will be fine. What
are...? You need to perform.
Why? So that you can prove
that you're worthy of
that tour by beating me?
♪ Then a man of low degree... ♪
I know I'm new to this
business, but you don't have to
out sing me or Tanya
to get what you want.
You just need to be yourself.
And what if I told you that I
don't know who that is anymore?
Maybe that's not
such a bad thing.
What are you talking about?
Well, just this last
day, you surprised Clive
and you surprised Imogen.
Maybe it's time you
surprised yourself.
♪ And did I hear you say he
was meeting you here today ♪
♪ To take you to his mansion ♪
♪ In the sky? ♪
Here. Maybe
this'll sober you up.
Get on back to the
show, Georgina. I'm fine.
What I have to say can't wait.
Mama left something for you
in the heel of one of her boots,
like you were
supposed to find it there.
When we'd be on the road,
some of the band hid
drugs in their boots.
Me and Dottie would hide
secret messages to each other
where nobody'd find them.
Well, I found it,
and here's her message.
♪ Our love was built on lies ♪
♪ The truth is I
closed my eyes ♪
♪ And I see the red taillights ♪
♪ Of our life fade away ♪
♪ You ♪
♪ You broke my heart,
my body and mind ♪
♪ The truth can't be spoken ♪
♪ But God knows I am broken. ♪
I'm looking forward to seeing
what Nicky does tonight.
Well, prepare to be dazzled.
I don't need to be dazzled.
I need to believe that millions
of ticket-buying fans will be dazzled.
And now the next
Queen of Country, Nicky Roman.
This is for all you
out there who've had your hearts
ripped apart...
and then rose from the ashes.
Who wants to burn
something down?
♪ Forget your high society ♪
♪ I'm soakin' it in kerosene ♪
♪ Light 'em up and
watch 'em burn ♪
♪ Teach 'em what
they need to learn, ha! ♪
♪ And dirty hands
ain't made for shakin' ♪
♪ Ain't a rule that
ain't worth breakin' ♪
♪ I'm givin' up on love
'cause love's given up on me ♪
♪ Now I don't hate
the one who left ♪
♪ You can't hate
someone who's dead ♪
♪ He's out there
holdin' on to someone ♪
♪ I'm holding up
my smokin' gun ♪
♪ I'll find somewhere
to lay my blame ♪
♪ The day she
changes her last name ♪
♪ Well, I'm givin' up on love
'cause love's given up on me ♪
♪ Oh, yeah, whoo! ♪
It's not true.
Ay, Dios mío.
- Mom.
- Mm?
They're from Ace Roman.
Stay focused, mija.
What's that?
It's a contract from Monarch.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
♪ ♪
I'll always be sorry for
how much hurt I caused her.
More so now that I know
how deep that pain went.
It wasn't just her you
lied to and hurt, Daddy.
I'm sorry.
I carried this secret
around for a long time.
I want to be better. I
just don't know how I can
until I can make peace
with what I did to your mama.
We can pay tribute to her here.
The world might
not see it, but...
she will.
♪ Maybe I didn't love you ♪
♪ Quite as often
as I could have ♪
♪ Maybe I didn't treat you ♪
♪ Quite as good
as I should have ♪
♪ If I made you
feel second best ♪
♪ Girl, I'm sorry I was blind ♪
♪ You were
always on my mind ♪
♪ You were always on my mind ♪
♪ And maybe
I didn't hold you ♪
♪ All those lonely ♪
♪ Lonely times ♪
♪ I guess I never told you ♪
♪ I'm so happy
that you're mine... ♪
- Hey.
- Well?
Full disclosure?
Your connection with
the fans was electric.
You were all heart
out there tonight, Nicky.
And that's a good
thing, very good.
Great. So I get my tour?
We'll see.
I work my ass off, I
blow the room away,
I change up my act, and
all I get's a "We'll see"?
I didn't say no.
♪ I guess I never told you ♪
♪ I'm so happy
that you're mine... ♪
♪ Little things
I should've said and done ♪
♪ I just never took the time ♪
Thank you for the flowers.
You're welcome.
♪ You were always on my mind ♪
♪ You were always on my mind ♪
♪ Tell me ♪
♪ Tell me that your
sweet love hasn't died ♪
♪ And give me ♪
♪ Give me one more chance ♪
♪ To keep you satisfied ♪
♪ I'll keep you satisfied ♪
♪ You were always on my mind ♪
♪ You were always on my mind ♪
♪ You were always on my mind ♪
♪ You were always on my mind. ♪
Thanks for
waiting for me, darling.
Heard you did your mama proud.
Thank you.
I feel good about it.
What went on with that woman
had nothing to do with your mama.
It was me.
So, whatever you're
feeling because of Clive,
he's the messed-up
one, baby, not you.
Thank you.
But as far as Dottie goes...
I'm a bad man, baby.
I mean, I'm the reason
your mama died.
I broke her heart.
No, you didn't.
She was... beautiful and alive,
and then she told me
what she knew, and...
I'm-I'm the one
that deserved to die.
No. That's not why she died.
She died because she was sick.
You are a good man.
And you show that every
single day, even today.
Hey. And I love you.
Thank you, baby.
Daddy, hurry. The police
might be on their way.
It's not much further.
Just right down here.
Oh, hell.
Somebody got here first.
- And y'all saw her last night.
That was not a woman
who was just about to die.
Something doesn't make sense.
She also left behind
letters for her children.
Nicky wrote these letters?
What the hell's
my sister hiding?
♪ How do I live without you? ♪
So you stayed
out of the spotlight because
you thought you'd outshine me?
Well, there can
only be one queen.
My name is Catt Phoenix,
and my daughter Ana and I have
an appointment with Luke Roman.
I am so sorry. We must
have double-booked y'all.
There are millions of people
trying to be country
singers, Mom.
Yes, but they're not you.
We can't play "Love of my Life."
There's an issue
with the rights.
Hell I can't. We own the
whole damn catalogue.
Please. We could get sued.
Nick, it's over, all
right? I ended it.
How old is she this
time Clive, hmm?
She able to vote?
Not me I'm worried
about. It's Luke.
He's always alone.
This is wrong.
We have to stop this.
I love Gigi.
A Roman never forgets a friend.
Or an enemy.
Yeah, I need you to
run some tags for me.
Good evening, Ms. Roman.
- Evening.
- I hate to bother you this late.
You mind if I have a few
words with your father?
Oh, he's in bed.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
I just saw his truck
down near the woods
by Enchanted Rock
about an hour ago.
It's kind of late for
him to be out there.
Yeah, he went for a drive.
Um, he got back and
turned in a while ago.
Do you want me
to go wake him up?
No need. Just wanted to
make sure he got home okay.
All right. That's
sweet. Thank you.
- Have a good evening.
- Good night.
So? What do you think?
I think she's lying
through her teeth.
All right, they're gone.
- Not for long.
- What?
In about 40 minutes,
they're either gonna show
up here with a warrant,
or they're gonna go back
out there and start digging.
Right. So what are you saying?
I'm saying we better get
to that body before they do.
♪ Mirror, mirror on the wall ♪
♪ Don't say it, 'cause
I know I'm cute ♪
♪ Ooh, baby
Louis down to my drawers ♪
♪ LV all on my shoes ♪
♪ Ooh, baby I be
dripping so much sauce ♪
♪ Gotta been looking like
Ragù Ooh, baby ♪
♪ Lit up like a crystal ball ♪
♪ That's cool, baby, so
is you, that's how I roll ♪
♪ If I'm shining,
everybody gonna shine ♪
♪ Yeah, I'm goals
♪ - ♪ Heard you say ♪
♪ I'm not the baddest
chick, you lie, ha-ha ♪
♪ It ain't my fault that I'm
out here getting loose ♪
♪ Gotta blame it on the Goose ♪
♪ Gotta blame it
on my juice, baby ♪
♪ It ain't my fault that I'm
out here making news ♪
♪ I'm the pudding in the proof,
gotta blame it on my juice ♪
♪ Ya-ya-ee, ya-ya,
ya-ya, ya-ya, ya-ya ♪
♪ Blame it on my juice,
blame it, blame it on my juice ♪
♪ Aha Somebody
come get this man ♪
♪ I think he got lost in
my DMs What? ♪
♪ My DMs what? ♪
♪ You better come get your man ♪
♪ I think he wanna be
way more than friends ♪
- ♪ What? ♪ - ♪
- More than friends ♪
♪ What you want me to say? ♪
♪ It ain't my fault ♪
♪ That I'm out
here getting loose ♪
♪ Gotta blame it on the Goose ♪
♪ Gotta blame it
on my juice, baby ♪
♪ It ain't my fault that I'm
out here making news ♪
♪ I'm the pudding in the proof ♪
♪ Gotta blame it on
my juice, ya-ya-ee ♪
♪ Ya-ya-ee
Ya-ya, ya-ya, ya-ya ♪
♪ Blame it on my juice ♪
♪ Blame it, blame it
on my juice, uh-uh. ♪
I cannot wait to see you
light up the Queens
of Country with that!
I cannot wait to see her
wipe the floor with Nicky.
Oh! Sister rivalry
is the best rivalry.
Ugh. I hate that everything
has to be a competition.
- I love Nicky.
- Well, so do I.
But what can I say?
People like a little
Game of Thrones
with their country music.
When your mama
won her first crown,
she sang circles around
both Reba and Dolly.
I appreciate the support.
I'm gonna go out
there and do my best,
but this is not a competition,
and there is no rivalry.
Her naivete is adorable.
Sorry, Mom. I'm taking mine
to go. Looks delicious, though.
Well, don't forget your meds
and your... and your cleats.
Yeah, I got it. See ya.
And whatever else
you're gonna call me about
- in the next two hours.
- He's 18 now.
You could let
him forget about it.
Maybe then he'd learn.
Well, in that case,
shall I let you...
you forget this?
And here. Sweater.
You've had a cold. Put it on.
Too bad the Grammys
don't have an award
for helicopter parenting.
You'd finally get one.
- Mm-hmm. - Mm.
- Hey.
What about me? What
should I remember?
I'd say to keep
it in your pants,
but I don't think
that's possible.
I meant what I said, Nick.
It's all behind me.
I'm just about to
go to therapy now
so I can deal with
why I'm so compelled
to screw up the best thing
that ever happened to me.
- Hello, Clive.
- Luke.
Don't bother to knock.
Uh, what brings
you here so early?
We need to talk. Now.
You're a bad liar, Nick.
Even worse forger.
This letter? The one
that Mama didn't write?
- What, you gonna deny it?
- Well, I had to do something.
You and Daddy were arguing,
me and Gigi were at
each other's throats.
- I just thought...
- What?
That making up some fairy tale
in Mama's handwriting
was gonna make it all better?
We've all broken a commandment
somewhere along the line.
I'm sure if you dig deep,
you'll be able to
think of something.
Besides, with the Queens
of Country concert coming up,
I just... I don't know.
I just want some
peace in this family.
Well, speaking of, I'm
working something for you.
Open Horizon's gonna
come to your rehearsal today.
They're ready to
offer me my tour?
Hmm. Think of it
more as a... negotiation.
Oh, and I also know
that you've been
poking around Mama's death,
like one of us had
something to do with it.
Now you have got
to stop harping on
about these conspiracy theories.
Yeah, I guess you're right.
Just... sometimes
let my imagination get
the better of me, I guess.
- Coroner's office.
- Hey.
I'm tired of waiting.
Tell me what you got.
Look, I need to go through
the official channels on this.
We're talking about
the potential, illegal,
assisted suicide
of Dottie Roman.
Just tell me what you found.
The prelim tox screen showed
us some questionable results.
We are running it
again as we speak.
But brace yourself, Luke,
because if my gut is correct...
Then a member of
my family's going to jail.
♪ ♪
♪ Cause I can feel you
breathe, it's washing over me ♪
♪ And suddenly,
I'm melting into you ♪
♪ There's nothing
left to prove ♪
♪ And baby, all we
need is just to be ♪
Yeah. Great.
♪ Caught up in the touch ♪
♪ A slow and
steady rush ♪ - Hey.
- Hi.
- ♪ Baby, isn't that the way ♪
♪ That love's supposed to be? ♪
♪ I can feel you breathe. ♪
Nicky, meet Mackenzie
Gates from Open Horizon.
- Hi.
- Hi.
So you're the new Alec Graham.
Not really. I pride myself on
my relationships with talent.
Discovering new artists,
nurturing older ones.
And which one am I?
That's just it. I don't know.
You have something, no doubt.
But you took a back seat
to your mother for years.
The spotlight
doesn't find everyone.
Uh, no, it does
not, you're right,
but I'm not everyone.
I just need a chance.
Chances aren't
given. They're seized.
And if you're begging me
for a tour, you've already lost.
Show me who you are at
the concert this weekend.
Make me beg you.
Always a pleasure, Mackenzie.
Anything for the Romans.
Well, I don't think she
replaced Alec Graham.
I think she ate him.
I told you, Nick. It's
just gamesmanship.
She's a professional hard-ass.
No, it's not just that.
She saw right through me.
- What are you talking about?
- The whole thing.
The song, the photos,
the whole performance.
It's like, my marriage is
hanging by a thread, and...
it's not real.
It's not supposed
to be real, Nick.
And anyway, you sounded great.
I know it's been a long road,
but just keep doing
what you're doing, okay?
Your time will come.
♪ When you go to sleep tonight ♪
♪ And the stars
are shining bright ♪
♪ And your day has
been weary and long ♪
♪ Just know now far away ♪
♪ Someone'll say
that they miss you ♪
♪ While you're away... ♪
Oh, Clive.
You son of a bitch.
Tell that to
your therapist, Clive.
- You flushed 'em?
- Luckily, it was
a low-flow toilet,
so I fished 'em out,
and I donated them to
the Austin women's shelter.
Good. Happy ending.
Disgusting but happy.
- That's good.
- Yep.
Oh, Geeg, I still
can't believe it.
I mean, I know he's done
it before, but six months.
Look. This is her.
Imogen Lowe.
She's an actress.
He did that Hallmark
movie with her in Vancouver.
Mm. Fake teeth, fake hair.
Fake hoo-hahs, too, probably.
So does this mean
you're finally gonna
kick his skinny
British ass to the curb?
I can't.
According to Open Horizon,
divorce doesn't
go with my brand.
- Nicky.
- Well, Mama and Daddy had
the perfect marriage,
and she proved
that a woman
can have it all, so...
now I'm expected to
keep up appearances.
For who? Is this what you want
your children thinking
that a marriage is?
Lying and cheating?
So you picked the wrong
guy. It's not your fault.
And not everybody can
be as lucky as Mama was.
She and Daddy genuinely
loved and respected each other.
Every marriage has
got to start from there.
I know mine does.
Yeah, I guess so.
I feel terrible
doing this to Gigi.
I can't keep coming here.
That's what you said last time.
- And the time before that.
- Right.
Hmm. Who is it?
It's Nicky. She wants to
have lunch with me tomorrow.
Do you have any
idea what this is about?
Mama always told Nicky,
"Keep your friends close."
Well, Nicky and I have
never really been friends.
Then she's gonna
keep you even closer.
♪ ♪
♪ Better days are on the way ♪
♪ Yes, they're on the way... ♪
I'm starving, Grandpa.
Well, we can't have that.
They're here.
You ready?
We didn't come all the way
from Albuquerque for nothing.
You've worked
really hard on this.
So, come on. You can do it.
- Okay. Okay.
- Go, go on.
♪ ♪
♪ 'Cause you are the rose ♪
♪ I go through the brambles. ♪
This is Ana, my daughter,
so you won't forget.
Our number is right
there on the back.
Call us anytime, day or night.
Anytime you're
ready to sign her.
That was amazing.
Did you lose something?
I mean, yeah, just must be in
another jacket or something.
Yeah, it could be, or you might
want to check Lake Buchanan,
'cause I'm pretty sure that's
where the sewage ends up.
You know... after
you've flushed.
- Oh, you wouldn't have.
- I wouldn't?
Because... I think...
maybe I... did?
And, Clive,
I found, uh, this
charging in the kitchen.
You invited Imogen to
my house this weekend
on the Roman family jet?
For God's sake, Clive!
- It's not what you think.
- You've been sleeping with her
for six months, and that's the
best you can come up with?
It's a good thing that you are
an actor and not a
writer. That's all I can say.
She's just coming
here so I can end it,
- in person, face-to-face.
- Oh. Okay.
- I mean, I owe her that!
- Such sensitivity.
I'm really glad that I
found you that therapist,
'cause she's clearing
doing an amazing job.
Now the bed in the pool
house is already made up.
I was gonna say, be
careful about the rats,
but there's no need because...
you're gonna fit right in.
♪ ♪
Yeah, I'm gonna stay
with Dad again tonight.
He's still having
a tough time, but...
oh, I hate to miss
Summer's bedtime.
Can you put the
phone up to her ear
so I can sing her a lullaby?
She's already fast asleep, baby.
But you can sing it to me.
♪ There's so much
good I want to do ♪
♪ But God knows the
bad that I've done ♪
♪ It only takes
one look at you ♪
♪ To see the one I
want to be become... ♪
♪ ♪
Geeg told me about
Queens of Country. That's huge.
Sure is.
You haven't touched your lunch.
Yeah, I don't know.
I'm not very hungry.
I don't know.
Maybe it's the heat.
Or your conscience.
I know about you and my brother.
How could you do that to Gigi?
Do you know what that
will do to her if she finds out?
It's wrong.
I love Gigi.
I will not let you hurt my
sister. Do you hear me?
You need to end it.
Right. To Gigi Tucker-Roman,
who we're lucky enough
to have in our lives.
You're not eating sushi,
and you're not drinking sake.
How far along are you?
Not very.
Luke doesn't even know yet.
Well, I can't imagine the...
burden that you're carrying.
But if this was to get out,
it would hurt a lot of people
that mean the world to me.
Are you threatening me?
The opposite. I'm...
I'm asking you
to let me handle it.
♪ ♪
Hey. What you got there?
Uh, just some old photos.
Queens of Country want to do
a memorial reel on Mama, so...
Well, nobody's using pictures
of your mama without my say-so.
Understood. I'll, um...
I'll clear 'em with you first.
Oh, and by the
way, you know what?
It'd be nice if maybe you
MC'd or-or sang a song.
Nice for who?
After that mess
at Mama's funeral,
we need to remind
the world who you are.
You're the King of Country, Dad.
You're the Texas Truth-Teller.
Well, I didn't
think you'd do it.
Well, there's something
you need to do for me.
Find out who's got
the rights to our music
and how the hell
you're gonna get it back.
I'm into it, okay?
Don't worry.
Don't manage me.
This is about more
than contracts and cash.
Those albums are a piece
of me and your mama.
I've lost enough
of her as it is.
I'm not giving up any more.
♪ ♪
♪ I work a double
shift on Monday... ♪
I can't believe Mama
saved all of her old wardrobe.
You find anything
good, Miss Tanya?
Sorry, girls. Might as
well give it up right now.
Not so fast, Tucker.
Damn. Looks like your
mama just rose from the dead.
Where'd you get those?
Well, Mama left 'em to Daddy,
and Daddy's not
gonna wear 'em, so...
Take 'em off.
- Give 'em to me.
- What?
Take 'em off!
Uh, all right.
Um, I'm so sorry.
Geeg? Geeg? No, Gee... Oh!
What has gotten into you?
Geeg, hold up.
Mama promised me these boots.
She knew what they meant to me.
Course, she never really
paid me much mind in life.
Not sure why I thought
she'd start after she died.
She did her best.
I don't understand
why you're always
tearing her down.
And why are you
always building her up?
She made you kill her, Nicky.
What kind of a mother
does that to one of her kids?
Now, I know that
you're the smart one
and I barely
graduated high school,
but seeing your parents
for who they really are
does not make you bad, Nicky.
It makes you whole.
♪ ♪
♪ When someone's coming at you ♪
♪ And coming on strong... ♪
Mr. Roman?
I wanted to ask you
why I haven't
heard back from you
about signing my daughter Ana.
- Her heart is set on Monarch, and she's...
- Listen.
No BS, all right? Your
daughter's got chops.
- Yes.
- But the business is handled by the suits.
And I don't look like
one of them, do I?
- No. No.
- Okay.
We were supposed to
meet with your son Luke,
but we haven't heard
back from him, either.
That's no surprise.
I'm sorry. I-I got enough
issues with my son.
I'll let this one be yours.
Thank you.
Look, Mama. I'm the
queen, just like you.
You are nothing
like me. Nothing!
Don't you ever touch
these boots again.
You hear me?
You are nothing
like me. Nothing!
Mama, what were you hiding?
♪ Our love
was built on lies ♪
♪ The truth is I
closed my eyes ♪
♪ And I see the red taillights ♪
♪ Of our life fade away ♪
♪ She's where you want to be ♪
♪ But we both know
you'll never leave me ♪
♪ So I'm left here bleeding ♪
♪ On these pages... ♪
She left this for him.
The pain in her voice.
Nicky, I think he
cheated on her.
Daddy wouldn't cheat.
It's about heartbreak
and cheating, yes,
but so is every country song.
- If that's true, then why not record it?
- I don't know.
Maybe she wasn't done with it.
Or she just didn't want
anybody else to hear it but him.
- You've been cheated on before.
- All right.
But Daddy is
not... he's not Clive.
Well, he ain't a saint, either.
Well, if that's true,
then all this time, I've
been living up to their...
shining, perfect example, and...
Is anyone's marriage
what it's supposed to be?
Mine is.
Well, with Mama
gone, there's only
one way to find out the truth.
- Talk to Daddy.
- Mm-hmm.
It's not fair. You get
to take your anger out
on a pair of boots. I get...
I get to take mine out
on a country legend.
- Mom?
- Yeah?
Something just came
in under the door.
Maybe it's your
Monarch contract.
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God! Oh, my
God! Oh, my God!
Is it?
No, it's nothing for
you to worry about.
- Hmm.
- Well, I have good news.
Ace Roman follows
me on Instagram.
Less social media, more guitar.
Eyes on the prize, baby.
My marriage is none of
your business, Nicolette.
Of course it is. You and
Mama set an example
that I've spent half of my
adult life trying to live up to,
so if it's all a lie,
I'd like to know.
I loved your mother.
with all my heart.
It was 40 years ago.
It was one night and
a lifetime of regret.
Did Mama know?
The whole damn time.
She told me right
before she died.
I guess she found
a way to forgive me
whether I deserved it or not.
She made a choice,
and it kept our family together.
What choice would
she want me to make?
Did that pasty limey
cheat on you again?
You asked what Mama
would want you to do.
Well, Mama's gone,
so do what you
need to do for you.
♪ ♪
Clive! Hi, bunny.
Hello, Imogen.
Come on in.
I won't bite.
♪ ♪
♪ It's just a matter of time ♪
♪ Before I have
to pay the price ♪
♪ For what I done ♪
♪ Back there ♪
♪ I am bound ♪
♪ For my fate ♪
♪ I got bad man's blood ♪
♪ In my veins. ♪
♪ ♪
- Hey. Thank you.
- Wade!
- So who's going to win tonight?
- Hey,
my money is always
on Nicky Roman.
♪ Ooh! ♪
♪ Hmm, you've been
wearing that crown ♪
♪ And tearing me
down, it's been a while ♪
♪ Since you've treated me
right, you've strung me along ♪
♪ For far too long 'cause
I never gave up the fight ♪
♪ Oh, my, oh, my, huh ♪
♪ Mama always told me
that I should play nice ♪
♪ But she didn't know you
when she gave me that advice ♪
♪ I'm through with you ♪
♪ You're one bridge
I'd like to burn ♪
♪ Bottle up the
ashes... ♪ - For you.
Nicky, why are you in black?
Because this is the
funeral of my marriage.
This is my friend, Imogen Lowe.
Why is Imogen here?
Because it's always
the other woman
that's painted as a
slut or a home-wrecker
or the wife that
deserves to be cheated on
because she's cold or unloving.
So, instead of
blaming one another...
We're joining
together in solidarity
to hold accountable
the only truly guilty party,
which is my lying,
cheating husband.
♪ Delta Dawn, what's
that flower you have on? ♪
♪ Could it be a faded
rose from days gone by? ♪
♪ And did I hear you say ♪
♪ He was meeting
you here today ♪
♪ To take you to his
mansion in the sky? ♪
That was a real baller
move out there with Imogen.
Thanks, Geeg.
- Hold on.
- Mm-hmm.
He's where?
- I'll go get him.
- What?
Daddy's on a bender down
at the Shake and Take.
I got to go pick him
up before the cops do.
Daddy will be fine. What
are...? You need to perform.
Why? So that you can prove
that you're worthy of
that tour by beating me?
♪ Then a man of low degree... ♪
I know I'm new to this
business, but you don't have to
out sing me or Tanya
to get what you want.
You just need to be yourself.
And what if I told you that I
don't know who that is anymore?
Maybe that's not
such a bad thing.
What are you talking about?
Well, just this last
day, you surprised Clive
and you surprised Imogen.
Maybe it's time you
surprised yourself.
♪ And did I hear you say he
was meeting you here today ♪
♪ To take you to his mansion ♪
♪ In the sky? ♪
Here. Maybe
this'll sober you up.
Get on back to the
show, Georgina. I'm fine.
What I have to say can't wait.
Mama left something for you
in the heel of one of her boots,
like you were
supposed to find it there.
When we'd be on the road,
some of the band hid
drugs in their boots.
Me and Dottie would hide
secret messages to each other
where nobody'd find them.
Well, I found it,
and here's her message.
♪ Our love was built on lies ♪
♪ The truth is I
closed my eyes ♪
♪ And I see the red taillights ♪
♪ Of our life fade away ♪
♪ You ♪
♪ You broke my heart,
my body and mind ♪
♪ The truth can't be spoken ♪
♪ But God knows I am broken. ♪
I'm looking forward to seeing
what Nicky does tonight.
Well, prepare to be dazzled.
I don't need to be dazzled.
I need to believe that millions
of ticket-buying fans will be dazzled.
And now the next
Queen of Country, Nicky Roman.
This is for all you
out there who've had your hearts
ripped apart...
and then rose from the ashes.
Who wants to burn
something down?
♪ Forget your high society ♪
♪ I'm soakin' it in kerosene ♪
♪ Light 'em up and
watch 'em burn ♪
♪ Teach 'em what
they need to learn, ha! ♪
♪ And dirty hands
ain't made for shakin' ♪
♪ Ain't a rule that
ain't worth breakin' ♪
♪ I'm givin' up on love
'cause love's given up on me ♪
♪ Now I don't hate
the one who left ♪
♪ You can't hate
someone who's dead ♪
♪ He's out there
holdin' on to someone ♪
♪ I'm holding up
my smokin' gun ♪
♪ I'll find somewhere
to lay my blame ♪
♪ The day she
changes her last name ♪
♪ Well, I'm givin' up on love
'cause love's given up on me ♪
♪ Oh, yeah, whoo! ♪
It's not true.
Ay, Dios mío.
- Mom.
- Mm?
They're from Ace Roman.
Stay focused, mija.
What's that?
It's a contract from Monarch.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
♪ ♪
I'll always be sorry for
how much hurt I caused her.
More so now that I know
how deep that pain went.
It wasn't just her you
lied to and hurt, Daddy.
I'm sorry.
I carried this secret
around for a long time.
I want to be better. I
just don't know how I can
until I can make peace
with what I did to your mama.
We can pay tribute to her here.
The world might
not see it, but...
she will.
♪ Maybe I didn't love you ♪
♪ Quite as often
as I could have ♪
♪ Maybe I didn't treat you ♪
♪ Quite as good
as I should have ♪
♪ If I made you
feel second best ♪
♪ Girl, I'm sorry I was blind ♪
♪ You were
always on my mind ♪
♪ You were always on my mind ♪
♪ And maybe
I didn't hold you ♪
♪ All those lonely ♪
♪ Lonely times ♪
♪ I guess I never told you ♪
♪ I'm so happy
that you're mine... ♪
- Hey.
- Well?
Full disclosure?
Your connection with
the fans was electric.
You were all heart
out there tonight, Nicky.
And that's a good
thing, very good.
Great. So I get my tour?
We'll see.
I work my ass off, I
blow the room away,
I change up my act, and
all I get's a "We'll see"?
I didn't say no.
♪ I guess I never told you ♪
♪ I'm so happy
that you're mine... ♪
♪ Little things
I should've said and done ♪
♪ I just never took the time ♪
Thank you for the flowers.
You're welcome.
♪ You were always on my mind ♪
♪ You were always on my mind ♪
♪ Tell me ♪
♪ Tell me that your
sweet love hasn't died ♪
♪ And give me ♪
♪ Give me one more chance ♪
♪ To keep you satisfied ♪
♪ I'll keep you satisfied ♪
♪ You were always on my mind ♪
♪ You were always on my mind ♪
♪ You were always on my mind ♪
♪ You were always on my mind. ♪
Thanks for
waiting for me, darling.
Heard you did your mama proud.
Thank you.
I feel good about it.
What went on with that woman
had nothing to do with your mama.
It was me.
So, whatever you're
feeling because of Clive,
he's the messed-up
one, baby, not you.
Thank you.
But as far as Dottie goes...
I'm a bad man, baby.
I mean, I'm the reason
your mama died.
I broke her heart.
No, you didn't.
She was... beautiful and alive,
and then she told me
what she knew, and...
I'm-I'm the one
that deserved to die.
No. That's not why she died.
She died because she was sick.
You are a good man.
And you show that every
single day, even today.
Hey. And I love you.
Thank you, baby.
Daddy, hurry. The police
might be on their way.
It's not much further.
Just right down here.
Oh, hell.
Somebody got here first.