Looney Tunes Cartoons (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 23 - Key-Tastrophe/Hole Gag: Hammer the Rabbit Hole/A Devil of a Drink - full transcript

Daffy Duck tries to help Porky Pig find his missing car key. Elmer Fudd tries using a wooden mallet to catch Bugs Bunny. Taz tries to drink from a geyser, but is repeatedly splashed back by it.

[theme music playing]

B-b-big day
at the office today.
Have a good one, Daffy.

Yeah, yeah, yeah,
sounds good.


My keys! I c-c-can't find
my c-c-car keys!

I c-c-can't be late
for work today!
W-w-where did I leave my keys?

Hey, Porky, you mind?
I'm trying to watch TV!

-Oh, worry! W-w-worry!
-[sighs] All right! all right!
I'll help ya out.

You, my friend, are sufferin'
from foggy memory.

-M-m-maybe you're right.

[loud honk]

But don't worry!
It happens to
the best of us!

-[hollow knocks]

So you'll help me
f-f-find my keys?


[tire skid noise]

You just need
a little mental massage!

You know, to jog
your memory! [hoots]

Do you remember
where you left your keys now?

-All righty then!


Let's dig a little deeper
and get those neurons
a- firing!

-Getting anything?

Hang on, lemme see this thing!


All right, porky's brain,
where's the keys?

C'mon! Spill the beans!

Well, so much for that!

Hmmm. We'll have to try
a different method! Come on!

[bell dings]

All righty!

-W-w-what are you doing?
-Retracing your steps!

Uh-huh, mm-hmm...

They seem to be coming
from the front door.

W-well, now that
you mention it,

I d-did walk through that door
when I c-came home from
the l-lodge meeting last night.

Then perhaps, we should pursue
the front door key rack!


Okay, let's see here.
Let's see.

Hmmm... Skeleton key...

Florida keys...

Piano keys... Monkeys?

What else you got here?
What else you got?

That's not it.

Also not it. Nope. Nope.

Nope, nope, nope...


...nope, nope, nope, nope!

Hmm, it's gotta be
one of these.

Nope nope nope nope

No dice.

So, after you came
through the front door,
whatcha do next?

W-w-w-well, I sat on the couch
and watched TV.

Then they must be
underneath the couch cushions!

The keys probably
fell out of your pants!

-B-b-but I don't wear pants.
-Then for heaven's sake,
put these on!

After all,
children are watching!

Anywho, where did you go
after you sat
and watched TV?

I went into the kitchen
for a l-l-late night snack.

-What kind of late night snack?
-Uh, c-c-celery sticks.

Is that so?

Okay, okay. It was

-It was a pie.
-What kind of pie?

-Key lime.
-Key lime, key lime.

-Did you say--
did you say key lime?
-Th-th-that's right.

Then it all makes sense now!
You ate the keys!

N-now that's just ridiculous.
There's no keys in
k-k-key lime pie!


Keys are the first ingredient
in key lime pie!

W-w-what are you doing?

Just marking off
the incision area.

I-i-incision area?

-Yeah! You know,
so we can cut the keys out!

[high pitched scream]


D-d-daffy, no!

[Daffy hooting]

Hold still, will ya?

D-D-Daffy, stop!

N-n-now hang on.
D-D-Daffy, this is insane!

[deranged laughter]

Don't worry, buddy boy!
You won't feel a thing!

Well, what do you know.
It ran outta gas!

Fortunately, I always carry
an emergency scalpel.

I know it's in here somewhere.

Hmm, let's see...


Faberge egg...
Uh, baseball, dice...

-Rubber chicken...
-[chicken squeaks]

Porky's keys... Chompers.

D-d-daffy! My keys!

I know, I know. As soon as
I find my scalpel,
we'll get to your keys.

N-n-no, I mean,
my keys are right here.

Well, gee whiz! [laughs]
I forgot I was carrying
those silly things!

And what, p-pray tell, were you
d-d-doing with my car keys?

Relax, I was doing you a favor.

I parked the car on the roof
so it wouldn't get stolen.

Pretty smart, huh?

-Anyway, th-th-thanks
for your help.
-No problemo, Porkman!

-[piano noise]

[birds tweeting]

[theme music playing]



[smacks tongue] Hmm.



Hmm? [grunts]




[grunting in frustration]


[gurgling noises]

Grr. [grunts]



[gurgling noises]

-[louder gurgling noises]


[low gurgling]

[wild screams]

[gurgling sounds]




[satisfied grunts]




[loud scream]





[shouts and groans]


[frustrated shouting]



[wild screaming]


-[gasps for air]



On bright side,
Taz not thirsty anymore.


[theme music playing]