Living Single (1993–1998): Season 4, Episode 16 - Oh, Solo Mio - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Let's see, it's a
triple‐word score.

I get double letters here,
and here for a grand total

of 21 points. Booyah.

I don't think we can
accept E‐I‐E‐I‐O.

Come on now, we let you
get away with "Peanutiness."

The way I see it, you
E‐I‐E‐I owe me 21 points.

Oh, my God.

There was big drama
at choir rehearsal today.

The reverend's wife
and the choir director

almost came to blows.

You see, Ms. Taylor wanted
the play "Refrain Adagio," right?

But Clarence insisted
that we played "Allegro."

Then he accused
her of havin' no taste

put on his fake zebra skin
jacket with the matching hat..

And stormed out.

And the timing
could not be worse.

I mean, the church's 50th
anniversary is only a week away.

B‐b‐but the choir
has to perform!

This is a big event.

And I have the honor of
directing our church members

and their guests to
their parking spaces.

After three years of preparing
Tang for the Sunday School

without nary a
gritty glass served

they finally realized
my baby got skill.

Workout, mama!

'Workout, baby!'

♪ We are living ♪
♪ Hey ♪

♪ Single ♪

♪ Ooh in a 90s kind of world ♪

♪ I'm glad I got my girls ♪

♪ Keep your head up ♪
♪ What? ♪

♪ Keep your head up ♪
♪ That's right ♪

♪ Whenever this life get
tough you gotta fight ♪

♪ With my home girls standing
to my left and my right ♪

♪ True blue it's
tight like glue ♪

♪ We are living ♪
♪ Check check check it out ♪

♪ Check check check it out ♪
♪ Single ♪

♪ What you want
no free position ♪

♪ Haaa ♪

'Reverend Taylor!'

'Hi, how you doin'?'

Well, praise the Lord!

I'm here on a musical
mission from God.

It seems that, uh,
our choir director

has given me an ultimatum

that either Mrs. Taylor
goes or he goes. Heh‐heh.

And since Clarence can't
probably compete with my wife's

candied sweet potato pancakes

well, our ship of song has

hit a reef of silence.

Well, you know, Kyle directed

the college choir.

Oh, come on, Overton. Don't
brag in front of the reverend.

You know, a state
championship three years running.

Well, I'm already there.

Heh. Well, Brother
Kyle, what do you say?

You‐you have the
experience and the talent

and your robe is always
so neatly pressed.

Well, now, what you say?

Reverend, you know,
I'm, I'm really flattered

but I'm just so
busy at work that‐‐.

Yeah. I‐I, I, I‐I
beg your pardon.

Yeah, y‐you're too busy for God?

Too busy for God.


what if God was too busy

to breathe life into your body?

‐ Hm? ‐ Well?

Well, come on.

Well, see, reverend, I'm
working on this huge project‐‐.

Huge project? Let me see,
a‐are you creating the universe?

Oh, no, no, no.

I believe that was, uh..


Yes, it was, yes,
it was, tell him.

Okay, o‐okay fine.

I guess I can eke out some
time from my schedule.

Thank you, Brother Kyle.

If the church is the house
of the Lord, well, today

this apartment is, is,
God's own gazebo.

And Khadijah!

It seems to be quite some time

since you ventured forth

from the gazebo to visit
the, the big house on the hill.

What's up with that?

Well, T, well, now, well,
what had happened was..

‐ 'Come on.' ‐ See, well, rev..

Alright, like, every
time I go there

there's never enough seats.

That's why they added
the 200‐seat annex

a year and a half ago.

A year and a half ago?


Well, I, I hope to see
you in church on Sunday..

At any one of our six
convenient services.

Y'all have a blessed day.

‐ 'See you,
reverend.' ‐ 'Yes, sir.'

Six services?

When did they start that?

Two years ago.

Well, I guess I better
go find my Bible..

And a dress.

You know, Kyle

with Clarence gone, we
finally have a choir director

who's not gonna play favorites.

So, now you can give the
solo to your favorite, moi.

Regine, how noble of you.

Volunteering in an emergency

simply because it will
give you center stage.

You know, there's, there's
nothing more fulfilling

for a singer than to raise
her lone voice to God

to let him hear
her joyful noise.

Okay, fine, Regine,
if it means that much

to you, the solo is yours.

Oh, thank you.

Oh, my God. Did
anybody hear that?

It sounded like the bursting
of a thousand eardrums!

'One, two..'

♪ There is no failure ♪

♪ There is no failure ♪

♪ In God ♪

♪ There has never
been a time in my life ♪

♪ When he let me fall ♪

♪ There has never been a time ♪

♪ When he did not
answer my call ♪

Hold it, hold it,
hold it, hold it.

Uh, Ms. Taylor, can we, um

can you please give
us that note again?

Sure I can.

Not that it'll help.

♪ Ahh ♪

♪ Ahhhhhh ♪

♪ Ahhh ♪

Okay, let's take
it from the solo.

'One, two, one!'

♪ There has never
been a time‐‐ ♪

Wait, wait, wait.
Wait, wait, wait.

Excuse me. Sometimes it's easier

to hear the key if
someone sings it.

♪ There's never
been a time in my life ♪

♪ When he's let me fall ♪

♪ There's never been a time ♪

♪ When he did not answer ♪

♪ My call ♪

That's delightful.

But we're trying to rehearse
and you're crowding the soloist.

Uh, hello. Rehearsal.

House of God. Okay?

Ms. Taylor, can
we try that again?

‐ Do we have to? ‐
One, two. One, two..

♪ There's never been
a time in my life.. ♪

Stop, stop, stop.

People, I think we're all
just about sung out for today

so, let's just call
it quits, alright?

Alright. Hey, people,
good rehearsal, alright?

Now, remember,
practice, practice, practice.

What you preach.


I'm sorry if I was out of line

but sometimes, I feel the spirit

and I can't hold back.

Well, perhaps next
time you can find

the spirit of silence.

Ah, LaTrice, LaTrice.

Um, we really
appreciate your input

because that's what
this group is all about.

You know, fellowship
through song, right?

Amen, Brother Barker.

‐ Goodnight. ‐ Goodnight.


Mmm. Poor thing.

Whoo! Some people
just fiend for the spotlight.

Ah, smooches.

Hey, man, now, how could
you be in the choir with that girl

for three years and not
know she couldn't sing?

Overton, I never heard
her sing unaccompanied.

Only with the other altos.

But alone in the
terrible silence..

Well, if she's as
bad as you say she is

I say you owe it to her to
just snatch her dream away.

Man, Regine's my friend. She's
got her heart set on this solo.

And she stinks, man!

Well, better she hear it
from one choir director

than 400 angry Christians.

"Stone her!"

♪ La‐la‐la‐la‐la‐la‐la ♪

♪ La‐la‐la‐la‐la‐la.. ♪

Okay, okay. Check this out.

I‐I‐I was thinkin'
about wearing this dress

to church on Sunday.

Uh‐huh? Ha‐ha.

Ha‐ha, it talked to me.

Doesn't it just holler,
"Spirit‐filled and righteous?"

Actually, it hollers,
"Take me back

to the thrift shop
where I belong!"

Khadijah, why are you makin'
such a big deal out of this?

Just put on some
pantyhose and go!

Come on, now. You
know how they treat people

who haven't been
to church in a while.

Get all up in your business.

Ask you where you been

and when you sold your soul.

Oh, girl, please.
Stop worryin', alright?

Just walk in with me. I'll
deflect all the attention.

Uh‐uh. After two
years on the down low

I am not tryin' to show up late.

I will be on time
and in the front row.

And with my well‐worn Bible..

That I just got from the
Salvation Army store.

Khadijah, who gives
a horse's biscuit

what other people think?

Your spirituality is
between you and God.

I can't believe you're trying to
advise me on this church thing.

I go more than you do.

Well, you have more to repent.

Hey‐hey. Oh, Regine.

Um, can I talk to you
a minute in private?

Sure, as long as
these two leave.

Get out.

I gotta go study
my Bible, anyway.

I'mma need four
different color highlighters

to, you know, make it look
like I really been reading this.

Ooh, hey, Kyle, you
know what I was thinki'

I got some new
ideas for the solo.

Let me get my sheet
music and I'll be right back.

I got a little sheet music

that could use a
little lookin' over.

Well, perhaps I'll stop by later

and, uh, bring my instruments.

‐ Oh, what you said? ‐ Rrrr!


Okay, Kyle.

I was thinkin' if I let a‐‐.

Uh, Regine, Regine.

Um, I don't know how
to put this delicately.

So, um.. I can't
give you the solo.

What? Why not?

Regine, hi. I was
looking for Kyle

'but I was hoping
I'd see you, too.'

It takes a special person
to know their strengths

and to accept their weaknesses.

What the hell you talkin' about?

I'm talkin' about
me doing the solo.

What solo.. My solo?

Yeah, see, um, I
was gettin' to that.

I gave LaTrice, uh, your solo.

This is probably an
awkward time for me

to give you my
voice teacher's card.


Don't need it, hear?

Sing the solo! Sing
till your lungs fall out!

♪ We will never fail you ♪

Hold it, hold it, hold it,
hold it, hold it, hold it.

Okay, uh, we're gonna take
it back to the top of the vamp.

Altos, I need you to come
in a little bit stronger, okay?

Sorry, I'm late. But not really.

Take five, everybody.

Regine, we have to talk
about why I took your solo.

The truth is‐‐.

You sold me out
to get with LaTrice.

There's nothin'
else to talk about.

Fine. You believe
what you like, alright?

Alright, people.
Come on, come on.

'Let's take it back to the top.'

One, two. One, two..

♪ There is no failure ♪

♪ There is no failure ♪

♪ In God ♪

♪ There's never
been a time in my life ♪

♪ When he's let me fall ♪

♪ Well well well well ♪

Regine, um, can you come in

only during the chorus, please?

I'll do you one better.
I'll come in never.

Fine by me. Look,
Ms. Taylor, let's go.

‐ One.. ‐ Regine,
wait, wait, wait.

I didn't realize how
important this solo was to you.

Important enough
for you to flirt

with Kyle and steal it away.

I wasn't flirting at
least not for a solo.

Why don't you do it?

I don't need your handouts.

‐ Fine, then I'll
sing it. ‐ I'll do it.

Just wanted you to
be clear on how I felt.

Your soloist is ready
whenever you are.

Mr. Choir Director, sir!

One, two. One, two..

♪ There is no failure ♪

♪ There is no failure ♪

♪ In God ♪

♪ There's never
been a time in my life ♪

♪ When he let me fall ♪

♪ There's never
a time when he.. ♪

Hey, how's Bible study going?

Cool. Moses is at
the burning bush.

But, see, I ain't
got to read that part

'cause I saw the movie.

Order has been
restored to our universe.

Our Miss LaTrice
realized that I, in fact

have a musical gift

that should be shared
with the entire congregation.

You mean, you pouted and
whined and made her feel guilty

so she just gave it
to you, you little brat.


Regine. Sit down, please.

The time has come

for you to hear something.

Now, it may not be pretty.

It may make you scared.

But I'm doing this as a friend.

'Excuse me, ma'am.
My car broke down.

May I use your phone?'

'Why, you look pretty sweaty'

'like you could
use a hot shower.'

'I hurt my hand and
I can't lather myself.'

'What to do?'

Oh, that's the wrong stuff.

Let's pretend that
that didn't happen.

We're gonna flip
this bad boy over.

Edit that out.

Here. And now, enjoy.

♪ He'll catch you
when you fall ♪

♪ Be there when you call ♪

♪ Just have faith ♪

♪ He'll be right there ♪

That sounds almost
exactly like me

except off‐key.

Tragically, it's both.

I recorded you while
you were in the bathroom.

Which is the only place you
should ever be allowed to sing.

Well, obviously,
I'm just a little rusty.

Now, after I, after I practice

I'm sure I'll be just fine
for tomorrow's performance

even if I have to
practice all night.

♪ La‐la‐la‐la‐la‐la‐la‐la ♪

Oh, my God! That voice!

My God!

My God, why hast
thou forsaken me?

I guess that's what
happens when you don't go

to church for two years.

Ha‐ha‐ha. The prodigal
daughter have returned.

And she's early.

Oh, you know, I'm just
anxious to get in the word.

Well, my, my, my,
look at that Bible.

With its well‐worn pages

and rainbow highlights.

It's mine.


"To Betty. From mama."

Well, what happened was,
I‐I got it from my mother..


Who got it from her mama.

Alright, I just bought it.

I don't know what happened, rev.

One minute, I was skipping
a service here and there

to get some sleep
or to go to work

and next thing I
know a week, a month

two years had passed, rev.

I'm a heathen. I'm a heathen.

‐ Now, now, now.
‐ I'm a heathen.

The important thing is,
is that you're here now.


What, that's it?

No fire, no brimstone?

No "Where the hell you been?"


Yeah, I think you ought
to quit while you're ahead.

Here, you just sit tight.

It's gonna be a lovely service.

Thank you, rev.

He must not know
Regine is singin'.

Khadijah James?

Lord, I haven't seen
you here in a while.

Where you been?

What happened was..

You guys, I practiced
so much last night

I got laryngitis.

Oh, how awful.

No, not really.

Regine, put your robe on.

‐ We're gettin' ready
to start. ‐ I can't sing.


I lost my voice.

Nice try, Sister Regine.

But you kicked and
screamed to get this solo

so, you get up there
and you sing proud, okay?

Come on.

One, two. One two..

♪ There is no failure ♪

♪ There is no failure ♪

♪ In God ♪

♪ There.. ♪

♪ There.. ♪

♪ There's never
been a time in my life ♪

♪ When he let me fall ♪

♪ There's never been a time ♪

♪ When he did not
answer my call ♪

♪ No ♪

♪ He will never fail you ♪

♪ If you believe
if you believe ♪

♪ He will ♪

♪ He will never fail you ♪

♪ No ♪

♪ You can believe
what he said is true ♪

♪ He'll hear you when you call ♪

♪ Catch you when you fall ♪

♪ Just have faith
he'll be right there ♪

♪ There is no failure ♪

♪ No no no failure ♪

♪ There is no failure ♪

♪ No no no failure ♪

♪ There is no failure ♪

♪ He's always there ♪

♪ There is no failure ♪

♪ So much joy ♪

♪ So much peace ♪

♪ So much love ♪

♪ Yes it is yes it is ♪

♪ Yes it is yes it is ♪

♪ No no no no no no no ♪

♪ There is no failure ♪

♪ In God ♪

♪ Ohhh ♪

♪ Hear you when you call ♪

♪ Catch you when you fall ♪

♪ Ohhh ♪

♪ There is no failure ♪

♪ There is no failure ♪

♪ No no ♪

♪ There is no failure ♪

♪ There is no failure ♪

♪ No no no no no ♪

♪ There is no failure ♪

♪ No no no no failure ♪

♪ There is no failure ♪

♪ To the real God ♪

♪ In God ♪

