Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County (2004–2006): Season 2, Episode 8 - What Goes Around - full transcript

To bring the two cliques together, Alex H. and Alex M. organize a bonfire on the beach.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
-[Alex M] Hey, Al.

-[Alex M] Hi. What's going on?
-Nothing. How are you?

-How have you been?

-Good. Good, good, good.
-[Alex H] Good.

I do wanna start hanging out though, like…

-more, if you want to.
-No, I… I do. I do.

I, uh… Like,
I never ever would've thought

that it'd be weird or awkward
to talk to you, you know.

Well, I'll start crying
if I talk about it too much.

-[Alex M] That's okay.
-[indistinct chatter]

Well, thanks for calling me.

Now we just gotta have Taylor
and Kristin be, like, good.

-I don't know if that's gonna ever work.
-I know. And then everyone can hang out.

Have you talked to Jessica at all?
You and Jessica don't talk?

-I haven't talked to her for a little bit.

Have you talked to her?

-Are you, like--
-She sent me a text message.

-[Alex H] What'd it say?
-[Alex M] She's like,

"So, are you guys dating?"
And then I wrote, "Yeah."

-[Alex M laughs] And then that was it.

-[Alex H] You just said, "Yeah."
-Yeah. I'm like, "Yeah, we are."

["Come Clean" playing]

♪ 'Cause perfect ♪

♪ Didn't feel so perfect ♪

♪ Trying to fit a square
Into a circle was no life ♪

♪ I defy ♪

♪ Let the rain fall down
And wake my dreams ♪

♪ Let it wash away my sanity ♪

♪ Because I want to feel the thunder
I want to scream ♪

♪ Let the rain fall down
I'm coming clean ♪

♪ I'm coming clean ♪

[music concludes]

[upbeat music playing]

So, I get back from Mammoth
and get to hear about Jason

and Alex being together, but…

Have you talked to Alex?

When I first found out,
I was in class, and I was like, great.

-It was in class when you found out?
-[Jessica] Mm-hmm.

-[Jessica] Oh, yeah.

Who told you?

-[Kristin] Mm.

And she's like,
"Are you mad at Jason or are you over it?"

And I was like,
"Why would I be mad at Jason?

About what?"
And she's like, "About Alex."

-And I was like, "Okay. What about Alex?"

And so I sent her a text message
just being like--

I was so frustrated.

I was like, "I'd rather hear it
from you than everybody else.

Like, are you and Jason together?

'Cause if you aren't
then I don't wanna get worked up

over another Laguna rumor,
you know, like, that's stupid."

And she goes, "Yeah, we are."
And that's it.

And it sucks more cause, like,
we don't even, like, talk anymore.

-[Kristin] Who, you and Alex?
-No, me and Jason.

Like, Alex,
I don't care about Alex at all. [chuckles]

-Whatever, she's dumb. [laughs]

[rock music playing]

I want this one. [chuckles] Oh my God.

-[Taylor hums]
-[coins clatter]

Thirty minutes.

-Thirty, yeah.

[indistinct chatter]

Looks like something bit you
on your neck Al,

-what is that?
-Um… [chuckles]

-I told Jason I hated hickeys

and he latched on my neck
and wouldn't let go,

-I got really mad.
-So, who's gonna be at the bonfire?

Kristin, Jessica.

Do you think, like,
Jessica and Jason will talk?

-I don't--

I don't really care, but…

They won't, I don't think.

I just don't wanna hurt
Jessica's feelings.

It'll just make it worse
by being all over him

-in front of everybody.
-I know, but I'd say I wouldn't do that.

-I think that's the right thing to do.
-It's just, like, not right yet, you know.

[upbeat music playing]

♪ Like my parents were… ♪

-[Kristin] Are you guys excited?
-[Alex H] Yeah.

[Jessica] Oh, I'm just
absolutely enthralled.

[Alex H] I think
it's gonna be kind of fun.

-I can tell you're excited, Jess.

-We can make it fun if it's not.
-[Jessica] Yeah.

-I'm gonna make it fun.
-[Kristin] We can make it fun.

-[Alex H] We can make it fun.
-[Kristin] We always make things fun.

-[Jessica] Oh.
-Oh, yay!

-[Jessica] To the bonfire.
-[rock music playing]

♪ This is the life
This is the life of the in crowd ♪

♪ This is the life… ♪

-Whoa, it's like a-- Look at that.
-[girls chuckle]

[Kristin] Oh, there's Talan.

-No! [laughs hysterically]

-[Alex H] Oh, God. [laughs]
-[Jessica] She's wearing high heels.

-I told you I knew she was weird.
-[Kristin] She's a little slut.

-[Alex H chuckles]
-[Casey] Hi, guys.

[Kristin] Hi Jake.

-[Jessica] Hey, Jakey.
-Hi. [chuckles]

-[indistinct chatter]

-[Casey] Um, I got, um…
-[Kristin, Jessica laugh]

-[Alex H] Ooh, look at our "fiyah".
-[Kristin] Let's roast "marshmallers."

-[Alex H] Ooh. Okay.
-[Jessica] Okay.

-[Alex H] Ooh. I'll roast a wiener.
-[fire crackling]

-[Alex H laughs]
-[Kristin] Ooh, yeah. Ooh, okay.

-But let's get marshmallows first.
-Jess, are you okay?

[Talan] I know what you're thinking.

You just feel awkward, huh,
or something 'cause Jason's coming?

And you're gonna cry, you're gonna cry.

-[Jessica] I am.
-You're gonna squirt one, I can see it?

-[Casey] I want a weenie.

…if you make it look like
you're sweating…

-[Alex H] Well, I'm cooking too.

-[Kristin] Jess, do you wanna hot dog?
-[Alex H] Do I look like I'm bummed?

-[Talan] Yeah, you do.
-[Kristin] Yeah.

-[Talan] Jessica--
-[Kristin] Get up and like move around.

Okay. All right. Fine.


-[Kristin] I wanna bun--
-[Talan] Over exaggerately, look like--

-[Alex H] Whoa, whoa, whoa. [laughs]
-[Jessica] Having so much fun.

[Talan] Even if they say,
"Oh my God, she just…

I know she's having a bad time,
but she looks like she's not."

-[Kristin] Just get buns.
-[Alex H] Where are they?

[Jessica] Right here.

[Jeff] Your wieners
are not black like mine.

-[all chuckle]
-You're right, I have a white one.

I'm gonna cut.

-Whoa! [chuckles]
-[all laugh]

[Kristin] It looks better.

That looks so disgusting.

-[chuckles] Guess what?
-Guess what?

[sighs] Wonderful.


[Morgan] I got the skewers
for the wieners? [chuckles]

-[Kristin] Yeah.
-[Alex H] Somebody looks really tan.

[Kristin] I look tan? Like, yes.

Is Jason coming?

-[Jeff scoffs]
-I don't know.

He's at a baseball game right now,
but yes, you do know.

[Alex M] Okay. Yeah, maybe.

[all laugh]

-Casey, new glasses? I like them.
-[Casey] Do you like them?

-I almost got them.
-I don't think

they look good on me either.

-[Alex M] Hey, Jeff.
-I do.

-Why'd you buy them? [chuckles]
-I don't know.

[Alex M] Jessica,
I think we need to talk.

I wanna go over there.
Now that we finally can talk, you and me…

[sighs] …instead of you talking
to everyone else but me.

Well, what am I supposed
to say to you? [chuckles]

I was never like mad.

-Yes, you were.
-Like, I'm-- No, no, no, no, no.

Yes, you were.

I was, like, extremely, like, bummed out

because I guess I was, like, really,
really like just surprised.

I wasn't like-- I don't get--

It takes a lot
to make me truly, truly mad.

As a respect out of--

Like, you have respect from me--

-Talk to you before I talk to other…
-You should. Yeah, exactly.

[Jessica] I know.
[Alex M] I'm just saying that it just…

It's like, Jessica, like,
if Jason were to come here,

well he is on his way here,
but out of respect for you,

I would never kiss him in front of you.

Even if it wasn't you,
if it was his ex-girlfriend

who I have no idea who she was.

Home, pass over here!

-[Jeff] Yeah. [chuckles]

Hey, why aren't you
going on walks with me?

-[Alex M] J-Ball's here.
-[Jeff] Where?

[Alex M] Look who's coming.

-[Kristin] Is he here?

-[Jason] Dude, we got so beat.
-[Jeff] Really?

-[Kristin] Jason's here.

Well, we're just gonna have fun,
a ton of fun, okay?

You're nervous. [chuckles]

-[Jeff] What's the score?

Eight-zero? Eight-zero?

-[Alex M] Oh! Oh!
-[Jason chuckles]

-[Alex M] Don't throw it in the fire.

-Hey, man. Hey, hon.
-[Alex M] Hi, babe.

-[Jason] Why are you being weird?

[Alex M] I'm not weird.
Where have you been?

-[indistinct chatter]
-I came straight here after I was done.

I didn't get a good chance--
I threw clothes on,

I put water in my hand,

-and I came over here.
-I called your mom, she said otherwise.

[chuckles] Baby, I'm kidding.

♪ And that's what you get
For falling again ♪

♪ You can never get him
out of your head ♪

♪ And that's what you get
for falling again ♪

♪ You can never get him
out of your head ♪


♪ It's the way that he makes you cry
It's the way that he's in your mind ♪

♪ It's the way… ♪

What are you looking at?

-What are you talking about? [chuckles]
-Since you're laughing at me.

[Jason chuckles] I'm not laughing at you.

[Alex M] Then gimme a hug
and kiss me and say hi.

[Jason] I am.

♪ It's the way… ♪

[Jason] Oh, yeah, I missed you, all right.


Let's go.

[music concludes]

[instrumental music playing]

-Did you guys have fun last night?
-[Alex M] It wasn't that bad,

but then seeing him walk up,
I was like…

[Alex H] I had fun.

-[Jessica] It was good.
-[Kristin] Oh, I did too.

Actually, it's not like
I really had fun, it was just--

-But it wasn't, like, bad.
-Well, no, no, no, no.

I just think
it was very necessary to have that

-because I think a lot of, like…

…drama got solved.


[Alex H] It was
like a little peace bonfire.

[chuckles] Yeah.

Everyone, like, made up
and hung out and had fun.

I didn't make up with anyone,
I didn't have like a fight with anyone.

[Alex H] Mm-hmm.

Alex just wanted me to, like,
make up with Taylor or whatever, but…

Like, Taylor?

I don't, like, not like her,

I just, like, don't care for her,
you know.

It's good that you and Alex talked, Jess.

-Like, what happened?
-She's like, "I never intentionally wanted

to, like, hurt your feelings,"
like, blah, blah, blah, but,

"I just assumed you were over it."

And I was like, "Well, just, like,
you assumed I was over it,

I assumed you didn't care."

-So, like, you know.

-It's the same thing, we both assumed...
-[Kristin] But, like, I'm over Stephen,

but, like, if one of you
went out with Stephen

-I would like [bleep] flip. Yeah.
-[Jessica] Flip. Yeah.

-And I would never do that ever.
-[Kristin] Oh, I know, but…

[Alex H] That's like an unwritten law,
you don't do that.


Okay. This is…
this is called the pimp juice.

[rock music playing]

[Cedric] Dude, oh my God.

That's your first legit shot, dog.

[Talan] You see that shot right there,
that's a pimp.


[Cedric chuckles] David Hasselhoff.

Yeah, we're doing a redo
on that one, dude.

Hey, should I call Jessica
and see what's up with her,

like, when I went over there?

-[Cedric] Don't do it, J-Ball.
-[Talan] Are you dating Alex still?

[Cedric] You have some mad facial hair,

-[Talan] You like this, huh?
-[Jason] Hey, what are you doing?

[Jessica speaking indistinctly over phone]

[Jason sniffs] Oh, you are?

-[blows raspberry, laughs]
-[Jessica] What?

Well, we were just seeing
if you wanted to chill.

[whispers] What?

-No. What?

-[Cedric laughs] Dude, bail. Dude, bail.
-[Talan laughs]

[Cedric speaking indistinctly]
You're dirty, dude. You don't…

-[laughs] No, chill, dog. No.
-[Jason] Uh, yeah, cruise over here.

-[Cedric] No. Are you serious?
-[Jason] Okay.

[Cedric] All Right. I'm leaving,
I swear to God.

-Swear to God.
-[Talan] Who's Jessica coming with?

I just have to talk to her real quick.

-[Talan] She's coming solo-mish?
-[Jason] Yeah.

[Cedric] Did you guys see that shot?

God, no one gives a [bleep]
about my skills now.

Why are you so mad that she's coming?

I never liked Jessica that much.

-[Jason] Stupid Cedric. [laughs]
-[Cedric] Oh. Oh.

Nice little round of golf.

-[cellphone ringing]
-[country rock music playing]

-Hey, Al.

-Hi, Al.
-What's going on?

Um, nothing much. What are you doing?

I was just wondering,
do you wanna go to dinner maybe?

[over phone] Yeah. Dinner, like,
you, me, Kristin and Alex.

-I mean, you, me, Kristin and Taylor?

Yeah, I think that would be fun.

Do you think Kristin's gonna wanna go?

Yeah, I'll have to ask Kristin because,
you know, like, that whole deal,

whatever, but I'm sure it'll be fine.

I mean, I think at this point
we can all finally just hang out.

So, I'll call you later on today.

-[Alex H] All right.

-[Alex M over phone] Bye-bye, Al.

♪ And never see the light of day ♪

[music concludes]

-[indistinct chatter]

-[Jessica clicks tongue] Hi, man.
-[Jason sniffs] What's up?

[Jessica] Hmm. How was golfing?

It was all right, so tiring.


-[Jessica] I have a question for you.

[Jessica] Did you tell Alex
that I was talking [bleep] about her?

-[ice rattling]
-Don't lie to me. Right now, don't lie.

-Don't lie. What did you say I said?
-I swear to God I never said that.

-[Jessica] Don't lie. No need to lie.
-Here, let me call her real quick

-and I'll ask her.
-Oh, from my phone that would be good. No.

-Block her call.

What'd she say I said?

-She was just like,

"You sit there
and talk [bleep] about me to Jason."

-I'm like--
-I don't know what she's talking about.

[grunts] I hate our town sometimes.

[breathes deeply]


What are you gonna do the rest of the day?

I don't know. Wanna hang out?


-Yeah. Let's go to the beach.

-Let's go.
-["Through It All" playing]

-[Jason grunts]

♪ Waking up to find myself
Beside myself the view ♪

♪ It wasn't right ♪

♪ Stepping softly in-between the things
I should have said and should have done ♪

-[objects clattering, jingling]
-[Taylor] I'm sort of nervous.

[Alex M] Why are you nervous?

I don't know,
because you and Al are fine, and I mean--

Well, what do you think,
I'm just gonna be, like, clinging to Alex?

Like I just don't know.
Like at the beginning it'd be like, "Hey."

-[Alex M] Hug. Yeah.

[Taylor] I hope that they're sitting down
when we walk in.

[Alex M] Well, who knows
if we're gonna get there first.

Well, I wouldn't-- If I-- Wait.

No, but if we're there first
then do we get up?

-See, I'm over analyzing this.

This is not that big a deal.

This isn't meant to be a disaster,
you know what I'm saying?

[Taylor] I'm really happy
that we're doing this before Cabo too.

-Oh, yeah.
-["See You Around" playing]

♪ I'll see you around
I'll see you around ♪

♪ I'll see you around ♪

[indistinct chatter]

[Taylor] Well, this is nice,
sitting close to each other.

[Alex M] Yeah. [chuckles]

I don't like sitting here and waiting.

I wanna go home. [chuckles]

-[instrumental music playing]
-[both laugh]

[Kristin] Hi, guys.

-[Alex H] Hi.
-[Alex M] Hi.


[Kristin] Have you guys
been here for a long time?

-[Alex M] Yeah.
-[Kristin] You have been?

-[Alex M] Yeah. It's alright though.
-[Kristin] Sorry.

[Alex M] No, no, no. It's fine.
We thought we were late, but--

What's on your earrings?
Oh, they're just red.

They look like little, uh, Mickey Mouses.

-[all laugh]
-[Kristin] You know Alex. [chuckles]

[indistinct chatter]

-[both laugh]

[Taylor] So…


What are you guys doing
ne-- next year?

[Kristin] Next year I'm going to USC
and she's going to Santa Monica City.

[Kristin] You're going to Arizona?

-[Kristin] Are you excited?

-I'm so excited.
-[indistinct chatter]

Yeah. I'm in the middle
of dinner right now.

No, no, tell me right now.
Will you text message me?

Okay. Bye.
Whoa, I need to pull up my pants.

-What did she say?
-Something about Jason.

-[Taylor] And she wouldn't tell you?
-She's like, "I can't say it right now."

When do you guys
in leadership started making up the--

-[Kristin] The CD?

-[Taylor] Yeah.

-[Kristin] I think in a few weeks.
-Oh, wow.

[Kristin] Whenever those packets are due.

-[Alex H] Is it bad?
-What did she just tell you?

Jason and Jessica were
next to each other

and he was, like,
kissing her on the cheek and stuff.

[Taylor] Oh, my God.

-She's an idiot. [clears throat]
-What a dumb little-- What the heck.

What conniving--
How conniving is that like?

Wait until she gets the wrath of Alex.

-[Alex H] Oh, no.
-[bleep] gonna hit the fan.

[music concludes]

[rock music playing]

Let's see what this store has
in store for us.

[Taylor] What exactly happened
with Jessica and Jason?

Like, supposedly,
I guess Jessica and Jason,

like, walked off by themselves
and, like, they hooked up.

How do you know that for sure?

Because Cami walked in on them,

Cami and, like, two other people
and he told me,

-he admitted to me.
-And he admitted it too, didn't he?

Yeah. He was like, "Yeah.

Sh-- She, like, pretty much
took advantage of me."

Yeah, but still it takes two.

And I was like, "Well, did you guys kiss?"
And he said, "Yeah."

-I mean, like, how rude of Jessica--
-You're over it.

You don't need someone like that.

He said the only reason why he calls her
is because he's trying to get me jealous.

But I hope Jessica doesn't hit me
on the wrong night in Cabo,

would not be good. [exhales]

-I'm gonna call him.

And see what's going on.

-But I'll call you for sure afterwards.
-Okay. Good luck.


[Alex M over phone]
We need to talk, Jason.

-Can you come meet me right now?

I'm down in Visalia.

-I'll be there in, like, 15 minutes.
-[Alex M over phone] Okay.

-[Jason over phone] All right. Bye.

Thank you very much.

Hey, Jess,
what happened last night with Jason?

[Jessica] Nothing.

Weren't you like-- Didn't you go off
with him in, like… in a room and stuff?


You were never alone with him?

Not in a room ever.

-We sat outside.
-Were you ever alone with him?

For about two minutes
until Cedric walked outside.

[Kristin] Was he kissing you?

No. We didn't touch. We didn't kiss.

I… Alex is not my favorite person,
but I wouldn't do that to her.

Like I, wouldn't. I just-- I can't. I…

Seriously just put yourself
in her position with this whole--

Okay. Not only, like, do I not want you
hanging out with Jason

because he like…
because of Alex or whatever, but he like--

You shouldn't be hanging out with Jason,
all he does is hurt you.

I know. I know. I know.

-And we're not like… it's not like…
-[Kristin] Don't even talk to him.

Why would you wanna talk
to someone that did that to you, Jess?

Because it wasn't like--
I don't know. I don't know.

[Kristin] You shouldn't want him, Jess.
All he does is hurt you.

-No, I'm serious.
-[Jessica] I know.

-I can tell you're serious.
-[Kristin] Well, I think you should say,

"[bleep] Jason," and just not talk to him.


["Up To Me" playing]

♪ You wanna feel loose
You wanna see how I'm abused I see ♪

♪ You wanna get faded ♪

-[Jason] How are you doing?
-What's going on?

[Jason] Not much.

-So… [exhales]
-Yeah. What'd you wanna talk about?

What do you think
I wanna talk about Jason,

I wanna talk about you and me.

Okay. Well, what do you wanna talk about?

What happened?
Why would you do that with Jessica?

[Jason] I didn't--

I wasn't thinking,
I don't know why I did that.

Just doesn't even seem like,
you know, like, you don't even like me.

You know I do.

Then why would you wanna
hook up with another girl?

It was a mistake.
I mean, I'm… I told you I'm sorry.

Do you like me?


Do you wanna be with me…

-Uh, I dunno.

Yeah, I dunno.

I just can't really trust you.

I don't know, maybe we should just--

I'll go to Cabo, you go to Costa Rica
and we'll talk when we get back.

[music resumes]


♪ It's up to me, and I'm still hoping ♪

♪ It's up to me for you to hold me ♪

♪ It's up to me to let you go ♪

♪ It's up to me
But for all you know ♪

♪ I'm already gone ♪

["Come Clean" playing]

[music concludes]