Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County (2004–2006): Season 2, Episode 1 - Since You Been Gone - full transcript

Kristin, Jessica and Alex H. are seniors now and plan on making the most of it, no matter who gets hurt.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[upbeat music playing]

[Kristin] This is Laguna Beach,

a small town in Orange County.

You may have heard of it.
It's a place I call home.

That's me, Kristin.

I just finished my senior year
at Laguna Beach High School,

and my friends and I ruled the school.

This is my best friend, Jessica.

With our exes off at college,

it was our year to hang out
with some new boys,

but, of course, we had some competition.

That's Alex. She's a drama queen.

No, really. When she's not acting
in the school plays,

she's making a play
for Jessica's boyfriend.

Yeah, that's right.
And that brings us to Jason.

Jason is Laguna's very own bad boy.

I warned Jessica to watch out for him.
He's so hot, but such a heartbreaker.

Guess it takes one to know one.

You all know who that is, Talan.

He's best friends with Jason.
Those types always stick together.

Talan really grew up this year,
and I really noticed,

but so did Alex's best friend, Taylor.

Yeah, she may look all nice and innocent,
but I'm not buying it.

As long as those two stay out
of my life, we'll be okay.

Right, like that will happen.

Oh, and speaking of staying out
of my life,

you're probably wondering
what happened to Lauren,

or LC, as her friends call her.

Well, Lauren spent exactly one semester

in San Francisco
with Stephen before she bailed.

So what do you…
What do you plan on doing then?

I'm going to leave San Francisco.

I gave it a chance, and it didn't work.

That's weak.

[Kristin] I called that the day she left.

She thought it was her chance
to finally get Stephen.

Uh. Yeah, right.

I guess things didn't end up
happily ever after.

How could they? I mean,
Stephen called me almost every day.

As for me,
I was having the time of my life,

but last year's seniors were coming home
for Christmas break

and I had to tell Stephen that I moved on.

I think that it'd be better if both of us
just sort of dated other people

and did our own thing for a little while.

I mean, I felt bad,

but I wasn't going
to let anything ruin my senior year.

-[music fades]
-[seagulls squawking]

["Come Clean" playing]

♪ 'Cause perfect ♪

♪ Didn't feel so perfect ♪

♪ Trying to fit a square
Into a circle was my life ♪

♪ I defy ♪

♪ Let the rain fall down
And wake my dreams ♪

♪ Let it wash away my sanity ♪

♪ 'Cause I want to feel the thunder
I want to scream ♪

♪ Let the rain fall down ♪

♪ I'm coming clean ♪

♪ I'm coming clean ♪

[theme music concludes]

[upbeat music playing]

[indistinct chatter]

-That was a good swim.
-[both chuckling]

What are you guys talking about?

We were just talking about how much better
it is now that we're seniors…

-[Kristin] Oh, I love it.
-…and not juniors anymore.

Doesn't it seem
like we were just freshmen?


-[Kristin] Yeah.
-Oh, yeah.

I remember freshmen orientation.
Like, what I wore, like,

going, being so nervous, like,
walking around the school getting a tour.

Like, I remember all of that,
and it seem--

[Alex H] You got a tour?

-[Alex H] Dork.

-[Jessica] Like where all my classes were.

[Jessica] I didn't know! I know.
I was a dork, though.

-Yeah, you were.
-[Jessica] I still am.

I feel like being a senior, like,
you just kind of, like mature a lot more.

With drama and gossip, like, when you hear
about it, you just don't care anymore.

Yeah, I love not caring.
It's so nice for December.

-[Alex H] I know.
-[Jessica] Uh-huh.

Like Christmas is in, what, two weeks?

All the people that graduated last year
are coming back soon.

-I know.
-It's going to be weird.

-[Kristin] For Christmas break…
-It is.

It's going to be really weird
to see Stephen.

What did Stephen say after you called him

and told him that you, like,
wanted to see other people?

He was pissed.

["I Want You" playing]

♪ When I'm feeling lonely
Without my one and only ♪

[alarm ringing]

♪ All I am to do is think of you ♪


[music fades]

[Ryan] What are you looking forward
to about going home?

Just the beach and my own bed.

-Privacy, dude.

-And the girls?
-And the girls.

-The girls.
-No girls, nah.

How are things going
to be with you and Kristin?

I don't know.

-["California" playing]
-[train engine stalls]

[Ryan] Hey, I'll hit you up
when we're back home.

I'll see you in SoCal.

♪ Hello, hello, hello
I'm glad I've found you ♪

♪ Been away a long, long time ♪

♪ The sun will rise
And the sun will set tomorrow ♪

♪ And it's been rough
On this old heart of mine ♪

♪ But you are, you are
The only reason I have found ♪

♪ Come down, come down
Come get me off the ground ♪

♪ I waited for you yesterday ♪

♪ To come on back
And say you'll always stay ♪

♪ Come back home to California ♪

♪ Find a better way
To make it through today… ♪

[doorbell ringing]

[music fades]

-[Lauren] Hi! [chuckles]
-Ow! [chuckles]

-Hi! How are you? [gasps]
-[Lauren] Good.

-Hello! You look so pretty!
-[gasps] Look how cute you look!

Give me a hug!
Oh! Are you so happy to be home?

-Oh, I'm happy to be home, too.

-Oh, my gosh your house is so pretty.

-[Lauren] Aw, thanks.
-It's all furnished and beautiful.

-[Lauren] I know. We have furniture now.
-How is San Francisco? Do you--

-Are you, like, back for good?

-Are you excited?
-[Lauren] Mm-hmm. I did all my packing,

and it's all in my room,
and it's everywhere.

[Lo] Ah, I want to see!
Oh, I'm so happy that you're home.

Yay! Now we get to hang out again
before I have to go back to school.

-I know.
-Oh, gosh. [chuckles]

-Oh, my goodness. It's beautiful.

Oh, yeah! [chuckles]

-Yay! I'm so excited.

[Lauren] I noticed you're all cold.

I know. It's cold at the top of this hill.


I'm so excited
for my Christmas party tomorrow.

Everyone is coming. Yay!
It's Christmas time.

[plane engine whirring]

-[horn honking]
-["Ghost of a Good Thing" playing]

♪ I guess it's luck but it's the same ♪

♪ Hard luck you've been tryin’ to tame ♪

I'm going to miss you next year.

♪ Maybe it's love but it's like you said ♪

[Stephen] And when I come down,
I want to hang out with you.

Even if you have a boyfriend. He's barred.


Why would I have a boyfriend?

♪ But I believe in you so much ♪

♪ I could die for the words that you say ♪

You're my first and my only,
like, actual, real relationship.

What would happen in your perfect world?

Every time you come back,
we'd still be together…

and you wouldn't hook up with any girls.

And I wouldn't hook up with any guys.

-Then don't hook up with any guys.
-Okay! Then don't hook up with any girls.

♪ Of a good thing
Haunting yourself ♪

[Kristin over phone]
Stephen, hey, it's Kristin.

I just wanted to tell you this

before you heard it from someone else.
I've been seeing this guy, Matt.

So why don't we just talk
when you are in Laguna?

♪ While you're chasing ghosts ♪

♪ I guess it's luck, but it's the same ♪

♪ Hard luck you've been trying to tame ♪


[sighs, blows raspberry]

-Hey, buddy boy, how you doing?
-[cat purring]


[music fades]

So when does Stephen get back into town?

[clicks tongue] He comes back today,

but I haven't really talked to him
for about a week.


Since the last time you talked to him?

-How'd that go?

I mean, fine.
We just haven't really talked.

I think it's better
that we don't talk as much.

-You know what I mean? [clears throat]
-[Jessica] Yeah.


[dial tone ringing]


[Stephen] Hey, Cavallari.

Oh, hey! It's Stephen.

[Stephen] What's going on ?

[Kristin] Nothing. What are you doing?

-[Stephen] You want to meet up?
-Yeah. What do you want to do?

Well, do you want to meet me
at, like, Oak Street lookout or something?

Right now?

Yeah. I'm like--
I'm finishing unpacking, but…

-[Kristin] Well, do it later…
-…in like, just a little bit.

…because I have to go to the mall.

You what?

I have to go to the mall.
So can we just meet right now?

-Um. Yeah.

-All right. Bye.
-[Kristin] Bye.

["Ghost of a Good Thing" playing]

♪ I could die from
The words that you say ♪

♪ But you're chasing the ghost ♪

♪ Of a good thing, haunting yourself ♪

♪ As the real thing
Is getting away from you again ♪

♪ While you're chasing ghosts ♪

What up, bud?

-[waves crashing]
-[indistinct chatter]

-How you doing?
-Good. How are you?

-What's up?
-[Kristin] Nothing.


[birds squawking]

[Kristin] So…


-What are you doing for Christmas?
-[Stephen] I'm here. I don't know.

Just hanging out with family, I guess.

-[Kristin] What?
-Just hanging out with family, I guess.

-What are you doing?
-[Kristin] Just sitting at home.

-Cheer up. [chuckles]
-You're my bud.

Get out of here.

Why cheer up? I'm fine.

-[Stephen] You cheer up.
-I'm fine. [chuckles] You're being weird.

-I'm not being weird.
-[Kristin] Yeah, you are.



What the hell is your problem?

Are you still mad at me?

-[Kristin] Are you still mad at me?

Dude, no. There's nothing wrong with me.

-[Kristin] You need to cheer up.
-Sorry, I'm not… [chuckles]

"Sorry," what?

Am I supposed to be really happy
to see you or something?


Um, no, that's not what I'm saying.

I'm-- Dude, I'm good.

You've been bitter.

-What's that?

[somber music playing]

All right. Well…

-What are you doing?
-[Kristin] I don't know.

I guess I'm going to go because…

[chuckles] …there's no point
in me standing here.

[upbeat rock music playing]

I'm coming to get you right now.

[music concludes]

Stephen is a [bleep] idiot.
I'm just leaving the beach.

He like-- He's so immature!
Like, he can't even, like,

hang out with me for like…
God, he's just an idiot.

Like he can't-- He like, can't handle
the fact that I've, like, moved on,

and so he has to like,
be a [bleep] about it,

and he can't even just like be mature
and like, have like a normal conversation.

He has to-- He gets
this little attitude and like…

I hate boys! No, like--
[chuckles] I hate boys.

Yeah! They're--
It's because they're immature and stupid!

["Perfect" playing]

♪ 'Cause we lost it all
Nothin' lasts forever ♪

♪ I'm sorry I can't be perfect ♪

[upbeat rock music playing]

But what if you, like, had a husband,
and you saw that--

Well, at least you found out about it.

You know what I mean?

-[Kristin] Morgan!
-[Morgan] Hey!

-What's up?
-What are you doing here?

-[Morgan] How are you? [chuckles]
-[Kristin] How are you? [chuckles]

[Morgan] Good.
-[Kristin] What's going on?

Hey, girls!
So anything new with you guys?

You look cute. You always look cute.

Oh, yeah, right, but--

-What's going on?
-I don't know.

-Well, that's good.
-[Morgan] I've been dating a lot lately.

-[Morgan] I know.

I was just going to ask you
if you have any boys in your life.

I've been dating.

You have? Who have you been dating?

He's a boy named Matt.

Matt? Cute. How do you know him?

-I met him up at USC.

Yeah, you have to meet him.

-College boy.
-[Jessica] He's cute. I met him.

He's such a gentleman,
and he's like, such a nice guy.

It's because he's in college,
I tell you.

-[Kristin] I know, honestly.
-Those high school boys, mm-mmm.

[Kristin] I know.

Well, so does that mean no more Stephen?

-No more Stephen.
-Just totally over it?

Yeah. It's time to like move on
and like, do my own thing. [chuckles]

-[girls chuckle]

-Can't hold on forever.
-Exactly, and I want to do my own thing.

He needs to do his own thing,
so doing my own thing.

-[cellphone ringing]

-Oh! That's him.

-Ooh! [laughs]
-[Kristin] I need to get this. Hey.

That's funny.

[Morgan] All right, you guys.
I'm going to like, head home then.

-[Jessica] Bye, Morgan.
-So good seeing you.

[Alex H] Okay. I want one.

-Alex, make me stop lusting Jason.

If you're aware of the fact
that you're like, obsessed with him

-then why don't you like, stop it and--
-Because I can't. I can't.

I've tried, and it just doesn't work.
It doesn't work.

-[Kristin] What are you talking about?
-[Alex H] Jason?

-What do you think?

-How did I know? Let's go to Surf & Sport.

[Jessica] You're driving there?

[Kristin] Yeah, unless you want to walk,
but I don't. [chuckles]

Oh, sucks!

-[Kristin] What?
-[Alex H] I don't like driving.

You should like, pay me for gas
because I'm always driving. [chuckles]

-But you offer most of the time.
-Look, there's Jason and Tyler!

There's your boyfriend.

-Oh, my god. [chuckles]
-You guys are dorks.

-[Alex H] Hi, guys.
-[Kristin] What up?

[Jason] What's up, ladies?

-[Jessica] Okay, bye, darling.
-[Jason] Call me when you're done.

Bye, baby.

[Kristin] I hate when friends
get boyfriends. Jessica!

He's so cute.

-[engine revs]
-[soft rock music playing]

[Dieter] I think LC is going to have
a rough couple of months here.

Yeah, dude, I feel sorry for her.

-[Dieter] It's not gonna be too--
-I don't want her to stick around here.

-I'd go crazy.
-So what are you up to today?

Meeting with Jessica
for the first time since I'm back.


Yep, should be fun. It's like, done.

There's nothing there, obviously,
but I don't know.

But I like loved the chick, so I was like,
confused. I don't know.

You were stupidly in love.

-Yeah. It's cool.
-What happened with her and Jason?

He's like the equivalent of Jess.
It's just like a no-win situation

and like, that's how Jess
is kind of, so like…


I got to go do this thing, dude.

[Stephen] Good luck with that.

-[engine whirring]
-[seagull squawking]

[Jessica] Answer your phone.

Where are you?
Hurry the [bleep] up, please.

Thanks for being so prompt and studious,
and courteous, and responsible.

-Good. How are you?

[chuckles] Good. What? It's 3:00.

No, it's 3:15.
You should change your clock.


How are the kids? [chuckles]
I'm just joking. Smile.

How have you been?

How I been? I've been great.
How about you?

I'm absolutely wonderful.
Thank you.

Yeah? How's your boyfriend treating you?

-Good. That's good to hear.

-I'm just wondering.

Have a girlfriend?

What? Oh, hell no. Hell no.

-[chuckles] Why not?

-Why not?

Definitely the last thing I want.

-Sorry for what?

Why say sorry?
I just like, want to be chill and like

-We are!
-I don't know.

It was weird because you're--
Does Jason…

like, doesn't let you talk to me,
from what I hear.

-He doesn't care if I talk--
-[Dieter] It's a joke.

No, Dieter, he doesn't care
if I talk to you or not,

but it's like, a common,
like respect thing.

After what we had,
we shouldn't be like this.

We shouldn't be like, so on edge.

But, Dieter, you know,
and you have admitted it before,

that you make it like this.

I don't want like, him to think
I still am involved in it.

I don't want him to care,

but if I hear
that he's [bleep] someone else,

I'm going to get pissed,
and I'm going to call you

because I still care about you.

["Rebel" playing]


♪ I'll be a rebel, whoa ♪

♪ I'll be a rebel, whoa ♪

-All right. So you going to let me go?
-All right. Sweet. Give me that bat.

-Yeah. Oh, hey!
-[both laugh]

[Cedric groans, chuckles]

So you got a game today?

-[Cedric] Against who?

-I don't know. You want to come?
-Is it part of a tournament?

-Yeah? You going to pitch?

-Probably. [pants]
-[Cedric] Yeah, I'll come.

-So how are you and Jessica?

You get along?

-Do I get along?
-With her.

Yeah. It's pretty good.

-[Cedric grunts]
-[both laugh]

-So, you got a crush on Alex?

The [bleep] made you say that?

I don't know. Hear rumors, Casey.

-Casey said what?
-Aw, your turn, dude.

[Jason] What'd she say?

-She's like-- [grunts]
-[baseball bat clatters]

[Cedric] Like, not to like date,

but just to be like, kinda like,
you know, hookup buddies.

-Are you serious?
-[Cedric] Yeah.


I'd [bleep] Alex.
What do you think about Alex? [grunts]

-She's kind of wild.

-Isn't she kind of wild?


I heard she's kinky, though.

[both chuckling]

[upbeat rock music playing]

There's a cute guy right there. He just--
I think he saw me say that.

-Where? Where?
-To the left.

-To the left. Walking?

-[both chuckle]

♪ 'Cause we're coming to your town
I said hey now ♪

♪ Watch out cause we're gonna turn
Your whole world upside down ♪

[Taylor gasps]
Did Jessica Simpson have them?

-Those are so cute.
-[Alex M] Those are so cute.

I love them.

How cute would these be with like,
a short like, jean skirt?

[Taylor] We should get this.

That was so well worth
the 607 dollars that they were.

[Taylor] I know.

-[music concludes]
-[Taylor sighs]

Okay, if Jason
and Jessica weren't together,

would you hook up with him?

What? I don't know.

-I don't know.
-[Taylor] You don't know?

-[Alex M] I don't--
-[Taylor] Do you think he's cute?

I can't-- Of course.

-Jason is really cute.
-I know.

But I could-- I couldn't really--

I don't know.
That would be very interesting.

Probably. Probably would.

Probably just kiss him
or something, but he's off--

[Taylor] He's one of those guys
that's like, "Oh, wow!"

You know, he's just kind of--

But he's off limits, though.

[Taylor] Yeah, but you never know
if that could last.

["Primadonna" playing]

♪ Primadonna, that's your name ♪

♪ Eighteen karat… ♪

-[Jason] Is this Pomodoro right here?
-[Jessica] Yeah.

Oh, I just kicked some
of that water at you.

-Hey, guys.
-How's it going?

-Good. Two?

-[Jessica] Two, yeah.

[host] Sure.

[indistinct chatter]

This place is mellow.

-It's good.
-Taste some of mine.

What is this meat stuff?

[Jason] Fried meatball.


That's not what a meatball looks like.

[Jason] You like it?

Good. Oh. Thank you.

Don't put your hair up.

What time is it?

What time do you have
to be home tonight?

Why don't you just sleep
at my house?

You want to do that?

["Are You Gonna" playing]

♪ I see a thousand suns ♪

♪ As I talk to you ♪

♪ But not one of them… ♪

-Thanks, honey.
-[Jason] Of course.

-[Jessica] Ready?
-[Jason] Yes, dear.

♪ I've never seen
A star that hasn't fallen ♪

♪ Turned to red and left me feeling blue ♪

♪ Is this you? ♪

♪ Are you gonna break my heart?
Oh, well ♪

♪ It won't be the first time ♪

♪ Are you gonna
Bring me down a whole step? ♪

[music fades]

[birds chirping]

[doorbell ringing]

[Christina] Got it.

[both] Hi!

-[Morgan] Hi!
-[Christina] How are you?

I'm good. How are you?

-You look so good.
-You look so good.

-No, you're right. You do.
-Look at your hair, it's so long!

-I know.
-It looks good. And your bangs!

-[Morgan] You look so pretty.
-Ooh, you look cute!

I like your style. It totally improved.

-So how is life, Morg?
-Great, Utah is fun.

[Christina] Good.

And I'm just having a good time out there.

It's so different.
Like, it's a total culture shock.

[Christina] Oh, I bet.

[Morgan] But I mean, it's fun,
and people are different.

The whole thing has been kind
of this humbling experience,

which makes me miss home.

Yeah? Well, tonight should be fun.

-[Morgan] I know!
-We get to see everybody.

I'm excited. I'm way excited.

I ran into Kristin actually yesterday,
and she said that she was going to Lo's.

She's-- We're excited.

That's going to be weird,
like, her and Stephen.

[Morgan] I know. That's what I said.

I was like,
"So like, what's with you and Stephen?"

"Like you know,
are you guys going together

or, you know, like,
hooking up now that you're back home?"

She's like, "No, I'm over that."

Oh, that sucks
because he really likes her.

[Morgan] Oh, yeah.

Back at Lo's, it's going
to be Stephen wanting Kristin,

Kristin over Stephen, Lauren-- Oh!

-[both chuckling]
-[Morgan] Lauren following Stephen.

Like, it's just going to be,
you know, like back to high school.

-Right. I wonder if anyone has changed.
-I know.

-I'm excited.
-Let's go get ready.

I'm starving. Okay, yeah,
let's go get ready.

["Oh What Fun" playing]

♪ Yo, let’s go, what’s going, man?
I know it’s been a minute ♪

♪ Since I've been back in the spot
But, yeah ♪

♪ It's Christmas Eve and y'all ask me
What am I doing? ♪

♪ I'm gonna tell you
What I'm gonna be doing tonight… ♪

-I'm so excited to see you for break.
-[Lauren] I missed you.

I know we've already seen each other,
but it's nice to have you home.

-It's nice to be home.
-It is nice to be home.

I just-- Every time I see a new person,
it's just so cool

because when we left,
we were sick of everyone.

-I know.
-And now we see everyone, we're like--

At the end of summer,

it was kind of like,
a relief to go to school.

But now it's really cool to see everyone.
I've missed everyone from here.


-[Lo] Stevie!
-[indistinct chatter]

I've missed everyone so much.


[Stephen mumbles indistinctly]

-Oh, look, Trey! Oh!
-[Trey] What's up?

[Stephen grunts]

[Jen] This night needs to stop,
and it's only 10:00.

-This night does not need to stop.
-This night has only begun.

You guys are not
on East Coast time apparently.

No, we're on South Coast time.

-[both] South Coast?
-You mean West Coast.

[all] West Coast!

Whoa, LC.

Hey, we're back home, dude!

I'm so [bleep] glad
we're [bleep] back, dude.

-Oh, my god.
-It's on. It's on, dude!

We got a break, but it's [bleep]

Well, what's your name?

-Then you grew on me.
-[Stephen] Hotties.

-[Stephen] It's the hotties.

[Lo] Baby!

Where the hell is my present? Is this it?

-Oh, that's totally not it.

You guys, we should have done
a gift exchange.

[Lauren] There's nothing there.

No, really, though,
do you have my present with you?

I do. It's at home.

Would you just tell me what it is? Please?

I hate you.

Babe, hey, it's nothing big.

I know, but it's just that
you've been like it for months--

[Stephen] It's just-- I want you to--

It's just something to prove
that I was thinking about you,

and that I do love you and you're like--

I know you love me because I love you.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

-[Stephen] Whoa! Oh, buddy!
-[glass shatters]

-[Lauren] Party foul!

[Stephen] Yeah, wait,
good timing, perfect timing!

[upbeat rock music playing]

[crowd cheering]

-[Gary] Kristin!


Hi, baby! How are you?

-[Stephen] What?
-How's it going?

-[Stephen] Oh, thanks for the hug.
-Hi. Oh, shut up.

[Kristin] Hi, cutie.

So, nice, you're going to move back down.
You going to live with your parents?

I've got to go back. My mom--

We should hang out like,
while you're down here, seriously.

-I'll hang with you because I love you…
-We don't have to hang out--

…but I don't want
to do high school parties.

Don't worry about it.
I don't even do that anyways, anyway.

No, but like--


[Kristin] I don't care.

-[Talan] Hey, guys.

I want to talk all about this new boy.

I know. I know. Oh, we will.
Oh, we will, but I love him.

Why don't we talk about it later?

[Gary] Okay. Does Stephen know?

Kind of, but he doesn't know
the extent of it so… exactly!


[cellphone ringing]

[Kristin] Oh! I'm in love.

-[Morgan] Is that Matt?
-[Kristin] I'm in love. I'm in love.

Don't you just love him?
Oh, my god. Let's send him one back.

Okay. All righty. Let's press reply.


[Kristin] What?

[Trey] You guys want a handful of nuts?


Should I want it or something? [chuckles]

Ow, that was right in my ear!

-[Kristin] Hey, stop.

Sorry, was that yours?

[indistinct chatter]


Oh, oh, are you
talking about marine bio--


[indistinct chatter]

[Stephen] I'm so mad.
You don't even know.

It's so hard to like,
look you in the eyes.

It's weird. I don't know. It's just--

So we'll talk later.

I don't know.




Bye, Stephen.

[upbeat rock music playing]

[uplifting music playing]


-[Dieter] Look at the waves.
-I wanted the sun.

[Dieter] Low tide.
What are we going to do?

[waves crashing]

Last night was mellow.



It's weird. [clears throat]

How'd you leave with LC and stuff?

LC is my best friend in the world, but…

no matter what she says,
she still wants you, and I can tell.

-You're like, "No comment"?
-I just--

[Dieter] We'll see.

I'm very cautious about that one.

[funky rock music playing]

[Kristin] You are a streetwalker.
You are--

You guys both are streetwalkers, bitch.

I'm proud of it, though.

Anyways, my brother
just got a new poker set.


So I was thinking
we should have a poker party.

-That'd actually be a lot of fun.

But like, girls only
and like, we dress up.

-Let's do it tonight.

-Isn't next--

-That's when Casey's party is.

Yeah, I just thought about that.

Oh, whatever,
I don't need to go to that. I don't know.

-Learn how to become more fake.
-That'd be good, too.

Yeah, I'm gonna, like,
wear [bleep] loads of makeup

and look like a Barbie doll,
then yeah, okay.

-[girls laugh]
-[seagulls squawking]

[Casey] What are we going
to do with my hair?

[April] Do you want to do it big
with the rollers?

-[Casey] Yeah. Curly?
-And then we could touch it up, yeah,

with the curling iron.

Are you excited
about your party tonight?

-Yeah, I am.
-[April] Who's all coming?


A bunch of my girlfriends
and some guys and…

[April] Oh, how fun!

Yeah, it's going to be really fun,
I think.

-What's going on with you?
-I don't know, just stuff.

-[April] How's school?
-I love it! [sighs] You…

Much better than your other school?

Oh, yeah, I love it.
I love Laguna. It's so much fun.

-[April] You are a beauty queen.
-[chuckles] Like a pageant girl.

-Remember that one pageant you were in?
-Oh, yeah! You did my hair.

I love pageants, though.
They were fun. Didn't you think?

[April] Yeah! How many were you in?

Like five.

I'm excited because I've never been
to Casey's house before.

It is probably one of the biggest houses
I've ever been in.

So I'm… I'm happy Casey came
to our school. I think she's really sweet.

I think she's really sweet.
It must be hard to go--

It must be hard to go
to four different schools.

Honestly, like, when--
I remember the first day of school.

Kristin is like, "Don't talk
to her…" [mocking]

I'm like…

I think she's probably one
of the sweetest girls I've met.

-[Alex M] Yeah, she is really sweet.

And she just seems really genuine.

-Ooh, thanks.
-[Alex M] Likey?

Mm-hmm. Do you have eyeliner
on right now?

Mm, just the bottom.


Jason just called me,
and Jason's going.


[Alex H] Wasn't there two types
of flushes?

[Kristin] Who put Jessica
in charge of the cards?

I don't know.

-[indistinct chatter]
-[girls chuckle]

-No, I know. I know. I know.
-And then follow across.

Oh, wow. Oh! Can I? Can I do it?

[Jessica] Let me just-- wait, let me--

You should have seen Casey
in Albertsons today.

Here's the thing. Casey is just like

everything from her hair
to her personality is fake to me.

-[girls laugh]

-From her hair to her personality.
-That's why I can't take her seriously.

-Her extensions--
-They look like [bleep]

Yeah, they look--

[Kristin] When she puts her hair
in a ponytail, you can see them,

and I'm like, "Ew, dude!"

["Miss California" playing]

♪ She's Miss California
Hottest thing in west L.A. ♪

♪ House down by the water
Sails her yacht across the bay… ♪

[Mel] Oh, my god!

[Casey] Hi! Welcome!
Thank you for coming.

Hi, Mel! How are you?

-[Mel] Casey.
-I'm good.

-Look at her hair!

-You look so good.
-Oh, my god, look at your house.

[Taylor] Is this a Jacuzzi?

[Jason] No, it's just bubbling
for the hell of it.

[crowd chuckling]

Holy [bleep] I've never--

I never even knew
it was, like, as big as this.

[Morgan] This is so cute.

Casey, your whole setup
is, like, the cutest thing in the world.


[Taylor] She's like a Susie homemaker.

[Jason] Where did you get that stuff?

-[Casey] Do you want a pink lemonade?
-Of course, dude.

-[Casey] Here you go.
-Why is it bubbling?

[Casey] I don't know.

Anybody? I'm not anybody.

[college boy 1] Are you-- Who you calling?

[college boy 2] Oh!

[cellphone ringing]

-[Kristin] Is that Jason?

[Jessica] Yeah. I'm playing a game.

Give me the phone.
I need to say happy birthday.

Kristin wants to ask you
something really fast, hold on.

-Poor guy.
-Hold on.


I haven't seen your girlfriend
for a really long time

because you're always with her.

-[Alex H] Yeah, I second that.
-[Kristin] So let me--

[Alex H] I second that.

Yeah, we all second that
and fourth that and fifth that,

so let us--

[Jason] You caused me drama
the other night.

Don't give me [bleep] now, Jason.

-[Alex H] Jessica.
-Okay, bye.

Wait, hey, let me talk to him.

-Okay, great!

-[Alex H] If Jason was here--
-God, Jessica!

Jason is cool and all,
but like, honestly, like--

-No, not for a boyfriend!
-[Alex H] Jason is fun, but he--

[Kristin] Not boyfriend material.

What's up, ladies?

Hey, Jason. How you doing, babe?

I'm excited to have fun with you, man.

-[Jason] I know.
-[Alec M] But your girlfriend won't--

What's my surprise? What's my surprise?

-What does that have to do with?
-[Alex M] I can't tell you!

-That's why it's a surprise.
-Does it have to do with formal?

-[Alex M] That's why it's a surprise.
-Right, there's two surprises.

There's one for formal,
and then there's one tonight.

Tonight? Is it bad?

-[Alex H] I think he lies to you.
-Let's keep fighting, yeah.

You want to bitch at me
some more about Jason? Okay.

-[Kristin] Yeah!
-Go ahead, bring it on.

I hear it from everybody
every single [bleep] day.

[Kristin] Oh, Jessica, stop it.

Jason lies to you.
Ending the conversation. Anyways…

Let's not even talk about it.

Okay, it's done, then.

Jessica, I love you,
but I don't love your boyfriend.

[emo rock music playing]

♪ You never hear me out ♪

♪ Now can you hear me?
Can you hear me? ♪

♪ Now ♪

♪ Out ♪

♪ You're gonna hear me out ♪

[lighthearted music playing]

[Kristin] What are we doing tonight,
going bowling?

Yeah, it's going to be fun.
All the boys are going to be there.

If you could-- Okay,
if you could hook up with any…

one in our grade
at our school right now, who would it be?

-There's like absolutely nobody.
-No, if you--but, okay--

-No, but there's nobody so--
-Okay, I agree with you on that.

If you had to choose,
had to, like life-or-death situation.

If I had to choose a boy--

-No, girl. Alex?
-[both chuckling]

If I had to choose one person…


…probably Sam just because
he's really hot, but like--

-[Kristin] Oh, really?

Well, see, no,
just because he's the hottest guy.

-Who would you want to hook up with?

I don't know.
There's like nobody that I really like.

[Alex H] Really?

I don't think I'm attracted
to guys with blond hair.

I guess I still like Stephen.

[scoffs] You're always going
to have something for Stephen.

Yeah. Well, it's too--
It's too hard till it's--

First of all, it's unrealistic to like
have something with him right now

and I don't want anything
with him right now.

Yeah. I hope there's cute boys
there tonight.

[Kristin] Mm-hmm.

[Alex H] Run, bitches, run! Run!

-Oh, my god!
-Oh! Oh, run!

Oh, my god! You guys!

[Kristin] It's so cool
your dad got us a limo.

Earlier I was like, "Am I driving?"

[Kristin] She was like, "No."
She's like, "Don't worry about that."

[gentle music playing]

How's it going?
Stephen, for Lauren. Just go ahead?

["Don't Stop Believin'" playing]

♪ Just a small town girl ♪

♪ Living in a lonely world ♪

[Stephen clears throat]

-[Stephen] Hello.
-[Lauren] Hey.

-[Stephen] How we doing? Oy!
-[Lauren chuckles]


[Lauren] Yeah, I was starving,
and then I kind of ate.

I know. I didn't eat dinner,
but I sat at home,

but I was like, eating little bits.

-[Stephen] Oh, really?
-[Lauren chuckles] But I'm still hungry.

Okay, good.
You look very nice tonight.

-Thank you, Stephen. So do you.
-Hottie with a body.

-Look at you, you little--
-I'm all warm.

Little marshmallow, a burnt marshmallow.

[exciting rock music playing]

[indistinct chatter]

-Come on.
-[girls laugh]

[Kristin] Push it.

Look at all the boys!


[indistinct chatter]

♪ Roxanne, you're making me crazy ♪

-[crowd cheering]
-[indistinct chatter]


-Which one?
-The little one.

-The little one, the little one.
-The one that looks like a friend of mine.

At the same time, like,
I want to have fun.

[waitress] I have a penne with chicken.

-Thank you.
-[indistinct chatter]

-[waitress] And then the seafood rice.
-Thank you.

[waiter] This is for your shells,
just toss them in there.

Okay, thanks.

[waiter] You get points for each one.

-Is that good?
-Yeah, it's really good.

This place is really good.
I love this place.

I've never been here.

What's up with Kristin and Matt?

You don't talk to her?

[Stephen] I talk to her here and there.

Well, no, I was just wondering
because I didn't know.

Someone told me they were dating,
and then someone told me they weren't.

Doesn't matter to me.


-[exciting rock playing]
-[bowling pins clattering]

-Let's go, bitches.
-[indistinct chatter]

[Alex H] Oh!


[cellphone ringing]

[Stephen] That was good.

[Lauren chuckles]

No, don't.

We'll leave that one, that be.

[college boy 2] Yeah, dude, he robbed
some random guy last night.

Yesterday at school and at the game.

Shall we Jacuzzi?

-Yeah, we shall.
-[Stephen] We shall?

I'd open the door for you,
but it's all the way over there.

[Lauren chuckles] And you're rude.

-I'm not rude. I'm nice.

Thanks for gracing me
with your presence.

Aw. Same to you.

["Don't Stop Believin'" playing]

♪ A singer in a smoky room ♪

♪ The smell of wine and cheap perfume ♪

♪ For a smile, they can share the night ♪

♪ It goes on and on and on ♪

This is the best part.
This is the best part!

♪ Strangers waiting ♪

♪ Up and down the boulevard ♪

♪ Their shadows searching, in the night ♪

♪ Streetlights ♪

-♪ People… ♪
-[music fades]

I can't let him control
my emotions as much as he does.


[Jessica] Yeah, baby.

[indistinct chatter]

Where are you, though?

Jessica, "Fine, if you're not gonna
tell me where you are--"

You're not in your [bleep] car, don't lie!

Swear? Swear on our relationship?

When are you going home?

-Jess, just-- I don't trust him.
-[Alex H] Jessica, end it.

-Just be like, "Fine"--
-[Alex H] End it.

-Then [bleep] you, bye.
-Why are you dealing with this?

I'll do it for you.

-No, no, stop!
-[Alex H] Why are you doing this?

Stop it!

[Alex H] Jessica, it's just going
to put you in a bad mood.

-Then where are you going?
-Who cares?

Your relationship reminds me of Stephen.

Get off the phone!

Jess, he fully has the upper hand
in the relationship,

and he knows it because you let him.


You get in that mood
every time I'm in here.

-It's just like-- "Don't, stop!"
-Stop, stop.

It's just a drop of water, just--

-[Stephen] I'll dunk you.

-[Lauren] It's different.
-[chuckles] You look really pretty.

[both chuckle]

I couldn't have called it any better
when I sat right about here.

-[Lauren] What?
-When we came here that one day,

and it was just all empty.

I went and sat in the Jacuzzi saying,
"I can't wait until this thing is filled."

And now it's filled,
and we're sitting here.

It seems like so long ago.

It was long ago.

This is seriously like my favorite
couple feet in the whole wide world.

-[Alex H] So is he lying to you?
-Jessica, he knows that he can lie to you.

I'm sorry. I used to do this
with Stephen all the time.

Jess, could we please put on music?
Be happy.

-I am.
-You look cute in that top, be happy.

[indistinct chatter]

Yeah, I'm so excited.
Everywhere, it's like "God!"

[girls cheer, laugh]

[Jessica] Nice song.

["Since U Been Gone"
by Kelly Clarkson playing]

[girls sing] ♪ Here's the thing
We started out friends ♪

♪ It was cool, but it was all pretend ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Since you've been gone… ♪

[Stephen chuckles] Come on.

♪ You're dedicated, you took the time ♪

♪ Wasn't long 'til I called you mine ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

[girls sing] ♪ Since you been gone ♪

♪ And all you'd ever hear me say ♪

♪ Is how I picture me with you ♪

♪ With you ♪

♪ That's all you'd ever hear me say ♪

♪ But since you been gone ♪

♪ I can breathe for the first time ♪

♪ I'm so moving on, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Thanks to you ♪

♪ Now I get, I get what I want ♪

♪ Since you been gone ♪

♪ You had your chance, you blew it ♪

♪ Out of sight, out of mind ♪

♪ Shut your mouth, I just can't take it ♪

♪ Again, and again, and again ♪

-♪ And again ♪
-♪ Again! ♪

♪ Since you been gone
Since you been gone ♪

♪ I can breathe for the first time ♪

♪ I'm so moving on, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Thanks to you, thanks to you ♪

♪ Now I get what I want ♪

♪ Since you been gone ♪

♪ Since you been gone ♪

♪ Since you been gone ♪

["Come Clean" playing]

[music concludes]