Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County (2004–2006): Season 1, Episode 11 - Dunzo - full transcript

In the final days before leaving Laguna, Stephen must tie up loose ends.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
-[waves crashing]
-[seagull squawking]

-What's up, LC?
-[Lauren] Hey, Stephen.

[Stephen] How are you?

You need a tan.

-I'm gonna-- Ow, ow!
-I'm fine!

I don't know. I remember
all the way back to first grade

when we couldn't pay you girls
to be near us. And…


And I remember we were
running around,

doing whatever we could to,
like, be around the girls…

-[Lauren laughs]
-No, we just had cooties.

It's okay, Stephen,
you still have cooties.

You think we're gonna find this
in San Francisco?

[scoffs] I'm gonna miss this so much.

You know,
I'm so stoked you're going up there.

-The big city.
-Just Stephen and Lauren in San Francisco.

Oh, I know we're all gonna come back

from college
and everyone's gonna have their stories

and we'll be like,
"Yeah, well, me and LC…"

"Me and Lauren up in San Fran…"

-"This one night…"
-[chuckles] Things have changed.

It's weird
'cause everything's about to change.

["Come Clean" playing]

♪ 'Cause perfect ♪

♪ Didn't feel so perfect ♪

♪ Trying to fit a square
Into a circle was no life ♪

♪ I defy
Let the rain fall down ♪

♪ And wake my dreams
Let it wash away my sanity ♪

♪ 'Cause I wanna feel the thunder ♪

♪ I wanna scream
Let the rain fall down ♪

♪ I'm coming clean
I'm coming clean ♪

["Come Clean" concludes]

-[soft music playing]
-[waves crashing]

[soft music concludes]

-What up?
-[Jason] Hey.

-What's going on?
-[Jason] What's up, buddy?

-How are you guys?
-[Kara] I'm good.

-I came to give you my keys.
-[Jason] How are ya?

-Getting ready to go.
-Oh, you are?


-[Jason] Yeah?
-I'm pumped, I'm ready.

I was kinda weirded out
for a little while there.

Like, I didn't know,
I was kinda scared about

if everything was gonna go down all right.

[Jason] Just getting up there solo,
the whole deal.

I've been in this little bubble
for the last ten years.

Or no, more, 15 years,
since I was, like, three.

It's definitely gonna be weird.
Summer's over.

I'll be back if there's a job for me.

Christmas time.


-All right, good.

-[Jason] Keep in touch.
-Will do.

-Bye, have fun.
-I will. [chuckles]

-See ya, Stephen.
-See ya! Bam!

Take it easy. Safe drive.

[upbeat rock music playing]

[indistinct chatter]

-[Stephen] That ball's too small.
-[Kristin] I wanna throw it.

I wanna see how far I can get it.


Oh, my God! [screams]

-[both laugh]
-Okay, ready?

-Oh, what if it lands in the fire?



-[Stephen] Go!
-[Talan] Dude, she's gonna hit LC.

-No, I don't wanna hit anyone.
-[Talan] You should do it.

-[Kristin] Damn it! A little bit farther!
-[Lo] Does someone wanna make me a hotdog?

Ah! What is this?

-What is this?
-[Stephen] I think it's patties.

Or it's hotdogs and stuff.
Yeah, it's hotdogs.

You wanna make me one?
'Cause I don't know how.

-Shmo, you just put it on the fire.
-But I don't know how! Help me!

-You're a high-maintenance little bitch.
-Please help me!

Some poor man's gonna marry you someday?

Please help me?

You just put it on the little thingamajig.

-Now, I'll cook you a wiener.
-My husband will love me for who I am.

-Excuse me.

-I'll cook you…
-[both laugh]

[Christina] Can you guys believe

that this is the last time
we're all gonna be together really?

-Yup, can't.
-[Christina] It really is

one of the last times
we're all gonna be together.

[Jessica] No, we're gonna come back,

and we'll see each other
during the summers.

I feel like
there's a reunion in the picture.

Yeah, but still.
Everyone's gonna be changed.

[Jessica] But it won't be the same.

[Christina] It's like you guys
don't love me anymore.

Christina, we're still gonna hang out.
This-- Jessica, this is for you.

Stephen and I went to Tiffany's
to look for rings.

-[Jessica] Oh, my God!
-[Lo] Oh, like husband and wife?

-Yeah, we're getting married.
-[Christina] Oh, my God, how cute.

[Kristin] Go. So we picked out
these, like…

Hey, back off my marshmallows!
Oh, no, mayday, mayday!

She, like, half tells a story
and then leaves.

I'll tell you in a minute, hold on.

-[Stephen] There's more.
-Like, whoo! Yum, food!


[indistinct chatter]

Trey, what up?
We're bonfiring it, and you're not here,

and you're the only one,
and we feel like you're a loser,

but whatever, dude. We miss you, bro.
And somebody wants to say, "What up."

-Say "What up" to Trey.
-[overlapping greetings]

-[Lo] We miss you.
-You're kinda loved, buddy.

All right, well, give me a call. Later.

High school… pssh. I'm just kiddin'.

We def-- We should, like,
do e-mail or something, like…

Yeah, yeah, definitely.
I wanna be e-mailing with you guys.

Yeah, I'll be getting a ton of e-mail.

[Kristin] Hey,
we're gonna leave, you guys.

-We're gonna be the first.
-Bye, guys.

Maybe I'll see you.

-See you around Christmas.
-[Morgan] That's so sad.

-Come give me a hug.
-[Lo] Stephen, don't leave me.

Yeah. We'll be in touch.

[soft rock music playing]

[indistinct chatter]

-I love you, Stephen.
-[Stephen] Good night, I'll see you.

-Have a good one.

-[Morgan] Don't you worry.
-[Kristin] Lo, bye, you guys.

-[Stephen] Bye, guys.
-[Morgan] Bye, Stephen.

-Two down.
-[Lo] This is depressing.

And it's so funny
'cause we talk about Laguna,

like, we talk about it
like it's such a piece of [bleep]…

…but honestly, it really is one
of the best places to live,

-I'm coming back.

I love Laguna.
I wanna raise my family here.

-Same with me.
-I think it's the most gorgeous place

in all of, you know, America.

[soft rock music continues]

[soft rock music concludes]

[Lo] The bubble's breaking,
the bubble's breaking.

[birds chirping]

I'm not just saying this
'cause I don't like Lauren,

but I really could see her
hating college and coming back.


You can't see her living on her own?

I could see her
living on her own, but, like,

meeting new people,
I think she's gonna have a tough time.

Yeah. You know who I bet's
really liking college right now is Trey.

Like, every time I talk to him now,
he's just, like,

he's weirded out by all the people
but he's still like stoked. He loves it.

I think that Morgan will like college.

[Stephen] Morgan adapts really easy

'cause she moved to this high school,

-like, mid--
-Oh, yeah.

Halfway through high school,
so that's kinda gnarly, like--

She's really friendly, you know?

Yeah, she was able
to make friends so easily.


That's why I'm not really
worried for myself but…

-I think you'll be fine.
-I've been, like, here all my life.

But when I go somewhere else,
I'm kinda confused and, like, baffled.

And even at orientation for school,
I was kinda like,

"Whoa. People are so different."

[Kristin] You just have to be open to it,
though, you know?


And just know that everyone else,

like all the other freshmen
wanna make friends too,

so all you guys are, like,
on the same… whatever.

[Stephen] Is that one good to go?

Well, no,
we could probably get more stuff in it.

Here, like those socks.
Give me those socks.

Stephen, are you gonna miss anyone?

-Am I gonna miss anyone?

[exhales] Yeah, all my friends.

["Sunshine" playing]

♪ I wanna feel the sunshine on my face ♪

♪ I wanna feel the sunshine on my face ♪

♪ I wanna feel the sunshine on my face ♪

♪ It's gonna be a beautiful moment ♪

♪ It's gonna be a beautiful day ♪

♪ Until you go away ♪

Wanna get up here?
It's such a gnarly sunset.

-[Kristin] I know.
-[Stephen] Look at the boats,

like right where the sun's goin'.

This is my last sunset in Laguna
for a while.


You're my first and my only,
like, actual real relationship…

-that I, like, have with somebody.

As far as getting close with a person

and actually hanging out with them
and going on dates.

-Instead of just like…

Remember our first date? [laughs]

-I was so nervous.

-Yeah, I was so nervous.
-I was pretty nervous too.

I was so nervous. [chuckles]


[Stephen] What do you think
is gonna happen to us?

[Kristin] Um, I don't know.

What would happen in your perfect world?

Mm-hmm. Every time you come back
we'd still be together,

and you wouldn't hook up with any girls.

And I wouldn't hook up with any guys.

-Then don't hook up with any guys.
-Okay, then don't hook up with any girls.

Yeah, but it's gonna be
so much easier for you.


-Easier for me?
-You're gonna meet all new girls,

and I have no way of finding out
about anything.

If I hook up with someone,
you'll find out about it within an hour.

-[chuckles] And--
-[chuckles] Standard Laguna.

[Kristin] Yeah, and there's no one here
I wanna hook up with. So…

-Then you're over it.
-Okay. Well, so are you. [chuckles]

[Kristin] So, are you gonna tell me?

-I don't really know.
-Like, what are you gonna say?

What are we, broken up? Or just, like…

-…taking a break?

-Taking a break, see, I don't--
-Putting it on hold?

-We're just…

together with an open relationship,
I don't know.

Okay. But don't be open a lot.

I don't wanna--
You know I don't wanna be.

-That's what sucks.

So I'll just have to come up
and visit all the time?

-Yeah, fine, then do it.
-Let the girls know.

You can come hang out
with me and Lauren.

[Kristin laughs]

-Are you gonna hang out with Lauren?
-I don't know.

Especially when I have
that apartment by myself,

it's gonna be, like, super lonely.

So I'm gonna be like…

Well, I'm not gonna invite her up
and be like, "Hey, come over."

No, just to like,
I wanna like get out and go do stuff.

I'll probably actually just, like,

walk out the front door
and just wander around town.

No you won't, you'll call Lauren.

-Shut up.
-You know you just said it.

[Stephen exhales]

I love that feeling when you, like…
not when you haven't seen somebody--

[Kristin] Do you get little butterflies
in your stomach?

Somebody that you, like… [kisses]
…really actually like care about.

And like, haven't seen for a while,

and then you get to see them
again and, like, I don't know.

Like, that point, like that day
when I know I'm gonna see you,

-I'll probably be so nervous.
-Me too.

That'll be fun.


-I love you.
-I love you too.

["So Long My Love" playing]

["Better Times" playing]

-So, do you have directions?


-All right, that's it.

I'll call you
once I get up there and all that.

[Bruce] Okay.

[waves crashing]

♪ I'm lookin' out
For a shooting star right now ♪

♪ To make a wish
For a falling heart somehow ♪

♪ I dream of the better times
You came around ♪

[Talan] So, you and Stephen,
are you guys, like,

you guys are still together, right,
for like a little bit?

We're, like, gonna have,
like, an open relationship…

-I understand. Yeah.
-…you know?

So whenever he comes back,
you guys are together,

unless you're together with someone else.

But I don't really think I'm gonna be.

Yeah, I totally understand.
I like… I understand.

-You know. [laughs]
-[Talan] Yeah.

♪ Not that far ♪

[Christina] Well,
you're almost all packed.

[Morgan] Yeah, I know. [sighs]

-It still feels weird,

-like, this room becoming empty.

-And you know…
-[Christina] Is Riley taking your room?

She's, like, had her room
packed for, like, weeks.

All my stuff's gonna be either
down in her room or like, in the garage.

I've been so excited and so preoccupied.

You're forgetting like,
what you're leaving behind, you know?

You sure are.

You're never gonna meet
anyone like me, Morgan.

-I know. Who's gonna replace you?
-[Christina] I'm just kidding.

-Well, no one?
-[Morgan chuckles] Of course.

But, still, I'm not gonna see you
'til Thanksgiving.

-That's such a long time.
-I'll see you before then.

-I'll come visit you guys.
-But even so, I know we all, like,

-say all that stuff--
-No, but I really will.

Yeah, yeah. So this is it.

It's not it.

Look, it is.

Who knows, Christina, what could happen.

Who knows,
maybe you'll change a lot at BYU.

Maybe you'll become some famous actress
and not remember me.

That's the plan.

-[both laugh]
-I'm just kidding.

So, I'll call you tomorrow
on my drive up there.

Yeah, you should call me
right when you get in, okay?

["Gone" playing]

-Wait, this is so weird! [chuckles]

I'm, like, I'll see you in three months.

Give me a hug.

[both moaning]

-Bye, Morgan. [chuckles]
-I'll miss you. [chuckles]


♪ What a tragic waste of time ♪

♪ Don’t act if you really tried… ♪

[Lo] See you, I'll head home.

And I need to say goodbye
to you because you're leaving me forever!

Give me a hug. Put the cake down.

-Bye, hon.
-Bye you.

-You'll have fun, okay?
-I know.

Will you call me when you get there?

-Yeah, I'll call you tomorrow.
-Okay, bye, stinkface.

I love you. Good luck packing and stuff.

-[Jen] Okay, so…
-[Kaitlyn] No, let's do pajamas,

'cause that's… there's a lot of that.

-[Jen] Really?
-[Kaitlyn] Yes.

[Jen] I didn't think I had enough pajamas.

[Kaitlyn] You do.

Do you know how much clothes
three months' worth is?

Have you ever heard
of a washing machine, Jen?

-Have you ever done laundry?
-It's easy to say.

I've thrown stuff in.

I've never done, like, a load
with colors and stuff.

And you're 18?

I guarantee 20 minutes later
Lo's gonna pop back up.

Yeah, she's, like,
tried to leave, like, six times already.

I'm back again.

Are you taking your "Goacci"
bag to school?

You know what,
your Louis Vuitton is fake,

so don't get me started
on fake designer purses.

This is slash between Gucci and Coach.

I like that you bring it out
here and make fun of me, though.

Can I have it
and, like, put it in my room?

Do you see? This is a really sad face
that I'm leaving you.

[laughs] Give me a hug!

I love you and your Goacci bag.

[Lauren] You just made fun of my Goacci.

[Kaitlyn] You just messed up
my entire pile!

["Time To Go" playing]

♪ You never meant to stay ♪

♪ You always walk away from everything ♪

-Are we good, then?
-I think we're good.

[indistinct chatter]


[chuckles softly]

I'm laughing, not crying.

[Jim] You both are crying. Get in the car.

-Everyone hates us right now.
-Oh, let's get get.

♪ You've been blaming everyone ♪

♪ But it's time to go ♪

♪ Cause you've been around for so long ♪

We could say goodbye right
now and then we'll leave.

-Right here?

-We won't sneak through.

♪ It's never too late, oh I know ♪

-I love you. Call me every night.

♪ But it's time to go ♪

-Bye, Dad.

♪ Cause you've been around for so long ♪

♪ Now don't be a fool, just let it go ♪

♪ It's never too late, oh I know ♪

♪ But it's time to go
Time to go ♪

♪ Cause you've been around for so long ♪

["She Will Be Loved" playing]

♪ Beauty queen of only eighteen ♪

♪ She had some trouble with herself ♪

♪ He was always there to help her ♪

♪ She always belonged to someone else ♪

♪ I drove for miles and miles
And wound up at your door ♪

♪ I've had you so many times
But somehow I want more ♪

♪ I don't mind spending every day ♪

♪ Out on your corner in the pouring rain ♪

♪ Look for the girl
With the broken smile ♪

♪ Ask her if she wants to stay a while ♪

♪ And she will be loved
And she will be loved ♪

What up?

[Stephen] How was your flight?


-[Lauren] How are you?

♪ I want to make you feel beautiful ♪


♪ I don't mind spending every day ♪

♪ Out on your corner in the pouring rain ♪

♪ Look for the girl
With the broken smile ♪

♪ Ask her if she wants to stay a while ♪

♪ And she will be loved… ♪

Oh my God. We're living on our own.

-I know.
-But I don't live with my parents anymore.


♪ And she will be loved
And she will be loved ♪

♪ Please don't try so hard ♪

♪ To say goodbye ♪

[upbeat rock music playing]

[upbeat rock music concludes]

-[baby giggling]
-[woman] Go, Go, Luckey!