Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County (2004–2006): Season 1, Episode 10 - The First to Go - full transcript

Free from school, the gang lives up their last summer together.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[gentle music playing]

I was telling you
the other night at Dieter's,

I was looking at you two
and I was like-- It was so cute,

-'cause I could see you guys…

…like fit for each other.

Like seriously, we're like the best
that we have been since…

like we ever first started going out.

-I wouldn't be sad.

I mean, have your fun, and--

It's gonna be hard, like,
it's gonna be weird.

Like, the next month is gonna be weird,
me getting used to him not being here

and me not seeing him every day.

I really just wanna have fun
with Stephen this summer.


[Kristin] Wanna go in the water?

-I'll feel it.

-Okay, come on.
-I'll feel it.

["Come Clean" playing]

♪ 'Cause perfect ♪

♪ Didn't feel so perfect ♪

♪ Trying to fit a square
Into a circle was no life ♪

♪ I defy ♪

♪ Let the rain fall down
And wake my dreams ♪

♪ Let it wash away my sanity ♪

♪ 'Cause I wanna feel the thunder
I wanna scream ♪

♪ Let the rain fall down
I'm coming clean ♪

♪ I'm coming clean ♪

[music concludes]

[seagulls squawking]

[Stephen] We, look-- fully look touristy.

["Action Now" playing]

[Stephen] Whoo!

[speaks indistinctly]

♪ Premonition ♪

♪ Been a long time
Been a long time coming, yeah ♪

♪ Complications ♪

♪ Been a long time
Been a long time coming, yeah… ♪

[music fades]

-[Lauren sighs]
-[indistinct chatter]

-[Lauren] Hey, you.
-Hey, hot stuff.

-How you doing?
-Pretty good.

-I got you a lemonade.
-[Lauren] Aw, thank you.

What's up?

-[Patricia] Hello!
-[chuckles] Hey.

-How you doing, Patricia?
-I'm doing good.

-I am, I'm so excited.

-Friday morning. So…

[Trey] Yeah.

-I'll see you before.
-[Patricia] Oh.

[Trey] All right, well, see you.


[chuckles] So you're not
nervous anymore?

I'm gonna do it anyway,
so there's no point in getting nervous.

-You hear about Stephen?
-Yeah. I haven't talked to Stephen…

other than like a nod,
when I say hi to him.

-[Lauren] Yeah.

I hate… [chuckles]
…relationships like that.

Well, no, it sucks 'cause at first,
I was so stoked

I was going to college with him,
then it was like…

Like we were like,
"Yeah, it's gonna be so much fun."

I have one of my best friends
going up there with me.

And now it's just like, "Hi, I'm Lauren."

Things will change. It'll go back.

It just sucks.

["California Sunshine" playing]

♪ You're just a fan, girl
Watching the night ♪

♪ Iron maiden, made in Japan
Sailing close inside my radar ♪

♪ But I'm still thinking about the band
Is it a teenage redamnation? ♪

♪ Tuning in to what I'm saying ♪

♪ On the station
Do you understand? ♪

♪ That the world's spinning
In your hands ♪

-That was kinda worthless.
-Yeah, there's no waves.

There's waves, it's just bad.

Yeah, some of them…
I got a little beat on one of 'em.

-Yeah, right.

-What, that one where you got so barreled?
-You see me get barreled? [chuckles]

♪ Well, there's something I gotta say
Don't you make it come my way… ♪

[waves crashing]

Have you talked to Laur-- Lo?

Oh yeah, she said you've been
calling her a lot lately.

Yeah, she's so--
that's what I was gonna ask you

'cause she never calls me back.

-I was just wondering.

I just call her to hang out,

-but she's, like-- she thinks I'm…
-[Lauren] I know.

-…trying to hook up with her again.
-I don't know.

And ‘cause she left her earring in my car.

How did she lose an earring in your car?

No, no, no, no. All we've done is kiss.
We have, I swear.

Yeah, I know, I was right there.

-Oh, yeah, I know. [chuckles]
-Both times.

So you and Stephen
are kinda living next to each other,

-or you don't even know, huh?
-We're… I don't know.

I mean, it matters where he's gonna live.
Our schools are right next to each other.


[music fades]

[Stephen] You're not gonna do SMU?

-Are you deferring that?
-A little change of plans.

[Stephen] It's so weird.

I'm moving up to LA, like, next month.

-You are?
-[Stephen] Next month?

Are you gonna get
your own apartment up there?

[Christina] Yeah,
I'm getting my own apartment,

and I'm getting an agent
and a manager, and doing…

acting, dance,
and voice three times a week.

[Stephen] No way.

And pursuing my acting career.


Remember when you used
to wanna be a marine biologist?

-[Stephen] I was just thinking about that.
-I guess, screw that! [laughs]

-[Christina] I always wanted to be one.
-What ever happened to that?

-[Christina] I wouldn't mind it.
-You could've changed the world.

Marine biologist, actress.

-I mean, pretty much.
-[Christina] Whatever.

Maybe you could play it in a movie.

That's perfect.

[Morgan] That's cool
about being an actress.

[Christina] Well, I figure you gotta
follow your dreams, you know?

Can't just sit back and see what happens.
You gotta go out there and do it.

Uh! [chuckles]

-Good talk, Christina.

It's great.

I'm gonna go down and talk to Trey.


[Christina] What are you gonna do
when Stephen leaves for school?

Like, what?
Like what are Stephen and I gonna do?

-Relationship. Not in life, yeah.
-We're gonna break up.

-I mean…
-That's a good idea.

-Yeah, I wouldn't--
-Girls that, like,

have their boyfriends in college,
and they're like,

-"He's faithful to me!"
-Like, are you dumb?

-[chuckles] I'm like, "Yeah, right."
-Like Taylor and Tyler.

-[Christina] It's so stupid.
-Yeah, it's so stupid.

-[Christina] That's great, you know.

You guys really love each other,
but you really think,

-like up in college…

…like, going to parties,

he's gonna be like,
"Sorry, I have a girlfriend."

And like, she will never find out
about anything. [chuckles]

Yeah, no way.

How are you and your chick?

-It's gonna be donezo.
-[Trey] Yeah.

[Stephen] It's gonna be put on pause.

Put on pause. You guys always knew
you guys would come back later on in life.

So [bleep] stoked
I'm going to college, dude.

It's so rad. I'm so amped.

-Get away from the drama.
-[Stephen] Yeah.

Do you wanna go skate tomorrow morning?

-Dude, I'm amped on that.
-Tomorrow morning, yeah.

I got work at ten, but let's go--
We'll go in the morning.

All right, man.
I think I'm gonna jump in soon.

["Joke" playing]

♪ Go! ♪

♪ It started as a joke ♪

♪ But now I can't stop myself ♪

♪ I can't stop myself falling for you ♪

♪ You got me choked… ♪

[music fades]

[Stephen] I'm meeting you right now.

-Somebody move those chips.
-[Trey] No one's won two in a row.

Game on!

[Talan] Dealer needs to count that.


[Stephen] Did anyone bet?

-[Trey] Two dollars.
-[Stephen] Fold.

Six again, dude.

[Trey] Oh, oh!

-[Dieter] Put it all in.
-[Talan] What is it?

A pair of twos.

[all laugh]

[indistinct chatter]

[Stephen] San Francisco State,
it's gonna be weird.

[Talan] He didn't have
a backup school though.

So it's just,
I'm just scared of the environment.

That's why I'm glad LC's going up there.

That's huge, 'cause, like, whenever, like,

-I'm bummed out…
-[Dieter] Don't rely on [bleep] LC.

I'm not relying on her.

Dude, stop, you're gonna be fine.

[Stephen] You know, but it's standard
for anybody that goes away to college,

unless you're a really unique person,

there are gonna be so many things
where you kinda wish

you were back in high school.

Everyone does, just 'cause like,
you have all your set friends,

and all that.
And making new friends is still…

It's kind of intimidating
when you don't know

one [bleep] person out of 3,000 kids.

And, like, those first couple
of months are gonna be crucial

and that's why I'm not gonna rely
on Lauren,

but those first couple of months,

when there's those super burly days
where, like, you feel like

you just wanna break down,
there's like someone there.

That's why I get super sketched
when I think about

San Francisco State, but then I know
Lauren's gonna be there, and like,

there's someone, like,
you can go and like…

-[Talan] Hook up with?

-[Trey] Not even, dude.
-[Talan] Yeah, even.

-Yeah, even!
-At the least. [chuckles]

[crickets chirping]

-[Stephen] Is this car back in fourth?
-[Trey] Yeah, yeah.

-You need the car.
-[car alarm beeps]

-[both burp]
-Ready to lean, dog.

-["California Grace" playing]

♪ California grace ♪

♪ A palm tree can grow up
And reach the sky ♪

♪ I never did stop and wonder why ♪

♪ It seems they climb into outer space ♪

♪ I guess it's 'cause they're living
Under California grace ♪

-[Trey] Slow down, dude.

♪ California grace ♪

♪ Dear Mother
Don't misunderstand your son ♪

♪ Think I'm crazy
To live my life on the run ♪

♪ I'll write this line
Of your pretty face ♪

♪ Say I'm doing just fine
My California grace ♪

[song concludes]

-[Lo] I've never been to Paris.
-[Lauren] Me either.

-It sucks.
-I know.

Who has a Jacuzzi?

Talan has a Jacuzzi.

-He does.
-[Lauren] He just got it put in.

He was all excited.

-At his dad's house, yeah?

Let's go.

I don't wanna go during the day
in a Jacuzzi.

-We'll go tonight.
-[Lauren] We'll call him later and we'll

see if he wants to hang out,
then we'll go in his Jacuzzi.

Call him right now, be like, "Hey, Talan…

let's hang."

-Should I?
-"And go in your Jacuzzi." [chuckles]

Do it, do it!

Do you wanna talk to him,

-or you want me to call him?
-[Lo] Talan!

Do I sound like Kristin?
Tal-an! Steph-en!


-Hi, Talan.
-[Talan] Hey, what's up, Lo?

[Lo] What are you doing?

-[chuckles] You just got a facial?
-[both laugh]

[Talan laughs over phone]

Talan, why did you do that? [chuckles]

Sorry, I'll stop harassing you.

I get facials, too.
It's not that big a deal.

-Do you wanna go in your Jacuzzi?
-[Talan] I think that sounds like a plan.

Okay, goodbye.

[ice cubes rattle]

[sings] ♪ Jacuzzi, Jacuzzi ♪

-Wanna go now?

[sings] ♪ Jacuzzi, Jacuzzi ♪

[upbeat rock music playing]

♪ I hide in the trench
'Cause I can't fly ♪

♪ Over, under, sideways, down ♪

♪ Come fly with me
'Cause I'm first class… ♪

[water bubbling]

So Talan, do you have girls
in your Jacuzzi frequently?



No, that's disgusting.



-All right, advise me.
-Advise you on what?

-[Talan] Senior year.
-You know what's really cool?

Senior year is when you, like,
you get a lot closer with all your friends

you didn't really necessarily
hang out with.

All the girls hang out…

[Lo] You just kinda realize
who are your real friends, you know?

Senior year, I just-- I don't know,
I didn't really take it too seriously

'cause, I don't know, I just don't think
it's that important

to, like, try to be super cool
and so popular

and be friends with everybody.
It's just not necessary.

The years before,
I'd be nice, like, so nice

to everybody, it was almost, like, fake.

You know, I had my friends,
but then there was everybody else

and I just got over it in senior year.

[Lauren] So she basically
got mean senior year.

I didn't get mean, you whore bag.

Whoa! [chuckles]

-Maybe a little mean.
-Just listen to what you just said.

[Lo] I know.

[Lo] Um…

Thank you, guys, for all the advice.

[both chuckle]

-[Lauren] Shut up.
-Yeah, you really don't need help, Talan.

Yeah, I do.

I kinda wanna get out,
I'm getting kinda dizzy.

-Yeah, my hands are gross.
-[Lo] I'm a prune.

-My towel's over there, right there.

[Lo] What time is Trey's tonight?

[Lauren] About 6:00.

-[traffic rumbling]
-[gentle music playing]

-[Trey] I love it.
-[indistinct chatter]

Are you excited to go to New York?


You're gonna have so much fun
in New York, though, Trey.

[indistinct chatter]

-He belongs there, dude.

[Trey] Definitely, the weather's
gonna be different.

[Lauren] Mm-hm.

But-- And the hardest part is gonna be,
like, not having like any home base.

Like, family is all the way across
the country.

-Yeah, no beach.

And, like, everything
that I'm really familiar with just kinda…

[indistinct chatter]

[Stephen] What is that pose?

Do one of the poses you
did in the fashion show.

[Trey] I'm not a professional.

Do one of the poses you did
in the fashion show.

-[Stephen] Do the one that Dieter--
-[Trey] Dieter!

You know where
that original pose came from, though?

That Dieter did?

I was walking away
from high school, everyone was kinda…

-[voices fade]
-[sentimental music playing]

[speaks inaudibly]

-[both chuckle]
-[indistinct chatter]

-Have a good time in New York.
-[Trey] Thank you.

-[Morgan] Bye.
-[Trey] Bye.

-[Lauren] I'll see you around.
-[Trey] Come visit.

[sentimental music continues]

I'll see you soon.

Dude, who'd ever thought
back in the day, like,

we'd be having these like, parties,
that we do now, dude?

Like we used to be posted out,
like out there.

On the grass, on the roof.

[Stephen] On the roof in our tents,
like, just, like,

dreaming about high school,
and now it's, like, over.

We're walking on and,
like, game over, dude.

What are we gonna do?

-It trips me out, dude.
-[Trey] This is a trip, dude.

But you're taking off
to San Francisco,

me, New York.

Three thousand miles away, dude.

I swear, like, my best memories
of senior year are, like, parties here.

Such a [bleep] mellow house.

Like, just talking to your parents
and like, thanking them for dinner.

I was just like, "Dude,
I love this family, man."

Send me pictures of your hotties
up in San Francisco.

Yeah, right, dude.

[chuckles] Yes.

It's gonna be… I don't know.

Good times, dude.

-I'll be in touch, dude.
-[Trey] Okay.

For sure.

[music fades]

[waves crashing]

[soft music playing]

[Stan] You about ready?

Yeah, let's go.

Yeah, why don't we grab
your bags and we'll head on out.

All right.

[Stan] Now, he's just saying
goodbye to Austin.

They grew up together after all.

Take care, okay?

Okay, bud.

Goodbye, Aus.

[music fades]

[birds chirping]

I remember when me
and Trey were little,

I remember we spent a whole night of

trying to figure out
where we'd get a tattoo.

We, like, sat in his bathroom
with our shirts off,

like, looking back
and forth in the mirror.

"Aw, no,
it'd be so much cooler right here."

He changed so much
from when we were little.

-Dude. Oh, totally.
-What do you--

[Stephen] He's an individual guy.
That's what I like about him.

In our town, dude,
obviously if, like, you make clothes,

people are gonna harass you,
it's just you don't know 'em.

Not even if you make clothes,
but if you just

make yourself stand out
'cause you're not like everyone else…

-…people are gonna have their opinion.

-[Dieter] Hmm.
-That's exactly what happened.

But Trey, like , doesn't care, you know?

It bums me out,
he was the first one to go, too.

-That sucks.

It was so weird
saying goodbye to Trey.

It, like, didn't seem like he was leaving.

I just kinda said goodbye to him
like I'd say goodbye any other night.

[Christina] It's gonna be weird
coming back for, like,

Thanksgiving and like Christmas and stuff
and seeing how everyone's changed.

It's just crazy.

Like after four years of high school,
here we are.

Like all going off to different places,
and like…

[Lauren] More than four years.

I mean, I know you came
in freshman year, but me and Lo

have been on soccer teams together since…

[Lo] I know, since we were little kids--

Like, where do you think…
Not like where you think

you'll be in ten years, but like,

where we think each other
will be in ten years, you know?

[Christina] You'll be married
and living probably back here.

-[Morgan] Oh, how boring.
-With your cute little family.

I think I'll be in New York or something.

Lauren, in ten years,
is gonna, like, be driving

her big silver Mercedes
and, like, be living at her beach house

-with her billionaire husband.
-[Morgan] With her really hot husband.

-[Lo] Or her super cute--

I like you guys! [chuckles]

Okay and Lo, you'll see Lo
at the reunion waltzing in

with her like, bling, fur.

[Christina] Except she's
some high executive businesswoman.

-[Lauren] Yes.

[Lo] Oh, my life sucks. 'Cause that sucks.

That's so not me either.

[Morgan] Where will Christina be
in ten years?

Where will I be, guys?
I'll be going to the Oscars,

saying thanks for all my friends--

With, like, the huge gown and the big…

We're just now starting
our lives, pretty much.

[Christina] You guys,
I think we should do a little toast.

-[Lo] A toast to what?
-[Morgan] To the beginning of our lives.

-[Christina] That's cheesy.
-No, to the end--

No, to the end of one chapter
of our lives

and the beginning of another.

[Lo] Oh, you guys are so cheese ball,
but I'll do it anyways.

["Let's Make This Moment a Crime" playing]

♪ We just gotta take our time ♪

♪ It's like nothing really matters ♪

♪ So let's make this moment a crime ♪

♪ I know, I know you're left behind… ♪

-I'm gonna miss you next year.

I'm gonna miss you next year.

When I come down,
I wanna hang out with you.

I know.

Even if you have a boyfriend.

-He's barred.

I'm not gonna get a boyfriend.

I wanna take a picture of your eyes,
this close, before I go.

-Take it with me.

When, like… when I'm all bummed out,
I'd tape it to my forehead

so it looks like you're right here.

I'll have a little picture
of this right here. Right here.


Oh, my God. [chuckles]

-♪ Tell me it's not too late… ♪

♪ On and on and on you wait
And oh, the days… ♪

[theme music playing]

[theme music concludes]

-[baby giggling]
-[woman] Go, Go, Luckey!