Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County (2004–2006): Season 1, Episode 7 - The Last Dance - full transcript

It's prom time, and while everyone is caught up with who's going with whom.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
-[Morgan] How are you?
-[Kristin] We're talking about prom.

-[Morgan] Oh, gosh.
-Who do you wanna go to prom with?

[Morgan] I don't know.

I've always wanted like a boy
to ask me like some cute way--

Stephen asked me really cute last year.

He came to my window
at like 12:00 at night--

[Morgan S]
I say Stephen's still gonna ask her.

[Kristin] But, you know,
we say this every year

we're like, "Oh, no,
we're not gonna get asked,"

and all of us end up
getting asked, so…

But you know how some people,
senior year, they're like,

"What the heck, I don't care.
I'll just go even if I don't have a date."

-[Kristin] Yeah.
-I'm not like that. [chuckles]

-[Kristin] I wouldn't go either.
-Oh, no.

Whatever, it's gonna be me and like,

you know, Ben and Jerry at home.
That's it. [chuckles]


[Morgan] Just kidding.

["Come Clean" playing]

♪ 'Cause perfect ♪

♪ Didn't feel so perfect ♪

♪ Trying to fit a square
Into a circle was no life ♪

♪ I defy ♪

♪ Let the rain fall down
And wake my dreams ♪

♪ Let it wash away my sanity ♪

♪ 'Cause I wanna feel the thunder
I wanna scream ♪

♪ Let the rain fall down
I'm coming clean ♪

♪ I'm coming clean ♪

["Come Clean" concludes]

[indistinct chatter]

[Lauren] If you could have anyone
to go to prom with,

doesn't have to go to our school,
just anyone, who would it be?

[Lo] I wanna take Chad Michael Murray.

-[Lauren gasping] No, he's mine.
-[Lo] 'Cause he's a hottie, too.

[Lauren] Uh-huh, ooh, ooh,
how cute is this?

[woman] Hi, ladies.
How are you doing today?

-Looking for anything special today?
-We're prom dress shopping.

What about this? Is this too…

-That's-- No.
-Ugly? [chuckles]

-[Lo] Are you trying on that blue one?

[Lo] I'm trying it on, too.

What boys are there that you'd go with
that haven't asked anyone?

-[Lo] I don't know.
-[Lauren] You don't know?

[Lo] No.

Well, what are your options?
You have to figure that out.

[Lo] Um, I don't know.

Would you prefer going by yourself?

[Lo] Oh, no, I mean,
I'd rather go with somebody,

but if I'm not gonna get asked,
I don't really care.

-Well, they pay for you. [chuckles]
-[Lo] Huh?

They pay for you if you go with them.

-Do you like this?
-Don't you have that?

-I don't have the yellow.
-What color do you have it in?

Like… light blue, dark blue,
black, green, orange…

-I like the yellow.
-[woman] You guys doin' okay?

♪ That funky kinda feeling inside ♪

[Kristin] I wonder
who I'm gonna go to prom with.

[Alex] Sam or Stephen?

[Kristin] Either one
would be a lot of fun.

[Alex] I think if Sam asked you,
I think you would kind of be bummed

you weren't with Stephen because then
you'd have to see Stephen

-with another date and stuff.
-[Kristin] That's what I was thinking too.

And then this is Stephen's last prom too,
so you guys want, like, to be together.

If I go with Stephen, it will be
our fourth dance together. [chuckles]

-[Alex] Really?
-Four out of five. [chuckles] Yeah.

I don't know,
I'm just gonna kinda deal

with whoever asks me first.

♪ I wanna see them with my feet on
With my feet on the ground ♪

[Morgan] Here, you have to listen to this.

[Kristin] No, no, no, listen, okay.

I'm walking home from school today
up to my front door.

On my doorstep is two
roses and a note that says

"Kristin," okay?
I open up the letter. Just read it.

"Dear Kristen, did--"
Whoever did that spelled your name wrong.

I know, and that's why I know

they don't know me very well.
Keep going.

"I see you every day,
and I hope you see me."

"Every time I see you, that funny feeling
comes to my stomach"--

Kind of creepy.
And they know where I live.

"I've been meaning to ask you something,
but I don't know what to say."

"I think over the next couple of days,
I'm going to try to have you notice me

and see how you react."

-That's just creepy to me, okay?
-[Alex] Oh, that's weird.

They know where I live,
and they put it on my doorstep.

I think it's someone you know
but you've never talked to.

Well, maybe it's Stephen and he like--

No, I called Stephen
and he was like, "What the [bleep]?"

[Gary] Who just broke up
with their girlfriend at our school?

-[Alex] Sam.
-None of them.

Sam-- Sam wouldn't do it. [chuckles]

-Kristin, the rebound chick.
-[Kristin] No. Hey, Talan?

You talk [bleep] about all girls,
then you hook up with them.

[all laugh]

-[Talan] I hate you.

-[Alex] I… I… I don't know, but--
-It's weird, I just wanna know who it was.

-It's weird.
-That's creepy.

It could be anyone.
I can't wait to find out who it is.

-I'm gonna be like, mmm.
-[Alex] Me too.

["High-Five Suicide" playing]

♪ 'Cause you better believe
What I'm sayin' ♪

♪ We got a cellular, baby
We got a problem ♪

[Stephen] I told her,
"No, I'm not the stalker."

And she's like,
"You didn't leave me these, right?"

And I'm like, "Yeah, I didn't."
I just kept saying like, "What?"

Like, "What the hell
are you talking about?"

When she came into my work
today she's like,

"I got the letter
in the car, you wanna see it?"

I'm like, you better not say yes
to this guy.

Or something. Have you asked Jessica yet?

I got a huge sign, it's pretty sick,
it's like…

-It's just huge. I got it way too big.
-[Stephen] What's it say?

It was like, "Jess, prom?" I'm like--

Where exactly are you doing it?
And what time?

By the baseball field,
like, where it's, like, all open.

♪ So maybe I've got a lot to learn ♪

[Dieter] Trey, wake up, dude.
I'm scraping, I need help.

Please, wake up.
Do you know where the district offices are

right across the street
from the high school?

And, like, her and her friend
are gonna be walking

and then they're gonna cross the street

and see you, like,
right at the district…

-Okay, yeah, not a problem.
-[Dieter] All right.

-Thank you very much.
-[man] You're welcome.

[Dieter] I'm so hurting.
Thanks for cruising so much.

[Trey laughing]

["Better With You" playing]

♪ So maybe there's not a lot to say ♪

♪ But maybe I'm wrong… ♪

[Dieter] Should we dump some right here?

-Thanks for coming, dude.
-No worries, man.


♪ If I get it together
And do something clever… ♪

How did you-- Oh, thank you.

♪ So tell me where did I go wrong… ♪

[Jessica] Of course.

♪ Before you came along… ♪

[Morgan] "Of all the fish in the sea,
prom with me?"

Oh, my God!
How funny is this!

-I know, isn't it cute?
-How cute!

-Oh, my gosh!
-Oh, my gosh!

Gary, it's Morgan.
Of course, I'll go to prom with you!

It's so cute, I'm so stoked.

This is more impressive than
when I asked you to marry me.


[Trey] Jump over the fire.

-[gasping] Oh…
-[Trey] Will you go to prom with me?

Of course, I will. [smooches]

That's so cute!

♪ And how I'm better with you ♪

[birds chirping]

[Kristin] Thank you, Al. Call me, okay?

-[Alex] Okay.
-[Kristin] Bye.


Oh, my God.

["Boys Can Be Dumb" playing]

[Kristin] Hello?


Alex, do you know what's going on?

♪ I couldn't sleep at all last night
Too many questions in my head… ♪

[Kristin] Oh, my God!
I'll call you back. [chuckles]

Thank you. [chuckles] God…

-Is it a yes?
-You really, really fooled me…

-Yes, is that a yes?
-With that whole-- Yeah.

-That is so funny. Stephen!
-[Stephen chuckling]

-[indistinct chatter, laughter]
-[upbeat music playing]

[woman] Hi, welcome to Muse.

Wait, I want a clear one like this.

-[Morgan] Oh, look at the key chains!
-How cute are they!

-Where are the Marc Jacobs?
-I know, how cute.

-This is 300 dollars.
-I know.

[Lo] Like, everyone already has,
like, reserved dates and I don't.

See, I reserved a date, freshman year.

No, I'm going with David 'cause I promised
David a really long time ago.

[Lauren] Whenever, we're both
in the same place, Kristin and I.

He's usually trying not to hurt
one person's feelings and it's usually me.

But you and Kristin get along
pretty well, don't you?

I guess, I mean,
we're not mean to each other.

I can't stand fake people
who are just like,

-"Oh," you know, "Hi."
-[Christina] Yeah.

And it's like fake nice
and I can't stand that.

So, I think if we weren't
even in the situation,

even when we weren't in this situation,
I still didn't really care for her.

But at the same time,
she's… she's his date

-so I can't, like--
-I know, I know, it's weird.

-She's, like, claimed him for the night.
-[Christina] It's an awkward situation.

Oh, he already promised me
a picture, though.

-Why do you hate Lauren so much?
-I just think she's kind of a little brat.

I've never liked her,

but when her and Stephen
were hooking up in the beginning

of this year,
made me not like her even more,

and then the fact
that she's completely fake.

She can't carry on a conversation.

The only time you ever hear her talking
is like flirting with guys.

-Who's her date?
-David. [chuckles]

[both laugh]

-She's a little princess. Princess Lauren.

-[Christina] Formal last year.
-[Lo] Formal?

-No, no, no. Formal this year was insane.
-Yeah, formal this year was like too much.

And then you and Kristin had some fun.

That was not fun.

I was, like, holding Kristin back,
I was like, Kristin…

-[Lauren] She pushed me!
-I was like, yeah, fight.

I get a little afraid of Kristin
when she's…

-She fights dirty!
-I like it. I think it's funny.

I love Kristin.

I know, Kristin's, like,
my favorite junior. [chuckles]

[Morgan] Are you bummed
that you're not going

with Stephen, Lauren?

No, I'm glad I'm going with David.

[Morgan] I don't understand
why they would go

to like a seventh dance together.

[Lo] Kristin and Stephen?

It's because they're so much alike.

They click and they clash
because they're two of a kind.

They're not that much alike.

-Yeah, they are.
-[Lo] Yeah, they are.

-[Lo] Yeah.

I'm not down for the whole
"hookup on prom night" thing.

I think it's dumb.

I'm not getting any on prom night.

[Morgan] What about Christina and Beau?

-[Lo] Yeah, Christina.
-Yeah. [chuckles]

[Lo] Beau's a hottie.

[birds chirping]

-[Stephen] How you doin'?
-[Stan] Good, how are you doin'?

-Good, good.

Your parents coming down?

[Stephen] Uh, my mom is,
my dad's in D.C.

Oh, he is?

-[crockery clattering]
-[indistinct chatter]

[Stephen] I'm gonna leave a room key
for you at the front desk.

I know, but I don't want everyone knowing
that we're in a hotel.

-[Stephen] Why?
-[Kristin] Stephen…

because I have parents.

[Stephen] We'll stop…
we'll stop at the place.

Whatever. Bye.

-You know what's funny, though?
-[Kristin] Hmm?

Is that this is, like, the last dance
you'll, like, ever dance with him--

With Stephen, I know.

["Time to Go" playing]

Oh, L.C., Lindy's here!

Do you think
I should wear my hair up or down?

-So, you're gonna come to Trey's house.
-[Dick] Yeah, where does he live?

♪ You always walk away
From everything… ♪

You haven't been talking to L.C. at all?

I've been talking to her.
We've hung out the last few nights.

-Oh, yeah?
-We're on good terms.

So, what do you think
the boys are planning on for tonight?

Oh, they're planning on
going to this dance

for like a half an hour
and then going straight

to the afterparty and getting some.

And we're all planning
on showing off our dresses.

It's so funny, every single one of us
is gonna get laid tonight.


I don't wanna like have a plan.
Whatever happens, happens.

I'm right there with you, dude.

[Morgan] 'Cause senior prom's a big night
for a lot of people.

I'm just excited because
that there's not a lot of pressure.

You know, like, me going with Gary,
it's not stressful, it's fun--

No, me and Beau, though,
there's a lot of pressure on that.

[Kristin] Do I look okay?

-Yeah, you look great.
-[Kristin] Thanks. [chuckles]

[Dennis] Heavy makeup, light on the dress.

Oh, right, that's not nearly as bad
as the winter formal.

Yeah, that was pretty bad. [chuckles]

This is my flower side.

-Oh, okay.
-Okay, when we take pictures tonight…

-Okay. Okay.
-…I get this side.

So, who are you girls going with tonight?

-And I'm going with Michael.

-[Dick] Looks good.

[Lauren] We have to go in,
like, five minutes.

I think I'm gonna bring a big bag
with, like, a change of clothes.

Do you wanna put
a change of clothes in there?

[Lo] Maybe just some jeans.

For afterwards, yeah,
and I'll stick this in there,

-and I'll just keep it in the limo.
-[Lo] Yeah.

♪ The girl is all right… ♪

Prom! [laughs]

[Lauren] Okay, are we going
to pick up Christina and Morgan?

[Lo] I guess so.

["The Girl Is All Right" playing]

♪ To the edge
Yeah ♪

♪ The girl is all right
She's wasting time… ♪

Baby girls, where are you?

Oh, great, Kristin's here.

I'm gonna go get those girls, ugh!

Ooh, careful. Going with you.

[Lo] We're gonna get those girls
'cause they so slow.

-Wait for me.
-[indistinct chatter]

[Lo] Oh, my gosh, it's the same pattern!

-I know.
-Different color.

We gotta take a picture together.

I know. Is Christina ready?
We're so late.

-[Lo] Where are you? We're late!
-Okay, I forgot my stuff, too.

Dude, Morgan has, like, my dress.

-Same pattern.
-[girl] She has your dress.

-That is so funny.
-It's the same pattern.

She's a whore.

[indistinct chatter]

♪ Today a new day… ♪

[Lo] Hi, Michael! Hello.

-[Michael] How are you?
-I'm doing very well.

-Is your mom here?
-[Michael] Uh, she's coming.


I wanna get my picture taken with Stephen.

[Stephen] Wh-- Whoa.

-[Kristin] Where did Stephen go?
-[Stephen chuckling]

-[Stephen's mom] Come on, you!
-[Stephen] Mom, Mom.

Nice work on the flash, dude.

Let's do a group shot
on the grass and then let's go.

-[cameraman] Whoa.
-[squeals, chuckles]

[indistinct chatter]

[Lo] Can we, please?

[Lauren] Stephen, where are you?
You want Kristin?

Grab Kristin, where'd she go?

-Come here. I want Talan.
-I want Talan.

[Lauren] You guys, let's go!

♪ We'll be the first at the show ♪

♪ We are the life of the party ♪

[Kristin] Okay, guys,
it's our last prom, we gotta go big!


[all cheer]

[upbeat music playing]

[indistinct chatter]

♪ Ready, set, go ♪

♪ We're gonna rock this world
It's a party planet ♪

-[camera shutter clicks]
-[crowd cheering]

♪ Gonna make it shine bright
From all the flashes ♪

♪ Gonna rock this world
It's a party planet ♪

♪ And they're gonna hear it
All across the universe ♪

♪ Across the universe ♪

[crowd cheers]

♪ All across the universe ♪

-[camera shutter clicks]
-[engine whirring]

[indistinct chatter]

You all right?

-How tired are you, Mike?
-I'm really tired.


Hey, hey! Psst!

[Kristin] Wait up, Houdini,
where are you going?

-[Michael] Nowhere. [retching]
-Oh, God! Oh!


-Did you see it?
-[Michael] Shut up, shut up, Kristin.

[Kristin] Oh, my God.

-Can we leave, please?
-[Morgan] Yeah. What are we waiting for?

-[Lo] Let's go home!
-[Lauren] Whenever. Whenever there's…

[Stephen] Wh--

-[Morgan] It's kind of fun…

-…last prom ever.
-[Morgan] That's what I'm saying!

Are you sure you can live up to--

-[Kristin] This isn't working.

-[speaking indistinctly]
-[object clattering]

[chuckles] I want your pirate hat.

[Lauren] This is our senior prom,
you guys, it's over.

Stephen, last prom ever.

-Last prom ever.

[Stephen] Here's our hotel.

-[Morgan] Bye, guys, have fun!
-[Stephen] Good night, girls.

[indistinct chatter]

-[Stephen] Oh!
-[Lauren] My foot, oh, my God, oh, my God.

Oh, my God, Stephen. Up, up, up.

[Stephen] Girls…

-Good last prom.
-Bye, guys.

See you on Monday for finals.

[Stephen] Shut up,
whoever said that!

-[Lauren] See you later.
-[Morgan] Bye!

-[car door closing]
-Whoa, scene. [chuckles]

[Morgan] Can we play this CD?

[Lo] I, like, totally had fun, but…

-This was our last prom ever.
-I know, that really makes me sad.

Well, the thing is I'm, like, so excited
to go to school

but at the same time,
it's like, I don't know.

-There's like, a little part in me…
-It's sad.

…just like, you guys, we're probably,
like, not gonna see each other.

And not have these relationships.

-Or not be in this bond…

…and this level
with each other ever again.

I know, it makes me sad.

["Goodbye to You" playing]

♪ Tears from behind my eyes
But I do not cry ♪

♪ Counting the days pass me by ♪

♪ I've been searchin'
Deep down in my soul ♪

♪ Words that I'm hearin'
Are starting to get old… ♪

Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.

♪ Closin' my eyes,
And you chase my thoughts away… ♪


♪ To a place where
I'm blinded by the light ♪

♪ But it's not right ♪

♪ Goodbye to you ♪

♪ Goodbye to everything that I knew ♪

♪ You were the one I loved ♪

♪ The one thing
That I tried to hold on to… ♪

-[Morgan] Bye, you guys!
-[Lauren] Bye, Morgan!

[Lauren] Yeah, had a really good night.

Yeah, he was, like, making out with me
for a little while and I was, like, Talan.

-You made out with Talan?

-Shut up!

♪ And it hurts to want everything… ♪

[Lauren] Me and Stephen
took a picture at the dance.

'Cause I wanna have a picture of me
and Stephen when I go to college.

Yeah, you and Stephen are going to school
in San Francisco together.

I love Stephen. My best friend ever.

♪ I want you,
But I'm not givin' in this time ♪

♪ Goodbye to you ♪

♪ Goodbye to everything that I knew ♪

[theme music playing]

[theme music concludes]

-[baby giggling]
-[woman] Go, Go, Luckey!