Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County (2004–2006): Season 1, Episode 4 - 18 Candles - full transcript
When Morgan throws Christina an 18th-birthday bash, she cuts LC and Lo from the guest list, so bumping into them the next day at the nail salon was sweet irony.
Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
-[birds chirping]
-[Donna] I'm so proud of you, honey.
Here, you're… you're 18,
and tonight you're gonna have
your own birthday party
without your parents there
for the first time.
I know you're gonna have
a great time, so, I have a big surprise.
[clicks tongue] Know how you're going
to New York for your spring break,
for four days next week?
-You're going to Manhattan.
Well, this is a probably
a really great birthday present.
-[Christina] Okay, what is it?
-The best.
Well, there's a casting director,
and she's actually the casting director
for on-Broadway shows.
You have an opportunity
-to have an audition…
-[soft music playing]
-[Donna] …at 10:15
in the morning, Wednesday.
-[Donna] You have an audition
for Wicked, Rent or Hairspray,
we're not sure which,
Wednesday morning at 10:15
while you're in--
-[Christina] What?
What do I do?
You just sing your heart out.
You just be yourself. Just be Christina.
-I know! [chuckles]
[soft music concludes]
["Come Clean" playing]
♪ 'Cause perfect ♪
♪ Didn't feel so perfect ♪
♪ Trying to fit a square
Into a circle was no life ♪
♪ I defy ♪
♪ Let the rain fall down
And wake my dreams ♪
♪ Let it wash away my sanity ♪
♪ 'Cause I wanna feel the thunder
I wanna scream ♪
♪ Let the rain fall down
I'm coming clean ♪
♪ I'm coming clean ♪
[theme music concludes]
♪ I wanna be someone like you ♪
♪ I wanna be the one… ♪
-Hey, birthday girl.
-[Christina] Hi!
Oh, look how cute my present is.
[Christina] Okay, so we're leaving
for New York on Monday.
[screams] I'm so excited.
I-- like, it's weird
that it's finally here.
-Okay, how is my audition?
-[Morgan] I know.
Seriously, Christina,
this could be, like, your big break.
I called my voice coach, I was like,
"Um, I need a lesson tomorrow."
-Yeah, get on that.
-Like, badly. [chuckles]
-[Morgan] So you're excited for tonight?
-[Christina] I'm really excited.
[Morgan] Yeah, it'll be so fun.
I don't know. I just think that
if you, like, invited Lauren and Lo,
I don't know, the group, I guess,
kinda would have been random.
Plus, we're not even
that really good friends
-with Lo and Lauren anymore, you know?
-We're growing apart.
Like, we never talk to them.
Besides, we weren't invited
to their birthday.
-Yeah. Yeah!
Is it just me
or have Christina and Morgan
been really retarded lately?
[Lauren] I don't know.
Morgan kept, like, telling me--
She's like,
"I like you better
when you're not around your friends."
-Yeah, I was like--
-[Lo] Like, she likes--
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Like, she likes you better
-when she's not around, like, me?
-[Lauren] Yeah.
-She's like, "I just-- she's--"
-[Lo] When you're not around me?
[Lauren] Yeah,
"I just don't like you around them."
-[Lo] Hello.
-[Lauren] Hello.
-She just talks.
-I don't know.
I don't know what it is,
but just lately they've been…
-[Lauren] Mean.
-…not that nice.
Like, not that friendly.
Kind of like stand-off-ish.
[Lauren] Guess what color
lip gloss I'm wearing.
Two Face.
Hmm. I can think
of a person just like that.
♪ That's when I often wonder why ♪
♪ You and I… ♪
[Christina] Oh, my gosh, it's my birthday!
I don't…
[girl] Hot guys at the table
to the left. What up!
-They're all hot, they know it.
-[indistinct chatter]
I don't know.
Wait, what's going on?
Oh, he's cute.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Which girl do you think
is their boyfriend?
Let's write him a note.
Do you have a pen?
[crockery clattering]
-Here, I'll do it.
-I can't believe I'm doing this.
-Wait, what?
-We're gonna write him a note.
-[chuckles] What?
-What should I say?
All right, help me, Gary.
You gotta help me.
-All right.
-All right--
"You are extremely sexy."
[Gary] "If you are single,
let me know and send this back
with the waitress."
[Christina] Who's gonna put the note
on there?
[Gary] The waitress.
Wait, how do you spell "mwah?"
[kisses, chuckles]
We're gonna get kicked out
of the birthday party.
[girls chuckling]
Oh, my God, I'm nervous!
[Gary] Hey, waitress, just give it to him.
But say it's from me, not her.
-Go. [chuckles]
[Christina] Don't look, don't look,
don't look!
[girls screaming]
[Christina] He already knows it's coming.
-[indistinct chatter]
-[girls chuckling]
[Christina] Can you read it out loud?
[chuckles] I'll totally protect you!
-[girls cheering]
Okay, you need to talk to me.
Keep talking to me.
-[girls screaming]
-[girl] He's hot.
-[indistinct chatter]
-I'm Tyson.
-[Kristin] I'm Kristin.
-[Tyson] Kristin, nice to meet you.
What are you guys up to tonight?
-It's my birthday!
-It's her 18th birthday.
Eighteenth birthday, huh?
We all think you're pretty hot.
-[girls laughing]
-Wow. How old are you?
-[Kristin] But no, I'm 21. [chuckles]
[upbeat music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
[upbeat music concludes]
I'm out of here. Oh! [chuckles]
I stubbed my toe, so…
-[indistinct chatter]
-Don't touch that area.
-[man speaking indistinctly over TV]
-[Polster] Guys, guys, come on.
Love. Love one another.
[phone ringing]
[all chuckle]
-Uh, we're just studying.
[Dieter] Why do you sound so bitter?
-[Stephen chuckles]
-Yeah, let me call you in just a second.
No, no, that's a huge
part about having a girlfriend,
you gotta be able
to hang out with your bros.
[Trey] Kristin's cool with it,
but I mean, like--
I think we-- Me and her
might be going back out again,
but it'll, like, be something
completely different.
[Trey] Hmm, didn't call that one.
[chuckles] I don't know.
We'll see what happens.
[Trey] That's good, you went
wild, dude, you went wild.
I wanna hang out with her
a lot this summer.
Dude, Kristin's a dope chick.
-Yeah, she's cool.
Yeah, I'll be good this time.
I'm learning a lot with that chick,
so I know what to do
and what not to do.
[Christina] Where are you guys from?
-Two, five seven…
-[girls chuckling]
-[indistinct chatter]
-That's great!
Wait, how is it on my birthday
you get the guy?
[girls screaming]
-[upbeat music playing]
-[girls scream, cheer]
[upbeat music concludes]
-So, uh, so what's the deal?
-[crockery clattering]
Making progress on the grades today?
Any notes?
-[Kathy] You know what happens
when you don't get a note?
You get the lecture.
[Jim] You know, Lauren, I understand
this is a throwaway year, okay?
But you can get C's.
C's are fine, okay?
Anything below a C is not fine.
The point is, I mean,
there's so little motivation
for me to do well in school.
I mean, I will get my C's in my class,
I will pass, I will graduate.
That's not a problem.
I promise you I will do that.
[Jim] Do what you gotta do.
'Cause you're in jail until you get it up.
-Are you serious?
-[Jim] Absolutely.
You can't have grades like that.
Get it up.
You can't have a grade below a C
or you're in jail, so get it up.
♪ If I go ♪
[indistinct chatter]
[girl] Christina, Happy Birthday.
-[Morgan] This was so fun.
-[Christina] Yeah.
Don't you think it was fun?
[Morgan] It was so much fun.
It was a good group, too.
I thought it was perfect.
This was so nice of you.
Well, you deserve it. Hello!
You'd do the same for me.
-I wouldn't. No, just kidding. [chuckles]
I was, like, thinking about it,
and I was like looking around
at everyone and I was just like,
"I'm so grateful
Christina's my best friend."
No, like, seriously, though.
It's, like, good to have
someone that, like,
back me up or support me
in my decisions or, like,
just with church and, like,
morals and, like,
just be the only,
like, virgin of all my friends,
-you know, like--
-We share that.
[Morgan] Exactly.
We connect on that level.
I'm just glad that it,
like, worked out this way, you know?
-I love you.
-[Christina] You're honestly, like--
I couldn't ask
for a better friend than you.
I really couldn't.
♪ Consolation ♪
♪ If you'd be my saving grace ♪
[insects chirping]
-[Lauren] Daddy?
-[Jim] Yes?
Lo thinks I shouldn't be grounded.
I think that Lauren
should not be grounded.
[Jim] I'm willing
to listen to your argument.
Well, Jim, I think
it's second semester senior year…
-[Jim] Yes.
-[indistinct chatter over TV]
-…LC is a wonderful person.
-[Jim] A great kid.
I don't think that her grades
reflect on her as a person.
I don't think that she's a bad kid.
I just don't-- I just-- [chuckles]
Jim, please just let her come out with me.
[Jim] Hey, Lo, can't you
and Lauren go talk to Mr. Olneys?
If you can do, like,
-some kind of a special project.
-[Lauren] He won't.
[Lo] He won't let us do
anything like that.
-Are you sure?
-[Jim] Have you asked him before?
-Ninety-eight percent positive.
-Well, then, you got a two percent chance.
-But daddy--
-Make it happen, Lo.
-You can do it.
-Slim to none.
You know what? You and Lauren
-can be very persuasive.
-I'll pull for LC.
No, this is you ruining my senior year.
No, it is not. You know what…
You can't tell me,
"This is your senior year."
"You're gonna cruise, you know."
"Don't worry about grades."
And then when my grades come,
be like, "You're not gonna cruise,
you're grounded."
Why are we ruining it
when you're the one
who brought in those grades?
[Lauren] Because you told me
I was gonna--
You can cruise,
but you cannot get D's and F's.
-That's not cruising, that's failing.
-[Lo] Yeah, she does have a point.
-I'm sorry, she does.
-[Jim chatting indistinctly]
I want you to be able
to come out with me. Duh.
[Lauren] Hey, Lo…
Sorry, I tried.
Your mom does have a point, though,
you shouldn't be failing.
I'm sorry. [chuckles]
-Just don't fail your classes.
-God, you suck.
[Lo] Stop failing, go out.
[insects chirping]
[soft music playing]
[birds chirping]
[soft music concludes]
-[Christina] Hi.
-[man] How are you?
-[Christina] Good. We have an appointment.
-[man] Sure.
[Christina] For Morgan and Christina.
[man] Yeah, let me get you started.
You wanna pick your polish?
-Yeah, I'm going pink.
-I'll just get French.
Oh, how about the hot pink?
Don't get French on your toes.
-It looks like your toes are your fingers.
-I have it right now, you jerk.
-Ew. Look how dry my legs are.
-[Christina] Ew.
I'm so stoked, you know what I mean?
I'm so glad we picked New York over Cabo.
Just to get away
from all those people, too. [chuckles]
Although my dad
so doesn't want it to be like that.
He was, like, giving me scenarios.
"You're walking down the street, Morgan,
and, like, a man grabs you guys
and pulls you into an alley
and, you know,
has a gun to your head and, like,
-takes your bags," or whatever--
-Puts a gun to your head?
Okay, maybe I added the gun.
Do you think Lo and LC
know about the party last night?
Probably. I mean, like,
everyone went. [chuckles]
[smacks lips] Oh, well.
-Hey, guys.
Good. How are you?
-[Lo] Guess I'll take a seat.
[dramatic music playing]
Wait, when do you
guys leave for Cabo?
-Tomorrow morning.
-I'm not going to Cabo.
-I know.
-You leave tomorrow?
How exciting.
-Where are you guys going?
-New York.
Whoo! Yeah!
-[Lo] I like your earrings, Christina.
-[Christina] Thanks!
-Were they a birthday gift?
-[Christina] Yeah, Gary gave them to me.
With a matching green shirt.
It's cute.
Of course, a matching green shirt.
I don't know what color I want.
[Morgan] Christina, did you tell
them about your Broadway?
-[Morgan] Tell 'em.
[Morgan] Hey, you guys, guess what
Christina gets to do?
-[Christina] Guess what I get
to do in New York?
What do you get
to do in New York?
I have an audition
with the casting director
who casts Wicked,
Rent and Hairspray.
-[gasps] Are you serious?
-[Morgan] An audition for Broadway.
-Oh, my goodness.
-What's that?
She got an audition for Broadway.
-No, no, what's Wicked?
-[Lo] They're plays.
They're, like, really good shows. They're,
like, the top shows that are on there.
-Are you kidding?
-[indistinct chatter]
-Wait, what about SMU?
-Did you get in?
Oh, good. Thank God.
Did you get into SC?
[mouths] You didn't?
-Oh, I'm sorry.
-I know. I'm crying.
Is there two chairs open?
-[Christina] No, I'm in this chair.
-Um, I'll go.
-Can I start? Okay.
-[staff member] Yeah.
I'll be out in, like, two seconds.
So, yeah.
-[water gurgling]
-[Lo humming]
You're still going
to that fashion school, right, Lauren?
It's an art school
but I'm majoring in fashion.
Art school, fashion school, whatever.
[Christina] Oh, I'm supposed
to be at work right now.
-Where does she work?
-[Christina] The flower shop.
-[Lauren] Christina, where do you work?
-This whole job thing
is gonna work for me.
-Bye, you guys.
-[Lauren] Have fun at work.
See you in a week.
-Oh. Have fun, seriously.
Oh, I love these shoes.
I'm so wearing them.
[Lo] Let me see 'em.
-Oh, I want some.
-You'll get 'em, you'll get 'em.
[Morgan] Have fun in Cabo.
-[Morgan] Bye.
-Bye, see you in a week.
-Have fun in New York.
[dramatic music concludes]
[upbeat music playing]
[Donna] Oh, I see our hotel.
-The big W.
Holy crap. Look at our view, Morgan.
Look at-- Times Square's right there.
[upbeat music concludes]
Don't you have to call your Broadway lady?
[Christina] Crap, yeah, I do.
[Broadway lady] So really perform it,
um, to the best of your abilities
in terms of acting
and capturing a character
that you're trying to portray.
-Yeah, okay.
-[Broadway lady] Try to get here
-a couple minutes early for your audition.
-[Broadway lady] Okay, have a good night.
-[Christina] You, too. Bye.
-[Morgan] Oh, gosh.
-That sounds pretty hardcore.
I know. I don't want to do this.
Yeah, you do.
You'll be happy once you get it.
-[Christina] Okay. Shall we go?
-Be happy, Christina, get excited.
-This is rad. like…
-[Christina] I'm happy. I just--
…not many kids have this opportunity.
I know. I'm excited about it. I'm happy.
-Shall we go?
[Morgan] What are you thinking right now?
[sighs] I don't know.
[traffic whizzing]
[indistinct chatter]
-[Lauren] We're not smart, Talan.
-[Talan] Hey, I'm smart. I'm gifted.
-I just don't use my talents.
-[Lauren] Oh, yeah? Me, too.
I got a note saying
I was in danger of failing.
-[indistinct chatter]
-[crockery clattering]
If you fail,
can you not go to art school?
-I can't graduate.
-No way.
No way. So you can't walk down
the aisle with all your friends?
-Under the arches.
-But I'm gonna graduate.
You will graduate. If you need my help,
-you know where to call me.
You know, necessarily,
I'm probably in the same predicament.
You excited to go to college?
-I'm so excited.
-I don't wanna go to college.
I wanna be a high schooler
for six years.
No way. I wanna go.
You-- Just believe me,
last year I was like,
"Oh, I don't wanna leave my friends."
-It's not leaving my friends.
-You will be--
I'm just, like, such, like, the, like…
I don't know,
I can't-- I just can't leave.
I just can't leave. I don't know.
And it seems like
there's a whole tossup
between you, me, Stephen and Kristin.
I don't know, they just--
I can't stand being around those two
'cause all they do is fight,
and I don't really like Stephen
when he's around her.
-I've seen her fight so many girls.
I don't know.
-She's fun.
-[Lauren] She's fun?
-[indistinct chatter]
-[crockery clattering]
I constantly hear him saying, like,
"I wanna get away from this,"
like, "I wanna get away from Kristin."
"I don't wanna be with Kristin."
I'm just like, "You know what? Like…"
-Love is a hard thing to break.
-"…You're gonna be--" Yeah.
[upbeat music playing]
You're nervous
about tomorrow morning.
It's crazy, girl.
-You're gonna be on Broadway.
-Uh, stop saying that. [chuckles]
Okay, but say, just hypothetically,
that you, um, that you get this, probably.
-I don't wanna talk about this.
-No, I know, but just what would you do?
-I don't wanna talk about it.
-[Morgan] Hypothetically.
I don't wanna talk about it. [chuckles]
-[indistinct chatter]
-[crockery clattering]
Would you move here?
-I don't wanna talk about it.
-Why not?
-'Cause I just don't wanna talk about it.
-I don't understand why not.
I just don't want
to talk about it, Morgan.
[upbeat music concludes]
♪ You are running from something ♪
Whoo! New York audition today.
Get that voice warmed up, baby.
[Christina] I have an audition at 10:15.
-[piano playing in background]
-So what are you auditioning for?
-[Kelani] For Rent.
-Oh, fun.
[Kelani] Oh, it's impossible
not to be nervous.
-[Christina] Yeah.
-You know when you're just like "Ah!"
[Bethany] Go get that stuff
from the front desk.
-Okay, great, thanks.
-Thank you.
-So, Christina?
-Are you ready?
Kelani, we'll be with you
in one minute, okay?
-Come on in.
-You can give your music to Eddie.
[piano playing]
♪ I give you my destiny ♪
♪ I'm giving you all of me ♪
♪ I want your symphony ♪
♪ Singing and all that I am ♪
♪ At the top of my lungs ♪
♪ I'm giving it back ♪
♪ And I lift my hands ♪
♪ And pray to be only yours ♪
♪ I pray to be only yours ♪
♪ I know now ♪
♪ You're my only home ♪
[piano music concludes]
-Nice job.
-[Christina] Thank you.
You sound great.
-You have a beautiful voice.
-Thank you.
-[Bethany] And you have a great presence.
-Thank you.
[Bethany] So, do you mind
if I give you a little advice
-for your next audition?
-Oh, no, I'd love that, yeah.
Okay, great. Luckily today,
I had plenty of time.
-[Christina] Mm-hmm.
-But without a doubt,
-any other audition that you'd go into…
…you would have been cut off about
two and a half minutes ago.
Because that's too long
of an audition song.
Aside from just having a beautiful voice
and looking great
and really seeming confident,
which you did, which is great,
what we're looking for
is someone
who really captures the character
and someone
who is really committed to acting it
and takes risks and raises the stakes.
-[Bethany] Okay?
-Do you know what I mean?
-[Christina] Yeah. Okay.
Great. So keep working on that.
-You sound great.
-[Christina] Thank you so much
-for your time.
-[Bethany] Thank you.
-[Bethany] Really nice to meet you.
-This was a great opportunity. Thank you.
Well thank you for everything.
-[Bethany] Kelani?
-Sorry we kept you waiting. [chuckles]
-No, it's fine.
-Good luck.
-Good luck.
[Morgan] How'd it go?
-I guess-- yeah, it was fun.
[Morgan] Let's go sightseeing now.
-[Christina] Yes, let's do.
-[Morgan chuckling]
[Christina] ♪ You're my only hope ♪
-[baby giggling]
-[woman] Go, Go, Luckey!
-[birds chirping]
-[Donna] I'm so proud of you, honey.
Here, you're… you're 18,
and tonight you're gonna have
your own birthday party
without your parents there
for the first time.
I know you're gonna have
a great time, so, I have a big surprise.
[clicks tongue] Know how you're going
to New York for your spring break,
for four days next week?
-You're going to Manhattan.
Well, this is a probably
a really great birthday present.
-[Christina] Okay, what is it?
-The best.
Well, there's a casting director,
and she's actually the casting director
for on-Broadway shows.
You have an opportunity
-to have an audition…
-[soft music playing]
-[Donna] …at 10:15
in the morning, Wednesday.
-[Donna] You have an audition
for Wicked, Rent or Hairspray,
we're not sure which,
Wednesday morning at 10:15
while you're in--
-[Christina] What?
What do I do?
You just sing your heart out.
You just be yourself. Just be Christina.
-I know! [chuckles]
[soft music concludes]
["Come Clean" playing]
♪ 'Cause perfect ♪
♪ Didn't feel so perfect ♪
♪ Trying to fit a square
Into a circle was no life ♪
♪ I defy ♪
♪ Let the rain fall down
And wake my dreams ♪
♪ Let it wash away my sanity ♪
♪ 'Cause I wanna feel the thunder
I wanna scream ♪
♪ Let the rain fall down
I'm coming clean ♪
♪ I'm coming clean ♪
[theme music concludes]
♪ I wanna be someone like you ♪
♪ I wanna be the one… ♪
-Hey, birthday girl.
-[Christina] Hi!
Oh, look how cute my present is.
[Christina] Okay, so we're leaving
for New York on Monday.
[screams] I'm so excited.
I-- like, it's weird
that it's finally here.
-Okay, how is my audition?
-[Morgan] I know.
Seriously, Christina,
this could be, like, your big break.
I called my voice coach, I was like,
"Um, I need a lesson tomorrow."
-Yeah, get on that.
-Like, badly. [chuckles]
-[Morgan] So you're excited for tonight?
-[Christina] I'm really excited.
[Morgan] Yeah, it'll be so fun.
I don't know. I just think that
if you, like, invited Lauren and Lo,
I don't know, the group, I guess,
kinda would have been random.
Plus, we're not even
that really good friends
-with Lo and Lauren anymore, you know?
-We're growing apart.
Like, we never talk to them.
Besides, we weren't invited
to their birthday.
-Yeah. Yeah!
Is it just me
or have Christina and Morgan
been really retarded lately?
[Lauren] I don't know.
Morgan kept, like, telling me--
She's like,
"I like you better
when you're not around your friends."
-Yeah, I was like--
-[Lo] Like, she likes--
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Like, she likes you better
-when she's not around, like, me?
-[Lauren] Yeah.
-She's like, "I just-- she's--"
-[Lo] When you're not around me?
[Lauren] Yeah,
"I just don't like you around them."
-[Lo] Hello.
-[Lauren] Hello.
-She just talks.
-I don't know.
I don't know what it is,
but just lately they've been…
-[Lauren] Mean.
-…not that nice.
Like, not that friendly.
Kind of like stand-off-ish.
[Lauren] Guess what color
lip gloss I'm wearing.
Two Face.
Hmm. I can think
of a person just like that.
♪ That's when I often wonder why ♪
♪ You and I… ♪
[Christina] Oh, my gosh, it's my birthday!
I don't…
[girl] Hot guys at the table
to the left. What up!
-They're all hot, they know it.
-[indistinct chatter]
I don't know.
Wait, what's going on?
Oh, he's cute.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Which girl do you think
is their boyfriend?
Let's write him a note.
Do you have a pen?
[crockery clattering]
-Here, I'll do it.
-I can't believe I'm doing this.
-Wait, what?
-We're gonna write him a note.
-[chuckles] What?
-What should I say?
All right, help me, Gary.
You gotta help me.
-All right.
-All right--
"You are extremely sexy."
[Gary] "If you are single,
let me know and send this back
with the waitress."
[Christina] Who's gonna put the note
on there?
[Gary] The waitress.
Wait, how do you spell "mwah?"
[kisses, chuckles]
We're gonna get kicked out
of the birthday party.
[girls chuckling]
Oh, my God, I'm nervous!
[Gary] Hey, waitress, just give it to him.
But say it's from me, not her.
-Go. [chuckles]
[Christina] Don't look, don't look,
don't look!
[girls screaming]
[Christina] He already knows it's coming.
-[indistinct chatter]
-[girls chuckling]
[Christina] Can you read it out loud?
[chuckles] I'll totally protect you!
-[girls cheering]
Okay, you need to talk to me.
Keep talking to me.
-[girls screaming]
-[girl] He's hot.
-[indistinct chatter]
-I'm Tyson.
-[Kristin] I'm Kristin.
-[Tyson] Kristin, nice to meet you.
What are you guys up to tonight?
-It's my birthday!
-It's her 18th birthday.
Eighteenth birthday, huh?
We all think you're pretty hot.
-[girls laughing]
-Wow. How old are you?
-[Kristin] But no, I'm 21. [chuckles]
[upbeat music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
[upbeat music concludes]
I'm out of here. Oh! [chuckles]
I stubbed my toe, so…
-[indistinct chatter]
-Don't touch that area.
-[man speaking indistinctly over TV]
-[Polster] Guys, guys, come on.
Love. Love one another.
[phone ringing]
[all chuckle]
-Uh, we're just studying.
[Dieter] Why do you sound so bitter?
-[Stephen chuckles]
-Yeah, let me call you in just a second.
No, no, that's a huge
part about having a girlfriend,
you gotta be able
to hang out with your bros.
[Trey] Kristin's cool with it,
but I mean, like--
I think we-- Me and her
might be going back out again,
but it'll, like, be something
completely different.
[Trey] Hmm, didn't call that one.
[chuckles] I don't know.
We'll see what happens.
[Trey] That's good, you went
wild, dude, you went wild.
I wanna hang out with her
a lot this summer.
Dude, Kristin's a dope chick.
-Yeah, she's cool.
Yeah, I'll be good this time.
I'm learning a lot with that chick,
so I know what to do
and what not to do.
[Christina] Where are you guys from?
-Two, five seven…
-[girls chuckling]
-[indistinct chatter]
-That's great!
Wait, how is it on my birthday
you get the guy?
[girls screaming]
-[upbeat music playing]
-[girls scream, cheer]
[upbeat music concludes]
-So, uh, so what's the deal?
-[crockery clattering]
Making progress on the grades today?
Any notes?
-[Kathy] You know what happens
when you don't get a note?
You get the lecture.
[Jim] You know, Lauren, I understand
this is a throwaway year, okay?
But you can get C's.
C's are fine, okay?
Anything below a C is not fine.
The point is, I mean,
there's so little motivation
for me to do well in school.
I mean, I will get my C's in my class,
I will pass, I will graduate.
That's not a problem.
I promise you I will do that.
[Jim] Do what you gotta do.
'Cause you're in jail until you get it up.
-Are you serious?
-[Jim] Absolutely.
You can't have grades like that.
Get it up.
You can't have a grade below a C
or you're in jail, so get it up.
♪ If I go ♪
[indistinct chatter]
[girl] Christina, Happy Birthday.
-[Morgan] This was so fun.
-[Christina] Yeah.
Don't you think it was fun?
[Morgan] It was so much fun.
It was a good group, too.
I thought it was perfect.
This was so nice of you.
Well, you deserve it. Hello!
You'd do the same for me.
-I wouldn't. No, just kidding. [chuckles]
I was, like, thinking about it,
and I was like looking around
at everyone and I was just like,
"I'm so grateful
Christina's my best friend."
No, like, seriously, though.
It's, like, good to have
someone that, like,
back me up or support me
in my decisions or, like,
just with church and, like,
morals and, like,
just be the only,
like, virgin of all my friends,
-you know, like--
-We share that.
[Morgan] Exactly.
We connect on that level.
I'm just glad that it,
like, worked out this way, you know?
-I love you.
-[Christina] You're honestly, like--
I couldn't ask
for a better friend than you.
I really couldn't.
♪ Consolation ♪
♪ If you'd be my saving grace ♪
[insects chirping]
-[Lauren] Daddy?
-[Jim] Yes?
Lo thinks I shouldn't be grounded.
I think that Lauren
should not be grounded.
[Jim] I'm willing
to listen to your argument.
Well, Jim, I think
it's second semester senior year…
-[Jim] Yes.
-[indistinct chatter over TV]
-…LC is a wonderful person.
-[Jim] A great kid.
I don't think that her grades
reflect on her as a person.
I don't think that she's a bad kid.
I just don't-- I just-- [chuckles]
Jim, please just let her come out with me.
[Jim] Hey, Lo, can't you
and Lauren go talk to Mr. Olneys?
If you can do, like,
-some kind of a special project.
-[Lauren] He won't.
[Lo] He won't let us do
anything like that.
-Are you sure?
-[Jim] Have you asked him before?
-Ninety-eight percent positive.
-Well, then, you got a two percent chance.
-But daddy--
-Make it happen, Lo.
-You can do it.
-Slim to none.
You know what? You and Lauren
-can be very persuasive.
-I'll pull for LC.
No, this is you ruining my senior year.
No, it is not. You know what…
You can't tell me,
"This is your senior year."
"You're gonna cruise, you know."
"Don't worry about grades."
And then when my grades come,
be like, "You're not gonna cruise,
you're grounded."
Why are we ruining it
when you're the one
who brought in those grades?
[Lauren] Because you told me
I was gonna--
You can cruise,
but you cannot get D's and F's.
-That's not cruising, that's failing.
-[Lo] Yeah, she does have a point.
-I'm sorry, she does.
-[Jim chatting indistinctly]
I want you to be able
to come out with me. Duh.
[Lauren] Hey, Lo…
Sorry, I tried.
Your mom does have a point, though,
you shouldn't be failing.
I'm sorry. [chuckles]
-Just don't fail your classes.
-God, you suck.
[Lo] Stop failing, go out.
[insects chirping]
[soft music playing]
[birds chirping]
[soft music concludes]
-[Christina] Hi.
-[man] How are you?
-[Christina] Good. We have an appointment.
-[man] Sure.
[Christina] For Morgan and Christina.
[man] Yeah, let me get you started.
You wanna pick your polish?
-Yeah, I'm going pink.
-I'll just get French.
Oh, how about the hot pink?
Don't get French on your toes.
-It looks like your toes are your fingers.
-I have it right now, you jerk.
-Ew. Look how dry my legs are.
-[Christina] Ew.
I'm so stoked, you know what I mean?
I'm so glad we picked New York over Cabo.
Just to get away
from all those people, too. [chuckles]
Although my dad
so doesn't want it to be like that.
He was, like, giving me scenarios.
"You're walking down the street, Morgan,
and, like, a man grabs you guys
and pulls you into an alley
and, you know,
has a gun to your head and, like,
-takes your bags," or whatever--
-Puts a gun to your head?
Okay, maybe I added the gun.
Do you think Lo and LC
know about the party last night?
Probably. I mean, like,
everyone went. [chuckles]
[smacks lips] Oh, well.
-Hey, guys.
Good. How are you?
-[Lo] Guess I'll take a seat.
[dramatic music playing]
Wait, when do you
guys leave for Cabo?
-Tomorrow morning.
-I'm not going to Cabo.
-I know.
-You leave tomorrow?
How exciting.
-Where are you guys going?
-New York.
Whoo! Yeah!
-[Lo] I like your earrings, Christina.
-[Christina] Thanks!
-Were they a birthday gift?
-[Christina] Yeah, Gary gave them to me.
With a matching green shirt.
It's cute.
Of course, a matching green shirt.
I don't know what color I want.
[Morgan] Christina, did you tell
them about your Broadway?
-[Morgan] Tell 'em.
[Morgan] Hey, you guys, guess what
Christina gets to do?
-[Christina] Guess what I get
to do in New York?
What do you get
to do in New York?
I have an audition
with the casting director
who casts Wicked,
Rent and Hairspray.
-[gasps] Are you serious?
-[Morgan] An audition for Broadway.
-Oh, my goodness.
-What's that?
She got an audition for Broadway.
-No, no, what's Wicked?
-[Lo] They're plays.
They're, like, really good shows. They're,
like, the top shows that are on there.
-Are you kidding?
-[indistinct chatter]
-Wait, what about SMU?
-Did you get in?
Oh, good. Thank God.
Did you get into SC?
[mouths] You didn't?
-Oh, I'm sorry.
-I know. I'm crying.
Is there two chairs open?
-[Christina] No, I'm in this chair.
-Um, I'll go.
-Can I start? Okay.
-[staff member] Yeah.
I'll be out in, like, two seconds.
So, yeah.
-[water gurgling]
-[Lo humming]
You're still going
to that fashion school, right, Lauren?
It's an art school
but I'm majoring in fashion.
Art school, fashion school, whatever.
[Christina] Oh, I'm supposed
to be at work right now.
-Where does she work?
-[Christina] The flower shop.
-[Lauren] Christina, where do you work?
-This whole job thing
is gonna work for me.
-Bye, you guys.
-[Lauren] Have fun at work.
See you in a week.
-Oh. Have fun, seriously.
Oh, I love these shoes.
I'm so wearing them.
[Lo] Let me see 'em.
-Oh, I want some.
-You'll get 'em, you'll get 'em.
[Morgan] Have fun in Cabo.
-[Morgan] Bye.
-Bye, see you in a week.
-Have fun in New York.
[dramatic music concludes]
[upbeat music playing]
[Donna] Oh, I see our hotel.
-The big W.
Holy crap. Look at our view, Morgan.
Look at-- Times Square's right there.
[upbeat music concludes]
Don't you have to call your Broadway lady?
[Christina] Crap, yeah, I do.
[Broadway lady] So really perform it,
um, to the best of your abilities
in terms of acting
and capturing a character
that you're trying to portray.
-Yeah, okay.
-[Broadway lady] Try to get here
-a couple minutes early for your audition.
-[Broadway lady] Okay, have a good night.
-[Christina] You, too. Bye.
-[Morgan] Oh, gosh.
-That sounds pretty hardcore.
I know. I don't want to do this.
Yeah, you do.
You'll be happy once you get it.
-[Christina] Okay. Shall we go?
-Be happy, Christina, get excited.
-This is rad. like…
-[Christina] I'm happy. I just--
…not many kids have this opportunity.
I know. I'm excited about it. I'm happy.
-Shall we go?
[Morgan] What are you thinking right now?
[sighs] I don't know.
[traffic whizzing]
[indistinct chatter]
-[Lauren] We're not smart, Talan.
-[Talan] Hey, I'm smart. I'm gifted.
-I just don't use my talents.
-[Lauren] Oh, yeah? Me, too.
I got a note saying
I was in danger of failing.
-[indistinct chatter]
-[crockery clattering]
If you fail,
can you not go to art school?
-I can't graduate.
-No way.
No way. So you can't walk down
the aisle with all your friends?
-Under the arches.
-But I'm gonna graduate.
You will graduate. If you need my help,
-you know where to call me.
You know, necessarily,
I'm probably in the same predicament.
You excited to go to college?
-I'm so excited.
-I don't wanna go to college.
I wanna be a high schooler
for six years.
No way. I wanna go.
You-- Just believe me,
last year I was like,
"Oh, I don't wanna leave my friends."
-It's not leaving my friends.
-You will be--
I'm just, like, such, like, the, like…
I don't know,
I can't-- I just can't leave.
I just can't leave. I don't know.
And it seems like
there's a whole tossup
between you, me, Stephen and Kristin.
I don't know, they just--
I can't stand being around those two
'cause all they do is fight,
and I don't really like Stephen
when he's around her.
-I've seen her fight so many girls.
I don't know.
-She's fun.
-[Lauren] She's fun?
-[indistinct chatter]
-[crockery clattering]
I constantly hear him saying, like,
"I wanna get away from this,"
like, "I wanna get away from Kristin."
"I don't wanna be with Kristin."
I'm just like, "You know what? Like…"
-Love is a hard thing to break.
-"…You're gonna be--" Yeah.
[upbeat music playing]
You're nervous
about tomorrow morning.
It's crazy, girl.
-You're gonna be on Broadway.
-Uh, stop saying that. [chuckles]
Okay, but say, just hypothetically,
that you, um, that you get this, probably.
-I don't wanna talk about this.
-No, I know, but just what would you do?
-I don't wanna talk about it.
-[Morgan] Hypothetically.
I don't wanna talk about it. [chuckles]
-[indistinct chatter]
-[crockery clattering]
Would you move here?
-I don't wanna talk about it.
-Why not?
-'Cause I just don't wanna talk about it.
-I don't understand why not.
I just don't want
to talk about it, Morgan.
[upbeat music concludes]
♪ You are running from something ♪
Whoo! New York audition today.
Get that voice warmed up, baby.
[Christina] I have an audition at 10:15.
-[piano playing in background]
-So what are you auditioning for?
-[Kelani] For Rent.
-Oh, fun.
[Kelani] Oh, it's impossible
not to be nervous.
-[Christina] Yeah.
-You know when you're just like "Ah!"
[Bethany] Go get that stuff
from the front desk.
-Okay, great, thanks.
-Thank you.
-So, Christina?
-Are you ready?
Kelani, we'll be with you
in one minute, okay?
-Come on in.
-You can give your music to Eddie.
[piano playing]
♪ I give you my destiny ♪
♪ I'm giving you all of me ♪
♪ I want your symphony ♪
♪ Singing and all that I am ♪
♪ At the top of my lungs ♪
♪ I'm giving it back ♪
♪ And I lift my hands ♪
♪ And pray to be only yours ♪
♪ I pray to be only yours ♪
♪ I know now ♪
♪ You're my only home ♪
[piano music concludes]
-Nice job.
-[Christina] Thank you.
You sound great.
-You have a beautiful voice.
-Thank you.
-[Bethany] And you have a great presence.
-Thank you.
[Bethany] So, do you mind
if I give you a little advice
-for your next audition?
-Oh, no, I'd love that, yeah.
Okay, great. Luckily today,
I had plenty of time.
-[Christina] Mm-hmm.
-But without a doubt,
-any other audition that you'd go into…
…you would have been cut off about
two and a half minutes ago.
Because that's too long
of an audition song.
Aside from just having a beautiful voice
and looking great
and really seeming confident,
which you did, which is great,
what we're looking for
is someone
who really captures the character
and someone
who is really committed to acting it
and takes risks and raises the stakes.
-[Bethany] Okay?
-Do you know what I mean?
-[Christina] Yeah. Okay.
Great. So keep working on that.
-You sound great.
-[Christina] Thank you so much
-for your time.
-[Bethany] Thank you.
-[Bethany] Really nice to meet you.
-This was a great opportunity. Thank you.
Well thank you for everything.
-[Bethany] Kelani?
-Sorry we kept you waiting. [chuckles]
-No, it's fine.
-Good luck.
-Good luck.
[Morgan] How'd it go?
-I guess-- yeah, it was fun.
[Morgan] Let's go sightseeing now.
-[Christina] Yes, let's do.
-[Morgan chuckling]
[Christina] ♪ You're my only hope ♪
-[baby giggling]
-[woman] Go, Go, Luckey!