La Reina del Sur (2011–2019): Season 3, Episode 54 - Senador García - full transcript

Teresa awakens in a strange place, where she reluctantly agrees to an unlikely alliance. Later, she calls Faustino's phone, unaware Epifanio now has it.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

Hurry up, please.

You and your boyfriend saved our lives.
We could let you stay for two more days.

After that,
you'll have to go somewhere else.

Why the hell did you choose
a place like this to meet up?

Something weird's going on.

He couldn't just vanish.

How did you find out
they wanted to kill me?

When Kozar and Vargas made a deal,

they decided to get rid
of all their loose ends.

After finding the pictures,
General Arismendi asked me

to search Montaño's house.

That son of a bitch...

They're trying to frame me.

I never betrayed you.


What are you doing here?

We're going to die.

Don't give up.

Your father's out there.
You know where he is,

and we're going to get him.


Don't go.

We have to get out of here...

we have to get back to our people.

If I'm dreaming,
please don't wake me up...

because I would never forgive you.

No, you're not dreaming.

We're out, but we don't know how yet.

And it seems they got our things out too.

We aren't missing any money.

Have you seen anyone?
Have you tried getting out?


Thank you.

It's the first president
I'm going to meet in person.

Listen... don't be nervous.

It's just another regular human being.

Have you met many presidents?

It seems someone is spying
on you through your cellphone.

Do you have any idea of who could it be?

How long do you think he's been listening?

I have no idea.

Surely since that time he picked up
his things at the office.

Do you think this is related
to Garcia's disappearance?

It must be.

Does that mean Palermo overheard
the conversations about Kozar and...

Listen closely.

Not one word
about this to anyone, understood?

Have someone destroy
that cellphone right away.

The President is expecting you.

Come in, please.

Thank you.

Good evening, Mr. President.

Come on in, don't be shy.

Make yourselves at home.

Let me introduce myself.

I'm Agent Charlie Velazquez.

-How are you doing, son?
-This is my partner, Andres Arena.

How are you?

It's a good thing the Senator sent you.

I've heard good things about you.

Like how you made life miserable
for Teresa Mendoza and her people.

Thank you so much, Mr. President.
I was just doing my job.

I've also heard a lot
about this "Palermo" character.

A crafty bastard, isn't he?

He didn't just mess with Teresa,

he also turned Vanessa against me.

She was my assistant from the press.

You don't know how much I miss her.

Especially when it's cold,
she was hot as hell.

Where is that guy at?

Agent Ernie Palermo
had irreconcilable differences

with Senator Kozar.

-He no longer works for the DEA.

Well, Mr. President,
time is not on our side, so...

if you don't mind,
I would like to get to work right away.

I like that.

A go-getter.

I need all the information you have
about the people we need to find.

I'm afraid I can't give you that.

These people escaped
from my security chief.

My former security chief, I mean.

He had irreconcilable differences
with Mexico's president.

And look...

what we did find, was this.

It's brand-new.

It doesn't even have a passcode.

Check it out.

Thank you.

What is this place?

It's a retirement home,
one hour away from where we found you.

This is as discreet a place
as we could find in so little time.

Should we assume these people are monks?



Right. Mercenaries.

They found you
and got you out of that place.

Go ahead, please.

-This way?

I sent that photograph
you saw to Epifanio.

This is the original.

Higgins gave it to me.

So you met Higgins?


He tried to sell me
the evidence you found.

I guess he came to me once he found out
he wouldn't be able to blackmail Kozar.

And why did he come specifically to you?

It's not a secret that Kozar and I
don't see eye to eye

when it comes to politics.

Unfortunately, they killed Higgins
before we could sort any kind of deal.

He only had time to send me that picture,

he also said something about a mole...

the Black Rider.

-He didn't say anything about the rest.
-What I don't understand is,

what the hell does Epifanio
have to do with all of this?

I needed someone who wanted
to take Kozar out as much as I did.

I never anticipated Epifanio
would ally himself with her.

Epifanio and Kozar are allies?

She offered to extend the deal,

what you showed him
only increased his appetite.

There's not a limit
to that son of a bitch's ambitions.

He has no limits nor loyalties.

He betrayed me, just as he did you.

He told Kozar I was the mole.

She sent someone to kill me.

Tell me something, Senator...

how did you know we were alive?

I didn't know.

I'm sorry, I thought you were dead.

I came here in hopes
of finding some kind of evidence.

Something Epifanio missed.

He told you where the evidence was?

He gave me a partial location.
It wasn't hard finding you knowing that.

Some farmers heard the explosion.

Honestly... I was surprised to find you
in that cave.

I'm sorry about your friend.

I had him buried.

Thank you.

I guess you already saw everything
that was on that disc, right?

If there was something there,
we couldn't find it.

We couldn't find anything
in the computer either.

Then we have nothing, zero evidence.

There's still something we can do,

but it depends entirely on you.

On us?

I have a proposition.

You gotta be kidding, man.

This sucks.

I don't think we're doing nearly enough
to find Sheila.

No, what are you talking about, Batman?

We've been looking for her
for 12 straight hours.

We looked for her with the drones
until they ran out of batteries.

I'm telling you, I'm out of ideas.

I tell you, I get tired as well.

Yeah, I noticed.

Good evening, neighbor.

It's not my fault they're missing.

No, it's not your fault,

but it's not like you did a lot
to find them either.

What? What did you say?

None of your fucking plans worked.

You got us the cabin
where we were ambushed.

Can you believe this guy?

What? You're offended now?

I'm just being honest with what I think.

Take it easy, gentlemen.

Look, man, they found us
because of the transmitters,

not because of the safe place I found.

And I have to tell you, I'm getting tired
of your nagging.

You're telling me to shut up?
No one shuts me up.

-Oh, really?

-There's a first time for everything.

You either shut up, or I'm going to forget
you're a friend of mine.

-Feeling cocky?

-Bring it on, you annoying bastard.
-No! No!

Let's do this then!

What's your problem now? Stop it!

Do you think this is a madhouse?

-I've got news about the priest.
-What is it?

My secretary located him,
he's being detained in a cell.

The most overpopulated one,
so he must be having a bad time.

You're going to have to pay
if any of the neighbors leave

because of your ruckus.

You want us to expose Kozar and Epifanio?

Didn't you hear me say
we don't have any evidence?

I'm not certain of how to do it either.

What I do know, is that all of us
have enough reasons to do it.

What do you get out of this?

What are your true motives?

Kozar embodies the worst
my country has to offer.

We're not all like her.

Some of us want
to change things up for good.

But while she keeps her position,
it's practically impossible.

She and her allies have too much power.

Do you intend to do all this alone?


There are other like-minded individuals.

They don't have as many resources
as Kozar,

but they have enough to put up a fight.

And if we don't accept your proposal?

What are your "contractor's" orders?

Orders? None.

You're free to leave if you want.

You can even take
the money Epifanio gave you.

No one's here against their will,

or due to blackmail or false promises.

This is absurd.

Kozar and Vargas are invincible together.

No one...

is invincible.

What is this son of a bitch doing here?

What is this asshole doing here?

If you take a step closer, I'll shoot!

You son of a bitch!

You pig!

This asshole killed one of ours!

This motherfucker sent me to jail
for four years!

Can we talk like civilized people now?

Palermo saved my life.

Hence, he saved yours, it is that simple.

You want me to thank him as well?

That won't be necessary.

You don't have to thank me, so relax.

Also, I don't work for Kozar or the DEA
anymore, so take it easy.

No one switches sides just like that.

That's true, Russian.

I wouldn't have done it
if they hadn't forced my hand.

Kozar sent someone to kill me,

she did the same to Ernie.

And you believe him?

I don't care about convincing anyone.

And to be honest...

it was the Senator who wanted
to get you out of that cave.

I would've left you to rot there.

If this piece of shit doesn't leave,
there's no deal.

If we want to end Kozar and Vargas,

we need as much help as we can get.

Palermo has got valuable intel.

I want him in, the same way I want you in.

Please, don't make me choose.

I have information about your daughter.

-What did you say about my daughter?
-I have information about your daughter.

Vargas sent someone to kill them,
but they escaped.

-How do you know that?
-I know that, because I've been listening

to Kozar and Vargas' conversations
for a while.

And on the last conversation they had,

Vargas asked her for help to find
your daughter and the others.

I hope you like it.

It's made with love
and with much more water than I'm used to.

Don't worry.

It smells great.

And there's enough for everyone.

Are you alright?


When are you due?

Any time now.

I'm beyond the 38th week.


Do you have any children?

Well... I never thought
I would go through this again.

Before I met Rafa...
I had a child who died.

I'm sorry.

Before I moved in with him,
I said, "never again."

And look at me now.

Yeah, I can see it.

What changed?

We wanted to settle down.

We wanted to dream.

-Well... I'll take these to the table.

Most visitors that come here
are street artists like Vivian and I,

who live day to day.

-I thought you only managed the hostel.
-I wish.

But if we only did that,
we wouldn't have money to eat.

The owner lets us live here
in exchange for managing the place.

We pay for the rest of our expenses...

such as clothing, food,
and medicine for Vivian...

with our show.

What kind of show is it?

We juggle on the street.

It was a job for two,
until about a month ago,

when her belly got way too big.

That's why we have just enough to eat,
we haven't earned as much lately.

But it's definitely made with love.

Do you have use for a magician?

A magician?


Someone who can earn money
so we can stay a few nights here,

while Sofia recovers.

Sounds great,
but where would you find a magician?

I have one right here.

"Fedor! Straight from Russia!"



-Let's make peace.
-Of course.

Let me tell you something, man,

I'm suffering too
because of everything that's happening.

You understand?

Let's stop fighting, I know I got angry,
but that's over.

No, it was my fault.

Don't think otherwise.

I'm not helping, I'm just in the way.

You would be better without me.

Hell, no. What are you talking about?

Don't say that.

Now, with all due respect, I gotta say...

you ought to be more positive.

I messed things up with Sheila.

I gave her such a bad time,

and all because of my obsession
with having a kid.

She's all I've got.

Do you think she doesn't know that?

-She obviously does.
-She obviously doesn't.

Because I've never told her that.

All the contrary.

And now how are we going to find her?


-Good evening.
-Good evening, mate.

Watch out, we don't want you
to step on something nasty.

Remember we're at the time...


Hold on, what are you listening to?

"Complacency hour."

You can call the station
to ask for any song.

Don't forget to call us
to send a message to your loved ones.

Holy crap! The radio!

What about it?

That's how we're going to find them.
You'll see.

Bottoms up.

Finish your drink, we have to go.

I've got voice mail.


I'm calling to check on you.

To see if everything's okay,
and to ask if you met that guy.

Don't take too long to answer, okay?

I don't like suspense, and I want to know
what happened to the money.

But we're really calling
to see if you're okay.

Of course, that's a given.

This is my new number.

It's a safe line, so you can just save
the number on your phone.

Call us as soon as you can, okay?

When did they send that message?

It's from the day we met Epifanio
at the tunnel.

The day it exploded.

Has Senator Garcia reached out to you?

No, I haven't heard from him in a while.

What is really suspicious to me,
is that he escaped from you.

We're trying to figure out what happened.

I hope it doesn't take long.

Mr. President...

Senator Garcia doesn't have any evidence
against Senator Kozar.

And I'm fairly certain
he doesn't have anything on you, either.

Listen, son,
I'm going to tell you something.

Even if he doesn't have any evidence,

he knows of everything
that's been going on here.

He could get us in trouble.

He could make a lot of noise.

And don't try to fool me, asshole.

You screwed up, that's why he escaped.

Well... perhaps you did...

when you told him about the meeting.

That information was...

Hold on... who do you think
you're talking to, asshole?

I'm the president of Mexico.

Do you think I'm a moron?

That I don't know what I'm doing or what?

I apologize, Mr. President.

And what about you?

Show some respect and turn that thing off.

It's not my phone.

It's the one you gave us.


Someone's calling.


Faustino, we just listened
to your message.

We were attacked, and we know
you were attacked as well.

Please, call us as soon as you can.

We need to know how's everyone.

I guess you know by now
that Epifanio betrayed us.

It's a miracle we survived.

It'd be better if we spoke in person.

Remember to call us as soon as you can.

I'm sure everyone is alright.

You heard them, Vargas didn't catch them.

I hope you're right.

Please, call us as soon as you can.

We need to know how's everyone.

I guess you know by now
that Epifanio betrayed us.

It's a miracle we survived.

No way! How the fuck?

No! There's no way she's alive, goddammit!

I saw the cave collapsing on her head!

Mr. President,
they must have found a way out.

No, I'm telling you that's impossible!

My guys made sure of it,
there wasn't a way out!

Mr. President, this complicates things
by a huge margin.

I know that, moron.

Can you say something I don't know?

Can't you track that call?

No, she would have to call again
and talk to someone for a while


And the call would have to be longer.

Well, she needs to contact her people,
because she doesn't know where they are.

What a fucking mess.

She's going to find out soon
they don't have that cellphone

because no one is going to pick up.

And what if someone does answer?

What are you trying to say?

I don't know if I can pull it off
with the equipment I have here,

but we have to try.

No, we don't have any other option.

In this country, everyone listens
to the motherfucking radio.

Don't be foul-mouthed!

But he's right.

Hold on... walk me through it.

You're thinking of something
like a political campaign?

But on all the stations.

Besides, not only here in Bogotá,
but all around it.

And if we do something else
in addition to calling the radio stations?

How about posters?
The streets are full of them.

That's a good idea.

But you know what? Listen to me,

the broadcast is going to be heard
by everyone,

but we need just them
to understand the message,

so we need to speak in code.

And it has to sound
like a regular broadcast, get it?

That sounds difficult to do.

Sheila and I use keywords...

but they're kinda dirty,
we could be censored.

Forget that, this is serious.

We need something
that's crystal clear to them,

something recent, a phrase or a word.

I have an idea.

What is she always saying
about the gray hour?

What's that about the "gray hour"?

It's something Teresa's always saying,
"gray hour this, gray hour that."

We talked about that
last time we saw each other.

-I think that could be the key.
-That's it, and it has to sound

like a regular broadcast,
some kind of advertisement.

But they have to understand
the message came from us.

The problem is if they hear it
and if they understand it.

Again with that?

What did we talk about?
You have to be more positive.

That's what I'm saying!
They're going to listen to the broadcast!

That's better.

Oh, please...

That's right, friend. Good.

Okay, here we go...

Are you ready?

-Are you...?
-I need to focus.

It's time.

I feel ridiculous wearing this.

You do look ridiculous.

Come on.

-Don't mess it up.
-Who do you think you're talking to?

Ladies and gentlemen!

Don't move an inch from your seats!

I've got a great surprise for you!

Straight from the frozen Russian steppes!

Please give a round of applause...

for Fedorowsky, the Magician!



Thank you! Hello!

I present to you, Fedorowsky!

I want to ask you a question.

Who among you doesn't believe in magic?

Don't be shy,
who doesn't believe in magic?

Alright, take a look at this.

I have here an unopened
and brand-new deck of cards.

I'm opening it.

And this lovely lady
is going to shuffle it as she likes.

Thank you very much,
you can go back to your place.

I need one gentleman to step forward.

Someone who wants to become a millionaire.

-Over here.
-Who wants to participate?

You, my friend, can bet anything.

If Fedorowsky guesses your card correctly,
you lose your bet.

But if you win,

I'm going to give you double what you bet.

-That's it!

-Make it triple!

-Quadruple it!
-I'm going to quadruple it!

I'm betting 5,000.

Alright! I have
the deck of cards waiting here.

I'm going to hand it to our magician.
Notice I haven't let go of it until now.

And now, good sir,
come with me to the table.

You're going to count the cards out loud,

and you're going to stop whenever
you want,

be it the beginning,
middle, end, whenever.

Go ahead.






-This one.

Alright, he made his choice!

But Fedorowsky isn't going to fail us.





the ten of spades!

Oh? Fantastic!

-I told you!

I told you so!

Here you go, friends. I'm kidding!

Alright! Who's next?

Who wants to become a millionaire?

Let me explain.

We used this computer to encode
a voice message from Sanchez Godoy

that's how we're going to clone his voice.
Play the audio.

How are you doing, Queen?

I hope everything's A-okay over there.

Everything's great over here.

Where did you get that recording?

From the operation
at the Columbus Theater.

Teresa Mendoza dropped that phone.

Faustino Sanchez Godoy sent that message
seconds before they escaped.

And that's the voice we need.

We need only five seconds
to clone any voice.

Only five seconds and that machine
can reproduce Sanchez Godoy's voice?

Right. What we have to do is
come up with short sentences.

We have to type them in.

Things they would say to each other.

For example, what would you like
to know, Mr. President?

I would like to know where Teresa is.

Okay... huh... "Where are you now?"

-Play the audio.
-Let's see.

Where... are you... now?

That won't do, he sounds like a robot.

This is a first draft.

The software keeps analyzing
the audio automatically,

until it properly plays the voice
it's been analyzing.

Where are you now?

It sounds better, and although
the audio quality isn't optimal,

there's always interference
during long-distance calls.

Mendoza won't notice.

What we need to do now,

is to think of short
and appropriate sentences,

things they would say to each other.

You know her well, what would Teresa ask?

Write something for when she asks
for her daughter.

She's always looking for her,
I don't know why.

Alright, but she can't speak
to her daughter, so...

"She's not here right now."

"She's okay."

"She sends her regards."

We don't need Senator Garcia at all.

We can do whatever we want
with the money Vargas' left us.

It's not so easy.

Let's think... to me,
it's a new opportunity...

to get out of all of this cleanly,
which was my original intention.

And that's not the only reason.

It's not only about that.

Someone like Kozar can't go unpunished
after everything's she's done.

Teresa, please.

We have a lot on our plates
with just saving ourselves.

You want to go out
and save the world as well?

It's not about saving the world,

it's about getting rid
of Kozar and Epifanio.

Let's see...

you got into this
for you and your daughter, right?


I'm sorry,
but after everything we've seen...

I can't just stand idly by.

What I just can't get over
is the Palermo thing.

I don't like it either.

But Jay was very clear about it,
he wants him in.

Alright, let's suppose
we're going to play superheroes...

my dad comes first.

-I know that.
-Me too.

Your father is a priority to me, Landero.

But right now, it would be good for us
to be on Garcia's side.

I hope it's them.

Yes, it's them.

Let's see...

Hello? Faustino?

Yes, Teresa, it's me. How are you doing?

I'm so glad to hear your voice.

Why didn't you call us before?
We were worried sick.

haven't been going so well over here.

We got ambushed at the cabin.

They found us because of the transmitters,
but we managed to escape.

And how are you doing...?

Well... it's a miracle we survived.

That son of a bitch Epifanio
almost killed us.

I've got bad news.

He managed to kill Anton.

So, we're not doing so good.

Can you hear me, Faustino?



Hello? Faustino?

-What's going on?
-I'm here.

Sorry, I can't hear you well,
we're getting cut off.

There's some weird noise on the line.

Where are you now?

We're in Ecuador.

Are you guys alright?

Yes, we're fine.

Is Sofia around? I want to talk to her.
Put her on the phone.

She's not here right now.

But she's alright.

She sends her regards.

Okay. Where are you now?

We're at a safe place in Bogotá.

You can come if you want.

That won't happen at least for a few days.

We still have pending business here.

We're going to Nicaragua.

We're going to get Pablo's father.

We know where he is.

Hello? I can't hear you.

Alright, I'll contact you
when we leave Nicaragua.

Please tell Sofia I love her and...


-Is everything alright?
-We got cut off.

Nicaragua? For real?

Let's go, buddy.

-I have to call Senator Kozar.

Is everything alright?

I guess. They got ambushed,
but they're fine.

They also found a safe place to hide.

At least they have the advantage
of Faustino being on his home turf.

What did the senator say?

She said the ambassador in Managua

is not one of her men.

And the DEA is under his jurisdiction
in Nicaragua.

If we want in,

we'll have to do it off the records.

Then it shall be done.

Lieutenant Romo can lend you
the people he took to Ecuador.

The problem is getting in.
Nicaragua's government is very hermetic,

especially when it's about
foreign military presence.

Right, but they'll still let us in,

once they find out
that Mexico and Nicaragua,

our Republic sister,

have an unbeatable treaty.

What's this?

It's a cooperation treaty
Managua sent us a few months ago.

Do you want me to...?

Yes, take it to the ambassador.

Bring him the good news.

Tell him our Latin-American kinship
is still going strong.

-That's what the people like to hear.
-I'll do it immediately.

What? It has to be done.

-Get to it.
-I'll gather the men.




That's our one condition.

As soon as we rescue Pablo's father,

we'll meet with you in Bogotá.

Going to Nicaragua is certain death.

What do you fucking care?

First of all,

we should concentrate on Kozar and Vargas.

-After, they can do whatever they want.
-I don't think anybody asked you.

That's fucking enough!

Let's see, we're going to need transport,

at least four of your contractors,

and don't even worry about the costs,
we'll cover that.

-What part of Nicaragua?
-Flying over the Indio Maiz Reserve.

A small town close to the border.

At least that makes things easier.

I have a good relationship
with Costa Rica's government officials.

Does this mean you are in?

Of course I'm in. I have no choice.

But both you and I care
this gets done now.

You get your things in order,

I'll make the necessary phone calls.




-This one's done. This is the next one.
-Let's go.

When we get to the Caribbean,

we'll be flying over
the Indio Maiz Biological Reserve.

We'll set down on an air strip
that hasn't been used since 1982.


-Feeling better?

That's great.

Oh! Did you see that?
Give him a round of applause!

Hey! Hey! Thank you!

Thank you, thank you all!

Look at this.

Hey, look, there are bills!

Hello, good afternoon.

I've come to promote my event.

The one we're holding
at the Virgilio Barco Library.

This Totsy person is going to be there.

I'm going to get you out of there, Dad.


We've got our man.

Stay still.

Did Genoveva say when she wants this?

Today, if possible.

I'm not sure, I mean...
to be honest, I don't agree with this...

How's the prison's security?

If Teresa Mendoza and her team
want to break in,

-they won't have a hard time.
-That works for us.

His name is Gabriel Astudillo.

-Do you know him?
-I know him.

-How is he?
-A little ill.

That woman is a saint.

That's Elena Bocanegra.

My mom is not going to like this one bit,

knowing that besides being known,
she's become a celebrity.

So your case will go to a judge,
and that will inevitably land you in jail.

My son, do what you have to.

We know someone's coming,
but we're doing nothing.

But we are. We are going to catch them.

Subtitle translation by: Ever Castillo.