La Reina del Sur (2011–2019): Season 3, Episode 44 - El intercambio - full transcript

Teresa and her crew rendezvous with Rubén for the exchange, but Rubén has a surprise up his sleeve. The DEA surveils Epifanio's meeting with Aguilar.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

You need someone
on the inside, right? Well, I'll do it.

Nobody can know about the game we played,
especially your dad.

Epifanio is meeting tomorrow with
that lawyer that had his photos taken.

Cheers, Epifanio.

I have information
on a meeting that Vargas is having.

And they will be discussing
about Teresa Mendoza.


She won't pick up my calls. I've called
her many times, I left many messages.

Do you think he's getting suspicious?

I've had enough of this bullshit.
Someone must pay for the death of my men.

-What happened?
-It's a long story.

I can make it short.

Remember Karen?

She told us that you have the key.

We came to do business. Let's do business.

You take care of your things,
I'll take care of mine.

We took your son.

The only thing
you need to do is hand us the key.

And we'll give your son back
safe and sound.

We have no other option
but to travel to Lima.

Yes, yes,
at the doors of the National Stadium.

Okay. Tell him to hurry up.

-What did he say?
-Manotas is on his way.

He'll come here.

Tell him to wait. I won't take long.

I don't want to jinx it,

but don't you think it was risky
to leave this guy alone?

We had no choice.

It's not an ideal situation,

but I don't think he'd do something stupid
knowing we have his son.

He won't get
the exact location of the meeting

until ten minutes before.

He won't have any time
to get backup or plan anything.

You have the location?

I think I do.

-Let me see. Okay, it's fine.
-Oh, look at him.

He doesn't know how to avoid rocks,
but he can find a place on a map.

I'll send the first message about the area
where the meeting will take place.

There's Faustino.

Hey, she's a queen.

-What's up?
-All good.

Everything's okay?

Let's go!

Let's go, then.


And that means...

that we are 19 votes below.

We are 19 votes below.

We have the votes
from the Cardenas faction.

No, they already voted, in favor.

So? We are behind by...

We're ten votes below.

-Who is missing?
-Who the fuck is missing?

All those of the opposition, but...

But what?


-It passed.
-It passed?

-It passed, my friend.
-It passed, you bastard?

The amendment was approved
with two-thirds in favor!

Fuck yes!

Let me know
when you have the final results.

Long live my president!
You screwed them all!

I fucking won!

Fuck yes!

You wanted a president for Mexico?
Here you have it, bastards!


-Epifanio Vargas!
-Long life to him!

You wanted someone
to break gringos' wings?

-Here you have him, bastards!
-Yes, sir!

-Long live Mexico, bastards!
-Long live!

Another six years in government!

-Goddamn it!
-Fuck yeah, bastard.

Fuck yeah, bastard.

-Hey, but...
-What? What?

Don't take my moment from me, bastard.

We still need the Congress's approval.

The Congress can suck my balls, friend.

States must vote and that defines
the people's vote, friend.

Friend, even if the cow is black,
the milk still comes out white.

We almost got 'em all through the fence.
It will be easier.

Besides, remember, this is a democracy,

and we make up democracy.

Then, to six more years as president.

-Six more years! Say no more, goddamn it!
-Hell, yeah!

-Long live Epifanio Vargas!
-Long live!


-Mr. President.

Sorry for the interruption.

Everything's ready
for the meeting with Aguilar.

-For fuck's sake. Let's go.
-Let's go.

To think I was going to give
six more years to this bastard.

You're coming with me, bastard.
Six more years.

-Yes, sir.
-Put my jacket on, you bastard.

-Fix my tie, asshole.
-It's okay. Everything's okay.

Okay, good. Let's go.

The bastard did it. I can't believe it.

And it was me who ended up
doing him the fucking favor.

Do you know he betrayed me?

Okay, relax.

That has not happened yet, right?

With these results, Susana, no one
will be able to stop fucking Epifanio.

Why don't you quit like he told you to?

-Oh, Susana.

You think I could quit that easy?

I've been here too many years. I know
a lot of things, and Epifanio knows it.

If I quit, he'll look for a way
to shut me up.

Oh, God, no.

And you?

What about me?

Why don't you quit? You've only been
working here for a short time.

You're not that deep into this yet.
Get out of it.

No, I can't leave the First Lady alone.

Susana, things are going to get ugly.

The First Lady is going to take
a nasty revenge on Epifanio.

This might blow up.

For that very reason.

If she needs me,
I'll stay here by her side.

Why are you warning me?
What's wrong with you?

When are you going to tell her?

Tell her what?

That you like the First Lady.

Is it too evident?

It's not that evident, but believe me,

my radar is never wrong.

Never, Danilo. I don't think
I'll ever be able to tell her.

Send Hugo a message. We're going
to Javier Prado and Pan-American South.

-Did you get it?
-Here it is, boss.

Here's all of it.

Good. Let's go.

-Any questions?
-No, sir, everything's clear.

Okay. Do not fail me.

I'll be waiting for you
at the house tonight to pay you.

Turn on your phone's GPS
so Manotas knows where we will be.

Yes, sir.

You can send him the message.

Right now.

You wait here. This might get ugly.

-I'm not afraid.
-I know you're not afraid.

If something happens to us,
who will warn the others?

Besides, Sofia and Mateo need
to be picked up,

-then we'll run like hell.
-How ugly can this get?

Maybe. I hope not.

You better pray everything goes well.

-Find a hiding spot.
-Okay. Good luck.



Do you have the location?

We have ten minutes.

Take it. Here you have the exact location.

Check if your GPS is turned on.

-It's on.
-Drive fast! Go!

Faustino, what's happening? Nothing?

No, nothing. And you, Oleg?

-They're here.
-How many men?

Ruben and the same men.

Okay, go. See you at the meeting point.

Take him.

It's too much money, sir.

Look, no offense, but...

The money, is it yours or your clients'?

My clients would like to know
what you need it for.

What happened to the money
they gave you before?

It was used to do nice things.

Fucking money has no other purpose
than to be used for doing nice things.

For buying nice things.

Besides, you told me the other time
that I know my business.

Tell your partners to start writing
their letters to Santa Claus.

Maybe this time, they'll get presents.

Okay. Then, today,
I'll travel and meet with them.

-All right.
-As soon as I know something,

-I'll let you know.
-No, you know what?

Why lose time?
You have a cell phone, right?

That's what those things are for.

It's a sensitive topic, sir.

You're only repeating what I already know.

Talk to your partners.
Tell them to hurry up, huh?

It's urgent. I'm in a hurry.

-I'll be back.
-All right.

-This asshole.
-We must be careful.

-It's all right, friend.

I think I got some signal. Check it out.

-Yes, sir.
-It's Vargas?

It's not possible?

Thirty million dollars at the same place.

Yes, sir.

We're losing it.

Signal is impossible to intercept.

Got it. It will be done that way.

No... I can't hear anything.

Popcorn! Popcorn!


Attention all units. We're moving in.

Wait for my orders.

Okay, sir. Waiting for orders.

Where's my boy?

Where's the key? You brought it?

What do you think?

Batman, bring him.

Hey, hey, calm down. Stop there.

Slowly, walk up the middle
of the hallway. Only you.


Calm down, son.
I'll take you away from here.

Where's the key?

In the suitcase.

Take it out.

Let me see it.

I don't understand why
you insist on this shit being a key.

Where is the proof?

I thought you knew.

I wouldn't be asking.

I have no fucking idea.

I only know that you need
three of these to find it.

The White Rider once told me

that if he didn't come up
with these three, I would understand.

-Understand what?
-I don't know.

This interrogation
was not part of the deal.

-So let him go.
-Very carefully.

You're going to throw the key to me.
Place it in the box.

On the count of three.
At the same time, we'll release your kid.





Son of a bitch!

I'll cover you!

Let's go!


Come on! Go, go, go!

Wait! Wait!

Armando, wait!


-Don't shoot! Shit!

Are you letting them go?

-Come on!

Go, go, go!

Go, go!

Goddamn it! Are you going
to let them leave like that?

I'm not letting them leave.
Don't you know your father?


Oh, motherfucker.

What happened, sweetie?
Don't look at me with those blue eyes.

-It was her, little Paloma.

Weren't you supposed to just be hiding?

And I did.

From the place I was hiding,
I could see the van.

And I saw a man approach.

It seemed a little strange,
so I followed him.

And I saw him put something under the van.

I didn't know what it was,
so I wrote to Faustino.

And whose idea was it?

-No, no, no.

There she is, the perp.

-Well, you saved our lives.

-Thank you.
-Let's go.

If my baby is a girl,
I'm going to name her Paloma.

-And if it's a boy, name him Faustino.
-No! He'll be bullied at school!

How am I going to name him Faustino?

I told you to ask me for anything,

but you're asking me
for the moon and the stars.

The law of submission
is not a new topic, sir.

You already had it on your agenda.

Hey. That's why I removed it.

Didn't you see the commotion
it caused last time?

Hey, you know what?

People are not going to like
sitting right next to your clients

at a table in a restaurant.

My clients are tired of hiding.

Why are they tired?
They are in the shade, man.

And we take good care of them.
Besides, we already took Montoya off them.

Yes. Obviously, the situation improved.

But it's not enough, Mr. President.

My clients are willing
to spend a few years in jail,

waiting to be inserted into society.


Fuck, you're asking too much from me.

For someone
who just swept through Congress?

Promoting this project is nothing.

You know, look,
we're going to do one thing.

If the reelection passes,

then we'll place
your clients' record, okay?

-Let's see, Mr. President.
-This asshole...

If you don't push this project right now,

forget the $30 million.

We shouldn't rush.
We should think about it, right?

-I agree.

I accept, man. I accept. Let's accept.

Tell your clients that
we are accepting their conditions.

And you, tell the legal department
to start writing a draft for the law.

-That's not allowed.
-No, no, Delio.

There's no need.

My clients want to write it.

To avoid any little mistake, right?

Oh, you're good. Check this out.

We won't even have to spend money
from the treasury.

It's the money
of the people of Mexico, man.

-It's okay?
-Needless to say, Mr. President...


If you don't promote this project,

the consequences can be very serious.

Let's see, asshole.

Who do you think you're talking to?

I'm the President of Mexico.

I keep my word.

And I'll tell you one thing.

It pisses me off

to be threatened.

Don't ever do it again, huh?

Be careful.

Stay calm and talk to them.

I have a country to govern.

Go back to where you came from, bastard.

-They screwed us, friend.

Don't exaggerate, man.
You're acting like my wife. Damn.

Let's go.

The presidential motorcade
is already on the move.

Attention, units, the motorcade is moving.

Caravan moving.
Unit three, how are things over there?

There's movement in the north zone.

People are not going to like seeing you
compromised on this bill proposal.

No, man.

People like to be nicely spoken to.

To have a package well presented.

Be calm, man.

I feel like my balls
are going up my neck, man.

They even came out.

I watched your car.

Hey, hey, hey.

Let's see...

Okay, okay.

He comes with me.

-I'm not going anywhere.

You're from the DEA.

Oh, Sofia.


Oh, you have bruises.

It's nothing, Mom.

Mommy, forgive me, it was my fault.
I should've been more careful.

Hey, look at me.

Never apologize to me, okay?
Do not ask me for forgiveness.

I've been the only idiot.
You shouldn't be living like this.

You shouldn't be living this shit, kid.

I'm so sorry. Are you okay?

I love you.

Me too. Are you okay?

Come here.

-Thank you for taking care of her.
-I'm glad to see you again.

Me too.

Honestly, you smell like shit.

You need a good bath and a good meal.

-Love you.
-And a lot of fucking love.

Love you.

I love you, Mom.

Now, come over here. Come on.

Hello? What happened, buddy?

What can you tell me about my goddaughter?

Last thing I knew,
she was on her way to Lima.

I also know that.

That's why I had those gadgets on them.

Then you will know more than me.
That's the only thing I know.

Really? Have you stopped being a couple?

She doesn't tell you where she goes
or what she does anymore?

I assume you called
about the money, right?

Exactly, son.
Yes, I already got it for you.

We're figuring out here
to see who delivers it there and how.

Well, then I'll coordinate everything.

As soon as we have the key,
I'll let you know.

Let it be soon because
you got me nervous as a cat.

Okay, then.

Am I interrupting?

No. Come on in.

What are you doing with that at this hour?

Just because we're not husband
and wife doesn't mean I can't recognize

a great political triumph, right?

For the majority in Congress.


Oh! I prefer tequila and whiskey.

But I appreciate the gesture, Veva.

What I am wondering is...

what are you looking for?
What do you want, huh?

Because you always try to take advantage.

If this is going to last six more years,
I want peace, Epifanio.

I don't want to be fighting
with you anymore.

Oh, damn.

And who performed this little miracle?

Don't tell me
the psychiatrist is helping you?

Well, yes, he has really helped me a lot.

-A lot.

You have no idea.

Well, look, there are
still many things to do

so we can strengthen the reelection.

There are still things to do.

You could help me with that.
Without me having to beg.


I'm going to do everything I can, okay?

No, Veva, you're not going to do
everything you can.

You're gonna do whatever it takes.

-I'll do whatever it takes.


I demand that you explain
what this is all about!

-What the hell do you want?
-Be calm.

You're going to sit down, understand?

Let's get started.

I'm going to ask you
some simple questions. Relax.

I'm not going to answer shit.

I'm a lawyer.

And I know my rights.

Let's see, genius,

what are those rights?

Tell me why you brought me here.

Bring me before a judge.

About the judge,
I owe it to you, that doesn't work.

Some simple questions.

So don't worry,
we're going to be away from everyone.

This is kidnapping,
and you are going to regret it.


What is going to happen?

Are you going to call your friend,
President Vargas?

To free you? There's more.

You'll call your clients
so they'll come and rescue you?

First question.

Where the hell is Teresa Mendoza?

Yes, I have it here in my hand.

It has a different shape
and is made of a different metal.

Although I don't know what shape this is.

And how's the surface?

I think it's the same
as the one Karen gave us.

It also has like hieroglyphics.

Well, definitely, it's the same style.

If these are the keys,

I can't imagine the lock.

What worries me is where's the filthy door
that these keys open to?

And what did Ruben tell you?

That, according to the White Rider,

when we had the three keys,
we were going to understand.

Understand what? Where's the proof?

I asked him exactly that,
but he said he didn't know anything.

Well, let's hope it's the same.
And that we can understand.

And, well, were you able to coordinate
the trip with... with Salvatore?


The plane

that is going to bring them
is the same one that took them.

I'll send the coordinates of the track
and the departure time in a bit.

Okay. Hey, how's the money thing going?

When Epifanio gave us the heads-up,
Salvatore began to gather it.

So the only thing against the clock
is your return.

Counting down the hours. Twenty-two left.

Well, very good.

And Oleg?

What about Oleg?

It's strange that
he's not paying attention to the call.

Did he forget to take care of you?

Well, yes, it seems so.

Any problem?

No. No, none.

Everyone is about to eat dinner.

See you tomorrow.


Well, nothing. I'm glad everything
went well and that you have the key.

Well, thanks. See you tomorrow.

Evidently, this woman
is not Elena Bocanegra, as it says here.

She is not even a millionaire
nor does she have a father in Spain,

nor a son named Bruno, anything.

This woman is called...

Teresa Mendoza.


She is a fugitive from American justice.

She has several deaths on her resume.

So thanks to you,
I'm going to turn her in,

they're going to promote me to captain.

I'll look like a genius
in the institution,

you get rid of a problem.


If you have a real calling
as a police officer,

incredible, because the other option
is to report her and collect the reward.

Yes. No, I... I'm a policeman.

I must turn her in, it's my duty.
I cannot collect any reward.

What are you thinking?

I understand that
he can't collect the reward, but...


I can report her and we'll share it
between the three of us.

Sorry, but it's bullshit if we don't.

I mean, when was it so easy
to have five million dollars?

Whatever you say.


Aguilar, the lawyer, disappeared
after he had the meeting with us.

Hello? I'm calling about the reward.

I know where Teresa Mendoza is.

In Colombia, everything's organized.

What about Colombia?

Supposedly we left
because of the danger, right?

We don't know how difficult
it's gonna be to get the evidence.

I'm sure there's someone here
who is talking too much.

You have nothing against me.
You can't do this to me.

I'm ready to return to Mexico
for the money.

Perhaps the time has come
for me to retire.

Are you sure it's here?
So why doesn't the bastard come out?

Genaro Montaño,
head of Presidential Security.

Pay attention, follow what we agreed.

I want this nightmare to end.

Before you go, wake me up to say goodbye.

I'm already missing you.

-We already got the money.
-Where's the key?

The clock is ticking.

I thought you liked to play.

Subtitle translation by: Cristina Cota