La Reina del Sur (2011–2019): Season 3, Episode 43 - Me la vas a pagar - full transcript

Genoveva eavesdrops on her husband and Delio. When Rubén's son arrives at the bar, Paloma gets to work. Teresa plays hardball with Rubén for his key.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -


Let's play a game.
Whoever manages to get out of here

without the guards noticing, wins.
Wanna play?

Something had to happen for her
to come back, maybe she didn't see you.

Why stay? Why don't you go?

Epifanio is going to pay for what he did
to me and I'm going to take care of that.

What's the plan?

Let's see if some drunk
can give us the information we need.

Do you know this guy?

You can find him right here.

-He always comes here.

Bocanegra is her surname.
Have you ever heard it?

Most likely this phone was cloned.

Who are these foreigners?

He's been kidnapped.

What did they do to you?
Bernardo, wake up!

We are at the house...

and we don't have Matos with us.

He ran away and surprised me.

Don't even think about getting on
a tourist bus because they will catch you.

You wanted to play us!
I know more about archeology than you.

Can you tell me how the hell
they discovered us? What happened?

You fooled me, asshole.

I'll accept that.

Too bad you won't live to tell anyone.

This is not going to be the end of us.


What are you drawing, baby?

Us playing hide-n-seek on Channel 67.


Well, it's beautiful, honey.

It's so cute.

And... are you going to give it to me?

Oh, thanks.


No one can find out

about the game we played.

Our hide-n-seek game.

Especially your dad.


Because that's the point.

No one can find out.


Only you, Susana and I can know.


Oh, you're so strong! I'm just a girl!

Let's keep drawing and playing.


Are we gonna play again?

Of course, baby.

I promise.

I don't think we're going to draw anymore
Because it's already quite late.


Come on, let's go to bed.

Give me a kiss.

It was not easy to convince him
to accept the meeting.

Aguilar was very nervous about the photos.

I was nervous too.

At least you convinced him, right?

Where do you want to meet?
I have to let him know.

Montaño arranged for us to meet
in the parking lot

of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In the basement.

What time?

Tell him at...


Did you ask Aguilar for the money?

I didn't want to make him nervous.

Dude, you would have prepared it.

What if he gets cold feet?

You better ask for it.
Nobody tells you no.

There, you are right. Okay?


And what happens
if we don't give Teresa the money?

No, we're fucked.

You have to get that money.

Because the Rider is not going
to give us the keys.


Look at this.

Mateo and Sofia are on their way.

Well, at least we're not doing too bad.

-And if Armando doesn't come?

No, don't say that.

We'll be in a lot of trouble.

That can't happen. No way.


How long?

How long what?

How long does the sadness last?

I can't stop thinking about Rocio.

Ha, look, sis.

To stop thinking about her...

is impossible for me, I don't even try.

-But it hurts too much.

It hurts, sis, and that pain
will never go away.

I will always have her
in my head and in my heart.

There he is.

Oh, fuck.

Well, it's time, sis. Are you ready?

No. Especially now that I see
that he has two bodyguards.

No, no, no. Easy.

You do your thing
and I'll take care of mine.

Keep calm, we're gonna make it. All right?

-That's all.

We want some beers.


A friend of the family invited her
to Mar del Plata for a couple of days.


I didn't know she had friends
in Argentina.

Well, name a place where my mother
has no friends.

-What about Felipe?
-He's out, but he'll come back.


I'm worried because Elena
is not answering.

I've been calling her,
I've texted her, but...

Well, if she's not on her phone,

maybe it's because she's having
a good time.

Maybe, maybe she called me back.

But she can't, as my cellphone was hacked.

Ah, you have to be careful with that,
it is being used a lot.

Hacking, I mean.


Well, thanks for letting us know.

But if you want me to tell you something,
I can...

I need to know where the boys are.

-The guys?
-Yes, Gregorio, Samuel, Hugo...

You surely saw them
when you were in the casino.

Well, they were playing poker with her.

And she beat two of them multiple times.

And, well, they agreed to meet again
to play.

But they still haven't shown up.

I wanted to know if Elena had any
information or if she had talked to them.

Because I want to prevent
the police from coming.

-Police? Why?
-They've been looking for them.

Many hours have passed,
and there is no news of them.

And, well, I want to prevent
them from getting close.

Because of the casino.

We have to go, okay?

As soon as you talk to Elena,

let her know I'm looking for her.

Don't worry.


Do you think they suspect something?

I don't think you want to waste your time
on an explanation you already know.

If I said forget about the key,
forget about the key.

You don't have to contradict me.

Do you remember Karen?

She was the one who gave us your name.

And she told us that you have the key.

But unfortunately,
she couldn't tell us anything else

because the DEA came,
what do you think happened next?

They shot her and boom! She died.


What's wrong?

Do you remember now?

I already told you I don't know
what the hell you're talking about.

Samuel Driver.

I told you that name so you know
we're not playing games.

He also claims that it's you
who has the key.


You killed him like you did with my men?

No, it's just that he was smarter
than you.

He negotiated on his terms...
but he negotiated.

And what do you have to do with the DEA?

Let's just say they're not
our best friends.

Be straight with me.

The White Rider has some evidence
we need to defend ourselves against them.

Defend yourself from the DEA?

As if it was easy to beat the Americans.

That's our business.

We came here to negotiate.
So let's negotiate, okay?

How much for the key?

Put a price on it.



Do you like to play
or do you like to watch?

I don't know how to.

Can you tell me what a Spanish woman
is doing alone in this place?

Good ear. But I'm not alone.

Right now I am,
but I'm waiting for a friend.


I am. She's not. She is from Lima.

Good, apparently she told me
that this place is super "fresh."


It's like cool.

Don't tell me you don't agree.

Well, the truth is that I have seen
better places.

But I've never seen players like you.

I'm freaking out.

Freaking out? I don't get you.

But sounds fresh.

Do you want me to teach you how to play?

So that you have something to show
when you go back to your country.

I'm in!

The last thing you want is for white
to jump over another ball...

When it's ready...

I promise you that
this will end very soon, you'll see.

Faster than you think.

I promise.

And no one but you...

pulled me out of the hole where I was.

You didn't just get me out.

You also took out your brother.

You are a very strong woman.

Stronger than anyone.

I'm not saying it just to comfort you.

Don't let any of these assholes
make you think you're a weak woman.

Because you are not.

Do you understand? Do you believe me?

Explain to me what happened,
because I don't understand anything.

Let's say...

Let's just say I saw things
clearly, Carlos.

I'm so sorry for what I did to you, but...

I had to do it.

What do you mean by that?

Epifanio must be stopped, but now.

And we'll do it.
But you have to get out of there.

Oh, no. I'm gonna stay here.

You guys need someone in here, don't you?

Well, I'm going to be here.
I'm going to do it.

No, no, no. It's very dangerous.

Oh, please.
Tell me something that I do not know.

Genoveva, if something happens to you,

I will not forgive myself.

No, if something happens to me,
it's because I looked for it.

Okay? This...

I'm doing it for me, Carlos.

And for my dad.

He wanted to beat him, didn't he?

It's different.

-Please, Genoveva.

Epifanio is going to have
a meeting tomorrow,

with the lawyer whose photos
were taken and published.

Nothing I say to you is going
to change your mind, right?

No. Absolutely nothing.

Swear to me that you will
take care of yourself.

Yes, I swear.

Now, listen.

They are going to meet in the parking lot
of the Secretary of Foreign Affairs.

And it has to do with Teresa Mendoza.

I have to go. We'll talk later, okay?

To you, Epifanio.


After searching for hours,

I finally found this guy's name.

His name is Owen Whitaker.

I thought he was a businessman

just like those who were
at the meeting, but no.

So, who is he?

He is a former United States ambassador
in Bolivia.

He was there for more than 10 years.


I wouldn't be surprised if he knows

-something about the Black Rider.

And after some research,
I found that this man

appears as an investment partner
in several logistics companies.

One of them

appears as the owner of a company
that will sound familiar to you.

Man Co. Industry.


Man Co. Industry?

Those who test weapons
for half the continent?

That's right.

Man Co. Industry distributes weapons
throughout Latin America,

especially in Bolivia.

Where it is exclusive distributor.

What I'm wondering is if this guy Owen,

is part of "them."

The ones Kozar is so afraid of.

General Garrido.

General. I hope you have good news for me.

I have firsthand information

of a meeting that Vargas is going to have.

That means he got me an informant.

A very good one.

Whose name I'm gonna keep.

General, you don't have to distrust us.

Considering where
your last informant ended up,

I think the opposite.

General, what happened
with Vanessa has absolutely nothing...

Do you want the information or not?

Yes, General, I hear you.

The President is going to meet again
with Aguilar.

And the reason will be...

Teresa Mendoza.

When you're ready, hit it hard...

-Like that!

I'm freaking out.

What is this?

Don't you like it?

What do you think?

You learn fast, precious.

Well, I am a very good student.

In fact, I think I deserve an award.

Ask what you want.

How about we get to know
each other better?

I like Spanish girls. They are direct.

-Let's go to my house.
-No, wait.

I have to wait for my friend. What if...

Let's go to the bathroom,
and when she comes,

the three of us go to your house.

We love threesomes.


He's gonna get some.


You're making me crazy. You're so sexy.

He's fucked.

Why did you take so long, Faustino?

Well, he was playing the heartthrob
and I'm a voyeur.

-No, it's not funny.

Watch the door, tell me if someone comes.

Although that key must be worth more
than the burial you knew.

It is not for sale!

Do not tell me that.

Everything in this life is for sale.

That's my insurance.

If the DEA catches me,
that key is my only insurance.


Tie them up!

Let her go!

You come with me.
It looks like a little fish.

Zipper down and the pecker out.

-Faustino, please.
-Come on.

Come here.

I'm tired of this.

Someone has to pay for the death
of my men.

You are not thinking clearly.

Killing us is a mistake.

I have to go to the bathroom.

Watch the boss.

Maybe he needs help.

I like to go part by part.

One arm, then another,
one foot, the other.

The balls.

Look what I have to do now.

This is very complicated.

That hurts.

I can't tell.

But I say it because of how they scream.

At the end, the death shot.

Our boss, the one who pays us,

he knows where we are
and he knows perfectly well

who you are and where you are.

They're gone.

-But I haven't seen them around here.
-Let's go back.

With women, I like to be chivalrous.

One shot and that's it.

But you piss me off.

So I'm going to go by parts.

Where do you want me to give you
the first shot?

Here, I'll go with the boy.

He's heavy.


I'm not lying, if you kill us,
you're gone.

And where do you get that I'm going
to give up so easy?

She is telling the truth.

Well, I don't give a damn.

Bring your boss, the DEA. Bring anybody.

Come on, come on.

What do you think?

We must go fast.

Where do I start? With the leg?
Do you want me to start with the leg?

All right.

It would be a shame, because those legs
are very nice.


Hold tight, sis.

-Turn that thing off!
-Mr. Ruben.

Sir. It's Guillermo. Your son's bodyguard.

What is it? Speak!

We have a problem, sir.

They took Armando.

Took him?

He was kidnapped.

We were at the bar and suddenly
a van took him away.

Who took him?

We did!

We took your son.

He messed with the wrong person, bastard.

Shut up, bitch!

Us who?

Who are you?

While you were acting brave
like a motherfucker,

my people took your son in Lima.

It's not true.

Wanna bet?

-Look, if you're teasing me again...
-Give me your cellphone.

Dial this number.

Plus, one, eight hundred.

Faustino, go a little slower.

We can't attract attention.

You're right. We're good.

-Who is it?
-How would I know?

Unknown number.


Don't be so bossy. Respect me.



It's me, Elena.

Where have you been?
I've been worried. Everything's okay?

I can't talk much right now, but...

We're fine for now.
How is everything there?

Well, I have the package here ready.

I need a photograph of the child.

-Where do I send it?
-To this number.

How is everyone else in the house?

All alright.

We had a little problem
but everything is in order.

Remove the GPS from your number,
they already have it.

And if something happens to us,
you know what to do with the hostage.

All good?

Yes, they told me everything was fine.

Come on, buddy.
Comb your hair we need a photo.

Take it, sis. Take a pic of him.


You have to look handsome for your dad.

Say cheese.

You can put a filter if you want.

Cover his eyes.

We can play any game you like, buddy.

Hide and seek? Any game you want.


This is not going to stay like this.
You will pay for this.

And if anything happens to my son,
I'll put you through hell.

Nothing will happen to your son
as long as you help us.

Your child's life is in your hands.

The time has come to negotiate.

You're not going to tell me what to do.

-Now what?
-It's not mine.


Maybe it's my wife...

Let them go.

Take him out of here.

Well, the way things are, he is no longer
in a position to negotiate anything.

The only thing you have to do
is give us the key.

And we'll deliver your son safe and sound.

Make a decision! Tick-tock.

-The more time passes...
-I don't have the key here.

Well, tell us where it is.
Let's go for it.

And as soon as we have it,
we'll hand over your son. Okay?

I am no fool. I don't trust you.

Besides, I want to be there
when the boy is released.

And about the key,
I'm the only one who can get it out.

And where's that? Lima?

So we have no choice
but to travel to Lima.

All together.

Oh, another thing.

Our men will arrive there
without a single scratch.

Teresa, finally.

I'm not Teresa. This is Batman.

Why the hell don't you answer?
How is Teresa?

No, she's fine.

It's already very good.
What happened is that we had a problem.

But it's already fixed.

What happened?

The story is long,
but I will summarize it for you

because we are leaving.

Where is my son?

You give me the key
and I'll give your son.

Before that, I have to check if he's okay
and they haven't done anything to him.

No, me too.

Show me my friends are fine
and I'll show you your son.

Did you also work with Uriel?

Yes, he was one of my best clients.

-Did you know him?

The White Rider was the intermediary.

What kind of work did you do for him?

He transported his merchandise
in some Pre-Columbian objects

that I exported to Europe.

Easy, easy, girl. You know how things are.

The lady and the Russian are fine.
And the other two are fine too.

Thank God. Thanks!

My mom and the others are fine.

Not only are they fine...

we will all meet soon.

When are you coming?

Two or three hours,
depending on if we find a ride.

Okay, when you get here, call us.

Thanks, Faustino, thanks. Bye.

My mom is already traveling to Lima
and I'm going to see her soon.

I told you she was going to be fine.

Are you seriously tired?
You said it yesterday.

I'm tired. I am very tired
because of everything that is happening.

Because of what happened in Cuzco.

But not from you, nor from us.
Never. I swear.

Seriously, forgive me.
I know it has been difficult. Sorry.

-No, no, no.
-Forgive me, please.

But I have a feeling
this is going to end soon.

You don't have to apologize to me
because I know this is not your fault.

I love you very, very much.

Thank you for everything you have done
for me. If it were not for you...

Shh. I did what I have to do.

I love you too.

You know?

I'd give my life for you.

I swear I'd give it up for you.

The good thing is that they're fine now.


Batman! How are you?

We're alive, that's a win.

How good to see you again.

Well, well, well. One thing for another.

Where is my son?


Did you arrive there yet?

About an hour ago.

Hey, the boy's father is here.
He wants to talk to his son.

Is he there?

Of course he's here.

By video call?

Sis, tell me if you see someone.

Hold this. Don't eat it.

Hey, buddy.

I need you looking radiant for the video

so your daddy thinks we treated you right.

You understand me?

That's it.

I'm gonna make a call.

There he is. Look.

Get that crap out of his mouth!

I want to hear him!

Take it off? Waxing, perfect.

These assholes have to pay
for everything they're doing, Dad.

He has me like a fool everywhere.

Shut up and listen.

No, no, no. Don't you dare
give them money.

I told you to shut up, idiot!

Look, I'm already solving everything.

In the meantime, you stop complaining,
stop yelling.

Man up!

Fuck! Do you understand?

Hey, I asked you something.


You are wrong if you think I will go
with you to find the key.

You are not in a position
to demand anything.

When I have the key,

who prevents you from taking it from me

without giving me back my son?

I'm culichi, I don't know
if he knows over there.

But we culichi women
are women of our word.

And for me, especially,
it's worth in gold.

So I swear on my world
that I will keep my word.

Words are worthless here.
I'll take my men.

And you are not going with us.
Is it clear?

And if they don't like it,
there's no deal. Forget the key.

Two hours.

-Two hours is not enough...
-There is no more time.

Two hours or else forget about seeing
your kid again.

Ten minutes before the deadline,

we'll send you the location
for the exchange.

And don't be late.

And above all, don't bring
two other bastards that aren't them.

Because if not, what do you think?

You will never see your son again.


-When are you going to tell her?
-Tell her what?

That you like the First Lady.

What are we wasting time for?
Talk to your partners.

The 30 million dollars
is in the same place as before.

-Here it is, boss.
-Fine, let's go.

I'll wait for you at the house to pay you.

-Hey, hey, hey.

That's it! Motherfuckers!
Six more years being president!

Fuck, yeah!

For the majority in Congress.


Where's the key?

-In the suitcase.
-Take it out.

Stop there.

Slow. Walk to the middle of the hall.


Subtitle translation by:Andrea Jaramillo