La Reina del Sur (2011–2019): Season 3, Episode 24 - Asunto de vida o muerte - full transcript

Fedor offers the crew an idea on where the Black Rider could have gone. Vanessa is forced to lead Alcalá into a trap. Sheila tells Teresa her news.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -


Did you tell him what we agreed on?

-Of course.

Fuck, this has gone to shit.

We lost him, period.

The last thing you saw
is that he crossed here?

Faustino Sánchez Godoy, have you seen him?

We are going in, Mother.

I hope you have no objection.

Let's go.

You're leaving...

Whose fucking number is that?

-I don't know...
-Don't lie to me!

He's somebody from the DEA.

-His name is Ernie Palermo.
-Oh, fuck!

I'll get rid of this
son of a bitch for you.

You're just going to have to do me
a little favor.

We followed him everywhere, and nothing...

We lost him.

It's useless to keep looking.
He could be anywhere.

Maybe that guy wasn't even going to Sucre,

maybe he was going
around the block and that's it.

If that were the case,
he wouldn't have gone around so much.

But yeah, the chances of finding him
are pretty slim.

And it's dangerous.

Explain yourself.

The steel pipes
where Landero hid his phone

have probably already been unloaded.

If so, they probably already know
that we are following them.

They may also think that they fell, right?

I think the best thing is to go back there
and see if we find it, right?

It would be quite difficult,
we've already got him on alert.

We have to do something, Oleg,
whatever it is, but something.

There are three locations in Sucre

where steel pipes are worked with
and traded.

Close to the last point where the car
you were following has been.

Tell us more, Fedor.

Well, it's a materials repository,

a factory, and a warehouse.

You should start looking there.

Damn rookie...

Of course, we're going to start there.

Send us the addresses.

Highway Nine...


Those things are super important
to take into account.

Don't forget about that.

It would be ruined, and...

One moment, please.

Captain! I didn't expect to see you
so soon, you came back quickly.

You found the foreigners quite fast.

Who said I found them?

So, what information
did you find out there...?

Who did you leave in charge in Potosí?

Sierra, do me a favor,
focus on your things, okay?


Okay, okay, calm down. What do you...?

So, that's why the foreigners are here?

Because of The Black Rider.

The Hound told me about a woman.

He also described a guy who matches
the description of the Russian.

I'm sure they work for the DEA, dammit.

It doesn't matter who they work for.

The important thing now
is to find the best way to leave.

What's up with Abel?

Well, the plan worked... partially.

What do you mean?

After what the Yatiri told him,

Abel began to move the gold.

The thing is, I have no idea where it is
or where he's going to take it.

Hey, leave it to me, okay? I got this.

Get ready to leave, and as soon
as I know the place

we'll get the gold and get out of here.


I love you.


We didn't have time to talk.

Palermo is on his way to the airport.

He told me that Vanessa found out
where Teresa Mendoza is located.

Well, it seems I underestimated that girl.

No, the girl has her ways.

She does a good job, right?

Hey, and did Palermo tell you anything
about Vargas?

-What do they plan to do with him now?
-He wasn't particularly specific,

but he did assure me that as soon
as they catch Teresa Mendoza,

-they'll go after him.
-That's good.

It's Vanessa.

-Yes, it's me...

I was trying to reach Palermo,
but he won't answer his phone.

He must be traveling, what's going on?

I have very sensitive information
and I can't tell you over the phone.

I have to see you.

On the way out of the city,

going to Cuernavaca, there is a hotel
called Quinta de Laguna.

We need to meet there.

And why not in the usual place?

It has to be a more low-key place.

In the restaurant from a hotel
on the road?

Look, Antonio, this is a matter
of life and death.

It's about your daughter.

With the First Lady.

What happened to my daughter?

Nothing has happened to her yet,
but we really need to talk.

I'm on my way to the hotel.

Very good.

Good, very good, huh?

You're a good actress.

You should change professions,
we'd make you a star.

Do you want me to do anything else?

Nope, that's it.

Then... Since I did so well, I...

-Sit down, sit down! Just do it.

You're going to stay here
for a little while, I'm going out.

-I will leave you here with Monty.

Take care of her, please.

-Don't be mean to her.
-No, sir, of course not.


She didn't tell you anything else?

She didn't have time.

She only said it's about Veva,
and that it's a matter of life and death.

I don't know, Antonio, I don't think
it's wise for you to go there.

I find it strange that such a meeting
would come up so suddenly.

It seems strange to me too,

but it's about my daughter,
what do you want me to do?

-I can't risk anything happening to her.
-I get it.

Take care, please.

-Keep me posted.
-Yes, of course.

The people who found him told me

that he's Luis Fernando Robledo.

The boat on which Sánchez Godoy
was transported was his.

-What about him?
-They haven't been able to identify him.

As far as I can see,
those two were going far.

And Sánchez Godoy came and killed them.

For Sánchez Godoy
to have come all the way here

with this place under siege,
it's because...

they had something pending
and he settled it.

What do you mean, sir?
Did he betray him or what?

If there's money in those coves,
that's the reason they betrayed him.

The blood is fresh,
do we have an exact time of death?

According to the preliminary opinion
of the coroners,

-they've been dead for more than 24 hours.
-Twenty-four hours?

Sánchez Godoy is already
far away from here.

Margarita was right,

you're very brave.
You've behaved like a real man.

You'll see that we'll soon
be going far away,

and we're going to go for a walk
with Aunt Sofía and Uncle Faustino.

I don't want to go with them.

Why? Sofía and Faustino love you
very much.

I don't want to go for a walk.

I want to stay here.


What's with those men? What got into them?

Why would they leave?

Well, I have no idea.

I thought I had been through a lot
and knew everything, huh?

But in these weeks...

I've been through a lot
these past few weeks.

The good thing is
that this will soon be over for you.

Hopefully, all this will end one day
for you too.


Thank you for everything
you've done for us, really.

I never thought you would say that.

I wasn't expecting it,
I'm just surprised you said that.

Before she died, Rocío told me
that I was being very hard on you.

She said that she could tell you loved me.

You know? Your sister was right.

Was I being too hard on you?

I love you.

I love you,
and I'll never forget you, Sofí.

Done! Those men left.

Or should we say, we're free.

On the radio they said
the manhunt operation was canceled.

So, are we leaving soon?

That's right. We'll soon be on the border.

-Let's go. Let's go, then, quickly.
-Let's go, guys.


I'm here and I don't see you anywhere.

I don't like this at all.

Call me back as soon as possible.

-Help me.
-What's wrong? I've been looking for you.

What's the matter?

-Hold on.
-I'm not well.

I'm taking you to the hospital.

-I don't feel good.


Hey, look at me.

You're pretty high, kid.
What did they give you?

Take a deep breath.

What did you take?


Do not fall asleep!

Don't fall asleep.

Take a deep breath, breathe.

What were you going to tell me
about my daughter?

I didn't want to...

They forced me.

Who forced you?

Vanessa, wake up!

Oh, God...


Are you busy?

What do you think?

The Hound called me,

and, well, he says he has problems
with the new girls.

I think it's a good idea for me
to go to Sucre,

and try to control things.

You know how The Hound is,

at any moment, he can lose his patience

and get us into trouble.

That seems fine to me.

By the way, I'll also be away
for a couple of days.

-Oh, really? Where are you going?

I'll go out of town.

Does it have something to do
with what the Yatiri told you?


There are a couple of things
I would like to fix personally.

Oh, that's good, that way
you'll be more relaxed.

I can't work if you're getting in my way.

Sorry. I'm leaving.


Well, this is the last address
Fedor gave us.

There's the pickup.

What a horrible place.

It reminds me of prison.

Too much surveillance for a factory.

Hey, look, someone's coming in.


-Are they taking down some girls?
-That's right.

This is the place
that Marina told us about.

Here it is, it's them.

It's them, and they are
getting them out, here it is.

We just found The Black Rider's lair.


Now we can calmly plan the next step

-to catch him.

And the girls, right?

He's our priority, but so are they.

-Yeah, let's go.
-Wait, let me take a picture.


Mission accomplished.

Did you do what I said?

-By the book.
-I hope so.

While I'm around, is there something else
you'd like me to do?

No, come back.

We have many things to do here.

-I'm on my way.

Well, while we were there,
we saw two trucks of supplies come in.

And both were from the same company.

-Too little movement for such a big place.

Little movement, and few employees.

How many guards?

There were five guards outside.

They were all wearing uniforms.

Take a look at the next photo.

Just look at them, man.

Those men are hired killers.

Well, we must calculate how many...

-Is everything okay?
-Yeah, everything's fine.

I hit my ribs in the fall,
nothing serious.

Wow, you suck.

What's so much training for? Huh?

There you have Bruce Lee,

they beat him again and again,
and he takes the blows.

Anton was shot in the arm
and never complained.


-He didn't.
-I'm not complaining.

Hey, why don't you fight later? Huh?

I was saying that it's impossible
to know how many guards are inside,

but it's evident that there are several,
and well-armed.

In any case,

it seems to be too much surveillance
just to hide some girls.

They must be hiding something else.

Maybe you're right, but what?

Sheila, is everything okay?

Your salad does not taste good?

-Everything okay?

I didn't think you would arrive so soon.

Well, I told you I was going to do my best
to come, and here I am.

I'm really glad you're okay, Hound.

-How long are you going to stay?
-I don't know, a couple of days, maybe.

-Abel is on a trip.

Oh, okay. What did you tell him?

I don't want him to know anything.
It would be the worst thing to us.

Hound, what's wrong with you? Calm down.

I know what I'm doing.

I told him you had a problem
with one of the girls...

-Yeah. Okay.
-...and that I came to support you.

-The same thing we always do.
-Yeah, but you don't know what happened.

-Some sons of bitches...
-Okay, Hound, breathe...

Let me settle in first.

Buy me something to drink,
and then we continue talking.

-Let's go to the office.
-Come on, I'll give you a ride.

Well, at least we know that

the famous Black Rider is in there. Right?

Well, that's not enough,
we have to go after him.

We can't go into a place
like this blindly.

We don't know what it looks like inside,
it's very risky.


Unless what?

If they have cameras outside,

it's quite possible
that they have cameras inside.

I don't get what the cameras
have to do with it.


You know about cameras, don't you?

Well, sort of...

In the casino they had a homemade circuit.

Those circuits are easy to tap.

Check this out.

Okay, if they have antennas,
they are connected to a Wi-Fi network.

That's right, so?

Well, if can we hack the Wi-Fi,
we can get into the cameras.

Well, it's settled then, right?

Right? Or what do we need
to enter the network?

We need one of us to use the Wi-Fi
that they use in the cameras.

If we pull it off, we'll have access
to their entire network.

Well, that's it,
we already know what we need.

It's perfect.


I don't know this number.

-It's Epifanio's.

It's Epifanio's number.

Come with me.

Hey, come, sit here.

Help me out.


why the hell won't Landero answer me?

It must be because he lost his cell phone
when we were following someone.

Hey, but how are you?

Fine, what about you? Everything's fine.

You were following someone
who will lead you nowhere, right?

If you want to know
if we're making progress,

-yes, we are.
-I don't care if you're making progress.

I'm interested in news
about that famous Black Rider.

It's very easy for you, isn't it?

Giving orders behind your filthy desk.

We're doing what we can,

and don't worry,
we'll give you good news very soon.

I hope so.

And... and soon,
because the DEA is already after you.

Palermo already knows
that you are in Bolivia.


How... how does he know?
When did he find out?

Well, there was a leak of information,

but it's already been fixed.

What do you mean
there was a fucking leak, Epifanio?

Well, it was something that happened here,
but you know me, I...

I already took care of it.

You know what?
I don't fucking care what you did, okay?

If the DEA finds out that we are here,
absolutely everything changes.

No, but they don't know
your exact location.

They only know that you are in Bolivia.

What do you think we're doing, dammit?

Do you think we're fucking playing
tag or tourist?

We're trying fucking hard every day.

We're putting our lives at risk!

-And you, instead of helping us...
-Hey, hey, okay...

Tone it down!

Okay, look, I have spent
a lot of money on you

with no results, are we clear? Okay.

Epifanio? Epifanio!

Son of a bitch!

He hung up on me.

When did the DEA find out we're here?

Well, from what I understood
from Epifanio, they found out today.

Just what we needed.

Can you imagine?

Those foreign bastards posed as tin buyers

to be able to follow Abel.

Why Abel? What does he have to do
with our business?

Exactly! I swear I don't understand
a damn thing either. I just don't!


The important thing is that you are safe.

What if they try again?

These bastards, I don't know
where these shits are from.

How? But how, Hound?

You said yourself
that you managed to lose them.


-But I don't know. No...
-Okay, look...

Hound, I understand that you are nervous,

but it's over,
you have to forget about it.

No, no, no, Karen.

It's not over.

What if Abel finds out
about all the men who died?

And why should he find out?

You know better than anyone
how to hide information from Abel.

And you better do it.

Okay, okay...

I found it in the back of my truck.

It must have been dropped
by the guy who jumped onto the truck.

Maybe Rojas can help us with that.

He could give us a clue.


As soon as I see him, I'll give it to him.

Now relax.

Ma'am, they just canceled the appointment

you had with the director
of the music school.

Fine by me, I hope all my appointments
get canceled.

Oh, this is weird!

They just canceled your entire schedule
for tomorrow, but...

What? Wait a minute...

Well, it's not confirmed yet...

-What's going on?
-We're not sure yet, but...

What are you saying about my dad?

-I'm sorry, I had no idea...
-What's going on?

Ma'am, calm down, I...

I need to talk to my dad,
give me the phone.

Wait, let me...

Oh, God... This is a lie...

This is a lie...

-I'm really sorry.
-I need a car...

-I need a car.
-You can't go out like this.

Ma'am, ma'am, please!

I need to go see my dad, let me go.

-Let me go!
-Sorry, ma'am, you need to stay...

I am the First Lady,
if I say I'm going out, I'm going out!

-I need to see my dad!
-You can't go out.

-Please, wait...
-You can't go out like this.

Please, I'm figuring out what's going on.

-Wait, please...
-It's a lie...

The First Lady already found out,
we need to know what's going on.

Epifanio, it's all over the news
that my dad had an accident.

Yes, dear, calm down, calm down, I just...

I called him on the phone,
and he didn't answer me.

I need to go to that place.

Calm down, calm down,
you can't do anything anymore, dear.

-Your dad is dead.
-No, he's not dead.

He is not dead!
I need you to take me there, please.

-Take me there, for God's sake!
-Calm down, Vevita, please, calm down.

I would have liked you to find out
in a different way, but he is dead.

Your dad died. Please, drink this.

He's not dead! He's not dead!

Susana, please!

Take her to her room
and get the doctor, for God's sake.

And clean up this mess!



Are you going to tell me
what's bothering you?

I've never seen you so quiet.

Are you sure?

This one too...


-Sorry, but...
-No, no. It's okay.

My face was even worse.

You don't have to pretend.

Teresa, I'll be damned

if I ever imagined having a baby.

The same thing happened to me

when I found out
I was pregnant with Sofía.

It was shocking.

I was terrified.

But it was different...

You were young.

At this age, I was expecting menopause
and not...

What am I going to do?

Don't you get it?

I didn't have one abortion, but several.

And I'm not saying it was like
going to get a manicure, but...

I never had any doubts.

I always knew I didn't want to be a mom.

Then, what's going on?

Why are you hesitating now?
Because of Batman?

I love that man. I do.

And it's not because of what he says...

I haven't told him yet,

and I don't even know
if I'm going to tell him.


It's because if that child is born...

it's going to be the most beautiful thing
I've ever had with a man.

But why am I hesitating?

It's even ridiculous,

I'm going to look like the grandmother
and not the mother of that child.

Well, don't blow it out
of proportion either, okay?

Sheila, we all have doubts.

And, damn, we all have many fears.

Take your time.

Think about it
and don't make any decisions

until you know exactly
what you want to do.


That's what I don't have, time.

And even less with the DEA here...

Okay, let's see...

The DEA is here, they are behind us,

but keep in mind they don't know
exactly where we are.

We have an advantage over them.

Let's make a deal.

I'll take care of the bastards from DEA,

and you are in charge of telling Batman.


Okay, so the plan is for you and Mateo
to take us to Puerto Asís.

After that, we jump down the river
to the border with Peru.

Okay, but how far is it
from here to Puerto Asís?

Let me think... Maybe about 20 hours.

It depends a lot on the roads.

Look, from this point, it would be slower.

-Sure, but what...?

if you don't stay still,
we're never going to get this done.

Sorry, Mother. Please, continue.

Sofía, where are you going
to meet your mom?

We don't know yet. We have to tell her
we're going over there first.

But where is she exactly?

We don't know that either.

Well, the bricks and cement are here.

-I told them to put them in the garage.
-I'll handle it.

So, once you meet Sofía's mom,

what are the plans?

Didn't you hear that I haven't
even been able to talk to her?

-But how long will you be gone?
-No idea.

But do you at least know
if it's a safe place?

You ask too much,
you know as much as we do.

How do we know if it's safe?

We don't even know where the place is.

Hey, don't get mad at me!

You don't know where you're going.

You don't know where you're
going to arrive or what you're getting at.

You don't even know whether that place
is dangerous or not.

Well, what an exciting adventure
for this gentleman.

You're doing something
really beautiful, well done.

And I mean it! I mean it!

This stretch is very long.

How nice.


I can't believe it, are you okay?

Yes, we are all fine.

Although it was a bit strange,

because when we thought
they were going to find us out,

those people stopped checking
the house and stopped the operation.

Of course they did!

They found out that I'm here in Bolivia.

What? What are you going to do, Mom?

Well, they don't exactly know
where we are,

and we're about to leave.

We are about to make it, dear.

Oh, well, then you're going
to like our plan.

Staying in Colombia
is no longer an option.

Well, yes, you're right about that,
and what's your plan?

Well, the idea is to go to Peru,
and from Peru to Bolivia and go with you.

Faustino's old friend is going to help us.

Okay, but remember
that Faustino's old friends

are not that reliable.

Well, he said he vouched for this one.

Since you're about to finish your mission,

the plan to meet again is still on, right?

Of course that's the plan!

The plan will always be to meet again,
it's what I want the most, honey.

I just don't think it's the best place.

Where else? Mom, we have no other options.

Is everything okay with your daughter?

Well, guess what?

She's going to come here
with the whole gang.

I can't tell by the look on your face
how much you like that idea.

No, I mean, I love the idea.

I'm dying to see my daughter.
I'll always want to see my daughter,

but I think it's dangerous.
It's not the right time here, in Bolivia.

But, well, she is quite stubborn.

Who did she get that from?

Excuse me? I'm going to pretend
I didn't hear that.

-Oh yeah?

-How's that going? Huh?
-It's fine, it's nothing serious.


-Isn't that the truck we saw?


-Write down the plates.
-Let's see...


Do you think all the employees
are aware that they have girls there?

Probably. It would be very difficult

to hide them without being noticed.

Hand me the binoculars.

-A group of men is coming down.
-It's about time.

No, there is nothing important.

Okay, try this one.

"Dates, places, names, conversations

and instructions."

It's not clear where all this is going.

Hey, there is something here.
They are video files.

-Which one do you want to start with?
-The first one.



I need you to remove the checkpoints
in the south zone

from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. from today onwards.

No, I'll talk to the minister myself
to let him know.

Don't worry about that,
I'll pay you tomorrow.

What about you?
What are you doing standing there?

I told you to undress. Quickly!

I hope you're ready now.

Yeah, like that, princess!

But don't take off your clothes
so quickly, we're not in a hurry.

Hey, come closer.

Don't be shy.

Son of a bitch...

He's recording
one of the girls being prostituted.

-They not only prostitute them,

they use them to get information.

These are partial transcripts
of the information they retrieve.

Information they then sell.

That's right.

The man from the train graveyard
was a customer.

This is what he was buying.

So, The Black Rider's business
isn't the girls.

Or at least, that's not his main business.

His thing is to sell information.

This is how he became
an informant for the DEA.

So what are they saying out there?

That there are no more special clients,
is it true?


But it's only for a while.

And what are those of us who work
in it going to do now?

The same as everyone else.

Go serve the canteens.

Canteens are dangerous.

And The Hound pays us
half for each client.

Well, then, sleep with twice
as many clients.

Simple, right?

Look, behave yourself.

If things get better, maybe The Hound
will bring you back here.


Jose, take her away.


Okay, Batman, which one do you like?

The one who is distracted
with his cell phone.

We have nothing!

The day you prove to me with facts
that you are doing something

to remove Epifanio Vargas,
that's day we talk, not before!

Excuse me, please, but the First Lady

is very saddened
by the death of her father.

I don't think she can give any statements
at this time.

Sorry, there are some men
who'd like to speak with you.

Can't you take care of them?
I have a lot of work to do.

We prefer to speak with you personally,
Captain Rojas.

Do you plan to hide all that here?

The DEA doesn't have
authorization to work on Bolivian soil.

But they have the endorsement of Interpol,

and they even brought a letter...

So what? That doesn't mean
they are trustworthy.

Those motherfuckers!
Have you seen how many there are?

Yeah, and here is The Black Rider.

Hey, isn't that Abel's wife?

What the hell is Abel's wife
doing in Sucre?

Subtitle translation by: Griselda Castillo