La Reina del Sur (2011–2019): Season 3, Episode 21 - Que esperen los demás - full transcript

Juanfer calls the DEA and tells them where they can find Faustino. Teresa confronts Landero, who sets her straight on her true family background.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -


Did you ever hear about The Black Rider?

Mrs. Karen said that name
when she was on the phone with someone.

She was talking about a meeting
The Black Rider was going to attend.

Cousin, she'd give her life for me,
I'd give my life for her.

Welcome everyone, welcome.

I just put the feminine touch on it.

Well, let's just say you do it very well.

You need to explain to me,

because it's my daughter's life
that is at stake.

You have done a lot for us.

I swear to God that every day of my life

I will be thankful for meeting you.

Don't worry. The idea is that
we are going to enter quietly.

Humbly, the savings of a lifetime,
here it is.

We struggled...

That jerk, hey!

-They turned off our light.

Oh! How did I not think of that?

Why are you such an idiot, Faustino?

Oh! How did I not think of that?

-No fucking way, bastard.


This door here...

Faustino, tell me there's
a way to open it!

You should have thought of that
when you built this bullshit!

No, there is no way out!
Don't wear yourself out.

Not even a bazooka
would open that fucking door!


Yes, I am calling
regarding the "Wanted" ad.

Oh no, it's that I know where
Faustino Sánchez Godoy is.

-If I'm not the unluckiest,

I'm the second unluckiest then.
Nothing works for me!

We'll come up with something.

Nobody brought a cell phone to call...?

-Did you bring a cell phone?

What are you saying about cell phone?
There's no cellphones here.

I don't know. I'm looking for solutions!

How can we be sure it's not a joke?

He says he has proof, and I believe him.

Okay. I hope they are right.

I'm going to take the call.

Track it down just in case.



My colleagues tell me
that you have important information

in regards to the whereabouts
of Faustino Sánchez Godoy.

Is that true?

Yes, officer. It's true.

What type of evidence do you have?

Oh, a photo.

Send me a phone number
and I'll send it right away.

Okay. Three, ten, four, twelve,
seventy-two, forty-one.

Okay! I just sent it to you. Check it.

Yes, of course. We're on it.


We got him.

Perfect. Hey, could you tell me
how you got that photo?

Oh no.

I took the photo myself
about an hour and a half ago,

and I assure you that
he's not moving anywhere.

Okay. Where was that photo taken?

In the Guatapé Lagoon.

If you want, I'll send you
the coordinates too.

He's on one of the islands.

The islands of Guatapé.

-I know them.

Perfect. Who do I have the pleasure?
What's your name?

Oh, that's not important.

Look, if you wish to collect the reward,

we need to know your name.

Oh, it doesn't matter.

I do this for love of my country.
I don't care about the reward.

What matters to me is that
you lock that criminal up

and never let him out.

I will send you the coordinates right now.

-Okay, sir, but...
-I just sent them.

See you!

Come on now, black fucker,
let's enjoy the life!

Actually, the guy isn't lying.

Here is the Guatapé lagoon.

Okay. How long does it take us
to get there?

One hour by helicopter.

Okay. I need you to talk to the helipad.

I want a helicopter now, at this moment.

I also want you to talk
to the local police and the military.

I want them involved in this.
Is that clear? You got it?

I'll do it.

How come The Black Rider
is going to meet in a train graveyard?

-Three kilometers away from Uyuni.
-That's it.

Pack something, we better leave
right now. You and me, right?

We don't know at what time
the meeting will be tomorrow

so we better get closer to stand guard.

-Tomorrow early...
-No, I would like you to come with us,

also Jonathan and Anton.

To follow him,

it's better that not everyone go,
quite the opposite, right?

Between following him and catching him,
I prefer the second.

That's too dangerous, it's better...

I feel much safer if we all go together,

so I'm going to pack.


Is it just me,
or is there something wrong with her?

It's just you, honey.

She's the same.

-We have to do something.

"We have to do something." Listen to him.

It may be to wait for them
to come shoot us.

-What are you talking about?
-There will be a change of guard.

And when those men come,

they will realize that we are in here.

They will find out everything.

It's okay. I didn't think this
was going to end like this.

At what point did
the fucking sky fall on me, then?

This is not fair.

Not fair, sis?
And what do we get if it's fair or not?

What the fuck do we get? Tell me.

Let's have faith.
Maybe someone can come help us.

Faith in what? I lost my faith long ago.


Just leave me alone.

We have to talk, it's important.

We have nothing to talk about.

Look, if you start,
I'm going to...I'm going to scream, okay?

-You wouldn't do it.

The way things are, Vanessa,

you are a loose end.

And I don't leave any loose ends,
do you understand?

-That hurts, stop it.

I did what they asked me, okay? It's over.

That's what we're going to talk about.

Let me go! No!

Sorry, your name
is not on the list of authorized persons.

My name is Antonio Alcalá.

And I want to see the First Lady.

I know who you are, sir,

-but I can't let you in.

please tell the First Lady

that her father is here,

and that I need to see her.

-Calm down, please...
-I'm calm.

We do not have authorization
to communicate with her.

Then send a custodian
to tell the First Lady,

to tell her that her father is here,
and he needs to see her.

Antonio. Please calm down.

I'm calm.

Either you calm down,
or I'll call security to escort you out.

Would you really dare?

Then I'm going to show you
what a real scandal is!

It's okay.
There is no reason to go that far.

I am willing to go anywhere in anyway.

You won't get me out of here

until I speak my daughter.

Is that clear?


I've been in half the world,
and I've never seen anything like this.

Why don't we forget everything,

and stay to live here?

The bastards from the DEA,

I don't think they would find us
among so much salt, right?

Why didn't you tell me
that you were investigating Landero?

Why do you ask if you know the answer?

If I had told you that I was doing it,

maybe it would have bothered you.

It's part of the job.

Maybe it would have bothered me, but...

I would have liked you to tell me.

You're right.

Anyway, I didn't find anything strange.

Except he's an entrepreneur and Brazilian.

And none of that affects what we're doing.

We already have a satellite map
so that we can match locations.

We'll look at it later.

In this place is the greatest reserve
of lithium in the world, you know that?

-No, I didn't.
-It's incredible.

The problem is that its extraction
is very difficult.

Well, I don't give a crap

about lithium reserves,

or its extractions.



Teresa, wait.

I'll check the maps later.
I want to go to my room.

Will you tell me what's wrong with you?

Nothing's wrong, why?

How about we behave like adults
and tell the truth?

That sounds perfect to me.
Why don't you start

and you tell me,
what are your children's names?

-My children?
-Yes, your children.

Oh, and by the way, can you also tell me
your wife's name?

What are you talking about?
What wife, what children?

Don't try to fool me, I'm not stupid.

I don't give a fuck if you're married
and you have 20 children.

What is awful, is that you deny it.


Just tell me one thing.

Who the fuck told you I'm married
and that I have children?

-It doesn't matter.
-Of course it matters!

Where did you get that from?

Jonathan ran your prints
and found all that out.

Come with me.

Ray, whenever I find you,
you'll have me to pay penance.

You'll see you won't get away this time

because I am very good
at playing hide and seek.

No, but this time he did hide very well.

I don't know if I'm going to be able
to find him.

One, two, three for Ray!

-Oh no! Because you have me tired.

Rather let's eat a...

-Open, Margarita!
-Wait there.

Open it, open it, sister!

-What happened?
-Sister, something went wrong.

Juanfer arrived there,
with another guy but without them,

and they are unloading
some bags on another dock.

So now what do we do?

Mother, are you sure
we're going the right direction?

I hope so.

Father, could it be that
you go a little slower?

It's just that the one
who lent me the boat

cares for it
as if it was his own daughter.

I understand, but the thing is

I haven't used an engine like this one
for a long time.

Well, when we get there,
what are we going to do?

I have no idea.

We already verified
the exact coordinates of the location.

-It is a farm

that belonged to Sánchez Godoy
which was expropriated several years ago.

-How far away?
-Ten minutes from the dock.

Very well. From now on
I'm in charge, okay?

-Thank you.

This is Agent Charlie Velázquez speaking,
of the DEA.

From this moment on,
I'm in charge of this operation!

Give me a number. Whatever you want.

You have to keep collaborating,
and if I pay you, even better, right?

No, because I don't want to do it.
Don't you understand?

Even if you pay me
all the gold in the world!

You don't understand

that Epifanio Vargas
is the president of this country.

If they catch me, they'll sent me to jail!

Do you know what could happen to me?

Don't play the victim now.

You got yourself into this,
and now there is no going back.

I just don't want to do it anymore.

If you think that Epifanio can hurt you,

you can't imagine what I can do.

Are you threatening me?

I am suggesting that you have no choice.

I know where you live.

Who your friends are.

Your closest relatives.

What... what do I have to do?

I need you to find out
where Teresa Mendoza is.

And what Epifanio knows
about The Black Rider.

Let's see, son. Let me ask you a question.

How much time do you need
to make a video for the First Lady?

I was going to do it,
Mr. President, but it was not possible.

Oh no? So the First Lady
is her own boss or what?

No, she did want to do it,
but I was the one who decided not to.


The truth is that the First Lady
wasn't doing well.

The video was going to be very bad,
she was stuttering,

she looked like she was going to pass out.

The video was not going to suit us,
really, sir.

-Did it look bad?

And you made the decision not to do it?

The thing is I don't pay you
to make decisions, motherfucker.

I pay you to obey me.

Uh, yes, I understand, Mr. President.

Hey, if you allow me to suggest something,
I think a photo session would be better,

her playing with her son,
and write at the bottom of the page

that the First Lady is in good health.

No way, that's not possible, no.

It is easier to manage a photograph
than a video, sir.

And I tell you no, no, no, bastard.

I understand, it's fine. I don't know...


-What do you want?
-Not me, your father-in-law.

He's here and says he's not leaving
until he sees Genoveva.

And what does that bastard want?


I was thinking of going to mass at 12,

I will no longer have time.

Let's see, calm down.
What site do you want me to go to?

To the fucking site you got
my information from.

Surely you will not have deleted
the route to the page. Hm?

-Let's see...
-Oh, he knows we investigated him.

I mean, it's also the most logical, right?

I think we have to put
the facts on the table,

don't you think?

For me, it's fine.

It would have been better to do it
this way from the beginning.

Come on.

Please re-enter the site.

Put my name in.

You already have the fingerprints in
the network, right? Check them out.

It's done.

Okay, now read it out loud

so everyone knows
who Pablo Landero is. Come on.

Ph.D. in marine biology,

from the University of California
in Berkeley.

Eighty-three years old.


Currently living in Amsterdam.


For 83 years old,
I look pretty good, don't I?

And you may as well come back tomorrow

to entertain yourselves with a new story.

The database you hacked

is designed to change information
every time an asshole enters a name.

So keep wasting time, motherfuckers.

Faustino said that this farm had
surveillance, but there is no one outside.

Mother, could it be that they left?

No, but how?

With what boat?

No, they have to be inside here.


Hey, guys.


Hey, guys!





Hey, guys!


The farm is the one in the background.

Target located. We'll proceed.

Father, Father!


What is this?

Faustino, answer me!


-Be careful!



-I heard something.

What, did you hear something?

Those are hits.

-What are you talking about?


I don't know much about drawers,
but there is nothing here.

No, let's keep on searching.

We're here!

Hey, cousin! Father,
we are here, locked up!

I can hear something.

I'm listening to something.

It's as if they are hitting something.

Hey! Hey!

Father, we are locked up in here!

We are trapped!

We are!

Team, now straight ahead, team.

How do we get in?

They left us without light,
you have to raise the fuses!

They are without light. And where are they
lit? Where do we raise them from?

Listen, listen to me!

-There, they are in the next room!
-Ready, I'm going there!

You can do it!

What did I tell you, to never lose faith.



-Thank you!
-And then there was light!

-And now that?
-Well, now what do we do?

Listen, priest, look,

here next to it there is a little box,
and there's a keyboard next to that!

That little box, that one!

That one.

-Okay, twenty-five!

-Eight, four!

Six, two!

-Six what?
-Six, two!

Open it, then!

Faustino, I was out of breath!

This cousin who... Come here, come here!

That's my cousin, my God!

Either I got lost

or we're going in the opposite direction
of the town.

That's because we are not going
to town, Father.

Well, we can't get to the pier.

That must be full of moles on the tracks.

Cover yourself, cover yourself well.
Cover yourselves well, everyone.

Awesome stash.


-Is that the police helicopter?

It is, and it's coming straight here.

Shit, now what are we going to do?

You act like you don't owe
nothing to anyone.

-Is it moving away?

It's moving away! It's leaving!

Praise the Lord!

What now, cousin?

Speed up, priest.

Cousin, do you think that one
of the sisters could do me a favor?

And what are you thinking of doing?

Where the hell might they be?

We don't know
how far ahead of us they are.

They found the guards.

They were tied up.

-Five minutes ago they heard voices.

Those who had been removed,
they put them back on.

Okay, they shouldn't be too far.
Do you have the description of their boat?

Green and white, 150.

Perfect. I need two teams
looking for them in the water.

I'm going to talk
and get a visual of them.

I'll be right back.

Condor one, wolf one here.
Condor one, wolf one here, come in.


We have the description
of the boat in which they left.

We need to find them now.


I don't want to see you.

I want to see my daughter.

Hey, Antonio!

How nice it is to see you here.
How long has it been since you came here?

You are the same,
with the same fucking bad temper.

You, on the other hand, look older to me.

-And more wrinkled.

Well, it is that being
the head of the nation

requires many things from me,

so, yes, it is leaving a mark.

Oh no. To Caesar what is Caesar's.

I must admit that you have made

a lot of effort to appear
as an honorable man, but you know what?

You show your true colors.

-Even in your ears,

you look like a crook.

Shit, that's why I don't hear anymore
from this side, right?

So what are you doing here?

I want to see my daughter.

Damn, man.

The First Lady is very busy,
she's not seeing anyone.

-Don't tell me that.

If you don't let me see my daughter,
I'll go out there

and I tell all those reporters out there

that you have her isolated and that you
don't let her talk to her father.

Nobody will believe you.

Wanna bet?

-What do you want to lose?
-You know what?

I don't like to be threatened, bastard.

Excuse me, Mr. President.
I'm not threatening you.

I'm just thinking

that if you don't do what I'm asking you,

I will carry out what I'm telling you.

You know what?

Calm down, because I feel like you're
going to have a heart attack.

And then you're gonna leave my poor son
without his grandfather.

I will go get her.

And if she wants to come, she'll come.

Do you agree?


-No cheating, right?
-Of course.

Or what, do you know me from yesterday?

Have I ever cheated? Hey?

It's a promise. I'll be right back.

Wait right here.

Well, keep going around there
like a caged lion,

I'll be right back.

I'll go ask the First Lady.

-It's pretty well stranded, isn't it?
-Come on, son, it's well tied.

-This way, follow me.
-Let's go.

-I'll open the way for you.
-Hurry up.

Because I know it perfectly.

Be careful with those bushes
because they are tricky.

-Don't touch the bushes.
-Like this, raise your arms.

-Everything's fine?

Oh, cousin. Wait.

Hey, cousin. What happened
with that physical condition?

Weren't you a javelin thrower?

Time leaves its mark.

Sister Lucero, sister!

How did it go with that truck?
Was it difficult for you?

Oh! No, sister, what can I tell you?

I only convinced the neighbor
to help me get it out,

turn it on and that's it.

The important thing
is that nobody saw you.

Oh no, I can assure you that
no one saw me or followed me.

When the neighbor found out
you were the one that ordered it,

he stopped asking.

Oh, look!

-I got you this.
-Thank you very much. How is the town?

-Rowdy or what?
-Mother of God, what can I tell you?

I have never seen it like this.

Police come out even from under the rocks.

My son, how is he?

He is very well, calm down.

He is there with Sister Consuelo,
and he's very good.

Well, come on, they are on our backs.

Come on, hurry up.

Lieutenant Silva.

They found her!

No, we're close. We are on our way.

They found the boat. We are behind them.

-Very well.
-At full speed,

full speed to Oak Island!

While you turn around,
I'll go behind and open the garage.

No, cousin. Calm down,
I have to take a ride.

What are you going to do?

I have to take a ride, it'll be fast.

But what ride, Faustino?

You shouldn't be thinking about
taking rides!

Which part of "I have to take a ride"
didn't you understand?

Be very careful
with what you are going to do.

I know what I'm doing.

I hope so.

This must be it.

In one like this the vigilantes say
that these people arrived to the island.

There were bags like this
in the room we just checked.

How difficult is it to find
the name of the owner of this boat?

-Sir, it's a tourist boat.
-It must be registered in someone's name.

-It can't be too hard.

Tourism or not, I need us to find

the name of the owner of this boat,

Yes, sir.

-Let's leave this place.
-Let's go!

I have heard something about her.


And what you want is impossible.

No, no, no.

Don't tell me it's impossible.

You're a fucking pro.

I know the work you've done for the CNI.

So, what's up?

We are talking about
a maximum security prison,

in the US.


But don't tell me what I already know.

Tell me, "Yes, Mr. President,

I'll do the job."

"It's going to cost you this much."

Is it so hard to tell me
how much it costs?

I wouldn't do it for money.

Oh shit, for what then?

-I need...
-I'll go first. Come in, please.


I want to talk to you.

Sit down.

This is my dad,

Gabriel Astudillo.

My real name is Pablo Astudillo.

He's been imprisoned in Nicaragua
for the last ten years,

somewhere in the jungle.

Guess who the only one
who can get him out of there is.

Epifanio Vargas.

That's why you're in this business, right?


what you are asking is impossible for me.

I cannot intervene in other countries,
I don't have that power.

Well, I also know your reputation, sir.

And I'm not talking about you
only as president

or politician.

If this woman is so important,

I'm sure you will find a way to help me.

I don't like being pressured.

Well, this is not pressure.

It's just the price of my services.

You decide.


You're in this business, you know we have
to investigate you before...

I don't know why
I'm telling you this, I shouldn't.

There is something in you that...

Oh, thank you, dear Jesus.

Oh, Mudo, look.

There is the picture of the Sacred Heart.

Do me a favor and take it
and come back for the suitcase, all right?

What? The painting has to go,
and the suitcase too.

Let's see, do it tomorrow.
I'll buy a bigger truck or two.

Oh, have a drink.

There, that's the attitude, brother.

Oh, I'm moving it.

Well, what do you think, that I don't
want to leave this slaughterhouse?

Mudo! You know what you're going to do
with your share?

Oh, I'm going to buy a penthouse in Miami.

Can you imagine this face in the US? Oh!

I'm also imagining the face
of my mom when I go to visit her

in jail and I tell her
that we are neighbors.

This is crazy.

They are waiting for us out there.
Also you and I have nothing in common.

-Now we should be focused, right?

They will be waiting for us.

-Okay, let's go with them now.



Tesa, are you there?

Ready, Mudo, the suitcase is ready!


This jerk, Mudo!

If you heard me, at least clap.

It's them.

What is this guy doing?



This asshole.

Are you going to leave alone or what?
You already got in the truck?


Wait a second, son, be quiet.

Or I'll make him deaf and mute.


Do you think that

because you spent some time with him
you know him?

Someone who hides his identity so well
is because he is hiding something big.

I don't know anything
about Nacho. Why, what is happening?

You have to go.

Where do you think you're going
with my ticket?

I bet that's my ticket now that
you don't have a fucking bullet, right?

My daughter...

She had no chance.

I'm counting on you.
We're about to screw the DEA.

They surrounded the town.

There are checkpoints at the exit.
Nobody can get in or out.

We are locked up, they have us surrounded.

Subtitle translation by: Erick Rodriguez