La Reina del Sur (2011–2019): Season 3, Episode 20 - La caleta - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Don't play dumb.


Rogelio Tejada...

he did know you and your partners.

We have to burn everything.


Listen to me well.

They will keep chasing us.

And what happened to your wife
can happen to anyone in the group.

Oh, my God. That's me!


-Oh, shit!
-Come on!

Let's get out of here, hurry up.
The police are following us.

-I'm going to lose them.


Tomorrow you're going to see your mom.

We're talking about the phone
of the country's president.

You're putting
that woman at risk.

-Something is not right.
-What're you doing?

How many died?

The two who were watching the back.

I think.

You think?

The bodies were unrecognizable.

And what the hell
were they doing back there?

I imagine they came in to help,
but they got caught in the blast.

Take this.

It will help you.

And the girl?

There are men all over town
looking for her.

I'm worried that the girl will talk.

Then all the police will be after us.

I don't think she would dare, sir.

If she does, it's her word against yours.


We have to keep looking for her.

There are many police officers after me.

And no doubt
they will take advantage of this.

Yes, sir. I'll take care of that now,
excuse me.

And you, are you going to pray now?

Let's see if that makes
your bad luck goes away.

We traveled in a truck
for many hours.

And then they locked us up
with other girls.

But they were taken away.

And they didn't tell you where?

Why didn't they take you with them?

Because of this.

Who did that to you?

Mr. Abel.

Why did he hit you?

He punished me
because I tried to run away.

And he hit me with his cane.

But recently he told me

that they were going to take me
to work with the others.

Was Mr. Abel the only one
giving orders, or was there someone else?

Just him.

Mr. Abel was in charge.

Mr. Abel? Is that what they called him,
just Mr. Abel?

Didn't he have a nickname?

We were forced to call him "Mister."

His men called him "boss."

Did you ever hear about the Black Rider?

Marina, it's very important.

Please try to remember
something, anything.

Yes, I heard of it.

Mrs. Karen said that name

when she was talking on the phone
with someone.

She was talking about a meeting that
the Black Rider was going to attend.

And did they say where or when?



you have to get rid of that cellphone,
as soon as possible.

-But how?
-However you can.

Epifanio can't see it.

Vanessita, what are you doing?

Open up!

Vanessa, if Epifanio sees that phone,

he will know that
you are trying to communicate.

Tell me what to do.

Get rid of it, now.

Open up! Open up!

I'm coming! Are you missing me
already, baby?


What are you playing, baby?
What do you play?

Open! Open the door!


What's wrong, amor?

I'm doing women stuff. What do you want?

Can we play like dolls?

-Let's play before we go. Okay, let's go.
-Stop it! Let's go outside.

-No, I want to play.
-No, let go of me, daddy.

-Say yes.

Oh, what the fuck! Wait!

I need to find a little thing.

Look, this...
this is what I was looking for.

But how did I get it in here?
I don't understand.

No, right now...
this is work, it's your birthday.

-Aren't gonna do it?
-It's your birthday.

I'm gonna dictate a few things.

Better you go.

-I'll carry you? Turn.
-I'll take you. I can't.


♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday
To the handsome president ♪

Yeah! We have a president!

Congratulations! A kiss!



My wish, my president,

is that you have
six more terms of presidency.

Oh, a group selfie, shall we?

-Yes, selfie!

Selfie, selfie!

Settle in, we're going to take our selfie.

Everyone get ready
for the selfie!

Wait for me, here it goes.

Listen, bitch.
What are you thinking, idiot?

Did you think the party was over, baby?

Hurry up,
the police should still be around.

I'm doing it, don't pressure me!
It's not like I'm being lazy.

We had to have gotten out of here
and changed it somewhere else.

Well, we didn't escape.
Throw away the plates so we can go.

Holy shit, the security guard.

What's up, mate?

-Already feeding the puppies?
-Yes, sir.


For the barbecue tacos
to taste better, right?


Well, see you, huh?



Mary Magdalena...

She was a troublemaker.

The mother looks the same.

And what a bandit she was.

Was she?

Well, what is the plan? Stay with her?

With her and with her friends.

Hey, I don't know much about this shit,
strategy and that kind of stuff,

but I think we should find a safer place.

There is no safer place, dude.

My cousin would give her life for me,
and I'd give my life for her.

And you know what?
We are wasting time here,

so I'm going to call her really quickly.

Hello, hello? Answer.

-Hey, cousin.

Faustino here. Don't say my name
no matter what you do.

What a surprise, cousin.

Where are you?

Look straight,
a little blue truck.

There's the turkey.

What is happening?

Have you seen the wanted posters?

I'll explain everything in a moment.

Say goodbye to your visitor
because no one can find out I'm here.

Oh, yes, of course.
Right away.

Let's see, honey, so...

-You'll go straight to...

Do you find it very exotic that
I have a nun for a cousin? Or what is it?

Interpret my silence.

Even better.

You look better when you're quiet.

Oh, my God, cousin!
But when did that happen?

She remained alive, injured,
for several days, in a very bad way.

I tried to do whatever I could,
but it wasn't enough.

We didn't get there and, well,
yesterday we buried her.

The worst thing is that she died for me,

to save me.

You couldn't meet
my little vampire, cousin.

Oh, I'm so sorry, cousin.

I don't even know what to say.

Neither you nor she deserved such a thing.

Nobody deserves something like that.

But you did very well
to come here, welcome.

-Welcome, everyone.
-Thank you, sister.

This is Sofía.

This is Paloma, they are the sisters
of my little vampire.

How painful to meet you
in this difficult situation.

I really am very sorry.

And this little gentleman, who is he?

It's my son, excuse him, it's just
that these days have been very... bad.

Oh, don't worry about that.

Later, we'll give you some candy.

Do you like candy?


-How good!
-Hey, cousin.

This is Mateo and Father Gonzalo.

Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, Father.

Although I imagine "Father" is an alias.


-I'm a priest.

Virgin Mary!

-A colleague.

Well, come on, you must be tired.

Let's drink something,
and you can get to know the house.

You may eat something.

Go on.

I still can't believe
what happened to Rocío.

Neither can I.

It seems that bad luck is always with me.

Don't ever say that, Teresa.

They are the motherfuckers, not you.

At least we're clear on that, honey.

How are Faustino and the girls?

Really bad.

Very bad, they are sad.

Well, it seems they already arrived
at Faustino's town.

But hey, how did it go for you?

So-so. We had some trouble
with some police officers.

Yes, with the same ones
who interrogated us.

But don't worry.

Luckily we lost them.

If they were following you,
that means they already suspect

that we are not who we said we were.

Are you sure they don't
have a way to track us?

Positive. We changed the car's plate
and everything.

This is Marina. Come here, honey.


Come here.
I'm so happy to see you.

It's good to see you like this, safe.

-Thank you.
-Excuse us, we'll settle in.


I missed you a lot. I needed to see you.

I've something
to tell you about Landero.

But later. It's a little long.


These guys are tiresome.

Are they never
going to stop insisting on this?

Maybe we shouldn't have come.

If you're from here,
isn't this the worst place to hide?

This is my square.

I know this place,
I know how things work here.

Calm down.

Also, nobody here knows that Faustino
and I are cousins. Well...

the sisters, but they are not
going to say anything.


Oh, does that also bother you?

Is something wrong
with the priest or what?


even if the sisters don't say it,

our presence in this house
puts them in serious danger.

We know that, Father,
but we don't care.

And not just for love.

See this beautiful house,

Faustino donated it to us.

And everything we do
is because of his money.

I know what you are thinking, Father,
but I have a question for you...

Do we have the right to judge?

The teacher of teachers doesn't do it.

He didn't come into this world
to judge, but to save.

-Yes, but...

Uh, good.

Rather, the one who is wrong is me.

Don't doubt it, son.

Look at this man!

No, no more, cousin. It's enough.

I don't need to say that
you can stay as long as you want.

But I guess those aren't the plans.

No, we have to get out of here.

But first I need to go look
for some savings that I have.

Ah, I need this guy again.

The dealer that used to work for me.

-Well, I need you to locate him.
-I'll look for him right now.

And what is happening over there?

Like they don't want
to eat the soup, or what?

-He doesn't want to eat.

How come you don't want to eat
this delicious soup? Oh, my God.

So I'm gonna eat it myself,
because it's delicious.

Oh, what a tasty smell.

Are you sure you want to miss out
on this delicious thing?

Did you hear what the sister said?
About not judging.

-Sofía, please.
-My mom is not a killer.

When my mom was sent to jail,
it was for something she didn't do.

She didn't kill those DEA agents.

When they put her in jail, she had
no unfinished business with anyone, Mateo.


She was involved in those businesses.

And about my dad...

it is much more complicated
than you want to believe.

So much that neither my sisters
nor I judge her.

-I don't know if you noticed.
-I haven't thought about it.

My mom is not proud of what she did.

But she's not ashamed either.

And I'm not going to be ashamed
of her either.

Sofía, I know that I messed it up,
and so, whatever your mom may've done...

-She didn't do anything!
-I know she didn't!

Forgive me, because I am sorry.

What a pity that regret
doesn't do Rocío any good.

-Didn't we know where they're going?
-Yeah, I said that, but...

Oruro is already behind us
and it isn't there.

I will go to Potosí
to see what I can find out,

and you return to La Paz.

-But I can be of help.
-Let's see.

Wherever I tell you to go, that's where
you're most useful. You understand me?

Please go on, ma'am.

If I need help,
I'll ask my colleagues over there.

As you order, captain.

Okay. The keys.

Have a good trip.


Well, we're leaving!
It's leaving for La Paz!

Quietly looking at the stars?

Doesn't seem like your thing.

Don't underestimate me because I'm quiet.

I know more than what I say,

I think more than what I speak,

and best of all...

I see absolutely everything.

So I can ultimately deal...
the final blow.

No, seriously, I...

I was very touched

and very anxious, by the talk with Marina.

Now I do think we're about to catch
the Black Rider.

Yes, me too.

I think we're close.

Finally, let them give us
that fucking proof.

I never understood why Vargas insisted
on putting you on this mission.

And now you understand?

Mmm, no. But he's the boss.

You know that
your greatest virtue is being a bastard?

Well, no one has ever told me
I had any virtues.

But they did tell you
that you're a bastard, right?

Surely many times,
and there are many to come.

Epifanio Vargas was right

when he said that only his goddaughter

could handle this job.


you're not a bad fit either.

You have done amazing too.

Well, there are things I couldn't
have done without you.

Even if I wanted to.

Just the way you spoke with Marina.


I just gave it the feminine touch.

Well, let's say you do it very well.

And what was that?

Just curiosity.

This is going to end.

Let's not screw it up.

I got everything you asked for.

The bags, the masks,

the two new cell phones,
and the clothes, huh?

Well, nothing like that.

But, well, Juanfer, thank you very much.

Oh, no, that's what we're here for.

The only thing I couldn't get you
was a female friend for you.

Because we already have ours, right?

Ah, don't worry, son. That...

-Here, I have my baby.

What about this man?

How are things? He's quiet.

Oh, don't worry about him, he's mute.

-Mute? We can cut his tongue if he wants.
-No, no, no.

-He's actually mute.

-He was born like that.
-Born like that?

Oh, come on, he's mute?
Well, just say something.

-Say something.
-Stop, don't play with him.

Oh, see!

The Happy Meal combo arrived.


Come over here
and I'll introduce you.

What do you need, cousin?

I present to you to my mate.
This is Juanfer.

I already told you about him,
a lifelong friend.

-What else? How is it?
-Very good.

Well, I am a lifelong friend,
who is alive, thanks to you.


Oh! He is a friend who will come with us.

Don't worry, he is very quiet.


Since we have a little time,
we are gonna explain the plan to you.

Well, you'll excuse me,
but I can't be part of this.

See, priest, wait a moment, son!

It's not that I'm dying to ask him
for favors, no.

We do need him.

And don't worry, this doesn't go against
your principles, it is something simple.

Sure. To you, what is something simple?

You just have to drive

and take us to the dock
and wait there for us.

Approximately two or three hours.

-What if things don't work out?

What's up, priest?
Be positive, always positive.

It's gonna be fine,
we've everything arranged.

A dock? Weren't we going to your farm?

-Let's see. See.
-You have the money, right?

To get to El Primor, which is the name
of the farm, you have to go by boat.

The farm is in the middle
of a lagoon, on an island.

The boat is my property,

don't worry about it.

We used it when we were doing business,

but since we can't do it anymore,

I had to use it to transport tourists.

Since my partners and I
are going to be busy,

Mateo decided to drive it.

Now, there is one thing
that has me worried,

something I didn't know
and found out about yesterday.

You tell them.

The farm is no longer owned by Faustino.

But don't worry.

There's already a plan in place
for all of this, right?


The thing is,
when they began to chase him,

the farm was expropriated

and it was auctioned
and bought by a businessman.

The man barely stays there,

but you have to be prepared to be alert.

And when you say,

"be prepared to be alert..."

What exactly do you mean?

Four people well-armed, sister.

Calm down! Don't worry,
we have them well watched,

because we're constantly passing
that way, right?

So my partners
and I are gonna go ahead

and leave everything clean
and check that everything is calm.

Meanwhile, you continue on your way

to the Primor dock.

And Sofía and I, what do we have to do?

-Hello, guys!

Could you help us?

How so, sister-in-law? Easy.
You're going to get there, all nice,

to distract the guys watching.
Simple, right?

With the Spanish accent,
some tourists are lost, and so, that's it.


Well, and after we do that,
then what?

We'll take care of that.

It makes me sad
to rain on your parade,

because I see you very positive,
but if that farm has another owner,

surely they took your money.

Why do you think
he still has the money there?

Listen to the cousin.

There's no chance of them
finding that money.

Don't worry. The idea is that
we are going to enter quietly.

Take advantage
as they're not waiting for us.

Hey, jerk.

Drink your last cup of coffee,
friend, may as well. Good!

Do you remember the stash from the ranch?

Well, this one is very similar.

The same capacity, dimensions, same shape.

But it's more camouflaged,
that's okay, I'll put it like this...

Not even a sorcerer could find it.

Oh, and since they don't know
what's inside,

we'll arrive for the treasure,
awesome. That's the plan.

Over here! Hey!

Turn left and then the stairs.

Feel at home.

Take good care of the little one,
she is very pretty.

What's up?

Everything's fine.

Dark and strong, like we like it, huh!


This money will be very useful for Marina
and her mother, thank you very much.

Thank the Russian, you don't know
all the money I gave him

to rescue his son.

Can I ask you a question?


I'm dying to hear it.


How's your curiosity
from last night going?

I don't know what you're talking about.

You lie so bad.

I bet whatever you say...

you haven't stopped thinking about it
for a second.

Well, it's clear is that you're
the one who can't stop thinking about it.

What do you want me to tell you?

I'm a bastard, I'm not forgetful.

Why is it that La Mexicana always
sets her eyes on the wrong person?

Oh! Look who's talking!

You were in the same boat,
my little Spaniard,

until I saved you.

Ah, but yeah,
they do look suspicious, huh?


Oh, honey. It's obvious.


have you already told Teresa
about that guy's family?

I'm ready.

Ready and beautiful. So get going.

Take care, little boy.

Hey, open the window
so you don't get seasick, huh?

-Oh, yes.
-And you, get yourself a lemon lollipop.



Well, the time has come.

You are very pretty, girl.

-Let's go.
-It's a pleasure meeting you.

Have a good trip.

Thank you very much, sir.

Here, Sheila.

-Let's go.
-Let's go.

Out front there are the two usual guys.

No, Abel is in the mine.

It's still going to take a while.

Yes, go to the back, it's safer.

Like you did last time.

Are you already there?

Go ahead.

I'm on my way to open it.

I arrived two hours earlier than expected.

I couldn't wait to see you.

We have many things
to talk about. Come in.

Hey, pay attention.

You know, son. If anything happens, yell.

Contact me through my cellphone.

Be very careful, don't let them move,
or shoot them, you hear?

Be careful with them,
I'll leave it here.

-Yes, sir. Don't worry, you already know.
-So what?

Juanfer! Well, let's go. Let's go quickly.

Is that ready, or what?

Hey! Be careful!

Help me with this, let's see.

And the money?

Come in, let me explain.

I don't see it.

Faustino, what's going on?

Relax. One second, look.

And abracadabra.

Well, come in.

Come in, make yourselves at home.

What do you think?

It is not very big, but it has everything

to endure a week locked up here.

How beautiful.

Humbly, the savings of a lifetime.

They are there, huh?

Did my sister know about this?

Well, yes,
your sister knew everything about me.

The thing is, she didn't
want us to touch this.

She wanted a normal life and that's it.

Women are always like that.



What are we going to do?

What are we going to do?
Well, nothing, let's get to work.

-Let's do it quickly.

That's it.

Come on.

Why hasn't she arrived yet?

Is it possible that she didn't see us?

No, I don't think so.

Also, we arrived early.
It shouldn't be much longer.

-What if she went somewhere else?

Calm down, girl.
Your mother knows where we are.

So she'll come, okay?

What are you thinking about?

About my friend.

Do you think you can help her?

I promise you that if we find her,

same as with you,
we are going to free her.

I promise that.

Look, honey.
I'm sure your mom is on that bus.


My girl!


My daughter.

My daughter.

Ms. Sonia.
Take this.

Thank you.

I can't accept it.

No, but you will need it, remember
that you cannot return to La Paz.

You have done a lot for us.

It's a lot of money.

This is enough for you to start over,
to get a place.

Please, I'm begging you, take it.

I would've never seen Marina again
on my own. I swear to God

that all the days of my life
I will be grateful

for having met you.

Help me, daughter.

This bracelet, the one who gave it to me,

says it's for good luck,
See, it worked for me.

Maybe it will work for you.

Thank you very much.

The truth is that luck is what I need.

Well, good luck to you.

Only good things can happen to you.

Well, I think it's time
to say goodbye, right?

-Goodbye, Marina.
-Thank you all.

Take good care.

Thank you.


It's fine.

Hey, thanks for the help, okay?
I owe you one.

He says it's a high-tech tracker,

that is not available here.

They were following Abel's footsteps.

At the very moment you dropped
it into the water,

it stopped working there.

Did you know that the day the Mexicans
and Russian went to negotiate with Abel

in the mine,

he lost his cane for a moment?

Wasn't that the day the policeman
he had infiltrated died?


Because they found his body the next day.

Do you think foreigners are on this?

I don't think so.

I'm sure.

I don't like what is happening at all.

And I haven't told you
the strangest thing yet.

More than the Baronesa fire?

Tejada disappeared.

The last that was heard of him

was a very strange call he made to Abel.

And we don't know anything after that.

I can't understand what those
foreigners are looking for.

Well, there you have it.
That's the cemetery.

It doesn't seem like
the best place to have a secret meeting.

Too exposed.

Well, the other two I have
are even smaller.

One in Thola Pampa
and the second in Pulacayo.

Maybe Marina didn't hear correctly.

Any inscription that says "Such is life"?

Or something similar.

That was what Marina said.

Or something like that.

The photos are very bad quality and...

What you guys
are talking about?

A cemetery, in Uyuni.

Well, look for the train cemetery,

it's on the outskirts.

What trains
are you talking about?

The trains
that have been abandoned

since the middle of the last century
just outside the city.

Now it is a tourist place
where people do graffiti.

That "Such is Life" is a very famous one.

Famous to whom?


Fucking rookie.

You're right.

Here is the train cemetery,

here is this famous graffiti,
"Such is life."

Fucking rookie.

Well done. Thank you, son.

I said what everyone knows.

Why do you always speak to him in Russian
and he answers you in Spanish?

He knows I enjoy
hearing him speak Russian.

That's why he avoids it.

Thankful I have no children.

Such is life.

So married with three children.

Yes, ma'am.

Just like I said.

And you really didn't know anything?

He never told you?


What's incredible?

Mr. Landero can do whatever
he likes, okay?

My relationship with him
is purely professional, okay?

I know you as if I'd given birth to you.


Well, what... it's obvious
that he likes you

and... and you like him too.

And, well...

it's too noticeable.

Even more,

I would swear
that you two are already involved.

Sheila, I mean,

how could I have gotten involved
with that bastard?

I mean, I have so many
more important things to do

than mess around with that guy.

I don't understand why
you and Oleg are investigating him

without telling me.

Oh, I'm sorry, Teresa.

But that was Oleg's idea,
and he didn't want to tell you.


the thing about Landero
sounds incredible...

Well, that's it, right?

Also I don't give a damn
about Landero as a man.

Well, if you say so, I believe you.

-You don't give a damn.

The truth is that I have no idea
where the hell Abel is hiding the gold.

I have tried everything...

from infiltrating policemen

to following Tejada day and night.

We are missing something.

Be careful, the old man
is not as stupid as he seems.

Abel is just a son of a bitch.

You'll be free soon, I promise that.

Only if we find out where he has the gold.

I don't plan on leaving until I take
revenge for everything he has done to me.

But for now...

it is best to lay low

and find a way to cancel
the Black Rider meeting,

don't you think?

-What do you think?
-How come I didn't think of it before?


I know
how we're gonna get to the gold.

Let's see, it's so heavy.

Be careful, it's heavy.

I'll help you.

That's it!

Here comes another.

-Tell them to hurry up.
-I'm on my way.

Your friend says to pick up the pace.

Well, that's what we're doing.
There are two trips left and that's it.


Pass me the other one, please.

Are we missing anything?

Nothing, let me check quickly
and that'll be it.

Cool! I hadn't seen this place.

Cool? What are you doing here?

-You asked for me.

-I'm sorry, guys...

Motherfucker, hey, motherfucker!

Open up!

Open the door!

He left us locked up.

Fuckers, they turned off the lights.


I'll leave a little gift for you,


Don't tire yourselves.

We couldn't even open that fucking door
with a bazooka.

I took that myself an hour and a half ago,
and I assure you that he won't move.

I'd feel better
if we went together, so I'm going to pack?

Is it just me,
or is there something wrong with her?

How about we behave like adults
and tell the truth?

Don't try to fool me,
because I'm not stupid.

I'll tell all those reporters
out there

that you have her isolated and that
you won't let her talk to her father.

I don't like being threatened, bastard.

I am DEA agent
Charlie Velázquez.

From this moment on,
I'm in charge of this operation!


Subtitle translation by: Erick Rodriguez.