La Reina del Sur (2011–2019): Season 3, Episode 3 - El trato - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

Check the data?

Miramontes is doing
underground DEA operations

to take you down.

Black Horseman
has enough evidence with him.

Let's grab the bull by its horns.

No one will know the problem
that's coming to them.

They won't have a chance.

-We don't know what he wants either.

If he did all of this,

I don't even want to know
what's he going to ask for in return.

The data is correct,
the president is leaving the hotel.

No! No!

Let her go! What?
You're tough with just your pack!

Everyone out...

-Everyone up...
-Come on, come on, I'm going.

Where are you going?

Is this Mexico?

Sweet and lovely Mexico, dear.

Welcome to Mexico!

Welcome to your country!

Mr. President.

You almost made it, right, idiot?

Long time no see, dear. What's up?

Did you have a good trip?

I thought that the story between you
and me had finished a long time ago.

Me, too.

But then something came up
and I started to think,

who the heck can help me?

Who the heck?
Who? Who? Who?

And who do you think I thought of?

And what the fuck do you need?

Something very difficult and very big.

To end the fucking DEA once and for all,

and tell them to go fuck themselves.

So you stop running around like
a mouse, hiding in holes.

What do you think?

Are you in?


I can't anymore.
Tell me what are we doing here!

If we do things right,
the DEA will lose our tracks.

Let's go upstairs, quick!

Who's Alí?

Calm down, I'm Ali.

Come on, come on!

I don't understand why Fedor and I
have to be in the middle of this.

They found us.

Help me!

I told you not to help the Mexican!

Now the DEA won't let us
even breathe, Oleg!

What are we going to do now?

Please, Yul...

This is not a moment for talking.

Everything will be okay.

Okay, Mom, okay.

I'm here, with you...

What are you trying to do, Oleg?

That's impossible, Oleg!
That's suicide!

We don't have any other way!

You have to do what I do.

Hold on tight to me.

Okay, Dad.

Hold on tight to your dad!
Don't let go, do you hear?

Come on!
Everything's fine!

-Don't let go, Fedor.
-Yes, Dad.


Hold on tight!

Don't let go, Fedor.

There's no time, Yulia!

You can do it!

My God, I can't!

You can do it, Yul!

Don't look down!

Just a little more!

You can do it!

Hold on! You can do it!

Don't give up!
Don't give up, Yul!

You can do it!

Don't give up!

Don't give up!

Hold on tight!

I love you...

What the fuck
is Teresa saying to them?

I told you.

I don't like to leave her alone
with those two idiots.

Well, but they want to talk
with her, not with us.

And what's worse,
they put their lapdog on us.

If we wanted, we would
leave here in three seconds.

Am I wrong, Oleg?

Am I right, dumbass?

Epifanio really wants to end the DEA?

How is he going to do it?

Blackmail them?

-The Yankees?

And the ones on top,
the ones who pull the strings.

Look, Teresita,

to fight the enemy,

there's no stronger weapon
than blackmail.

And the Black Horseman?

-By the way, what a stupid name.

-He has enough to blackmail them?

-In Bolivia?
-In Bolivia.

Yes, that guy has big things
against the DEA.

Of all the shit they've done
in Latin America.

Those assholes sell guns.

They got into drug trafficking,
bribe presidents.

Proof of what many people talk about,
but no one has been able to prove it.

And what do I care?
What good is to me?

If this goes out, it's true.

Many heads will roll.
Heads of important people.

They won't like that to go public.

So they're going to have
to sit and negotiate with me,

and they will let me be
the president of Mexico,

and they will let me
handle things with peace at once.

And they're going to
give you your freedom.

You'll be able to go with your daughter
anywhere you want.

And you know what?

So you know I'm generous,

I'm going to tip you
five million dollars, how's that?

You in, or what?

We might be lucky this time,

From everything we've seen
the president do these months,

this is the most suspicious.

Being here, and not coming...

it's the same thing.


Jane Kozar.

According to Epifanio,
she was in charge of capturing me.

A senator?

-No way.

Well, according to Epifanio,
she's the DEA's true power.

She gets to pick
the directors that she wants.

And allegedly,
what he wants me to do,

is going to affect her
and the big fish from the DEA.

And you think this can happen?

That I fight against the DEA alone?

Yes, it can.

Hey, there's no other way!

And what do you think of Epifanio?

Do you trust him?

Of course not.

But at least last time
he did his part, right?

I hope you still remember
that last time...

it was him who ordered
to kidnap your daughter.

And everything he has done
to you all these years.

Oleg, I still remember.

But this time is different.
We need each other.

There's no other way.

I also told him you
have nothing to do.

I'm with you.

No, you did a lot by rescuing me.

-I don't want you to...
-I said, I'm coming with you.

And I'm not doing this for you.

I'm doing it for myself.

I have a pending debt with the DEA.
They betrayed me.

And they killed Willy.

So, I'll gladly fuck them up.

I'm all the way in, Teresa.


Wherever my boss goes...

that's where I'll be.

There you go, damn it.

There you have it.

Faustino, don't tell me to calm down.

She's been missing for three hours.

She hasn't picked her phone,
she hasn't called us,

she isn't anywhere, what happened?

This is very weird.

Hey, I have to give some cash,
but a friend of mine

will let us see the security cameras

so we can see where she went.
Come on, follow me.


Here's the glass.

It's clean.

It's a sweet drink
but it's going to calm you.

At least your hands aren't shaking.


Could you check again
if they are around?

I just checked.

Those guys got tired
of going around, they must be gone.

The bad thing
is that you lost your stuff.


That doesn't really matter.

Well, yeah.

But it sucks that you had
such a bad welcome.

Don't think everyone here
is like that,

people here are nice.

That's Mono.

He wasn't homeless,
drugs got him like that.

But anyways,

you'll see that in a week,
everything's going to be fine.

You'll see that you just got
into heaven.

And that not all the houses are this ugly.


I have to call my sister.

She must be worried.
Could you lend me your phone?

I don't have one,
I broke it a few days ago,

and I haven't had money
to buy one.

But if you want, I have a friend...

No, you won't leave me alone.

It's just a moment.
Mono will take care of you, all right?

Give me a second.

What do you mean
they're going with you?

Just like that,
and it's going to be more pricey.

No, no, I just needed them
to take you out from prison.


But this time I want the double.

Because what you need,
it's fucking hard.

And I need a good team
for this to go well.

All right, all right!

We won't discuss about that.

We'll do it your way, but since
I like to take care of my interests,

each one of these assholes
is getting a device,

because I want to know
where they are.

And the one who takes it off,

can go fuck themselves.

And you? Fuck off, too.
Deal's over, dear.

Very well then.

But I'm not giving a single step
without seeing my daughter.

And without that fucking device,

I don't want you to know
where is she.

Oh, dear, I'm one step ahead of you.

You left Malaga, with Paloma.

Or what?

I have eyes on your people,
how do you think I got these guys?


Besides, going all the way there?
I don't think so.

You have no time, it's too far away.

There's no deal, then.

And if you know me,
you know I won't risk my life

without seeing my daughter first.

Very well then.

You go, but you're going with Landero.


I'm not going anywhere
with that asshole.

Sure you will, dear, you go
with Landero, and Landero only.

That's how it will be.

Is for you to get used to it.

Because he will be in
the mission with you.

And that's it, dear, end of story.

Because the DEA, the Yankees,
they must be close.

Or what?

You think that the border
will stop them?

All right, enough.


I'll leave you here, then.

They'll pick you up in a minute.

Let's go.

Are we all going out at the same time?

We're doing the first part
of the route together.

Then we're separating.

The signal is not the best, sir,
but the archives are gone.

Are you sure you didn't recognize

any of the guests that were there?

No, sir, it's not any of those we thought

that might meet with the president.

There has to be a kingpin, damn it.

Epifanio must be planning
his damn submission.

From the pictures you sent me,

is the president there, too?

No, no, sir, when I took them,
he was not with them anymore.

They got into somewhere else
and I couldn't see them.

Well, get back.

Right now!

Hear me well,

I need one picture of one of his guests.

If we really get to prove
he's working in the criminal world,

we got him.

The pictures are here.

And this?

This isn't what we were looking for.

Teresa Mendoza.

This can't be.

Wasn't she in prison?


The president is leaving, sir.

Should I follow him?


General, do you copy?

General, I need instructions!


Eagle Control.

We have three possible vehicles
going into Palomas.

What's your location? Over.

Eagle to Control, 330 degrees north,
64 degrees west, over.


What if we get an infection
from those things?

There's no reason for that.

Control to Eagle, cars are moving,

leaving Puerto Palomas.

Eagle to Control, got it,
ready for the coordinates. Over.

Coordinates, 31 degrees, 39 north,
107 degrees, 35 west.

Ground support,
how far are you from the last entry?

Dykes ground support here, copy.

We're three minutes away from
the objective, three minutes away.

I'm giving you two minutes.
Two minutes.

Am I that ugly?

It's the first time you're
in a place like this, right?

I can tell.


You can call from here.

Hey, stop it there, it's her, it's her.

At what time was that?

8:30 in the morning.

Half an hour before we got here.

Go forward, man.

Let's see there.


Damn it, Sofía, where are you?

Only you are missing.

Whichever hand you want.


These are your phones.

Control to Eagle.
Start descending.

I repeat, start descending.


Control here, got it,
starting with the descent. Over.

Control Eagle, what's going on?

Ground support to Control, they stopped,
we're now capturing them.

You, lower the window!
Interpol, hands up!

Hands up!
Get out, get out, idiot.

Come on, hurry, hurry.
Stop, don't move!

Eagle, what the fuck is going on?

Get out of the car.
Hurry, idiot, hurry!

Hurry. Raúl!

Control to Eagle, what's happening?

They're taking too long,
and they stopped them. Damn!


What the fuck is going on?

Ground Control to Control.

The suspects were not...

in the vehicles we intercepted. Over.

What do you mean?

Who the fuck is on the trucks?

Who the fuck were in the vehicles?

They are just drivers. Over.

Hey, shut up!
Who entered into the tunnel?

I need you to tell me right now
who entered into the tunnel?


I need to know
who entered the damn tunnel!

Right now! Got it?

Get me someone from Mexico,

I need to talk to him now!

I'll set those drivers free in two weeks.

What matters is that they don't know
who they work for.

Great. I owe you one.

What a good trick I pulled on them.


The Yankees took the bait.

Those assholes followed the trucks.

And what's best,

is that Teresa is on our side now.

We're going from defending, to attacking.

Fucking Yankees, they won't see it coming.

Deep inside, assholes!

What happened?

Are the investors coming?

They said yes, but only their lawyers.

-Can you handle that?

-Let me know when they arrive.

-Tell me.

Tell Vanessa to change us
the wardrobe, okay?

-It's not Halloween.

Give me a break.

-Yes, sir.
-Let's go, man.

Let's go.

Well, man, go ahead,
I'll catch up with you.



What's your friend, the press, saying?

Most of them liked
that the president arrived here.

And the other part?

Two of them wonder
why you came here to do the same

that the governor did.

And some others say that...

they wish you'd stop...

with the nonsense, and get to work.

The fuck?

I already know, sir,
in which section they're working at.

Oh, I like that.

Always one step ahead, Vanessa.


Hey, remember
we have things to do, okay?

-Write that down.
-Yes, I will.

-Where to now?
-Over here.


It doesn't matter that
the governor was here a few days ago.

I wanted to tell you that,
for my government,

the schooling of all
of our children is crucial.

That's why I promise,
that this is the first

of many schools we will refurbish.

That we will expand.

Because the children deserve it.

This country deserves that all
children get a good education!

-They deserve it!

I mean...

That the Mexican police department knows,
means nothing.

You don't live there?

No, I just go there
when I have to work.

Why do you do that?

Don't you think I sell drugs?

You thought I did?

-I just get there to help.

Yes, I get there to visit the guys
as there are too many junkies,

like the Monkey.

So I go with them,
I make friends with them,

but a true friend, right?

And when they're ready,
I take them...

to the house of the priest Gonzalo Perea.

He's my boss.

You work for a priest?

He doesn't pay well,
but he's very nice.

Mateo, thanks for what you did for me.

You can do
the same for me some time.

If you want, when my sister gets me,
I'll ask her for some money...

What are you saying?

I didn't mean that,
I didn't help you for money.

I did it because I had to, that's it.

-Sorry, I thought that...

Are you okay?

Sofía, are you okay?

-Are you okay?
-Yes, I'm okay.

Thanks to Mateo, they didn't hurt me.

Really? Who's Mateo?


Well, am I invisible or what?

Hey, kid! You're so big!

Got it. And you know that I never
called you for anything.

Good, if you hear anything, let me know.

No one knows anything about a possible
release or escape of Teresa Mendoza.

We'd have to ask the Interpol.

But I don't want to make noise.

Those two killers are up to something.

And it's not good at all.

Do you think Vargas talked
with the U.S. government

-to get her free?
-No, no, no.

They don't like Vargas.

They wouldn't do favors to him.

What do you have?

Since they left Puerto Paloma,
they didn't stop.

They just did in a container warehouse.

Don't stop following.

Getting Teresa Mendoza
is now your priority.

I don't think we can do it alone, General.

Just don't lose her.
If you need anything, I'll send it to you.

Got it, sir.

Would you look at that.

And I thought I had lost the hope
of revenge against my son's murderer.

Step by step,
if I give the order to get her,

it's because she can be hiding something
that could get us Epifanio.

-That's my priority!
-That's my priority, too!

Since he positioned himself,

I'm risking a lot with this.

If I get discovered plotting
against the president,

-I could get court-martialed for treason.
-And what about me?

I wouldn't do well at all.

You're the boss of the opposition.

-You'll have all forgiven.

In my case, the price is different.

I hope you understand that.

Teresa and I will stay there.

My friend will take you to the place
where everything is settled

for you to travel.

Could you be more specific?

No, I'd rather surprise you.

Who will give us the documents
to enter Bolivia?

You won't need it.

I hope you know what you have to do
as soon as you get there, okay?

I don't. I forgot everything.

This is Paola's contact.

You don't know how much
I want to hear my daughter's voice.

Call her.

I want to, but I'm scared.

It's crazy, I know, but...



Your daughter?

It's been so long, Oleg.

She must look very different,
a little woman already.

I'd love to see her face
if I talk to her.

I don't even know if she hates me
for leaving her alone in the beach.

She must understand.

I assure you she will be very happy.

Everything will be as it used to.

Take care.

Say hi to Sofía for me.

Sofía! Come on!
I'm so happy, let me see you.

I mean, come on!
You're so big and pretty!

Just like your mother.

You're very pretty, too, Sheila.

Well, yes.

Single, I was pretty,
and married, I'm even more.

My Batman makes me very happy.

Sofía, why do you have that face?

You're here with us, your family,
nothing's going to happen.

And we won't let anyone
mess up our reunion.

I was very scared, Sheila.

I didn't know what they
were going to do to me.

Hey, hey, girl, don't worry about
that anymore.

We'll take you shopping to lift your mood.

Or you're keeping these clothes forever?

Batman! You're coming or what?

Even if I was not invited!

We'll get you everything, girl, come on.

You two stay out, we got this.

If you trust these two, you're blind.

No, no, what do you mean?

This girl has her own style.
The same as her mother, right?

Mendoza style.

-There, come on.
-Come on, girl, let's go.

You'll see.

She's so pretty.

-Look at them, how happy!

-Personal shopper.
-Personal shopper.

Now what?

We have a long walk to the base.

But I have to see
if they left me anything.

Do you need me to go with you?

Because if someone
is going to hurt you,

just tell them you're
the president's bodyguard

and they'll get scared.

You work for him, too, now.

-I'm not his bodyguard.
-No, look, let me tell you something.

I don't work for anyone.

I don't do favors for anyone.

This is an alliance.

"An alliance"?

Sure, if you say so.

Stay here. Don't move.

Where am I supposed to go
with this shit inside of me?

She's alone and unaware.


-Yes, it's me.

What a surprise, I thought
you couldn't make calls.

Well, actually I'm not calling from jail.

I can't explain right now, but...

I'm out. It's a long story.

Look, Oleg told me that...

that my daughter is there with you.

That you went for here to Australia,

and, well, thank you.

But, so? How's my daughter?


-She must have grown, right?

A full grown lady now.

Yes, you're right.

And she talks about me?

Of course, woman.


And, is she around?


Teresa, it's just that...

Sofía is gone, she's in Colombia.


What is she doing in Colombia?
Since when?

Since yesterday.

I'm so sorry to tell you like this,

but things with Sofía
haven't been so good.

Look at this, girl, look...

Take whatever you want,
and if you really like it, take two!

We won't take them from you.

Everything but buzz or meat tacos
because you won't grow.

Don't worry, I just need some clothes
to change.

Just clothes? That's it?

We have everything here, come.

Look what I'm about to show you.

A phone. This is a beauty.

Last generation.
You won't believe the pictures.

Come on, man, we're trying
to cheer her up, not down.

Here, my phone.
This one's actually cool!

Try it, if you like it,
tomorrow when they bring more

I'll give you a new one, okay?

He's on another level.
Look, if that's not enough,

here's your tablet.

If you don't like it, there are
others there, but they won't last

not even a day, you'll see.

I'm crazy about Sheila, like that,
with no spaces, with "SH."

That's the Wi-Fi password,
so you have internet.

Okay, ah...

Thank you very much, for real,
but I still need clothes.

Clothes? Of course, come on.

Latest summer collection
of footwear and apparel in Europe.

The color, the skirts, everything.

Pick the one you want,

and Sheila will put the brand.

To look like a higher status.


Do you have a package for me?

The manager should have left it for me.

Second office to the right.


Look, I know Rocío's phone from memory.

Please, don't tell them.
I want to surprise Sofía, okay?

And Paloma, please take care,
thank you for everything.

I owe you one. A big one.

Don't move!

Don't move, don't move!

Hey, let's get her!

Where the fuck is she?

I'd rather jump alone.

If it wasn't your first jump,
I swear I would agree.


The murderous daughter
of the Queen of the South.

I'm going to be in charge now
because I don't want you to harm yourself.

And mostly,

I don't want you to talk
to the wrong person.

I need time to think.

Think what?

Of what I want to do,
I'm tired of being told what to do.

It's time for me to
make the decisions of my own life.

I think this time,
the DEA chose its enemies poorly.

Because of Vargas? Or Teresa?

Because of me.

What you're feeling
is the barrel of a gun.

In less than three seconds,
a bullet will cross your head.

Tell me where's the kid!

Open the door, damn it!

Subtitle translation by: Iván Barquera