La Reina del Sur (2011–2019): Season 3, Episode 10 - Rumbo a Potosí - full transcript

The DEA's planned raid of the house in Palomino takes an unexpected turn. Oleg films an interview with Tejada in order to plant a bug in his office.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

-I've seen everything I want.
-Thank you.

If you want to interview me,
just give me a call and...

You and I are going to Potosi, right?


There's something we didn't try

when we were trying to find out
about Landero.

There are fingerprints.

We have a report
that this vehicle is stolen.

I warned you, huh?

Cuff them!

I just want to see you again.

You remember Lina, right?

The one from college? Yes, of course.

I saw the lady talking
from the fixed telephone of the offices.

With whom?

With the journalist Ignacio Duarte,
I think.

Do you think or are you sure?

What then, champ? Look.

What I need is for you to tell me

that you already have leads
on the Black Rider.

It made me very sad
to see my daughter like that.

I understand.


But this is not the time
to fall apart, Antonio.

It's just she looked so sad,
so... heartbroken,

like she doesn't have the strength
to leave that bastard.

With the American senator on your side,

Epifanio Vargas is going to stop
being a problem for Mexico

and for your daughter.

I just hope it's not too late
for my daughter.

For now, I have to inform
all my findings to the senator,

everything I learn.

Has this informant given you any clue
about what they're going to tell you?

No, as if.

She only told me
that she is going to charge us double.

The information she has about Epifanio
is very important.

I hope so.

I wish.


she must be almost here.

Henceforth, all the communication
that you and I have

has to be through the phones
and the line that the DEA gave us.

-Don't fuck around.
-You understand?

Everything remains the same.

I'll divide you into three groups.

-Charlie, you over here.

You here and me here.

Where's Ray?

He was asleep in less than a minute.

It took the little guy no time
because of the long trip he just had.

-And how are you?

Well, on the one hand, I'm calmer,
but of course, on the other hand,

surely the police already found
the bodies,

and they're going to think it was me.


And my things?
What will happen to my things?

The house, the university.

-I don't have anything.
-Let's take this step by step.

The important thing now is to talk
to Grandma Cayetana's lawyer.

Yes, my great-grandmother.

She trusted him a lot.

But that can be a bit dangerous, right?

"Dangerous"? It depends on how it's done.

Obviously not directly, no.

But I might have an ace under my sleeve
in form of a lawyer that can help us.

And besides, don't worry about money.

Tomorrow, we'll get two cards
and we'll figure it out.

Thank you.

Although there is another thing.

Neither Sofia, nor the child,
nor I have a passport.

It's not like we can go to the embassy
to ask for a triplicate.

Very good choice, sir. I love it.

I hope that the information
you brought me this time

is really valuable, all right?

It's getting more and more dangerous
to see each other.

Vacation? No, no.

I'm not here for a vacation.

"No, no," what was that?

Is there something wrong
with a gap year? Nothing.

A year is a long time.

Maybe it'll be less.

My mom's in quite a hurry
to get this over with.

But seriously, there's nothing wrong
with a gap year. What did you need?

You have a countrywoman, your sisters,
your brother-in-law.

What are you missing, a boyfriend?

I'll get it. Just say how you like it.

The shoes.

I heard Epifanio talk about some documents
and Teresa Mendoza.

You have to look at the bright side.

Plus, there's no better place
for you than this.

-Do you know where she is?

I didn't hear who he was talking to
either, but what I did hear

is that what they asked Epi
is super urgent.

-Oh, oh.

What else do you know?

I also heard something
about a Black Rider.

This is Palermo. I'm in position.

Group Two, confirm location, over.

Group Two, in position
and ready to receive your orders, over.

Group One, confirm location.

The Black Rider.

Teresa, really, I swear on my holy mother

that the video thing
is not going to happen again.

Sheila, right now,
the least of my concerns is the video.

What I want to know is why the hell

they are taking so long
with the passports.

But they're supposed to be good, right?

What do you think they're looking at?
The pictures? Seals?

Lose the nervous face.
It's the last thing we need right now.

-Stop scratching yourself, Sheila.
-What am I supposed to do? I'm itchy.

It's that chip
that Landero gave me and Batman.

By the way, why haven't they come?

If they haven't come,

it's because they don't know
how to get us out of here.

One moment, please.

There is nothing in the Interpol database
about these women.

Not Maria Dante nor the other.

Okay. Ask how long it takes to check
some fingerprints.

Isn't that too much, Captain?

Those women don't look dangerous at all.

They were caught with a stolen car

near the scene of a crime
where eight people were killed.

The captain wants to know
how long it takes to check fingerprints.

Okay, I'll let you know.

In an hour.

Okay. Then bring a technician
with his team.

-Come on, quick.

Clear view of the target.

I'm going in.

Faustino, I'm being serious.


You heard that too, right?

Stay seated. Do not stand up. Sit down.

What was that?

Come on, back up. Come on, let's go.

Abort now.

That was strange.

Can't hear or see anything.

Let's abort the mission.

We retreat to the beach.

What happened? Why are we leaving?

We abort the mission. Mission aborted!

Nothing. Good.

Why the hell did we stop the operation

just because someone mentioned
the Black Rider?

That Rider can do
a lot of damage to Kozar.

I don't give a shit about Kozar.

The dead woman was supposed to be
her predecessor.

That was resolved, right?

With that death, the blackmail ended.

You have to give me
the exact reason why we aborted.

I already told you that's confidential.

"Confidential" my balls.

That shit doesn't work for me.
There's a fugitive in there,

and you haven't given me
a compelling reason not to go after him.

There's something more important here
than a fucking fugitive.

And you don't have the rank to know it,

Okay, perfect.

My superiors aren't going
to like this, okay?

-Your superiors?

They already know about the situation.

Take it easy.

This is called abuse. No... no...

You're way out of line, don't you think?

Taking fingerprints is not abuse.

Look, I'm going to call my lawyer.

What's more, we demand
that you let us make the call.

-The one...
-With or without a lawyer,

I'm going to take your fingerprints
as part of the procedure. Collaborate.

Excuse me.

[Teresa] I swear
you're going to regret this.

You will regret it. I'm going to complain,
to everyone.

I'm going to complain
to Human Rights and to...

Ma'am, complain to whomever
you want, okay?

-Hey, give me a minute!
-Proceed, Sierra.

Good evening.

I have the documents you requested.

I'm her partner. Sorry for the delay,

but I chose to have everything
authenticated by the embassy.

Well, I'm going to have to verify
this information.

Wait for me outside.

Excuse me.

You son of a bitch.

If they'd got your fingerprints,
would they have found out who you are?


That means I arrived just in time.

It would've been better
if you'd arrived a little earlier,

so they wouldn't be breathing
down my neck.

Now, what will happen to the van?

Well, with the lease that I got,
the only thing they have

is that someone took advantage of us.


Indeed, the consul says
you are documentarians,

and apparently very well known
in his country.

Well, then, I'm glad you spoke with
the consul, and that you believed him.

Can we go now?

You can go. The car stays.

We'll return it to the owner.

And tell your Batman
to find another place to play superhero.

-I'll tell him for you.
-I'll explain later.

Well, can we get our stuff, please?


This stays to file the case.

Let's see, give it to me.

Thank you.

-The money.
-See you.

How did you keep them from finding out

that you are Spanish?

I had to have some benefit
from being married to a Mexican man

for almost three years, don't you think?

Hey, by the way, how are we leaving?

We already have a new car. Actually, two.

That's better
because with what just happened,

the faster, the better.

Tomorrow, you and I are going to Potosi.

What's going on? Do you think
that cop will continue bothering us?

Investigate what, Captain?

I thought everything was clear now.

There is something that doesn't add up
about that woman and her friends.

But if the consul himself endorsed
all the documentation...

And don't you think it's strange
that the Consulate works so late?

That the consul answers the phone
so easily, to answer my questions?

Excuse me, Captain, but you taught me

to be guided by facts
and not by intuition.

Mother of God, fuck!

That's when it comes
to your intuitions, not mine.

Are you stupid or just playing dumb?

And now, I have more suspicions.

File that!


What did you think about it?

Who brought it to you?


You didn't read it.

Let's see.

Do I look like I have nothing else to do?

I don't have time to go around
reading bullshit.

My friend Lina sent me an email.

She's living in Mexico again.

I was very pleased to hear from her.




-No, you hadn't told me about her.
-Of course.

That we hung out a lot, but, well,
we lost touch once we graduated.


I wanted to ask you if...

if I can see her.

Since when do you visit your friends?

-You weren't like that, were you?

Well, no. How if I'm here all the time?


I'd like to get out of these four walls,
but get out at least.

I don't know. If I can't see my dad,
at least let me visit my friend.

I have fulfilled my part of the deal.

I have been very faithful.

We'll see how you behave.


Hi. Hello.

There's no signal here.


Epifanio, can you hear me?

Yes, darling, damn.

Hey, I'm not happy
with you two, all right?

Damn. Weren't you going to do your job?

We are doing our job.

What we need is your support
with what we need.

Look, darling,

the initial idea
was that I would stay far from all this,

and you do your job.

Landero and Tesa will be in Potosi,

finding out what they can
about Abel Quispe.

-And how long is that supposed to take?

We don't know. Maybe several days.

So we're basically going to be tourists?

That would be if we were sure
that Abel Quispe is the Black Rider,

but we are not.

We are also saving his skin,

so we better work as a team.

Hey, hey, hey.

We're all working as a team here,
like you said.

And when I say "everyone,"
I mean everyone.

Did you understand?
Well, what's the fucking plan now?

Didn't you want to stay out of it?

Goddamn it!
I'm asking you what's plan B, then?

We have to keep
our facade of documentarians.

And some documentarians.

Not those joke movies that you guys like.

No joke movies, huh? Artworks.

-Art and essay, kid.
-Come on!

Works of art
to which you will never be invited to.

-Oh, no, I'm good.
-Please focus.

They stayed in La Paz

to find out what they can
about this Rogelio Tejada.

The more targets we attack, the better.


And wasn't it easier to stay in Potosi?

Why are they acting like chickens, man?

Jumping from one chicken coop to another.

No, that's not right.

Well, I'm going to get water
and a little gas.

Anton and I are going to meet with Tejada.

To continue with our documentary.

Where is Anton?

Getting the gift
that we are going to take to Tejada.

It's not just any visit.



I told you the girl was good.



Hey, Sofi.

Let me tell you, it's looking fabulous.
Very beautiful. Thank you very much.

It's been a long time
since I painted something with color.

My last paintings were rather... dark.

Any special reason?

No, none.

You have an amazing talent, really.

You are going to study fine arts, right?

Well, Father, to be honest,

I'm not even sure
if I want to finish high school.

Oh! What are you saying, girl?

And what does your mom think?

I imagine she doesn't like
that idea very much.


It's her. It's my mom.

What a coincidence. No, no, answer her.

You can paint later.

Answer her, girl.

Excuse me.


Mateo. Mateo! Come on.

Is it me,

or did Sofia get tense
with her mom's call?

You're reading into things.

No, no, no, seriously.

She's beautiful.

No, Mom, nothing happened.

I just wasn't expecting your call.

The last time we talked,
we ended up fighting.

I know.

And it left me feeling bad.

You know, lately,
I've been thinking about you a lot.

I was with some women
who got their daughters taken away.

And I couldn't help but remember
everything that you and I went through.

Mom, are you okay? Is everything okay?

I'm fine, my love.

I just don't want
to fight with you anymore.

Neither do I.

But there are things
in which we won't be able to agree.

It's because of that kid, right?

This Mateo?

Are you still seeing him?

Yes. I don't want to lie to you.

And you don't have to lie to me.

You like him a lot, right?


How much?
Enough to say you're in love with him?


Your silence speaks volumes.
Tell me something.

Have you two had...

No! Mom, no. We're not talking about that.

Chill out.

Hey, I'm not scolding you.

And I can be anything
but a controlling mother.

My love, I know that
when you're close to him,

you feel incredible,
that life is enormous.

All women go through that.

It feels very nice.

All I ask is that you be careful.

And that you take your precautions.

-Nothing else.
-I know, I know.

Well, what then? Has it already happened?

Mom, no.

Well, I just want you
to think of me like a friend,

for whatever.

I'm here for you to talk about that,

or whatever you want.

I love you with all my soul.

I'm here for you 24/7, do you understand?

I love you too, Mom.

I'll call you back. I love you.

You're starting to look
like a mother-in-law.

That's what it sounds like.

You don't like her falling in love.

Well, if her taste is as bad
as her mother's,

this is going to be rough.

Why am I telling you
if you already know all my history, right?

I have never known how to choose.

Well, it's about time.

For what?

For you to drive.

-Can you see?

I can't believe it.
Is that Landero's print?

Mm-hmm. Hmm.


It's been sent to my contact.

May I know who it is?

Well, he's someone
who owes me a favor or two.

We never met.

And I'll probably never know
his true identity.

I don't know about you,

but it makes me uncomfortable
to do this behind Teresa's back.

It's better that way.

Right now, Teresa is not seeing clearly.

And what is she supposed to see,
according to you, huh?

The obvious.

That guy is not to be trusted.

Still, Oleg,

Teresa has to know
that you're investigating Landero.

Oleg, here I found something
that can help us.

When you press it to write.

I'm going to get the rest of the stuff
that we're taking.


Hey, Oleg. Oleg, wait!

What do you want?

Calm down, kid, you're all riled up.

Let's see.

Why don't you tell Teresa now?

I already told you that right now, I'm...

No, no, no, no.

I don't mean that.

Why don't you just tell her
how you feel about her?

I don't understand.


Don't play Russian with me.
Of course you understand.

Look, I may not know much
about technology, but I have my skills.

Let me remind you
that I'm a professional of love.

I know perfectly well
when a man is in love.

And you are in love with Teresa.

The only thing I feel for Teresa
is a deep friendship.

-Nothing more.
-You and Teresa are afraid.

Afraid to admit
that you are in love with each other,

but you are, and it's not new.

It's from a long time ago.

Look, Oleg,

listen to me.

Tell Teresa that you are in love with her.

And tell her
before Landero beats you to it

and end up blowing out
the candles on your cake,

and you eat it alone.

This is like nothing I've seen before.

It's amazing that, in the midst
of everything we're going through,

for some reason,
here, I feel calm and at peace.

Well, don't let Epifanio hear you.

You really don't like him, do you?

Do you know how they discovered
that the Cerro Rico was full of silver?

According to legend,

an indigenous person
made a fire to spend the night.

The next day, when he woke up,

he realized that on the ground,

there were silver threads
melted by the fire.

I didn't know you liked history.

In fact, you have no face.

Well, as a child,
I traveled a lot, you know?

And before traveling, my dad forced me

to study everything I could
about the place we were going.

And then to write and draw
what he learned.

Well, that's already a big step forward.

I mean, knowing you have a dad.

All people have a dad.

What's his name?

According to this map,
which is more up-to-date than the GPS,

we have to cross the whole city.

So less talk, more walk.

Hello, hello, can you hear me?

If you can hear me, write an okay.

Tell them there is a lot of noise.


There's a lot of noise here.

I think it will be quieter in the office.

I agree, but I didn't think
we would go there.

He does business there.

Makes sense.

-Oh, he's here.

Ladies, tonight, I want you rough.
With everything you've got.

Yes, sir!

Gentlemen, sorry for the delay.

-My pleasure.
-Crazy day now.

Well, what about the girl?

That Maria girl?

She is filming other images
around the city.

What a pity.

Well, send my regards.

We have only ten minutes.

I have a problem that I have to solve,
and I'm leaving.

-Where do I stand here?
-No, no, no.

Can we go somewhere more intimate?

So we can talk quietly.

Your office?

You do have an office here, I presume.

Yes, upstairs. But no, I want to be here.

I want the colors to show.

I want my cholet to be seen.

Oleg, there's too much noise in here.

And the sound is going to be messed up.

In addition, the sun gives me
a color temperature

-that doesn't seem like it to me.

Train, but quietly.

They are interviewing me.

Come on, let's do it here.

First question.

Hey, let's start
with a little introduction.

Who are you, how did you get here,
when did you buy...?

How did you do when you started?

Well, uh, my name is Rogelio Tejada.

I am the owner of this cholet.

The only way to know if that Abel Quispe
is the Black Rider is infiltrating us.

And being foreigners doesn't help us much.

First, we need to know
if he has a wife, children,

where does he work, with whom?

That's going to take us
a hell of a lot of time.

I know, but I don't see any other way.

Only if we can find the girls
in that Baroness place.

Well, we'll know that very soon.

What matters to me are the colors,

the folklore of my country.

I get up every day, early,

to help my people, to work for my people,

so that the world knows who we are.


Well, with this and some support shots,
we would be done.

Some support shots?

Let me remind you, I don't have time.

It is important to highlight
your image as an entrepreneur.

If we leave only with this,

excuse me for saying so,

you might seem like a coach.

And how long is this going to take?

Just five minutes.

It would be in your office,
but do not worry,

we understand
that you are a very busy man.

Gather everything, we're leaving.

Hey, hey. Stop right there. Follow me.

But make it quick. Now.

-To Rogelio Tejada?

-Sure, I know him.
-Oh, yeah?

Well, I wouldn't have imagined, Satur,
that you were Tejada's buddy.

Not like that, Mr. Batman.

I've heard of him.

But he is not my friend.
Just an acquaintance.

Oh, well, all right.

May I know why the question, young man?

Well, because the other day,
we went to the fights.

I have some friends in Mexico
who are in the same business of wrestling,

and I wanted to see if we could do
some little business with him.

I... I don't know much
about Rogelio Tejada, but...

Well, maybe the old man is mean,
but, well, maybe he has a partner

with which you can do
a good business, right?

What happens is, around here,

Rogelio Tejada is known more

for smuggling
than for the fighting honeys.

The thing about the fighting honeys
is just for fun.

A hobby, as they say.

So his real deal is smuggling?


Rogelio Tejada
can get you whatever you need.

If you offer money for his mom,

people say he'd be willing to sell her.

Perfect. It's very good there.

Can you review some documents

as if you were reading?

Working as you naturally do every day.

But without looking at the camera.

Yes, concentrated.

-Is this okay?
-Yes, yes, very good,

but don't look at me.

Otherwise, it would be unnatural.

Oh, what are you doing?

Sending the signal.

Are they not talking yet

and that's why we can't hear it,
or you haven't connected it yet?

No, they can't hear us
because they haven't turned it on yet.

So, when Anton puts down the pen, we'll...

He has to put it down and turn it on.

Perfect. I think we have this part ready.

It went very well.

But I want to do another take.

Like you're talking on the phone,
but I want to do it here.

In a painting with a beautiful mountain.

It's Illimani.

Yes, yes, yes.

Please, over there.

-Yes, yes.


-Do I need to talk?
-Yes, as if it was your partner,

fixing problems.


A little.

Talking, talking.

Yes, yes.

Yes, it's 20 tons.

Yes, we'll pick it up in Bocamina.


Do you need something?


-There they are. There, again.
-So exciting. I want to hear them.



I was looking at this piece.

Very interesting.

It is a tin Madonna.

Do you know that for some people,
tin has been a curse?

All right. Now we have them.


They have even written a novel.

"The Devil's Metal."


I think of it as a blessing
for all the Bolivian people.

Do you like it?

-She's very nice.
-You can have it.

Take it.

Thank you very much.

-You don't know how much it means to me.
-That's okay. A souvenir from the cholet.

Let's continue with the shot.

Pass that painting.

Keep talking?

Yes, yes, continue.

With the phone. That was perfect.

Everything they say in that office

-is going to be recorded?
-That's right.

-Very good.
-Yes, yes.

Of course. I have a trip planned.

Super. I think it turned out very well.

We already have all the material ready.

-It looks great.
-That being the case,

we won't bother you anymore.

Well, very good.

Thank you very much.

Thank you very much.

As we say in my land.



Thank you very much.


Maybe you can help us.

We are tourists,

and we'd like to see
the cities thoroughly.

-What did they want?
-They were getting information out of me.

You haven't been running
your mouth, have you?

Do I look like I want to die?

Let's see, Susana,

do you really think
you aren't bothering me,

breathing down my neck day and night?

-I have no other choice.
-The one with no choice is me.

Let's see, tell me.

Enough of the story. Why do you need it?

I want to surprise Sofia.

And what surprise?

A picnic at the beach.

-They already knew each other.
-The journalist

and the First Lady dated
for much of their college years.

What's your type?

There's something for all tastes.

They are all very old here.

If you understand me?

I see that my friend
likes strong emotions.

Subtitle translation by: Melisa G