La Reina del Sur (2011–2019): Season 3, Episode 2 - Bye bye, Gringos - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

I've been
completely isolated for 1,493 days.

I brought you something, do you know it?

"Teresa, we're taking you out."


The poison is in the pages.

This is for you, my dear,
to see you again.

You don't scare me, stupid Indian.

You can't be fighting
every time they bully you!

I will encourage

a constitutional reform
for the presidential reelections!

Sir, do you know when
is the first lady coming back?

I need to see my son.


Come on, come on, close it, close it!

How long since we
got her in the truck?

-Seven minutes and 42 seconds.
-Fuck, that's too long.

Come on, Teresa, you can do it.

Come on.

-I'm going.

We're losing her!
We're losing her.

Hold, Teresa, you can do it!

Hold on!

Leave her.


I can't.

Never! Never.


I've told to my cabinet,

the closest people to me,

to begin working in a legislative reform,
a law that will stop the death,

a law of subjugation

for all of those
that are into drug trafficking!

Let's go, Tesa!



She didn't make it, man.

Shit, I knew it.

I didn't come here for that.

Oleg, come on, stop, stop!

Stop, Oleg! Enough, Oleg!


Relax, hey! Enough!

Come on, Tesa!


Don't give up now, not after everything
we've been through, Tesa!

For your daughter, Tesa!

Tesa, don't leave me.

Don't leave us!

Don't leave us!

Don't give up!


Dear, please!







You're here now.


There's an informant

that gave a warning against you,

and he confirms that right now many

DEA secret operations
are in the process of taking you down.

The Black Rider has a lot of evidence

with some files and documents

about blackmail and shady dealings
with the government.

Hey! I need you to tell me

that the things I asked you to do
are done.

And next time, pick up, asshole!

Do you hear?

Mr. President?

The car is ready.

-Did you tell them to have her ready?
-As you said, sir.

Very well.

Let's go.

If the virus didn't kill me,

you almost did, idiots.



No, there's nothing to thank.

Come on, take some water.
That's good.

You don't know how happy
I am to see you, dear.

Pablo Landero, former Colonel
from your country's army.

As you know, I'm not your lawyer,

and just a heads up, unlike them,

I'm not your fan either.

Help me get the truck ready.

We've lost enough time.


a necessary evil, I'll explain later.


What do you know about her?


She's okay.

She's with Paloma, in Malaga.

She went to pick her up in Australia.

Come on, no.

I'm telling you, Paloma, she's okay.

She must be
spending the day with a friend.

Sofía has no friend.
She took her passport!

It hasn't been 24 hours, Paloma.

If she doesn't get home,
go to the police and file a report.

It's my fault,
I shouldn't have told her anything.

Look, Paloma, it's not your fault.

You and I know how Sofía is.

So, maybe tomorrow
she'll get there when she's okay.

-I hope you're right.

-Let me know what happens tomorrow.


Hey, girl, where did you go?

I've been here working all morning.

Here, this is from today.

I'm getting crazy with this heat, huh?

The Caribbean is very pretty, yeah,

but to be in the beach, not here...


Careful with those boxes,
those are 18-year-old whiskey bottles!

-They're older than you!
-Sheila, where's Faustino?

He has to be inside somewhere.

I'll send you both our
husbands tomorrow, okay?

With a shipment from...

Oh, look!

-Speaking of the devil.
-The handsome devil, wait a little bit.


Hey, here, catch.

For the candy.

Of course, count them.

-Put them over here.
-You want help, too, or what?

-This guy.

They're on their way. Come on!
I've got new tablets!

-I've got yours.
-Sofía is missing.

What? What do you mean?

Paloma called me very worried.

That kid escaped again.

She's really good for that!

Do I know about that...

She got expelled from school
again, right?

-She's just as tough as her mom.
-It was another fight.

With a knife this time.

A knife?

And she took everything with her.

We had...

almost a year, in the United States.

And more than six months in this place.

All this time we've been
looking at the procedures

and routines from prison.


-Hey, what's that?


The vaccine.

I got that shit a long time ago in prison.

We don't really know what it was.
This is to be sure.

It's from the recovery massage.

You know how we Russians are a bit harsh.

Do you hear?

You heard it. Time to go.

What do you mean?
Teresa is too weak to leave.

Sorry if the awakening was harsh,
but we have to stick to the plan.

It won't take long before
this place is full of cops,

-Didn't you hear, asshole?

-Teresa is weak!
- Jonathan.

-He's right.
-Of course, I am.

She has to endure.

Okay, all right, hold on, she has a name.

Don't break my ovaries, you just saw
not even death can take me down.

So chill the fuck out.

Unfortunately, she still can't accept

that she hurt herself.

And aren't you doing
something wrong, Doctor?

Usually, when someone
tries to kill oneself,

even if the person doesn't remember,
the patients begin

showing feelings like guilt and regret.

We have to be patient with her.

I think she's ashamed
of what she did to herself.


But if she blocked it,
it's important you don't forget.

We have to work together
so she won't try it again.

Yes, don't worry.

She won't be left alone.

And, well, I don't have to tell you
you weren't here, right?

-Don't worry about it, Mr. President.

From now on,

I control her body,

and you, her mind.

Great, so it will be.

Good. Montaño?


Where are you, idiot?

Well, we had some drawbacks, sir.

But we're back on track.

And Teresa?

Teresa Mendoza?

Alive. That's something.

I'm worried about what's coming.

The journey is heavy.

Poor idiot!

She wakes up at four in the morning
to work out, idiot.

She'll even dance.

I'd like to be as optimistic as you are.

Look, you already did your job.

So, keep me informed.

-Yes, sir.
-All right.


Hello, my love!
I'm glad to see you.

You're looking good!

I've been told you're better.



I missed you.

I missed you a lot.

Come on.


Keep your speed.

Attention, we have company.

Got it...

It's two of them.

Let me try to lose them.

No, no, it's two of them, no way.

And what do you think?

Pull over to the side and slow down.

If we have to face them, so be it.

They must be going to reinforce
the roadblocks they have.

They're gone.

Okie dokie.

Who do you think
you're fooling, Epifanio?

-You didn't have to come for me.

Why not, Vevita?

You're my wife!

Do you really think I don't care
about your health?

Being depressed doesn't mean I'm stupid.

-What do you want?
-I want you to be okay.

That you don't do stupid things again.

Well, for that, I need to see my son.

-Epifanio, I need to see my son.

All in due time.

We're medicating you so you're okay.

So you get to be a better mother.

A better wife.

A better First Lady.

I don't care to be your First Lady.

And I couldn't care less
being your wife.

Oh, my God.

It's your destiny, Vevita.

Others would love it!

Also, remember this,

it's also your son's destiny.


With the helicopters,

the radars make it
impossible to escape.

And on the ground, as you saw,

the police don't take too long
in blocking the roads.

There's just one way out.

That's why we're here.

Here it is.

The one and only Bravo River.

Let's go.

And behind you,

our transportation.


You're crazy.

Come on, let's go.
Three, two, one.

Move it, let's go, let's go.

For a smaller risk
of infection and your own protection

and the protection of others,
remember to keep your distance

of at least one point five meters
from people around you.

-Good morning.

Could you change...

-these bills, please?
-Yes, of course.

I'm going to need your passport.

Are you Italian?

-My mom is Mexican.
-Oh, okay.

I'm photocopying your passport
and I'll give you your cash, okay?

If you come with someone else,
I need to...

-I'm alone.
-Okay, I'll be back.

-It's me, Sofía.
-Sofía, but...

Where the heck have you been?
We were very worried.

I'm here, in Santa Marta.

-What? Are you here?
-Yes, yes.

In the airport.

I couldn't stand Spain anymore,
I thought that maybe

-I could live with you for a while.
-We can, but,

we're a bit far from town.

One hour? Okay.

Don't worry, it's okay.

You could have told us,
Paloma was very scared.

Hey, wait, ask her if she
mentioned us in immigration.

-You haven't give them our address, right?
-No, relax.

I said I was staying in a hotel.

Okay, there's no problem.
I'm getting a coffee while I wait for you.


Thanks, Rocío.

Here, your passport and your cash.

-Have a nice day.


So, what happened, huh?

What did Faustino say?


Damn, tell me! Don't go like that!

The kid arrived here, that's it!

Finally, something exciting, right?

Since we got here to work,

the only thing that moves
are the palm trees.

I'm going, I'm going! Wait!

Come on, man, hurry.

If he's hurrying, imagine him slow.

Everyone's hurrying me here, man.

-Let's go.

Tell Sofía I'm preparing
a huge breakfast

and she'll even suck her toes!

Paloma! We have good news.

Good morning, Tesa.

You've slept almost 12 hours.

How do you feel?

As if I came back to life.

Here, take some, it'll help you.

I never thought
I was going to leave prison and be free.

That I was going to see nature.


I'm glad you're enjoying the tour,
because this isn't free.

Epifanio Vargas.

He paid for your rescue.


I was waiting for a better moment to...

So many things
have happened with the four of us.

And he saved us.

If you're here breathing
and enjoying the view,

it's thanks to him.


Why am I not surprised?

He has been always after me.

He's my shadow.

And you?

Are you his new lapdog?

What does he want this time?

No, I'm not his lapdog.

I'm just saying what I can say.

You'll find out later.

We don't know what he wants either.

If he did all of this,

I don't want to know what
he's going to ask in exchange.

Come on, let's go, careful.

Come on, let's go!

-Next one!
- With strength!

No, sir, I don't forget
you're in charge,

I just wonder, why Chihuahua?
The South would have been better.

-We have popularity problems here.
-No, man, I'm telling you!

I like the North better.
What did you tell the press?

That you were putting
a brick in the school,

that school education was first,
then your popularity,

and that's the growth of education.

You see?
You can dodge bullets now.

And I can say anything I want.

-By the way.

I had some ideas for the speed.

Tell your secretary to pay me a visit.

-To take some notes.
-Got it, sir.

There. Count on it. Excuse me.

Can we trust the people you got?

100%, sir.

The problem is in the hotel.

I didn't put the men that are in there.

The army did.

But I got that, don't worry.

Very well.

Get ready,
the President is on his way out...

Sofía Dantés?

-Sofía Dantés?
-That's me.

-They're waiting for you outside.
-And you are...?

I work here, with the equipment.

Who came for you
and told me to go with you.

-Do you need help with your bag?
-No, I got this.

Where are they?

Around the corner, the police
didn't let them park here,

that's why they asked me
for the favor.

What's going on?

We'll have a trip,
don't make a mess or you're done.

Open the door.

Open, open, open.

Come on, come on.

Going to the right!

Careful! There it is.

I told you we needed strength.

-Hold on.
-We should get to the ground!

And keep on walking.

Tesa can't do that,

she's not strong enough yet.

How long would it take if we walk?

Two hours, a bit more.

That's too long and too risky.

Better that than what's waiting for us.

Tie me.

Tie me!


-Get me the rope!

Get it through there.


Come on!

-I'm ready.

Is that it? You don't have shit.

-This isn't worth anything.
-It's worth more than your phone.

You better have at least
a computer in your suitcase.

Take whatever you want,
I'll give you anything, just let me go.

No way, kid.

We're just starting
this millionaire trip, love.

Like I said, don't make a mess of this.

You're coming with me to the ATM,
and we're emptying your account.

Take it!

I don't see her anywhere
and she's not picking up her phone.

Really? Did she get a cab?

No, she was waiting for us here.

This is very weird.

Well, we're going to have
to keep looking for her here.

Hey! Keep an eye on my car,
I'll give you some cash.

-Very well!
-Take care of her.

-Come on, let's go.
-We can do it.

-With strength!

Turn it!

- Hold on.
-Grab something!

Come on!

Help me turn it!
Hold onto something.

It's slipping! Come on!

Let's go through there!

Keep on going!

-On top!
-Come on.

To the right! Turn to the right!

Careful, careful! Let's go in!

See? I told you I can't get
whatever you want.

Good thing you have another card.


Out of my way or I'll shoot!


Monkey, open that door.
Remember we had an appointment today!


Monkey, remember we had
an appointment!


I'm sorry, you can take
all the money you want!

I can pay you but please let me go!

Please... No! No!

No! No!

No, no, no!

No! No!

Help me!



Come on, man, hurry, I'm next!

-Shut up!

Let her go!

You think you're tough?

I'm going to hit you with this...

Monkey! Monkey, open the door!

Please, hurry,
don't let them recognize us!

They kept driving.

Don't worry, you're safe here.

Come on.

If you want, come drink something.

What are you looking at?

You just were faster.

I was about to take the knife.

Yeah, sure,
you had everything under control, right?

Just say thanks, it's not that hard.

I have nothing to thank.

Today is the first time you saved
a former Colonel from drowning.

One who was very scared, yes.

The idiot didn't remember
he had a knife!

Come on, there's dry clothes
and guns for everyone in the trunk.

Hold it!

What's that?

It's a fucking drone!
They got us, let's go.

Come on!


Come on.

On top of us!
From your left, Oleg!

There's more!

I've got it, I've got it!

No! Fuck!

Teresa, careful. Careful, Teresa!

Good, Teresa, good, damn it!

Good, good!

Guys, how are you?

It's time for the shift change, right?

Get the other group
and please let them know

they can't interrupt the president.

He's going to be busy for
a few hours and he needs privacy.

Come on, go.

Come over here.

I'm coming!


All right, let me just...

Hold it, hold it!

Let me breathe, come on!
You won't let me breathe!

-Damn it.
-Look what you'll miss,

I don't think I'll miss it.
I have to go.

Enough, my lady.

My love!

Mr. President, everything's ready.

Let's go.


No, don't worry, they're unplugged.

The data is true.

The president is leaving the hotel.

Got it. Go.

Fuck, just what we needed!
A fucking helicopter!

Come on!

They're coming, they're coming!

They're coming!

-To the end of the hall!
-There, in the end.

Hurry, hurry,
I'm empty, I'm empty!

There's no time...

Put them on.



Come on.

Come on, come on!

I hope there are more
guns in the tunnel.

We won't need them.

It's here, run as fast as you can.

-But, how?
-Come on, come on.

Come on!

We're here, this is the exit.

Hurry, Landero!



really wants to finish with the DEA?

How is he doing that?

There's no stronger weapon than blackmail.

And the Black Rider,
does he has how to blackmail them?


Evidence many talk about,
but no one has ever proven.

What do you think
of Epifanio? Do you trust him?

No, but this time it's different.

We're three minutes away
from the objective!

I'm giving you two!

Control to Eagle, what's going on?

Hey, stop it, it's her.

At what time was this?

And I was losing hope

of taking revenge
on my kid's murderer.

Don't stop following,

capturing Teresa Mendoza
is now your priority.

Stay still!

Subtitle translation by: Iván Barquera