Kindred Spirits (2016–…): Season 4, Episode 10 - Blackout - full transcript

Amy, Adam and Chip answer the desperate call of a couple suffering from relentless paranormal attacks. Even more discomforting, the wife fears a dark entity is possessing her husband, ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Erica's been dealing
with activity in this space

for almost 10 years.

I have these claw marks.

I feel like
it's trying to kill me.

He watches them.

At one point in time,
things got really, really bad.


Like, have you gotten
the sense from her

that she was psychic
or sensitive?


Something happened.


I see you.

The dead want a voice.

We just want to help
this family.

The living need our help.

Have you always
been here?

He was watching already.

Here we are.

definitely not a house
you would envision crazy

haunted, but from everything
they're saying,

there's wild stuff
happening in there.

So, erica, reached out

and she's been
experiencing everything

from a shadow figures to voices,
things moving in the home.

But, like, the whole family's
being affected.

She's got two small children --
liam, who is 2 years old,

lily is 11 months old,
and an older son

who lives here, as well,
who's being affected.

His name is jordan.
There's her husband.

Yeah. Didn't say --
something about it

as an attachment
to her husband at some point.

She feels as though
he might be possessed.

Eric's been dealing
with activity in this space

for almost 10 years,

and she just feels
like the activity has escalated

and escalated
and escalated.

Her message is just
increasingly desperate

over the last few weeks,
and the kids are terrified.

She's brought in priests,
she's brought in shamans,

and now she's called us.

So she has exhausted
all of her resources,

all this crazy stuff

is happening
that she can't explain.

It's overwhelming.
She's in the house all the time

taking care of her kids,
and we're the last hope?


All right, let's go in,
meet the family.

- Erica has so many concerns.
- She's here by herself a lot.

And, you know,
you have this small house.

And if the activity is as crazy
and frequent as erica says,

there's no place in the house
for her to feel safe.

And I think it just really
heightens the urgency for us

to figure out
what's going on here.

All right, so erica, seemed very
urgent when you contacted us.

Can you just give us
kind of an idea

of what's going on here
that you wanted our help?

Okay, first off,
shadow figures everywhere.

I have seen
full-body apparitions.

And it is changing
our moods.

It's making me feel sick.

So this has been happening
since day one moving here.

- Yes. Yes.
- Okay.

So do you think
it's associated with you

or do you think
it's associated with the house?

I don't...

There's just so much
that's going on...

...That it picked up
after we,

you know, we had someone
to come and bless the house.

What do you mean?

She claimed that
she was a shaman.

She went outside,

took junior around property,
and she had drums.

She claimed
that something was on him.

And after that

is when the activity
went through the roof.

Well, I will say
that sometimes

when people try
to cleanse a house,

it will cause an uptick
in activity

because what's there is like,
"I don't want to go.

I'm here trying
to communicate with you.

And now you're just trying
to get rid of me."-

So what happened in here
in terms of activity?

Okay. I was sitting right there
on the couch

and distinctly heard
a deep male voice say,


Something in here
knows my name.


And that got me scared.

Yeah. Who do you think
is responsible for the activity?

I don't really know.

But my oldest, jordan,

his dad, james robert,
he tragically passed away.

Is there anything of his
in the house, or...

There is something
in jordan's room.

All right.
Yeah, we'll go back there.

This is jordan's room.

That is his dad's guitar.

And that was one thing
that was given to him.

He died June 27, 2017.

Did you feel like
the activity changed after

he passed away or...

A little bit.

And so what does
he experience in here?

He'll be coming home
from work.

He'll lay down
and watch a movie,

and he'll
cut the light off.-

And it'll come back on,

and actually, he'll see
the chains swinging.

The chains moving.

Wow, okay.

That, and he always says
he's watched.


All right.

This is my bedroom.

This is where I see
little old lady.

I was walking in
and there she was.

And I literally screamed,
and she was gone.

And in the bathroom,
I was attacked in that shower.

I was in there in the shower
and was...

...Trying to wash my hair.


It's okay.
It's okay.

You can take your time.

And I felt scratches.

I had these claw marks
that were bleeding.

Like, there's blood
coming to the surface.

And I felt like it was
trying to kill me.

So we went to a priest.

We've got holy water,
we've got crucifixes.

Yeah, I noticed all that.
We've done everything,

but it got just --
just continually getting worse.

Erica is in a fragile state.

She's genuinely terrified.

She's worried about the activity
affecting her children,

effect it's having it
on her husband, junior.

She thinks some of it might
be from her oldest son's father,

but he passed away a little
over two years ago

and she's been experiencing
activity for more than a decade.

Whatever's here seems
to be weighing heavily on them

and it's affecting
a lot of things in the house.

It seems like what you
and your family

are going through
is super intense.

What can we do here
to make you feel better?

I just want to know
what it is...

...Why it's doing it,

and the negative has
to have boundaries and go.


Okay. We're gonna do
everything we can.

Yeah, we're gonna
do our best.

A lot of the things
that she's experiencing,

she can't explain.

Is it playing into her fears?
Is it exacerbating the activity?

Did someone else come in
and make it worse?

So I'm going to talk
to junior about his experiences

that have happened in the house

and really correlate them
with erica's experiences,

find out what he is afraid
of most,

and then maybe we can figure out
what's happening here.

What happened to you
specifically in the house

that's occurred?

I'll occasionally hear

in the baby's room.

I definitely have seen
the shadow figure

in our bathroom kind of
out of sight, into sight.

When you reached out
for help,

you reached out to a lady,

and she was blessing
and cleansing the house.

What did you think of
when she was doing that?

What did she tell you?
Did you feel anything?

She was telling me
that someone was attached to me.

She grabbed my hands and looked
into my eyes, you know.

When I looked into her eyes,
I felt bad.

Just something just bad.

And at one point,

my wife said
that I started sweating.

Said that my fists clenched.

You don't remember
any of this?

Don't remember that.
I lost that.

I don't remember at all,
and I'm like, "no, no.

yeah, yeah.

I would remember that.
I would know if I was sweating.

You know?

I don't.

Out of
all the possibilities,

who do you think
is causing the activity?

I don't -- I just have
a bad feeling about it.

It almost
doesn't feel human.

Junior has experienced things
in the house

and erica has, and they aren't
trying to exaggerate.

They're genuinely
freaked out by it.

At this point, we need to see
if we can see these shadows.

We need to see if we can have
these experiences,

and we got to start now.

so, the first night
for investigation,

we just want to get
a base reading of the space.

I mean, something
that we normally do,

but it's more important
in this case

than any
because this is a family.

They live here in this space
all the time.

So we decided, you know what?
Let's go to the master bedroom,

because that is
the area of the house

where they experience
the most aggressive activity.

All right.

We're trying to figure out
who is bothering this family,

someone that they can't
hear or see.

You're no longer living.

What is your name?
Tell me your name.

is there something evil
in this house?

Were you upset when the
priest came to bless the house?

all right,
this is it.

what was that?

It's an answer.


you could feel this
overwhelming presence of energy.

I tried to
shift that energy,

but there was just something
in his eyes that felt not him.

We're in granite falls,
north carolina,

investigating a haunt
that's been tormenting a family

for close to a decade.


something just reached out.

So let's just say that
is a "no" response,

and there's something

that hears our questions,
answers our questions.

It's very quick, though.

Right, but that would be the
only thing that we've caught

on that recorder.

Very fleeting.

Not something
extremely solid.

We believe it said no
when we asked

if they were mad when the priest
came to bless the house.

Said no.
Now again, is that anything?

I don't know, because we did
get such little activity

when erica says so much happens.

But you know, she's here 24/7.
We're here for a bunch of hours.

And, you know,
maybe we're just

not looking for
the right thing yet.

I think we meet with -- we
go try to find this shaman,

find out what the heck
they actually did here.

I feel like if they come in
with more info on what she did,

maybe that'll rile
something up.

This was just
the first night.

we're meeting with angel,
who is actually the shaman

that erica and her family
worked with.

We just want to get her side
of the story.

You know, we heard what erica
told us happened,

but we'd also like
to talk to angel directly

and get her take
on the situation at the house.

As you know, we're talking
with erica in granite falls,

and she's come to us

with a lot of paranormal
activity in the home.

And she told us

that she reached out
to you for help.

Coming in
and meeting the family

and meeting junior
for the first time and erica,

you could feel this
overwhelming presence of energy.

The home was heavy.

I've never had the hair
on my arms stand up like

I did
just walking into a place.

There was something there
that wanted her isolated.

It wanted her
feeling afraid

and not being able to have
anybody to help her.

I feel like the energy
is making her sick.

It's causing migraines

and, like, a lot of
physical symptoms.

And with junior,
there's some possession energy.

I tried to
shift that energy,

but there was just something
in his eyes that felt not him.

Did you experience any,
like, tangible

paranormal activity there?

Like, any, like,
doors opening and closing

or foots--
anything like that

kind of get riled up
as you were doing your work?

I never experienced
any tangible...

...That you can, like,
look at and say,

"did you hear that?"

so do you think
it's associated with erica,

or do you think it's associated
with the house?

Some of it was her...

...And her energy
and her gifts

that have not really been
tapped into or fulfilled.

What do you mean?

She's kind of
like this bright light

that she don't know
how to shut it down

to keep it from
just attracting everything.

Like, have you gotten
the sense from her

that she was
psychic or sensitive?


It's interesting to hear
her talk about this case

in a psychic
and energy situation.

We don't know
how big that is yet,

and is that playing
into the activity?

If all of the problems
rely on a psychic situation,

we're going to
have to figure that out.

I think there's
so many things at play here.

We have,
like, the haunting.

She's potentially psychic.

So then is that a case of

with the house

exacerbated because
she is sensitive?

Like, because she has
these things,

maybe she
draws people in.

I mean, I think that we we
have chip come in tomorrow,

we have him
do his walkthrough.

We have him do readings
on erica and junior.-

So, I mean,
it might be -- I don't know.

I feel like chip's
gonna be big.

I just want
some sort of grasp

on what's going on
and what's happening.

Let's talk about all this
while we investigate.

Let's start investigating.
Maybe we can get a name.




So amy and I are about
to go into the master bedroom

to figure out more
about the shadow figures,

because junior said that he sees
shadow figures in the bathroom

and erica had one of her
craziest experiences in there,

so we're gonna separate.

Amy is going to go
to the bathroom.

I'm going to stay
in the master bedroom,

and we're going to see if we can
have some of this activity

happen to us.

all right, so...

Whoever is
in the bathroom with me,

were you here with erica?

She was trying to take
a shower

and she said something
scratched her.

What's your name?

Are you erica's ex,
the father of jordan?

okay, so the whole ceiling just
creaked really loudly above me.

If that's you,
can you do that again?


Okay, I'm gonna come out.

Did you hear
anything weird in here?


The whole ceiling, like,
creaks like...

This was not
the floor creaking.

This was the ceiling,
like, depressing.

Did it happen
at the end of your evp?

The middle?

You'll hear it.

that's weird.

That's weird.


We're here doing
nothing but good.

We just want
to help this family.

I'm hearing banging sounds.

It's, like, in the wall.


The family in this home
is being terrorized

by something unknown.

We think we've just gotten
our first clue,

and it's not what we expected.


It says, "jordan."


That was when
the ceiling creaked!

That's bizarre.
That was when
the ceiling creaked.

That's so crazy.

Does he say,
"yeah, that was me"?

It kind of sounds like it says,
"yeah, that was me."

"that was me."

so, something says,

not just says it.

It's like, "jor-dan."


And we have something
that is acknowledging...

That it made
the ceiling creak

over the shower
where she got scratched.


You know what?
It's talking.

I'm gonna go back
and do it again.


So whoever you are,

we feel like you might be
james or jim.

Why did you go by?

Do you think that it's safe
for her to stay here?

We're here doing nothing
but good.

We just want to help
this family.

I'm hearing banging sounds.

It's, like, in the wall.


What's happening?

So just now,
when I was in there by myself

and I was hearing,
like, bangs in the wall,

and, like,
noises all around me

in the bathroom.

Why the bathroom?

That's a good question.

All right,
let's listen to this.


No way.

He says, "both."

like, he says --

"james and jim."

Yeah, "james."


like, it's both.

did it say yes and no?

Okay, why?
Yes and no.

Yes, no.

You hear it very distinct.
Like, "yes. No."

And you hear, "james. Jim."

closer to it being james.

Much closer.

But why would he be saying
two different things?

Unless there's two
different people?

Maybe if we got
chip in here...

Yeah, we have to
bring chip in.

We've definitely got activity
happening here.

We've got some really
clear evps.

One said jordan's name
very loudly, very forcibly.

Another one sounded like it,
said james or jim.

So we're kind of going down
the path of maybe

jordan's father
being in the house in some way.

But, you know, it's tough
because he died two years ago

and this activity definitely
predates his death.

So now the next step
is let's bring chip in.

Maybe he can help us figure out
who else is in the house,

who's causing this
more aggressive type activity

toward erica.

chip coffey is going
to be imperative in this case.

We will take down anything
identifying in the house,

any family photos, anything with
names, any certificates.

He doesn't know
where he's going.

He doesn't know why he's here.

I'm very interested to see
where chip leads us,

because we cannot leave
this woman in the state

that she is in right now.

So I think the idea here
is traditional walkthrough.

Just give us your thoughts,
feelings, vibes.

- he's a watcher.
- He's a watcher?

Yeah, he watches them.


He says, "I watch them
all the time.

I watch them everywhere."

at one point in time,
things got really, really bad.

It was a very evil thing
that was trying

to get a foothold here.

- Okay.
- Couldn't do it.

And how long ago was this?

Within a year.

Am I right?

We may be dealing
with multiple entities

going after erica
and her family.

Chip has already picked up
on one in the master bedroom.

- He's a watcher.
- He's a watcher?


He watches them.

He says,
"I watch them all the time.

I watch them everywhere."

he always says
he's watched.

- Okay.
- Okay.

So it's a he?

The one that I've got so
far is a he.

I'm gonna go this way
for a second.

Okay. That's good.

Even in their
personal moments -- bathing.

In the bathroom,
I was attacked in that shower.

But he doesn't see it that way.

He's like,
"I'm just watching.

I'm constantly watching."


Small house.
It's very small.

So, the man
I'm picking up...

...The way that it feels to me
is he's, like, uber religious.

So I don't want anybody

doing anything that's weird
or effed up

or he doesn't want
anybody sending in this place.

The other element
that you're looking at,

otherwise, of family stuff.

And it's a woman.


I see little old lady.

But it's the man you need
to be concerned about.

The man.


If we handed him
an object...

maybe just give me some --
I don't know.

Is there an accident
concerned with this?


And the person is dead?

Yep, it came with it.

But is that the man,

this man,
would he be aggressive?

I don't think so.

I think he's just like,
"you need to behave."


You know, "you're not
following the bible."


They do have some intuitive
stuff going on with them

and they're picking up stuff.

The woman
who's in this house

is the one
who's very perceptive.

Like, have you gotten
a sense from her

that she was psychic
or sensitive?

She's kind of gonna
help you connect the dots

and put it all together.

I think you need to talk to her,
to be honest.

Hand her over to me.

Going to have chip sit down
and do readings

with both erica and junior

we want him to kind of key
into them and their energy

and what kind of vibes
he's getting from them,

and then that's really going
to kind of drive our direction.

Hi, junior.

Please have a seat.

This is our friend,
chip coffey.

And we sort of just want him
to do a reading on you,

and we'll see
how it goes.

You're frustrated.

Real frustrated, and you don't
know to deal with that.

Sometimes, yeah.

You're behaving
because of some of the stuff

that's going on,

and because
the paranormal influences,

you're behaving in ways
that are not typical junior.

No, I agree.

What I'm hearing, and you got
to correct me if I'm wrong,

is that at one point
in time, things got really,

really bad.


It was a very evil thing
that was trying to

get a foothold here.

- Okay.
- Couldn't do it.

And how long ago
was this?

Within a year.

Am I right?

Yeah, within a year.

But here's the deal -- it would
come to you in your sleep.

Or as you're sleeping,
disturb your sleep.


If I'm wrong,
tell me I'm wrong.

It's like thoughts,

something putting thoughts
in my head, negative thoughts.

Precisely, precisely.

Something was egging you on
to do something nefarious.

It makes sense because
there's been so much of

those negative thoughts
in that tense

that, at one point,
it would try to

come into my mind, and I'm like,

something tried to
get at you,

and it was your --
it might be your faith.

It might be your strength.

It might be your resolve,
whatever it is.

I don't ever remember anything
sinister coming at someone

and saying,
"they're too strong for me."

but because he's strong enough
not to have that happen,

it was like, "I can't
accomplish what I set out

to accomplish here,
so I'm just taking off."

Way I feel is that my love
for her is so strong

that I would do
what I needed to do

in order for that
not to happen.


Chip sensed that some sort
of entity from outside

came in for a moment
and kind of tried to

latch onto him in a way.

That could have something to do

with some changes
in his demeanor

and attitude that erica noticed
just in the last year or two.

Hey, how are you?

I'm here.

Well, this is our
friend, chip coffey.

How are you?

We brought him in
to give you a reading

and talk to you about things,
and we basically think

there's a bit of a psychic
element here for her.


It's impacting what's
going on with you paranormally.

Does that go all the way back
to where

I first started
seeing things?


Did you have a child
out of wedlock?

'cause he's judging that.

He's, like,
strictly to the bible.

You understand this?

Does that sound familiar?

Erica has been tormented
by entities

in her own home for years,

and we believe psychic abilities
may be part of the reason why.

It's impacting what's
going on with your paranormally.

Does that go all the way back
to where

I first started
seeing things?


I feel some interesting
dynamics going on here.

Do you have a grandmother
who's passed?

I have two.

Well, you've got one that's very
prominent that's hanging around.

Is she the one with the perm,

or she curled her hair
or had curly hair?

You following this?

She's talking about
her teeth.


There's an old man
hanging around in your house,

and he's very,
very religious.

Is there anybody
in your life

that has passed
and would be judgmental?

What's his name?


He was a deacon.

- Okay.
- Okay.

Did you have a child
out of wedlock?

'cause he's judging that.

He's, like,
strictly to the bible.

You understand this?

Does that sound familiar?

He took us in when my mom and
dad just completely --

you know, they left.

But he was like,
"you're going to go to school,

you're gonna make it.

"you need to behave."

you just brought
a lot of stuff to light.

Just point out
something very interesting,

he picked up on all of this back
in that section of the house,

and that's where you say a lot
of that stuff is happening.

Do you want to know why?


His belongings are up in
my bathroom.

- What?
- My god.


You know,
from a paranormal standpoint,

the activity that's happening
in the house fits the bill

in terms of this grandfather
figure that chip brought up.

I mean, it makes so much sense.

The activity was happening
in the bathroom and in that area

and the grandfather's stuff
is in that bathroom.

So what amy and I have to do

is have a conversation
with this entity,

see if we can confirm that it is
indeed her grandfather.

She said in a box
on this shelf.

It's a wooden box,
she said.

That must be it.
That's so weird

that, like, the only things
that she has of his

happen to be
in this bathroom.

that's got his badge, his watch.

This is stuff that he would
have worn every day.

-2002, yeah.
- Yeah.

I mean, this is stuff that would
have been very dear to him.

Amy's going to sit
in the bathroom

listening to the spirit box

while we use these
as trigger objects.

Because so much activity
happens to and around erica,

we had her record some questions

that I will play back
through a walky.

And if it's wilson, hopefully
he's going to reach out to her.

All right, wish me luck.

Who are you?

Are you my papa?

Is your name wilson?

Do you have anything you want
to say to jordan?

"I hardly knew you."

is there anything that I'm
doing that's making you upset?

"a crisis."

did you cause the scratches
on me in the shower?

Were you trying to
get my attention?

"we're fine."

I'm gonna go take out that stuff
really quietly if I can.

"something happened.


do you want
your stuff back?

You've got to be careful."

can you tell me your name?

"it's me."

who's "me"?

"you figure it out."

do you want to hear
from erica?

"I love you."

do you want to
talk to her again?

"I have to."

this family is strong
in their faith and their belief.

They can handle things
on their own.

You do not have to be here to
watch them and to do anything.

"I see you."

yes, but do you hear me?
Do you hear me?

Do you understand
what I'm saying?

We know it's you, wilson.

And they're going to be able
to handle you, so...

If you want to be here,
you can't bother them anymore.

anything else?

Last chance.

I don't know, adam.

It's like it's stopped.

It's okay.
I was just about to stop you.

We have so much
to talk about.

That was crazy.
That was absolutely crazy.

All right. Have a seat.
I'm going to try to piece

this together
as best as I possibly can.

- Okay.
- So...

Wilson is here.


Wilson is here.

But he's got
to let me live my own life.

I'm okay.
You don't have to watch over me.

He just did it out of love,
or what he labeled love.

Our reading with erica
led us to a box of keepsakes

belonging to her grandfather,

and they just got us
the answers we needed.


Wilson is here.

- Really?
- Yes.

Wilson is here.

I let erica play.
"do you have a message

or anything
you want to say to jordan?"

"I hardly knew you."

my god!

about making you upset.

You said, "crisis."

"were you trying
to get my attention?"

"we're fine."

wilson is definitely
in this house.

I believe he is strongly
connected to the things

in the box.

Because I moved the box.

So when I took it out,
you said, "something happened.


and then I said,
"do you want your stuff back?"


so then I said, "do you want
to talk to her again?"

"I have to."
you said, "I have to."

so basically, at that point,
I'm like, "if this is you,

I can understand you
being concerned for the family.

But they got this.

Like, you don't have to
be here

lecturing them
and watching out for them."

and he said,
"I've got you."

like he understood
what I was talking about.

And then he sort of
was like, "okay,"

and then he kind of fizzled
out a little bit.

Okay, so we've got affirmation
that he's here,

and I feel like
he's been ever present.

They clearly had
a close relationship,

and he's making himself
known more like trying to help.

That's why all this crazy stuff
has started happening.

And I think if junior and her
have this conversation

with her grandfather,
and maybe bring chip,

and they just
set boundaries.

All right, well, let's pack it
up and get ready for tomorrow.

it's been a really interesting
few days here for us.

It's been nice to have you guys
involved so much.

I think it was essential that we
brought you back a couple times.

So I think we've gone
over a lot already.

So what you have here
is you have your abilities.

So you're --
yes, you are occasionally

getting, like,
strays coming in.

Like as chip picked up on,
at some point,

maybe something came in that
was a little more aggressive,

but then realized that the both
of you got this and just left.

That being said,
we were wondering

if maybe it was
jordan's father.

We handed the guitar to chip.

He could sense him
around the guitar,

but it wasn't so strong

that he was able to pick up
on a ton of information.

But we think that
your grandfather's responsible

for a lot of the activity
that's kind of ongoing,

like the shadow figures,
potentially the scratching even.

We find that a lot.

What happens sometimes
is entities and spirits

becomes so desperate
to communicate with us

that they kind of
overshoot the basket.

They're just like reaching,
they're trying

to get your attention.

And so he's constantly
looking over you guys.

And because the energy
in the home

and what you attract,
you know,

he's seeing that, probably
concerned, and wanting to help,

and maybe making things worse
by popping in so often.

We're gonna have chip
come back today.

We're all gonna have
kind of a heart to heart

moment with wilson,

and, you know, kind of tell him
what's going on

and have you guys tell him
what boundaries you want to set.

But I think you're going
to see an overall decrease

in the activity level
here for sure

now that we know kind of who's
responsible for most of it.

So I think right now
it's time

to focus on kind of you guys
talking to him.

What would you say to him
if he was here

about what's happening
in your house

and how you would
like him to act?

He is welcome to stay,

but he's got to let me
live my own life.

I'm okay.

You don't have to
watch over me.

And junior?

I'm fine with you
being here,

but I don't want anybody
getting scared

by you trying to reach through
and communicate.

I'm going to
take care of erica.

Just know that.

My heart.

So are you picking up
on him at all?


He just did it out of love,
or what he labeled love.

But he's okay with
what you said.

And I appreciate him
being there in my life.

I think that in this case,

when you have a spirit
reaching out to help

because things at home
are getting stressful or tense,

the paranormal activity

along with the kind
of personal issues

that are happening in the house.

So I think we've helped them
in the sense

that now they can
talk to wilson,

and I think the activity
is clearly going to mellow out.

This home already feels lighter,

and I think this is
going gonna be probably

one of the first
peaceful nights this family

has had here
in a long time.