Jashin-chan Dropkick (2018–…): Season 1, Episode 6 - Episode #1.6 - full transcript
Won’t leave
without a dropkick on her!
Zazas Zazas Nasatanada Zazas
-She summoned me, the evil god.
-Evil god!
-I gotta kill her or else
-I can’t go back to Hell!
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Life next to death, I combat with my chainsaw!
If you go too far,
I’ll slice you up completely!
Your halo!
Must get it back!
-Never miss a chance
-Hey, seriously?
-To attack her from behind!
-You’re so mean.
I’ll never give up.
Yurine, you’re off your guard!
Time to finish you with the Royal Copenhagen!
Huh? What? I missed...
Can’t leave Earth
without a dropkick on her!
But until then,
-let’s all have fun together!
Dinner's ready!
I'm serving curry tonight.
Nice, pork cutlet curry.
-Let's eat.
-Let's eat!
-All done.
-All done.
Curry for dinner, huh?
Looks good!
Curry for dinner again!
It's hamburger steak curry tonight.
Curry's best on the second day.
-Let's eat.
-Let's eat!
-All done.
-All done!
That's right! It's curry three nights in a row!
That's a bit excessive...
We shouldn't be doing this,
even for just 20 minutes.
Not to worry.
This is the last time.
Still, it's three days in a row...
Rock, paper...
I didn't mean to win.
Jashin-chan, you just won
the privilege of getting out the mayo.
Yes! Right away!
-Here you go.
Is-- Is that for your curry?
Of course.
Mayo on curry?
That's sacrilege!
They really go well together.
Here, try it.
-It's delicious!
But why? How is that possible?
Can't go wrong with mayo.
That didn't answer my question.
Nevertheless, it's good.
No doubt about it.
Curry and mayo,
the winning combo.
No doubt!
That's it!
-I'm making curry again tomorrow!
Look at that.
So, you can buy
these things on Amazon.
You're really making curry again?
Yup. It's chicken curry tonight.
If you power walk
I live five minutes away
From the station.
The katar or chakram...
Which do you think is sharper?
Are you listening to me?
She disappeared.
What's going on?
What just happened?
Let me explain!
While Jashin-chan
was stirring the curry,
she unintentionally formed
a magic circle
and sacrificed the chicken!
Furthermore, her random song matched up with the spell
that opened the gates to the other dimension.
Five minutes away
From the station
Jashin-chan was sucked into a warp!
Where am I?
Looks familiar, but...
The entrance to Hell!
Welcome to Hell
Free parking available in 666 miles
How did stirring the curry
get me here?
The kitchen exploded...
And killed Yurine?
Oh, no!
No, if that's the case,
I'd be dead too.
I don't get what happened.
But if all the conditions aren't met,
I'm just gonna get turned away.
Hey, she looks like Jashin-chan,
all grown up.
Only the fact that she's half-viper.
Otherwise, not at all.
She's identical to you!
She must be a relative.
Tiny Medusa, Minos...
And me!
Seems like she knows us.
See? She's a relative.
Are you my relative?
Where are you from?
I was cooking in the human world just a minute ago.
Before I knew it, I was here.
The human world?
Isn't the human world completely vacant
because of the great flood?
The great flood...?
The one from 7000 years ago?
Does that mean
I went back in time?
So, you're saying that you're Jashin-chan
from the future?
I'm sure you don't believe it.
I believe you.
Your eyes don't lie.
Medusa, as adorable as you are,
don't let some fool deceive you.
-Hey, miss!
What am I like in the future?
That flat chest of yours
is about triple the size!
Triple the size?
That sounds powerful!
You are strong.
But, not as strong as me.
What about me?
-You're always working.
One of the most wonderful inventions
of the future is the ATM...
Me! What about me?
You're looking straight at it.
No way!
I was planning on becoming
a lot cooler!
In your dreams!
This is bad. I have no idea
how to get back to the human world.
Leave that to us!
We'll send you back
with our secret ritual.
Curry's up!
Now that's some fiery curry.
I remember this.
But it's not gonna work.
We tried so many times.
We always failed.
Look, she disappeared.
Did it work?
Did you wish really hard
for her return?
-Nope! I was dreaming about dinner!
I'm starving!
I wonder what's for dinner tonight.
I hope it's curry.
Curry? That sounds good.
-I love chicken curry.
-Is she okay?
Beef curry's my favorite,
hands down.
-Hey, that makes you a cannibal.
-Shut up.
Finally, I'm back.
Where in the world have you been?
One minute, you're gone.
Next thing you know,
you're on the table
destroying all the food.
Did you know that curry stains
are impossible to get out?
Amazon delivery!
I just ordered a minute ago.
And it's already here.
Thank goodness for Prime.
They're both really sharp.
I'm shocked you kept
on eating dinner
when I suddenly vanished
in front of your eyes!
Curry again?
Looks good!
Patience is key
when it comes to love and curry!
August is almost over.
But it's still really hot.
Don't ignore me. Say something.
That shaved ice from the stand
was awesome!
Yeah! The lemon flavor was crazy good.
I wanna eat shaved ice!
Was there a shaved ice stand
around here?
Could that be it?
Come and enjoy some shaved ice!
Hey, it's Yusa and Koji!
Hey, you two. How are you?
It was you guys.
It's the off-season in Hell right now.
So we came out here to work.
-It's pretty good money.
You get rich off shaved ice?
They're only able to make profit
because there's no overhead
in producing the ice and syrups.
It won't be the same for you.
Too late.
Brain freeze! That's cold!
I'm gonna make a killing
off shaved ice too!
If Yusa's selling theirs
for 200 yen...
I'll sell it for 300!
Dummy. They'll all go for the cheaper one.
I'd like a melon one please!
-No way.
Here they come!
This heat must be getting to everyone.
This shaved ice machine
is really inefficient.
They're able to produce ice
in a split second.
Damn it! Those brats!
I'll operate three machines,
with hands and my tail!
Head pain caused by eating
shaved ice is also called
an "ice cream" headache.
That's an official medical term.
I scream after that first bite
of shaved ice!
It's completely dead now.
They still have a huge line.
Damn you, Koji!
I'll change your name to Mimori
so it's harder for you
to establish character.
That's a pretty obscure reference.
Wow, it's so light!
This is heavenly!
How ironic, they're devils.
The cheap ice, flavored syrups,
and toy-like shaved ice machine
can't compete with their
light and powdery ice.
I must obtain the best ingredient to win!
I'm going on a quest for natural ice
from Mount Fuji!
The air is so thin.
But I made it to the sacred place.
I hope...
I find Jashin-chan soon.
Ice, ice, ice!
I'm fully stocked.
Where did all that energy come from?
To achieve the finest ice...
I got a professional shaved ice
machine and expensive syrups!
-Where did you get the money?
Medusa, I bought all of this
with your money
so I could win.
-Good luck.
-She died?
In order to bring Yusa
and Koji down,
I'm selling mine
for only five yen!
You can kiss profit goodbye.
I'll produce better-quality ice to beat them!
-That wasn't her initial objective.
-Fluffy, fluffy ice!
Yusa and Koji, you guys
are about to be annihilated!
Now, humans...
Come and buy
the ultimate shaved ice!
Not so fast, viper girl.
You don't have a permit
to do business here.
A permit?
We have our permit, of course.
You can't do business here.
You'd better come with us.
I see you're half-viper...
-but your upper half could make you rich.
Well, actually,
I've got a viper fetish.
I think she wants you to save her.
No, that's the "Don't worry, I've got this" look.
Come on over! It's hot and fresh!
One please!
All right. That should do it.
Wow, this is heavy.
I've got no stamina
since I haven't been eating.
Where did this random huge rock come from?
If only I had my halo, I could turn that into bread.
That's enough water
for today and tomorrow.
How did that get ripped?
Pekola, I found you.
You're the angel apprentice.
That's me, Poporon.
But I'm a full-fledged angel now,
thank you very much.
The angel radar app didn't sense you.
So that was quite a feat.
As you can see, I lost my halo.
So there was no way
for me to contact Heaven.
That's why the radar didn't work.
I've been dreaming of this day.
I can finally go back to Heaven now!
When I go back, I'm gonna relax in a hot bath.
Nourish myself with nectar and a feast.
Then I'll fall into a deep sleep in a warm bed.
What are you waiting for?
Take me back to Heaven!
Good-bye, Pekola.
Stop, don't move.
What's going on?
Here's another one!
Ready? Yakisoba!
But why?
I'm currently serving as your substitute,
since you're missing.
But if you return,
I go back to being an apprentice again.
That'll put an end to my glory days
of bossing other angels around.
I don't follow at all.
You're as thick as a brick!
As long as you stay out of Heaven,
I'll be treated like royalty!
So you're not here to bring me back...
I'm here to get rid of you for good.
Just when I thought...
I was about to go home.
How could this be...?
I'm so lucky to find you
stripped of angel powers.
Now you're just a piece of meat.
-No, more like waste.
This is gonna be a piece of cake.
I always had a feeling
she wasn't an angel at heart.
But this is just ridiculous.
I'm not an angel because I'm worthy of it...
I'm an angel because
I was born to become one.
Hey, what's up?
Is this a bad time?
A devil?
Yurine sent me to deliver this curry to you .
But I can't accept charity from a witch.
-What? You can't eat my curry?
-It's out of this world good.
You're in the way!
I'll finish you later.
Get out of the way!
You call that curry?
It's all potatoes.
Now get out of my sight.
Tastes good!
Curry's best the second day.
Day three of simmering in the pot.
Garam masala!
Jashin-chan Dropkick!
How could you do that to my curry?
Waste human lives all you want!
But don't you ever waste precious food!
-Give me the packing tape!
Take that!
Kazuyo, this is revenge
for breaking up with me.
Dear God, please forgive me
for wasting this life.
I don't wanna die!
Save me, Mommy!
No sight of Poporon...
Who was that anyway?
-Oh, well--
-Never mind, I don't care.
I'm famished from running so hard.
Let's go.
Yurine won't believe my story,
that a weirdo spilled my curry.
Rather than having her send me back out,
let's just eat together.
But it's a devil's...
Stop making such a fuss. Let's go.
You can't let my curry go to waste.
I hate to admit it,
but I was saved by this devil today.
Dropkick on her! Yeah her!
I’ll take you down again!
Hate you!
Love doesn’t exist in this world
Fear the dropkick!
An Angel looks for her halo
As she starves to death!
It’s a love and hate relationship,
can’t leave each other alone
Like a galaxy-bursting shooting star!
Slowly, slowly, sneak up and DIE!
Test my heart, don’t stop
Let’s go! Dream on! No matter human, angel or devil
We’re a happy family La la la
Let me say, I love you!!
When all is said and done
I’m home! Welcome back, it’s hot pot tonight!
Come, gather everyone! Let’s enjoy this meal!
For another crazy tomorrow
What next? What next? In the end, Wakeup!
A girl constantly hiding her face from the world
now walks confidently under the light.
However, this happiness did not last long.
Dropkick on My Devil!
We'll suicide dive into your heart in the next episode too!
without a dropkick on her!
Zazas Zazas Nasatanada Zazas
-She summoned me, the evil god.
-Evil god!
-I gotta kill her or else
-I can’t go back to Hell!
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Life next to death, I combat with my chainsaw!
If you go too far,
I’ll slice you up completely!
Your halo!
Must get it back!
-Never miss a chance
-Hey, seriously?
-To attack her from behind!
-You’re so mean.
I’ll never give up.
Yurine, you’re off your guard!
Time to finish you with the Royal Copenhagen!
Huh? What? I missed...
Can’t leave Earth
without a dropkick on her!
But until then,
-let’s all have fun together!
Dinner's ready!
I'm serving curry tonight.
Nice, pork cutlet curry.
-Let's eat.
-Let's eat!
-All done.
-All done.
Curry for dinner, huh?
Looks good!
Curry for dinner again!
It's hamburger steak curry tonight.
Curry's best on the second day.
-Let's eat.
-Let's eat!
-All done.
-All done!
That's right! It's curry three nights in a row!
That's a bit excessive...
We shouldn't be doing this,
even for just 20 minutes.
Not to worry.
This is the last time.
Still, it's three days in a row...
Rock, paper...
I didn't mean to win.
Jashin-chan, you just won
the privilege of getting out the mayo.
Yes! Right away!
-Here you go.
Is-- Is that for your curry?
Of course.
Mayo on curry?
That's sacrilege!
They really go well together.
Here, try it.
-It's delicious!
But why? How is that possible?
Can't go wrong with mayo.
That didn't answer my question.
Nevertheless, it's good.
No doubt about it.
Curry and mayo,
the winning combo.
No doubt!
That's it!
-I'm making curry again tomorrow!
Look at that.
So, you can buy
these things on Amazon.
You're really making curry again?
Yup. It's chicken curry tonight.
If you power walk
I live five minutes away
From the station.
The katar or chakram...
Which do you think is sharper?
Are you listening to me?
She disappeared.
What's going on?
What just happened?
Let me explain!
While Jashin-chan
was stirring the curry,
she unintentionally formed
a magic circle
and sacrificed the chicken!
Furthermore, her random song matched up with the spell
that opened the gates to the other dimension.
Five minutes away
From the station
Jashin-chan was sucked into a warp!
Where am I?
Looks familiar, but...
The entrance to Hell!
Welcome to Hell
Free parking available in 666 miles
How did stirring the curry
get me here?
The kitchen exploded...
And killed Yurine?
Oh, no!
No, if that's the case,
I'd be dead too.
I don't get what happened.
But if all the conditions aren't met,
I'm just gonna get turned away.
Hey, she looks like Jashin-chan,
all grown up.
Only the fact that she's half-viper.
Otherwise, not at all.
She's identical to you!
She must be a relative.
Tiny Medusa, Minos...
And me!
Seems like she knows us.
See? She's a relative.
Are you my relative?
Where are you from?
I was cooking in the human world just a minute ago.
Before I knew it, I was here.
The human world?
Isn't the human world completely vacant
because of the great flood?
The great flood...?
The one from 7000 years ago?
Does that mean
I went back in time?
So, you're saying that you're Jashin-chan
from the future?
I'm sure you don't believe it.
I believe you.
Your eyes don't lie.
Medusa, as adorable as you are,
don't let some fool deceive you.
-Hey, miss!
What am I like in the future?
That flat chest of yours
is about triple the size!
Triple the size?
That sounds powerful!
You are strong.
But, not as strong as me.
What about me?
-You're always working.
One of the most wonderful inventions
of the future is the ATM...
Me! What about me?
You're looking straight at it.
No way!
I was planning on becoming
a lot cooler!
In your dreams!
This is bad. I have no idea
how to get back to the human world.
Leave that to us!
We'll send you back
with our secret ritual.
Curry's up!
Now that's some fiery curry.
I remember this.
But it's not gonna work.
We tried so many times.
We always failed.
Look, she disappeared.
Did it work?
Did you wish really hard
for her return?
-Nope! I was dreaming about dinner!
I'm starving!
I wonder what's for dinner tonight.
I hope it's curry.
Curry? That sounds good.
-I love chicken curry.
-Is she okay?
Beef curry's my favorite,
hands down.
-Hey, that makes you a cannibal.
-Shut up.
Finally, I'm back.
Where in the world have you been?
One minute, you're gone.
Next thing you know,
you're on the table
destroying all the food.
Did you know that curry stains
are impossible to get out?
Amazon delivery!
I just ordered a minute ago.
And it's already here.
Thank goodness for Prime.
They're both really sharp.
I'm shocked you kept
on eating dinner
when I suddenly vanished
in front of your eyes!
Curry again?
Looks good!
Patience is key
when it comes to love and curry!
August is almost over.
But it's still really hot.
Don't ignore me. Say something.
That shaved ice from the stand
was awesome!
Yeah! The lemon flavor was crazy good.
I wanna eat shaved ice!
Was there a shaved ice stand
around here?
Could that be it?
Come and enjoy some shaved ice!
Hey, it's Yusa and Koji!
Hey, you two. How are you?
It was you guys.
It's the off-season in Hell right now.
So we came out here to work.
-It's pretty good money.
You get rich off shaved ice?
They're only able to make profit
because there's no overhead
in producing the ice and syrups.
It won't be the same for you.
Too late.
Brain freeze! That's cold!
I'm gonna make a killing
off shaved ice too!
If Yusa's selling theirs
for 200 yen...
I'll sell it for 300!
Dummy. They'll all go for the cheaper one.
I'd like a melon one please!
-No way.
Here they come!
This heat must be getting to everyone.
This shaved ice machine
is really inefficient.
They're able to produce ice
in a split second.
Damn it! Those brats!
I'll operate three machines,
with hands and my tail!
Head pain caused by eating
shaved ice is also called
an "ice cream" headache.
That's an official medical term.
I scream after that first bite
of shaved ice!
It's completely dead now.
They still have a huge line.
Damn you, Koji!
I'll change your name to Mimori
so it's harder for you
to establish character.
That's a pretty obscure reference.
Wow, it's so light!
This is heavenly!
How ironic, they're devils.
The cheap ice, flavored syrups,
and toy-like shaved ice machine
can't compete with their
light and powdery ice.
I must obtain the best ingredient to win!
I'm going on a quest for natural ice
from Mount Fuji!
The air is so thin.
But I made it to the sacred place.
I hope...
I find Jashin-chan soon.
Ice, ice, ice!
I'm fully stocked.
Where did all that energy come from?
To achieve the finest ice...
I got a professional shaved ice
machine and expensive syrups!
-Where did you get the money?
Medusa, I bought all of this
with your money
so I could win.
-Good luck.
-She died?
In order to bring Yusa
and Koji down,
I'm selling mine
for only five yen!
You can kiss profit goodbye.
I'll produce better-quality ice to beat them!
-That wasn't her initial objective.
-Fluffy, fluffy ice!
Yusa and Koji, you guys
are about to be annihilated!
Now, humans...
Come and buy
the ultimate shaved ice!
Not so fast, viper girl.
You don't have a permit
to do business here.
A permit?
We have our permit, of course.
You can't do business here.
You'd better come with us.
I see you're half-viper...
-but your upper half could make you rich.
Well, actually,
I've got a viper fetish.
I think she wants you to save her.
No, that's the "Don't worry, I've got this" look.
Come on over! It's hot and fresh!
One please!
All right. That should do it.
Wow, this is heavy.
I've got no stamina
since I haven't been eating.
Where did this random huge rock come from?
If only I had my halo, I could turn that into bread.
That's enough water
for today and tomorrow.
How did that get ripped?
Pekola, I found you.
You're the angel apprentice.
That's me, Poporon.
But I'm a full-fledged angel now,
thank you very much.
The angel radar app didn't sense you.
So that was quite a feat.
As you can see, I lost my halo.
So there was no way
for me to contact Heaven.
That's why the radar didn't work.
I've been dreaming of this day.
I can finally go back to Heaven now!
When I go back, I'm gonna relax in a hot bath.
Nourish myself with nectar and a feast.
Then I'll fall into a deep sleep in a warm bed.
What are you waiting for?
Take me back to Heaven!
Good-bye, Pekola.
Stop, don't move.
What's going on?
Here's another one!
Ready? Yakisoba!
But why?
I'm currently serving as your substitute,
since you're missing.
But if you return,
I go back to being an apprentice again.
That'll put an end to my glory days
of bossing other angels around.
I don't follow at all.
You're as thick as a brick!
As long as you stay out of Heaven,
I'll be treated like royalty!
So you're not here to bring me back...
I'm here to get rid of you for good.
Just when I thought...
I was about to go home.
How could this be...?
I'm so lucky to find you
stripped of angel powers.
Now you're just a piece of meat.
-No, more like waste.
This is gonna be a piece of cake.
I always had a feeling
she wasn't an angel at heart.
But this is just ridiculous.
I'm not an angel because I'm worthy of it...
I'm an angel because
I was born to become one.
Hey, what's up?
Is this a bad time?
A devil?
Yurine sent me to deliver this curry to you .
But I can't accept charity from a witch.
-What? You can't eat my curry?
-It's out of this world good.
You're in the way!
I'll finish you later.
Get out of the way!
You call that curry?
It's all potatoes.
Now get out of my sight.
Tastes good!
Curry's best the second day.
Day three of simmering in the pot.
Garam masala!
Jashin-chan Dropkick!
How could you do that to my curry?
Waste human lives all you want!
But don't you ever waste precious food!
-Give me the packing tape!
Take that!
Kazuyo, this is revenge
for breaking up with me.
Dear God, please forgive me
for wasting this life.
I don't wanna die!
Save me, Mommy!
No sight of Poporon...
Who was that anyway?
-Oh, well--
-Never mind, I don't care.
I'm famished from running so hard.
Let's go.
Yurine won't believe my story,
that a weirdo spilled my curry.
Rather than having her send me back out,
let's just eat together.
But it's a devil's...
Stop making such a fuss. Let's go.
You can't let my curry go to waste.
I hate to admit it,
but I was saved by this devil today.
Dropkick on her! Yeah her!
I’ll take you down again!
Hate you!
Love doesn’t exist in this world
Fear the dropkick!
An Angel looks for her halo
As she starves to death!
It’s a love and hate relationship,
can’t leave each other alone
Like a galaxy-bursting shooting star!
Slowly, slowly, sneak up and DIE!
Test my heart, don’t stop
Let’s go! Dream on! No matter human, angel or devil
We’re a happy family La la la
Let me say, I love you!!
When all is said and done
I’m home! Welcome back, it’s hot pot tonight!
Come, gather everyone! Let’s enjoy this meal!
For another crazy tomorrow
What next? What next? In the end, Wakeup!
A girl constantly hiding her face from the world
now walks confidently under the light.
However, this happiness did not last long.
Dropkick on My Devil!
We'll suicide dive into your heart in the next episode too!