I Am... (2019–…): Season 2, Episode 1 - I Am Victoria - full transcript

Victoria (Suranne Jones) seems to have a perfect family, job and home but beneath the veneer of happiness, something is wrong.

This program me
contains strong language

and some scenes viewers
may find distressing.



Not today.

Baby, I'm going to go
and get the girls up.

That's brilliant.



Come on, let's go and have
a nice family breakfast.

It's Saturday, Vic,
what are you doing?

Well, I wanted a stretch
before the girls got up.

Look, you're dressed already.

I know, well, I've got a million
emails about the property.

It's just end of project stuff.

Babe, just leave it
for today, come on.

No, there are people working on
a Saturday, they need answers.

Yeah, I know, I know.

We've got to remember
why we're doing this.

You've got to remember
that you're married to me.

No, I know.

Give me ten minutes then.

How would I forget that
I'm married to you?

Oh, get in bed. Mm, no.

A little kiss.


I'm going to wake the girls.


Hayley, Hayley Boo Boo.

Come on.

Come on, mm.

Oh, you smell so good.

What's up, baba?

Had a bad dream.

We went to the shops
and someone took me.

Well, no-one's going to
take you away, darling.

But what if it does happen?

It's not going to happen.

What's going to happen,
is you're going to get up

and we're going to have
the best breakfast ever.

OK? Yeah.

OK, now, go and
wake your sister up.

Dad's getting up too.

♪ Good morning, star shine. ♪

Mum. Come on angel.

Go away. Everyone's getting up.

Please don't tell me to go away.

Go away.

Mm, give me a kiss.

Aw, my big girlie's
so grumpy these days.

Come on sweetie,
get up, get dressed.

It's a beautiful day.

You know, we should
get some air. Yeah.

Is there any butter, Mum?

Getting butter now.

I'll open this one.

Mum, this toast isn't very toasted,
it's a bit more like bread.

Oh, OK, well, pop it back in.

You need to put it back
in for a lot longer.

I need what?

Mum, you said you would
have breakfast with us.

She's coming. Just chill out
for a little bit, all right?

Sit down.

Hi, Alex, it's Victoria.

I'm just looking at an
email about the tiles which

we ordered three months ago, and...
and now they're not available

because they're out of stock.

So, I don't know what
the fuck happened there.

Hi, Alex, it's Victoria,
I'm just reading the email

about the tiles and I don't want
any more stress on this job.

It really needs to be finished.

I've got clients that
are really interested

and I don't know what happened.

They're suddenly out of stock.

Could you give me a call back?

Let's not make this an issue.

Thanks, Alex.


yes to the lights in the hall,

pinks, blues, greys, amazing.

And... and I love the
swatches that you sent.

I love Rialto for the kitchen, it's
very botanical and I love that.

Thank you, good job.

Just eat up.

Thank you.

Are you, uh, busy?

Yeah, I'll be
what, half an hour.

Are the girls OK?

Yeah, they're good.

Do you know what?
It's going to be done

in four weeks, that's it.

I bet that makes
you happy. Yeah.

It makes me happy.

It just means we're
going to have choices

and the girls are
going to have choices

and they're going to have
everything that I didn't have.

Which is why we're
doing it, huh?

And I get a bit
more of your time.

And you get a bit
more of my time.

For husband and wife stuff.


Come here.


I literally need half an hour,

and then I can come
back into family time.

That's why I got up at six,
so I could do a bit of this,

then we have family breakfast.

I just need to
finish what I'm doing

and then I can take
the girls out, OK?

All right.

I'm not angry

that you won't even give
me a kiss, that's fine.

I wish you was as
passionate about me

as you are about your
work, that's all.

I clearly said that I needed half
an hour to finish what I'm doing.

Then you come in there and
because I won't give you a kiss

at the moment, the exact
moment that you want a kiss,

then you leave a comment
as you walk out the room?

I don't understand it.

It takes two seconds
to kiss someone.

You're acting like you didn't
want to kiss me, that's all.

I was acting like I was typing
an email to reply to somebody,

that's what I was "acting" like.

Are we going to argue, about
this? No, I'm not arguing.

I'm just saying, there's
a time for things.

And if I say I need to do
things at a certain time,

I need to do things
at a certain time.

And then I can come back
into the family area.

And I also said I'll
be done in four weeks.

God, you could just put
the cushions on the bed.

I've asked you about

20 million times.

Just put the fucking
cushions back.

Round, flip, flip.

I can't do.

Guys? What?

Come on, let's go
and get changed.

We're fine, we're
already changed.

To the shops, come on now,
you're not going like that.

I don't want to go to
the shops. What's wrong?

Yeah, baby, that's what we're doing
and we'll be back for lunch. OK?

Dad's got things to do.
I want to play with Dad.

Dad can't play with you
all morning. Come on, guys.

Let's get changed, we're
not wearing leggings.

Let's just finish this game
and then I'll send them in.

Huh? We'll finish this game,
I'll send them in. No, no,

I want them to get changed now.
We don't want to get changed now.

They don't have to get
changed. Yeah, darling.

We look fine. We have
clothes on, we're fine.

Leggings are for sportswear

and for lounging about
the house, at a push.

Come on, let's go. No.

We want to stay. One!

Two. Babe?


Baby, let them pick their own
clothes some days, you know?

They pick their own clothes
to sit in the house, I just

I just want them to look nice
when we go out, that's all, OK?

Yeah, I get it, I get it.

And also, could you put
the cushions on the bed.

Cushions on the bed, got it.

I've got something, Mum.

OK, baby, what is it?
Let's have a look.

No, don't wear
jeans, angel, please.


Hi, hi.




Hi, darling, hi.


It's so hot. Is it hot?

It's so hot.

How are you?

Who is it?

Auntie Debs!

Oh, look at you!

Hello. Hi, Auntie Debs.

She didn't know I
was coming? Hello.

Chris, where is
she? She's upstairs.

Babe, your sister's here.

Girls, what have
you two been doing?

Dad's been playing.

Yeah? Where are your toys?

They're all upstairs.

Boo! What are you doing?

I'm just doing the wardrobes.

Didn't you hear me call you? No.

Debs is here, she's
downstairs. Oh, sorry.

Hey, darling, how are you?

Yeah, good how are you?

I'm good. How have you been?

I was just sorting
the wardrobes out.

Do you want a cup of tea?

Um, no, I'm all right, thanks.

I just wanted to have a chat.

Yeah, OK.

Did you not tell
Chris I was coming?

Did I what? Did you not
tell Chris I was coming?

It was a bit embarrassing.

I thought that you would've
mentioned that we spoke.


But, ah...


What is it?

Um, I'm struggling and

I need to borrow
some money, again.

I've missed, like, two

two months' rent and

uh, I had an
accident in the car.

Well, I am sorry about
all that, darling.

Yes, it's done.

OK. How much did you transfer?

A thousand and I've just
put a bit extra in there.

I thought you could treat
yourself or something.

I'm just, yeah, thanks


I need a bit more, to be honest.

OK. How much?

Ideally, about three



Three grand, input.
You know what?

I think we're going to
have to do like, uh,

I gift you two and
you pay back one,

just as a responsibility thing.


I'm sorry, do you just want
me to give you the 3,000

and then not say anything?

No, I'm not saying do that.

I'm just, it's like, the way you're
being about it is like... The way?

Hang on a minute, the
way that I'm being?

It's just the way you're
being, the response about it.

Yeah, yeah, I'll
pay you 1,000 back,

but it'll take me ages
because I've got no money.

Because this is
like, the fourth time

that you've been round here
and asked me for money, Debs.

So I'm just trying to add a little
bit of... Yeah, and it's actually

OK, I'll pay you.

It's just, it's going
to take me a long time,

that's all I'm saying and
you don't exactly need it.

Well, you have to earn a
little bit of responsibility.

I do have, I do and I
am trying really hard.

I'm in a huge debt. I'm
actually trying really hard.

Hey, hey, hey, guys.

What's happening?

Debs wants to borrow some money.

I gave her a grand,
she wants three,

so I just said maybe
she could pay us back

on the one if I
gift her the two.

Yeah, cos you were saying
that side of the story,

that's what's happening
but it's the rest.

What's, that's the
side of the story?

Yeah, but it's just, you're
telling Chris that I'm talking...


Can I just, can I just say,
can I just say, can I just...


Can I just say, the girls
are hearing all of this.

The girls are hearing it, babe.

The girls are right there
in the other room. OK.

OK? They can hear.

There's three grand in
your account. Can we talk?

And you know what? You don't
have to pay any of it back.

I don't know why you
do it, I don't know why

you're being like this with
me. I don't understand.

Yeah, I've just been, I'm
trying to be honest actually

and I don't think you're
being really honest with me.

I don't even know
what that means.

I just think, I'm just being,
I'm just being honest with you.

Keep your voice down.

I'm just being honest with you,
and I said what I thought. Mm.

So, I don't know why you're
trying to cut it off now.

Like, what, you
trying to walk away?

Because the deal's done,
isn't it? You've come in...

What do you mean, the deal's
done? You've asked for money...

I'm your sister, what do you mean
the deal's done? I've come...

You said you can't pay it back

and I'm saying you don't
have to pay it back.

Mum would hate that, the
way you're talking to me.

Being like that with me.

She always told you to share.

Have you been to see her
recently? Cos I go and it looks...

There is 3,000 in
your bank account.

Have you been to see Mum?

You don't have to
pay any of it back.

Fucking work hard for
what I've fucking got.

And you do Jack fucking shit.

Oh, my God.

V, you didn't
answer my question.

Oh, please don't, please
don't come into the bedroom.

You didn't answer my question,
you just walked off and shouted.

Have you been to see Mum? I'm
asking you, it's a simple question,

cos I have and it
looks really neglected

and I'm asking whether
you've been to see her?

I don't know why you've
come into my house...


and upset...

Actually, I'm asking,
I've asked for help.

The equilibrium that I work so
really fucking hard for, OK?

Cos that's what I want in my
house and I'm really sorry.

And this might really
hard for you to hear this.

I'm really sorry that
your related to me.

Really sorry that you...
But I'm really happy.

I've got a lovely house,
I've got a nice job,

I've got a husband and kids

and unfortunately,
you don't have that.

So, I'm happy, I'm OK.

I'm good. OK, good, I'm really
happy for you. Well done.

So don't bring your
shit into my house,

because I worked hard for
it. I'm not blaming you.

And it's not my fault
that you haven't got it.

How - don't walk
away from me, V.

OK, V...

V, I need to talk to you.

Girls. Wait. No.

Girls. I need to talk to you.

Listen, what the... I'm
just telling you now.

Don't touch me. I'm
fucking telling you now.

You need to calm down,
V, you need to calm.

I am telling you now, I
don't want this in my...

You need to calm down.
What the fuck is wrong?

Whoa, what's going on here?

Ah-ha. This is, Listen,
this has got to stop.

I'm sorry I upset you but
what the fuck is that?

Could you get the
girls... What is wrong?

To give her a kiss, and
then she's got to go. OK?

You really need to fucking
see someone. You need help.

Listen, V, you need professional
help. Bye, Auntie Debs.

If you don't go...

Because I feel like,
I'm sorry but... Debs.

I'm worried about you. Debs.

Sorry, uh, we can't do this.

You need to get Chris to
pull me out of the house?

Look, I'm not doing it aggressively,
I'm not doing it like that.

Just come on, let's go. OK.

Just for the girls.

This is fucking
ridiculous, she needs...

I'll see you, all right. I
don't know what that was about.

That's not cool.

That's not cool.

What me? Me not cool? Listen.

Sort yourself out.

I don't want my
daughters around that.


Ah, Chris, no, no, no, hang on a
minute. It wasn't me that started that.

No, we're not doing this
now, we're not doing it now.

She came to our house and I...

The girls are right there,
we're not doing this now.

They're right there. Oh, OK, I'll
just hold, I'll hold. All right?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah. OK, cool.

Did you get mine? Yeah.

What was it?


Hi. Can we, can we talk?

You want to sit down?

I'm worried, Vic.

I'm really worried

about you.

Something's wrong.

I'm just, I think
you need some help.

I think you need to
speak to someone.

I don't know what that means.

Neither do I.

Well, we can find out together.

You just have to be willing
to go on that journey.

OK. Baby, look, I don't want you
to walk away, please sit down.


I don't know what the next step
is, or what we need to be doing

or what you need to be doing.

But one thing I do know, is that
if you do not accept it yourself,

it's never going to change.

I love everything we have

family, house, I don't
want to lose any of it.

But you need some help.

I'll think about it.

OK? I'll think about it.



What's going on here?


What's going on here?

Smoked salmon blinis...


With champagne for starters. Mm.

And, Grace will appreciate it.

They went to this
posh restaurant,

for their anniversary, and she
just goes on about this smoked

salmon blini, so that's what
I'm going to do for her.

But you do know they really don't
care about that sort of stuff?

And then we're gonna have
a Thai green curry...


With prawns, because I just
think maybe we could all be

a bit more aware of
eating less meat and, so.

Yeah, prawns are fine.

So let's go like that.

And then?

Um, and then for dessert, we're
gonna have, uh, frozen berries.

Mm. With white chocolate
sauce, which I know you like.


Then there will be some left
over for the girls tomorrow,

so when they come back,
they can have that too.

And then everyone's happy.

And I'm gonna do the table nice,

and I've put some flowers out and
it's just gonna be really lovely.

Yeah, good.

Maybe don't drink too much.

I've just got the champagne for
a little light thing, because...

Oh, man.

We will stay within our limits.

I also want it wrapped
up by like 11, 11.30,

because I don't want
everyone here too late,

cos I still wanna get up early
in the morning, you know?

No, I understand, yeah.

I got you.

Well, I'll make sure I
tell everyone to get out.

I didn't say tell
everyone to get out,

I just said I want everything
here wrapped up by 11.

All right, 11.00 it is.

I'll make it happen, all right?

OK, thank you for opening that.

Please don't sit
here and watch me.

I just wanna kind of be in my
own space and get this done.

Can I stand over there, in
the corner and watch you?

Hey, I'm joking.

I know, but why are you joking?

I don't understand
why you're joking.

I just want this to
be really perfect,

and you walked in here
and it was all fine.

And then now you want to stand in a
corner and take the piss out of me.

I just don't get it, sorry.

I'm not taking the
piss out of you.

I swear, I'm not.


I'll get out your way
if that makes you...

Yeah, do... Happier.

And by the way, can we just act
like we like each other tonight,

cos that would be really nice as
well, if you know what I mean?

I do like, I do like you.

And have our friends in and we
just be really nice to each other,

cos that would be great.

I do like you.

I don't have to pretend.

Sorry, why do I feel shit now?

Like every time I just
want something nice,

you start taking the piss out of me,
and now I'm the one that feels shit.

I don't, I don't get it.

I just want nice things,
baby, I just, you know,

I just want people over
and I want it nice,

I want it like everyone happy
and enjoying themselves.

And you know what? It feels
like you don't want that.

It's like this is the life
that we've got, Chris.

I do want it.

You might want fish and fucking
chips, or a curry night,

but I don't want that.

I want people in the
house, to like the house

and I want people to like me.

I just wanna make an effort.

Yeah, it's hot, isn't it?

Yeah, it's boiling.

Babe, I'm going down, all right?


Babe, they're here.

Chris, I'll get it.

You wanna get it? Yeah,
yeah, yeah. I'll get it. OK.

Hello! Hi.

Hi. How are you?

Oh, I'm good.

How are you? Oh, my goodness.

Oh, it's good to see you.

It's been so long.

It's been so long, how you
doing darling, you all right?

Uh, yeah, I'm good,
thank you. Yeah.

You look really well. So do you.

Thank you.

This house looks lovely,
doesn't it? How you doing, bro?

Ah, yes! How you doing, sir?

You didn't see any
of this before.

None of this. No.

This is all, this all new. Yeah.

Oh, that's been extended
out as well. Drinks? Yes.

Yes, I'll have a champagne, I
will not say no, I need that.

Look how lovely it is.

I love what they've
done to the place.

So these can open
all the way back

and you're doing indoor/out
kind of. Yeah, yeah.

Ladies first. Oh, thank you.

This is gorgeous.

Mm, thank you.

I love, like the
colours are great.

Oh, I love this carpet.

And what about your premises?
I saw on social media.

So what, so you've expanded?

Yes, yes, yes. We have, we have.

We're trying to expand
to North America now,

so we need a bigger premises.
Yes. Oh, OK. So, yeah, yeah.

Lenny's got, like a much bigger
team now, it's a lot of work.

Sit, sit, sit, sit, sit. Yes.

But it's, I mean
it's going well.

How many do you
have? I'm knackered.

There's uh, six new
people on the team. Wow!

I'm just gonna get some
nibbles. Yeah, yeah.

How are you, Chris?

Yeah, good, good.
You're looking well.

Yeah, I am, I am.

I've got a few grey hairs.

On this project.

I'm glad we're here
now, it's done.

Nice and homely.

So nice.

The nuts, I'm gonna get crisps.

I love that outdoor
there though.

Isn't it beautiful?

We were gonna do a barbecue, and
then I thought, no, let's do...


Is everyone OK with blinis?

Yeah, great. Thank you.
Yeah, I'll have one.

You remember from the
restaurant you told me, that he

took you to for your
anniversary. Yes. Yeah, yeah.

Well, that's why I
thought I'd do blinis.

Oh, OK, lovely.

Thank you very much.

The girls must, the
girls must love it.

It's great.

Yeah, they love it. They
love living in this place.

And they can have, exactly, with
all their friends and everything.

Thank you.

Well, they drag me outside
with them most of the time.

Does anyone need water or... Oh!

Oh, my God. Oh, dear.

Um, OK. I'll sort
it, I'll sort it.

No, don't pick it up like that.

Just, I just want, just get
some, all right you get some...

Don't pick it up with your hands,
you're gonna hurt yourself.

Shall we...

Babe. Please go and sit
down, and stop looking at me.


I'm really sorry,
I'm sorry, Sam.

Just go and sit down.
It's all right. OK.

It's fine, guys,
you just sit down.

Are you sure? I've
got this, don't worry.

They're looking
at me. All right.

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!

What are you doing?

They've been here
for like two minutes.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Just, they were just staring at
me as I was trying to clear up.

Calm down, calm down.
What are you doing?

Please go downstairs and tell them
that we've had like some bad news

or something, or that I'm just
a little bit wired or something.

Please go downstairs.

All right, I'm coming back up.


It's OK.

It's OK, this is fine.

Oh, my God!




No, it's fine.

Are you all right? Oh...

Oh, darling. Oh, God. Oh, God.

Are you OK, love? Yeah, babe.

Are you sure? Mm. Are you
sure? Yes, yeah, yeah.

What's up? What's the matter?

What's the matter? Um...

I'm just gonna grab a tissue,
just give me one second. OK.

Uh, yeah, one second.


Oh, babe, I'm so sorry.
That's all right, don't worry.

It's fine. I'm so
sorry, darling.

It's OK. I just
feel... You're good.

I just... Is everything,
is everything?

I'm so good.

I just don't even know
what happened. Oh, my God.

It's fine. It's fine.

You're good, it's cool.

I know, I just... Yeah.

How embarrassing,
I'm so embarrassed.

Don't be silly, don't be silly.

You sure? Come
on, give us a hug.


Oh, I missed you so much.

Look, let's just go
downstairs and get...

Have a drink. Have a drink.

Give me two seconds.

Let's just have a drink.
Yeah, let's have a drink.

All right, all right
darling. OK. I'm so sorry.

Don't be silly. Don't be silly.

It's OK.

She's gone, she's gone,
she's totally gone.

Hey. Hey, hun.


Do you mind if you just go?

Vicky, honestly, it's fine.

It's fine.

Let's do it another
time, yeah? Yeah. OK.

We'll regroup. OK. OK.

Um, I left my bag somewhere.

I'll get it, it's somewhere, OK.

If Vicky asks you, it's
OK, give us a call. OK?

I'm so sorry.

No don't, honestly, please
don't worry about it, it's fine.

Give my love to
the girls. Will do.


Can I talk to you, please?

Ah-ah, you can't just run away.

This is fucking crazy.

What the hell?

I think you're gonna
have to talk to someone.

I don't know what to do
anymore, I can't help you.

I'm trying.

Babe? Babe?

You need to get some help.
You need to get some help.

I cannot fucking
do this anymore.

You have a family.

Please leave me on my own!



Go away, go away, go away.

You don't want me to go. I do.

You don't.

Please can I just be on my own?


Oh, God...

God, oh, God, oh, God!

Oh, God, oh, God,
oh, God, oh, God!




Hi, Victoria.

Um, I'm just going to put
on full-screen, sorry.

There you go.

Hi. It's good to see you.

And you.

Tell me, what's
brought you here today?


Well, it was something
that my doctor suggested,

after I'd had my
assessment and they

thought it would be good for me to
have some weekly sessions, so...

So, your journey's beginning.

Subtitles by Red Bee Media