Hellier (2019): Season 1, Episode 3 - Trapped in a Maze - full transcript

The search deepens as the team begins their investigation. A fellow researcher confirms the team's sense that something is paying attention to them.

What I'm going to do is,

because we don't know
what exactly the goblins are,

or whatever is around here,

I'm going to assume to a
certain extent it's sort of

elemental in nature
or land-based.

So we have candles that
represent each one of

the elements: earth,
air, fire, water...

We left some tobacco

and burned some candles,

just out of respect for
whatever's potentially there,

and let it know, "Listen this is
what we're here to do,

we're here to communicate,
so if you want to come

and communicate with us,
the door is wide open,

and we're inviting
that communication."

So Dana did a small ritual

where she burned some candles
and she made an offering

of tobacco to these entities
or spirits, or whatever

they are, in order to more
formally set why we were there

and what we were hoping
to get from them.

And if you're interested
in communicating with us,

that's what we're here for.

If there is anybody here,

anybody that we can't
see right now...


I'm not sure who we
might be addressing here.

But we are here
to learn about you.

We're here documenting.

But in reality, you're the star.

We're here because
we were called,

because we want to
know more about you,

because we respect you.

And as long as you have
good intentions,

we are more than willing
to communicate with you.

I think the thing that
caught my attention was like...

it sounded like a...

wooden knock.

- That was a wooden knock.

- Yeah.

That's what I heard
that first time.

I heard that too.

From two different directions.

We kept it broad!


Connor's like,
"I'm out!"

Almost immediately after

Dana did her ritual,

we were hearing wood knocks
that were seemingly

communicating with us,

from both sides of us.

Things were being thrown
from the forest at us.

There were a lot of noises
that we tried our best

to kind of rule out as
natural, animal noises.

But a lot of these
things were...

They felt a little too pointed.

And they started a little
too quickly after

we had done these intention-
setting experiments.

It's the type of phenomenon
that we have witnessed before

in bigfoot expeditions.

And we'd done the same kind of
those intention-setting things

during bigfoot investigations.

So almost immediately
we got the overwhelming

feeling that we were
being watched.

And that we had successfully
drawn something in.

Can you come out
a little closer?

It's okay.

Did you hear that?

- Yeah!

- It just did it back.
- It did it back?

- It went
and went and did it back.

That was really loud.

- Really loud.

Wow... it's super dense.

- No.

I heard a... it was
a little bit more...


Not like a frog.
But in response,

it was like:.

It was kind of a...

And it went up
like your whistle did.

- Like a mimic kind of.

- A little more guttural.

Maybe we don't speak
the same language,

maybe we don't understand
each other very well,

but I think you can

understand the vibe
we're putting out.

- What do you do when
Greg Newkirk says,

"It's right behind you."

- Stand real still.

Okay, well.
That's officially out.

Thank you for being here,

we want to continue
talking with you, though.

From there, we moved

to the front porch,
and we began setting up

our spirit box experiment,
"The Estes Method."

Connor puts on a pair
of very noise-cancelling


and he pipes in
a spirit box feed.

Now, a spirit box is a
controversial device

in ghost hunting,

where it scans through
these radio stations

at very high rates of speed.

You are going to get clips
of DJ voices, commercials,

talk shows... especially
in the AM frequencies.

And so it's normal to hear
voices out of them.

But with all the static,
with all the noise,

with all the blips and bits
of sound,

it's very easy

to hear what you want
to hear out of it.

We created this method
in order to cut the receiver off

from more anticipated responses,

in the hopes that our

that he couldn't hear...

Would line up with the
responses that he's giving back.

We also put a blindfold on
so that there's no

environmental, sensory
influence about what

that conversation is.

So that if we do get some
compelling responses

back and forth,

that is much more
interesting than...

potential responses

that we thought we heard
through a noisy feed.

It just said "Connor,"
it sounded like.





Do you know why we're here?

Do you know what
we're trying to do?

What brought us here?


- "Do you know what
brought us here?"...

"That's me, sir?"

Do you know who
Terry R. Wriste is?

Do you know who
David Christie is?





"YOU... CAN."


I can what?

I have a really
important question.

Which might be why...


- Careful?

- I just clumsily sat down...

- It's like it's got a little bit
of a delay on it.

- Sometimes it's just like a
short delay.


- Oh, shit.


- Where... where is...
- "DOING."

- Where is the coyote?


- To the left?
Or to the right?

Over here?



Thank you for the warning.

- Maybe there'll be
a coyote tomorrow.

Some people call you a goblin.

Do you like that name?



Are you moving to the cave?


To the cave in the hills?

Are you going to meet us there?


Up in the Flatwoods?



I wasn't taking any of this...

into any sort of...

I couldn't... I had to take it
all with a grain of salt.

Anything I was hearing.

All I was trying to do
was listen really closely.

And it's something that I have
had a lot of practice with.

And something that I know that

a lot of people who
watch the Method

and a lot of people who
haven't done it themselves

will be skeptical of,

because I would be
skeptical of it.

But I know what I heard.

And apparently I was
narrating what was

going on, is what they told me

when I took the headphones off.

Which is intriguing.

And it seemed like
whoever was there was...

letting us know that...

they're aware of us

and they were right
there with us.

Can we talk more about
this cave?

Can we talk about
the reason that we're here?

Maybe you know more about
it than we do.

You know who sent us here?


My camera batteries just died.


- Did you hear that thump?
- Yes.

- I'm gonna go grab a fresh one.

"HE'S OPEN..."

He did open the door.

"PROBABLY. 10-4"


Are we going to find
what we're looking for?

While we're here?



Leave it alone?

We can't leave it alone.
We were brought here.

- Horrible noise.

Why are we here?

We're here for a reason.
Why are we here?

Did you bring us here?

Did you want us here?


Do you know anything
about the Ink and the Black?




Is there a pattern...
- "READY."

we're missing?

I'm ready. I want
to know.

Do we need to use the cipher?



I'm ready.



I am listening to a lot
of stuff right now...


I just got cold.

- It is cold.


What is... what are
you curious about?


We're so ready.

- Did you see eyes?

- Yes.

- C'mon up. Get over here.
- C'mon up.


We're listening.
We're ready.


Yeah, you can come right up.



Almost sounded
like "F-you."


That was loud.

- You heard...
- That was very loud.

"W. W."


Who's a "w"? Wriste?





Who is there?

I just heard like
a twinkling noise.

That was weird.

What was that?

Right over there.

Come on. Keep doing it.

Let us know you're here.

Who's in the caves?

Who's in the mines?


A talking rooster?


"No, it's not."


Uh, yeah!

I'm here.

Or is there a girl in there?

That's a lot of what
people hear in that one...

That's right!

Maybe it's a woman
and not a baby.

Like a more...
higher voice.

- We keep hearing a lot about...

- You tell us!

We're trying to get there.

Where should we go next?


That's where we're
going tomorrow.

What should we be looking
for in the mountains?



We're all ready.


Is there something Dana is
supposed to do

when we're there?

Are we going to meet you?




Is that it?



- Like, I'm not hearing sounds,

I don't feel...

- Anxious?

- "OKAY."
- Like, I feel...



- There's no car...

There would be headlights.

That was like somebody
fucking threw something

in the bushes.

Who's throwing things at us?

- I thought it was a car.



- So we already know...
- We already know Wriste?

- Oh! So we know
who he is?

Can you tell us what
his name is?

- Tell us his name.

- His real name.

- What's his...


Holler in cold... coal?

It was wild.

Like, the stuff that
was happening, just...

There's no logical explanation

for the types of things that
were happening during that

and the way that it was

Like, it was...

basically precognition.



They're watching?

Who's watching?


Who's watching us?


- Are they...



The book?

Oh, shit.

Okay, that's gotta be...


Yeah, it is right there, right?

Record it! He just
said, "record it."

We are, we are.

"It's not red"...

- What is the significance
of red?

This is everything aside
from normal.


Maybe we can't see?

What do we need to see?

What do we need to see?

What are we missing?

The Third Order?

- There was a thump over there.

Can we talk about
Terry Wriste again?

I got the impression
maybe he was Indrid Cold?

Karl is Indrid Cold?

- That's twice it's implied that.

Last time you were talking
about who Indrid Cold was

it talked about me.
- Yeah.

Why do you think Karl
is Indrid Cold?

A little bit.

- That is, yeah.
- A little bit.

- That's a bad arc.

I don't know about that one.
I don't think that'll fit.

That's true.
- That's true.

Truth is stranger
than fiction, I guess.

Okay. Take your time.

Is that how long you've been
doing this?

Son of a bitch...

We gotta check that.

-48 minutes...

- Dude, it changed again.

- Yeah.
- I'm fine.

We came running over here
chasing some fuckin goblin

and Connor narrated it.

And it feels fine now.

- Connor...

I heard like a whistle noise...

Can you help us find
Indrid Cold's house?

The flap?

A hidden flap?

A hidden... is there a
flap no one's found yet?

- A cave?

Like a UFO flap?


Encompass... Does it...

- What's it encompassing?



- It's encompassing still water?


- No, Stillwater is the name
of a town.

- Stillwater Bridge?


We're always ready.


Two star...


Thank you for talking with us.


Is the world ready?


I just saw like a tin can.

Just jumped into my mind.

Like an old tin can.

With no label.

Ah, I feel like...

- My eyes are watering
a little bit.

- I feel like it's over.

- Yeah.
- You think it's over?

- I think you should
pull him out.

He looks agitated.

Thank you. Thank you
for talking to us.

- Thank you.
- We'll talk to you again soon.


- Does he do that every time?

- Alright. I'm gonna
take this off...

Whoever's talking with me,
thank you...

- Everyone does.

- Oh my god...

- How you doing?

- It's so bright...

- Yeah, get the lights.

- That was one of the
weirdest things

I've ever been a part of.

So much of it matched.
- Mmhm

- What we were discussing.

- And you would like...

You would respond to things
that we were physically doing.

- Constantly.
- Yeah.

- Every time Karl
would move something,

you would say
like, "Karl, stop."

Like, just that kind of stuff.

- I kept hearing your voice.

I think that was the only
voice that I heard...

Like, your NAME was
the only name that I heard.

- Oh yeah. You said it a lot.

- And um...

It's been a long time...

I don't remember when I had a...

an image like that pop
into my mind.

- A tin cup? Tin can.

- Just like five minutes ago.

But no, I'm sitting here
and I just...

And suddenly just a tin can.

So I thought it was
worth saying something.

Because it felt very random.

Were you recording
for 48 minutes?

- We're gonna check it.

- Cuz I heard that.

- Oh yeah. That was
super weird.

- 48 minutes...
- That was...

That was great.

- Yeah, we've got to
check the time on that.

Start and end time...

- That was really neat.

That was really cool
to see that.

And be part of that.

For the most part, that

was a really interesting

And I felt...

like we were definitely
tapping into something

more than just the coincidence

of a word coming up
in relation to what

we were doing
at that moment in time.

It seemed stranger than that.

It seemed more in touch.

There was an alignment happening

very much so, I felt,
that first night.

And then I was taken aback
because something happened

that had never happened before.

I saw something.

I saw it so clearly.

It was a tin can.

Just jumped into my head.

And I had to say something

because it was totally

And this tin can just suddenly

appeared in my mind.

I could see it.

Clear as day.

It was a tin can,
just sitting there

in this blank space
with no label.

That's it. It was a tin can.

And I didn't understand it.

But I thought it was
worth mentioning because

I've spent so many
dozens and dozens...

Probably over a hundred
hours on the spirit box,

and I've never had an image
pop into my head like that.

The next day was the
day that we decided

we were going to go straight
to anyone who could give us

information about
David Christie.

We wanted to see

if we could make a more
pointed effort

to find who this person was.

And that was going to be
looking up

all the town records.

Did he buy property?
Did he have a driver's license?

Did he exist in this town
for the 8 or 9 months

that he claimed to have
stayed there.

Yeah, so day three

was a boots-on-the-ground day

where we were just out
in the town

knocking on doors and
walking into people's offices

and asking,
"where is David?"

First of all.

And then, "have you experienced
anything weird?"

I'm a paranormal investigator
here, out of Cincinnati

- Okay.

- And there was a guy who,
a few years ago,

called us to the area.

I'm looking to see if he
ever actually lived here.

He gave me a name.

And I'm just trying to figure
out where I would check

to see if there was any records
of this guy actually

living around here.

Because he's just kind of...

This is a case that

we're really trying to get
to the bottom of.

And so, let's go.
Let's go into town.

The nearest town center
was Pikeville.

And we went in.

And walked around to Courthouse

after Courthouse.

We went to the County Surveyors,

the County Assessor's. We
went to the Sheriff's Dept.

The Property Value Assessment

Office would be the perfect
place to tell us

if a person named David
Christe had ever

owend property in that town.

We were showing

everybody these photos,

asking for records
of David Christie.

There had to be some sort
of a record of this man

existing in this community.

The team of us

were sort of passed from
courthouse to courthouse

to records building to police
to back again.

So Greg, Dana, and I

decide to go in,
and start to ask around

about this individual.

This building, that we
walked passed...

- Oh, snap.

- This is the third courthouse
we've been to today.

And we talked

with these individuals.

We walked up and the clerks
looked through

all these different records.

I sat there as they typed away.

And in the end...

It was pretty clear to us...

that no one by the name
of "David Christie"

had ever existed on the grid
in Pikeville or Hellier.

No David Christie.


So, alright, talk to us.

And they were

extremely helpful,

Went into the records...

Found that David Christie
had never owned property

in or around Hellier.

So we checked even Driver
Registration Records.

Nobody by the name of David
Christie had ever

registered a vehicle in town.

So that was real information.

That was like, no
himming and hawing.

He never owned any
property in the area.

That doesn't mean that he
didn't rent property,

and it doesn't mean that he
didn't have property handed

down to him, which is
something that absolutely

could have happened.

But we knew for a fact that
there was never a man

in Hellier named David Christie
who owned property.

At all.

So that was a big red line
through his name I think.

It's possible that he

could've flown under the radar,
but his name at least

was starting to get
less credible.

Even as his story became
a little more credible.

Because we were believing,
based on all of our observations

of this town that yeah,
this could've taken place

in Hellier, Kentucky. Or
right outside of it.

Everything made sense
in that regard.

But the name didn't appear
to be real.

Which was a point
of frustration.

But also a sense of relief
because we were able

to sort of close one portion
of the case.

And it was exactly what

I expected to happen.

We had a lot of people
talking to us

about their own
personal experiences

That same weird

phenomena kept happening.

Where people, they would
immediately say,

"Ah, we never get any
weird stuff like that."

But once they think about it
and you talk to them

for a little bit, they go
"But, there was this one time.."

So we found out that,

yes, people in the towns
around Hellier

are experiencing
paranormal activity,

and they're not just

paranormal activity, but
they're experiencing things like

watching UFOs float in the sky
so long that they

just get bored and move on.

We had a woman who was
a psychologist tell us

this crazy story about how she
believes that her family was

being attacked demonically.

But, they used a really
interesting word

that I'd never heard ghosts
described as,

which was "critters."

They had a problem with "critters."

And even the local priest said,

"There are critters
all over here,

and they attach to people
and their families

and properties
pretty easily."

So that I thought was pretty

which really says a lot about
the lens that people

view paranormal phenomena

We went into the gas station

to meet with Tami, and discuss
how her grandsons

were going to help us get up
to the Flatwoods

to check out these caves
that had a weird

old burial ground, and they
seemed kind of afraid of it,

and see these footprint
photos that they had

of these strange prints
in the mud.

So it's like, great,

finally, we have a cave,
we're gonna go,

and then Tami walks out
and says that her grandson

decided to go hunting.
So that's not going to work out.

We just so happened to meet,
by complete accident,

This guy named "Joey."
Joey was an amateur caver,

and had lots of stories from
around that area

of really crazy caves.

So we started to ask about
any caves in the area,

particularly caves that might've
had strange stories

and odd folklore and weird
sightings attached to them.

And then as he eased into the
story, he started to tell us

about finding weird carvings,

carvings of flaming
eyeballs on caves,

carvings of snakes,

carvings and statues
of Chief Cornstalk.

Which, oddly enough,
is the same land

and the same Native
American legends

that were tied to
the Point Pleasant area,

where the Mothman case
took place.

And then he said, "well you
know what, there was this

weird cave where they found

this strange,
three-toed footprint."

Apparently the local

University had studied it,
and he said,

"You know, that might be a
cave you guys could check out."

So we spent a lot of time
getting coordinates from Joey

of different caves and caverns
and places that seemed like

they might be a good fit
for our investigation.

And he gave us his number
and said,

"If you have any issues or
anything, please,

feel free to give me a call."

It just was...

It seemed more than coincidence.

It was this thing that
kept happening,

this theme that kept
occurring, which was:

wild goose chase; brick wall;
another yarn

to another wild goose chase.

We felt like we were
trapped in a maze.

We got back to the cabin

probably an hour

after we'd spoken with
this gentleman, Joey.

It's really frustrating,
but every single time

it's just something else that's
new and all these weird

little threads just
keep coming together

and pointing
to different things.

Like the Chief Cornstalk
thing is the one that, like,

now I'm sitting here going,
"well now I've got to read

everything about that,
and figure that out."

- And so that guy said that
he was in a cave?

That there were pictures of
him in a cave?

- Yeah, like carvings of him like
on the sides of...

- Just randomly brought it up.
Out of nowhere!

And that also keeps calling
back to the Keel connection,

the Mothman connection,

like that weird
synchronicity where

you had the book now...

- It's consistently, like from the
start I've said that this feels

like the closest thing I can get
to a Keel case, a mothman case,

and then I had the compulsion

to listen to Mothman
on the drive up.

And then Connor, because
we've been talking about it,

returned my book to me
on the trip.

And then the Ink and the Black
is Indrid Cold,

the name "the Flatwoods monster"
with the Flatwoods up here,

there's a synchronicity there.

- Like a town over from the stuff
where Mothman was happening,

Point Pleasant.
- Yep.

- If this is a hoax,
we're taking the bait.

And it's kind of...

- Mmhm

- I think what's scary is that
we've taken the bait so far

that we've found something
real from a hoax.

- Mmhm.

- I believe the phenomena
is real. I do.

It's just a really elaborate
way... it's just too much.

It goes too deep.

So I don't know if we're going
to leave with answers,

but I'm glad we're down here
looking for them.

I'm up at the cabin.

I was the only one who
got service at that cabin.

And I get a phone call
and it's Joey.

- Right.

- Really?

Back in...?

- Yeah!

- This is exactly the kind
of person we're looking

to talk to here, sir,
so thank you.

- Yeah!

So you just haphazardly
just ran into him?

- That's perfect!

Definitely an awesome lead
that we're going to look into.

So thank you so much,
it's a big help.

- Absolutely!

Hey, you've become an important
part of this story here.

Thank you.

- Great.

Alright. Well you have
a good night.

Yeah, we'll be in touch.
Thank you.

- What the fuck?!

- He accidentally...?

- He accidentally just ran into
the guy...

- Who was there.
- That was fucking THERE.

And I'm talking to him

And he says, "Hey,
strangest thing.

"I just ran into the guy
on my way home!

The individual who was there
when these three-toed

footprints were captured."

Another synchronicity that's...

astronomically implausible.

Even Joey was a little taken
aback by the chance of it.

So immediately,
out of left field,

completely by accident,
we have a lead

on a three-toed footprint
in a cave

that was studied by
a university.

And so we got this
gentleman's number,

and said we have to
call him and follow up on this.

But this case has constantly
led us down an exciting avenue

that's a dead-end. And we're
sitting at a gas station

with a dead end,
the expedition falling apart,

Hellier being this black hole
of no stories,

and Joey shows up.

And Joey has a synchronicity
of running into the guy

he was telling us about off-hand
from the 80s

who had found a footprint.

A really interesting thing
happened that night

while we're putting together
the next leg of the expedition.

I get a text from Tyler Strand
while we're on the way back

to the cabin that says, like,
"holy weird! I just had a crazy

breakthrough in your search
for the goblins."

Tyler Strand is a wild man.

Hello everyone, Tyler
Strand here...

He's kind of a lone-wolf
paranormal investigator.

We met him a year ago and
instantly took to him.

He's got a really great vibe.
He's super adventurous...

You kind of have to be to do
paranormal investigation

on your lonesome.

But this guy is at an 11
almost constantly.

I always describe him as:

take the most excited dog
you've ever met,

put him in a black leather vest

and give him the
ability to talk.

That's Tyler Strand.

And we've been working with
Tyler on a couple other cases

and the amount of information
and tools that he brings

to the search
are super invaluable.

He said, he just answered:

"Yeah, absolutely. I just had
a strange occurrence.

I mention a lead that I had
to Greg, and I just got some

new details on that development.
I'm not certain how you guys

tied in Point Pleasant slash the
mothman to all this insanity...

Well, I do... but you know what
I mean.

I was just in Point Pleasant

and I have a bizarre
possible connection

to our good friend Indrid Cold."

So that's something
he's bringing in.

- I totally forgot he was at
the Mothman Festival.

- Yeah.

- Which was like a week
and a half ago?

Which was strange timing

to begin with. We had talked
about the goblin search.

In fact, Tyler was constantly
encouraging us to

"get back in that hole,"
so to speak,

with discussions
about different rabbit holes.

And he was really intrigued
by the case. Well, he had done

a little bit of investigating
on his own, and had just been

at the Mothman Festival,
like two weeks before this.


Hey, what's up!
I didn't see the missed call.

I didn't hear it come through.

- That's alright.

- What are you doing, wild man?

- Where the hell are you guys at?
What's going on?

- What is this
mind-blowing stuff?

Because there have been a lot

of weird synchronicities
on this trip.

- Well first we wanted to...

Well you want to talk about
synchronicities, Greg,

the more we talk, you know
it's funny because

we talked last time, you and I,
for some reason the shit we do,

we're always like two halves
of a key. So, like, I go...

He met a man

at the Mothman Festival.

Completely by accident.

Who, it turns out, had a real
interest in creature sightings

that were happening
around caves.

This guy ended up taking every
reference to those that he found

in books over the years,
photocopying those pages

and making his own 90-some
page book

out of these creature sightings
around caves.

I'm like, I need to get
my hands on it!

So, this guy's like an awesome
person to have online.

Like, I've got him in my phone,

I could probably call
him up anytime.

So I'm like, I need this book.
I'm like, "If you could make

a copy of this thing, that would
be great."

- Right...

- So fast-forward to the
following day, which is today.

I just got back to my apartment.
I stopped at the gym...

I was at the gym for
a couple hours.

And when I pulled up to the
gym, I have this thought

in my head. I'm like, you know
what, I'm gonna call that guy

now, even though he said he
was busy.

- Yeah.- I'm gonna call

this guy just so he knows that
I'm aware of him and that

I'm going to be keeping in touch
because I want this packet.

I call him up and he picks up
right away and I'm like,

"Hello, Mike, it's Tyler Strand,
I'm calling because I wanted

to follow-up." And he's like,
"You know what's really weird

about you calling me just now?"
I go, "what?" He goes...

Get this shit, he goes, "I was
literally trying to scroll through

my contacts. I was just about to
call you. Had you not called

me right now, I would've called
you in like 10 seconds."

- Really?

- We've heard stories
of your research skills

so you've got the town
and you're right at the same

spot we are...
We're just...

We're lost in this!

- Yeah, we'll be in touch.

- Thanks, yeah, my lips
are sealed.

- Ours too!

- Sounds good! Keep me
posted, have fun!

- Alright, we'll talk
to you soon, Tyler.

- Alright, sounds good.

- Later, dude.- Bye for now!

- Thank you!
- Bye!

- Tyler Strand, everybody.

- Uhh...

- Was he what we...

- Did you see that? What
happened when that...

When he just hung up on
that phone call?

- No.

- The time on the phone call?

- No.

It was 48:48.

- Forty-eight?!

- Is that not ringing a bell?

- Forty-eight...

- Forty-eight minutes.

Son of a bitch...

- Forty-eight minutes!


- Holy shit.

- Dude. That was like
a premonition.

- Oh my god.

- What...
- I just started to shake

when I looked at...
- That's so weird...

- When he hung up, I looked
at the numbers,

and I was like, "oh, god."

- What is happening?

- Let me get that record.

It doesn't say the full 48,
it just says 48,

but it was 48:48.
- Well that's fine!

That's pretty good.

Like, what if it was us,
you know what I mean?

- It's like, that's telling us, like
"You should listen to

that phone call."

- That right there is a fucked
up synchronicity.

That's not even a synchronicity,
it was like a premonition.

- A prophecy.

- Yeah, a prophecy. Exactly.

- I didn't hang up, it just
happened at that time.

- So, uh...
- HE hung up at 48:48

What is happening?