Gossip Girl (2007–2012): Season 5, Episode 7 - The Big Sleep No More - full transcript

Several of our favorite Upper East Siders attend a performance of Punchdrunk's provocative theater experience, "Sleep No More," which translates to masks, anonymity and some surprising ...

Gossip Girl here-- your one and only source

into the scandalous lives
of Manhattan's elite.

Jonathan Karp called.

He got advance copy of next
week's best seller list.

Did I go up at all?

You dropped off the list.

There must be some way I can convince you

to write a blog for the "Spectator."

I wanna take "Gossip Girl" down.

I wish I could explain better, but I can't.

Know that I never meant to hurt you.

Oh, my God.
The "girl" you're seeing is our boss?

Now you know and so does
the rest of the world.

Nate's mine.

You were taking money

to reveal confidential
information about me.

If you don't believe me, you
should ask your fiance.

He's the one who paid her.

What's scaring me is that
you're changing into him.

I'm sorry I lost my temper

the night you told me
Louis proposed to you.

I'm sorry I treated you like property...

I'm sorry I didn't tell you
I loved you when I knew it.

But most of all,

I'm sorry that I gave up
on us when you never did.


Louis, what took you so long?

What are you doing here?

Louis' not coming.

Are you thirsty?

Shall I serve you up there?

No. I'll come down...

Just so I can go find Louis.

Let me help.

How do I know I can trust you?

You can.

Good morning, Upper East Siders.

Or is it?

We hear a certain future royal

has had more than one
rude awakening this week.

Uh-oh. Mr. Chuck in dream again?

When Chuck's in them,
they're all nightmares.

What he do now?

Behave like a perfect gentleman,

which makes him even more chilling.

That fake apology of his has
permeated my subconscious

and haunts me even when I sleep.

Apology not seem so fake to me.

That's because English
is your second language.

As the wedding draws closer,

he's trying to make me question
my decision to choose Louis.

But I have no questions.

And with Louis in Italy
overseeing trade negotiations,

I'm not going to let anything
interrupt my week of relaxation,

nesting, and serenity...

Especially not Chuck Bass' faux-lanthropy.

Or his attention-seeking love of animals.

Grab the bread.

Not even Chuck's media mind games

can disrupt the calm I feel
while feeding the ducks.

Besides, you could use the exercise.

I'm pregnant, too, remember?

Please tell me you're not just
getting home from yesterday.

Did you spend all night
with Zarkana again or what?

Early morning charity event meeting.

Is that what you're
calling it now--charity?

Wait. Seriously?

Being decent is more of a
struggle than I thought.

If I keep busy doing good,

then there's less of a chance

I'll find myself in a situation
which triggers old habits.

Yeah, well, I have faith in you.

I could use some time on the
straight and narrow myself--

at least away from anyone
who might tempt me.

I thought things with you
and Diana were going well.

You two were all the talk
of the papers last week.

Isn't going public what you wanted?

Yeah, except that it
hasn't changed a thing.

I mean, we don't leave
her house or the office,

and it's just sex and work all the time.

Same as before.

If Diana won't commit to you in private

like she does in public,

maybe it's time to explore your options.


How's the book tour going?

Uh, where are you now? Nashua?

Uh, I'm in--no, I'm in Burlington, Vermont.

You don't sound so sure.

Ah, you know how it is on the road.

All stops start to--
start to blend together.

It's been great so far, though.

I knew it would be.

People who still go to
bookstores are real readers.

They don't care if a book's
on some best-whatever list.

Yeah. It--it seems that way.

Uh, turnout's been great.

Charlie, Serena, um, care to
join us for a 2011 version

of a family breakfast?

We don't want to be late.

You know what? I should be going anyway.

I gotta meet Alessandra soon.

That was awkward.

Ugh, long story.
Bring us back some real maple syrup.

Which I hope I can read
about on your new blog.

I know you've been posting,

but I haven't been able
to check it out yet.

That's the problem. No one has.

I know Diana wants me
to write about myself,

but I don't know what to say.

I now realize why Gossip Girl is anonymous

and only takes shots at other people.

Maybe it's none of my business,

but it seems that if you
want people to read you,

and you need people to
read about you first.

Get Gossip Girl's attention--

even a date would do it--
then steal her thunder

by telling the real story on your blog.

You know, you may be an evil genius.

When I want to be.

I know you're not happy,

but it's what I needed
to do to keep him here.

Trust me.

If we're gonna take down
"Gossip Girl," it's necessary.

Don't worry.

I won't lose Nate or Serena.

Just give me a bit more time.

I've been thinking about you all week.

Why have you been avoiding me?

Look, I have a boyfriend. Okay?

I don't believe you.

Well, you have a girlfriend.

Yeah, who schedules time with me
as if it were a board meeting.

And who's my boss.

Well, maybe I want something more.

If you want more, ask for it.


My office.

And do us both a favor and ask her, not me.

Well, there must be some mistake.

We just spoke to him from Vermont.

Yeah, of course.
We'll let you know if we hear anything.

What's going on? Is Dan okay?

I'm not sure.

That was his agent, Alessandra.
She says he missed

his book signing in Boston yesterday,

and he didn't check in
to Burlington either.

Can't find him anywhere.

Isn't this nice?

We're communing with nature,
finding our inner peace,

and I'll still make my
afternoon prenatal massage.

Slow news cycle?

Thank you, Arthur.

What are you doing here?

Our treaty of 2010 clearly states

the duck pond is my domain.

Don't try to fool me with
your puppy dog eyes.

I apologize for the intrusion,

but your limp-winged friend
here waddled into the dog park

and was about to become a labrador's lunch.

And out of the goodness of your heart,

you came to his rescue.

I like duck l'orange as
much as the next person,

but it seemed cruel to let
the poor creature suffer.

Mm, especially in front of a photographer.

What a lucky duck.

I've imposed on your domain
long enough already.

If you'll excuse me, monkey
needs his constitutional.

How much more do you need to see?

Of duck pond?

It not really my thing to begin with.

Of Chuck trying to manipulate me

into believing he's become a good person.

He knows perfectly well I chose Louis.

He endorsed my decision.

But now for reason,

he's trying to make me second-guess myself.

I can't allow it.

This does not sound like
week of serenity to me.

He's forced my hand.

I must expose Chuck as a fraud
who's only pretending to evolve

so he can win me back
before Louis comes home.

In drama,

there are many ways to unmask a villain.

I need to start a war between
Serena and Gossip Girl.

Stay on her and let me know what happens.

Of course.


Regarding Nate,

I thought I told you to keep your distance.

You're not gonna want to hear this, but...

That... was all him.

Maybe you should loosen up a little,

not be on him all the time?

I think I'll pass on the
unsolicited romantic advice,

thank you.

Just make sure Serena's
all over "Gossip Girl".


I would never do anything to
jeopardize where I am right now.

I finally have a life here.

I'm not gonna screw that up,

especially for a guy.

Sometimes you know who the
bad guy is from the start.

Oh! Oh, my gosh!

Are you okay?

Yeah. I'm sorry. I think that was my fault.

No, not true.
I was-- I was blinded by the maps.

Do you live in this building?

No, I work here.
Can I help you find something?

I'm looking for my
ex-girlfriend, Ivy Dickens.

Do you know her?

No, I'm sorry.

I think she...

But most times,

you find out they've been
right in front of you

all along.

Right. That's all for now.

Let's reconvene after lunch. Thanks.

You look like you wanna say something.

Look, I guess I'm just a little confused.


Us. I mean, Diana, what are we?

What do you want us to be?

I'm not sure anymore,

but I'm starting to think
we won't be anything

if we keep mixing work and pleasure.

Maybe I should start
looking for another job.

I get it.

Working together, going home together--

it's all too much.

Why don't we take a couple of days off?

I'm going to Paris tonight anyway.

Maybe you should have
some fun while I'm gone,

without the pressure of me
on top of you all the time?

So to speak.

Is that your way of saying that we're not--

we're not exclusive?

If that works for you, it works for me.

I just want you to be happy.

You're my right-hand man.

I can't afford to lose you.

These not look like happy
nursery decorations.

I can't rest until I can prove
Chuck is still his satanic self.

What do you think would be more effective--

having his shirts pressed
with too much starch

or getting him served blended scotch

at the Empire Bar?

What this test testing exactly?

We'll be there, in clever
disguises, of course,

to see him eviscerate the dry cleaner

or fire the bartender, thus proving

that he's only pretending to
be magnanimous when he knows

that I'll be there or
will see it in the press.

You sure you not just do this

because you and Prince Louis
not in a good place right now?

I admit our relationship
has seen stronger days.

And, yes, while it's true
that I was upset with Louis

and his momentary lapse of morality,

he only did what he did out of love,

and I forgave him.

But I simply cannot have
Chuck chucking with my head.

So I have to prove this to him and myself.

So what do you think, starch or scotch?

I'm sorry that security guard was no help.

That's okay. I didn't come to
New York to find Ivy anyway.

Really? I had this whole
soul mates reuniting story

worked up in my head.

Not quite.

Just have some of her stuff
to give back to her.

Actually, uh, I'm in
town for a job interview

I have in two hours.

You know, DB Bistro is
looking for a new line cook.

Wow. Well, you must be
a really talented chef

to even get an interview there.
It's a huge deal.

If I can find my way there.

Well, why don't I show you?

You--you don't have to do that.

Well, I've actually been suffering

from writer's block lately,

so a walk might do just the trick.

You up for some company...


Cool. Serena, by the way.
I just have to take this.

Yeah. One second. Hey.

Please tell me the reason
you're still not at work

is because you met a cute
guy in a business suit.

Well, no suit, but definitely cute.

Sounds perfect.

I'm about to walk him to his interview now.

No! Forget that.
You need to take him to lunch--

someplace fabulous

where you can be seen by people
that read "Gossip Girl."

Like, um, that place you took me--BG.

I don't know. I just don't
want to make him late, though.

I expect to read all about you.



Who's the guy?

Some nobody she found on the street.

Gossip Girl will love it, trust me.

Now you're off to Bergdorf's
to get that picture.

Make your e-mail to Gossip
Girl as depressing as you can.

Maybe she'll post it verbatim.

Hey, Charlie.

I can't talk now.

It'll only take a second.

Unless you wanna get me fired,

you need to stop talking to me here.

I just wanted to make sure he
didn't check out. Thank you.

Well, the hotel in Boston
says he's still checked in.

Well, maybe he just fell asleep.

Remember when you used to tour?

We didn't know if we were
in Norway or Denmark,

never mind what time the show started.

Sure, but we always managed
to get make the stage.

And I know Dan.

It's not like him to skip
out on an obligation.

And I know you.

What time would you like
to leave for Boston?


The Morris Minor is in the
parking lot in Brooklyn.

It'd be faster to drive.

Why are you still following me, Nate?

You said you didn't wanna
talk at the office.

Hey, come on. You're a Rhodes.
If you had a boyfriend,

the whole Upper East Side
would know about it.

And what about Diana, who you
might not think you're dating

but who thinks she's dating you?

I'm not so sure that's true anymore.

That's where we're going?

So when girls like you say "lunch,"

they really mean clothes?

There's a restaurant inside.

Are you sure we have enough time for this

before the interview?

I am relying on you to be my official guide

to getting around Manhattan.

You know what? I, um...

I probably did miscalculate time.

You should go.

Go to 6th Avenue and make a left.
It's on 44th.

I'm sorry.

Oh, and you should try to
work apricots in somehow.

Boulud is obsessed with them.

Wait. Where are you going?

Will you just admit that
you're not dating anyone

and that you like me?

Just a little bit,

and we can see what happens?

I mean, I'm a pretty good
judge on things like this,

and, you know, when you
kissed me last week,

there was a lot of chemistry
between us, and I know--

I mean, that's what I was talking about.

Uh-oh, Charlie.

Looks like you've stayed
in character all too well.

Too bad there's always an understudy

waiting in the wings for
you to slip and fall.

"Nate Archibald's cougar
and her cub in pride war"

Are you purposely trying
to make a fool of me?

I told you it was an emergency.

To hide from Max, your
mysteriously reappeared ex?

I do think it seems a tad convenient

that the only way to do
that was to snog Nate.

Look, I don't know why Max is here,

but if he finds me, I
could lose everything.

Fine. I'll take over that side of things

and get your ex out of our hair.

You focus on proving to
Nate that you do not

nor will you ever have any
romantic interest in him.


Thank you.

Just let me know what you want me to do.

Oh, it's very simple.

You're gonna ask Nate out on a date.

They're voting on "Gossip Girl"

and in a surprisingly positive
turn for the 21st century,

the cougar is winning,

but it appears you chose the cub.

I didn't choose anything.

Diana tells me she wants
to take some time off,

then Charlie just kissed me and ran.

I mean, I thought we left stuff
like that behind in high school.

Maybe we're maturing too fast.

Which is why you're back to playing

"Phantom of the Opera" sex games?

The mask is from a benefit performance

of "Sleep No More" I'm sponsoring tonight.

The whole audience wears them.

Oh, yeah, I heard about that.

It's kinda like, uh, "Macbeth"
in an old hotel, right?

And the audience can follow the performers

from room to room?

And since the set is 100,000 square feet

and pretty much in the dark,

it provides the perfect opportunity
to disappear for a night...

And avoid any run-ins with Blair,

which may set back my recent progress.

Care to join? I can get you a ticket.

Looks like I won't need one.

Why is it when you don't want
Gossip Girl to post about you,

she does constantly,

and when you do, silence.

I share your frustration.

Ever her "Chuck Bass
Spotted" page is broken.

Not one blip. He's off the map.

Wait. Why are you looking for Chuck?

I have no choice.

He's trying to destroy my
relationship with Louis

because he knows it's vulnerable.

I'm pretty sure the only
war Chuck is waging

is with his own demons.

He's hired a new therapist.

He's focusing on his businesses.

He's even throwing a benefit
tonight for charity.

Oh, no. He got to you, too?

Chuck may be sponsoring a performance,

but it's only because in
the dark with his mask on,

he is safe to reveal his true self.

B., whatever you're thinking, stop.

Just work on your relationship with Louis

and let Chuck work on himself.

Meanwhile, I'm gonna stay
home and work on my blog.

Well, how hard can that be?

And if you write about how
many strokes it takes

to brush your hair, people will read it.

I'll pitch that to Diana now.

You know, Charlie told me

that she didn't think
anyone would read my blog

unless I was on Gossip Girl's radar again.

Well, I always thought you
were too good to blog.

Just tell Diana it's not for you.

Well, I think you're too good to scheme.

So if I talk to Diana,
you'll leave Chuck alone?

Absolutely. Go talk to Diana.

Good luck.

Hello. This is Blair Waldorf.

I was hoping you had a ticket left

for tonight's performance.


Hey. I am so grateful for
all your help last week.

Why do I feel you're about
to break up with me?

I'm not willing to sell
myself or anyone else out

to attract an audience.

Everyone sells themselves, Serena.

It's just how you do it that matters.

I don't think you understand.

I've been trying so hard
to get off "Gossip Girl."

Today I almost hurt an innocent stranger

to--to make you happy.

It just-- it didn't feel right.

And the worst part is he
actually seemed like a good guy,

and now I'll probably never see him again.

Oh, my... gosh.

Max, we were just talking about you.

Looks like you spoke too soon.

We met this morning.
He, uh, was looking for his ex

who apparently works in the building.


I'm sorry. I hope I'm not interrupting.

Not at all. Please stay.

So I just wanted to let you know
that I got a second interview

with Boulud himself thanks
to your apricot tip.

Oh, that's--that's great.

That was really nice of
you to-- to track me down

just to tell me that.

Well, seeing as you helped
your friend Max get a job,

you two should celebrate.
Get a bite to eat.

Show him the city.

Isn't your friend throwing
a benefit tonight?

You know, that-- that actually...
could be fun.

What do you think?

I'm in.


Why don't you rush home and get changed,

and I'll give Max all the details,

and you can meet him there?

I can't wait.
Me, too.

Seems "the play's the thing" tonight.

But watch out, players.

You might be the ones getting played.

Welcome all, to the McKittrick Hotel.

The card you were handed upon your arrival

is your ticket.

If you find yourself holding an Ace,

please take the door to
your left and enjoy.

No talking.

No photos.

No phones.

Feel free to explore,

follow, watch,


Curiosity shall be rewarded.

You must remain masked at all times.

Not nice to steal.

Hey, did you see that?

Thanks for the invite.
I wasn't sure what to think

after you ran off this afternoon.

And, listen,

if you're worried about
getting in trouble at work,

Diana's off to Paris, and
we will be wearing masks.

You know, I'm just a little
anxious about the performance.

It's dark in there and crowded.

Um... I'm gonna get a glass of water

before we go in.

Would you just wait for me here?

Yeah, sure.

That was good.

Well, it would be better if you
would just tell me your plan.

I don't feel comfortable
stringing Nate along.

Well, I had planned just to
catch you two together here,

making Nate feel so guilty,

he came running back to apologize,

but... something better struck me.

All deuces may now enter.

Hey, you ready?

I hope so.

Diana, thanks again for the tickets.

Is Serena here yet?

Oh, you just missed her.

They called her card, and she had to go in.

But she told me to tell you to find her.

She's wearing a beautiful gold dress.

You can't miss her.

Great. Have fun.

I intend to.

You really think pillows
under covers trick me?

You lumpier now.

You can't expect me to sit
on my pregnant laurels

while Chuck gets away with
a secret double life.

But you tell miss Serena--

that I wouldn't undermine Chuck,

but that's completely different

than revealing his authentically evil self.

Maybe you need to face fact
Mr. Chuck really is good.

Never. That's what he wants you to think

so he can destroy everything in secret.


There's famous Polish film
director Agnieszka Holland.



I know you suggested
being fashionably late,

but maybe I overdid it.

Not to worry. Max hasn't even arrived yet.

Oh, I hope he didn't get lost again.

Maybe I should go look for him.

Women like us don't do things like that.

Just wait here.
I'm sure he's just running behind.

I'd better get in.

They called Queens some time ago.

Can you do me a favor?



Oh, my God. I'm not even
sure how we lost each other,

but one minute I'm at this massive feast,

the next, I'm in this freaky psych ward.

There was this nurse--

Well, I'm glad you're safe.

Where do you want to head to next?

Uh, you know what?

Actually, I heard that the
experience is even better

if you stay split up, so why
don't you go find the witches?

They're awesome, and I
think I see Lady Macbeth.

Diana, what are you doing here?

I thought you were in Paris.

Well, I decided it was, um, more important

to spend time with you.

That's really sweet and unexpected,

but I'm here with someone. I'm sorry.

Yeah, Charlie. I know.
I saw you both come in.

I have to say, I was surprised.

You said we weren't exclusive.

Neither is she, apparently.

You know she's seeing someone, right?

Yeah, she mentioned something about that,

but I'm pretty sure she
was just making it up.

Well, then maybe they broke up.

Because last I heard,

she felt he wasn't paying
her enough attention,

and she was trying to remedy that.


I won't bother you anymore.

I just hope you're not part of that plan.

Final group is going inside now.

Don't you wanna join them?

Oh, no, thanks.
I'm--I'm waiting for someone.

Who it seems isn't coming.

...beguile the time. Look like the time.

Bear welcome in your eyes,

your hands, your tongue...


Of course you knew it was me.

Was it my perfume?

I should get back to the performance.

You can't disrupt the drama.

Looks like we're stuck... together...

Alone... amongst the masked and anonymous.

Do you remember when we
used to play dress-up?

How could I forget?

Though I didn't think

this was your kind of
entertainment anymore.

At least I know I'm safe, locked in here

with the new Chuck Bass who
has none of his old urges.

I have to admit,

I had a hard time believing you at first,

but now I see--

the therapy, the apology--

you really have changed.

As warm as it's getting in here,

I can sweep the hair
from the nape of my neck

without setting you off.

It's such a relief...

to be able to... let my guard down.

Oh, look.

They even have red hots.

Mmm. You never could resist.

Do you want one?

No, but thank you.

No one is looking.

Even the new Chuck Bass
must still have some

of his darkest desires.

Just a taste.

Are you ready, Charlie?

There's Nate.

Go kiss him.



It's been the performance of a lifetime

for cousin Charlie, but tonight,

it looks like it just might
be the final curtain.

I knew you were still the same Chuck.

You thought by one fake apology
and a few charitable acts,

that you could get me to question

all the reasons I'm with Louis,

but I was right.

You are incapable of change.

Seems you know me too well.

And now, thanks to you, I'm
more certain than ever

that I chose the right man. Good-bye.

Good-bye, Blair.

I can't remember the last time I drove it,

but it died as soon as I
pulled out of the garage.

Yeah, thanks.

Well, just let me know when it's ready,

and I'll head back.

Yeah, I need to get on the road tonight.



One more?
No, thank you.

Are you okay?

I just saw the "Gossip Girl" blast.

"Serena Van Der who?

Last girl standing, or simply stood up".

She is so heartless and humiliating.

Oh, this is nothing

compared to when she called
me "irrelevant" at graduation

or when she lied to the
world that I had an S.T.D.

This is exactly why we
need to work together...

On your blog.

So Gossip Girl loses her readers,

and her attacks lose their power.

Or I just develop a thicker skin,

which is what I've done over the years.

It just upsets me when
she goes after people

that aren't strong enough
to defend themselves.

I should probably go.

See you tomorrow.


Well, it turns out you
were right about Charlie.

I'm sorry.
I didn't want to see you get hurt,

even though I can see how
much I've hurt you myself.

How can you hurt me?

I'm your right-hand man, after all.

You're more than that.

Last week, I told everyone
you were my boyfriend

not because you wanted me to,
but because I wanted to.

I care about you.

Well, then why didn't you
just tell me that earlier?

Because I didn't think that
was what you wanted to hear.

Although judging from tonight,

maybe you'd rather be with someone else.

Think about it.

Let me know.

It was one thing to-- to feel like my book

wasn't exactly appreciated
in the Upper East Side.

I expected that. But--

but then the readings on the tour--

I mean, they--you know, they
were less and less full.

In Hartford, I think, like
ten people showed up,

and half of them were there
to get out of the rain.

My book is a failure, dad.

I'm--I'm a failure.

You're not a failure.

When I started touring with Lincoln Hawk,

we didn't even have a--

a bus, a roadie,

an amp that didn't create massive feedback.

I know. I've heard this more than once.

Yeah, but what you don't
know about this tour

is how many times we played
for a handful of people.

In Marfa, Texas,

our entire audience was a bartender.

Yeah, but that bartender--
he spoke to his friends,

and they told their friends,
and soon we were selling out.

It just takes one person
to connect with your art,

who feels like you directly
communicated with them

to start a groundswell.

But you can't connect with that
person unless you show up.

Thank you, dad.

I think, uh, I think I needed to hear that.

What are you doing in New York?

In town for a job interview.

What's really weird is
what you're doing here.

What the hell just happened back there?

I recognized you.

Let's get outta here, catch up.

I'm here with someone.

In fact, I thought you were
her when you kissed me.

I should really go find her.
Her name's Serena.

Serena Van Der Woodsen?

Do you know her?

Everyone in New York knows her--of her.

Well, I'd like to get to know her better,

so I'm gonna go find her.

Please don't.

Fate brought us back together for a reason.

I miss you.

I made a mistake in L.A.,
and I'll tell you all about it

if you just come with me.

I'm not gonna drop everything
because you tell me to, Ivy.

You walked out on me.

You knew it was Max behind
that mask, didn't you?

I told you we were going to
show Nate for the last time

that you were the wrong choice for him.

Why would you use Max when you said

that you would help me get rid of him?

I found a better plan,

and I like watching you squirm.

But... let me put you out of your misery.

You're fired.


Clearly, your ex is going
to out your secret.

Please don't do this.

It's already done, and now...

So are we.

Oh, wait.

One last piece of business.

A quick picture for "Gossip Girl"

and then Serena is in place.

Oh, come on--

Ohh. Perfection.

What name shall I use when I send it in--

Ivy or Charlie?

Doesn't matter. I'll surprise you.

All masks eventually have to come off,

and with them, so do the gloves.

Dorota, I hope you've learned your lesson.

I will always be right about
Charles Bartholomew Bass,

and now that I've proven I made
the right choice with Louis,

tomorrow we can get back to my
restful week of prenatal pampering

before I welcome my fiance
home with open arms.

So I don't get it.

You kissed Blair so she'd
think you hadn't changed?

The only way for Blair to move on

is if she thinks I never will.

I had to kiss her to set her free.

That may be the most selfless
thing you've ever done.

I've never been more good
and less happy about it.

And what of your happiness, Archibald?

Was there a clear winner
in the war for your heart?

My heart was always in the same place.

I realized it was my head
that was being messed with,

so I've decided to make my own decisions

instead of letting everyone
else pull my strings.

Starting now, I see.

You wanted to see me?

Yeah, I did.

Lock your windows, Upper East Siders.

Looks like Serena's cuckoo cousin Charlie

is off her meds again

and about to jump to her own conclusion.

What are you doing here?

What happened to your date?

My date stood me up.

What happened to you?

I saw "Gossip Girl."

I know I shouldn't let
her get to me like this,


I feel like she's after me

or... on to something.

Maybe I took on too much
too fast when I came back.

I told Diana I quit.

I think maybe...

I... should just go home.

No, no, don't let Gossip Girl bully you.

Come on. You have to rise above it.

Everything is so fragile right now.

If I make one false move,
my whole world collapses.

Don't leave. Come on.

Whatever you're feeling, let me help you.

We're family.

I'm so sorry for what I said today.

You don't need to be seen with some guy

to define who you are.

Don't worry. I know that.

I don't think I'll ever see
that guy again anyway.

But I'm not alone. I have you, right?

Come here.

I have to go make a quick call,

then we'll hang out and chat more, okay?


We all wear different masks
for different reasons.

Nate, you matter to me... a lot.

I was just trying to be cool.

You know, that's my thing,

although I'm beginning to see
I may need a new... thing.

From now on, equals.

Just us, together, seeing what happens.


You can take it.

Are you sure?
Because right now you're my priority,

- not business.
- It's fine.

I'll get the champagne.

Hello, Serena. Everything okay?

Not exactly. You know, it's one thing

when Gossip Girl tries to humiliate me,

but when she goes after
someone like Charlie...

Ohh. I hadn't seen "Gossip Girl."

What's she done?

Just what she's done a
thousand times before,

and I'm sick of it.
I'm ready to help you bring her down.

Well, I'm sorry for the circumstances

that brought you to this decision.

I'm looking forward to
working with you on this.

See you at 9:00.

I'll be there.

Some masks we put on

because it's truly who we want to be.

Some we wear because we can't bear to face

what's really underneath...

Or because it's what someone
else needs us to be.

Everything's set.

Good. Very good.

You should never have doubted me.

You've done a fine job
rehabilitating my grandson's image.

He's right where I need him to be.

And Serena's right where we need her, too.

Always a pleasure working
with you, William.

And some masks we wear because
we hope to stay hidden.

But that's the problem with wearing masks.

They can be ripped off at any moment.

X.O.X.O., Gossip Girl.