Go 8 Bit (2016–2018): Season 1, Episode 2 - Episode #1.2 - full transcript

Comedians Marcus Brigstocke and Gina Yashere join host Dara O'Briain and team captains Steve McNeil and Sam Pamphilon to compete against each other playing six computer games to decide this week's champion.


I'm Dara O Briain
and welcome to Go 8 Bit,

the show for anyone who's ever
spent a boring meeting at work

dreaming that they're
an Italian plumber

rescuing a princess
from a giant turtle.

Joining gaming wizard Steve McNeil's
team this week is a man

who used to play classic samurai
game Bushido Blade but thought it

had gone too far when they
introduced a fourth blade,

an anti-friction strip
and a four-way swivel head.

It's Marcus Brigstocke.

And with gaming muggle Sam Pamphilon
is a comedian

who has appeared on the Jay Leno
show in America many,

many times but now she's here
playing video games with us

on Dave.

Congratulations, you've
finally made it, Gina Yashere.

And keeping everything in check is a
person making sure we don't mix up

our Digimon with our Donkey Kong,
it's our resident games expert,

Ellie Gibson.

Gina, we've brought you all the way
back from the States to play

video games, but what is your
golden era of video games?

My golden era is
definitely the '80s -

that's when I stopped playing games.

I was expert on all things
Space Invaders, Pac-Man,

all that kind of stuff.

Arcade stuff, basically?
Yeah, I like the arcade stuff.

I stopped playing
when the games got too realistic,

when you started getting actually
hit in the face and stuff.

I'm sorry, Gina, if people are
actually hitting you in the face,

you can ask for help.

That's not a thing...

Marcus, you're a more
console-based man, aren't you?

Yes, and someone said you really
should stop playing games

online against strangers.

OK, fine. So I started playing, I
can't remember what the game was,

it might have been Medal Of Honour
or something and I went online

and whoever I was playing against
started been really, really rude.

And I was like, "I don't think
I'm liking this very much."

And then he eventually went,
"How old are you?"

And at the time I was 40,
and I went, "I'm 40, actually."

And he went, "I'm going to
destroy you, you 40-year-old bitch."

That's a bit strong.

I went, "How old are you?"

He went, "Nine."

That's why playing games
online is dangerous.

I remember I was once playing
another kid from Ohio or somewhere

who started shouting at me,
"I'm going to mess you up and..."

I'm using politer language
than he did.

"I'm going to do this, eff you,"
and all this.

We were playing Uno.

It is possible to have
configurations where you

can hear them but you can't talk.

I don't engage with that,

but I do hear them discuss me.

"Oh, no, look what he's done now."

It was Titanfall or something
and everyone else was

level 47 and I was level six.

And your name is above your head
as you run along.

Do they know it's you?
No, no, no.

My gaming tag is not
"TV's Dara O Briain".

Tonight, our two teams will battle
it out over five different

video games plucked from the
annals of gaming history

and try to become the champions
of the evening.

So let's start with a video game
classic from the days when

the nearest thing we had to Grindr
was a wall in the gents' toilet.

Our first game is a title that's
older than the top five YouTubers
put together -

it's Sonic 2.

In the history of video games,

the 1990s will always be remembered
as the time of the Great War.

On one side there was
a man with a moustache,

on the other was a blue hedgehog
bravely battling

to free oppressed minorities,
mainly squirrels.

The playgrounds of Britain
became trenches.

You picked a side
and you stuck with it,

no matter if you secretly thought
Tails was a bit rubbish or had quite

a nice time round your cousin's that
Christmas when he got a SNES.

There was a war on.

Sonic The Hedgehog 2 appeared
on the front line in 1992.

Fans loved the fast gameplay,
whizzy visuals and funky soundtrack,

but the game's development was
fraught with internal conflict.

Sega America disliked the fact
Sonic's sidekick was called

Miles Prower... Get it?
..and wanted to name him Tails.

Sega Japan fought back, and the
two sides eventually compromised

and agreed on Miles "Tails" Prower.

Yeah, that's much better.

Sonic has struggled
a bit in recent years,

failing to make
a successful transition to 3-D.

It's a bit like watching
your grandma try to find

a nice pair of comfy slippers
in Urban Outfitters.

But tonight we are
celebrating classic Sonic

and when this was all just fields.

Well, fields and casinos
and chemical warfare plants,

but you get the idea.

So, that's Sonic 2.

Sonic very much the Oasis
to Mario's Blur

in the great cultural divide
of the '90s video games.

Where were you on this?

I had a Mega Drive cos I
wanted Sonic and I played Sonic,

but it wasn't long after the
Mega Drive came out that

the Super Nintendo announced it was
going to have Streetfighter 2

and I dropped the Mega Drive the
same way Katie Price drops husbands.

It was terrible.

But you still had...?

I think I had to sell it
to get the Super Nintendo.

I'm not a king!

Did you have any of the other bits
for it, like the Mega-CD?

No. The Mega-CD and the 32X was the
other thing you could plug in the

Do you remember this? No, I don't.
There it is.

That's a slow cooker.

That's even got a Game Genie
in it as well,

so you can crack codes and things.

That, back then, if you wanted all
of that, that's 630 quid for that,

which is about a grand today
in terms of inflation.

Plus, you've got to buy
the games, obviously.

And how much were the games?

About 50 quid a game.


Have we got any Sega fans in
tonight? I've got a treat for you.

Can we play the little clip
that I got especially...

for me, really, to be honest.

Don't just feel like everything
is going to be all right?

What I like most about that is, that
little "Sega," that everyone knows,

that took up an eighth of
the memory on the cartridge

which is more than the individual
levels in the game. Amazing.

And yet, that you can
remember though?

Exactly, that is the best bit.

Let's get playing. Ellie,
what are the rules of the game?

Well, our teams will be racing
through the Emerald Hill stages.

Steve's team will be playing as
Sonic and Sam's team will be Tails.

Our guests will take the controls
for the first round and the captains
will tag in for the second.

Is that clear?

Video games are all about points
scoring so our studio audience

have logged into the show on their
Smartphones, allowing them to vote

for the team they think will win
this game of Sonic.

So, audience,
which team do you think will win?

Please vote now.

Oh, serious music.

Don't take this lightly.

Listen to that music.

OK, the results are in.



Which means, by the way,

the winning team in this game
will receive 79 points.

So, teams, controllers at the ready.

Let's go clockwise.

I'm so nervous.

For all the jokey-joking about this,
you are about to do a thing in front
of a load of people and on telly...

You don't want to
make a mess of this.

OK, teams, in three, two, one...

Let's Go 8 Bit.

Here we go, the Emerald Hill zone,
my happy place.

OK, so, Marcus on the top.

Which one am I?
Oh, I'm the little one.

Marcus straight off there.

Oh, Marcus is...

Gina's dead.

Marcus has slowed down.

You do need to watch out
for those robot fish.

Come on!

Oh, no, she's down again.

What's happening?
Come on now, Gina.

Jump and get those rings.

There we go,
now you've got some rings.

She's soaring now.

Mind the robot fish.

Mind the robot fish.

Well done, Gina. Difficult now.

There's a box there.

No, just jump over it -
who needs a power up? It's useless.

Robot fish.

I'm running!

This is a joy. We've no idea
who's doing what right now.

Come on! Come on!


Quick, jump up on that thing.

Don't jump! Run round!

That's it, round and round we go.

People say games were harder,

but it does help if you know
how to jump.

What happened?! What am I doing?!

Go round the thing.


Jump, thing!

That's it.

Got off the bouncy thing.

Where's the bouncy...?

Go left, go left.

You need that spring, Gina,
that will propel you.

What is happening?

She's won!

She's done it.

First round goes to Gina.

Do you have any clue
what was going on?

Had no idea what was going on.


I feel sad inside.

Do you want me to play the Sega
thing again? Will that help?


I feel better.

OK, 1-0 ahead now,
Sam and Gina.

Can Steve bring it back?

Let's play the second bash, please.

There we are,
team captains stepping in now.

Let's see if they can do any better.

OK. This is a tighter one.

Oh, no.

That could be fatal.

Neither of them using
the Sonic egg technique.


I can only presume what that means.

They both made a mess of that.

This is no time to discover
the secret passages.

You've got a job to do.

Are you trying to map this thing?

Just go up. That's it.

Some of us are going forwards and
some of us are going backwards.

There we are.
That was a nice short cut actually.

That was a terrible mistake.

Watch out for that robot monkey.

They're very close together now.


That was a brash move.

Now they're right together,
one above the other.

Sam's got the red shoes,
he's got the red shoes.

He's going to go...

He's done it!

Is there any chance we can see
that overtaking moment on a replay?

Oh, yes, could we?!

Here it is.

I would love that(!)

It was all going very well...
Look at that.

But it means that the 79 points
go to Sam and Gina.

Join us in part two when Marcus and
Gina challenge us to take them on

at their favourite video
games of all time.

What will they be?
Find out after the break.

Welcome back to Go 8 Bit.

Already tonight we've seen Sam and
Gina beat Steve and Marcus

into submission by 0.27 of a second
with our first game, Sonic 2.

Man, are they enjoying it.

But now Gina and Marcus get to throw
down the gauntlet and challenge

our team captains to beat them
at their favourite games.

First to choose theirs for
Steve's team is Marcus.

Marcus, what have you gone for
as your favourite game of all

My favourite game is Portal 2.

It is...


Some other lonely, lonely geeks.

I'd back you up on that.

It made me laugh so much.

It's absolutely...
it's a hilarious game.

The puzzles in it are so amazing.

So amazing.

I'm not going to lie,
I geeked out on this one

in a big way and on the later levels

I had to make notes.

"What are you doing
with your life, Marcus?"

Stuff like that.

"Feed the kids", things like that.

Ellie, it's Portal 2, tell us more.

This is a game that features
three of my favourite things,

gadgets, guns and cake.

Let's take a look.

Portal 2 is a
first-person puzzle game.

You're armed with a massive gun
that doesn't fire bullets,

it just creates doors,
or portals, if you will.

The object of the game is to
work out where best to place

these portals so you can
navigate your way around,

all while supercomputer GLaDOS
offers an endless stream

of sarcastic observations.

Basically, it's like when
your dad teaches you to drive.

The original Portal was the
brainchild of a group of students

who called themselves
Nuclear Monkey Software.

They pitched their idea
for the game to Valve

and before they'd even
finished the meeting,

boss-man Gabe Newell had
employed the whole team on the spot.

It's sort of like the opposite
of The Apprentice really,

a lot of people being hired
instead of fired and going on

to produce something
that's actually good.

Both Portal titles have been hugely
successful and today they're even
being used in schools

to teach pupils about physics
and problem-solving.

Which is ludicrous, isn't it?

Video games in the classroom?

You might as well turn all schools
into less accountable,

profit-making corporate entities
staffed by teachers who don't

even have to be qualified.


So that's Portal 2.

Have any of you
ever played this? No.

It is the thing that I would say to
anyone who has not played games,

play this game.

It's just basically
an escape-the-room puzzle.

There are various things to do,
portals you can move

around the room, but the portals
only work in certain parts.

You have to direct things
and move things.

Sam, you look already troubled.

That's just horrible.

Why is he in the room?

Where is he trying to go?

Can he hire someone else to do it?

It's up to our studio audience
to decide who they think

will win this game of Portal 2,

Marcus or Sam.

Please vote now.

You're trembling like a leaf.
Yes, I am.

But this is my controller hand.

OK. 90%.

90% think that Marcus
is going to win this.

I've got this. Oh, my God,
he will be suicidal if...

There is so much pressure
on me right now.

Destroy him.

Can I just point out,

I've only ever played this
in complete silence on my own.

So if everybody
could please respect that.

10% of you, you know what to do.

OK, 90 points up for grabs.

Marcus and Sam, controllers
at the ready, let's swivel.

OK, Sam and Marcus,
and obviously with help from

your team-mates and the complete
silence of the audience in the room

cos Marcus needs to think(!)

I am in my thought-space now.

Do you want silence?

She's in his head.

In three, two, one,

Let's Go 8 Bit.

OK, Marcus on the left there,
Sam on the right.

Now, there's a laser there
which can do damage to them

but could be useful.

Both have a portal gun which means
they can traverse

the different areas of the room.

That's where they eventually have to
leave, that's the exit sign, they
have to get to there.

How are they going to do it?

No, that's not good.

Don't walk into the laser, that
would be my first piece of advice.

I would love a portal gun.
You know when you can't be bothered

to go out into the hall
to the kitchen to make tea?

At the end of a night,
a portal gun home.

Hello, what's this?

What's Marcus found?

Marcus has found a thing.


I'm bobbing in and out of a portal.


Sam is just floating...

No, Marcus has walked
into the laser beam.

He's discovered stairs in a way that
Sam will never, ever discover,

I think it's safe to say.

Now Sam and the box are
jumping in and out.

Is that a gents toilet, Marcus?

That can't be right. OK.



I just made that noise as if I knew
what was happening. I've no idea.

Sam has got out.

He's taken that box,
which is important.

He's only about an hour behind
where Marcus is at this stage.

That's it, Sam.
No, Sam. Yes, Sam. Warmer.

Where's he going with the laser?

Don't stand on the laser.

Wait, wait, wait.

Sam's got it.



There we go, Marcus's fan.

Oh, my God, Marcus has escaped.



Eat my portal!

Why's your face all sad, Steve?

Because when
he shouted "eat my portal" at you,

he had his quite near my head.

That means, unsurprisingly,
90 points go to Steve and Marcus.

OK, Gina,
what game are you nominating?

My game is almost as complicated
as Marcus's game.

It's a classic...


Thank you.

Decent game.

To some it may be a simple game, but
you need dexterity, you need speed.

You need a 12-year-old Nokia.

I can't believe I'm going to
say these words...

Ellie, tell us more.

Yes, it's a classic game
that everyone's played.

Well, everyone
over the age of about 20.

So, for our younger viewers,
here's what it's all about.

Weren't the '90s bonkers?

Massive trousers were trendy,
Viennetta was considered

haute cuisine and people
primarily used mobile phones

for making phone calls. Crazy.

But that all changed when Nokia
introduced Snake in 1997.

The game involves guiding a snake
towards pieces of food, making sure

it doesn't bash into walls or hit
its own tail along the way.

It sounds simple enough,

but, again, this was the '90s -
even texting was still a novelty,

with most people thinking
LOL meant lots of love.

Snake's origins actually
date back to 1976

when Sega launched an
arcade game called Blockade.

Numerous clones followed
but it wasn't about 20 years later

when Nokia bundled a version
of Snake with the 6110 handset

that the game became
a global phenomenon.

More than 400 million copies
were shipped, and in 2010

Guinness World Records declared it
the most played video game of all

Pretty good for a game that's
basically about not bumping into

So, that's Snake.

Or, as I like to call it, bad Tron.

We've all played Snake,
am I right in saying?

Other team?

When this came out it was,
like you said, on the Nokia,

but when I was at university I never
had a Nokia, I stuck with a pager...

Oh, that's so you.

That's so you.

Were you performing surgery?

You talked about younger people,

but if you don't know what a
pager is, if my girlfriend wanted...

And I did have a girlfriend,
before you do that.

If she wanted to send me a text,

she had to phone an actual human
being and tell her the message.

Kids take sexting for granted now,

but that is still the closest
I've ever been to a menage a trois.

OK, let's get playing.

Ellie, what are the rules?

It's Gina's turn to take on Steve.

They'll be competing to see
who can survive the longest

and it's best of five games.

OK, five games we're playing.

Are you confident?


I've only played it on a Nokia.

I'm afraid we can't resurrect
that dead telecommunication.

As ever, it's up to our studio
audience to decide

who they think will win Snake.

Will it be Gina or Steve?
Please vote now.

The audience believe it's going to
be Gina because they said 76% Gina.

And it does mean of course
that 76 points are up for grabs.

So, Gina and Steve, phones,
per se, at the ready.

It's time to go clockwise.


Prepare to have your mind blown
by the very cutting edge

of gaming technology.
It's Snake in three, two, one,

Let's Go 8 Bit.

Gina is doing very well.

Come on.

She is hammering on the score.


Best-of-five, remember,

My button stopped working,
I don't know what happened there.

1-0 to me.

1-0 to Steve.
Let's start again please.

I am not doing you a big countdown,
just start again.

How much theatre to you people need?

I'm not counting down
every single time.

Sorry, Dara.

OK, Gina, don't make it difficult
for yourself, that's all I'm saying.

Do you need the rules
explaining again or...?

Gina's lost twice, but this is
just the way a classic grift starts.

She's 2-0 down, it's all
going to turn round from here.

I need complete silence.

Let me see if I can help with that.

It's 2-0 to Steve.

2-0 to Steve.

Gina still could do this.

Could you both start now?

That's now! Go!
Eat the Apple, Gina.

Steve lost that one.

Steve, if you could commit suicide
or play like you normally play.

Right, it's 2-1 to Steve,
it is first to 3 and start now.

Tense scenes.
It's like the Crucible, isn't it?

It is. This is the most tense...

Oh, no!

Steve wins.

Let's just cuddle,
let's just hold each other.

Oh, Gina, Gina, Gina.

Don't worry, it's only the game
you said you were best at.

I never quite said that,
I said I liked it.

Do you still like it?

I don't know what happened there.

You went in the wall again.

That means that 76 points
go to Steve and Marcus.

After the break we'll be playing
a game that's so adorable,

they could have named it
Call Of Cutie

when we return for more Go 8 Bit.



Welcome back to Go 8 Bit.

So far, after a ropey start, Steve
and Marcus have now pulled ahead

of Sam and Gina in tonight's video
gaming face-off.

What game are we all playing next,

Well, Dara, usually video games are
made of pixels and polygons,

but this one is made from wool,

old bits of string
and good old British whimsy.

It's LittleBigPlanet.

With its knitted hero voiceover
by Stephen Fry

and constant use of the word

it's hard to think of a more British
game than LittleBigPlanet.

So it's no surprise that the series
was originally developed by

Guildford studio
Media Molecule back in 2008.

They wanted to design a platform of
the modern age, one that

would allow players to make their
own levels and share them online.

The end result was a huge hit.

By 2014, LittleBigPlanet
players had created more than

nine million levels,

only seven million of them populated
entirely by the penises.

One guy, called Jamie Coliver,
no relation,

even made a LittleBigPlanet version
of Final Fantasy VII.

It took him two years to recreate
the entire game.

Bet he wishes he'd just chosen
Pong or something.

The LittleBigPlanet 3 development
duties were handed over to

another UK studio, Sumo Digital.

Despite the change, LittleBigPlanet
has retained its unique charm

and supportive community members and
of course members.


So, that's the painfully adorable
British phenomena that is

LittleBigPlanet. Have any of you
ever made levels for these things?

Yeah! Well, you can do anything
with this toolbox.

You can create anything.

You really get a strong sense
of your own lack of creativity,

when you're given all
of the tools in the world,

you could make anything -
I made a square.

I really like it when people are
good at stuff and they are the ones

that do those things.

So, you know, if you're a video game
developer, make video games.

Don't make me do it.
It's like Salt 'n' Shake crisps.

It's, like, so...

What bit of the...

How are you saving money making
me salt my own crisps?

We should be proud

of LittleBigPlanet
as a homegrown video game.

One of the guys who created it,

Mark Healey, I think we've got
a picture of him,

and as you can see there, he won
some BAFTAs for LittleBigPlanet.

Well deserved. And I just really...

Cos I also think this is just one of
the most British reactions to

winning a BAFTA. He said, "Now my
mum finally understands what I do!"


Which I take as...

I've been in video game
shows for 15 years.

My grandmother is 98, she still
thinks I write Ceefax.

She thinks...

And of course one of the beauties of
LittleBigPlanet is you can customise

your Sackboy,
your little character...


..so I think we've got pictures of
someone's Sackboy.

Well done, guys. Well done.

You only had to say "Sackboy"
and that was enough.

That's... Does anyone know what that
one is supposed to be?


Very good. Yeah.
Very good. Next one.

Er, yes, that's a member of the
English Defence League.


And with such
a powerful, creative tool,

we're not just going to play

any normal level here, are we
tonight, Ellie?

No, Sumo Digital has custom-built us
a special Go 8 Bit level

for this challenge.

The red team will be controlling
Sackboy Steve

and the yellow team are in charge
of Sackboy Sam.

It's a race to the top to win.

It's up to our studio audience
to decide who they think will win

this specially created level of

Will it be Sam and Gina
Marcus and Steve? Please vote now.

Well, after how Snake went, erm...
That was our...

OK, the numbers are in...

All right. Oh, you're all just
hedging your bets there, aren't you?

It can only go one way.
OK, 75 points are up for grabs.

So, teams, you'll have controllers

You'll be sharing the duties and
it's time to spin the lazy Susan

to the position of readiness.

Let's go.

OK, teams, it's our special level
of LittleBigPlanet in which

the controllers will be shared out
in three, two, one, let's Go 8 Bit.

OK, so our teams have to work
together here.

That's the tricky bit.

And they have to climb,
the movement,

the running around and shrinking
from small to bottom is done

by the team captains,
Steve and Sam,

but Gina and Marcus will look
after jumping and grabbing.

So it's all about communication
and cooperation

and not being rubbish at this game.

Gina and Sam have nailed the first

and they're jumping across here.

Jumping and grabbing, well done.
They've got it.

They're in, they're in.
They're into the maze.

And at that is a lovely little scale
model of Sam that they're playing

at the moment. Marcus, you haven't
got a portal gun now. Come on.

OK, we're up. Here we go. He's in.

And so... Oh, ah!

The physics of the game
are very important,

that there's a time to be big and
a time to be small.

When I make it small, you jump.
Three, two, one.

That... That's it and there we go.
Oh, well done. Very clever.

Leave that there. And is that...

Who's that? Oh, hello.
That'll be me. That'll be me.

That'll be a LittleBigPlanet
version of me.

Oh, there you go. Oh...

Oh, oh, nearly.

So they're both trying to jump onto
that one there and at they're going

to press all ones to grab and that
will be Gina, who's expected up.

There we go. That's it.
Very good. Well done, Gina.

Going onto the bouncy thing again.
Can they make it?

Oh! Oh, hello, caught by
a proper little vapour there.

That's a safe point
so they don't have to go

all the way back to the start.


Oh, it's very tight, this, isn't it?
They're neck and neck, both teams.

And they pushed through.
Oh, look, though. Oh, no, no.

Is that it?

Oh, sugar. What happened to us?
Oh, you've fallen back.

They must have died.

Steve and Marcus have had to
go backwards.

We're almost at the end here.

Uh-oh. Oh, look at that.

Oh, my goodness!

And look at that.

Jump. Jump. Jump.

And they've won.
Gina and Sam have won.


That's brilliant.

What happened?

That's a brilliant game.
It's a great game, isn't it?

I like that game. You look bereft,
the other team.

What happened?

Two gamers, working together.
You built a level. And we won.

I genuinely want to watch it
again to believe you did it.

So this is even better,

this is better than Sonic
because you love video games,

a developer from your favourite game
builds you a level and I beat you!

But, you know, we... Sorry.

So that means the 75 points go
to Sam and Gina.

Well, we could not
be more finely poised.

After the break, it's time for
our explosive final game.

See you then.



Welcome back

to the final part of this
incredibly close Go 8 Bit.

Sam and Gina and Marcus and Steve
have been slugging it out

over four video games in
a bid to become tonight's champion.

For our final challenge now,

we've found an incredibly tense
finale and it's all to play for

as well cos it's double points,
ladies and gentleman.

Ellie, what's the final game?

Tonight's final challenge is
a game that combines all the fun

of instruction manuals
and terrorism.

It's Keep Talking And Nobody

Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes is
a game where teams of two

must defuse a bomb
before the time runs out.

One player acts as the defuser,
cutting the right wires and

pushing the relevant buttons.

The other player is the expert and
must tell their partner what to do

by reading out instructions
from the manual.

It's tense,
tricky and often hilarious -

just real-life bomb disposal.

Each bomb is comprised of various

and they must all be disarmed
to stop the device exploding.

Any mistakes the defuser makes are
counted as strikes and will speed up

the rate at which the timer counts
down and the rate

at which the expert does swears.

The key to success is staying calm
and communicating clearly.

It's not easy to perform a series
of complicated actions while

someone shouts instructions
at you as anyone who has built

an IKEA bookcase with their spouse
will know.

At least with bomb disposal,

there's less chance of anyone
being murdered.

For Keep Talking And
Nobody Explodes,

that's the point of the game.

One of you'll be the defusion
expert, one of you'll be staring

at the bomb - have you decided
how this is going to be split?

Yeah, I think I am quite obviously
the guy that should have

the book and the manual, so...

He can't do crosswords.

Did I not help you just win a game
that those guys built levels in?

Yeah, I wasn't criticising you. Oh.

Let's not lose it at the
last hurdle.

You're such a happy team,
don't be falling apart.

Have you had the chance to play
this ever before?

I've played a few times, I don't
think you ever have, have you?

I've never played this, but
a Brigstocke family Christmas -

defusing a bomb, quite similar.

So you're the defuser?
Sure, why not?

OK, cool, it's very, very tense.

It's one of those things that,
you know, splits couples apart.

We have modified the game,
haven't we, Ellie?

Well, yes, as I thought seeing as
Gina and Marcus are so calm

under pressure, especially you,

they could rise to the challenge
of saving Steve and Sam

from a fate worse than death
in a game I like to call...

I'm worried. Yeah.
Yeah, you should be, yeah.

We're going to have both
team captains...

If you could step out now, so we
could prepare for this round.

Good luck, buddy. Come on.
OK, partner.

Just stay alive. I will find you.

Ellie, tell us more.

So Gina and Marcus will be at the
consoles describing what they

can see, while Steve and Sam will be
telling them what to do from

the comfort of their booths,
using the instruction manual.

The winners will be the first team
to successfully defuse their bomb

and the losers will get to find out

what our mystery payload is

OK, audience, who's going to win,
Sam and Gina or Steve and Marcus?

Vote now.


See now, that music, cos there's
a bomb involved.

Oh, my God. The scores are
incredible. It is, in fact...


No-one knows which way this is going
to go at all.

Oh, it's tense.

And for the final time for
the evening,

it's time to spin
the entire stage slightly.



Can I ask you to put in your
earpieces now

so that you can communicate

Oh, OK, good. OK.

It's time to reveal what
happened to Sam and Steve.

Let's raise the screen.

As the timers continue,

those balloons will continue to
expand, so there's a very, very real

sense of peril here for the virtual
bomb disposal you're about to do.

OK, guys,
so you can't see the bomb, they can.

You only have the manual,
the defuser manual, with...

Fantastic, lovely, OK.

If everyone is ready,
in three, two, one, let's Go 8 Bit.

Now, just to warn you teams,
if you make three mistakes,

the bomb will explode.

OK, Gina,
we need to concentrate here,

because arms stuck in a Perspex
coffin with a hell breast.


All right, so I've got the bottom
right corner,

there's a box with a yellow wire,
red wire and two yellow wires.

OK, I've got
a lot of wires top left.

A thing in the middle that says

Hang on, I'm sorry, wires. What?

Wires top left.
OK, let's just do wires.

They are yellow...

No, no, no, hang on. How many wires?
Six wires.

Now, it's a multifacet bomb

and they have to choose which
panel to do first.

Blooming Nora, if there's more than
one yellow wire, cut the last wire.

Oh, my Lord. Cut the last wire.
OK. Cut it.

It's cut And nothing bad's
happened? Nothing bad has happened.

Oh, yes, Gina's has been correctly
instructed cos the wire she cut,

she's done successfully. Well
done, Gina. Is the one yellow wire?

There are two yellow wires.
Two yellow wires.

Are there any red wires? There are
two red wires. Cut the fourth wire.

Fourth wire is yellow.
Yeah, just cut the fourth one now.

It's gone green.
OK, we've done it. All right.

Bottom left hand corner. Yeah?
There are four symbols. OK.

The top left-hand symbol has got...

it looks like an X with
a squiggle on the right leg.

OK, let me just find that.
Looks like an X.

Does it look like an X but with
an eye in the middle? No.

God, why can't I find that one?

There's like a plastic lid on
a big white button that says press.

Button, button, button.

The button says press.
Is the button blue?

No, the button's white.
How many batteries on the bomb?

How many batteries on the bomb?
I'm having a look.

Would it be round the back? I've
no idea. Looks like one battery.

One battery. One battery, OK.

X with a squiggle,
why can't I find it?!

The symbol next to it
looks like an A,

looks like a pyramid with what looks
like a Y in the middle of it.

Would you say it's got, like, an A
but it's also got a little T in it?

Yes, that one. Yeah, OK.

Hold the button and keep hold of it.
OK. Yes, that one. Holding it.

Now, what colour has the strip gone
next to it? It's still black. Black?

Yeah. Oh, my Lordy Lord,
this is tight.

How else would you describe the X
with the squiggle on it?

It looks like an X.
Let's look at the next symbol.

I'm going to try the one
thing again,

because I think I may have done it
wrong. The thing's gone blue.

What's gone blue? Oh, green light,
green light. You've done it?

I don't know what you did,
but all right.

Gina, talk. I'm trying to find

Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes!

I don't know what's happened,
I can't... Gina... What's happening?

I can't find...
I can't turn the thing.

Gina, is there a button there?

I'm trying to turn the BLEEP!

Well, Gina is spinning
the bomb wildly now.

That can't be a good thing.

We've got four buttons, the top left
has an upside down question mark.

Yeah, OK. Top right button is
a pig's tail. OK. What?

It's a white button with a black
curliewurlie on it.

OK, question mark, pigtail,
what's the other ones?

Bottom left is a backwards C
with a dot in it.

Yeah, got it, one more.

The bottom right is a balloon.
Bottom right... Oh, OK.

Press the balloon.

Balloon. OK. Press backward C.
Yes, done. Curly pigtail. Yeah.

No, no, it's gone red. Oh, no,
that was a mistake.

Is there button?

Wait! I don't know
what I'm doing. Wait?!

Say what you see, Gina.
OK, let's go back.

It's not a catchphrase,
but I'm going to die!

Let's go back to symbols,
let's go back to symbols.

My next symbol. Find that symbol
with the balloon.

I've found the symbol
with the balloon.

Now find the one that looks
like an X, looks like an X.

There isn't anything that looks like
an X. There must be.

There isn't. Press the C, press the
C. Yes, that's green now.

Curly pigtail. Yeah. Question mark.

Done, we are all green. Is that it?
Yeah, all three of ours are green.



Oh, that's incredible!

Put down your controllers.
Come over here.

Join your teammates.

Gina, I thought you were doing
so well.

You've made no mistakes at all.

He couldn't find any of the
symbols. It's like... Where...

What are you looking for? I don't...
Proof, Dara, proof!

Where, where? Where is the X? You
know, he's got a good point there.

That one! What one? That one. That
one? It kind of looks like an X.

It's an H!


Which means the 100 points go to
Steve and Marcus...

..meaning that this week's
champions are Steve and Marcus!


Yet more explosions.

Thanks to Sam Pamphilon,
Gina Yashere, Marcus Brigstocke,

Steve McNeil and Ellie Gibson.
I'm Dara O Briain.

That is game over for tonight.

We'll see you next time for more
Go 8 Bit. Goodnight.

Subtitles by Ericsson