Glow Up: Britain's Next Make-Up Star (2019–…): Season 2, Episode 7 - Beauty Editorial (Semi-Final) - full transcript

The mission: Make a splash with futuristic faces shot in a water tank for Rankin's Hunger magazine, then get inspired by one of the four elements.

[upbeat electronic music playing]

I have been given a promotion.

Not only am I presenting Glow Up,

I'm also a filmmaker.

I've got all of these hats,
I can't even hold the phone.

It's so embarrassing.

What are we doing today?

We don't know.
If it's creative then I'm happy,

because that means
I don't have to follow the brief. [laughs]

[Stacey] This week's assignment
requires serious flair

as the MUAs have been booked on
a beauty editorial

where the makeup takes center stage.

A beauty editorial is a way to inspire

the reader to look at makeup
a different way or to try something new,

but most importantly, it's a way
for the makeup artist to make a statement

about who they are and what they're about.

[Stacey] Alongside Val Garland and
Dominic Skinner, this week's guest judge

knows a thing or two about creating
the perfect image.

[Stacey] Thank you. Hello, judges.

-[judges exclaiming]

Our guest judge this week

is the world renowned photographer
and director, Rankin.

[Stacey] Rankin has created iconic images

for the past three decades.

His fresh takes on beauty are legendary.

[Rankin] That's better, there you go. Oh!

[Stacey]  And his magazine,
The Hunger, is renowned

for pushing the boundaries of fashion,
style and makeup.

So, today's shoot is gonna be
for my magazine, The Hunger.

The theme of the shoot is "The Future."


I want you to think experimental beauty,
so please don't be afraid

to express yourself.

It should be striking,

stop the readers in their track,
and the most important thing, inspire me.

Now, what Rankin hasn't told you

is that your model is going to be shot

in that tank of water.


[Val] So, you will have to think about

how the makeup reacts with water.

The MUA that impresses us the most today

will have an advantage going into
the creative brief tomorrow,

and most importantly,
will avoid those Face Off chairs.

Off you go, good luck.

[MUAs] Thank you.

[Stacey] The MUAs have 90 minutes
to create their looks before the shoot.

Rankin will only feature looks
in the magazine

if they reach his exacting standards.

Come take a seat.

I hate retouching, so I wanna see them
really being precise

about how they're executing,
and then their ability to take a risk

because water is an unknown quantity,
it's difficult to work with,

so they have to be prepared
to push themselves

because that's when you get the best work.

I'm just panic-grabbing things.

Eyeliner pen. Wunderbar.

I've always wanted to do a photo shoot
in the water like this.

This is a dream come true, it honestly is.

[quick tempo beat playing]

[Stacey] Hannah's look
has a post-apocalyptic feel.

It's gonna be quite dystopian-future-y.

I just have this imagery of somebody
creating their own look from charcoal

and stuff that they're finding around
in this burned apocalyptic future.

[Stacey] Before creating
her dystopian vision,

Hannah first needs to prime the eyes.

Priming is when you prepare
the skin before you apply makeup.

It just gives it a better base.
You wouldn't apply varnish to a decking

without priming it first, so...

Not that your face is a decking.
That's absolutely not what I mean.

[Stacey] James's vision of the future
has taken an intergalactic twist.

[Rankin] Hi James.

-Hi, how are you?
-Good. What've you got planned?

I'm looking at going down a little bit of
an alien adventure,

and I want it to be a little bit weird.

I do like story lines
but the ocean's rising.

I'm like, just get this model
out of the ocean to Mars

because, you know, this planet
is melting quickly

and if we want to land on Mars
with the right sort of futuristic fashion,

I have an idea, visually,

-that I want to represent.

-Good luck.
-Thank you very much.

[Stacey] Ophelia's model has inspired her
to use flowing hair as a metaphor

for changing attitudes towards makeup
in the future.

So, the tricky part of this
is almost capturing the movement

of hair on the water,

so if I put the swirls
in any different direction

it will just ruin the whole movement
but hopefully it works.

I don't know yet, we'll see.

[chef's kiss]

It's art. [laughs]

This washes out
so it's just white underneath.

-[Rankin] Hello.

What's your plan?

My plan today is gonna be to create
an oil-slick look.

So that's why I'm using these different
colors and I just wanna build up

and have it multi-tonal across the eyes
and across the lip.

I'm also thinking around the edges
of the face and I would also love to put

stuff just in the hair,
especially face paints

so that when it goes in the water,
it spreads out

so there's a bit more of a black

-kind of background there.

[Rankin] Eve's idea is super smart.

She really has understood how the water's
gonna work, I think, which I'm excited by.

And I love oil in water,
it's one of my favourite things.

Let's see if my symmetry's on game
shall we?

-[Hannah gasps]

Not my strongest point.

So my futuristic brow makes me think
like, "stern warrior"

and I think they're getting bigger
and bigger,

so why not give them a double-edged flick?

So, I am drawing outlines of where I want
the distorted eyes for my makeup look,

and then once I have the outlines
I'm gonna go in

with cream eye-shadows and grease paints
and just delicately place them

and then stipple them
to create a little bit of texture.

[Stacey] The brief isn't the only thing
the MUAs need to get right.

Hey girl.

-[Stacey] Hello, how are you?

They also need to consider how the makeup

will react when wet.

We haven't done anything like this yet

in terms of playing with the water.

My idea of the future is very dirty
and dystopian and like, grimy anyway,

so the fact that my makeup might move

and shift and be dirty in the water is
really cool.

Oh, I love this, Hannah!

-[Hannah] It's different, innit?
-I know!

The reason why I actually kept the skin
so bare at the moment

is because I'm using glitter later.

I'm gonna use lash glue just to make sure

that it really just stays on.

MUAs, you have 30 minutes left.

You've got this, you're nearly done.

My God!

Where did I put that?

Does anyone have black cream eye shadow?

It's fine. Everything is fine,
don't worry. [laughs]

I'll get it off.

[bass heavy beat playing]

[Stacey] How the makeup will work
in the water

has been a key consideration
for James's futuristic alien look.


-How are you feeling?

I'm feeling good. I have lifted the cream
product to give texture

and I want the water to catch
tiny little microbeads

as it's draining out of the model's face
when she comes through the water.

So, I'm giving it that Death Valley,
Sierra Nevada mountains.

It'll be interesting to see how
it looks once the photographs are taken.

James's work looks at the moment
like a hot mess.

It looks like a splatter on the face.
I don't quite know what he's done,

but I'm hoping that the confidence
is gonna come through

and it's gonna somehow become something.

[James] This alright?

-I'm kind of interested in this cross.
-It's like a lobotomy...

-[Rankin] A lobotomy?

Kind of like we're all being brainwashed
sort of thing

and I think the future
look towards that as well.

I'm worried about Hannah
because what she's doing is...

It looks like it's for a Halloween party.

She's thinking about

what she wants to do and not necessarily
what's right for the magazine.

I think a lot of people don't know
that I like glitter, but it's the best.

I love glitter.

[funky beat playing]

-[Rankin] Ophelia.


What are you expecting it to do
in the water?

I'm hoping that the different places
that I've put the glitter

is gonna give the hair
a bit more dimension.

[Rankin] I'm really excited about Ophelia.

What she's done with the makeup
makes me wanna photograph it.

MUAs, you have five minutes.

Okay, five minutes to go. We've got this.

[music intensifies]

Just putting some more black.

Let me just have one last check.


That's it, MUAs, your time is up.

Stop what you're doing, please.

We'll just see.

[Stacey] The MUAs' work will be shot
individually and they'll be on set

to touch up the looks
under the watchful eyes of the judges.

-Are you ready, Ophelia?
-Just one second.

First up is Ophelia and her fluid vision
of makeup in the future.

[Rankin] We're gonna roll her on her side.
That's it, good. That's great there.

[Stacey] On a beauty editorial,
MUAs work closely with the photographer

to achieve the best shot.

Oh, I love it. [squeals]

This is the semi-finals,
and one of the things

we're gonna be looking for
is their taste level,

so it's not just about the makeup,
it's how they work with the photographer

-to create that perfect image.
-[shutter clicking]

I would like to have seen more glitter
up on the forehead.

[Rankin] Great. Okay. Good.

-[Rankin] Which do you prefer?

[Stacey] On this assignment, the MUAs
also need to prove they have an eye

for a great image.

-I think I like this one more.

[Ophelia] I do absolutely love the color.

-You like this one?
-I love these two, for sure.

Okay, and out of the two
which would you choose?


I think I was set on that last one.

Okay. Great.


-Good decision.

[Stacey] Next to take their model
in front of the lens is Hannah

with her dystopian look.

Sort of be on your side, tilt your head
a little bit further towards the ceiling.

[Val] She's a beautiful model.

[shutter clicking]

-[Rankin] Yeah, that's interesting.
-[Dominic sighs]

[Rankin] Come out there.
That's good, yeah.

I think because the makeup
is so aggressive

I think it looked good
when it was upside down.

It's so angry
but in an amateur teenage way.

-[Rankin] Really good. Let's have a look.
-[Hannah] Wow, I love that.


-Like that?
-I love that, yeah.

-I think these two are my favourite.
-[Rankin] Mm-hmm.

That one...

[Rankin] Great.

-[Hannah] Yeah, I think I am.

Yeah, thank you so much.

Well done. Thank you.

Okay, thank you very much, cool.

It looks like sort of satanic.

-[Rankin] James.

[Rankin] Okay, jump in, Ellie.

[Stacey] Third in to shoot with Rankin
is James...

I'd like to start working
on the left hand side of the face.

...and his alien beauty look.

-[Rankin] That's great.
-I don't think it's got a story to tell.

[Rankin] Do you wanna have a look?

Yeah. I like this shot here,
and I think I'm confident if maybe

the model was to submerge and come out

so that I can see some of the water
come down off the paints that I've used.


That's good, just look at me.
I need some ripples.

[Rankin] Go under with one side
of your face.

Do you know what
you might wanna try, is a spray on it.

Spray the water on her face.
Have you got a spray?

Kind of create dewy droplets? Yeah.

I'm very disappointed
because if you had seen some of the work

that this MUA is capable of,

that's a ten-minute makeup.

Let me try again.

Good luck.

[Stacey] With time running out
to make the shot work,

Rankin gives it one last try.

[Rankin] Just really go for it
with the ripples.

And go under and just come back up.

[Rankin] Okay. Splash, splash, splash.

Again, again.

Okay, let's have a look.

I mean, for me it doesn't work,

[James] Yeah.


I'm really not quite sure
what I would do with it to make it work,

if I'm quite honest.


[Rankin] Um...

I think we should leave it.

-Thank you very much.
-Thank you.

[Stacey] Last in is Eve
and her oil-slick beauty look.

[Rankin] Yeah,
and maybe rotate round to me.

That's it, really good.

[Rankin] And to camera?


-[Dominic] Love it.
-[Val] That's brilliant.

It's so good.

-[Val laughs]
-I'm so happy for her.

Yeah, I think it looks great.

Don't cry, I'll be crying too.
I'm just so happy for her.

When they get it right, it's just so good.

[Rankin] Now you put it wherever you want.

Yeah, just around the face area.

[Rankin] You go for it.
And the back as well.

[Stacey] Eve decides to push the look
one step further

by adding pigment to the water.

[Val] Oh, my God.

Oh, my God! It's amazing.

-[Dominic shushes]
-It's amazing.

[emotional music intensifies]

[Rankin] Great.

[Val] It's beautiful.

-This is what I wanted.
-[Val] Yeah.

I wanted someone to do this.

-That is a ding dong!
-[Eve laughs]

[Val] Oh, my God.

I've never been prouder of something
in my life as that.

-[Val] It is incredible.
-Well done.

There's about 20 images in there.
It just...

Each one is a masterpiece.

-[Rankin] That's beauty...
-[Dominic] Just, stunning.

[Rankin] That's proper art.

-I'm proud of that.
-[Eve] I am really proud. I do, I love it.

-That will look great in the magazine.

It's so professional, thank you so much.


That's when the magic happens.

[emotional music swelling]

-[Stacey] Good?

-It was so good.
-Oh, girl!

I feel the happiest

I've probably ever felt in my life.

-It's great.
-It really is. I love that.

I think she's fantastic. I would hire her.

[MUAs sighing]

-Oh my God.
-[Eve] What a day!

[James] What a day.

That was intense.

[Stacey] Next morning at Glow Up HQ,

the judges need to decide which two MUAs

impressed the least on the photo shoot.

[Dominic] Ophelia.

She missed the trick. If she'd have taken
the glitter and put it on the water,

there might have been
an extra lift for it.

[Dominic] James.

It feels like an amateur

doing a beauty shoot.

-[Val] Hannah.
-Technically she's not bad.

[Rankin] It's just...
-[Dominic] It's ugly.

[Stacey] If an MUA finds their name on
one of the red chairs,

they're headed for the Face Off
elimination at the end of the day.

There is only one way to escape
the Face Off:

Stand out for the judges

in today's brief and hope another MUA
fails to impress.

Hannah, James, you find yourselves
in our Face Off chairs.

We know by now that
that means you have 15 minutes less

than Eve and Ophelia to nail your look.

James, you sounded convincing

but your execution and makeup
let you down.

The image didn't work at all in the water.

Hannah, there was too many things going on
and the concept wasn't on point.

For me one person shone through,
they really understood the future theme.

Not only did they nail the beauty,
they thought about how the makeup

would work with the water.

Ophelia, your image almost got there.

Eve, you rocked it.

Damn it! Damn it Eve!

It's so good that I want to invite you
back to the studio to finish the story

and do another six images to create
an eight-page story.


Oh my God!

Well done.


So, for your creative brief,

we would like you to design a look

based on one of the classical elements:

earth, air, fire, and water.

Eve, as your look was deemed best
of the assignment, you get to pick

which element you want to base
your look on.

-What do you think you'll pick?
-Um, fire.

That means, Ophelia, you get "air."

Oh, God, yes.


you have got...


Thank you.

Which means, James, you've got "earth."

Ophelia, Eve, we'll give you
two and a half hours.

Hannah, James: two hours, fifteen.
We'll take the time off at the end.

Bring in the models!

[heavy electronic bass line playing]

MUAs, good luck. Your time starts now.

[quick tempo instrumental music playing]

[Stacey] For the first time
in the competition,

the MUAs haven't been able to prepare

for the creative brief.

I'm upset because I feel a bit delusional,

every time I think it's gone okay,
it hasn't.

The thing is, as a makeup artist,
you're constantly being critiqued.

Photographer, stylist, beauty editor...

They're always going to critique
your makeup.

Sometimes they're gonna like it
and sometimes they don't.

And if they don't,
it's not a personal attack.

It's just someone's view
of your artistic point of view.

-It's okay.
-You're breaking my heart today.

Every time someone talks to me
it sets me off again.

But you are so brilliant.

-You've got to have a thick skin.
-You have to have a thick skin.

[Stacey] You know what you're doing?
We're doing water.


-Not from the eyes.
-[Hannah laughs]

-Have you got an idea?
-[Hannah] Yeah. I do.

Feel comfy?

Yeah, I feel okay.

-D'you wanna cuppa tea?
-No, thank you. [laughs]


[Ophelia] Okay, let me just do your hair.

I'm gonna have it all pushed back

so I've got more space to paint on.

So, I'm planning to do a very Asian,
oriental tattoo style of drawing clouds.

So, a lot of line work, a lot of dot work,
'cause I used to do tattoos,

so I just wanna, you know,
show that side of me a little bit.

It kind of looks like a tiger
at the moment but it won't at the end.

It's amazing.

I'm such an artist.

I'm gonna go for more of a beauty look

I'm not gonna do character face paint
and stuff,

'cause as we've realized,
that is definitely not my strongest point.

So I'm gonna try and do something
I'm actually possibly good at today.

What are you thinking?

[James] I was thinking initially
I really wanted water

but earth isn't just one terrain.

You have what's under the ground,
you have what's on top,

You have elements of water
that's part of the earth as well.

[Stacey] Despite setting out to play
to her strengths in this creative brief,

Eve is experimenting with clay
for the first time in the competition.

So, I don't want my look just to be fire,
I want it to be like lava,

I want it to be charred, burned,
and hopefully that will crack off

and kind of give that rocky effect
and then the lava will be underneath,

if all goes to plan.

When Eve is in a creative brief
and she's got to come up with the goods,

she often seems to flounder.

[Stacey] Hannah starts her look
by evening out the skin tones.

I want the skin to be
quite fresh underneath,

so I'm not too worried

about plastering on loads of foundation
or anything.

I'm just gonna literally even out.

Whilst Ophelia's look calls for

a blank white canvas.

Oh, I just need to really think about...

Look upwards for me. Look upwards.

Look, she's very good at line work.

Look at the way she holds that tool.

That could be pretty amazing
done all over the face.

Okay, so this is something

about a waterfall and the earth.

I like the texture and I love the fact

he's actually incorporating hair

because that's a really good way

of adding texture.

But I wouldn't say I'm blown away by it.

-I hope it becomes about earth.
-Rather than water.

[Stacey] Hannah is using
a DIY special effect

to add texture to her look.

[Hannah] This is silicone A and B,

it's a moldable plastic, it's something
I used in my mask look as well.

Um, I'm just trying to think
of different ways

to create 3D droplet effects,
and this might work.

The good thing about this is
it does come off pretty easy,

so, I'm gonna try.

[Hannah] It might end up
looking like snot, but let's see.

I like these drips that Hannah's painting.

I think that could be quite cool.

I mean, it looks like the money shot,
doesn't it?

It's not a porn movie.


MUAs, you've had one hour.

James, Hannah, you've got
one hour, fifteen minutes left.

Ophelia, Eve, you've got
an hour and a half left.

I am drawing flames going across the eyes,

which is very detailed,

and I need a very steady hand
and concentration for.

I am slightly sweating.


Not just slightly,
I think I'm sweating a lot.

I love the fact that she's using
the end of the makeup brush instead of

the brush itself, because she can get that

a lot more control with those dots.

-Let's hope she doesn't go too far.
-[Dominic] Yeah.

[Stacey] Unhappy with how her look
is progressing,

Eve has decided to change tack.

I've taken off
just the little flame-y things

'cause I think it looks
a little bit tacky.

I think I've always been scared
to take things off

when it's been going wrong
or when I don't like it, so, I'm just...

trying not to do that today,

And Eve isn't the only one having doubts.

I guess I'm concerned that the more
I'm doing it, the more I don't like it,

and it's too late to take it off
and start again,

so I'm just gonna have to keep going.

I don't really know what to do.

So, James and Hannah,
you've got 25 minutes left.


Oh, what to do? I don't know.

Twenty-five minutes left.
I think I have this.

[Stacey] With the clock ticking,
Eve's gamble with the clay

isn't going to plan.

This isn't cracking
how I want it to crack.

-[Eve] I'm gonna have to take it off.

-I've just lost it.
-[Val] Oh, she doesn't like it.

[Val] Oh, dear, you poor little love.

So, you know when I said
I'm not gonna do things

that I don't usually do?

I did something
that I've never done before

and it's not really worked,

and I just think, do you know what,
I would rather have something

completely different
than to try and do this.

I mean, it takes confidence
to wipe something off

-with such a small amount of time left.
-[Val] Mm.

I just hope she knows what she's gonna do
after she's cleaned it.

James, Hannah,
you've got five minutes left.

[vocalized electronic music playing]

Sorry, I'm adding just a little bit
of reflect-ance just to bring the water

off the face even further.

James, Hannah, please may you stop

what you're doing, your time is up.


Oh, God, that was on my finger.

Ophelia and Eve,
you have four minutes left.

[Ophelia] Oh, no.

I'm still not 100 percent
but I think it would take me too long,

too much time, to figure out exactly
where I wanted to go with this look.

Eve, Ophelia, stop what you're doing
please. Your time is up.

-Do you like it?
-It's amazing.

[uptempo electronic groove playing]

James, please step forward.

[James] So, my element was the earth

and fundamentally I believe that the earth

is a continuous cycle of an element,

so it works above just as much as it does

below the ground.

The use of color is brilliant.

This realism here of the water falling

is exceptional.

I love the hair.

I think it really works,
it really gives it a 3D feel.

But the concept is Hannah's, it's water.
That's water straight down the middle.

I feel like you've done a disservice
to yourself.

Okay. Thank you.

[Dominic] We asked for earth.

You've given us the Earth.

Unless you can listen to a brief

that's given to you by a photographer,

you are really going to struggle

because you are very talented,

but you aren't giving what we ask you.

Thank you.

[Dominic] Eve...

Would you like to come forward?

[Eve] I chose fire
because of the color palette.

I love orange, reds, and I chose
the black lines and the swirls on the face

to be a bit of an interpretation of smoke.

I'm a little bit disappointed.

It feels like you were over-confident
about your first idea

and then under-confident
about the execution.

If you had just breathed
and you weren't panicking,

you could have painted over that makeup
that was on the shoulders

'cause it was dry.

You could have brought another element
to it.

-Thank you.
-[Eve] Thank you.

[Rankin] Can I call Hannah up please?

[Hannah] My element was water.

My concept...
I actually just drew inspiration

of how I was feeling today.

So I started off with a dark rain cloud

and then heavy drops coming down

and then flashes of lightness in there

because there is still some positivity

and hope in what I'm doing. [laughs]

I can see your talent completely.

I think you've got something
that you should nurture, 100 percent.

I'm not sure that you achieved
everything you needed to.

[Val] The makeup underneath...
It's a yellow base foundation.

The makeup that you've put over

the foundation is a blue base makeup

and they are jarring.

They're not going together.

If you had paled down the skin
to like a white or a very pale baby blue,

but something in a blue base shade,

like a cold shade,

and then you'd put your color on the top,

it would have stood out a lot more,

and that, possibly,
could have saved the day for you.

I feel we have more confidence in you

than you have in yourself.

-Thank you very much.
-[Dominic] Thank you.


Can we call up Ophelia please?

[Ophelia] My element was air.

I was mainly focusing on how I can express

the form of air.

So, I was thinking more technical side

with the dot work and also using

my favourite liner

for the tattoo-styled clouds.

That line work is exceptional,
absolutely exceptional.

For me, you've killed it.

I love this so much.

I'd have been really excited

to photograph that
if someone had brought it out

in front of me.

Big thumbs up from me.

Thank you so much. [laughs]

In order to get the very delicate colors

that you were using to jump off the page,

you painted your canvas white.

That is genius.

-Ding dong!

Ding dong dolly, darling.

-[judges] Well done.
-[Ophelia] Thank you so much.


Thank you, MUAs, if you could
please take yourselves next door

whilst we decide who is going to be
in the Face Off elimination.

[dramatic music playing]

[MUAs sighing]

We've got three MUAs that, all of them,
had some problems today

but we have to find two that will go into
the Face Off elimination.

One person we do need to talk about
is Hannah.

[Rankin] The problem for me is that
she didn't work with the guy's face.

It doesn't suit it.

[Val] It's a shame.
Hannah does have talent,

but unfortunately
she hasn't brought it today.

[Dominic] Eve has grown
and pushed herself creatively.

Today it just didn't work.

[Val] This is not the same caliber of work

that we saw Eve do yesterday
on your shoot.

No, it's nowhere near.

[Dominic] But personally
I would rather have someone

that gives it a go and tries
and experiments and plays

than doesn't and plays safe
and does what they always do.

[Rankin] James.

What's saving this makeup
is the coloration

from the volcanic inner earth
to the tree trunks

and then we sort of have this explosion
of a kind of like a fairyland of makeup.

I mean, this is an incredible makeup,

but is it what we asked him to do?

[dramatic piano music playing]

Hannah, James, as we all know,
you started today in our Face Off chairs.

Have either of you done enough to convince
the judges they should be looking at

another MUA to take part in
our Face Off elimination

that will take us through to the final?

[Val] Hannah...

your water look today was murky

and didn't make a splash,

so, you will be in the elimination.


James, we liked the texture in your look,

and the execution was great.

However, you didn't fulfill the brief

of earth.

Despite this, James, you beat the seat.

Oh my God.

So, the next MUA heading into
the elimination,

failed some basic makeup fundamentals

and their looked lacked creativity.

So, the second MUA

is Eve.

Thank you judges. We'll be through soon.

Girls, please say your goodbyes.
One of you's not coming back.

-[Eve sighs] Well done.
-[James] C'mere.

I'm going into the Face Off again.
Déjà vu, me and Eve.

I'm just gonna try my absolute hardest,
keep my cool.

Just gonna go in there
and try and fight for my place.

I feel calmer than I did earlier,
I've got more of a level head,

so that will help me for sure.

I feel like this is the last push
to the final.

[Stacey] For the Face Off,
to level the playing field,

they'll be making up identical twins.

So, this week you explored the elements.

So, for this Face Off we drew upon nature
and want you to produce rainbow eyes.

To create a rainbow eye,
I would pick four to seven colors

that will make a rainbow coloration.

Our MUAs should pick colors

based on the shape of the eye.

We want to feel the color
going up to the brow.

The colors need to blend seamlessly
into one another.

Girls, you have 15 minutes for this.

Good luck, both of you.

Your time starts now.

[fast tempo electronic music playing]

Five minutes have gone,
you've got ten minutes left.

-[Val] Two very different results so far.
-[Dominic] Isn't it?

Eve is going in with a softer,
fluffy brush,

so Eve's eye is becoming
quite smooth and blended.

It is almost over-blending it
and becoming a mush.

Whereas Hannah is going in with more of
a smaller applicator,

so the color's a lot more intense,

but not blended enough,
and it's too regimented.

I don't know how she's gonna soften out
that blend.

One minute left. It's the last minute.

[music intensifies]

[Stacey] Five... four... three... two... one.

Time is up, stop what you're doing please.

Dom, are you ready for a conflab?

I think so.

Let's go.

[Dominic] Eve's color harmonization
is smooth and fluid.

We go from a green, into the blue,
into the purple,

into the red, into the orange,
into the yellow, so there is a nice smooth

rainbow effect.

But it is slightly over-blended,

which allows some colors to disappear.

Hannah, on the other hand,

we can see every color of the rainbow.

Yeah, but if you look closely,

those colors just aren't blended.

They're neck and neck. It's a tie.

Are we back to how we were last week?

It's only because we want the best MUA
to go through,

that deserves to go through.



This has been a really tough decision.

You've given us two completely different
approaches to a rainbow eye.

One had beautiful blending but the colors
just weren't vibrant.

And the other had beautiful colors

but the blending wasn't as smooth
as we wish it was.

So, for this reason,

we've had to look back at both your work

for this whole week.

And with that in mind...

Hannah, we wish you a great
and wonderful future.

Follow your dream
because you're gonna get it.

But please, Hannah, pack up your kit.

Thank you so much.

-But can I have a hug?
-Of course.

[Val] Oh, darling.


-Thank you.
-[Val] You'll do great.

-Well done, darling.
-[Eve] I'm sorry.

-I'm so happy for you.
-[Eve sniffles]

[Hannah] I feel like I've given my all

and I'm really proud of what
I've achieved.

This is gonna change my life, for sure.

[Val] So, Eve...

-we will see you in the final.

Ding dong.

I am very proud of myself.
I never in a million years

thought I'd get this far, no way.

[Eve] Yeah, today's been
a bit of a whirlwind.

-Ready to go?
-Yeah. [Eve sighs]

-[Hannah laughing] Oh!
-[Eve sighs]

-[Eve] I'll see you soon.
-[Hannah] See ya soon. Good luck, darling.

-[Eve laughing]

-[James] Well done.
-[Ophelia] Oh, my God!

[Ophelia sighing]

That was one of the toughest decisions
I think we've ever had to make,

but someone had to go.

[Val] We now have our three finalists.

We've got Eve, James and Ophelia.

Three very talented artists.

Incredibly talented.

They have fought their way
through so much to get to that final.

I never saw this coming.

-From ten down to three.

-[James] Just enjoy it, I think...
-Just enjoy it. It's going to be amazing.

[James] Oh my God! [laughing]

[end theme music playing]