Forræder (2022–…): Season 2, Episode 11 - Jeg må være den dummeste lojale som finnes- del 1 - full transcript

In the previous game round
a group of four was established

- with strong trust in each other.
-It's me, Victor,-

-Evelina and Katrine. And we have
agreed that we are a safe foursome.

It was a little strange that you thought
you didn't need the shield.

Both Robin and Jennie
had suspicions against him,-

-but Jennie
pulled the shortest straw.

I am loyal.

Well played, guys. Fy fader.

-Victor got the shield.
-You're so damn lucky!

-And several were afraid of the night.
-I could be killed tonight.

I'm afraid to die.
Going to sleep insanely badly.

Tone Hauge

It is the penultimate game round and
the game enters a critical phase.

But who gets to participate in this
phase, only a few know.

Ok... Hallo? Anybody here?

The boy with the shield
gets to go first.

Right now the body is filled with-

-a little guilt,
competitive instinct and nervousness.

Good with some coffee.

Excited to see who comes in.

I am very "conflicted" inside.
Glad to have come this far,-

-but in addition you feel
so tired and shit-

-after all the lying, manipulation,
killing and voting.

- Is it just you?

-You got the shield?

It is so typical
that Victor has been given the shield.

It's just the icing on the cake.

Now I have had shield
two nights in a row.

You have slept two nights in a row.

I know. It has been great.

Victor Sotberg
doesn't have to do shit.

He is the one they trust the most!
It's a lot of fun being a traitor.

Maybe even better
than I had imagined.

We might
win the whole thing,-

- and it would have been so sick to make it happen.

(sings the vignette to "Traitor")

Now it gets exciting here.

But I feel that you and Katrine-

- has also been safe.
- They may have taken a chance on mum.

- But do you think they dare?
- You never know.

What do you think, Aslak?


You're messing with me!

-Why are you alive, Robin?
-Oh my.

Who do you think we should kill?

Now it's getting
incredibly difficult-

- to choose who to
kill at night.

-Do you think Robin?
- No, I just don't want to.

I do not feel like it.
I can't do it.

a partner like Robin here,-

-bring your best friend in here,-

- has turned out to be
a big challenge for me.

It means that I don't play
the way I should.

Because I simply cannot
bring myself to send him home.

I know it's wise,
and if he survives tonight,-

-will it create great uncertainty
in our square.

We have big challenges
with the square. Everyone is alive.

Which still leaves people thinking,
"Why are they all alive?"

"One of them must be a traitor."

What the hell, Robin?
Now there is something strange here.

Now there is something strange.
And then there are the four of us.

When I realized
I wasn't killed,-

- it was as if
a 60-kilogram bag just fell off.

And then it dawned on me:
Now everyone thinks I'm a traitor.

- So incredibly strange.
- And then it was on with the bag again.

You never get to relax.

It is probably
one of us sitting here now.

I just hope
that the others believe in me.

But someone has to be killed,
so it's either-

-Tarjei, Emilie or Lasse.

- I fear a little for Emilie.
-But I hope Lasse,-

- so I don't have to deal
with him. He is impossible to read.


There is something about
those people who are quiet.

He has been a bit clear

He entered the game as a caterpillar,
and has been in a cocoon, a pupa.

-And lately he has jumped out.
-He is starting to blossom.

Now someone is coming.


It's a wonder
I didn't die last night.

- Now I thought you were crazy.
- I thought so too.

I think a bit in the direction of Robin.

It is miraculous
that he survived the night,-

- bearing in mind that he stands
in a very strong four-leaf clover.

Had I been a traitor,
I might have taken one of them-

- to break up a bit, so they
weren't so strong and full.

Oh my God.

Shit, then it must be Lasse.

No, it could be Tarjei too.

It's Tarjei.


Seeing Tarjei, I think-

- that it is cozy.
I like Tarjei as a person.

But hard for me, because he will probably
persuade people to vote me out.

I wasn't shocked
that I wasn't killed.

I had a ridiculous
amount of wheezing yesterday.

I have slept very well.
Now I only have two goals.

It is to prove my innocence,-

-and find the one behind it-

-the murders of all the innocents.

And then I might lean
towards Evelina at this point.

But I wasn't afraid to die tonight
. It would be stupid to take me.

- But yesterday you said the opposite.
-Yes, until I sat there-

- and got Lasse and Katrine against me.
Then just:

"Then I'll be fine tonight."

Tarjei is a hard nut to crack.

He is so back and forth
and just creates chaos.

We'll see what happens.

Now we have to manage to get Tarjei voted out.

So we're going to have to
gather an entire army-

-which consists of
Katrine, Evelina, Robin,-

-me and Victor. Towards Tarjei.

But I realize I'm
a dead man in the council chamber anyway.

And I'm looking forward to that.
I have prepared a speech.

- Poor thing.
- It will be good. Just to enjoy.

- You can't give up like that.
- No, I haven't given up.

But I see
that there is a big chance for that.

-So you're not a traitor?

Who are you thinking now, then?
Is it still me and Aslak?

I'm a little unsure about Aslak,
but I'm absolutely sure about you.

-You are absolutely sure about me?

Evelina is so overprotective
of her mom.

Illogically overprotective.

Is it because she knows
that Katrine is loyal?

As we know what the role is?

Then you base it on the
fact that she defended me so hard..?

-You have no other threads?

She has only followed in your footsteps.

But we trust each other.

But you followed in her footsteps
until yesterday.

Then you were very much the one
who led towards getting Jennie out.

It was certainly not me who led.
Then you can support me here now.

- Because it is poorly done to say.

You can't sit like that, Tarjei,
and spew lies.

Evelina was suddenly the mastermind
behind Jennie being voted out.

I am no less suspicious
of him.

He does and says so many strange things.

- That is my impression of yesterday.
- But that's wrong!

Robin, me, mum and Victor
have been talking about Jennie from the start.

You've talked about Jennie.
And Emily.

Everyone has thought the same thing.
That's why we also took Torstein.

It feels very hard.
I think it's weird-

-that there are
six against one there,-

- and that no one
questions that.

It is a completely unfounded lie.
It wasn't Evelina who started it.

I don't understand
how it happened,-

-that the loyalists
still argue among themselves.

And me and Aslak can just sit and...

Have we managed to build that much trust?

- We made a mistake.
- Yes, it sucks.

I have had a bad night's sleep because
I have had a bad conscience.

Now I saw something...

-God tomorrow.
-God tomorrow.

Yes, the chinstraps
I see around here,-

- surely
means that you understand that Lasse...

...has been killed by the traitors.

This means that it is now someone else
who has to start the conversations-

- and continue the small talk.

The good thing about
taking Lasse, possibly, -

-is that nobody thinks
he's a traitor anymore.

And in addition he has suss-et Tarjei.

You are my prime suspect.

-You think it's me? Oh.
- Yes, I am one hundred percent sure.

Yes, like that. That Tarjei has done
it because he is afraid?

Yes, to get
an extra vote.

We chose to kill Lasse.
I'm so sorry, you lovely man.

You are a good loyal,-

- and you can also perhaps
draw a little suspicion towards Tarjei.

And that's why it was you last night.

If I'm reading right here,
it says:

"Lasse, you are thereby killed.
The traitors."

Yes, maybe that's
what I said yesterday,-

- that I would vote for Tarjei
at the next council meeting.

I think it's Tarjei and Robin.

It's sad to say goodbye to
everyone I've gotten to know, -

-but it must be nice
to come home to the wife.

But let's not dwell on the dead.

We've got more silver in our sights,
haven't we?

Today's mission starts now. The
first thing I want you to do,-

-is to choose a player from among you
who gets an important role-

-on today's mission.

That player should be good
at the small details.

And the one you choose escapes-

- the physical part
of a rather taxing mission.

But in return may have to feel
a more mental strain.

When Mads says that we should choose
someone who will travel alone, -

- and someone who thinks quirky and
is a bit smart, there was no doubt.

Immediately I think that Aslak
takes the mental burden.

But you miss
my muscles in the physical part.

- But I'll take it.
-I also think Aslak 100 percent.

What an honor.
I will try my best.

I don't need to say anything. Aslak,
my companion, is selected-

- immediately to
lead the special mission today.

But I have to say that the "job description"
of the person who was to be chosen today...

It was clearly Aslak
who had to take that job.

Then it was you.
Then you can come with me.

And the rest of you can divide yourselves
into two cars. See you soon then.

-We have to toast Lasse.
- Yes, toast to Lasse.

It has been a pleasure. "Of the
chosen few, few are saved"-

-"and most prescribed
to Hell."

"And anyone
suits anyone."

"But few suit each other."

-Lasse junior.

All the players, apart from Aslak,
divide themselves into two cars.

And in this game, a road trip is
a great occasion-

-to air theories.

I lean more towards Tarjei right
now. He plays weird.

I find him incredibly smart,
and much of what he has said...

-It does not make sense.

He has so many twists and turns.

On the way to the mission, we talk a little
about our suspicions. About Tarjei.

It's crystal clear that it's
a traitor among the four of you.

- There is no other possibility.
- Unless that's what they want...

There is no point in them keeping
a four-leaf clover that backs each other.

It is deadly for a traitor
to keep you four.

When I sit in the car with Katrine
and Robin, I notice-

-that they are not so open to the
fact that there might be a traitor-

-among the gang of four as well.

Zero chance that there
isn't a traitor among the four of you.

-Yes, but because of...
-Then the traitors have set in-

- the world's most dangerous position.
- But it is as Katrine says.

It is because it
is banker's that it is something of us,-

- that it is a good strategy
for the traitor.

That's not all it's
about. You four can-

-voting a traitor like that.

I may be firing up
a bit more than I should,-

-but I'm getting so impatient.
I will bring out a traitor now.

I'm sure there is at least
one in the strong four-leaf clover.

It had not happened
that such a strong four-leaf clover-

- was allowed to live on, if there was not
a traitor among you.

Therefore, it is strange that you are still
alive. I must honestly admit that.

The problem yesterday is
that regardless of the role of Jennie-

- it didn't matter.
I would have been suspected anyway.

Surely what the traitors wanted, to make
it look like it was you.

Of course. You plant things
against Jennie all the time.

- You have done that from the start.
- I don't have that, Tarjei.

It's a pain to be in the car
with Tarjei Svalastog right now.

He went out hard on me.

You talk a lot, Evelina.

I always talk a lot, Tarjei. You
haven't been in the car with me before.

Can you confirm that, Victor, that I'm
not talking more than usual now?

"Now you talk a lot.
Now you seem stressed."

Of course I get stressed
when he accuses me of things-

-and attacks me. Then I get
really stressed, even though I'm loyal.

But I just think
your behavior is…

You seem stressed. You talk
too much, I think.

Now I just had
to stay completely calm-

- and answer honestly and well for me.

I am not a traitor. I am loyal.

Then the traitors play well,
pitting two loyalists against each other.

I felt a rush inside me
when we got out on the ice.

But we still don't know
what to do.

It's like that Squid Game thing?

We start to speculate
when we see the ice again.

I know it has something
to do with ice water. Father, that's so shit.

Welcome to my little ice maze.

Here you see 24 fields.
12 red and 12 blue.

Under each field there is
either solid, delicious, safe ground.

-Or a hole with-

-dark, cold
and inhospitable water.

- Yes.

To get over
and win the silver,-

-you must jump on
either blue or red.

If you choose correctly, you land
safely and can jump on.

If you choose wrongly,-

-you will get wet
and probably cold.

And you're out of the game.

Too many!

- It looks like you are enjoying yourself.
- You are a sadist, Mads.

- I hope you know that.
-Thank you very much, Rob.

Fortunately for you,
you have Aslak with you.

- He has the face.
-To have.

-I hope so.

Aslak, your...
Now we trust you.

Well, at least I did my best.

Then I take it to mean
that you saw the car?

I saw a car, yes.

I get into the car
and realize-

- that there is something I must
bring with me on the road here.

Hans Madsen & co?

A car swerves in front of us,
it says "Hans Madsen".

"Hans Madsen & co.
We have the right solution."

Almost Mads Hansen,
our presenter.

So there they got my interest.

Is that some kind of hint-

-on the car driving in front of us?

Of course it is!
Blue, blue, red, blue, red, red. Shit!

The logo was a pattern.

The first color is blue.
My favorite color from kindergarten.

So I start looking at the pattern
to figure out…

Is this something I can remember?
I can't remember 12 things.

Blue, blue, red.

Blue, blue, red, blue, red, red.

You remember things best
if you sing them.

Two, one, one.
I can think it's a waltz.

"Hooray for you"
goes in three quarters.

Many think it is a 4/4 beat.

Blue, blue, red...

Humans have a good musical memory.
It is stored in the long-term memory.

I'm just going to check
that it's absolutely correct.

I have a very good
long-term memory.

I remember things from when I was 1-2 years old
and it's because...

It has nothing to do with singing.

Red, red, blue, red.

Blue, blue...
Blue, blue, red, blue...

Red, red, blue, red...

You won't get wet.

-I think.
-Aslak, your...

There are 20 silver bars in the pot.

If you manage to get
one or more dry shutters over,-

- you win the silver.

If you get all
dry shutters over,-

-you get to meet in the shield room
and dagger dinner-

-and bring a player of your choice.

If someone falls into the water,-

-are the first two
to fall into the water,-

- who get to meet in the shield room
and dagger dinner.

- Do you trust Aslak?

I will give you
the correct answer every time.

I am so sure that Aslak
will lead the team safely.

He doesn't want to think about himself. He
doesn't need more eyes on him.

- I would like to go first.
- You should be allowed to do that.

I really believe in Aslak,
and he says-

- that he will give
the right answer anyway.

Tarjei, please.

-Good luck.
-This will be good.

You can do this.

When I line up for the start,
the adrenaline starts pumping.

Then your fate is in Aslak's hands.

Okay, Tarjei.

It rests in my hands whether
they have to go into the cold water.

If I make someone
jump into ice water,-

-without them wanting it themselves,-

- I think it is
so cruelly done.


You will always
get the right answer from me.

- If I remember correctly.

Okay, Tarjei. Then I hope
it's not a mistake right away.

Then you should start with blue.

Okay, are you absolutely sure about this?

I trust Aslak
in that situation,-

-but it's very sketchy
to jump the first time.

You're welcome.

Then your fate is in Aslak's hands.

Okay, Tarjei.

This is probably the first time
the dagger will be decisive.

One tactic would be
to give the wrong pattern-

- to those who I didn't want
to have to in the dagger game.

Then you should start with blue.

At the same time, I have to consider
my own ethos here.

You're welcome.


Oh my God.

I didn't have it ethical in me.

So here I just put
all tactics aside and think-

-that they should be allowed to jump into the water
if they want to,-

-but not because of me.

So the next correct is blue.

You have no idea how strange it is
to jump into a black square-

- and have no idea what's underneath.

So then the next one is red.

It's a sickeningly nasty feeling
not knowing.

But it is you that Aslak knows.

God, that's so sick. I think
he will come through every time.

Next is blue.

If you want to know the answer...
It's blue, blue, red, blue,-

-red, red, blue, red,
blue, blue, red, blue.

Aslak Maurstad, for a...

So, imagine being able
to create that logo.

I am so mighty
impressed by that man.

You must jump on blue.

That's where I thought he fell.

You're going on red.

If any of the players
end up in the icy water, -

-the first two get access
to shield room and dagger dinner.

Does Tarjei wish to secure
these advantages,-

-must he jump into the water.

And then it's two blue.

-I'm getting closer and closer...
-Now it's blue.

When I finally stand there
with a red and a blue square, -

- and Aslak says
"take the blue square"....

Now it's blue.

Then I go over to the red one.

- He chooses red?
-Oi, oi, oi.

I think my only chance-

-to survive is to sit
in that dagger dinner.

You are now facing errors.

The correct answer now is blue.


- There he got shield room.
- He undoubtedly deserves that.

It's going well.

It is a fun experience
that I will take with me.

One of the best moments
I've had in here.

Rob, I'm guessing you're the second guy.

-You're welcome.
-Good luck. You are raw.

Ok Rob, same for you.

You will only get correct answers from me.
Do you want to jump in,-

-do the opposite of what I say.

- If I jump in, won't you be mad?

The plan is to survive.
I want to get the shield.


I will not smoke at night.
I feel quite safe,-

- but you never know.
-Blue, blue, red, blue.

He jumps into the water, smokes shield room
and dagger dinner for you.

Red is correct now.

-Now is he going too wrong on purpose?

Just so you know,
you are wrong.

I'll take that.

Then it is your own choice.

I choose to skip the penultimate one.

I want to make sure I get the shield
and that Aslak isn't messing with me.

- He went far down.
- Yes, he went far down.

Where is he?

He jumped so high
and got so far into the water.

I jump so far
that I end up under the ice.

Starting to swim up.
The head crashes into the ice.

It's full panic.

Fy fader.

-It took a long time.
- Thought he passed out down there.

I thought so too.

I was under.

Damn father, that... Traumatic.

-It was scary.
- I would never have dared.

Both Robin and Tarjei
go for the shield room.

And first of all,
I thought they were badass.

I was proud of the guys
who actually dared.

Tarjei and Robin jumped into the water
and secured themselves with it-

place in the shield room
and the dagger dinner.

And then we will see if the other
players will play for the silver.

To secure 20 silver bars
and NOK 40,000 for the prize pool-

-must Aslak release one of the remaining
players through the entire course,-

-without them falling into the water.

Who is next?

It's actually me,-

-but sorry,
I don't really feel like it.

I trust you, Aslak,
but I just can't handle this here.

Now I act a little. The reason
I said I didn't dare,-

-was that I tried to show
that I wasn't very-

-preoccupied with the silver, and that
I didn't do everything for the game.

- I can't handle it. Sorry.
- WE support you one hundred percent.

It's scary to show
that you do everything for the game.

Then the other three of you can step forward.

I'm not going to do that either .

I think it's really scary
with the cold water, -

- and maybe I'll die here on the ice
in Kongsvinger. I don't bother.

Emilie? Evelina?

This is my greatest fear.

Ice water is the one thing-

-which I'm terrified of.

Then there is one left, Evelina.

If you also pass now,
there will be zero silver.

I have blindly trusted Aslak
all along.

I'm absolutely sure, Evelina.

I wouldn't claim to
be safe if I wasn't-

- very sure.
There is only one left.

Will you mind if I do,

No, you are an adult and make
your own choices, my child.

If you feel like doing it,
then do it.

Do I want this? Will I sacrifice
my life, as it feels?

Too much silver for the group?

The silver is not
that important to me either, but...

Then I think: You know what?

-Yes I do.
-You are tough.

Now I trust you blindly.

Now you're screwed if I miss.

So then I jump into it,

And is terrified.

Okay, Evelina, if you come over,-

-there are 20 silver bars
for the community.

- Be so good, Evelina.
-Blue, blue.

I'm scared shitless of
ending up in that water.

Because now I have spent
so much time thinking.

Tenk om Aslak har glemt regla si?

-You had a song, didn't you?

I feel pretty confident
that I have this.

I link it to a song.
Humans have good musical memory.

Blue, blue, red, blue...

Blue, blue, red, red, red, red, blue.

It is in waltz time.

You can't sing
me another song now.

Blue, red, red, blue...


He doesn't seem so sure now.

- Shit.
-Oh my God.


-And now is it?
- The last one is blue.

Oh, are you sure about that?

And you are absolutely sure of that?

Are you completely sure?

I'm absolutely sure.
The last one is blue.

I trust you.
It's such a weird feeling,-

-but I have trusted
Aslak so blindly all along.


If you hit it right now,
you are safe, -

-and you have won 20 silver bars.
Good luck.

Now there is one box left.
He can't miss the last one, can he?

It goes well. This is going well.

Okay, blue?


As I'm about to jump,-

- I think
that now life is at stake.

And as I take the bet, I regret it.

"Now I'm going through..."


Not now, then!

Aslak is a mastermind.
It's absolutely insane.

- Oh my god, you're so raw.
- You're the one who's rude.

I'm the safest here.

I am a little proud
that I managed the pattern task well.

Once such a cruel fate
of the others lies in my hands,-

- I am glad
that I was able to fulfill it.

I never doubted that Aslak
was going to give us the right route.

It also shows
that he is loyal, in a way.

I feel he is so genuine
in what he says.

Guys, now the weather is bad.
See you for dinner.

-Have a good one.
- Have it.

No one else had
managed it as well, in fact.

No, damn it.

Robin and Tarjei have won
a place in the dagger dinner,-

-and gets to decide
who gets to play for the dagger.

Whoever gets the dagger,
has great power in the game.

They should think carefully about this.

But we have to talk about daggers.
Now it's me and Tarjei.

You're going to a dagger dinner, yes.
How is your rush at Tarjei?

Back in the car,
I go a little hard towards Tarjei.

I'm not particularly confident about him,
but there have been so many things.

And that's because-

-I imagine
that when it's wrong,-

-it will look less swish
that I went so hard on him.

I definitely feel
the most rush for him.

But don't you think it's a little strange-

- that no one has disappeared
from the four-leaf clover?

No, because his whole theory is-

- that it is so strange
that everyone in that four is alive.

But that's it.
Had he been a traitor,-

- he had most likely taken Robin out last night

But it's great
that Robin is alive.

And in keeping you alive,
we must ask the question:

-Why does father live Rob?
-And then we begin to look inward-

- on those we have trusted a little,
and then we forget to look at him.

When we're sitting in the car, I think:
"Hello, now we have to open our eyes here."

But I still mean-

-that if it turns out that the traitors
are not in the four-leaf clover,-

- have they played really badly.

The four-leaf clover can easily vote out
the traitors because they are in the majority.

Had I been a traitor,
I would never have let four pieces-

-in such a strong group remain
towards the end,-

- who can vote me out.

There must be at least one in the four-leaf clover
who is a traitor.

Anything else would have been
very poorly played, I think.

Yes, it may well
be one of you.

Yes, I'm
almost completely sure of that.

Emilie records
several times in the car-

- that one of the four in that four
must be a traitor.

So it shall be entered
in the traitor book-

- with a small question mark behind.
Why was Emilie so concerned about-

-that there must be a traitor
among us?

Is it because she is a traitor herself?

After the mission
there is great uncertainty.

There are many theories, and the players
are not in agreement about-

-whom they dare to trust.

-Are you a traitor?

-You promise?
- I am loyal.

I wouldn't have been able
to juggle you like that.

-You are also loyal?
- I am loyal.

Me and Robin looked each other
in the eye and said we were loyal.

And it hurts
every time you do it.

You wouldn't have been able
to juggle me like that.

-You promise?

Yes, I am loyal.

It seems like he genuinely,
one hundred percent believes in me.

It is very difficult to keep
this secret from Rob.

That's why I talk
to him the least out of everyone in here.

He is the one I try
to avoid getting into the car with.

Being a traitor now is hard.

I almost had a stronger feeling
about Tarjei than about Jennie.

The tactic going forward is to cast
much more suspicion on Tarjei.

He already has a lot of suspicion
because he's been playing so weird.

He constantly changes
who he trusts and who he doesn't.

He takes turns telling
who he suspects the most.


There is no one else here.
Can I talk to you?

I feel I need to talk to you too.
I feel we need to talk.

It is quite obvious to me
that there is at least one of you.

But we are loyal.
I am absolutely convinced of that.

I don't think Victor would have been
able to lie to me like that.

- I just don't think so.
-But if you had been-

-at all interested in
voting out Evelina?

Can you give me a reason?
You have played so strangely.

I see no reason to
vote for her before you.

You have gone back and forth,
up and down.

You cause so much chaos.
It's so unlike you.

But, okay, if you four
are left in the end,-

- are you satisfied then?

If we as loyalists win, yes.

You don't do that
if the four of you are left standing at the end.

She can.

I've been so back and forth
and up and down in this game-

-that I feel now
that it is a revelation.

I don't think that
your group in particular really thinks.

I feel you are just
comfortable with the situation.

And it kind of makes me think
that both of you are.

You have made two people
trust you completely blindly.

I know at this point
who the traitors are.

It's sick to say, but I know.

Robin and Victor.

But I think it's strange that you
don't want to try something new.

It's not always
the best thing to try something new.

All the others in the gang
want to see other possibilities.

Except for Victor and Robin.
Both are traitors,-

-and they want
to vote me out tonight.

I have to go to work and I have to
tell them everything I have.

I think that is
my best tactic right now.

I have to lobby.