Forræder (2022–…): Season 2, Episode 10 - Man føler seg litt dum og lurt-del 2 - full transcript
The players are gathered for dinner.
Because Robin sacrificed himself
during the mission,-
-is it Katrine, Victor and Evelina
who are at the dagger dinner.
They will now decide which players
will compete for the dagger.
Robin should therefore
be a natural first choice.
We are a group of four:
me, Victor, Evelina and Katrine.
Loyal, of course.
There are no traitors there.
You think they choose you?
Evelina said
they were going to choose me, but...
I bet I'll come
to the dagger dinner again.
In addition, I sacrificed myself
in archery for the group of friends.
So I hope I'm invited.
Do you think he wants the dagger
or would rather get away?
I don't know, I think maybe
he's sacrificing himself-
- such that it is almost expected
that he will get to play for the dagger.
Shall we save Rob now...
Because he is most vulnerable tonight.
Can we put a little buzz on Rob,
not too much,-
-but show that we trust him, but
pretend we are not sure,-
-is it perhaps wise
not to choose him for the dagger.
By not choosing Rob
for the dagger game, the tactic is-
-that he might be
a little safer tonight,-
-if we show
that we don't trust him 100%.
That's all well and good,
but then I'm sitting there in the middle-
-and knows everything and knows it's not...
That doesn't necessarily save him.
But I have to use it
for all it's worth.
- Agreed.
- I fear he will die tonight.
Perhaps the wisest thing is
not to give Rob the dagger now.
Maybe I'll get a better reason-
-to persuade Aslak
that we should not take Rob tonight.
Are you excited?
It feels good that we agree so much,
because it's always very brutal-
- when deciding
what to do in the council chamber.
So it's good that you have someone you
trust and that you think the same
- Have you agreed on two names?
-And you are sure?
- We are... Well, we are safe.
Yes, we are.
Have you come to pick me up?
-Who do you think I should get?
- Aslak. Maybe Emilie.
- Maybe me, actually.
I can reveal it.
- Emily.
- Lasse.
I was betrayed by the dagger group!
I feel a little betrayed.
I sacrificed myself.
Evelina said, "We give you the dagger."
Evelina, what father?
It's playoffs.
My life is at stake here.
- I can be here, then.
- Lasse and Emilie, come with me.
I have not
been involved in this before.
I sat around the round table
and was kicked out without explanation.
It's not
a good atmosphere now, that is.
If Lasse gets the dagger,
he votes for me.
The dagger is very important
in this council chamber.
Emilie and Lasse, it was
a little surprising for everyone.
At the same time, I think there is an ulterior motive
in that someone has inquired-
- that they are in love with Jennie, but
exactly with Emilie, I don't know.
I have great confidence
in those who sit in the shield group.
They count on me
to be one hundred percent loyal.
Easy to gain that trust.
I really want the dagger,
and I know exactly-
- who should I use it on.
Lasse and Emilie,
now you will play for the dagger.
The dagger is located
in one of these boxes.
And the dagger gives a double vote
in tonight's council chamber.
Can we say that it is
an important double vote?
It gives a certain power, -
- and if it were to tip,
my vote is decisive.
I have a feeling
Robin is a traitor.
If I get the dagger, it is
quickly done that it will go to him.
The way we play... Emilie,
you will be allowed to look in your box.
You don't get to see in yours,
but in return-
-you can exchange boxes if you think
the dagger is in that box.
Maybe now is the
time to put a stick in Lasse-
-and try to lie to him.
Then you can open it and see
what you have in the box.
The dagger game is very exciting.
The dagger is very important to the game.
It's an extra voice
and it has a lot to say.
I don't have the dagger.
Do you believe her?
Yes, I believe her.
She spoke the truth.
Then the question is:
Do you want to change the box or not?
-Do you want this box or that one?
- I want it.
I got to know her
and saw that she was honest.
Then you get that box.
Then you can open it-
-and see if it is empty
or if there is a box there.
It is not long until the players
must gather in the council hall.
Robin is confused about being
let down by the others in the group of four.
He doesn't know if he can trust
his teammates.
- They're not here?
When I sacrifice myself for the group,
and then I'm left out...
I have been ditched. Evelina said
they should give me the dagger.
I was supposed to get back
to the club. I sacrificed myself.
- It's poorly done.
- Yes, they should hear that, that is.
So I go up to them
to confront them.
- I sacrificed myself.
-Yes I know.
-Sit down.
-We didn't know-
-if you wanted the dagger,
to be honest.
With the dagger you would have
been even more loyal.
I get to go in the shield room.
WE discussed it back and forth.
I understood nothing.
We want to be a little low-key on you.
We are terrified that you will die.
-We who know you...
-You are in the middle...
We've been
quite a loyal quartet...
I turn my head back and forth,-
-and it cracks
in all the corners of my brain.
I'm too stupid for this game.
Everyone trusts us as the most loyal,-
-and if we had chosen you,
you would have died last night.
That was the logic we came up with.
Yes, that's smart. I know I'm
so damn easy to manipulate.
If one of you is a traitor,
I will look like a fool.
We all do.
But look at us, Robin.
I am loyal.
- Then you can take the round.
- I am loyal.
- I am loyal.
-And we trust you.
-Say it yourself, too, just to be safe.
- I am loyal.
Now they are trying to arouse suspicion
about me so that I survive the night.
Okay, so they did it for me?
So now I'm not mad
at the four anymore.
We are friends. I am happy for you.
Lasse and Emilie played about the dagger,-
-but who got it,
is kept a secret for the time being.
With few players left, a
double vote can change the outcome-
-in the council chamber. It can be scary
for those with a lot of suspicion towards them.
Are you still thinking
what you thought yesterday?
Yes, I thought one step further.
And it is that Robin is the fourth.
I said at dinner today
who I thought were traitors.
And it's Jennie-
- and Robin.
-Nothing is certain here.
-No, it is true.
Anything can happen in here.
There may be people who are traitors,
of whom we are not aware at all.
- Have you played about the dagger?
-And it is kept hidden?
- Yes, it is kept hidden.
The dagger today plays an absolutely
decisive role for me.
If Lasse has the dagger, I'm
99 percent sure of the outcome.
But if Emilie gets the dagger,
I have a tiny bit of hope.
- I just have to lobby.
- I understand that very well.
It has to do with her demeanor . And a strong gut feeling.
Tarjei has long had a suspicion
of his roommate Jennie.
But now that the council chamber is approaching
he has come to other thoughts.
I'm starting to trust Jennie.
I feel her reaction-
-is loyal. I don't think she's
a traitor at this point.
Why should there be
so many signs against you?
Why should you leave
so many clear traces?
I think you are wrong, Lasse.
Either it's a traitor-
- who plays along with her,
who wants to force someone else.
Or there are two other traitors
who think she is easy to get out.
And that's where I prefer now.
I'm not sure about the group of four.
Say the traitors are not among you.
Then I don't understand
why they don't want to split you up.
I feel pretty sure
that Jennie is a traitor.
The threads that are out now,-
- actually pointing towards her.
-I want to talk to you.
-Of course.
We can go up.
- I get scared.
-I want to know your reasons-
- that you are so sure
of the choice today.
If she is a traitor,
it looks very stupid to me.
Then it looks like I'm
frantically defending her.
Then they'll think
I'm the next traitor.
But I think that is wrong. And as
a loyalist, you have to try to hit it right.
The reason I don't think she's
a traitor is because Heidi died.
I think
he's defending your girlfriend,-
-or maybe he's a traitor himself.
-Are you okay, Jennie?
-It is fine.
He sits and defends me now.
It is because he has realized it.
Why didn't you,
Katrine or Rob die last night?
If the traitors have a "free kill"
on one of you three,-
-three out of four who are in a strong
group, why do they take Heidi?
I think one of the group is deceiving the others.
It's so strange
that all four of them are still alive-
-if the traitors
are not any of the four.
It is extra unpleasant
to be a traitor today, -
-because I get
a sick guilty conscience-
- for the energy that is in the room.
You feel very guilty
when you are "the villain".
Sure it's uncomfortable right now.
Nobody knows, apart from yourself,
what role you have, so...
- It's a slightly different atmosphere.
The mood among us
who are left here now,-
- is quite depressed.
People don't trust each other.
But the council chamber is
just around the corner now.
I don't know
who to vote for.
I don't really think
Jennie is a traitor either.
Why did you shoot me, Robin? You didn't think
I needed a shield?
I thought
you didn't need a shield.
Those who are most prone to die
are me,-
-Victor, Evelina and Katrine.
We are in that group-
- where everyone is loyal
and trusts each other.
And for me it stood between us
to get protection.
All the rest of you
risk being voted out.
- I will not be voted out in the council chamber.
-You don't think I can be voted out?
I think
you have a better chance of being voted out than the four of us.
I'm a bit skeptical.
I have a slight feeling
that Robin is a traitor.
It's a little strange that he didn't try
to secure that shield.
Something he has tried before.
And I know he has
a real competitive instinct.
So either it's because he knows
he's safe at night,-
-or he will be nice
to his partner, Victor,-
-and rather secure him another night.
I trust
Victor, Evelina and Katrine more-
-and myself, than you.
I don't understand why you
think you are more loyal than them.
The statistics don't make sense
to me.
I think the people most at risk
are me, you and Lasse.
It didn't make sense to me.
Emilie has some strange reasoning.
Just as
if she can only see one side.
Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe she is
a traitor and is trying to cast doubt.
It is time to gather in the council chamber.
The loyal are divided,-
-and the hidden dagger
can have fatal consequences.
It's starting
to really narrow in.
It's a bit like a Battle Royale.
The track gets smaller and smaller.
Today, the dagger has a lot to say.
There are only nine of us left, and I feel
that the group is very divided.
I am very unsure about Aslak,
and then I feel very strongly-
- that it is one of the Moholts.
Lasse has made it very clear
that he believes-
-that Jennie and Robin are
the two remaining traitors.
I guess I don't really have
any allies that way,-
-but now Tarjei and Robin trust
me more,-
-so I feel they believe in me. I
don't think they will vote for me today.
- Morning.
-Good evening.
Good evening.
You have gained real momentum
in the silver hunt. 12 new silver bars.
Which means 46 in total.
- Corresponding to NOK 92,000.
This means that since
you arrived in the game, you have collected-
-almost NOK 100,000.
And the game arrived in pairs.
But as I said first game round,-
-then you play
as individual players.
But then the question is:
Do you play
as individual players?
-Or are the couples still a factor?
-Good question.
Thanks, you can answer if you want.
I believe
that there are more people who do not.
It's two couples standing
in a group of four together, -
-where they trust each other very much,
I would say blindly.
Which I see as strange. But smart
for one of them who is a traitor.
-Which two pairs are you referring to?
-Victor, Rob, Evelina, Katrine.
-Are you not with your partner?
-At this point, yes.
That Jennie is exposed is fine.
It's a game.
She's a player too. I have
no reason to defend her,-
-but I don't think she's a traitor.
Me and Tarjei are exposed, while the
couples who trust each other, -
-standing strong.
Two voices are stronger than one.
It does not mean that we have voted
the same every round.
So that voice
has not been the same every time.
Even if you stand strong at times
, you have done it.
You trust each other.
They trust each other.
I don't understand that none
of you have been killed in the night.
If a traitor
is not among you,-
- you are far too strong
in a final.
The gang talks about
us being a group of four, which is-
-Evelina, Robin, Victor and me.
She thinks it's strange
that no one has been killed,-
- and that there must have been some
among us who are traitors.
I do not think so. I think
the traitors are somewhere else.
That square...
Everyone is still alive,-
-which still makes
people wonder why,-
- and that one of them must be a traitor.
And I am.
As for my assessment of the
other players that I trust,-
-is it only Jennie who
stands out to me as suspicious.
Don't understand that people see
that the fact that I am exposed is strange.
Everything points to me and that it is
bad play that betrays.
All that is built up only because of-
- that Aslak pointed at her
in the first council chamber.
I don't get it... I ca
n't make it add up, that story.
I have been
open with you that your case-
-still not finished
even though Torstein is out.
And if there's anyone smart
enough to think that far-
-that going up against each other
so hard,-
-will make, when one smokes,
that the other is "very loyal".
Tarjei is all over me.
Tarjei has understood everything.
He realizes
that I can't be trusted.
In this game.
I usually am.
-You are wrong.
- It could very well be.
But I think so far it depends
. And if I'm lying-
-about me being attacked,-
-I think it depends,
but I don't.
Aslak's name is mentioned and it will
be in the future.
And I'm so afraid of
ending up as a traitor alone.
If we get a loyal one out today,
me and Aslak are still traitors.
the suspicion of Aslak is still there.
It will never go away until he smokes.
Should I play hard on Aslak
so that we get him out today,-
-and I can bring another traitor
with me and there will only be confusion?
There was talk of Jennie.
Anyone have other suspects?
Emilie was also
a little mad at me earlier today, -
-but she asked,
"Why did you shoot me?"
And then I thought,
"Is that WHAT you're wondering about?"
I shot myself, put myself
in danger of being killed.
You don't think it's any more fun
than me shooting you-
-against them and myself?
Really weird. Like you're trying
to get me more buzzed,-
-but for me everything else around is
much more suspicious-
-than I shot you
with a bow and arrow.
Emilie, what do you think?
No, so, the fact that he shot me-
-may not be what makes him
the most suspicious. It's that you..
That was the only thing
you brought up instead.
Yes, but it was strange
that you chose to shoot yourself-
- than anyone else.
I have become
a little more skeptical about Robin.
It is strange that he chose
not to secure a shield.
You think so
after I brought it up?
Yeah, it was kind of weird that you thought
you didn't need the shield.
When you have
wanted the shield before.
But I noticed that the only thing you
reacted to was me shooting you.
I go hard against Emilie.
Emilie has so many weird theories.
Or few theories, which are weird.
So I can't read her.
And then Emilie is a little suspicious
of me. Actual self-defense.
Now it's time to vote.
Bring out your records.
Write down the name of
the person you wish to banish.
Today I have to follow
the plan that I have felt on-
-since the first council chamber,
when we got our roles.
It's such a nice feeling. As
soon as you write the name, -
- you regret it. And then you put
the record down and then it's too late.
I feel like
the worst person in the world, but it's a game-
-and someone has to go.
I'm pretty sure that the person
I've named as the prime suspect,-
- going out tonight.
We can start with you today, Rob.
Who did you vote for and why?
Me and Jennie
have trusted each other all along.
And after talking to her
today, she seems genuine.
I'm voting for someone who goes under
the radar for everyone, I feel.
I think there is a traitor
among the group of four.
There is one who
has not been suspected before,-
-and I don't doubt that she could
hide the fact that she is a traitor.
So I will vote for Evelina.
It has been a name
that has been talked about for a long time,-
-and I just have to
figure it out. Sorry.
It's going well.
There is one case that I can't
get out of my head.
Ashlak. Enjoy.
I had one vote.
Emilie, Jennie and Aslak too.
Four different ones. I thought,
"Have I been fooled now?"
-You are absolutely beautiful-
- through and through, Jennie,
but I think you're a traitor.
This is the first time I
haven't decided in advance-
- for whom I should vote.
I have also ended up going for-
Jennie, you now have three votes.
If Lasse has the dagger
and he votes for you,-
-is it you who is banished.
Has Lasse or Emilie got the dagger
and don't vote for Jennie, -
- it can be very even.
You have a double voice.
Then you can tell
who you voted for, Lasse.
The last guests
we followed to the gate
The remnants of the farewell took the night wind
The garden and the house lay tenfold desolate
How tones sweet me sneeze drunk
It was a party just
before the black night
She was a guest only
and now she is gone
That means
you have a total of five votes, -
- and that you are therefore banished.
But as always, we can see
what you have voted too,-
-Emilie and Evelina.
I've been a bit skeptical,
especially in the last few days, -
-so it goes to you, sorry.
This has been the worst name
to write so far,-
- but I have also written...
- Three hearts?
Oh my god.
You may be allowed to come over here.
Say a few final words
and reveal your role to the others.
I hope I hit today. If
not, I'll be really upset.
If it turns out now
that Jennie is loyal,-
-I'm actually shocked.
I hope she is loyal.
Just for that group
to get a kick out of it.
-You're welcome.
- Yes, then it was my turn.
I can't be bothered to laugh anymore.
You guys are amazing and I
still hope my team wins.
I am...
Well played, guys. Fy fader.
Traitors, you are good.
You get under people's skin.
Is it possible to be so wrong?
I have a bad conscience
and I'm sorry,-
-and I feel so bad for Jennie.
Poor nice Jennie.
Well played by the traitors. Now
I feel we have to start from scratch.
It is of course sad
to see that Jennie stands and cries,-
- and that there are real feelings that are
really painful and heavy for her.
In this game, I just have to
put my conscience aside.
I cannot
have compassion for anyone,-
- because then I'm done.
This could have been anyone,-
-and I expect that if the
others had been traitors,-
- would they do the same as me.
Everything pointed to
Jennie being a traitor.
I felt it really strongly.
You feel a bit stupid.
And a bit clever.
I don't understand
why you are shocked, even.
Now the traitors have
us loyal.
I think
we may not be able to stop it.
I think the traitors have played me
insecure to many.
So the traitors have done
a formidable job.
But I hope you get caught.
I trust Tarjei.
I think he is loyal. There must
be one in that band of four.
That's the only thing
I feel sure about.
It was completely unexpected for me.
- We bit the dust, everyone.
- We bit the dust.
-Are you mad?
- I'm mad at the group.
That you can't manage...
There is no one who...
Yes, you were interested in
seeing other angles.
But no one else was interested in
trying to see anything else.
I'm annoyed with the group, that they
don't see past the tip of their own noses.
I hope there is
a real difference in your group.
I hope so from the bottom of my heart.
If I wake up tomorrow,
I want it to be-
- a hard cut in that group of four.
Too bad if everyone is loyal,
but there's something inside me that...
I feel that one of them
must be a traitor.
I don't see
how they all got here if not.
Now I actually think
it's Evelina.
After the mission it is
Victor, Evelina and Katrine-
-which gets access to the shield room.
Here one of them will get a shield-
-which protects against the traitors
following night.
Hello. Look here, yes.
-Good evening.
-Good evening.
- The shield is in one of these three.
If you get the shield, you are safe from
being killed by the traitors tonight.
Of course I want a shield.
I don't feel safe.
Now I have no idea
what the traitors are thinking.
Shall we hope
that this goes better than the council chamber?
Of course it is important to get shields
today. I feel exposed.
-What are you doing here?
-Yes, what am I doing here?
- You don't need this.
- I thought: why not?
It's just comical right now.
You can choose completely yourself.
- Then I'll go for it.
- You can open and see.
In the.
Then I hope that Evelina got it.
- It was empty, unfortunately.
- Filler, that is.
- This is so stupid, Mads...
- Why?
I've had that shield twice.
Two very wasted shields.
It's so idiotic.
Pearls for pigs?
Do you have a guilty conscience?
Yes a little. I want
Rob to be here.
I want him to have it.
-See you.
-See you.
- Nice poem, then.
- Yes, very nice poem. It's Ibsen.
But I wonder
who you think it is now.
You are my prime suspect.
-You think it's me? Oh.
- Yes, one hundred percent sure.
No, you've been good today,
but maybe you talked a little too much.
The suspicion against Tarjei
is now very strong.
He has played a skillful game. He
has spoken as if he is loyal.
And he has in a way used Jennie,-
-the partner, to this.
It's a pretty cynical game.
Now Lasse has become convinced
that it is Tarjei.
And Tarjei-
-is too smart. He puts his finger
on everything I've done.
He has hatched my whole plan for himself.
I had actually thought
that we would have to kill him tonight,-
-until I realized
that Katrine, Evelina and Lasse-
-is sus on Tarjei.
Then only Victor and I can throw
ourselves on, and then we are complete.
And with that we are done.
With yet another loyalist banished from the game
there is little trust to be found-
- when night comes.
-I could be killed tonight.
No doubt about it.
I am very afraid of the night.
I was actually very happy that
I got a voice around that table-
-from Robin. Then I thought:
"Yes, maybe it can work"-
-"so that I can stay here
one more night."
Not sure we'll see each other tomorrow.
I'm afraid to die.
Will sleep insanely badly.
The shield group is so small and there is
a high chance that they have a shield.
So I don't think the traitors will
take any chances, like they did to Aslak.
I feel relatively safe.
The only small reason why
I'm afraid to sleep tonight,-
-is if Victor has got the shield,
as I fear,-
-and he's a traitor. Then
he can kill me and mom.
In the dark, the traitors will gather
and point out their next victim.
People trust you so much
and you play so well.
The way you take Tarjei-
-and the way you navigate
this entire ecosystem.
- It is so masterfully done.
-By the way...
-I got the shield.
-No, did you?!
You are such a jerk!
You are so damn lucky!
Did you get the shield?!
It is so typical that Victor has been given
that shield. Is it possible?
Is there a person
with more luck than Victor Sotberg?
I do not think so. It's
Victor Sotberg and Cousin Anton-
-hand in hand. It's nice
to be a traitor in "Traitor".
Who do you think we should kill?
God, it's so hard.
-Do you think Robin?
- No, I just don't want to.
I do not feel like it.
I can't do it.
I actually think there are many
who are unsure about Tarjei now.
Yes, it is.
Lasse was completely at Tarjei.
He digs himself
a deeper and deeper hole.
Tarjei has gotten so much buzz
during the day-
- that he might smoke
in the next council chamber.
Now we have to think about how we should
use Lasse as the last piece.
Because of Lasse, we can perhaps be
persuaded to vote for Tarjei.
But no one thinks he is a traitor.
If we kill Lasse, it won't go
back to me and Aslak.
And most people think he is loyal.
But Lasse is a vote for Tarjei
for now. He can turn around.
How do you think
Emilie will continue to play?
I do not know. We don't
really play as partners.
We are probably the ones who play the least
as partners, she and I.
In the end it is
between Lasse and Emilie.
Emilie, my duo partner.
How much conscience should one have?
- Okay.
- That's it.
Now I'm sick of murder,
but it has to be done.
It must be done.
Not nicely done, what we do.
Nothing to learn from this, kids.
Don't look to us
for crown examples of adults.
See Jennie's reaction when she learns
the truth about the traitors-
Because Robin sacrificed himself
during the mission,-
-is it Katrine, Victor and Evelina
who are at the dagger dinner.
They will now decide which players
will compete for the dagger.
Robin should therefore
be a natural first choice.
We are a group of four:
me, Victor, Evelina and Katrine.
Loyal, of course.
There are no traitors there.
You think they choose you?
Evelina said
they were going to choose me, but...
I bet I'll come
to the dagger dinner again.
In addition, I sacrificed myself
in archery for the group of friends.
So I hope I'm invited.
Do you think he wants the dagger
or would rather get away?
I don't know, I think maybe
he's sacrificing himself-
- such that it is almost expected
that he will get to play for the dagger.
Shall we save Rob now...
Because he is most vulnerable tonight.
Can we put a little buzz on Rob,
not too much,-
-but show that we trust him, but
pretend we are not sure,-
-is it perhaps wise
not to choose him for the dagger.
By not choosing Rob
for the dagger game, the tactic is-
-that he might be
a little safer tonight,-
-if we show
that we don't trust him 100%.
That's all well and good,
but then I'm sitting there in the middle-
-and knows everything and knows it's not...
That doesn't necessarily save him.
But I have to use it
for all it's worth.
- Agreed.
- I fear he will die tonight.
Perhaps the wisest thing is
not to give Rob the dagger now.
Maybe I'll get a better reason-
-to persuade Aslak
that we should not take Rob tonight.
Are you excited?
It feels good that we agree so much,
because it's always very brutal-
- when deciding
what to do in the council chamber.
So it's good that you have someone you
trust and that you think the same
- Have you agreed on two names?
-And you are sure?
- We are... Well, we are safe.
Yes, we are.
Have you come to pick me up?
-Who do you think I should get?
- Aslak. Maybe Emilie.
- Maybe me, actually.
I can reveal it.
- Emily.
- Lasse.
I was betrayed by the dagger group!
I feel a little betrayed.
I sacrificed myself.
Evelina said, "We give you the dagger."
Evelina, what father?
It's playoffs.
My life is at stake here.
- I can be here, then.
- Lasse and Emilie, come with me.
I have not
been involved in this before.
I sat around the round table
and was kicked out without explanation.
It's not
a good atmosphere now, that is.
If Lasse gets the dagger,
he votes for me.
The dagger is very important
in this council chamber.
Emilie and Lasse, it was
a little surprising for everyone.
At the same time, I think there is an ulterior motive
in that someone has inquired-
- that they are in love with Jennie, but
exactly with Emilie, I don't know.
I have great confidence
in those who sit in the shield group.
They count on me
to be one hundred percent loyal.
Easy to gain that trust.
I really want the dagger,
and I know exactly-
- who should I use it on.
Lasse and Emilie,
now you will play for the dagger.
The dagger is located
in one of these boxes.
And the dagger gives a double vote
in tonight's council chamber.
Can we say that it is
an important double vote?
It gives a certain power, -
- and if it were to tip,
my vote is decisive.
I have a feeling
Robin is a traitor.
If I get the dagger, it is
quickly done that it will go to him.
The way we play... Emilie,
you will be allowed to look in your box.
You don't get to see in yours,
but in return-
-you can exchange boxes if you think
the dagger is in that box.
Maybe now is the
time to put a stick in Lasse-
-and try to lie to him.
Then you can open it and see
what you have in the box.
The dagger game is very exciting.
The dagger is very important to the game.
It's an extra voice
and it has a lot to say.
I don't have the dagger.
Do you believe her?
Yes, I believe her.
She spoke the truth.
Then the question is:
Do you want to change the box or not?
-Do you want this box or that one?
- I want it.
I got to know her
and saw that she was honest.
Then you get that box.
Then you can open it-
-and see if it is empty
or if there is a box there.
It is not long until the players
must gather in the council hall.
Robin is confused about being
let down by the others in the group of four.
He doesn't know if he can trust
his teammates.
- They're not here?
When I sacrifice myself for the group,
and then I'm left out...
I have been ditched. Evelina said
they should give me the dagger.
I was supposed to get back
to the club. I sacrificed myself.
- It's poorly done.
- Yes, they should hear that, that is.
So I go up to them
to confront them.
- I sacrificed myself.
-Yes I know.
-Sit down.
-We didn't know-
-if you wanted the dagger,
to be honest.
With the dagger you would have
been even more loyal.
I get to go in the shield room.
WE discussed it back and forth.
I understood nothing.
We want to be a little low-key on you.
We are terrified that you will die.
-We who know you...
-You are in the middle...
We've been
quite a loyal quartet...
I turn my head back and forth,-
-and it cracks
in all the corners of my brain.
I'm too stupid for this game.
Everyone trusts us as the most loyal,-
-and if we had chosen you,
you would have died last night.
That was the logic we came up with.
Yes, that's smart. I know I'm
so damn easy to manipulate.
If one of you is a traitor,
I will look like a fool.
We all do.
But look at us, Robin.
I am loyal.
- Then you can take the round.
- I am loyal.
- I am loyal.
-And we trust you.
-Say it yourself, too, just to be safe.
- I am loyal.
Now they are trying to arouse suspicion
about me so that I survive the night.
Okay, so they did it for me?
So now I'm not mad
at the four anymore.
We are friends. I am happy for you.
Lasse and Emilie played about the dagger,-
-but who got it,
is kept a secret for the time being.
With few players left, a
double vote can change the outcome-
-in the council chamber. It can be scary
for those with a lot of suspicion towards them.
Are you still thinking
what you thought yesterday?
Yes, I thought one step further.
And it is that Robin is the fourth.
I said at dinner today
who I thought were traitors.
And it's Jennie-
- and Robin.
-Nothing is certain here.
-No, it is true.
Anything can happen in here.
There may be people who are traitors,
of whom we are not aware at all.
- Have you played about the dagger?
-And it is kept hidden?
- Yes, it is kept hidden.
The dagger today plays an absolutely
decisive role for me.
If Lasse has the dagger, I'm
99 percent sure of the outcome.
But if Emilie gets the dagger,
I have a tiny bit of hope.
- I just have to lobby.
- I understand that very well.
It has to do with her demeanor . And a strong gut feeling.
Tarjei has long had a suspicion
of his roommate Jennie.
But now that the council chamber is approaching
he has come to other thoughts.
I'm starting to trust Jennie.
I feel her reaction-
-is loyal. I don't think she's
a traitor at this point.
Why should there be
so many signs against you?
Why should you leave
so many clear traces?
I think you are wrong, Lasse.
Either it's a traitor-
- who plays along with her,
who wants to force someone else.
Or there are two other traitors
who think she is easy to get out.
And that's where I prefer now.
I'm not sure about the group of four.
Say the traitors are not among you.
Then I don't understand
why they don't want to split you up.
I feel pretty sure
that Jennie is a traitor.
The threads that are out now,-
- actually pointing towards her.
-I want to talk to you.
-Of course.
We can go up.
- I get scared.
-I want to know your reasons-
- that you are so sure
of the choice today.
If she is a traitor,
it looks very stupid to me.
Then it looks like I'm
frantically defending her.
Then they'll think
I'm the next traitor.
But I think that is wrong. And as
a loyalist, you have to try to hit it right.
The reason I don't think she's
a traitor is because Heidi died.
I think
he's defending your girlfriend,-
-or maybe he's a traitor himself.
-Are you okay, Jennie?
-It is fine.
He sits and defends me now.
It is because he has realized it.
Why didn't you,
Katrine or Rob die last night?
If the traitors have a "free kill"
on one of you three,-
-three out of four who are in a strong
group, why do they take Heidi?
I think one of the group is deceiving the others.
It's so strange
that all four of them are still alive-
-if the traitors
are not any of the four.
It is extra unpleasant
to be a traitor today, -
-because I get
a sick guilty conscience-
- for the energy that is in the room.
You feel very guilty
when you are "the villain".
Sure it's uncomfortable right now.
Nobody knows, apart from yourself,
what role you have, so...
- It's a slightly different atmosphere.
The mood among us
who are left here now,-
- is quite depressed.
People don't trust each other.
But the council chamber is
just around the corner now.
I don't know
who to vote for.
I don't really think
Jennie is a traitor either.
Why did you shoot me, Robin? You didn't think
I needed a shield?
I thought
you didn't need a shield.
Those who are most prone to die
are me,-
-Victor, Evelina and Katrine.
We are in that group-
- where everyone is loyal
and trusts each other.
And for me it stood between us
to get protection.
All the rest of you
risk being voted out.
- I will not be voted out in the council chamber.
-You don't think I can be voted out?
I think
you have a better chance of being voted out than the four of us.
I'm a bit skeptical.
I have a slight feeling
that Robin is a traitor.
It's a little strange that he didn't try
to secure that shield.
Something he has tried before.
And I know he has
a real competitive instinct.
So either it's because he knows
he's safe at night,-
-or he will be nice
to his partner, Victor,-
-and rather secure him another night.
I trust
Victor, Evelina and Katrine more-
-and myself, than you.
I don't understand why you
think you are more loyal than them.
The statistics don't make sense
to me.
I think the people most at risk
are me, you and Lasse.
It didn't make sense to me.
Emilie has some strange reasoning.
Just as
if she can only see one side.
Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe she is
a traitor and is trying to cast doubt.
It is time to gather in the council chamber.
The loyal are divided,-
-and the hidden dagger
can have fatal consequences.
It's starting
to really narrow in.
It's a bit like a Battle Royale.
The track gets smaller and smaller.
Today, the dagger has a lot to say.
There are only nine of us left, and I feel
that the group is very divided.
I am very unsure about Aslak,
and then I feel very strongly-
- that it is one of the Moholts.
Lasse has made it very clear
that he believes-
-that Jennie and Robin are
the two remaining traitors.
I guess I don't really have
any allies that way,-
-but now Tarjei and Robin trust
me more,-
-so I feel they believe in me. I
don't think they will vote for me today.
- Morning.
-Good evening.
Good evening.
You have gained real momentum
in the silver hunt. 12 new silver bars.
Which means 46 in total.
- Corresponding to NOK 92,000.
This means that since
you arrived in the game, you have collected-
-almost NOK 100,000.
And the game arrived in pairs.
But as I said first game round,-
-then you play
as individual players.
But then the question is:
Do you play
as individual players?
-Or are the couples still a factor?
-Good question.
Thanks, you can answer if you want.
I believe
that there are more people who do not.
It's two couples standing
in a group of four together, -
-where they trust each other very much,
I would say blindly.
Which I see as strange. But smart
for one of them who is a traitor.
-Which two pairs are you referring to?
-Victor, Rob, Evelina, Katrine.
-Are you not with your partner?
-At this point, yes.
That Jennie is exposed is fine.
It's a game.
She's a player too. I have
no reason to defend her,-
-but I don't think she's a traitor.
Me and Tarjei are exposed, while the
couples who trust each other, -
-standing strong.
Two voices are stronger than one.
It does not mean that we have voted
the same every round.
So that voice
has not been the same every time.
Even if you stand strong at times
, you have done it.
You trust each other.
They trust each other.
I don't understand that none
of you have been killed in the night.
If a traitor
is not among you,-
- you are far too strong
in a final.
The gang talks about
us being a group of four, which is-
-Evelina, Robin, Victor and me.
She thinks it's strange
that no one has been killed,-
- and that there must have been some
among us who are traitors.
I do not think so. I think
the traitors are somewhere else.
That square...
Everyone is still alive,-
-which still makes
people wonder why,-
- and that one of them must be a traitor.
And I am.
As for my assessment of the
other players that I trust,-
-is it only Jennie who
stands out to me as suspicious.
Don't understand that people see
that the fact that I am exposed is strange.
Everything points to me and that it is
bad play that betrays.
All that is built up only because of-
- that Aslak pointed at her
in the first council chamber.
I don't get it... I ca
n't make it add up, that story.
I have been
open with you that your case-
-still not finished
even though Torstein is out.
And if there's anyone smart
enough to think that far-
-that going up against each other
so hard,-
-will make, when one smokes,
that the other is "very loyal".
Tarjei is all over me.
Tarjei has understood everything.
He realizes
that I can't be trusted.
In this game.
I usually am.
-You are wrong.
- It could very well be.
But I think so far it depends
. And if I'm lying-
-about me being attacked,-
-I think it depends,
but I don't.
Aslak's name is mentioned and it will
be in the future.
And I'm so afraid of
ending up as a traitor alone.
If we get a loyal one out today,
me and Aslak are still traitors.
the suspicion of Aslak is still there.
It will never go away until he smokes.
Should I play hard on Aslak
so that we get him out today,-
-and I can bring another traitor
with me and there will only be confusion?
There was talk of Jennie.
Anyone have other suspects?
Emilie was also
a little mad at me earlier today, -
-but she asked,
"Why did you shoot me?"
And then I thought,
"Is that WHAT you're wondering about?"
I shot myself, put myself
in danger of being killed.
You don't think it's any more fun
than me shooting you-
-against them and myself?
Really weird. Like you're trying
to get me more buzzed,-
-but for me everything else around is
much more suspicious-
-than I shot you
with a bow and arrow.
Emilie, what do you think?
No, so, the fact that he shot me-
-may not be what makes him
the most suspicious. It's that you..
That was the only thing
you brought up instead.
Yes, but it was strange
that you chose to shoot yourself-
- than anyone else.
I have become
a little more skeptical about Robin.
It is strange that he chose
not to secure a shield.
You think so
after I brought it up?
Yeah, it was kind of weird that you thought
you didn't need the shield.
When you have
wanted the shield before.
But I noticed that the only thing you
reacted to was me shooting you.
I go hard against Emilie.
Emilie has so many weird theories.
Or few theories, which are weird.
So I can't read her.
And then Emilie is a little suspicious
of me. Actual self-defense.
Now it's time to vote.
Bring out your records.
Write down the name of
the person you wish to banish.
Today I have to follow
the plan that I have felt on-
-since the first council chamber,
when we got our roles.
It's such a nice feeling. As
soon as you write the name, -
- you regret it. And then you put
the record down and then it's too late.
I feel like
the worst person in the world, but it's a game-
-and someone has to go.
I'm pretty sure that the person
I've named as the prime suspect,-
- going out tonight.
We can start with you today, Rob.
Who did you vote for and why?
Me and Jennie
have trusted each other all along.
And after talking to her
today, she seems genuine.
I'm voting for someone who goes under
the radar for everyone, I feel.
I think there is a traitor
among the group of four.
There is one who
has not been suspected before,-
-and I don't doubt that she could
hide the fact that she is a traitor.
So I will vote for Evelina.
It has been a name
that has been talked about for a long time,-
-and I just have to
figure it out. Sorry.
It's going well.
There is one case that I can't
get out of my head.
Ashlak. Enjoy.
I had one vote.
Emilie, Jennie and Aslak too.
Four different ones. I thought,
"Have I been fooled now?"
-You are absolutely beautiful-
- through and through, Jennie,
but I think you're a traitor.
This is the first time I
haven't decided in advance-
- for whom I should vote.
I have also ended up going for-
Jennie, you now have three votes.
If Lasse has the dagger
and he votes for you,-
-is it you who is banished.
Has Lasse or Emilie got the dagger
and don't vote for Jennie, -
- it can be very even.
You have a double voice.
Then you can tell
who you voted for, Lasse.
The last guests
we followed to the gate
The remnants of the farewell took the night wind
The garden and the house lay tenfold desolate
How tones sweet me sneeze drunk
It was a party just
before the black night
She was a guest only
and now she is gone
That means
you have a total of five votes, -
- and that you are therefore banished.
But as always, we can see
what you have voted too,-
-Emilie and Evelina.
I've been a bit skeptical,
especially in the last few days, -
-so it goes to you, sorry.
This has been the worst name
to write so far,-
- but I have also written...
- Three hearts?
Oh my god.
You may be allowed to come over here.
Say a few final words
and reveal your role to the others.
I hope I hit today. If
not, I'll be really upset.
If it turns out now
that Jennie is loyal,-
-I'm actually shocked.
I hope she is loyal.
Just for that group
to get a kick out of it.
-You're welcome.
- Yes, then it was my turn.
I can't be bothered to laugh anymore.
You guys are amazing and I
still hope my team wins.
I am...
Well played, guys. Fy fader.
Traitors, you are good.
You get under people's skin.
Is it possible to be so wrong?
I have a bad conscience
and I'm sorry,-
-and I feel so bad for Jennie.
Poor nice Jennie.
Well played by the traitors. Now
I feel we have to start from scratch.
It is of course sad
to see that Jennie stands and cries,-
- and that there are real feelings that are
really painful and heavy for her.
In this game, I just have to
put my conscience aside.
I cannot
have compassion for anyone,-
- because then I'm done.
This could have been anyone,-
-and I expect that if the
others had been traitors,-
- would they do the same as me.
Everything pointed to
Jennie being a traitor.
I felt it really strongly.
You feel a bit stupid.
And a bit clever.
I don't understand
why you are shocked, even.
Now the traitors have
us loyal.
I think
we may not be able to stop it.
I think the traitors have played me
insecure to many.
So the traitors have done
a formidable job.
But I hope you get caught.
I trust Tarjei.
I think he is loyal. There must
be one in that band of four.
That's the only thing
I feel sure about.
It was completely unexpected for me.
- We bit the dust, everyone.
- We bit the dust.
-Are you mad?
- I'm mad at the group.
That you can't manage...
There is no one who...
Yes, you were interested in
seeing other angles.
But no one else was interested in
trying to see anything else.
I'm annoyed with the group, that they
don't see past the tip of their own noses.
I hope there is
a real difference in your group.
I hope so from the bottom of my heart.
If I wake up tomorrow,
I want it to be-
- a hard cut in that group of four.
Too bad if everyone is loyal,
but there's something inside me that...
I feel that one of them
must be a traitor.
I don't see
how they all got here if not.
Now I actually think
it's Evelina.
After the mission it is
Victor, Evelina and Katrine-
-which gets access to the shield room.
Here one of them will get a shield-
-which protects against the traitors
following night.
Hello. Look here, yes.
-Good evening.
-Good evening.
- The shield is in one of these three.
If you get the shield, you are safe from
being killed by the traitors tonight.
Of course I want a shield.
I don't feel safe.
Now I have no idea
what the traitors are thinking.
Shall we hope
that this goes better than the council chamber?
Of course it is important to get shields
today. I feel exposed.
-What are you doing here?
-Yes, what am I doing here?
- You don't need this.
- I thought: why not?
It's just comical right now.
You can choose completely yourself.
- Then I'll go for it.
- You can open and see.
In the.
Then I hope that Evelina got it.
- It was empty, unfortunately.
- Filler, that is.
- This is so stupid, Mads...
- Why?
I've had that shield twice.
Two very wasted shields.
It's so idiotic.
Pearls for pigs?
Do you have a guilty conscience?
Yes a little. I want
Rob to be here.
I want him to have it.
-See you.
-See you.
- Nice poem, then.
- Yes, very nice poem. It's Ibsen.
But I wonder
who you think it is now.
You are my prime suspect.
-You think it's me? Oh.
- Yes, one hundred percent sure.
No, you've been good today,
but maybe you talked a little too much.
The suspicion against Tarjei
is now very strong.
He has played a skillful game. He
has spoken as if he is loyal.
And he has in a way used Jennie,-
-the partner, to this.
It's a pretty cynical game.
Now Lasse has become convinced
that it is Tarjei.
And Tarjei-
-is too smart. He puts his finger
on everything I've done.
He has hatched my whole plan for himself.
I had actually thought
that we would have to kill him tonight,-
-until I realized
that Katrine, Evelina and Lasse-
-is sus on Tarjei.
Then only Victor and I can throw
ourselves on, and then we are complete.
And with that we are done.
With yet another loyalist banished from the game
there is little trust to be found-
- when night comes.
-I could be killed tonight.
No doubt about it.
I am very afraid of the night.
I was actually very happy that
I got a voice around that table-
-from Robin. Then I thought:
"Yes, maybe it can work"-
-"so that I can stay here
one more night."
Not sure we'll see each other tomorrow.
I'm afraid to die.
Will sleep insanely badly.
The shield group is so small and there is
a high chance that they have a shield.
So I don't think the traitors will
take any chances, like they did to Aslak.
I feel relatively safe.
The only small reason why
I'm afraid to sleep tonight,-
-is if Victor has got the shield,
as I fear,-
-and he's a traitor. Then
he can kill me and mom.
In the dark, the traitors will gather
and point out their next victim.
People trust you so much
and you play so well.
The way you take Tarjei-
-and the way you navigate
this entire ecosystem.
- It is so masterfully done.
-By the way...
-I got the shield.
-No, did you?!
You are such a jerk!
You are so damn lucky!
Did you get the shield?!
It is so typical that Victor has been given
that shield. Is it possible?
Is there a person
with more luck than Victor Sotberg?
I do not think so. It's
Victor Sotberg and Cousin Anton-
-hand in hand. It's nice
to be a traitor in "Traitor".
Who do you think we should kill?
God, it's so hard.
-Do you think Robin?
- No, I just don't want to.
I do not feel like it.
I can't do it.
I actually think there are many
who are unsure about Tarjei now.
Yes, it is.
Lasse was completely at Tarjei.
He digs himself
a deeper and deeper hole.
Tarjei has gotten so much buzz
during the day-
- that he might smoke
in the next council chamber.
Now we have to think about how we should
use Lasse as the last piece.
Because of Lasse, we can perhaps be
persuaded to vote for Tarjei.
But no one thinks he is a traitor.
If we kill Lasse, it won't go
back to me and Aslak.
And most people think he is loyal.
But Lasse is a vote for Tarjei
for now. He can turn around.
How do you think
Emilie will continue to play?
I do not know. We don't
really play as partners.
We are probably the ones who play the least
as partners, she and I.
In the end it is
between Lasse and Emilie.
Emilie, my duo partner.
How much conscience should one have?
- Okay.
- That's it.
Now I'm sick of murder,
but it has to be done.
It must be done.
Not nicely done, what we do.
Nothing to learn from this, kids.
Don't look to us
for crown examples of adults.
See Jennie's reaction when she learns
the truth about the traitors-