Forræder (2022–…): Season 2, Episode 12 - Jeg må være den dummeste lojale som finnes- del 2 - full transcript

It's covered
for the game's final dagger dinner.

Robin and Tarjei both chose
to jump into the ice water.

And thus gets
to control the game about the dagger.

Den gode nyheten er
at de nå har en stor fordel.

The Bad:
They don't trust each other.

During the dagger dinner
I sit across from a traitor,-

- and I'm happy to sit there.

They were going to kill me last night,
Victor and Rob.

Why did they take Lasse?
You should have caught me.

If Tarjei is not a traitor,
I don't understand anything.

It's so uncertain about him.
So much back and forth, Tarjei.

It is completely impossible to outplay
you. You destroy the loyal ones.

So you have to go anyway.

-But you have played well.


The rest of the players
are gathered somewhere else.

Although there are few players left,
there is no shortage of theories.

Today I am more confused
than ever.

Victor and Robin could be traitors.
Or Aslak and Tarjei.

It can certainly be
Tarjei and Emilie.

I have no idea
who to vote for today.

And I agree
with recent speeches all the time.

I think Tarjei said many different things
to many different people yesterday.

-So maybe it would have been a good idea-

- to survey... That we align
what he said to whom?

It's very exciting because
to you he says Evelina and Rob.

To you he says me and Rob.
To me and Rob he says you two.

I work actively, but carefully,-

- by getting people
to vote for Tarjei tonight.

I'm really unsure
if it could be Tarjei.

There are a bit too many people
pointing in that direction.

Because I have a little feeling
for Robin, I was about to say.

I have a little theory that
maybe Robin is one of the traitors.

So I'm trying again
to plant that seed there.

I lean much more towards
Robin than Tarjei right now.

I might be wrong.

I have, to be honest,
been a bit unsure about Emilie too.

I think she's gone
a bit under the radar.

She has good arguments,
but still there is something jarring.

So her talking about Robin makes
me even more uncertain about-

-if it is to
lead us in the wrong direction,-

-or if it is actually true.

-Good evening. This was cozy.
-Good evening.

You have something to talk about,
because you have an important mission.

You must invite two players
who will play for the dagger.

Which gives a double vote in
the council chamber. More important than ever.

Because now you are fewer players.
Eat and not least talk.

Then I'll come back in a bit
and find out who you have chosen.

I think Victor.

Rob wants Victor in
for the dagger dinner,-

-and if he chooses to do so, I think
it is absolutely right and fair-

- that I will get to choose the other one.

- Sorry if I disturb you.
- Now I'm excited who it will be.

I'm coming to get two of you.
Anyone excited?


I definitely want
to get the dagger this time.

Because I feel like I
really need that dagger against the four-leaf clover.

Now that there are seven of us,
the dagger means everything.

So it is important that the dagger
ends up in the hands of the traitors.

Those who can join me
to play about the dagger are-

-Victor and...


I had a little hope in me
that Aslak and I would be selected-

-to the dagger game, but I thought
it was too good to be true.

But no, it doesn't happen.

It will be... It's too stupid, like.

It's too stupid.

Victor and Aslak, you have been given the honor-

-of these two
to play about the dagger.

The dagger provides a double voice
in the council chamber.

Is that something you could think of?

Both and because it is so scary.

So much responsibility rests on it.

Just as Uncle Ben says
to Spider-Man:

"With great power
comes great responsibility."

Imagine that. The two of us who will fight
to get the double vote, -

-are the two worst people
in here. We are muddied, murky.

The last ones who should have had the opportunity.

I'm not going to lie and say
I don't fancy that dagger.

Because I have. But it really does
n't matter who gets the dagger here.

I think me and Aslak think alike.
That now we have to get Tarjei out.

I want Aslak there
because he is the one who I think-

- to the least possible extent, allow yourself to be influenced
by what is about to happen.

And then I sincerely hope
that Aslak gets the dagger, -

- because it is a huge advantage
for me.

So really, I feel my fate
rests a little on Aslak's shoulders.

Aslak, then you can open your box.


What do you see up there?

- Nothing.
-You sure?

-Do you want to see one more time?
- I looked carefully.

Can you look one more time?

I can.

-And you don't see it?

Me and Aslak had competition.
We wanted to get hold of the dagger-

-and genuinely tried
to play against each other.

- The dagger is with me now?
- Yes, it does.

I think-

-not on him.

I think maybe
the dagger is there.

I want his box.

-You have decided?

Then you can switch.

Yes, then we'll see, Victor,
whether it was a good idea or not.

Whether you have managed to see through
him or whether you have been deceived.

Then you can open it and see
if the dagger is there or not.

It is not located here.

-Well played.

-Was I deceived or not?
-Damn it, Aslak.

I had hoped
that Victor would get the dagger.

I'm a little disappointed, not angry.
Just very disappointed.

This gives you a double vote
in tonight's council chamber.

-It suits you.

I don't take that
as a compliment, I think.

I won't have that dagger, me!

I enjoy a decent amount of confidence now. Don't understand
how I got it.

I have
magically built it up.

-Thank you for having us.

Any one of us could
get that dagger, really.

the players must gather in the council chamber-

-and banish another player.
The traitors Victor and Aslak-

-uses the time
coordinating their plans.

Now it's getting difficult.
We are so few.

I have tried to list many
possible scenarios that happen.

Because then the traitors will
vote the same.

Our plan for the evening
is to vote out Tarjei.

I feel you should have
the final in mind the whole way,-

- in terms of
what if you miss today.

When me and Aslak talk together,
and we talk as two loyal,-

-in case someone should hear us,-

- then I feel
that we are talking a little in codes.

We talk like traitors
who talk like loyalists.

I have more hope now
than I had before.

Because for some strange reason we
've managed to get stuck here.

And not just screw us up here,
but screw us up…

-It is scary.

Tarjei has long been a source of unrest
in the group and feels exposed.

Before tonight's council chamber, he must build
trust to avoid being banished.

It turns out
that when one partner in the couple dies, -

- then you are left as a loner.

So it squeeze.

How to trap the two?

I think I'm smoking,
but I have a little hope.

I have to go to work and I have to tell
everything I have on Robin and Victor.

And I have to take them in small groups,
preferably one to one.

I can talk
to Katrine for a bit, if it's allowed.

I have to lobby.

I really believe you have
one chance to change this.

It's Rob and Victor.
I have always been loyal.

I realize that I have played strangely.
Sorry I thought it was you.

As the game stands now, it could
be anyone standing together.

And then I don't quite know
if I'm mixing reason and emotions.

Because I am
so incredibly fond of Tarjei.

Yes, but I don't have you
as the main suspect now, Tarjei.

-No, but it's Rob and Victor.
- That sounds completely logical.

It makes perfect sense
because it is true.

I can help you with that.
I have been loyal from the start.

When he looks at me
and promises his loyalty,-

-says my heart:
"Yes, Tarjei, I believe in you."

I also feel
that you have been all along,-

- but I have become so confused.
-I get it.

It is to try to find it.

I would never do such
stupid things if I were a traitor.

I can pray
that Katrine hears my prayer.

It's Rob and Victor.

They've been fooling you
all the way.

I do not understand anything.
Tarjei is very on-

-that Robin and Victor
are traitors together.

He had a sandwich list
that I devoured raw.

I thought,
"Maybe it's Victor and Robin."

But I haven't talked to Evelina
today alone. I have to do that.

- I believe in Tarjei.
-Me too.

-But is he manipulating me?
- That's what I don't know.

He looks me in the eye,
"I've been loyal all along."

"I know I've done a lot of weird things,
but you have to believe me."

But he was so sure
it was you…

But he is not now.
He tells me…

- I think he is loyal.
-Me too.

Yes, he may well be a traitor,-

- but it's not him I have
the most hunch about now either.

I feel like anyone could be
a candidate except mom, really.

It's terrible to say Emilie, you know.

Robin, on the other hand, has slipped through…

Just like Robin.
Even if it's also absolutely horrible.

He is the nicest person in the world.
But my hunch is there as of now.

But that might change
in five minutes, so…

For me, the best thing
that could happen is that you got the dagger.

I am absolutely convinced
that it is Victor and Rob.

- Totally convinced.
- Okay.

Tarjei is completely confident in me now.
He is completely convinced-

- that it is Victor and Robin.

And he's almost right.

And luckily for me,
he'll vote Robin out first.

The two have been there
from the very beginning.

I want us to vote for Rob.
Rob is the one of the two-

-who has played the worst.
Rob and Victor-

-pretending to
suspect each other.

Poor Evelina and Katrine
who are being used by these two.

They have been used by them
in the last two rounds of play.

Tonight, only you are safe.

I can smoke in the council chamber,
me too, suddenly.

I feel everyone
is exposed in the council chamber.

- Because Aslak is completely impossible to read.

Whenever Rob says something weird,
Victor says, "That's just the way Rob is."

The Aslak murder,
or the attempted murder,-

- is the most brilliant thing they have done.
Either they get rid of you,-

-or they are very suspicious
of you. Rob said to me in the car:

"Aslak we have to get away
at some point anyway."

"Regardless of role,
I don't want him here."

It will be you and Tarjei. He has to get out.
He has only created chaos.

And I think
Aslak will do that.

Just like that between me and you.
Because I trust you.

I think that's what Aslak
is going to do with the dagger.

None of them wants
to look the other way today.

Everyone else wants to try.

They don't want to. They are just
determined to get me.

At least the seed has been sown.

And then we'll see
what the result will be.

Is it wisest to keep Tarjei alive?

Is it wiser-

-to go behind Victor's back?

But I understand if you
send me out, just so it is said.

The time has come
to gather in the council chamber.

With only seven players left
it will take little to tip the scales.

The plan is not to be voted out.
I feel quite safe,-

-but with the dagger you never know.

I feel there is
a 90 percent chance that I will smoke,-

-and a 10 percent chance
that I'll be alive after the council chamber.

This will be
a very important decision.

Now, father, I don't know
what to do.

Tarjei has behaved wonderfully.

In a way my heart says
he is loyal,-

-and then my brain says
he's a traitor.

Tarjei is the easiest prey.
There is nothing more than that.

It is the last regular council meeting.

Robin and Victor are very excited
to see if they can pull this off.

I never give up until I stand there
and say I'm loyal.

This is the council chamber where I am most
uncertain. I have to think long term.

simply don't know what to do.

-Good evening.
-Good evening.

The silver train thunders on.

20 new silver bars, 66 in total.

This corresponds to NOK 132,000
in the prize pool.

And that prize pool will go to-

-one or more of you
sitting around this table now.

The decision on who wins
will be made tomorrow.

"Traitor" is
a game based on trust.

About who you can trust,-

-and who you can't trust.

What I'm wondering...
Who do you trust the least?

- The word is theirs.
-You know what?

And it's totally... I was supposed to
play with intuition.

Right now I think everyone is loyal.
There is nobody...

- It's absolutely terrible.
- That's the twist?

Katrine has used her heart, emotions
and gut feeling throughout.

The gut feeling... It's
not really worth that much.

I do not understand anything.

That I walk into the council chamber
and then I just have to feel...

Felt that what has happened in
the council chamber has given me a clue.

Today I have to feel what happens
between the people there.

It has given me answers before.

I actually can't
decide in advance.

- I guess I suspected everyone here.

I have had an incredible number of theories.

Now I really think
I've found out who it is.

I'm pretty sure
it's Rob and Victor.

I'm going to go hard on
Victor and Rob in the council chamber,-

- so that others will see
something of what I see.

It's the only
option I have.

You are the only two who
have not wanted to see another page today.

-It is not true.
-Everyone else here has tried-

- to find another opportunity.
-Right. Maybe not with you?

I feel I have played
as a loyalist the whole time.

Yes, I missed Hkeem.
I'll take that on.

But I've been honest,
I've played honestly.

And the fact that you come at the last minute
and say me and Rob?

Like you have done
with Katrine, Evelina and Aslak?

You tell us all in agony. I
never know what is true and what is not.

You are everywhere, Tarjei.
You have made it very difficult-

-for us loyal ones. Extremely difficult.
And if you are loyal too.

But, Victor,
you played very well.

The atmosphere in the room
has never been worse.

I have never felt so lost
in my entire life.

Now I just have to
observe what everyone is saying.

I just have to say...
Me and Victor have been loyal.

At least I trust Victor
that he has been. From the start.

And it's not
that I trust Victor blindly,-

-but I think Victor and I don't have
a single secret from each other.

We know each other almost better
than we know our partners.

I don't think Victor is a traitor.
I do not.

I am so sure.

Because I don't think he would have been able
to hold on for so many days-

-and hug me every day.

But it's a game. Don't be upset
if he has cheated on you.

I don't get upset,
but I couldn't lie-

- and say I'm loyal.
I had broken.

I can't believe
that Victor is a traitor.

I'm not sorry, I mean,
I just get so…

Now you have said what you have to say.

And heard what you get to hear.

Now we will vote.

It's not a good atmosphere.
Super intense.

I understand
that it is between me and Tarjei.

My pulse is very high,
because I don't know what to do.

I don't understand which is more stupid
than voting for Tarjei or Rob.

-Then we can start with you, Emilie.

Today I have voted for someone whom
I have trusted a lot for a long time, -

- but which I have recently
seen a bit of a strange pattern on.

And it may be random,
but it's unfortunately the only-

- I feel I have
something strong to go after.

So my vote today unfortunately goes-

- to you, Robin.


I have spoken to many people today,-

-and everyone has spoken so well
for themselves in the council chamber, so I...

And then I started to think about
the things that have been a bit jarring.

I might be wrong now,-

-but I have written "Emilie".

It's fine.

Yes, it comes as no shock.


Then three votes are given.
One vote for Tarjei, -

-one vote for Emilie
and one vote for Robin.


It will obviously be the same from me.

Sorry, Tarjei. It will be you.

Rob. It's you two.

Then we have one vote for Emilie,
two for Rob and two for Tarjei.

Katrine, please.

It may well be that I have allowed
myself to be completely manipulated today, -

-but I believe in Tarjei.

And I really don't think
Rob is a traitor either.

And I don't think
Emilie is either, -

-but I also wrote it now.

Then you remain, Aslak.

It's two votes for Emilie,
two votes for Rob-

-and two votes for Tarjei.

You have double voice.

If your vote goes to one of
the three, that player is banished.

You're welcome.

This is by far the most difficult
choice to date, without comparison.

There are two paths to victory now.

One is to vote out Rob
and then "frame" Tarjei afterwards.

The second is to vote out Tarjei
and frame Robin.

One of you is smoking.

He has made so many mistakes.

He has gone to great lengths
to vote out loyalist after loyalist.

Then you
just have to judge it based on the facts, -

- then he's the one who's going out.

I am very confused and very
unsure if I did the right thing.

That's the final I'm thinking about, what
I think can let us win tomorrow.

That's what I'm voting for.

I have...

- I've turned, me too.

I apologize
if this is incorrect, Robin.

This is absolutely sick.

Victor didn't know
I was going to vote for Robin.

And I thought myself that I
was going to vote for Tarjei,-

-until I felt
that this was a slightly better game.

Rob, you got the most votes.

You are banished from the game.

You can go here, give your last regards-

-and reveal your role
to the other players.

It's going well, Victor.

You're welcome.

I am incredibly proud of everyone.
We have come a long way.

And I've won anyway,
because I've-

-made so many new friends.

- I feel that.

I also hope
that people have become wiser today.

The first day I came here,
I said…

...that I wasn't loyal.

That was wrong.

I am loyal.


I know we've been on
different teams, but I just...

There's nothing
I wouldn't do for him.

The most damning thing is
that he trusted me so much.

I do not understand anything.
I don't understand anything now.

I must be the stupidest
loyalist in this game.

I think I played
as well as I could.

I feel I played
the one card I'm best at,-

- and it is my honesty,
that I am open.

People gain confidence in me, I in
them. I think it is important.

I am so glad to have been a part of it.

And not least for having come
this far. Proud of myself.

And proud of Victor.

I think my emotions
are playing me out.

I think people understand
why I break down.

It's not just because Rob has to go home,
but because I, as a traitor-

-feeling guilty
towards my best friend.

And it just spilled over as he smoked.

And I think more people can see that.

You have exiled another loyalist.

Oh my God.

It also means, Tarjei,
that you have the shield.

It's a luxury
you others don't have.

The last game round
is only one night away.

Sleep well.

I have such a ridiculously bad
conscience now.

- Yes, same here.
-Can you vote me out-

-first thing in the morning? I
can't take it anymore. Understand nothing.


Really sorry.

I also feel
that I have contributed properly there.

I thought we had it.

Victor cried. It could be
that Victor is a bit mad.

I'm afraid
I might have done something stupid.


- Sorry, Victor.
-I do not understand anything.

No, it's absolutely sick
how this fucks with your skin.

Could it be Victor
since he is so upset?..

That it's Victor and not Rob?..

Victor is so upset because of…

After Robin smoked, and was loyal,-

-makes me
suspicious of Victor.

And it hurts so much, because I have
trusted him all along,-

-but I have
a suspicion about Victor now.

The way he reacted today…

I think he's had a lump
in his stomach the whole time because-

- he has cheated on his best friend.

Poor Robin who was just being kind.

- He has sacrificed himself all along.
-He only did it out of good will,-

- and then we have
overthought it as a game.

I am so glad that Evelina and I
did not vote for Robin,-

- because I had no faith
that he was a traitor.

But I still don't think
Victor is.

But that was just his reaction
before Robin walked up…

That he was so sure
he was loyal.

Yes, don't you think it was..?

He knew it before he went up.

It must be Victor,
for Victor's reaction,-

-when he realized that Robin had been voted
out, was that he started to laugh-

-before Robin had even
gotten up from the chair.

-It's going well.

I don't believe Victor...
That reaction of his...

To play
that he got so sad and cried-

-when Robin walked out...
I don't believe it.

That's what's so disgusting. Now there are
6 of us and then there are 2.

And then we can't figure it out.

But it may happen... Tarjei and Aslak
are gone now... That we are loyal here.

- Yes, it can.
- I have trusted Aslak like that.

- I also trusted Aslak a lot.
-What do you think about Aslak?

I haven't dared
to do anything.

I haven't played with him
because I don't understand him.

But I haven't played
against him either, because I haven't dared.

-Hello. Are you OK?
-Yes it is going well.

Now I really wish
I were a traitor,-

- because then I should have killed you all
after what you did to Rob.

I am very unsure whether
it was the right thing to vote for Robin.

No, I have no idea.
I have no idea if I did it right.

I have the shield and will
survive until tomorrow.

It just feels so rotten
right now.

But there are two of them
who are traitors.

How are we going
to find out?

Now we are on the run-up side.
The game is nearing its end.

Anything can happen.
I certainly do not feel safe.

You get a little bit of blood on your teeth
so close to the finish line.

Here you just have to cross your fingers
and hope for the best.

- Hope to see you.
- Yes, hope to see you.

If not, I'll just have to
apologize again for Robin.

The loyal enter uneasily
into the final night of the game.

The traitors, on the other hand,
can finally meet.

And with that few discussed the
unpredictable outcome of the council chamber.

I regret.

It was the wrong choice.

We should have taken Tarjei.
Or I should have taken Tarjei.


It is difficult
to enter the conclave today.

Things didn't quite go according to plan.

But it could do it,
had Aslak voted for Tarjei.

I understand why you
vote for Rob, I do.

It was just a sick shock for me,
and then you start to think about-

-everything you have lied and manipulated
about up until now, and then just...

My conscience just came
and got me again.

So I'm not mad
about the choice you made.

I understand that. And it's not
necessarily the wrong choice either.

-We do not know.
- We actually won't know until tomorrow.

I'm afraid that I made a mistake,
that I voted wrong.

I should have gotten Tarjei out
at once.

He is the strongest player.
He is our biggest threat.

The fact that Rob
was very "clear" on me, -

-doesn't mean
I'm saved tomorrow.

And the fact that I understand,
they can quickly see through-

-as exactly what it was:

My bad conscience
that has bitten me in the ass, sort of.

I certainly haven't given up,
but I see the opportunity-

- so that I am not the last one
standing tomorrow. I do.

Tarjei was into it,
with me and Rob,-

- but he bet on the wrong horse.

But he's on everyone. He has had
everyone as the main suspect.

So we just have to subvert his ethos.
We have to deal with that tomorrow.

And just: "You've got everything wrong.
You've just created chaos."

"We know you are one traitor,
but not who the other is."

I think that's
what we have to play on now.

Regardless of how it goes,
I've come a long way.

But that doesn't help.
It is now decided.

"The night calls for one last kill.
Choose wisely."

I think we both realize
who we have to kill now.

No point in arguing,

Now it's just time and the way.

Now we just have to play
the last day right.

See Robin's reaction when he
learns the truth about the traitors,-